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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1900)
LIKE TOY OTHERS Clara ttopp M'ratr for Hn Plait ham's Ac vtcti aad Tail what It did (ur Urn. " Daa. Mfts. : I hate ac-cu SO many letter from Indict who were cured by Lydia E. Plnkhnro's remedies that I thought I would aak youraiivioa In regard to my condition. I have been doctoring lor four years and have taken different pat received very Httta J benefit. I a in , I troubled with back twite, in fact my note oooy acnes, atomach frela wire, by spells get short of breath and am 1 very nervous. Men' atruatlon la very ir regular with severe bearing down pains. , cramps and back ache. I bone to hear from yon at once." Clara Korr, Rock port. Ind., Sept. 87, 1898. . "I think it 1 my duty to write a letter to you in regard to what I.ydia K. Pinkhatn's Vegetable Compound did for me. I wrote yon some time ago, describing ray symptoms and asking your advice, which yon very kindly gave. I aut now healthy and cannot begin to praise your remedy enough. I would say to all suffering women, Take Mrs. Pinkham's advice, for a wo man best understands a woman's suf ferings, and Mrs. Pinkham, from her vast experience in treating female ilia. can give you advioe that yon can get from no other source. ' Cuaba Korr. Rockport, Ind., April 13, 1809. afalaa Hill. The anion and confederate troops en gaged in a severe battle on this hill on July 1. 1862, resulting in the defeat ol the confederates. The hill is located shout 11 miles from Richmond, Va. and one mile from the James river. Try Alloa's Faat Kmc, A powder to be shaken into the shoes. At this season vour feet feel swollen, nervous snd hot. and get tired easily. I you have smarting feel or ti;ut slnies, try Allen's Vont-Kaae. It cools the feet and makes walking easy. Cures ingrowing nails, swtioieii and sweating feet, blisters and callous soots, lielieves corns and bunions of all pain and gives rest and comfort. We have 30,000 testimonials, try It totla. Hold bv ail driiKKiMs and shoe dealers for 25c. trial iscke F K EE. Address Allen 8. Olnistead, LeKoy, N. Y. Mat lavolnntry. Mrs. Brown Did everybody In yonr society have to con tribute to that fundi Mrs. Ma la prop O! no, it was made op altogether of vulnerable contribu tions. HOW'S TrJIST V effer One Hnnf'.rc-d Dollars Reward for any ease of Catarrh that eaa not o. cured by UaU'a Catarrh Core. , F.J. CEtENEY A CO., Props., Toledo, O. We the underlined, have known F.J. Cheney for the past 15 veara. and believe him perleetly honorable in all busin as transactions and fin anciall - able to carry outanyobUgationsaia I bj tueir in. West A Tatrax, V holesalo Drturiitl, Toledo. 9. Walbino, Kisxia A Manvia, V. noluale Drug ist, Toledo, O. HalVsCatarrh Cure is tr ken .nt :rnally . acting f.i-eciljr on the blood and m. coos surfaces oi thesyiuio. fr! :e ;ic per bo Us. fio-d by si. Arxtg-t Ists. Testimonials free. Halls family J?uls r- li best. A little salt added to an es:g cools it, and the egg consequently beats into froth more quickly. HOITT'9 SCHOOL. Jleiilo Park. Sun Mateo County, Cal.. with its new buildings, newly furnished and complete laboratories, beautiful sur roundings and home influences, is one ol the best equipped schools tor the training ofttoysami young men on the coatt. It is in charge of Dr. lint). Hoiu and iaac cretlitert at the universities. r-piiil for cat alog. Tenth year begins August 6, 1M0O. lie I believe I'll go to church with you ttiif morning, Clara. Sue Indeed you won't; you've got yonr new suit, and mine hasn't come home yet. Porcupine "I'm little, bnt if yon think yon can ait on me, you'd better try. If you would muka time fly, give your note payable in 90days. Swamp Angel. Duriuj the defense of Charleston, S. C, in the war of the rebellion, the un ion forces erected a rampart upon piles driven into the deep mod of the swampy land surrounding the fortification, and upon the rampart placed a hage piece of ordnance, which was used with good effect in the attack opon Fort Wagner. The ordnance received the name Hnump Angel from its peculiar location. Beliefs grow in action, bat doubts in idleness. A young man who declines to be In dustrious, because bis father had been induHtrious enough to accumulate a fortune, condemns himself by such a course to perpetual babyhood. When a girl is trying to have things really artistic and stylish her mother generally