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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1901)
OitEGON MIST I At the present session of th leg-lala- j mended by the ieiiH committee, o I tun M effort will be made to euiend ! that the work can be commenced daring Entered at tire lUffir at St. H lens, Otwgotij M wcoihI-vImm bihU matter, coOnty official paper. Imvud Evkrv Fkiihv Mukmiko By DAVID DAVIS, EoffO AMD rO-KIKT0ll. SpBSCRIPTIOS PRICK; ( me sopy one year, in advance. . . . 41.00 tfix mouths... 60 COUNTY ornctRS, Ropreentati....orma JlerrMI. ClaMkante junn r.Jo.h B. Dtwtu, Kximer Clers ' 4. Q, Watts, St, Helena Hhriff . ,.......K.S.Hatun. St. Helena Vmwrar ,....3 Ro.- Helena Km, of School I. H. Conel&nd, llonlton Atmsmr .....Martin White, St, Helena fixrvem.. ....... A. B- Utile, Moulton Ouroaer...... ,.r. H. 8- Cliff. At. Heieus I P. A. Praltee, npfOJ Conuiaetoaeii d, ceaa, Piueburg JANUARY 26, 1901. Ths oil mining erase haa "etrock." Oregon. The particular place of contact is in Powell's valley, where something like six or eight quarter sections ol land in the neighborhood of Greaham have already been bonded by hustling pro- motors who propose to commence pros pecting for oil at once. No specified .valuation has been placed upon the land in question, by ei titer the owners or psometera hot in lien of such an under standing an arrangement has been made whereby the owners of the land will re ceive 15 per cent, of the profit. As the proximity of that country to Columbia - county makes any public enterprise there a practically local affair, the result of these operations will be wacthed with more thsa passing Interest. It ia believed there Is more than a probability of de veloping some heavy producing wells in the new district and this probability greatly intensifies interest in the enter prise. ' Axd now that Multnouiah county has sv real, tally developed coal oil boom. what's the matter with Colombia coon ty baving one, too? If Multnomah can en thuse oa the strength of a simple suspic ion that they have oil, surely Columbia can afford to get excited over the actual possession of that commodity. It will . be observed that we have said "actual powtarjop," and we do not wish to qual- . ify ths statement because possesion is onrs for a eerUinty. That coal il ex ists in this county is a fact well known by many of our citizens and it has been known to many of them for several years, therefore the statement is not at all premature. Near the Pebble creek coal fields are, perhaps, the strongest in dication bat conclusive evidence of the existence of oil has been found in the district between the headwaters of Oak Baneh creek and the fit. Helene-Ver- nonia road. Boon after the discovery of oil at Pebble creek citizens of Vernonia secured quantities of the erode fluid as it seeped from the ground and after sep arating it from the surface water, with which it was impregnated, fire was ap plied to it and the result was entirely satisfactory. Parties from Washington county are now in the Pebble creek district examining the indications there and the result of their labors will be ob tained, if possible, and made public the kih lavs of the state, and ths pro posed amendment will lie far more oliou t!iau ! the pre sunt provisions ' of the law, which are a travesty on tt i tu-e ami a disgrace to the state. Under ' the pivM'tit laws, which were designed aud engineered through the legislature in the interest of the l'ordmid Rod and Qua Ciub, an organisation composed of alleged sportsmen, the average citiaen has no rights whatever, that he way exercise with impunity. It is almost unlawful for him to be seen with a gnu end if be should kill or take a bird or deer for the benefit of his family he Is arrested aud thrust into prison, but the alleged sportsman ! Portland can sail; forth to the fields aud lakes beluuging to the farmer where he has