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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1901)
OREGON MIST Entered at the Postntlice at Kt. lh lens, Onnn, m second-cla, mail matter. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. Jsmri i Kvhitv Kmn.vv Morninu By DAVID DAVIS, KlUToK AM) PKCl'UIKTOIt, j Thk contention in thU Btte (or the j Icy in 'the inaiiurul parade. The de ' election of a United States senator was , cision in the result or a lung controversy, brought to a very sudden eudiofe' last , The ii2si'tin that R.wvdl should ' Saturday by lie election of ex- ! ride wilti him turned down, Sena gvnntnr John II. Mitchell. This result, j tor lliinna, as chairman of the joint perhaps, gives more jfeiierul tti.-f.u tion ; congressional rnuiitiiUce en the iiuti.g- J to the jicople than any other that n.iiiiit ; malum, lias i:. rtjyil l ny. icu-j ! have happened. Our personal feeling jpvsswan Onnniion, as house member j i In the matter went out to Senator Me- ; at Iho committee, may aim ride with Brido lii't, hist and !! iho time, from c ; the president. The other Hirii:W of ; wusiof pride in home affairs and loy- st Hi UtTWS t'piiTv , One copy one year, in Advance. . . . .Six months . .,. . . , -. . . I aity to homo people, but it ws evident t in any week before the sewinn convened j that Mr. Md'tide could tot be elected, a most formidable, opponent, Mr. Corbelt, had none other than his int- . i ujense wealth to nooiuincnd hhn for IUVCSted the committee will ride with V icc-i'rea-1 ident Roosevelt, i 123,000 people arc killed every jear la this country by CONSU M I'TION. The fault is theirs. Jio one need hiiT( consumption. It is not hereditary. It is brought on by neglect. You hare a sllcht cold and cough. You do nothing to get rid of it. OOr.S TV OFFK'KUS. In view of the loi's Tom (Southern ; Oregon) appropriation, the follow in j; is i very teaihtUe: "Jerry Simpson om-e j asked a question of a Southern lesisda- J tr, wlio wanted ail appropriation forj line inoutn ot n stream eain.i i i.-i.irg . J It'llM Clera . esK-ntr Yrt;lMirer. ...... Suet. f A vie mttr , Htirvevor .... Dimmer CammlMnocra I i consideration among those i ...III. ll... .......... Tl.. i-.n! ! .1 " , icrvek: ' Mav 1 ak the honorable i n- , port rays tunny things, , prominent . r r,. . .v ; i , , - .i . .. t t iteiiia t n (litest ion ; ;.o in iur . ..j. o. ttnt i(M,iii t hem Iieiiii? that af.oui itnl dom-I 1 ... , .U. 8. Use. u lte!i . v. , . .. ... ,. live Jerrv. 'Oirtamlv 'tr, ai the K. .at id! ;. ! maticti by a eertai.i ciupie ul not bo ! , ,,: . . t it ( Kl;rt !, '.'.vi ! . .! ivnlv. "la the water ik-ep rr.mijh n toh-rated bv the voters-; that H.oney ik , 1 ; . '. . . ,, . ,; i 1 i .i . . i t- the bar at the nnir. ; oi t :liini; oreek 4 lire cough or cold In wilt cure a night. one 1 not altogether the potent (xiwer in kii .A. K. Mule, it ..K!r. I tte; that the )teple of this (tool state " g.ird'ess of the desires and ambition of an aged capitalist, and bit hungry fut 1 low ins;, bout on the one jiiiri-oe of a j certain man or iHtthiii!; that John if, I Mitchell towers head and shoulders j above any other man in the plate from a I standpoint of ability to serve the ieople j in fiieh capacity, but let us 1 brave to enable the 'i.- h to Ret over the bar wi' iii'titerin'?" .ferrv's ii-!esliiiii re- i :, , r , . , : : . ; (uuie.t foii'.ewivu u tne taijio ot tnst gemleninn as a humorist, and n!to ki'.U-d the appropri.iti'Ui ftr I-'iUint; creek. ShiK'h' U n nftlliBn ri Inr couifht tbhtO nv.d lun.i; lto.iut.