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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1901)
OREGON MIST COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. Ibbukd Evkby Friday Morning By DAVID DAVIS, Editor and I'ioi'R!rtv)R, BDPSCRIPTIOM PRICK: One copy one year, In advance. . . . .'fl.00 Six months 50 lhe Paint Injure Tree? It hag tarn thought Hint n atmllca. tion of oil paint to the bark of the trunk of n fruit t nut will lulu.. It. a Inui a... I JCntoreJ at the Ptwtoffire at M. H lena, nimy ,.H11S0 it8 jtj,, UntH Kwntv Oregon, aa wound-clana mail matter. . w ittv nev,,r mm tllj, questioned", '' 1 1 ' " ! Robert W. Furnas, of Nebraska, an enthusiastic fruit grower of reliance, writes to the Country Gentleman as follows : "Sometwelve'or fourteen veara since rabbits gnawed apple trees iu my nursery rows namy. To induce raptl and sound healing, I bad painted with common lead and oil paint all the trees where injured. The result wm to my perfect satisfaction. The wounds were not only painted over, but to prevent further rabbit depredations, the bodies oi ireca were painted from the ground i feet up. Two years afterwards hit son called attention to the Rtinrrioritv of the trees planted over those standing side by side not painted. Thev were more vigorous and showed a better growth. Since then I have painted all my young orchard treea, for two pur posesto prevent rabbit injury and to stimulate in growth and health. I not understand that I paint as I would woodwork only a slight coating, enough barely to cover the bark. "For many rears when Dranlnir trees. fruit, lawn or street, I have painted heavily and thorutrhtv over the wounds of all limbs, large or small, with ordinary cheap lead and oil paint. I have found nothing to produce such rapid and satis factory healing where cut. I can show where oak limbs four inches iu diameter, thus treated, have healed over entirely in eight vears. "I formerly used, to Daint tree wounds with, gum shellac dissolved in alcohol. That is too exnensive. snd does not serve the purnogo desire 1 It cracks and falls off, leaving wounds bare. Do not fear to use oil iiaint on trees.- .xcnauge. Representative.... Jung Clern Sheriff Treasurer Sunt, of Schools... Assessor 8urvcyor Coroner.. Commissioner! " ' COUNTY OFFICERS. .Norman Merrill. Clatskanle ....Joseph B Doau, Katuier . J. O. Waus, Helens K. a Hatian. Si. Helens K. Koss. st nolens .....I. H. Cotwlaml, Hntillou ....Martin While. Sr. Helens A. B. l.illlc. Iloulion ..Dr. H. K Cliff. St- .Helens . , ,.,r A. Krakes. tk-aiipo jae W. D. Can, Pittsburg COUNTY KXPKN8K8. nitla Audited ana Paid at Ilia Jan nary Term or Court. K Cox, j p fees state va l"artenen fi fH J II Uodfiev, constable 21 15 I, B Hons, juror. . , Knoeh Meeker, same , . . J Winters C J Illttck. same K H Mitchell, same. M Pierter, same , , Jas Miller, witness Kd Davey, same , Klavia MvUuire, witness state vs Stewart , J N Kice, same Mra Ulliich, same .... laisy Lillsch. same Marion Lillacii, same R A Lillach, tutniu. Mrt M Curlnon. same C N Uable, juror, state vs Lane., . win Melliiim-r. tame John Sctiiuitke, same 1 IK) 1 IK) I 00 1 IX) I 00 1 00 8 SO 0 10 I'ern Grewell, witness Oct term. . R Cox, jury list Union mvcinct. . Wash Muckle, same David l.hivis. same . . J K Hull, burial of Mrs Jokela. . . II K Cliff, coroner unknown iuan W J Stacy, burial same l'atch A l'lue. lumber C A Girt.. John Smith II 00 t 00 8 20 8 20 8 20 8 8 20 0 00 3 00 2 00 8 00 . 