purchased the privilege of shooting for a consider ation out of reach of the average citiaen aud there slaughter birds in a disgrace ful and shameful way, under cover of a law which he had enacted for his par ticular kind. The birds he kill have been tolled to their slaughter by the feeding of wheat, and theutetliodt em ployed for their taking are a nnsporle- manlike a the law that give litem the privilege is uniuat. The members of the rod and gun club are no respecters of decency, let alone the law. They not only have no regard for the law, but they trample on the rights of law abid ing, decent ciliseua, who, ss a rule, are Inclined to respect the lsw. These al leged sportsmen slaughter birds by the hundreds for pecuniary gain, and it is not an uncommon thing for the garbage wagon to haul away from the markets in Portland hundreds of putrid bird to the crematory. A law which licenses such conduct ia pernicious, and the members of a legislative body who as sist in placing such law should, by law, be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment. The common people should rise up in -solid mass and de mand the repeal of all game laws of this state which give to a certain class the privilege of slaughtering fowl and beast for financial gain. Sinck the enactment of game laws much baa been said by farmers about organised rod and gun clubs. The rod and gun clnbs are accredited with being the authors of the game laws. It ia a well remembered fact that prior to the enactment of game laws, game i much more plentiful. Prior to that time the formers, or possibly the gentle men from town, would go out and kill four or five birds or catch one or two doxen fish for their private table. After the rod and gun clubs were formed a rivalry soon sprung up as to who could catch "the largest number of trout or kill the largest flock of birds. It was soon an every day yarn to hear of one catching five or six hundred trout in a single trip and killing one hundred and two hundred birds in a single day, This wanton and wasteful slaughter of fish snd game led to the passage of game laws. But these have never stopped the rivalry to destroy the most game. It simply pat a stop to their boasting about it. The game law which now permits a person to kill fifteen birds should be restricted to four or five. What use has any one man to kill more than the latter number nnless to waste the in T A penalty should be provided so that if one kills more then that num ber he shall be prohibited forever after from hunting, under severe penalties. Corvallis Gaxette. Qi im Victoria is dead. She has ab dicated ber throne and hud down her soepter at the command of a monarch greater than herself and more potential, than mortal ever knew. This is the in evitable fate of all men be he prince or pauper, master or man. It is simple . obedience to a sentence passed by nature upon all mankind and from its mandate there is no appeal by great or small, high or low. The reign of Victoria has been a remarkable an exceptional one in many respects. 8 be lived the longest snd reigned the longest of any British monarch. Uer reign has not only been the longest as measured by the simple flight of time, but it has certainly been the most brilliant and cieditable to her self as well a fruitful and progressive the English nation ever enjoyed. This splendid result has been attained not so much by the exercire of any potential power personally vested in herself as! queen, as by the charm and influence of her own regal personality. It is not be lieved by some eriticts thst Victoria was as brilliant a ' woman intellectually BiFBcaKSTATrva A. W. Vwcsjrr, of Washington county, who was elected last June on the auti -republican ticket, has created much of a stir in the politi cal world, not only in bis own county, bat throughout the state, by going body and breeches into the boodle camp in Salem, and very