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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1901)
nothing."; , 7..., . "F'asfoo Goo si And enting is simply perfunc tory done been use it must be. This is the common complaint of the dyspeptic. If mating sparingly would cure dyspepsia, few would suffer from it long. The only way to cure dyspepsia, which is difficult digestion, is to give vigor and tone to the stomach and the whole digestive system. Hood's Sareanarllla cured th niece of Frank Fay, 108 N. St., South Huston, Uut., who write that aba bail been a treat sufferer from dyspepsia for six years', ad been without appetite and hati been troubled with sour stomach and headache, bhe bad tried manv other medicines iu vain. Two bottles of Hood's barsaparilla mad bar well. lIootTa Sarsapartila Promises to cure and keeps the promise. Don't wait till you are worse, but buy a bottle today. Perpetual Motion Discovered. James Conroy, of Jersey City, N. T claims to bar devised a iytem of spring and weight which, operating balance, will run machinery with out the aid of fuel, electricity or any other motive power. , 9tmm thm Oumh W Wora Off M Omttt. Laxative Bromo-tlulnlne Tablets cure a cold In eneoay. ho cure, Ko Pajr. Price iSoenU. Georj Wathinjtons la the Civil War. The attention of the pension bureau baa been called to one regiment in the civil war in which, according to the roll, 23 colored George Washington served. Lin Or QtJKBS VICTORIA.. Camples lira ef Queen Victoria- Best Ht, boss term. Outfit inall.d rra. AsSthi a. C. Miller Co.. Portland, Or. Stock Exchange Membership Not Taxable. The appellate diviaion of the supreme court of New York state ha oecided that memberships in the New York took exbeange are not taxable. ran o omo, Crrv or tolkbo, i m LOUS COCTCTY. I FsiKI J. Cm knit makes oath that he 1 the senior porter of the firm o! r. 1. CacrsT A Co., Soma business in the City o( Toledo, County and btata aforesaid, and that said firm will par tbeaumoi ONK Hl'.NURED DOLLARS for eaca end every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by lb ase ol Hau's Cataksh Ci il FRANK J. CHE-SET Bwons to before me and subscribed in my feasance, taua ta day ol December, A. D. 1SS6. JaXaT, A.W.GLEASOX. ' 131 Hotory Putltc. Ball's Catarrh Cnre ts taken Internally and acta ciractiy on in Diooa ana mucous surtaoee of the status. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHE.NCY CO, Toledo, a SoM be draxcists. 7oc Bail's Fasuij Pull art Ue best. Fried Smelts. Smelt can be fried to perfection in the blazer. Clean them, wipe dry, season and dip in flour or fine bread crumb. Egg them, dip in crumb again and try in plenty of hot butter. Berve with sauce tartars and Saratoga chips. TBI BESS CCBB FOB GRIP. Grip and colds may be erolded by keeping tb system ceaoasd, the blood pore, and the diges tion good. Take Garfield Tea. To the Housewife. Sever leave canned good in the can after it ha been opened. Tbeir con tent should be placed in an earthen disb immediately. Many people have been poisoned from eating good that nave stood in open can. That Pall, Awful Paint It's a sick headache. Cure ilf Aroia it! Can. carets candy Cetosrtie give quick relief and prevent headaches if taken in time. AU drug, gist 10a, ix, 60c Cart of the Eyes. If Ten would have good eyes, never read, write or saw immediately after coming from comparative darkness Into a bright light. Carter's Ink has tb largest sale of any ink in the world, because it is the best ink that can be made. A Municipal Pawn Shop. Chicago has the only municipal pawn loop in the country. Pari and other European cities nave had them In operation for many years. No Externa! CytrsptoniG The blood may be in bad condition, jrst with no external signs, no skin sruption or sores to indicate it. Tb Symptoms in such cases being a variable appetite, poor digestion, an indescribable weakness and nervousness, less of fleas and a general run-down condition of the System clearly showing the blood has lost its nutritive qualities, ha become this ad watery. It is in just such esses thai 8. 