8 00 1 60 1 60 20 88 8 00 5 00 8 00 2 50 2 50 5 00 25 72 11 00 1 15 20 00 20 00 30 00 JANUARY 18, 1901. Tug Oregon legislature has met and organized by electing Hon. Chas, W. Fulton, of Clatsop County, president of the senate, and Representative Reeder, of Umatilla County, speaker of the house. There is much needed legisla tion that should be attended to, but the senatorial fight, of course, is first in con sideration in the minds of most of the legislators. The first joint ballot for enator will occur at 12 o'clock next Tuesday. Hoard's Daisyman, a most reliable authority, publishes an article advo cating cheese as a substitute for meat, and tries to show that if cooks gave more attention to cheese for their pre pared dishes, they could produce with it the equivalent, if not the superior, of meat dishea in both nutritive and ap petizing qualities, and to the great ad vantage of cheese in cost. The same article farther states that "cheese is used too young, half the time before it has developed a cheese taste, and while it is tough and indigestible." At the coming session of the Legis lature, the lumbermen of Washington will have introduced a bill to reduce the taxes on logged -off land, placing the rate so low that it will be possible for owners to hold this class of ground either for a second gfbwtb or any other purpose that may be desired. This is one of the outcomes of the work of the department of forestry in that state during the past two years. At first lumbermen were not much interested in the measure, but now they will work for the passage of the bill in earnest. Wc are gratified to know that the etate press generally are taking up the question of reviving the State Board of Equalization and are practically a unit in favor of it. Several exchanges have wade a good point in stating that the board need not meet oftener than once in two or three years and then only for a short time. The expense of such a board to the state would be but nominal and would bold in check the slashing ana cutting of assessments that working an irreparable injury to the etate. There should be no delay in the matter. The state is ready for the an- pointment of a new board and it should be done at this session. Scio News. Spread lug- Manure In Winter. An early and heavy snowfall, while tending to disminish natural losses of plant food, is apt to favor artificial losses by deterring farmers from hauling out manure. Too many farmers hold to the mistaken notion that spreading manure upon the snow is a wasteful practice, and that much of its value is lost by leaching and running over the surface in the spring. They point to darkened snows, high-colored waters and greener meadows at the base of the hillsides as proof of this. Some loss occurs in this way, but it is less than is commonly supposd. The loss from manure as ordinarily kept in barn cellars or in heaps outside the barn is much more than when spread in the field. Fermentation is mucli less outdoors than indoors. It is better for the manure to leach on the soil that is meant to fertilize than In proximity to the nam and family well. Experiment and experience alike show that housing manure in winter for spring hauling is seldom better and generally worse than spreading it as fast as made'. Some will be lost if spread, but