freely and promptly vot ing for Mr. Corbet t for senator, for a consideration, of course. His party associates in Washington county are justly indignant, of coarse, and the HJUsboro Argus, the populist organ in Washington county, roasts him to an elegant finish. Mr. Vincent it quietly "sawing wood," as he well knows that any attempt to elucidate his actions would only add insult to injury. Vincent set his price, snd got it, and now bis populist brethren are lamenting the error of their wsy in electing an in dividual who would sell bis soul for a mess of pottage. But history baa dem onstrated the fact that the average pop ulist in the Oregon legislature ia ap proachable, and Vincent is no exception to the rule. Were Vincent a republican not so much would be thought of his actions, but being one of the sturdy "reformers" of the state, it looks ss though his pie crust was made and moulded only to be a oi allied to smith ereens at the first opportunity. " .1 . . - r4.A t.nt I; .... . UIO Tiravilfc 1UV Uii HVf iiuih is satisfactory to the friends of the M ieantirua pmject, and haa received the sanction of a large majority of the house of representatives. It is also approved by a large majority of the senate, and the only obstacle In ths way ia the amended treaty. .' It is to be hoped that the member of the legislature have too much regard for justice to allow themselves to enter into a compact with the Multnomah delegiv tion aud thereby force upon the people of this state such legislation aa is sug gested in a plait for the payment of slate taxes bv counties according to popula tion instead of valuation. Thi is oue of the plans proposed to combat the unjust methods of certain assessors to lower valuations in order to escape state tax, but the remedy is vastly more ob noxious than the evil itself. "Might is the right of the strongest," but being so Is often disastrous to the weak. As an example oi the injustice of sneh a plan Columbia county will pay $8,420.8!) state tax this year on a basis of vlu tion, where, uuder the proposal of pay ing according to population, the amount would be Inrrcaacd to $10,187.46. From the localities where the greatest wealth exists should come the larger portion of the state revenue, but under the plan of paying according to population here Is an example of how it would work oat The amount due from Multnomah county this year on a' basis of valuation is $i8tl,047.83; according to population her share would be $167,619.53. The only method for remedying the evil of unjust assessment and taxation lie in the reinstatement of s state board of equalisation, when, where everything being just, state tax is paid according to graduated valuation throughout the state. This pernicious scheme should meet a atluging, lasting rebuke at the hands of our legislators. Hires in the history of Oregon did a legislature find its comfort and conven ience so well and so handsomely pro vided for a the one which convened last week. The hall of representatives is now s beautiful room, in which it will be a pleasure to do business. Its most annoying difficulty the impossi bility of hearing anything distinctly has been removed aod there Is a general air oi compactness that is pleasing. Booms for committee work have been allotted and duly labeled, the whole building lias been cleaned and reno vated throughout, and the people of the state who come here to visit will be proud of their state eapitoL If Secre tary of State Dunbar haa left anything unattended to it has been by mistake. Salem Statesman. Sematob Daly, of Benton county, has introduced a bill for the creation of a State Board of Eanalization. consisting her predecessor, Queen Elizabeth, but of three members to be appointtd by her virtues were greater and naturally , the governor, with the consent of the her influence was more effective. Under j tenate. The board is clothed with en the benignant