8. S. has done some of its quickest and tost effective work by building up the blood and supplying the element lacking to make it strong and vigorous. ' My wife used sev eral bottles of S. S. 8. as a blood purifier sad to tone tip a weak and emaciated a-ratem. with very marked effect by Lj way ol improvement, f "We regard it a aVlsaat irtfllP tenet rtlrt-wl as purifier.' -JF.DOTF, U Princeton, Mo. ' kti I is the greatest of all ' tonics, and you will ifind the appetite inv ' proves st once, strength return, and nervousness vanishes as new rich pure blood once more circulate through all parts of the system. S. S. S. Is the only purely vegetable blood purifier known. It contain no min erals whatever. Send for our free book OB blood and akin disease and writ om physicians for any information or advic ranted. No charge for medical advice. THI SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. ATLANTA. 6JL r - '-t Bast Couth Syrup. T sua Uuud. TJo 5 I m t'ma, Sol nr drmrglwa. . a ay a ia 0 WHAT ARMY OFFICERS EAT. Groat Variety of Food 1 Dtaoenoad the Conn aiarr Department. No one outaldo of the army baa any Idea of the variety of commissary ar ticle which are carried In the sub sistence storehouses st army posts. The present extensive stock Is s grad ual growth since 18tt6, when the old army sutler Was aupplanted by the pot trader, who-ln tarn was driven out of the service by an exposure of cor ruption sud collusion which Involved even the wife of s cabinet officer and dragged the latter Into retirement The post trader carried a few ar ticles which he sold to the officer and men at exorbitant prices, and one of the choice government "snaps was a post tradershln, for which men were willing to pay large sums that they might hare the protection and license of the government In robbing the help less army officers and aoldten of re mote frontier garrisous. The variety of the post trader's stock was as lim ited as its quality waa Indifferent When the post trader was banished the subsistence department of the army extended Its system so as to em brace something besides the ration which It purchased and issued to troops. It began to keep such articles as smoked fish, sirups, canned oysters and lobsters, jellies, jams, flour, hams, coffee, candles and salt The list was meagi r one, but It was the beginning of an elaborate system and an exten sive stock. The department has Im proved Its supplies year by year, keep ing In mind the needs and the desires of the enlisted men, the officers and their families. These supplies sre out side the regular ration and are sold at contract prices even to officers and men on the retired list, provided they certify that the supplies are Intended for their own consumption. In the list of foods there are now all kinds of canned and evaporated fruits. canned vegetables, fish and meats. four varieties of soup, four varieties of crackers and three varletiea of white sugar. There are all kinds of spices and seasonings, sauces and jellies. among which are fonr varieties of pickles and two varieties of table sauce. There are four brands of ci gars and four varieties of smoking to bacco, with .other smoking articles and supplies. Sometimes these varieties do not meet all the demands of the army, and additional kinds are provided, but there Is a limit placed on certain arti cles, and the department does not pro vide more than ten varieties of cigars (none costing more than 18 per lioo, or $12 In the open market), six varie ties of pickles or crackers and five of smoking tobacco or soup. Saturday