more will be lost if kept in the liarn, and the spring s work will be just so much hindered. While it may not be advis- aoie to spread manure on a steep hill side in winter, yet on moderate elopes aim level places, u not too lescnv land it may be safely spread any day in the j ear. 123,000 j people are killed every year la thli country by CONSUMPTION. Th t'ault is theirs. No one need havt consumption. , It is not hereditary, It U brought on by neglect, You have js, slight cold and cough. You do nothing to get rid of it, - Shiloh's Consumption Cure win cure a cougo or cold In one night. "ShlloVs Is aa nflliiif can fee couch. iwioies. ii win cure co Sumption. It is raiaaraabu) rmd." A. K. SaLTKR, M. 1 , iiufeiu, N. Y. milloh'a Consumption Our la sold by all mm ne, owe, a)l.v m Dotllo. BT to your druggist vrtui-u srnantutoo . , , bold. si rou mm ssiuu.d sro i stud your suuBoy shs, w tits for Illustrated rook on coatuiapiioa. Sam wi.nuat con u juu. a. v. wsua a Co., LsKoy, N V III Wile Saved II ins. My wife's good advice saved mv life wrnesr.M. koss. or Winlteld. Tenn for I had such a bad rough I could hardly breathe. 1 steadilv irrew worse under doctor's treatment, but my wife unrrni mo to use ir. king a (New Dis covery lor consumption which com pletely cured me." Coughs. Colds. ironcmtis. Lduriune. fneumon a. Hav Fever. Asthma, and all maladies of Chest, Throat, and Lungs are positively curtxi uv una marvelous medicine. 60c. and 91.00. Kvery bottle guaran teed. Trial bottle free at the St. Hel ens rnarniaev. Prominent Chicago Woman Speaks. Prof. Boxa Tyler, of Chicago, Viee- Prpaiifont llliunia Waiiid,,'. All.... i speaking of Chamberlain's Cough Kem- ei.v. Bays: "i su tiered with a severe cold this winter which threatened to run into pneumonia. I tried different rem edies but I seemed to grow worse and the medicine upset niy stomach. A friend advised me to try Chaniberlain'a Cough Remedy and I found it was pleas ant to take and it relieved me at once, I am now entirely recovered, saved a doctor's bill, time and Buffering, and I will never be with out this splendid medicine again.!' For sale at the 8t. Helena I'hariuacy. OABTOXIZA. I Bsantbs yTM Kind Ym Hw Hlwiw fagM Btgaatais of PROFESSIONAL. Agricultural Notes. Pruning. Examine treea rorenilv planted, and if the wood is not nlnmn prune them closely, as shriveline. nm. i.: r; . 1 r uuuuia sue roots unaoie to supply much top. willows and larches are better net in the fall, as they pnsh into leaf so quickly in the spring. To be successful in spring, set them very early, just as soon as frost goes. House Plants and insects. If house plants are started free of insects they are rarely much trouble with them in winter, Dut vigilance must be exercised to keep them clean, as well-doing is b J ucjrouuciifc uii una. Blackberries and raspberries grow from shoots formed just below ground. When transplanti ng them the mistake of setting .