-ft. It tU ruit vuft ui1!1!' ;?. I: , ir tin'.hlo rrnu liv A. Jv. SAL ! La, , IV, Bu:is Jf. Y. I flh!lh CiHiiuapM.m ftim H until hy nil triv.irNt lit -'V. .HK, ki ll b..llr. A rri-ivil li il-iilf. i;itH uilh fVrj- hiittU I uii Vii net ftliH..l c; ih to fiiur itrttintlal -muti fvl yuur luiuvy tirtrll. j Write f'ir it'lLitraud lnwlt tn cmucn)Mic4l. Pw ' vitliuut cut lo ywu. S, C. Vi'cil Co., IjiXoy. N V I The practice of p'ttinif drunk at a dance CI enm to be iretieial, and in levturd to the mutter thu 'rillamook ile.dli)tht reinaikH: "It is to ho regretted that pome young men ill attend daueetiaiid public i;athriii.r for no olhei notieeiihle u;i.iou than topi drunk and make a show ol ihctiiM'iVC!', n'lieli t" the of lenpectilble people. When a voiiiiK man itoenn'l dance nor brinst any "tie m hi) di H, e can nee no phinaahlo ex cuse for 1 1 1 in attvinlinx a !iuuo mul di tiiriiim; the plenitiiie of those who do, by t'lkinj tip collection, or ermtnhntintr to them, to nernl touii- one nfler liipiyr, v. ho ill meal aouie one'a hoinoloride threueh the mud for m-vcral mileii to ol.tain it, niei-dv (or the aake of seltii C I .Mtiis and eniijUutf ciiiiiihI'iii at an iM'in'iwn-e!' and j'iiee'ibl.' iMtheiiiij?. S,ich .rH:ct diiitf ie l-indly con IrD.tied by all r'i;ht -iflin.lod people lir.'l hould not be aliened to oe-cur. i 4 w i : j Himholot tounty, Ciliioinia, baa J forty-eix eteanserie w ith a numb.-r ui i itkiuiinii'i; stattoue. The output t!. it b.-jj the U.-al jear ws 8.&J0,tK) jKuiiulaof ; butter, w liieh Si.ld at an uveraite wrice enough to have the eotiratte of our ei.n- j 0f o0 (.ei w,r tHi.,.!(. The lowtst price TiettHi to say that Mr. Mitchell has v:iU pAtnets was l.-i'., cents jx r fKiund. i "-h ix!itieal colot leg as to roivu.mcnd i X, mt 45,000 miu ii cow s were mtsled to I him to the consideration of l oth I'.oliti-: f.,i ith the neces-arv iii'itotrti.ttttii 1'mo ur titeniniiliiii. The editor id the Vindicator turn had l of i i.idOi to te-t tne ciiKiicy ft I liuioo.'f I lain' t'liin I'-alni l.iieewith tlie 111"."! a. k. s.tL't'Lit. v. u . Huat.v !f. v. r. nM! kiih'.e i .v-uiu iii each ease, rirnt. with rh"'.iin:iti-'!o in the houldcr from vU.itli he mifteird eeiitvi.itiuif pa!u for leu dayi, hie'.i wa relieved with hut applications of I'ain Halm, tnbhiin; tlie i.:tits u l!l ie ted ami reahmina iiit ji tit liu lit mill entire relief in a very ttort lime. Second, in' t heuiiiatiani in Ihljjh j joint, alnn,t proalrati'.i.' him w itli severe The follottinji- in (rm the Athtna i pain, which wan relieved by twoupph Vress; "th, ibe tri'ippe, the itripp.i, ' cation, rubbing with the limmeni on the horrible trrinpe make vonr heal i : reti'iiti; at nHt, and p'ttmn up five btiiw nnd vour limes eo iii. w hile votiri from pe in. For sale at the St. Helens iMAKCH I, 1H01. jeal parties, The outcome of this bitter j tui!k eupply. lHuing the month of ' strife and eoutentioti, we Inlieve, is sat- 1. . ..t HOT iktll i t-t-iu vitn.-i ait'iir ii.ti,ts i was : isfac'.orv to more than two-thirda of the ' , ,,.fr ,f K n. . i i ' ;t... n. v.c - --iiopteo! tins state, ami majority mnst J hutier :. nmrkete.l in San Kraucisco. popnnsi panv met in oaieiti iai , 3r)l rl)k. VVfi wa,t , n-jt,,,.;,.,.! and agreed to dissolve partnership, i th;it Oregon's interests will not sutr. r i pulldown the sign and go out oi bust- nitie ; jjr .Mitchell's hands. S nes in tins state, demand for the article : .