uvemng i'ost. DRUNKEN COWS IN A FIGHT. Sangalnar? Conflict Takes Place After Meal oa Fermented Caae. The most exciting affair In the vicini ty of Bronsoo, Fla., of late was the fero cious combat between two of Farmer Hawkins' Intoxicated cows the other day, causing the death of one after a fight that would put a modern bull fight to blush. Hawkins lives four miles from Bron- son and prides himself upon his fine stock. He makes lots of cane sirup also. In the grinding season most of the farmers In this country make beer for home consumption from the "cane skimmings," but Hawkins is a stanch teetotaler and rowed be would give the skimmings to his cows. So be filled the trough full the other afternoon, not dreaming of the tragic consequence to follow. . Soon two of his pet cows came np and began drinking the liquid. It tast ed good, and the cows wanted more. Soon they bad on a goodly "Jag" and they got belligerent One plunged at the other, trying to get possession of I tbe trough. The other, with a bellow of defiance, gored her antagonist In the side with artistic skill, Tbe other turn ed tall for a moment and then came rushing back, pinning the cow to a post and goring her frightfully. The fight then became general. Tbe infuriated animals bellowed and plunged at each other and fought with deadly earnestness. This was kept np for a half an hour, when one was knocked down in a dying condition, snd tbe other was just able to walk around and bellow triumphantly. The men folks beard tbe uproar, bnt did not get to the scene of the warfare In time to stop It Sir. Hawkins ts out one cow, bnt hae lots of, experience. The old settlers around there say this Is a common oc currence where cattle drink this skim mings, ss It makes them fighting drunk and a scrimmage follows. In the old times It was one of tbe boys' sports to get a drove of cattle In an Inclosure and feed them with cane skimmings and watch tbe fight that would follow. When He Held tbe Jack. "He was a softlsb sort of chap, bat played a tolerably fair game of seven up," said ex-Sheriff Warren K. Kidg way, of Pike County, Pennsylvania. "We were sitting In, up at Lacka wanna, playing for a quarter a corner. I knew be was dead gone on a girl op at the Narrows, and so remarked, casu ally, early in the game: " 'Every time a fellow gets the Jack of trumps In seven-up Ifs a sure sign his girl Is thinking of him.' "Then I sort o watched the young fellow, and the very next band be picked up I noticed his eyes light op and a real nice flush of pies sure spread over bis face. So I led out and, sure as pollywogs! I caught bis Jsck, as I thought maybe I would. And It worked so well all the evening that I bad a whole lot of bis quarters when we quit But be seemed pleased, and went up to the Narrows on the next train." New York Evening Sun, New Jersey Fossils. In the blue shales of a valley a few miles from Montclalr, N. J., are found fossil fish of a kind which la almost extinct only three specimens now sur vlvlog. They belong to the order of ganoids, which possessed no Interior bony skeleton, but only an outside cov ering of bony or cartilaginous plates. They were the earlleat known verte brate. A number of excellent speci mens show distinctly tbe shining, bony scales of this peculiar species of fish, which, according to geologists, must have existed ages ago. The wrong Is doubled when egent Is Jolly. a book hurt of Working Women, Only SO years ago, but one women worked to every 10 men. At present the ratio i oue to four. Thirty year ago two-third of all the sejf-support-In women were domestic servants. Today only one-third are to employed. World to End Thb Year. This is the recent decision of on of the prominent societies of the world, but the exact day ha not yet been Used upon, ami wliil there are ver'vfew people who believe