reign of Victoria England j Urged powers and may call witnesses has made vast progressive strides, but it from any part of the state to give testl- m not to be disputed that had her an-, mony as to values snd as to the mode of thority been leas abridged aqd hedged about with constitutional limits . her splendid reign could have been made even more lustrous and beneficial to her subjects. ' - ' Ths proposal to have a centennial in Portland in 1905 in commemoration of the advent of Lewis and Clark into the regions of It is portion of the Northwest ehould meet with the besrty co-operation and support of . every individual ia Oregon and Washington. We, espec ially of the Columbia river region, 1- t .1 J . . . ' I AL- 1 . b ration s decided success, ' Here partic ularly are the scenes of the early ex plorations of those gentlemen, and the msrks of their wonderful and valuable diivoveries remain with us as s founda tion upon which we have builded an em pire. By all means let us have the cen tennial and let as do-the occasion honor. assessment. In the absence of a coin plete assessment law, Senator Daly's measure is probably the best, that can be seen red at this time, and will be a necessity if the laws on assensment and taxation are allowed to stand. WAHHixaro advices iudicate that the friends of the Nicaragua canal bill are determined to pass that measure at the present session of congress with regard to the action of Great Britain on the amended treaty. While they would pre fer that England should accept the treaty without further controversy, they do not intend to delay action oa the canal bill beyond the present session on that account. They will give the British government nntil February 1st, which they consider a reasonable time, and if no action is taken by that date they will pass the' bill, which baa already gone through the house and has been recom- Indacemeat for the Boys. John Dellar. located on the corner of s display of twenty-five different styles and grade of Boys' suits, which are offered as a special inducement from 60 cent to $1.50 lees than any other store in the city. John Dellar knows that the boys are hard onshore: that's why he carries none but mod. solid one, and sells them from 23 cent to 50 cents less than any other store in the city. A big variety of boys' cape, regular 25 and 50- ceni values, are ottered tor joc, zac and 3dc. A large assortment of boys' waistsat Z5c and 40c, regular 50c and 75c value. The latest style of sweaters. 50c. 75c $1 and $1.60. The boys can be very neatly dressed for a very little sum of money by baying ol John Dellar. corner t int and Yamhill streets, Portland, Oregon. MastcaJ Recital. Mrs. Jones' pupils save a musical re cital at to Dome ol air. ana 41 rs. j. u, Watts Thursday evemnr. the first the claaa baa given. Following is the pro gramme ol the evening's entertainment Duet... "L MaruuraUa' Badts ILUa sad Blrdia Hants. Walt Gsors Biehards Cyril Hattaa. Dane of the Brownlw" Xibbm Larelt Wstklos. "Curly Lock" ..Orth Op. 10 Hsiel Watts. 'Carnival Polka"... Stsabboc Lloyd Hattaa. Ths Violet Wilts" Steabbof Badis EMU and Bead Hstun. Startithl Walts" ....Brainard Blrdl Harris. "The Standard Bearer"... ...ildus Raj mood Watt. Doll's Dream". Oaten Of. 1 Sadie EUlf. ' Op. 1U Martha D. Krug Beatle Hattan. "Ths Echo sf Looms" Richards Berths Dart. Kolalla". ........... ,: Canon Loots Whitney. Over tha Wave". ...Boast Daiay. Ewisg. Duet "11 Trnratore" .Verdi Grace and Berths Dart. "Fairy Quaen Gallop".. .v gldmy Smith Larelle Wat Una aod Raymond Watu. "Horns Slack" Selection Lulu George. "Ah Cher La If orle". Watson Mn. William. ' Wildwood Bloaaomi" .... ..... . . Wealaodorf Mm. H. B. ClltT. Valao, Op. U...... ..Durand Urscs Dart. Do Not Trifle with dangen--nd remember every cough or cold mean danger. Shiloh's Consumption Cure will cure your cough or cold at once. It will heal ana strengthen your