brings in some horrid old brown teapot which the girl wouldn't have come on the table at any price. Jf you want people to think your are smart don't compel them to hint a seo ond time for favors they want yoo to show them. "my wire haa pimples an barfaee. out she has 'oeen taking CASOAKKTS and they have all disappeared. I had been troubles with constipation tor some tuna, but attar tak ing the tlrst Cascaret I bare had so trouble with ibis aliment. We cannot speak toe bias y of Cascareu." Fasu WsaTslaX, 70s Ueruuntowa Ave., PhiuwUlphla. Fa Pleasant. Palatable, foteat. Tssta Good. D4 flood, fts? .r Siot.a. Weaken, or O ripe. Ms. she, las. .;. CURE COHSTIPATION. ... Urttaf S 4r ter. CMa-a. M-atfval, S SM MTft PIP atld and siir.rsataM r all drag. r J. V A 5Sv J PEOPLES jYFYS candy if J CATHARTIC jasa TJOOft soi X dn8 Sn2-atl f MINES AND MINING A .rloaa. Ara No Satl.fl.rt With tlte Alaaka-Canaalaa Sarey-Loaa Oood Territory. Bkaawav. Alaska. July 80. Tba Work of delimiting the provisional boundary in the disputed Alaaka-Caua dian territory having been completed in that part crossing the Dal ton trail and touching the Porcupine district, the Americana In the district find that thev have lost large part of what they believed was rightfully American territory. The survey has been run and the monuments set within the last few weeks by O. H. Tittman, of Washington. D. C. and W. F. King, of Ottawa, and assistants, who have simply followed instructions as set forth in the modus vivendi agreed to proviaionally some months ago by 8eo reUry Hay. on the part of the United States, aud the liritiah representatives, after the adjournment of the joint high oommismon. The survey and demarkation of the line leaves nearly one-half of the Por cupine gold mines in the British terri tory, and it has been the general opin ion for a long time that the mines -m fact, the entire Porcunine district - was on the American side. Much of the Dalton toll road leading to Porcu pine city now lies within Canadian ter ritory also; that is, is on the Canadian side of the iron monuments set on the provisional lite. The American miners in the rormv pine having watched the development of the work of delimiting and marking the boundary, were bo aroused over the result of so much mining district being left on the Kritsb side that they were not Ion if in addressing a protest to President McKinley. Copies of the protest have been sent to the chambers of commerce of Seattle, Skagway, San Francisco and Portland, with a request for co-operation. The commission will be in the vlciu ity at Skagway a month, delimiting the provisional line on white 1 ass ana Chilkoot Pass. The Porcupine placer mines, it it estimated, will yield f -'50,-000 this year. Work of sluicing, by dranlicking and other kinds of mining is carried on in the district. i I later Mine Kxcltemeat. Jnneaa has a full fledged placer mine excitement, according to advices brought from the north by the steamer Rosalie. When the vessel sailed from the north July 18, a stampede was on to a new placer diggings on Glacier bay. about 150 miles distant. Some doubt existed as to the placers really being new discoveries. Not a few believe them to be the diggings found and oper ated many yean ago by the Russians. In any event the finds are moat promis ing. It is claimed for them that an experienced miner can make consider ably more than wages. Fplly 200 peo ple, it is estimated, bad gone from Ju neau alone to the scene of the new dis coveries. The bars in the mouth ol Glacier bay all are said to contain gold. Advleea From Noma. Advices from Nome received by the Alaska Commercial Company at Sau Fiancisco state that up to July 10 there had been 19 cases of smallpox in the camp, only one being reported ainct July S. St. Michael has established a strict quarantine against Nome. According to the records of the cus tom-bouse, 114 vessels have entered Nome and 13,437 passengers hare land ed, not including those who cam 3 down the Yukon river, nor those who Ian. led from vessels which did not report to the customs officers. It is estimated that from 6,000 to 10,000 persona will winter at Nome. Idle Mines Picking I'p. The Phoenix mine in Grrenn-ood Gulcb, one-half mile above the Golden Eagle, and opposite the Don Juan, near Suinpter, Or., is being operated by C. N. Chatham and William Sunders, who have a two years' lease from the own ers, C. M. Berry, D. L. Choate, L. M. Earnett