thi prediction, there are thousand of others who not only believe, bus know that Hostetters Stomach Hitters i the best medicine to cure dvMiemi. indlirestion. constipation, biliousness or liver and kid ney trouble. A fair trial will certainly convince you of it value. At Sh Remembered Him, Mr. Skimuierhorn (a the partici pant in the debate became personal r I was a thundering fool when I asked yon to marry met Mrs. klmuierborn Well, you look ed it, dear. Rented- for Grip SnSrarsrsi Gartleld Tea cleanses the system, purlfie the blood, aids diges tion and helps nature throw off disease. It ts made tram H EH BS. Rather Ancient. Criteek "That western Napoleon of finance whom yon have written up in today's paper ni tut be a man of enor mous longevity." Editor "Why?" "Ton say, 'He is reputed to have made 16,000,000 in as many years.' " CITft FanautMtlT Careo. K St. or aorieuaiMi a' ar.t.i.',ii..of lr. RliaVsUrvot hrrt awHorvr. Mrniwf fbi an ava.wouuu (Mrttlrftad mat tes. km.s.U-i.,.11 ArviiSC. f hils.Ulfhu.fa. Three Rule of Life. Edwsrd Kverett Hale gives the fol lowing three good rule for life: First, lire ss much as possible in the open air; second, tonch elbows with tbe rank and rile; third, talk every day with a man vou know to oe yonr su perior. Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnslow Booth. if Syrup ths best remedy to use for their Jhildreu during the teething period, Hons Truth. Mr. Biddle Those shoes sre absurd ly mall for you, my dear; but one must suffer to be beautiful, I know. Mrs. Biddle Ahl but bow one sof ter trying to lie polite you will never know. .This signature la oa erery box ot tbe (onuin Laxative Bromo-guiaine Tablets OSSOSMJ Literary Note From the Century Co. Tbe Century is to hvs a serial story by Irving Baclieller, the author of that popular novel, "Eben Holden." It is a border tale of 1812. Two types of the men who bare helped to make America are set forth in it: one, a Northern Yankee, quaint, rugged and wise; the other, a man who has the hardy traits of a Puritan with the ro mantic temperament of a cavalier. The scene of the atoty is in the neigh borhood of Lake Cake Cbamplain, and tbe title is "D ri and I." It will b- gin in the March Century and run -for six months. I do not believe Piso's Cnre for l'onnnii- tion has an eoual for cotirhs and cold. Jouir P. Botes. Trinity Springs, I ml., Feb. is, arm. Steam Patrol Wagon. ' Hartford's nt-w steam patrol wagon, which cost $2,539 weighs 3,000 pounds and is operated at an expense of two soda half cents a mile. It is of 12 bora power sud runs from 15 to 20 miles an hour. In five minutes a (team pressure of 200 pound can be generated tram cold water. TO CCBaT, A COLD IN OKS DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund themonev If it fails to cure. C W. Grova's signature Is on each box. Uc . T Remove Paint From Clothes. A painter advises bow paint may be removed from clotbea that will wash. For a white garment or any good that will not fade, boiling water i suffi cient. For colored cotton rub com mon kitchen soap thoroughly on the spot, and let it soak in clear water over night, when the paint will readily peel off, leaving no stain and without any injury to the fabric. AWge table Preparation for As -similalin. tttefoodandBeula ting the Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes Dige9tionheerfur ness and Rest.Confains neilher Opium,Mofphine norliuexai kot Narcotic. Aperfecl Remedy forConslip flon. Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .revw-jsh-nrss and Lob 9 or SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of XEW YORK. n 3 CXACT COSY Of WRAPPtrt. Iiyi'SiTi itf hVif TTiBJ L rw!m' r -t; t ) C - GOVERNOR A Uses Pe-ru-na jt 7&n For Colds Li V.J-rT a8 i tC!!)tte MsWMsiSl:s- , . , . CAPITOL BUILDING, SALEM, OREGON. A Letter Prom the Exeeutlvt Office of Oregon. Ths governor of Oregon is an ardent admirer of Pe-ru-na. He keeoa it coutinually in the house. In a recent letter to Dr. Hartman be say: btate of Oregon, Executive Department Salem, May 9, 1808. The Pe-rnu-na Medicine Co.. Co- lumbo, O.: Dear Sirs: I have had occasion to ue your Pe-ru-na medicine in my family for oolda, and it proved to be an excellent remedy. I have not had occasion to use it for other ailments. Yours very truly, W. M. lord. Any man who wish per foot health must be entirely free from catarrh. Catarrh i well nigh universal; almost oiunipreoent. Pe-ru-na is the only ab solute safeguard known. A cold Is the beginning of catarTh. To prevent colds, to core colds, is to cheat oatarrh In Used by Ancient Romans. Pliny says that the liquor of the cut tlefish was often used by the Komaaa a an ink. It waa considered superior to tbe lamp black preparation, bnt it was not nsed so freely on account of its mnoh greater oost. TOP KNOW WHAT YOU ARB TAKING When Ton take Grove's Tasteleaa Chill Ton la, beeauso the formulate plainly printed en every bottle showing that it Is slmr-ly Iron and Qui nine in a tasteleaa form. No Cure, No fay. Mr. Rang War la Wyoming. A fierce range war ha been prevail ing in Northwest Wyoming between the sheep and cattle men. In one day the cattlemen drove the sheep over a precipice aud killed 2,000 of tbem. Population vs. Miles of Railroad. While New York state is first in point of population it is seventh in miles of railroad, according to one au thority. Illinois, the third in popula tion, is the greatest railroad state, with nearly 11,000 miles of track. Pennsylvania js second both in popula tion and in railroad tracks. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature) of 5 Pac-Suadl Wrapper Bslsw. rCI IEABACIE. roi BiniHCts. for uuousms. F0I TOIPIO uvu. roi COMSTiTATIOI. ni SALLOW SUR. roimcoMPUXioi MSB HHHIMTV.,. CARTERS CURE SICK HEADACHE. Tot Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years H MIITMfM eMPslBrTa WW TMM WTV. w the t IF Mm U illi OF OREGON in His Family and Grip. out of it victims. Pe-ru-na not only cure oaturrh, but prevents. Kvery household siionli' be supplied with this great remedy for cough, colds, sud so forth. It will be noticed that ths governor says he has not had ocuaniuu to nse I's-ru-na for other ailment. The ten on for thi I, most other ailment be gin with a cold. Using i's-ru-na to piotnptly core colds, he protects hi family against other all menu. Tills I sxactly what svery other family in the United Htate should do. Keep I'e-ru-ua in the house. Use It for cough, cold, la grippe, aud other cliitintlo af fection of winter, and there will lis no other ailment iu the hours. Such families should provile theinselve with a copy of Dr. Ilartinsn' free hook entitled "Winter Catarrh." Address Dr. Hartman, Columbus, Ohio. Needs to Be Unselfish. We have an idea that a woman lis to be uuselfiah to live comforlalil through that period when her sous pre fer young girl to her, aud ber laislmml begins to take hi daughters out am leave her at home. Ths Boat rrosrrlpllon tot Malaria fhtlli and fever Is a bottleof (trove's Tasteless cnin ionic, ltwslmpiy iron and quinine In IuIjiIh.. Inrm Kn rnM V t - ii.i... New Proposed National Park. Tb national park of 1,21)7 sqoitre mile proposed at the head water o tbe .Mississippi will, it it is estab liihed, be the brat iu the central region of the country. To Prevent the Plague. Ceylon i letting It house in order against the arrival of the plague. Iu the past year in Colombo the muuici pality has hsd 60,000 rata killed. BEST FOR THE BOWELS If TOfJ fcaT3n't ft rtftilir. bulLD arovtinsifit f IbM bow Is - da. om r tick, or will tw. kp four bowsjis) opeo, b4 b wall. rare. In in ttaapsj of rlolonl pkfsle or pill pel too. ( dnfrMift, The) ,txiu()toav. Mi, mtm poriffei wmj w hum m. ss urn aivar atnu viwma i to tm Pleasant. Palatabl. Potent. Tana Good Do Dim, prrrrnirRon. n pia.ii. or uripe. Hie, sor- wriw for rre tami!. anl bv)ktl on beaUS. A.trtrp "MS t Mf, Ula IMal, lart. lets KEEP YOUR BL00O CLEAN POULTRY NETTINC. Buy from tb manufacturer. Prir la lull rolls feet wide, iao feet long . 