-fiw.imii Mm being to light that a ghot coold not j M S4,v (f KasU.rn p,.v,,,c 400,000 .oboist on the revenue. Thus another j Js .cadeti u ,wst, an(1 is useless fad was born and has P-' i soi dnhii to arrive here during the ap way unnoticed ami unmonrned. This j prtK rfiin, fprin .. am, ,.,., tll0!tt of was a pretty healthy child for a year or lhl.u, tji, in Northwest- two, but nature did not seem Vj endow Qrn Or(1?oll j,, COU8i,!fra,ion 0, thl8 thecreaturewitha sufficient qnanity of i, :..,., P!rr .i,uld be nut forth to in- throat iadrv and parched and sore, and j t'hiirnmey 'your temples are thronPlng witna' raUiiiitt roar. Your feel are cold and I yourbrotv is hut, and you raorw and ' ineat and eus a lot, niitl vour bioo I is boiling and thumps your skin, till you can t tell lemonade from em. Noappe tite. no love of life, nothintr but ache! paid to j and ain ami strife to keep from couch-1 All the intT your old heiid etf, while at the il'K- tor a advice you vi.:i, ami kick the fov- j ,'ers, and tumble ami to'S and pound the , , I pillows like a spavined hens. Your hel : iKUHRthencw r.d tax laws every ' 9 . . ,,, ,f lumni : and von j male over 21 shall pay road poll tax I Crumble and cuss as tho nurse maid i each vear of Jo Cash, and if not paid ou ' jumps to brina you a drink and give von demand, it may be collected from the ' !i'!'., ll"l-t' n!U' '"" lsh flr r'1""'" " , " . , , 1 knite am! a rone to end vour lile to p-t employer or corporation employing such j riJ o ,c tht llla kM volir heiU, person with rwts of suit ; a bill that has j go bnzs antl vour bones co xipp." A moral wave atlvixalo y that the "mule !i;;nre" on live bills is "in decent". Perhaps this i fit, hut never hud one of th"e biii loiiir enough ' . I to examine it critically. But weihui'tj thjnk nutle figures would h'ck u veiy mat h. Wo have attended social enter- j tainments where the ladies wen' in "i ill I dress" and wore but little more than a j necklace about the belt, ami wttftilli live. The figure on a tivedoilur bill; n hi. h l.iu tli" mutd utlracliou tot us it the tiguro "ft." E.:z.fTrn7r'r-'---:''"'"- r . &y '-..-. r 12 LvvVxSStSiCvvNN.s: Tho Klutl Ytitt Hnvo Always BotiRlit, ftml uiiU U htui ba in uno for ovr !J0 yeftrn, luw borno tho flipiutnr of mul I'hii boon tnftdo mulor lila pcr P j -FS-f-f- Nomil supervision nIiioo lta ItiOiney, KJ4,4o.46i Allow no ono to doeol vj you In thin. All Counterfeits, Imitations nl " JuMtiw-Ktoil, itro hub Kxperlments thnt trldo with nntl ondnntrer tho lionlth of lnltuits and CliUdrwrt-Kxperlcnoo ntfitlnst KsporiiuonU What is CASTORIA Cnstorlu Is n Itnrmless siibstltnto for Cnstor Oil, Pare. Itorle, liropx nml 8ootlilnif Hyrups. It In VlmmmU It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nnreotlo uuliNtiuieo. Its) njro Is its ifMiiiwitoo. It destroys Woriui nnd ullnys 1-Vvorlslmoss. It ouros Dlnrrhuut uud Wind Coll". It relieves Toothing Trouliles, euros Coiiatlputlou nnd ITntttleiioy. It Hsslmihttes tho Food, letftthites U10 Stonmeh nnd JIowcN, tlln Inlthy and uuturul tUmp, Tho Childron's l'tuiitceit-Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Hoars tho Signature of S7 dues some of the iniutiarants to settle brain matter to enable it to combat each ' and every condition w hich naturally ' 11 r . ? . t . . i , f woutt.con.ronin. .rfw ,lnalliil county. This county should trot ami ri.m. on AT.-MMtintdv- Thtir ' . .... . . - ev e- j nave a commercial cluti or an luimnrra- al ready pavse.1 makes all taxes payable in cash. The poll tax may be worked out under certain conditions. Strike a Hich Mini. "1 was troubled for several years with chronic, indigestion and nervous de bility," writes K. J. tireen, of Lancas ter, X. II. No remedy helped me un til I U'gan using Klcctrie Bitters, which The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. , parpoae. 