-" "wet iJiwjhicaiiv Killing inem, is not uncommon. The roots should be out just below the surface. South CakousU is the only state in the nuion, we are told, which has no divorce law, and the people are very .proud of the fact. There is a clause in the constitution forever refusing the rupture of marriage ties by the courts. When people in South Carolina get ruaried they do so with the full knowl edge that it is a life-long contract, and the tie is indissoluble. The knowledge of this fact, however, necessarily makes people more careful how they take upon themselves the vows of matrimony, snd so far aa the State of South Carolina is concerned, it appears that the law has been eminently successful. There may oe under this law some cases of hard ship, but there are such cases under almost every good law. Transplanting Evergreens. Many common evergreens can be transplanted rum me wooas witn ordinary care if urn. uiu u h size rje fatten. A mn are I of ,hree feet, with good roots, will oe more satisfactory than a six-foot one. j,ariy spring is a good time for it Setting Out Trees. Fall is an excel lent time for the setting out tmu Those who cannot plant them should do the work the very first thing in spring, su ins trees may well settled in ttieir new positions before weather sets in. growing COLUMBIA COUNTY EXPENSES. Amounts Paid Out In lOOO and for What Purposes. The following table shows th amnn and for what warrants were issued in Columbia Countv during the past year: Koad hind $ 4,171 5a raid to paupers 1 sou m Circuit court 507 70 441 44 380 20 S Rich 2 00 A P MclAren Wm F rimer, board of prisoners.. E Hlakeslev. tame Ir 11 McKay, med for prisoners. J B Wright, care Mrs M Lane. . . W J Diets, support of Jordan. . . . H Larsen, support of I lend lev . . St Marvs hospital, board of Batson 42 70 Mrs u tiaker, board Mrs East- lick.. 20 00 Bertha Hansen, support children 16 00 Mra E VanBlancoui, same 10 00 C F Huzcn, wood for I a be. lie. ... 1 60 N X Perry, supplies for Isabelle. . 10 4 N A Perry, supplies for Mrs Dayis 10 00 WOBK ON NKUALsUS BRIDGES. Lester Mow 27 19 J S Mow 62 10 Wm Wood e 94 A .Baker 19 20 U M Beeghley g 00 u uustalson 18 70 ft stieeley 2:t 2R Joon Edholm.. .. 0 'M V V Palmer 9 20 Louis Siegert SS va jolin W Parker IS fill H Christiansen 29 00 cnas Aiaimsten :i mi Tell Soule 24 94 Unas Mellmger 3 19 wm M Wilson 23 0 A cuimons , 3 00 i ritzgerald 3 19 . u bnannahan 54 00 w w Allen 12 00 H Anderson 15 76 F A Zilgitt 4 26 W O Wilson 16 13 John Iloueyman, iron 44 00 LABOR ON ROADS, J JL. Walker, district 3 12 96 John Lainberson 1890 Clay Clark 28 38 U W Clark 8 00 is 38 Dell Walker 19 62 TBLott 14 68 James Braddock , 9 18 G A Emerson 28 26 a uarrison 18 36 u bchuntt, district 4 7 20 Cook Gamble 8 28 C Hall, district 6 1 80 S M Kice 4 no w jk Kice 1 an Carl Williams, district 9 900 wilDur t avne Frank Williams L Leonard, district 10 ME Page Thos Boyle, district 11 J narvey, district 13 MISCELLANEOUS A H Tarbell. lumber for r d 2 45 60 a u Howard, same for r d 3 7 11 Dart & Muckle. tooia for r A 3 in oil Collins A Gray 75 A King 4 00 l, uiarx, lumber for r d 5 6 48 A ij Kicnardson, same for r d 6. . . 20 73 Wm Low man, same for rd 7 15 00 Meserve Bros, same for r d 8 23 70 Nordby & Flippin, raiue for r d io 16 63 H Kratz. anikps far rH in s nn Thos Boyle, lumber for rd 4 00 j u nans, snpervisor rd3 60 00 F L Clark, same, r d 5.'. 18 00 K S Payne, same, r d 9 20 00 r. u rjliott. same lorrd 10 19 no jonn noxier, same for r d 12 19 00 u u Wilson, same for r d 13 11 00 jas Aaams, same, r d 14 16 00 K H Mitchell. Drintimr. ati a nn ei . T " vriius a. i-ruunomme, Dookl, etc. . 43 87 u uavis. same C H Crocker & Co, same H C Lainberson, hall for election Frank Merrill, same J Hendnckson, same W H Powell, telephone ftprvinA J Hall. Dattine wood in ennrt h CW Wallace, repairing typewriter 10 00 M Pierters. sawinir wood K no Collins A (irAV. annnlio., swn h n rut m wZ'f.'J - .. 