8 , X4T 4 " ,...., 8 30 ' - ' " " 4.1 " " . All Kinds of Wire end Iron Work. PORTLAND WIRE at IRON WORKS NOTHING BETTER MADE To can't stake a mistake U yoa gats ..Mitchell.. Mitchell, Iteaiis & Staver Co. PORTLAND, ORECON, Don't You Want Th prettint ( Uii(jer om thlt ftfUonT II o, Mud your naiun nd also nins And 1(lru uf (tv rsnclian tn jrmr uvtckt- iof nooa, inavtii wiu o n uica you irsjsj, AtidrM; A. H. BOYLAN, (Jen. Ait., Mccormick H. M. t o., Kl Uaw tliurne Are., Portland, Ore. MONEY FOR SOLDIERS' -HEIRS- Hoiriof Union tot'llen wbu hotnttfidetl lei than IrXtacrts .efor June a, 1074 (no mtitlr if tbtndoned). tttoutd addresai HCNKT K COP!, WMhlnKtoa. D. O. PATENTSi tMOUT aTKC asa sueeeaarnl nd deacrlptloa sat free outnloa MILO. 11. STKVBNS CO., tjtab. UH Dl r. 4. 817-Ui h Street, WASHINGTON O. O. Branch offices: Chicago, ClSTSlend and Detroit FAT FOLKS REDUCED from tttott Iba. vmt month br ft ltsvrmlM treatineni. Trsuusutud furM. Mra. M. a. JMan runsj, HaYWlf Ht HoetsMMr, H writes: "roar 7ra so 1 rcMltte 4 pooodK br yoor ftbi trMtfflsynfv. MriiDtrtioM MTrkiDMl Wari bast taught ua tbdaDirnolafatty Iraneratlon !( out KlDeid " Pulejoia trtMtad y BitlflOD0dnitBilr. KMrpnlenUnsddnn.wltsi HtHI, ItK.K.l. .llflH, 1214 li lam tails, Uiss,Ul SUHE C-E m PILES CHI Nit rues produce mot.iur. andesuu llrhl Tins form, w well a Blind, Hiffcdln or r-rotrudln Fiim are cored ht Dr.Boaanko'a Pile Semsdir. Swpeltrhlnf aDdb-sedln. AbsnrlM tamors. sue a Jar BCdnisal.tsor ssat br rnall. TrnstlMfree. Write a aoouiuur um. liu. uusanko, j"ir laoa. Pa. m. r. m. o. ju. s-tsoi. W8II) wrltlna; aaesUea taj s adTertlaer aer. ',"Jir-lli""V-,.S- iV.ewrJrt-HPtS--.. ttautu. . jsT.--- i . . i a, - i. I, v-rfa ' .' f Pr can or nasi ssajis sinse NO NEGROES IN THIS TOWN. One Kentucky Villas; frees Which the U.acS alaa 1 Barred. - Calvert City, In Marslisll County, la Kentucky, Is on of the few piece In the world that hss effectually solved the race problem. Not a negro Is to bs found wltlilu s radius of a doaen mites, sud lb negro Is yet to be discovered who hss any permanent desire 10 come here. To Ihreateu a negro with Cslrert City Is lo bring before his ft-lghteued vision pictures or death more horrible than by lynching. Tbe peaceable, law abiding spirit that prevails Iu the Hide Keutiicky lowu Is swiftly baulshed when a negro 'ap pears. If he keeps VluK be Is uot molested, provided be attends strictly to hi owu ufTiilis and doe unfiling to provoke the ever-alert hostility of the tesldeut. Hut he cau neither lake up his abode there nor rcumlu over all Dig lit. aud so tllsasiroiis have been sil past attempts to break thla uuwrltteu, but uoue the less, stringent law, (hat uo negro would to-dity dam to move luto Culvert City and auuoiiuce Ills luleutlon of reiuHiulng. The town Itself Is a small place of a few uuudred Inhabitants, situated on the Illinois Ceutrnl rulli-oad, ouly a doxeu miles from I'adiit-ali, tbe metro polis of Southwest Keutiicky, Tbe intense hatred of the negro dates hack tweuty yeara or more. Kew pro - fess to kuow Its origin, and uiauy claim that It wa burn Iu the people, but solus of til ultler liilialillania tleclare that II bail lis InceiiXou yeara ago, wlieu two , uvgroes liiitrilfil wlilte eoiiuu aud Sft-'. tletl lliere. The averslou of Hie people ; lm-siue so great lliat iiiiiavrutis at- j tempts, resulting Iu i-ouslilrraluV blood-, slutl. were mailt- lo ihI I lie tulauialetl fniilca, ami v'vi'utiiully lliey wore tli'lvt-u away. j Tills aroused