1 tinaiM rnuih leillclnA far fttlldrru. I have no hesitancy iniw)inmendin,lM .ri lllVe also kept mv Chamberlain's tough Kemedy", B i(o i,, ,.ln.l!,.,,t health for ver! She Tims country has no ports in Alaska or Lt'Tl" Z" v- "Ya';; ! J-Vs Eleetrie iiitter, are just splendid ; elsewhere to dispose of. . If the building t it to our childrin when trouble,! i ZXmZ lT" , ",T ' i"'"1. "V.. "u ! of the Xiearagua canal, in British esti-; with bad coughs, sis.) cough, pn.tll,wn ' w,m,t.n, N t,er toe.!, cine I niation. tleiienrts upon a trada of that " K'ven mtw : can take its niece in our faniiiv." X'tet 't. ' 5 ; J s t ' V ' ' t:f s's "' v How About Your Title? tion board. There are two pref-singl 'jkind, the peopte i n.uLiii (. r- an i 1-. la li-in.l w eutt,u ran sutuutti: """""'i U-,.in , i. ! will terminate of the Tnited States the Clavton-Bulwer I faction. It as recommended to uie by Try of buying from home merchants unless ; to make a sys- j treaty by a method not entailing the loss of territory. the home merchants show that they are interested in catering to the home trade by advertising in the columns of the Jocal paper. It is depressing to the edi itor to find business men patronizing every advertising fake that comes along, nd at the ame time the names of those bueines; tjieg rarely, if ever, are seen in the adwslng uolmsna hs local newspapers. Tb Circnicte ii s perma nent fixture in Olympia, an-J sjt s-e are I tomatic effort to secure a portion of - tnese uesiraote unnngrsnts. ami proper 0sI. o the intltu.nt-e workimr steps should be taken to welcome the ! to the election of Mr. Mitchell to the stranger at our gates, explain to him Ignite is the fact that he is au ardent the advaat-isres we have to oner and make a -rood impression. gami-atiou we can accomplish nothing in that line. An organization composed of onr most infltieatial citizens could render invaluable service in attracting 1 advocate of electiuz senators bv direct Without or-1 t tu -,.1, ti -aa i iir gon legislative bails during the last six I or eight years ouly adds to popularity of that cause. capital to this section jeptablishing factories. with a view to With desirable everlastingly soaethin ti j jmmi?rant, to divi the !4W tracts good of our town, it does seem if each merchant should patronize the f 2per a little, even if it was but a few business locals each week. Olyrnpia Chrocicle. It looked dangerously like a deadlock np to midnight Saturday night. Mitch ell's name was presented by Senators Fulton and Brownell in eloquent speeches and it was osly at the last moment on the last ballot that the stampede to Senator Mitchell ocenred. The assem bly was wild with enthusiasm and after quiet was restored Senator Mitchell was loudly tailed for and made a brief ail dress as follows: "It shall be mv aim and effort to discharge my duties as your representative in the Cnited States senate to the best of my ability. I thank you from the bottom of my heart, one and all. To all who cast a vote for joe, republicans, democrats, and popu lists, my heart goes out in deep gratitude. As yon voted for another let me a.sure you that I make no distinction against yon. I will represent all the people, all of Oregon, to the best of my ability." cf land, and assist to develop and culti vate our vast natural resources, our county would l more pros peroas, our country more inviting. Nature has been lavish with undeveloped veaUiii tow tying aloui us, and we should grasp the opportun ity noy filtered to bring about a healthier condition of afiairs. Such an organization as we have suggested would l not only commendable, but is an absolute neees- ity. I.n 1889 mules valued at $516,0X1 were shipped abroad and last year