1 60 rnysician ana surgeon. al Aa Kll I " .Svv,i;, HO A 1) WAItnANTM. Drafts in the Amount of 911110)13 Issued on Kuad Kund. At the January session of tho county court roud warrant were Issued for the respective amount to the following limned persons in payment for services rendered on tne county roaus; MHIRU'TUN. Ueorae Grant 124 12 HlKTHK-r TIIIIKK. J. U. Plank 48 George Ciua WW John I.amberson 6 76 IMSTKIlT riva. W. K. Clark 87 00 L1111I Wasser , v 1! 00 75 7 60 3 i0 J. M. McNaitghlon Julian asser , F. A. Hn-cher.". .... U.A.Clark , PIKTKICT SIX. (leorge Carrigiin 8 00 DISTRICT SKVEM, W, M. Lowman DISTKIOT stlUUT. G. W. Kichnrdon U. Hall J. McDonald K. 8. I'ayno DltiTHtl'T TKM, L. B. Elliott..... C.W.Jones llenrv IvrnU Johntteihlick A. M. lw , C. E. Kice If. Stubbs T.J. Flippin U. 11 fO . SO Ui . 5 91 . 8 06 . 7 67 . S 60 . 22 50 . 6 47 . 11 34 . 16 20 . 13 00 , (X) . 7 65 liolsvert 27 00 DISTRICT ELEVEN. H. Ettenger 12 60 II. Kelley 1 80 DISTRICT THIRTEEN. J, A. Aldridge 2 00 O.S.Lyon 6 25 N. D. Peterson 2 26 A. Gisaellierg 13 50 II.N.I.ind 2 25 A. W. Johnson 2 25 F.Peterson.... 2 l6 A. Johnson , 3 7.i Frank Turner 22 75 DISTRICT rot'RTKEK. Joseph Reed n. fverin P.Ballard John Roberta John Parker fc. Enckson. Peter Bergerson VIM!."! Wt' TUfiSS.,,. Lfci..,., ...... 1 Tbe Kind Ton Hare Alwayi Bonffht, mad which lu bom In nro fbr over 30 yor, hM bora th llirnatnr A nd baa boon nuvde ondnr hit per. jT U&ff-fcr ol,Rl npnr-,,,0,- - t Inftutny, wfA tccAi AUovrnoonetotjeolTt)youlaUil, All Couutorfolto, ImltAtloni and Jut--gxK)d" ra but ExKerliuent that trlilo with Mid endaiig-cr tho bealth of InfluiU and ChUdiru Exprleuo5 ugaluat ExperinMut, What is CASTORIA Cnatorin linrmloaa substitute for dtator Oil, Par, fforlc, Drops mid Muothlmr Synipa. It U rinMumt. I oontitlna neither Opium, Alorpblno nor otlinr Marcotla aubsMnioo. IM airo la its truarautee. It deatroys Worm mid allays FeyprlHliiiessi. It cums Dlnrrhooi. aud Wind Colic It relieves Teetlilnir Troubles, cures Coustlpatlua and Flatulency. It aaaiiullates the Food, regulates the Stomach and llowela, giving healthy and natural sleep, Tho Children's l'luiacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears tho Signature of I S 60 I 80 1 60 The KM You Haye Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. M .... I 1 80 3 76 Last year was another of splendid ben efactions to the schools and colleges of the United States. The total given for this purpose in 1900 is stated to be near ly 135,000,000. To this amount may properly be added the $.,000,000 con tributed for public libraries and mus eums, the objects of which are educa tional. No gift of the year exceeded the 11,000,000 bestowed upon Washington I Soldiers and sailors Justice of peace court Courthouse and tail renaira. . r-nuung ana stationery 1,111 22 2,506 48 2,174 98 142 80 605 81 359 00 16 26 12 00 14 40 4 45 18 00 6 76 S. H. GRUBER, ATTORNEY- AT- Ll JF. omw with t. E. Quirk, 8T. HELENS, : : OKKdON. Will rive brst personal attention tu all laml matters minuted to me. Will iirai'tlca in ail the Slate and United Slates Courts. W. H. POWELL, ATTORNEY -ATr Li W. MPCTV MBTBICT ATTOBNIY. ST. HELENS, : : OKKUO.V. B. P. Okabav. T. J. Cliitow. Attorneys-at-Law. a5Marqiiain Building, Portland Ore-gun. Columbia Countv btuiness will Has world-wide fame for marvelous cures. It surpasses any other salve, lo tions, ointment or balm for Cuts, Corns, iitirns, nous. Mores. ons. Ulcers. Tet ter, 8alt Kheum, Fever Horcs, Chapped Hands, Skin Eruptions; Infallible for l'ilos. Cure guaranteed. Only 26c at th 8t. Helens l'harinacy. OABTOniA. Bearttks Jj ' "W IW Haw Ahwn BOtgM Blgutsrs sf How About Your Title? 