the blltormt hostility ; ainuiiK the iii'itrm-s, and llie wlilte peo- ( pie sihiii k !"'' lo so bale tbe sight of I one that every negro was aultlnintely run out of the vicinity, snd oue us ucver lecn kuowo (o live In those parts since. lo recent years there has been no serious troulile, but It Is estimated that no leas than ten or a doaen uegroes who had setileil Iu the nvlKhtiorhood bare been shot from ambush or otherwise mysteriously killed. v This rt'preht-iiallile means of exter minating lliein, however, was always ailupted a a last reeort, aud uo one waa ever piinlahed for relieving tbe commuulty of (heir presence. Obi Hrrvants' I'rlse. On the Austrian etitHror's fete dsy a number of prise were distributed to , servants who have been a loug tlmej lu the same situation. The prise was j about 115 lu each caae. Klrst on 'the! list waa s vnlet, sited "I, who bad served forty six consecutive years In one family. The second was a nurse, Tl years old, who had served forty-two j years lu one fsmlly; a maid of all work. 77 yeara old, who had served forty-one j year In a uiimivry. mine next; then' au uinlcr rook, aged ol. wuo bad served thirty nine yesrs In a boy's or phanage. There was s maid of all work, aged , 7(1, who bad served thirty nlue years! In one family; a kitchen maid, U0 years old, who hsd been In the household of 1 Princess Clementine of Cohurg for thlr-1 ty-nlne years, rsme next, snd then, (Vi yeara old, c.utle one who had been a lady's maid to Baroness Chley for thirty-eight years. Altogether there were twenty-one names on the list, and the shortest term of service was thirty years. Our cor respondent remarks that (he mistresses of these good people deserved prlxea. too, for they must surely hare lovable tempers If they ran go on living waited upon by ladles' maid and maids of all work of the ages earned. Siberian Hirer Well Lighted. Oue of the most remarkable features of the Itusslan navigation of Siberian rivers consists In tbe thorough wsy In which each verst of the navigable 3.000 or more Is lighted. There Is always a lampiot In sight, and these are paint ed white or red. so a to be easily dis cernible durlug the day. This must necessitate the employment of at leaat 1,000 llghtkeepers. who also patrol and sound tbe river's depth within tbeir re spective bests. Kach Isolated woodpll must have Its guardian, who live near by In s log hut or two. An exceptional Lake An Interesting exploration of Ijilt Tanganyika and the country north of It, Mulshed recently, revealed the fact that while certain sea molluscs are found In this lake. It Is (he only one of all the large African lakes In which such phenomena are observed. This lake Is only a short distance, sotns eighty miles, from tbe great Congo ba sin, much of which, without doubt, was once covered by the sea. Ilioycllsts In France. Thereareln l-'rance chiefly In Paris- over half s million registered bicyclists. in 1K!W the mimlier was 203.020 and In 1800 4H3.4H. ICacb one pays a tas snd carries a license. The above number does not Include motor-cycles and mo tor cars, which are fsr more plentiful In France than In England. Motor cycles sre to be used by postmen for collocting letters In I'srls, Female Hiihool Teachers. Womeq are rapidly displacing men ss teachers in the schools of New York, During the Isst year there was a de crease of 217 lu the number of men em ployed, while the number of women teachers Increased 1,073, Prairie Chickens In Kansas. Prairie chickens are said to be more abundant In Western Kaunas than for yeara, and the farmers are disposed to give the birds a chance to multiply by keeping a check on (ho hunters. Superstition of Chinese Women. Chlucse women believe that the evil spirit holds possession of all the high points of the earth, and that Is why no Chinese woman can ever bo Induced