lungs. It is a safeguard (or you always. Take it at the first indication of a cough or cold. A nn antd aaaaUS la laraat aad hwaaalal tolMa aowa alwaya laataa aavoam awaa. triad Wla aad h aand aw at aaaa, i glad toaatd aw imwt HB 1 tlSHlNO, Rat St. kiath a Ckafah, Urfoy, M, , btlok-a Ccmraaaptiaa Is SM by an raraiat at as, sea, aonia, m. rtaiiHi naraaM mntm wlUa ovavr boUta. If yoa arai tol Ufi-d ytw draajfjiat aia gt yeu amur pa a a. . Writ for Maanatad kaok aa naaamjwl. Sat without cut io you, .C WUa a Co- LMr,M.Y His Wile Batvod Hiaav My wife's cood advice saved my life rite r . M. Hoes, ol wtnneid. Teun for I had such a bad couch I could hardly breathe. 1 steadily grew worse under doctor's treatment, but my wife arced me to use Dr. King's New Dis covery lor Uonsnmptlon which com' letely cured me." Cousin Colds, pi Bronchitis. La Grippe. Pneumonia. Hay Fever. Asthma, and all maladies of Chest, Throat, and Lungs are positively cured by tins marvelous medicine, 50c. and tl.UO. Every bottle cuaran teed. Trial bottle free at the U Hel ens Pharmacy. Prominent Chicago Woman Speaks. Prof. Rosa Tyler, of Chicago, Vice- President Illinois Woman's Allianee, in speaking of Chamberlain's Cough Rem- edv. sava: "l su tiered wltn a severe eofd this winter which threatened to run into Dueumonia. I tried different rem edies but I seemed to grow worse and the medicine upset my stomach. A friend advised me to try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and I lound it was pleas ant to take tod it relieved me at once, I am now entirely recovered, saved doctor's bill, time and suffering, and I will never be with out tola splendid medicine again." For sale at the St. Helena Pharmacy. OASTOIt Batatas TIaitWlteWIW'twtM af mAf7y. 4-CUCMC PROFESSIONAL. S. H. GRUBER, ATTORNEY-AT -LAW. OCas with B. S. Quirk. ST. HILKJia, i : ORBOOR, Will (Its heat aaraooal allratioa lo all total mattera animated to ma. will pracuc la alt us mat aoa umtea ouuee voan. W. H. POWELL, ATTORNEY -AT-L.IW. DIPVTT WSTSJCT ATTORNEY. BT. HBLENS. : : OBBGOH. R. P. Grabam. T. J. Clcstom, Attorneys-at-Law. ; 306 Marquaat Balldins, Portland Oregon. Columbia Coantr bwaiaeai will reeelr Bfoawt aueouaa J. W. DAT W. B. DILLARO DILLARD it DAY, ATTORNE YSAT-Li W Office next door lo Courthouse, ST. HKUCNS. ORKttCN. General praatJee la courts of Orasnn or Waiih natou. Abatrmcta mad dlraetiv from ooobiv Dr. Edwin Ross, Physician and Surgeon. ST. HELEN'S, OREGON. Dr.H.E.CUff, Physician and Surgeon. ST. HELENS, OREGON. Dr. J. E. Hall, Physician and Surgeon, CLATSKANIE, OREGON. Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG Leaves Portland oa Taeadar, Thonday aod Bat- may a i a. m. iot St HIm$, lalama, Carnlta faint, Rolaiar and Kalaa, Arriving at Portland Monday, Wad neaday aud Friday at 2 p. in. Wharf foot of Salmon HI H. ROLMAM. Aseat. Steamer G. W. fcttiAVEll. KoTABMHHKD 1B7J. JOHN A. BECK ;. DEALER IH ' Watches, Diamonds, Silverware, ...JEWELRY...; Repairing a Specialty. Vfl Morrlaon St. Bet Front A PI rat, PORTLAND. Leaves Portland, foot of Waahington (treat, for Clatakanle and way laadlnra, on Monday aud Tharadajr at SO a. tn. Leavee Clatakani Tuaaday and Friday at 4 o'clock a at. Shaver Tiansportation Co. H H aJ k.2 Proprietor. k J M -TEAMS Reopened to flu Public "America" fatal POBTLAND, DAILY. ftT 3 Oriental Hotel. H Willamett Slough Route H EUGENE BLAKE6LEY, ST. HELENS. Board tf Dsy, Wegk or ilcnflr - At RlASOaABLB FlOUBg. ' Visitors met at steamer landing and guests baggage looked after. . THS OLD STAND 8T. HELENS, : OREGON. i : Leave 8t. Helen. ... 