1 1 a MR Y( OI! HI'HK U la all riant? Hmmlr that II Is tha OKI" lli st coerns. It la our IhuIiims lu uan-h n.. nls and slinw arhal thav romaln Im mI.ii... ,.. ntviniisii! iiujina iwu or waning oa rral uir SMiiirltv, lain nu man's "t, but !tilt umn huimina what the m-onl h.iw. rntarilliii th tltla. Aa Alxtranl Isuaaarattsl aa a lrxt. Itul.l on hHn it. H. (tare lh only sal ol aiwrtKH in thvrtiuiKir. All work urouiiilrraooutr.1 and sailslaoiio uaraiitwl. II y.ii hM .iurt i.i tnsuie ilvr m . rail Ms an aaruu lor Ilia M rtrr lii.iitat eonipanle. la the oorld. It sou hare prupatt) lor aals list It with us ami will Sad buxer. i. W. DAY W. B. U.'LLARD DILLAKD & DAY, ATTORN E YS-AT-JL1 OIBre next door to Courthouse. 8T. HELENS. OKEUON. General inxtou. A records. practice In court of Oregon or Wash ibatracta mad directly from count) Dr. Edwin Ross, Physician and Surgeon ST. HELENS, OREGON. 67 00 23 60 I 2 KOI s Phy8ician and Surgeon. 1 70 3 00 Dr. H. K. Cliff, ST. HELENS, OREGON. Dr.J.E.Hall, Clerk hire fheriffs..- Surrveyor School Superintendent Commissioners County Judge 696 68 Supervisors 2,086 69 Insane 2i 05 lary 928 25 Treasurer 64t m Assessor i js tk Reporter 254 90 lazes paia by county Bounty. Rebate of tazea Fees refunded Bailiff Election 2,347 15 3 15 85 05 10 00 .141 00 43H 80 university, in St. Louts, bv Robert fl Brooking-j and Samuel Cupples. No other established college received aa much. The total of the University of Chicago was 2,672,000 and of Clark University 2,350,000. Harvard's aggre gate was $710,500, Yale's $1,341,912, Brown's $1,000,000 and Colombia's $492, 000. Last year's total of gifts and be quest to all public objects was $62,461 ,304, never equaled except during last year, whose footings we re $79,749,950. The total of such gifts in this country for even years is $282,389,762, an average over I40,uoo,000 a year, a record never before approaohed in the history of the world. Board of prisoners..... 119 43 iPBcuers- examinations ,. 57 00 45 00 2,565 88 Roads, bridges, general fund '. is insanitv. uitn to nn.. b.uuiiiK ui cigarettes, tie was a cigarette bend," the usual result of brain degen eracy followed, and this led to murder Mr. Bryan's candidacy will be worth a flood deal to his new journalistic venture, or tt is supposed the "Commoner" will be a "journal" rather then a newspaper; he will have the benefit of more free ad- m".n wt? troubled with weak digestion, r-lch. been n,"'; VFJSPi "1, tom:b, or feel dull after ought not to be begdged Tthi incidental LlwM Jiefp in a legitimate bunines, venture. I pies frl it f he sClMeZ vtermZS'. $26,029 47 UTade YantiK AaaiH. "One of Dr. King's New Life Pills each night for two weeks has put me in mv teens' again" writes U. 11. Turner of u empseytown, ra. Xhev're the best in the world for Liver, Stomach and Uowels. Purely vegetable. Never gripe. Only 25c at the St Helens Phar macy. Mark Twain aava ho fnnnrl u;rr,.... different religions sects in South Aus tarlia life. The people there must be nearly as highly civilissod as we are. A boy scarcely 15 vears old is on tria White Plains, N. Y. for the inurdei man near that place a defense in of a M Watts, copying assessment rrill' M White, assessor ion mi yj w Biaaesiev. llenutv aaaoaanr 1x1 rut ?,? Hattan, postage ' 30 00 .1 G Watts, same , , , 10 00 cj ivoss, same 5 I H Copeland, same ', . . . , . 