to climb a mountain. Holland's Canala. Holland has 11I110 miles of canal for every 100 square miles of turface, 2,700 miles in an. Usually the man who Is good when he's asleep Is troubled wltn insomnia. OF QR0W1N0 GIRLS APPRECIATE IT. Will The Story I Told by a rather Who Is Ureteral far tile Dsaghtai' tteeavery. No, 01 Lincoln avenue, Cortland, N. V., was once a house ol sorrow snd sadness. Ths daughter ol Uenrvt Loueki, the pride ol the household, earned going into a ileollue a six readied her early womanhood aud bn ronditlnn eaud the greatest anxiety In the faintly. Tne happy ending ol ths 'matter unused tjouaiileratile exult, nisul in the nljlilorliood aud, when questioned by s revortnr, Mr, Louokt niada the following statement: "A boat two years ago my tlanghter, who was theu In her 18th year, was in bad health. Vlie was pale aud thin, without strength or vitality, In fuel bur condition waa that which li generally called all run down. Vs were, of rour, worried snout her snd employ, ed the best physloiau to attend her. They tudiad her esse and allhougb they did everything possible, gay her no relief which was permanent, T late nr. Angi nan nrst caiieii my at tention to Dr. Williams' l'iuk Pill for 1 Tale 1'otipl, ami my wife had beard 1 tbsy were a flue toulo, o we deckled to try them (or my daughter. W did si snd Jtisble ol eight week the nrl. uisry CBiiso of her Ironlile was rttmor eii anil she howetl a ileeltlsd gain In health, strength soil flesh. "A greal msny people will buy a meilU'liie and take a few drsea. Then If they arts mil eurel they throw It aslil a no good, or take it spasmodic ally. We believe in a lair Vial Is strirl accordance with direetlous and our faithfulness was rewarded for tits wa greatly benefited by them, list color came to her cheeks and she con ttuued to gain In weight snd strength. Wa bars told s great many people about them sud have been glad to do so." Higoed. GKOUGK LOUCK8. Hubsijrilied snd sworn to before m thi aoth day of Jane, 1VQQ. V. C. I'AKSONS, otsry l'ublle. Dr. William' Pink fills fir I'.l. People are auld by all dealers, ur will be sent to any address postpaid, on re ceipt of price, 80 oent a bos, or tlx boxes for f '.'.AO, by Dr. Williams Med telus Co., Hchcueotstly, N. Y. Spends Millions lor AmuMmsnl The American people are great tb. Ster-goers aud epeud shout $1 13.0H0, UO0 annually for such amusements. SEED DEALERS. WHY DON'T YOU Bend for FREE HKKD VATAMMiL'E Portland 8EEO Company, ISS Front Street. Portland, Or. . PUN LlMSERSOn SEEDS! Annual rstalnf mw trAf. Hsile-l free on tenttrst. Still line nl uppllt lev taisa. ixiulirr, oee or saidsa. BUELL LAMBEHSON'S SONS, 180 Front Strsst. Portlsnd, Ors, fl FCBDDV'i are sold arvofTwhera. rest Annual rna, . S. M. RID 4 SS., HTISir, Hit A WHOLE GARDEN Fop 14g. Wawuk te mi ikit r nm an I n. -i" '" Taasa.. Sun. taurtl im,a St. KaMraU umafMSaM..,, ft i ll Km I IS IMy UA.11M1 W A r M M.rSM ltsaas.... U. kuaaat rwar (MOs. t-r Wsrtk fmt J saaU. t- w win iati T". vtw -- aorta ot .pl.tiJld ami ao.l" nej. !inrr .hi nr '.- - - - 4 iM lia iNiiia a rw.iw e iau al a.S 1 la aMtws CM ! Sod Ik aa as. Mum at Si mpor liarrsiaadsr Cateanaatfm.. lOTnu. I' tOMl. Ml Ml C IttrtrM sis IT LEADS THEM ALL The "Cyclone", Thresher If You Boy a New Thresher, Engine, HORSE POWER OR SAW MILL You ol Course Want the Brst, WUfce Catalogue and Prices, RU8SELL & CO., PORTLAND, OREGON lowers A "iM. X I -.aSasaSBWr .S..SBV . - Ju 'i s-" B LAC K oaYE.LL.OW ' YOU if DRi IN T MS W.AW "Hardest rf. J STORM XAkt NoSiissriruTCS. fas CavAtoourj huwimo ryt-L Lias or Oa.hiih D mts. A J, Town Co, niii : "! CUTLEB'SCtRBOLlTEef IODINE k guaranteed Care (or Catarrh sad Oonsamptloii. 11.00. i Look Bos 16, V. I. sasil tl A CO.. luffilo. N.y.,Prop'l MRESTS jf2SS12Laaaaaaaaa s. V Always Fresh, N tX Always the Beat, fjr IS" V I LI all