tlie item increased to $3,919,000. Missouri con tributed the most of this far-famed and indijensabie product. St. Louis Globe Democrat. Certainly the majority of things in Alissonn are not mules. Thebk is a creamery boom on, extend ing to all parts of the Northwest, and has thoroughly hit this section and has gotten a strong footing in this county. New enterprises in this line are being talked of and started in many localities, and those that have been properly man aged by men of business ability antl ex perience in that business have made a success beyond the anticipation of the promoters. There might be a fear of an era of over-prodactton in the not far distant future if it were not for the fact of the vastness of the demand and the almost unlimited m.irkets, both at borne, in Alaska and the Oriental trade, and the bright pros;ects of a rapid in crease of this demand. The climatic conditions here make this a specially favored locality for dairying nnd the people here can enter the Eastern mar ket and compete with the Eastern dairy man in his home market, so there is little danger of an over-production. The sooner the beople give more of their attention to thia industry the sooner ir ill they see more prosperity. Everyone has heard not only of the enoruioas sums realized from the great inventions of the last hail century, but also oi the large returns yielded by things spparentiy trifling which have struck the public fancy or met the pub lic need. Tho toy cailed the returning ball, a small ball attached to an elastic string, is said to have produced a pro6t of foO.000 dollars a year. The robber tis on lead pencils has yielded a compe tence to the inventor; more thn 1,0 X),- 000 has been earned bv the jrimlet- Kepokts are frequent that Mexico is considering the adoption of the gold standard. That country will not have far to go for an example of the fact that the goid standard pars. Despite the intriuic and wholesale use of money Mr. Corbet t has learned thai his desire to be senator was not a desirable thing with the tieople. Ma. Simox lutl better "warm right up" to Mr. Mitchell. There'll be another legislative fcescion in Oregon two years hence. It will probably b soinn time before Columbia county sets another United States senator. A Widow Lore Aliulr. Receives a setback, if she has offen sive breath through constipation, hiii- t on.'tt-- atino.-i. T-..'il,l-. l.nt 1 1 pointed screw, the inventor of which iKine'sJJew Life I'iils alwavs cure those was so poor that he tradged on foot from j troubles; clean the syte'iu, i-wecten Pbilsdelnhia to Washington to wt hi- i t!'e breath, baiiisii head.'u he ; U-st in li.e ( . t: t. : I . . .. . . i i . i w.'ii'l itif II. ft, h.i.ilil3 tttifl tiowets. the 8:. IKdeiis l'iianuaer. a drusreist as the liost eoneh medicine for children ss it contained noopinm or other harmful drug." Sold at the St. Helens l'haruiarv. - Unem. Only ,"0e. Satisfaction gusr- niOFESSlOXJL. S. H. GRUBER, ATTOKXE I - AT- LA W. Office with E. E. Quirk, ST. HELENS, : : ORKf.ON. Will five but prrwmal uttenitoa lo nil Itttnl matter, entmituii to tm. Will (irneiii-e in ait the sinie antl 1'mted Soue t :uttrt. W. H. POWELL, ATT0RXEY-AT- LA W. lei'lTV DISTRICT ATTORSKY. ST. HELENS, : : OUE'iON. B. P. Gbaham. T. J. Clekto.n. Attornevs-at-Law. a&5 Mariittiu BuiKUtf, PortUntl Orfa. Columbia Ccsaulr buitit, R will receive prompt J. W. VAX W. B. 1!XAR!) DILLAIiD & DAY, . 