and C. M. Collier. The 'nine has been idle for nearly fonr years, and the 6-stamp mill and concentrator put in by O. fi. Hardy are a wreck. The mill was run only a short time, owing to bad management, and, though the property could have been sold for f 75,- 000, it was allowed to stand idle, the owners failing to agree on the method of operating. There is several hundred feet of tunnels, but these will not be used, the new operators preferring to sink and follow the ore. The ore is ol two grades, one carrying black oxide of copper and the other running well in free gold. "Rattlesnake" Jones is the name of a Boise man who engages in capturing the reptiles and selling them to the Chinese. The Celestials take each rat tler and put it into a bottle cf whisky and let it stand for two years. What remains of the snake is then removed and the balance is let stand until it clarities, which process requires Ave years. The liquid is then a sovereign cure for rheumatism, says the lloine Statesman. The Chinese claim that it will care the most violent case. It takes seven years in all to make toe preparation ready for use. Northwest Notes. Charles Hatfield, of Dayton, Wash., was thrown down on a load of hay by team's sudden start, in such a way that the tine of a fork passed through is chin into bis mouth. An X-rav machine-has been added to the apparatus of the Moscow, Idaho, hospital. A bnyer of cavalry horses has just secured 43 at Enterprise and 80 at Wallowa, Or. The teachers enrolled at the summer science school at Pullman, Wash., uu in tier 190. , Colfax citizens have subscribed 1, 000 for the Whitman county fair, to be beld in September. A new flouring mill is going up at Kendrick. Idaho, ltf will require 800, 000 feet of lumber. Heavy freight trains are being run J on the O. R. & N., numbering as high as 65 cars to the train. The Huntington, Or., jail is empty , for the first time in months. It Is re ceiving a thorough cleaning. A couple of years ago two Olympla marsh farmers drove a few piles to pro tect a fish trap location. They were recently paid $100,000, this being the balance of $142,000, the price they asked for their fishing claim. KEYNOTE OF THE TRADE. the Isapravart Crap Caaalllans are th Oraat raatara. Breastreet a says: improved urop conditions furnish the keynote of the trade and price -movement. At a re mit at them nearly all staple agricul tural products ais lower in price, and at the same time a perceptible livening op of demand for fail delivery U noted in the West, Northwest and South The beginning of fall trade is conse quently more clearly visible in the sec tions mentioned, while at the Fast the markets ere slow to experience this improvement and are consequently rea sonably dull. Bank clearings aa yet fail to reflect any perceptible improve ment in distribution, and railway earn ings, though et Urge volume, are, ow ing to comparisons being made with exceptionally good results last year, showing less notable increases both in gross and net returns. Hog product have gone lower with corn, as has also wheat, In which con tinned liquidation has been noted, with the result ol inducing partial returns ol the export inquiry banished from the markets by the recent heavy rise. Iron and steel prices are evidently craping the bottom, tl reports irom leading centers of cost of raw material and wage are correct. Soft coal is going abroad too, a cargo leaving fur London shortly. Tin is cornered locally and higher on the week, while copper is nner. A a encouraging feature of the wool market is the rather better inquiry for raw wool at Boston, but manufacturing will not apparently do much until th light weight season opens. Wheat, including flour shipments. for the week, aggregate 8.029.881 bush els against 8,839,910 bushels last week. Business failures for the week nam ber 302 against 231 last week. Canadian failures for the week num ber 86 as compared with 19 in tbil week a year ago. PACIFIC COAST TRADE. Saattla Markets. Onions, new, 1 Vo. Lettuce, hot house, $1 per orate. Potatoes, new, 80c. Beets, per sack, 85c $1. Turnips, per sack, 75o. Carrots, per sack, $1.00 Parsnips, per sack, 50 (g 7 Sc. Cauliflower, native, 75o. Cucumbers 40(a) 50o. Cabbage, native and California, $1.0031.25 per 100 pounds. Tomatoes $1.50. Butter- Creamery, 83c; Eastern S2c; dairy, 1783o; ranch, 1617o pound. Eggs 24o. Cheese 12o. Poultry Uo; dressed, 14 81 5c; spring, $3.60. Hay