6:30 A M Arrive at Portland. .10:30 A M Leave Portland 2:30 PM Arrive at St. Helens . :00 P M "'" IMssE CENTS. Will Carry Notiiln bnt Psssen . (ers and Faal Freight. JAHEN COOD, MauMev, '' M 4 M M H H v WAItllKN tTGMB. Am81avensJr spent last Sunday Urporttand. John Uks, of Hoiilton, ws a Warren vUltor last ttuii'lay. Mr. H. Morgus, of St. Helens, was the guest ol Mrs. N. F, Haker last Sun day. Mr, Mas Her is having machinery warehouse built. II, Ursen is doing th work. Mr. Flovd Pusey and Miss Ella Bsiion have been" spending the past few days with their sister at Scappoose. Mr. and Mr. M. F. Ilasen, Mr. ami Mrs. W. II. Beaver and Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Bennett visited with Irlends and rela tives at Scappoose last Sunday. Mrs. Henry Larsen anddanghterMae, who have been spending the past sis aeeks with rtdatives at Shoalweter Bay, is expected home Thursday of nest 'week. Another change in the management of the Sunset creamery has been made in the past week. A Mr. Waggiie r, of Portland, arrived last Sunday and will hereafter conduct th busiuess of the creamery. Mrs. D. 0. A Hard, who is on the com mittee of th Artisan lodge, at Bcap poose, met with the other members of the committee at that place last Tues day afternoon. They intend giving an entertainment in a short time. The social dance given at tha school house hall last Friilay evenins; was s de cided success. Good order prevailed throughout the evening. A Urge num ber from Houlton were in attendance as were also a few from Soappoose. Re freshments were served at midnight. The Mother's Favorite. Camberlain's Congh Remedy I the mother' favorite. It 1 pleasant and ale for children totakeandalwaytcure. It is Intended especially lor coughs, com, croup and whooping cough, and is th host medicine meds for these diseases. There is not the least danger In giving it to children lor it contains no opium or other iujurious drug and may be given as confidently to a babe aa to an adult. For sale st the St. Helens pharmacy. CASTOR I A Tot XnfiuiU ttitd CMlrtrtTVi Til Kb! Yoa fan Ahisjs Beer tb BlgaatareoX rTBtliil'illMfff11"' XV'ctfelaUe Prrparallonfor A slmtlatm i tt food anrtUtf? ula-UngSicSbwmllxlaaf Promotes Digf allonChwrfuJ rssrfrfc9l.Conlalns nclilsT Opbjm.Marphant norUiciai OT HAltCOTIO. KIMEIMI For Infanta m& CMHrcn. Tb Kc'J .Ycj IIuY3 Bears tho Sigimteo - o? jaafaVJaySNOUVWa ht urn iMawaWyWslS Apetfrcl Remedy- forPorwIlpa non. Sour Stoaiach.DlaiTiw Worms Xkmvulsiota .hewrish ness andLuaaorSiXEP. Tat Simla Sifinalur of NEW YORK. I tXACT COPY Or WWAPPCT. 1 AW Uf-: In Use For Over Thirty Years P ens aaaiaaaw. aawsaaaisoa, How About Your Title? ckl Arsileav tv Has world-wide fame for marvelous cares. It surpasses any oilier salve, lo tions, ointment er balm for Cnts, Corns, Burns, Boils, Sores, Felons, Ulcers, let ter. Sslt Rheum, (ever Sore. Chapped Hands. Skin Eruptions; lnlaiiioia lor Piles. Core guaranteed. Only 26o at the St. Helens Pharmacy. Id rt!e J. 0. Sherman, the veteran editor of V 1 i )!.. U , L'.k. 1... covered thevsmarksble secret ol keeping old people young. For year he ha avoided Nervousness, tsieepiesanees, tnat gestion, Heart trouble. Constipation and Rheumatism, by osina Electric Bitters. and he write: "It can't be praised too highly, it gently stimulates tne am nevs. tone the stomach, ahl digestion. and gives a splendid appetite. It haa worked wondsrs for my wife and me. It's a marvelous remedy for old people's complaints." Unly 60c. at tlie ok Hel ena PHarmacy. ITOTIZA. Ihl IM tM Hrs) thrrn tgt I VI I 1 3 3 Bssntas sUgaatar sf f IM aa i am awnrn STOMA & COLOMBIA RIYER ii RAILROAD COMPANY. BSABBOWS Sal. on-l iy. "OAILV. r i p. a. 1:H. S:M S:S!U S OS :7 4:02 4:07 AM :17i s a l M as OS i IS 7 10 00 10 OS 5 M 10 SO ! 4A.S IS3.V IA.SJ. S 00 f 06 IS s to a h m 10 00 S2.) in lo M.1 10 31 71.2l 10 7S 7' 11 Ol IM S ii is ieo.a 111 1 WS t lit !S.S STATIvKS Vr Portland At! . Uobl .... Ralnlar ... Pyramid... Unni.... ... Clufney .... viautanla.. Marablaod.. Wwwrl.... ..