1 TTOLX 'E VS-, 1 T-L. IW Offi- nTt dff.r U) Court hotiM, mut'-ii. Aiwtrtu.'U uifle dirccilv Irotu couittr niitocti t tlie St. Ht'ItmH lharnmry. OASTOXIXA, BfttrttU Itm M Yob ten Ittilueemrnlii Inr the llojs. John Ivllar, hx-ated on the corner of I'irsl and Yamhill street, l'oitland, haa a display of twenty-live dillerent styles and gratles of Bora' suits, whieh nre tillered as a special inducement from 50 rents to f Lis) less than any other etore in the city. John Kdlar knows that the Iwys are hard on shoes; that's why he carries none but good, wditl ones," and sells them from i rents to 50 cents less than any other store in the city. A big variety of boys' caps, regular Si and 60 cent values, are oll'ered lor l.V, ic and &V. A large assortment of Uiys w aists at "5c and 4ue, regular 60e ami "rc values. The latest style of sweaters, 50e, 7"w, 11 ami fl.80. The boys can 1J very neatiy dressed for a very little sum of money by buying of John, corner Kirst ami Yamhill streets, Portland, Oregon. ;5 n; s S S s ! S 'Mi main $(ret Ct i:r. yoc t it no hhi'W Mhiit 1 1, ft ttil.Utll mi frUllMU lit iud ti !., t( Vt( t'iHti Jli'liitil t.(Ji,iit; Uf.'l t J MtliJt tiititlP tH ft'i -ltl (ill v, ttltr iif HMtl Utotil, tiitl Itt'Ut t'M kixmitif WltHl llif rvnl Flint rr rnftlttf llir Hilt'. An Vblt.t'( to rt "rtllii m u tt.M, tti l t )iAU;tt H- )v Un ilw null rl cf nUtmrl C,dtr,hHtil. ,( yi.ii hrti iir.'.-,n ii;tirv fiw u m SI W Ar Hou( (of Idp hrtt lit'r iiMttfttitt-ff rwit4Miii" iti im Hct(tl, vvu ruri Ut sal? H-t ii ulilv u n we will ftittl tmr. E. E. QUICK t& CO., ST. HUMS. OREGON t r r f r , s- f. . . " 1 I The Weekly Oregonian j littutli " OA8TOXIIA. Bars tlx A Iht Ii4 1m Htw Nwn BCSa Biuitar of Ir. Edwin Ktiss, Physician and Surgeon. ST. HELEN R, OREGON. Oxs of the many evils of correspond ing through matrimonial papers is shown by the fate of Martin Stickel, the Cowlitz county, Wahington, murderer, who killed three innocent people, hop ing thereby to secure means to go East and marry a widow he had lieen eors pondiiig with; and it would seem she had promised to marry him. After his execution, and while the last funeral riles were being performed, a woman, plosely veiled, arose and asked to take a last look upon the remains of perhaps the most damnable murderer since the time of Cain, the murderer of Abel. After gazing on the lifeless body and shedding a few tears, the woniuu de parted from sight almost as mysteri ously as she had appeared on the scene. It is presumed site learned though Stickel the cause of hie crimes, and came from an Eastern home to view the remains of what might have been a wed ded! husband. The old adage "What fools these mortals bet" certainly ap plies to both the one executed ou the pcaffold and his promised bride. patent; the roller skate has yielded 1,000,000 after the patentee spent f 12o, 000 in England Cutting infringements; the dancing Jim Crow is set dow n for f75,000, and the copper tip for children's sooes at f J,u.lK.v ; Uie spring window i can be obtained bv eneivv. houc siv nnd roiler pays 100,000 a year; the needle ! :i ying ; the second (good heslth) by threader SlO.QOO a vear: from the ilrive I u.-ii; SreeiiS August l'l.over. Should vr( li 3.000,000 a year has been realized ; i lii,w it In Uoue. The first ohjet.-t in life w ith lint Amer t ''"an people is to "get rich ;" the emid, how to regain gootl heaith. the fir.-i lyoii ijea u-.-?jiou'leut suth-rer Iroiu any tif t-'Tw-l. r.f rfftiu i..!. ttv ...... the stylographie pen is credited v-iihjiaint, anpe udi.-itis. 'imii-stioii. etc' 100,000 a year; and the egjr beater, the j eb as s.t k head ache, palpitation of hamtual cost- nervon.