Fnget Sound timothy, $11.00 12.00; choice Eastern Washington timothy, $19.00. Corn Whole, $23.00; cracked, $25; feed meal, $25. Barley Rolled or ground, per ton, $30. Fleur Patent, per barrel, $3.60; blended straights, $3.25; California, $3.25; buckwheat flour, $8.00; gra ham, per barrel, $3.00; whole wheat flour, $3.00; rye flour, $3.804.0O. Millstuffg Bran, per ton, $12.00; shorts, per ton, $14.00. Feed Chopped feed, $19.00 per ton; middlings, per ton, $20; oil cake meal, per ton, $30.00. Fresh Meats Choice dressed beef steers, price 7 Ho; cows, 7c; mutton 8c; pork, 8c; trimmed, 9c; veal, 9 lie. Hams Large, 13c; small, 13; breakfast bacon, 12 )c; dry salt sides, 8c. rsrtlane Market. Wheat Walla Walla. 65c; Valley, 65c; Blueetera, 59c per bushel. Flour Best grades, $3.20; graham, $2.60; superfine, $3.10 per barrel. Oats Choice white, 35c; choice gray, 33c per bushel. Barley Feed barley. $14.00 15.00; brewing, $16.00 per ton.' Millstufls Bran, $12.50 ton; mid dlings, $19; shorts, $13; chop, $14 pel ton. Hay Timothy, $10 11; clover,$7 7. 80; Oregon wild hay, $07 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery, 40 45c; store, 25o. Eggs 18aC per dozen. Cheese Oregon full cream, 13c; Young America, 14c; new cheese 10c per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.00 8.60 per dozen; benx, $4.60; sprint's, $2.003.50; geese, $4.00(35.00 lorold; $4. 50 6. 60; ducks, $3.004.00 per dozen; turkeys, live, 14 15c per pound. Potatoes 40 50c per sack; sweeui, 2oper ponnu. Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 75c; per sack; garlic, 7c per pound; cab bage, lo per pound; parsnips, $1; onions, XHc per ponnd; carrots, $1. Hops 2 8c per pound. Wool Valley, 1616o per pound; Eastern Oregon, 10 16c; mohair, 26 per pound. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and ewes, 8c; dressed mutton, 7 7Ko per pound; lambs, 5to. Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5,00; light and feeders, $4.60; dressed, $5.00 6.60 per 100 pounds. Beef Gross, top steers, $4.004.60; cows, $3.604.00; dressed beef, 6s 7?o per ponnd. Veal Large, 6,7.o; small, 8 8Xo per pound. aa Fraaelsae Market. Wool Spring Nevada, 1815opet pound; Eastern Oregon, 10 16c; Val ley. 1820c; Northern, 10(3 12c. Hops 1899 crop, ll18o per pound. Butter Fancy creamery 19 20c; do seconds, 19c; fancy dairy, 17c; do seconds, 15 16 Ho per pound. Egg Store, 18c; fancy ranch, 20o. Millstufls Middlings, $17.00 20.00; bran, $12.50 13.60. Hay Wheat $6.60 10; wheat and oat $0.00 9. 60; best barley $5.00 .00; alfalfa, $5.00(36.00 per ton; straw, 25 40o per bale. Potatoes Early Rose, 60 75c; Ore gon Burbanks, 80o90; river Bur banks, 85 (i 65c; new, 70c $1.25. Citms Fruit Oranges, Valencia, $2.763.25; Mexican limes, $4.00 .00; California lemons 75c$1.60; do choice $1.76 2.00 per box. Tropical Fruits Bananas, $1.60 8.60 per bunch; pineapples, nom inal; Persian dates, 6 6so per lot ai. - -mm aaXIKt.. ... JfSl Joslah Flynt, the well-known ex plorer of traup life, has collaborated with Alfred Hodder In the preparation of a book entitled The Cnder World." Paola Lonibroso, who has just pub lished a book on the "Problem of Hap piness," ti a daughter of Prof. Loin broao, the criminal anthropologist. Miss Lonibroso disagrees entirely with the views of her father. Andrew Lang asserts that novels are almost if not altogether the only form of literature that Is remunerative now; nevertheless, be thinks that a new Froude, Macaulay or Teunysou would ven now find readers. Albert White Yorae, the new editor of the transformed Criterion, has writ ten several stories of Arctic life and adventure, some of which will soon ap pear In book form, under the title of "The Laughter of the Sphinx." . I Anne E. Holdsworth, who ejakes a specialty of pathetic and tragic stories, has depicted Invalid life In the German Alps, In a novel called "The Valley of the Great Shadow." It follows the motif of "Ships that Pass In the Night" It is reported that an American pa per once contained this announcement: Mr. Browning has declined to furnish us with a poem In exchange for a thou sand dollars. We Bud ourselves more than ever unable to understand Mr. Browning." Herbert Spencer has completed bis autobiography, but It Is not to be pub lished until after his death. It la prob ably not all serious and philosophical, for among the author's possessions Is an excellent souse of humor, and he tells a good story and loves to hear one. Among the autograph manuscripts to be disposed of In the forthcoming sale of the Peel library are four pages from Dr. Johnson's memorandum book, con taining prayers, meditations and reso lutions. "My resolutions are: To con quer scruples. To read the Bible this year. To try and rise more early. To study divinity. To live methodically. To oppose idleness. To frequent divine worship." LAW AS INTERPRETED. Inability of the attesting witnesses to will to remember the facts stated In the attestation clause Is held. In re Thompson (111.) 