( Illlon ... ..Knaopa.. . Svaiuwn.... . ..Jnba Day... Ar Aaloria l.r OAILV. n t. M. II 10 10 06 w m to 02 s m I7 17 07 1 M 7 r. 40 S as 20 OS 7 4 7 7 7 as 7 17 7 oj 42 tt 30 10 All Iraina ataka tloaa" eonneeiioaaat tohl with Nortnero Pat I Ho tralna to and (rom lbs KaatsndSouod polula. At Portland with all tralna leavins Union depot, al Aaloria with I. It. a N. Coa boat and rail Una to and Irom II waoo and HorUi Baacb pointa. Paaaansen (or Astoria Of war pointa matt naff ; timiivoD. 'irainawui ar 0a. Paa.Aal.,Ai Iraina at Houiloa. Trains w aenrara off at Houiton when coming Iron weaiolMODie. m. ivaaiyw. tons, or top to lot Me poinu Oi LAN; CO. Dsrast Chleaco- Portland Brieclal 9.14 a.m. L Worth. Omaaa.lian. I aaa Citr. Ht, Loula. j unioaso ana aaat, Atlantie Kiuraaa S.O0 p.m. Spokane Pirar S.-00 p. sa. 8 p.m. nail Kx.Hundey a p. ro. Saturday is p. m. Sam. Ex.8uuday '7 a. m. " Tuea.Thor. sad Sat. Sam. Tn.Thnr. and Hat. ht. Rlparia :86a. m. daily Time SCHEDULES Salt Laka, Denver, Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kan aaa City, St. ton la, i.DLcaau anu a,aaa. Walla Walla, Lewla ton, Spokane, Minn oapolla, Ht. Paul, Dulnth, Illlwaukea, Chicago and Bait. Oeaan Staamahlpa. All aalllng datea aiib- )t!t lo chanffa. Por Han Pranolaco Hallarery Svadaya. Colombia Rlvar taamaea. To Astoria and Way- laoamga. Wlllamatts Blar. Oreffou City. Newbarg, Salem A Way-land la WIHantatta and Yam hill Rhrara, Oresoa City, Daytoti, ana wajr-iaudiugs. , Wlllamatts Rlvar. Portland to CorrallU and way-landtnga. naaa Rlvar. Rlparia to I-ewUion. Aaaiva if. ata' Strut HI Yon grttg II to all right Kaneanoar thai tt Is ths KBOlBIMaal sorama, ii ia atir ooaiuaM io aeairn we tfrntili and allow what lhay eoiiuln In ralatlon to land uilna. If MMuiMmLlaia buvlna laed or litanlba mmttr on real. a.tai aneorlty, take uo uan'a void, but Itt'lat ux kwti what Uta rarard akoaa raaanllng lhaini. Aa Abjrtnat . aaaaaaual aa eared. Inriatoa bavin. It. We bav Ik only el trot bookaln thsroaniy All work pmaaiilvaaotniaad and aaUahaattoa guaraulaod. II ton hare property loauraslva aaa call Mara aavnia lor Ih beat Sr Inaunutraemupaiiiaain th Voild. II yoa have propani lur sat llat It wHB ua snd. wa "111 Sod abujaf, . E. QUICK & CO., IT. HUMS. OMIBOM The Yeekly Oregonian j Sanaa weak anlamo M . pams a aoluaas " CONTAINS All th new well written. j Article doscrtbing Western scenes and incidents. '3 Stories of love snd adventure by well- rS known authors. 2 Brilliant illuitralioB by newspspersrtUt 3 Interesting sksW-he and literatnrw for bov and girl. - ' 2 Fashion article snd lllustrstlons lor 3 women. , r OUR CLUBBING OFFER we nave nerieeteu arranse Dish Th Weekly Oregonian ments whereby w are enabled to fur- 3 n in eonnertion with Taa Mtar lor 3 only Two Dollar. The price of Ttie Oregonian alone Is 11.60. 1 -vi 1 r- rnrrrn J uinT 3 fc i nc untuun w iviio i ...WHEN IN NEED OF MEDICINE.. -00 TO- THl.. CLATSKANIE DRUQ STORE Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Etc DH. J. . HULL. rVesrVefep, CLATSKANIE, - OREGON. 7:00 s. u. 1:40 s.m. 4 p. 4n. x.Sunday 4:S0d. m. Bx.Sunday S;!N d. m. Hon. Wed. and Pri. 4:S0o. m. Mon. Wed. and Pri. Lv.taw'loa dally al 00 a.m. W. H. HURLBEBT, OenetaJ Paawnger Agent, PORTLAND IB is ! THE NEW YORK STORE IS OFFERING GREAT BARGAINS IN - Clothin- : .i Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots. Shoes, Etc. . S. MOEGU0, ' Cooper Building, Main Street, St Helens, Oregon. Itl III Ifl 111 III III lit III III III III III t. Ill liMH ! Ill 111 ill III II III III 1111 MU4t4Uitt.Ua4..44m.U.U. WHITE COLLAR USE .iiAi' V'' '."'i1 !'- . THE COLUMBIA RIVRR AND PUQIT BOUND NAVIGATION CO. PORTLAND-ASTORIA ROUTE. Steamer Hercules lo piacs ct Bailey Gatzert . OREGON ; Landing Poot ol Alder Street, Portlaud. Lssvaa Porlland dally (eieaiitSiinday)at A. M Landliia Telephone docs, AalZrla. ' Uayss Aatoria Hlly (eacepi Sunday) 7 P. II A. 1. TAYLOK, Agen Aatoria. fSBVSS''t Brinn Brothers CAFE ST. HUMS, - - . OBSGOV. NEVPIACE. If tob want something rood in 111101 wniasy try GHAW3 UALT -Only ths beat of- . Llprs and Cijars Kept iaSiori OPIN PROM S A. M.TO 13 O'OLOOK MIONiaHT.