-t ou ueetl tiou,taji a year; ami tne egjp beater, the "ucn as ieaa acne, p.tipii rubber stamp, and the marking pen for I heart, sour stomach, habit fading diderent colors with large sum, lt inese are only a lew examples among j not su Her another day. Tho doses o hundreds that might be cited. No woe-1 the well-known August Flower will re der inventors are ho:tfftil when thev ' '?ve -vou ut ,J,"'e- ,inb the St. Helens r, e. ti.-i r r it it . ' i Pharniacv, ami et a san.pie hrttle free, refleet that comfort for hfe and fortune , uWriL.; U rU. Uet tjrcen'a Prue tor tlicir chil'lreu may cowe from a sin- 1 Almanac. gle fortunate idea. I I)r, II, II. Cliff, Physician and Surgeon. ST. HELENS, OK EbOX. Dr. J. E. Hall Physician and. Surgeon. CLATSKAXIE, OREfiOX. Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG Leave I'tirilmid nn Tui-"lav, Thnnstn t.m Hut Mriltiy at 7 a. m. t"tr St. h'tltn. Kalana, Camlft Point, Rainier and Ktlso, Arriving itt F'-rtUnd Mnntlsty, Wf-f!-rti t iny ttti'l Frl'hty at 'Z p. m. Vi liarf ftsjt ot tanii m. f- II H.MA S. Hunt. X STOSIA ft COLUMBIA RIVER li RAILROAD COMPANY. KAI Enro l, DAILY. M v a t. H. 'i:"'t B !A if ::!S 1)5 S. n a) 4 it.'' ;is I 117 ' t 41 I I '. H .VI 4 ! I it it i A cr sr.tTiom oilv. a j i K If) . 9 IC. .O l 9 1ft -4 II 3a ..-!..'i ) Vi t Ut M S lo ' ij.;i l.W 9 rr. 10 til .l 1 i.l 9 10 Hi Jl 71. - t '57 S 57 10 3 7h 7, 5 17 10 ild 11 tl ti v-j; la li l '. : ,1 10 '.HI II it !'.. .1 .'o 10 At ti :to w 4. a. Lv Cortland Ar il M title . .. Rainier .. Cyrfttidd. . . .. May !t . ... (Juhiry .. . . C itt-lt ttiii. . . Mitntitliitttl . Wi it.rt.. ....('lllt.ttt.. . . . .Kliittifia... . . ,. sveiiM:i... . ...Jtilin ny. , .r. Attorln .l.v 111 (J.1 . j 9 ft2 . i 9 . S ,TU . II "Jit .; K ; . 9 u: ! .i w: .1 s ;n ! ' s 17 i . i S 1)7 i r, s u s :v s no 7 M IK 7 : ? 7 17 7 W ti i t :-. at 10 t.M g CONTAINS reencs and bv well- r. All the news well writlwi. Aritrles ttern incitieiits. Stories of love anil sdventuie know n titithui s. BrtiiiHUt by newspaper srlltd Intereotintr sketches and litcrnliire fur 1os ami girls. I'ashioti articles and ilhlsttstiolis for woitien. E OUR CLUBBING OFFER si We have perfected ArriiugemiMits wherehv we are cimbletl to ftir- cckiv tirei;.iii:in llish The onlTwo Dollar. in cnniieeiiun with Tus Mist lor The price of The Orcgonum almie is l.W. THE OREGON 3 MIST 1 il trttiim tnitke r-l.ntti Mitinetrtintt. tit wdh N'irtlii-rn l'neuie trtftu-i it hii'I (rum the Kn-t ttnd ititiil p.ititH. At i'tirilstid with all Iniltii Uftvtiiff t'ntoti tlta. At Asfoilti with I. R. tk N. t'o. twiitt ate! rati Itrtit to Htitl Ironl II- wurrit and North Iw-iv-h itit.. A tioou road is not a convenience. It is an investment that pays big divi dend. Tli-re never has lieeu a pA road built that did not pay 100 per tent exvh year on its cost. A mol road sho.tens the distance, dimaiinhes the labor of man and increases htisine-e. A g:l rrod makes it potihle for the grower to get bis pnsluct to market I t?T HH.t-;HKi wften it is in deutantl, rega,-dies of thel weather, and takes him out of tfiei clutches of the "middle htsn." who! CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Tlia Kind Yea Have Always Baaght Bears the Signature of Steamer 0. W. SHAVEK, t-Ol Ol W Ctiit-erisrt-f for AnUirln or whv Tolntg tritett tl.ff trninn ut lliiiiltttn. I'rultt will fli.. tn hrt Hit .(Tittitti nil tl Uniiltou vtttf-n frfmiinir frnnt lMjlttts 1.1 rii trtinle. J . v. ilafn. Hen. i-aui. am.. A iorl. Or 0. 1 1 1 CO gtAAAAAAAAA. ...lVJfEX JXXEEl) OF MEDICJXE., -00 TO- THE CLATSKANIE DRUQ STORl; Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Etc DR. J. t. HALL Proprhter. CLATSKAXIE, - OHEGOX. Ch Iriio Sffrlnl 3 t.. a. ui. ! Tims SCHEDULES ! Salt l.r.kc, iMtivwr. Ft. ! VVorl't, Otnihit Krill J phk City, I.uiw, JOHN A. BECK DEALER 1 pavi Portlnltd. of W i.h!nirttri .In i-t. 1 ....iyW ; I'tr (.'