49 L. R. A. (S82, to be Insufficient to prevent the probate of the will. If the algnatures of testator and the witnesses are proved and there nothing to disprove the recitals In the attestation clause. Right of the legislature to authorise taxation for the purpose of making gifts or paying gratuities to private In dividuals Is denied In Rush vs. board of supervisors of Orange County (N. V.), 45 L. R. A. GT0, In case of an at tempt to raise money by taxation to be paid to drafted men for services In the civil war or for commutation money paid by them. A subcontractor who has agreed with the contractor to carry malls In accord ance with a contract between the Unit ed States and the contractor. In which the latter assumcB liability to any per son aggrieved by his default. Is held, In Lawton vs. Chilton (Wis.), 43 L. It 016, to have no liability upon the contract to a postal employe for per sonal Injuries caused by the subcon tractor's negligence, though a liability In tort may exist Extent of the territorial limits of a municipality being a matter of legisla tive discretion 'which Is not subject to judicial revision, it Is held, In Kimball vs. Grantsvllle City (Utah), 45 L. R. A. 028, overruling a prior decision, that the collection of taxes on property within the city limits cannot be re strained on the ground that the proper ty was outside the range of municipal benefits and therefore not subject to municipal taxation. Served flint Right. He carefully prepared the small gar den plot, while bis wife, deeply Inter ested In his labor, stood watching blm. After he had put In the seeds and mootbed over the bed, his wife took his arm to accompany him to the bouse, and on the way she asked: "When will the seeds come up, Johnr Laying bis hand caressingly on her shoulder, the smart man said: "I don't expect them to come up at all, my dear." lou don't" ' she exclaimed. 'Then why have you gone to all that trou ble r With a smile that springs from su perior knowledge, he answered: "The seeds won't come up, but the plants and flowers will, by and by." Yet he was wrong; for bis neigh bor's hens got Into bis garden, and the teeds did come up. Collier's Weekly. Passing of the Old Maid. The old maid of the past sour, scan dal-loving, sharp of temper and of fea turesis now almost an unknown quantity. The unmarried woman of to-day who has passed ber twenties la cheery, active, busy, and useful. Gen erally she Is In business or has some special art, profession or accomplish ment to which she devotes herself. Anyway, she Is not idle. She finds many things to employ her bands and brains. She has little time for gossip and lees Inclination. Culture and occu pation have broadened her nature and given ber charity and wisdom. Macon Telegraph. A Glib Witness. A female witness, possessed of a rich brogue, was on the stand In Judge Donovan's court the other day. Her tongue moved so rapidly In the narrv tlon of ber story that her words were quite unintelligible. Finally the court Interrupted: Hold on! Not so fast! Not so fast! This man (pointing to the court stenog rapher) can write about 300 words minute, but you are going at the rate of 400. Give him a chance to catch up." "Arrab, why dun't yez git a good man, J edge 7 wnat aoes yei cape a alow skate fur, at all 7" was the read retort Detroit Free Press, 1 1 .:m IA80R STRIKES OF HISTORY. tarly KsjrpHau Laborers Ware the first to laaiiaurata Thasa, It Is often asserted that tb labor itrlke as such does not dats back fur ther than Capt. Boycott, Id tin early art of the century. As a uiatttr of tact the earliest atrlks dates back to tbout 1460 B. C, or upward of thirty- three centurlea ago. Pbaraob was building new temple of Thebes. Tlx masons received verv little cash, but a quantity of provisions, which the con tractors thought aulitcleut, was bauded to tbeiu on the flint of each mouth. Sufficient or not, they