310 A B Little, surveyor 15 00 W 1) Case, commissioner 69 20 r n r raxes, same 21 00 fit H L & W Co, water rent , , . 8 00 a ii ueriBiow, J Uucher post, for n earica: on mi E Kistner, nails for r d 6 5 JllBOBB ADJOUBNKD TBM CIRCUIT COUBT. I Stiencer 9 20 n nesseman 9 'Ztj ij n vanDvae u on b i sciioonover g go A King a evt 4 00 W K Tichenor n iu L Meeker ," , 4 4 1. larneu 5 no Jesse ilpndricks, jr 4 00 j 01 niacKloru 20 Ole Bohman 6 40 CLATSKANIE, OREGON. Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG Leaves Portland on Tssdar , Thursday and Bot ardajr at 7 a. m. lor St. Hfn$, Kalama. Carrtir Point, Halnitr ana miio, Arriving at Portland Monday, Wed nesday and Friday at i p. 111. Wharf foot of Salmon St H. HOLMAK. Asent. Steamer G. W. SHAVER. J. C. Sherman, the veteran editor of tno Vermonlville (Mich.) Echo, has di wverru me reniarsauie secret 01 keeping uiu rum young. Dr vears lie lias avoided Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Indi gestion, ncari trouoie, i;onrtipatlon and Rheumatism, bv usinir Klis-irin Hitter. and he writes: "It can't lie nraised too highly. It gentlv stimulates the kid neys, tones the stomach, aids di citation and gives a splendid appetite. It has worked wonders for mv wife ami mn It's a marvelous remedy for old neoi.ln'a i-umuiainis. uniy doc. at tne t. Hel ena Pharmacy. OABTOniA. Baaista 11 Had Yw Haw Almri Boaga Blfoaiar of ASTORIA & COLUMBIA RIYER all RAILROAD COMPANY. BIADDOWM Sal. on DAILY. 24 r M P. a. 2 SI) t A :SS s w 8:47j S 20 4:03 S 8S 4:07 S 44 4:11 g m 4:22! S W 4:S2 9 OS 1 11 V IV 4:57! S 87 6 17 ; 10 00 i as io os 6:3H 10 20 23 STATlona DAILY. a. a. S 00 I .0! 9 04 !3t).4 IS 4lt.8l 36 :M.5j 9 40 M.9 M .VJ j! 10 00 M 2 , 10 10 66.4 10 21 ,71.2 10 ta :7H 7 11 02 'HO 6 t 10 90.S II 22 9.1.4 yo io ao in ao;i s is. Lv Portland AriU 10 , Gobi. ...Kalnler ... ..Pyramid... . Mavxer ... ...Uulnry ... , . Claukatlla.. . Marshland.. . Wrstport.,., ...lUlfton....' ...Knappa.... .. Hvanaon.... ..John liay.. ,i ,r. Astoria .Lvl 10 OA S W t U so 20 9 12 9 02 S 62 S 97 S 17 S 07 7 M 74S JfaVa $trt$t E. . QUICK & CO., IT. HUtHS. ontooH EE The Weekly OregonianjHg wk ns " year as CONTAINS All the nrw well written. Article describing Western scon and incidents. ritorirsof love and adventure by wall known authors. Brilliant illustration by newspaper artists Iiitrretiiit sketches and literature for bora and girls. Fashion articles and Illustrations for women. OUR CLUBBING OFFER We have perfected arrangements whereby we are enabled to fur nish The Weekly Orripmian in conmwtion with Tua Mist for only Two Dollars. The price of The OroKonlan atone is U.60. THE OREGON MIST : cUiiUiUiUiUiiiiUiUiUiUiUiii iiiiUiUiUiUiUiUiUiUiUiUiiil r. a. 9 40 ' "- l ...WHEN IN NEED i m S : 7 2S 1 17 702 6 42 20 s io I All train! maka tIimm n.,i..n. - ....i. S . racinc trains to and from the East and Sound OOllltS. At PnnlmnA l.k .11 ,cviiih union aepoi. Al Astoria with 1. K. at N. Co. a boat and rail Una in .nrf f...m n u.iu. 1' .... L. I. t i . - " r-assensers for Astoria or war ti ...... a.. trains at Houlton. Trains will ship to let paZ saniters off at iloulion when coming Irom oolnta weatofuoble. J. u. mmy: .. i-aaa. a su. Astoria, Or OF MEDICINE... 