!t-knriie oiel va? l'nlliifr.-, on Mmehty i nd Thnrwliir nn :v ft. tn. I.tvei 1 lnl-k:ii; j j Tueadsy und Cri'luy ! I rhK'k a m. Shaver Ti asportation Co. Attitntle K-'ltrii-t SOU p. Ifl. Si k tine Klver G it i. in. . j j Suit Ijiku, benrcr. ft. IVurih.Oiiinlia Kittt- ph Cuy, St. I?iii, CtllCHifO ftlKt Lut. Wstla U alia, lwla tun, -imkmie, Minn- SilYcrware, ....JEWELRY.,.. Kepairing a Specialty. squeezes from the Imver the uttermtwt! pt'iiny, flt.d grinds the producer by in-; trodueing exaction. A gottd road will ! bring pnxlticers and consumers clwer! together to uiutmd advantage, for it enables the one to buy for It es monpv. I and the other to sell for more profit than : W Morrison H. Eel. fniut 4 Flrt. roKTI.AND. where good roads are not known. A good road will create social intercourse, makes friends of neighbors, and neigh bors of a community. It will create in-! duatry, for the ttssarance of selling will j beget the desire to produce. It create ' t.. i i . . ! . ! -.!.. .v - wwm w a wai arm : FITCRXK f''P M PV . IW.ri.,ir.r has no competitor as a mortgage raiser, i ' It tears down combinations andbuilde! up markets. It is the greatest civiliner. i Rnarrf htf fia'J WooV nr Mnnth tr w Mi M VMf " 1 WWII VI ' f If W II 411 ifhoCa ark jtAjaWtufti. Ai feci IOU COII1I.IXU,IIULY. S p. In. 'Reopened to tha PnMiol Oriental Hotel. U To the grower the difference between a ' profit and a loss. To the merchant,' At Rkabokable Fig ike. good roads mean prosperity aud bad j Visitors met at steamer landingg and roads spell adversity. j guests baggage looked after. It has been settled that Senator! THE OLD STAND ' Hanna will ride with President McKiu-'ET. flKLEXS, : ; OREGON. -3TEAEn- "America" Wiliamett Sl-ongb Roste fyeave Kt, Helens. ... fi :30 A M Arrive at Portland. I0:.'t)A M Ij-iive Portlantl 2:.(0 I'M Arrive at et. Helens. 6:U0 P M VAUK S C'KVi'S. Will Carry Sotliitit' hut Piu-scn-Ktr ami Kat Freight. 4 J.ISES UV kvjflks H H H H H H 'ti H H i i nanrr. Kx -.)iiiay p in, H.iturtli.y 10 J- ID. (S a. m. K.t.fiii.lay caiiMist. Ht, run Inttniit Miiwnukct!, Ch!cug aii'l Kat. Ocean 8teamthlp. All :Uhir latcs iiU- I in i'huii)f. Fr han K'H' i"'.a HhiI every five (lava. Columbia River 6tftSmer, Ti A florin Htirt Way- iHU'iiUit. W.II am otto River. Hnlvtn A tty-lniifl h TtU'.Thur. tifttl rut. ; WIIUms-ttB and Yam I hill Fllvcr. Grjr' :ity- Dur.ton, anl Uuy-Uf)lniK. 6 a m. T'U'n. 'f hur.' Mil-1 KHt, I p. rn. 7:00 a. tn. S;W a. m. 4 p. tn. pfiifimimmrmmniitfmmrfflmfflimimrwmmmimirK I THE NEW YORK STORE IS OFFERING GREAT PAROAINS IX 3 Clothhig;- i IE j E4fii ttdfiy 4.: r. in. Ex.t-uttitity Wlllam.tte River. Cortliiuil Iti Ctirvtilii ttlid Wity.lntiilitiii. S Wlp. m. .Mull Uit-1. and Fri. 4 an ti m. .M..n. VVo.l. ttnd Frl. Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots. Shoes, Etc. H. MORGUB, (oper liuiMinpr, Main Street. St. Helens. Oregon. iiuuiuiUiHiuaiiUiaiiiiiiiiUiiuiiiUiiiiuiaiaiiuuiuiiiia WHITE COLLAR LINE (lUm . ' t .'. i i e.itj,, i-r l . iT.rfi.iCt.rfVWrftiiWrfV AM l.v. C.itiarU Snali. Rlv.r. 3:;ISk in. tluily Hlimrla to ln l.toti W. H. HURLBERTi roKTLANO '-".' '-kj.'..-. i. je:,..,'ih -V Tllh COIXM1IIA UIVKlt ANIl PLUKT HOL'Nll NAVIGATION I'D. PORTLAND-ASTORIA ROUTE. Steamer Hercules lo p!ac3 ot Bailey Gatzert - Oltl.tiO.V A.J. -IAUOH, Atfitil, A.Kili,,, i Brinn Brothers CAFE ST, HELENS, - - 0BEG0V. NEW PLACE. Lv.Iw'lf)ri i tl.ulv .1 ; 9 l a. in. If von wsnl sutiK-tlilim Ktmd in thu Hue ui whii.k try SHAW'S MALT 5 Only Hut bent of 5 Liquors and Cigars Kept in Stock w LOflH FROM 6 . M. TO 12 O'OLOOK MIDNIGHT.