mostly ate It be fore the Urns bad elapsed. Ou one ov- vasiua uiauy ui isem oau uotuiug leu quits early In the month, so they marched to the contractor's bouse, be fore which they squatted and refused to budge until justice was done. The contractor persuaded them to lay their distress before Pharaoh, who was about to visit the works, and he gave them a handsome supply of corn, and to all went well for that month. But the same state of things recurred by the middle of the next and for some lays the men struck work. Various .onfereneea took place, but the men lecllued to do a stroke until they were given another supply of food. Tbey loclared the clerks cheated them, used false weights and so forth, familiar inough complaints In this country uu der the truck system. The contractor not complying with their demands, tliey marched to the governor of the city to lay their grievances before blm, and he tried to gi-t them to return to work by smooth words, but that was no use and they Insisted on having food. At Inst, to get rid of tbom, be irew up an order for corn on the public granary and the strike was at an eud. Colller's Weekly. (school for Paris Cabbie. There are couch men aud coachmen, the newest tyjie being the conductor of the automatic car. The city of Paris secure his proper training at Aubsr rilllers, where the Cotupaguie Geueral dea Vultures has Its school. A circular track of TOO meters In extent serves ai the tralulug grouud. It la what tin French call accldeute In one place flat and inacadauilKKl, elsewhere gently sloping upward, or failing In abrupt descent; here paved with wood, and there with stones, while a little further on the road Is "up," and sand heaps, l(se bricks and broken glass threaten the tyro and the tire. The wayfarers who are dotted along the route must be "humored and not druv." Fortuuately, they are not flesh and blood. Tbey are merely metal dummies propped up by a stick from behind and ready to fall at a touch. Each Hgure presents the familiar personalities of the Paris streets bourgeois, soldiers, scorchers, Tommy playing marbles, snd the cur that goes for every wheel. There also are nurse, baby and go-cart The cast iron baby shows complete Indifference, which also Is true to life. The trnck of Aubervlllicrs is nothing If not realistic, -rail Mall Garotte. Han-later and Solicitor. Lawyers In Englaud are divided Into two great classes counsellors or bar rlsters, and attorneys or solicitors. The counsellors or barristers, as these terms Imply, confine themselves to the actual trial and argument of cases In open court, and to consultations with attor neys; or solicitors who represent the clients. It Is contrary to professional etiquette for a barrister to confer or consult directly with his client The attorneys, or solicitors, as tbey are all now atyled, see the client, take bis statement, gather the facts, and put It all down In wrltlug In what Is called the brief." The brief la then handed by the solicitor to the barrister, with bis retaining fee, and thereupon the barrister and solicitor confer; the bar rister gives his advice and opinion, and It the case goes to trial be does all the work In court, such as examining and cross-examining witnesses, and argu ing or summing up the rase before the court or jury. The solicitor does not speak In court at all. Clay Images Are Worshiped. The effete religious system and idol atrous practices of China represent an annual expenditure of $400,000,000. There are 4,000,000 deities, 300,000 tem ples. Some temples are served by a hundred priests. These men are Illiter ate, and often from the very scum of society. About 70,000 pigs, rabbits, sheep and deer, and 27,000 pieces of costly silk are annually offered at the sacrifices. They worship clay Images of men, dogs, turtles, snakes, lizards and In sects. The people live In dread of evil spirits, which are supposed to cause disease and calamity. They propitiate the evil spirits rather than pray to the good, having a belief In the cruelty aud beartlessncss of the gods. Oldest Manufacturing Industry. The oldest manufacturing Industry in Great Britain is that of flints and flint locks, -which has been carried on since the beginning of the fifteenth century, If not farther back still, at the Ling heath mines, Brandon, on the borders of Norfolk and Suffolk. The flints ar all made by band, being placed on the operator's knee and chipped with a hammer