4 i i i : -OO TO TH flLATSKANIE - 0. R. A N. CO. DRUQ STORE Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Etc OH. J. I. MALL, froprittt CLATSKANIE, - OREGON. IW ay aua ay ay ay ay aynay Dsn ar Chleatro- I'ortlaod Htiec a 9 IS a. to. Atlantic Kitiresa 9:00 p. m. COLUMBIA COUNTY'S WEALTH. Taxable Valuation of Property fur mc icsr Atftru. The wealth of Cnlumbia fVinntv v.iujiiK m nic ui-sesmneui roll lor lUOU I... I . L. ... -m u nu juiii ueen written up, is as toi tows: Tillable lands $ 171,905 nun intitule lanus. , 842 700 Improvements . Wii7s Town and city lots 3'lfi5 improvements 42 725 Railroad bed , 10ooob Itiiproveitients on lands a sun Telegraph 9'245 1 J?t"l p"'n1. 'oot of Washington street, for UatKkanle snd wajr lanillntrs, on Mondiir aud Thursday at 4 30 a. m. Leave Clatskauie Tueaday and Friday at 4 o'clock am, Shaver Tiansportation Co. uoiiitiK stock ; 27)025 There is no doubt as to the fact, but the' Merchandixe Farm implements. Money Notes and accounts Stocks Household goods. . , Horses and mules. . Cattle Sheep Goats Swine Total 19,240 5,26 400 17,16 1.160 22,107 21,700 40,449 1,681 1 1211 1,628! .$1,580,626 Exemptions 103,278 value 01 assessable property $1,477,860 P"Br W V VWW V ay ana-as KaJsfcrfWaTW sffc stw aflr snV sfst arw afk j -STEAMER"" uAmerica,, r i jf I'OB PORTLAND, DAILY. M H H M M H Wfllamctt Slongh Ronte i Ltave 8t. Helens. ... 6:30 AM Arrive at l'ortland. .10:30 A M Leave Portland ..... 2:30 PM Arrive at 8t. Helens. 6.-00 P M FARE 85 CENT. Will Carry Nothlne but Passeti gers and Kant Freight. JAM KM GOOD, matter. H H M Spokane Hirer OOp. m Time SCHEDULES Malt take, Denrer, Pt. nonn, umana.Kan. sa City, Mt. Umi, cincago and East. Bait Lake, Denver, Ft wortli. Omaha. Kan sas t;tty, at. I111I1 Chicago aud Kat. Sp. m. rtVvvvvvvjv3( Dal'lr Kx.Hunday p. ni. Hatitrday 10 p. m. 6 a. m. Ex. Sunday 7 s. m. Titea.Tliur. and Hat. Sa. m. Tuea. Thur. and Sal. Walla Walla. Lewis- ton, Hpokane, Minn eitnolfs. Kt. I'aul Kuluth, Milwaukee, intcago sad Ksst. Ocean Stsamshlps. All sailinit date sub- jei-i to rhaiiK. For Han FrannlM:n Hall every Av days. Columbia River To Astoria and Way. aiiuiuKS. Wlllam.tta Rlv.r. Orea-on City, Newher. Bulein A Way-land gs Wlllamart. and Vam- hill Oregon city, Dayton, suit Way-landings. Wlllairwtt River. Portland to Corvallls ana way-landings. t.v. Kltiaria S:3Aa. m. dally . nak Rlvar. Blparla to Lewlatou. Aaatva mmmmmfflnfitfwnrrfflnrnrnfiffmflfmiiffflmwii I THE NEW YORK STORE I 4 p. ra. 7:00 a.m. :40s. IB IB IS OFFERING GREAT BARGAINS IN Clothing i p.m. Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Etc. EE. SIOEGUS, Cooper Building, Main Stroet, St. Helens. Orccoii. 4 D. m Kx.Hurnly WHITE COLLAR LINE 4:80 o. m. Kx.Hunday I sop. m. 1011. wen, ana rrt. 4:90 D. m. Hon. Wed. and Frt. W. H. HURLBERT, General Fasaenaer Aa-ent. THB COLUMBIA RIVKK AND PU0KT SOUND . CTAV1UATION CO. PORTLAND-ASTORIA ROUTE. Steamer Hercules lo place of Bailey Gatzert . ... 'nain riiiephone dock. Astoria Brinn Brothers CAFE ST. HELENS, . - . OREGON. NEW PLACE. II too want something good In II llnsol wulsky try 8HAW8 MALT Only Ih bsrt ol Lfanors and Cinars Kept in Stock OPiN FROM 6 A.M. TO I PORTLAND OREGON i-Ai.JtZ ta O'OLOOK MIDNIGHT. frVw1