to the proper shape. Ol course, a number of these flints an used for flre-maklng, being principally used In countries like Hpaln and Italy, where the duties on ordinary matches and wax matches are so high as to con vert them Into luxuries. On the Wane. Horse racing In Russia Is on the wane now that the reindeer has been introduced as the rival of the borso. The reindeer Is among the swiftest of quadrupeds, and can outstrip the swiftest of horses. It Is estimated that he could give the fleetest Derby win ner a start of half a mile and beat blm easily over tbe Derby race track. Snowstorm Started a Fire. A snowstorm started a fire on the premises of a farmer living at Helm terne, Belgium. He placed a quantity of quicklime near a shed on a farm and left It there all night. In the course of tbe night snow fell onto tbe lime and the heat thus developed became so great that it set the shed on fire, com pletely destroying It and Its contents. A superstitious Individual say It Is bad sign to write another man's nam ea a aotav h- rittiesa at Tklnga. "ties, th shsrltT is sslesp," said the first convict. "Ls us jump from tbe train." "No, w cauuot Jump now," objsut' ed th sscoud convlot. "Th train 1 nut yt runuiug 60 mile aa hour." This show that vU th criminal classes road th nwpsprs, and hsv au idea of th proprltty of conforming to conventionalities, Utd la Tkara. iry to realis God's presence; th realising it evsr so littles ha a wonder fully southing and calming influence ou the heart, ray seoretlyi "lb Lord is in Ills holy tempi (His tem ple of tli inner man); keep silence, O my heart, before Him." Th mind wauts steadying many time a day. World la Kail This Yaar. This is ih rsH-enl decision of on of th societies of tli world, and while there are few people who Iwllev this predictiun, there are thousands of others who nut an ly helieve, but know that Hosteller's Ktoin- acli Hitlers will eura dysieisla, Indiire- tiim. constipation or liver and kidney trou bles. A trial will certainly convince. 1'iitntii salad ia much more savory If mixed with tli salad dressing -bile hot. Na Mura Canoua Hall Pills. Sr-lsno his roll d tha mil. A Imihsnme. fragrant, nixlli-aird tablet nils the nl ! Hot hixir -t anarats C'audjr Cathattlu. lirusglsls, luc, i too. "And now, obildien," said the teacher, who bad boeu talking about military fortifications, "can any of you toll me what is a buttressr" "Please, ma'am," cried little Willie, snapping his tinners, "it's a uauny goatl" The recent fad (or perfumed bed haa gained great popularity. The perfum ing is mananml by spreading a cotton pad, thoroughly aacheted, lieneath the lower sheet, lly this one's bed can be made to seem stuffed with roses or violets. "So there," said Mr. Jlenpeck, con cluding her remarks, " 'A word to th wise is sulllclent.' " "Yes, my dear," replied Heupeck, "and to the average married uiau a word in edge wise is sulllclent." "liracionsl That's a diarepnUhle looking umbrella you are carrying." Yea; if I were Markey I'd be ashamed to own such a thing." "Ol It' his. eh?" "Ye. I burrowed it from blm about a year sgo." "No, he hasn't proposed vet I" sighed Genevieve. W suggested that the fellow doubtless knew when he was well oh. ".No, I suspect tha trouble 1 he doesn't know when I'm well off, the way papa is plunging into pnrkl" an id the beautiful girl, with a sad smile. Ah, lot was Indeed a great mystery. (The Famous German Wood Preserver) .AVEtMRIUS CARBOUtJEUM.. Willi II 1-r.llM t!KTI.V IIKtiTKOY ..CHICKEN LICE fsSTOne application is all that your dealer cannot supply you, write following- distributing- agents: Perfection Pile Preserving- Co., Seattle, Wash.) Fisher, Trior ten & Co., Portland, Oreoon.j Whittier, Coburn St Co., San Francisco, CaL DON'T LET YOUR HARVEST SEASON FIND YOU WITHOUT A STUDEBAKER WAGON. Tilf Mad of the Beat Materials, thoroufnlv aithout an equal. Call on our Agent, or address Mitchell Are the best that can be mid. Nothing it or can be superior to a Mitchell Wagon, because it is made of the best material by experienced workmen which, cou pled with 65 yean' experience in building wagons, during which time the manu facturers have had but one aim, and that to produce the best possible to build. Is a guaranteed quality. If you buy a Mitchell AGENTS EVERYWHERE, If none in Send for circular. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO. PORTLAND, ORECON. Branches at Spokane, Seattle Salem, McMlnnvllle, Med ford and La Grande. Mention this paper. AO on la ON to ko lis bars- i, MWltt.Kp.nMS with a rliKss Wall UrlllineOiit St fa our aarli-. siti boMKlit on. of .urMad rs nn sneasa,,. Well Machines, tm ma m w,wuw wnrtn in urimiisr wnn n mm jmmr, fhwfuare uih who rf nun t tnfcHKOod-iJv'tatt wtiAt It l-nlTcri'il I ham un rtnllcer plMir! Circular frrMi. rOUMId-k M MAM. . TUT!. OHIO. Hero's a Proposition It. n't It rt'Bsfinabltr to mipi'o? (hat a (1rm of HO yearn fijir It-nee ('ouid lull you the ItONl way to itvt whi vftliit for ymir inoitv T 1 von are mitklriK improvement In your Ihjiihs, or hit i Mi ni a new mm mm, no iiihimt now ftirmll or lurx he mi in you wlwh tu im-ik! In oU'Ciricul or gat Ulurpfl. 11 rtHiiact'fl. nir-iilt. furniture. . . vm will Hurt mnlim' aiut he wll nultvtl If von on NHltril K.IOI.N HAHHKTi to., f)l rjrit Htr3t. Fortlaml Orgon. HARD WORKING WOMEN Csn flint quick and nsrmsnmit rsllnt loi- ai-rlrms and tiruiisth ilustrovliiK troubli-s in Moore's Revealed Remedy Thousands iiava iiwd it and tlioiiasiidt now pralsr It. I: cures permanently, II per Umle at your drugglst'i, rcwL;:-,:iVH'.i pension r Stcsroso. Wathlnotsn. 0. C . thev wll ,T CT. ailick rflls. H. Ath M. H. Vnl. at. a Sit. Carps. Prasseutinf claim! suto 147s. Tim Furosf and Dcct Articles known to msdtcal iclsncs art uisij in preparing Hood's Sarsaparills, F.rsry Inxrtdxiit is oarsfully leltcted, ptrmn. ally examined, and only Ih beat rstalnsd, It is prepared by s combination, propur. tlun and prut-ass pacullar to itsalf and known to no other mulleins, and by which His full luoiilclual nowsr of all Ingredients Usui is retained. It cures when a cure is possible, tiet only Hood's, uecalis Hootta Sarsoparllla la I lie llest Medli Ins Money Van liny. Whit grapes, asparagus tips and Kugllslt walnuts, with whipped cream dressing, niak a novel aud dainty salad. 1 am sura fisn's Cure for (Vnsiinintlnn saved my Hie Hire years suo. Mas. Tuns, ItunsiNs, Mu pie Htreet, Norwich, N. Y Fb. 17, IUUU. A substituted forullinrer was shown by a Koeulgsberg doctor at a surgical conn res In Jlerliu. lie had cut off th patiuuts second toe and sewed it to tha stuuin of the uilaaiiitf ftnuitr Primary union followed, and tlis new finger oould be moved by Us owner. Mothers will llnd Mrs. Wluslow's Sooth Ilia hvrup tli best remedy to Us for thrly obiUtreu during th teething psrtud. There la mote need of common seosa in culinary science than 1 ordinarily supposed, for w cannot beoom a ' strong people mentally unlets) our phs- ' teal beings are well nourished, Minlstiit Now, little girl, you want to be a Christian, don't youf Ktliul-. No sir, I'd rather slug in the choir. Girl employed in thecrep imtnufac tor are under a ourimn contract not to eugaue in any housework after thnlr bonis of lalair. The reason Is lust their handa ahould become. eoarsM and Hnii. td fur the de-llcuto nature of their am- ploymeut. i . "How la it that Crimper did not have a penny last year, and now bs Is assessed on $4(1,000 woithof property?" .-vone ol ins iiaugntor had to prepare for graduation this summer.'' Magaatla Chan ivtar. While there Is any irou of tru man liness in th soul of man, he must feel the miigue'.lo attraction of th charac ter of Joans. Rut lot that true metal be eateu out by the corroding acid nt world Itiines, or rusUid out by the air of careless Btilf-iiidulifeiioe, and there will be a power of response in the poor clay of man's completed earthlutws. Therefore it is that Cluiat takes the hammer and th fire that we may be rid of tlte clay, nut rubbed of the iron, aud, putting His own power in us, would make u inour measure magnet Ilk himself. AND VERMIN.. is required". It Ustt for yean. If for circulars and information to the seasoned, bv cotnutcnt work nun. It alas STUDEBAKER BROS. MANUFACTURING CO., 320-338 East Morrison Street, Portland, Oregon Wagons p - - - an Wagon, you get the best that can bs mad. your vicinity, wc will sell to you direct. Dayton's Fly Killer ITimil a few mlmitr-s sven liiifx, will rid ymir Ihium nt riles and Moniiilluvs. No mark ur stain lull tin Ilia ut'illiigs or walls. Works llko maiclo. l'rk s lift uuiits. Wilts for trnolr. li-l. Iisyiou liaidwar t'o., Portland, OruKtiti. DfiaOurirrsspiLLS ONI FOSJ A DOS-sT. Cnm Hlclr rtssdsohe aad Dra P'll'.ls, Unmix s I'liniilei.l'urlty th. HluoJ, AM Ulfi'S il'Hi.l' vnntlliiliiusnsis. HunotilrlpaorHlcksa. To .Jjliluieiissmii stresi full hoi, -Aw. D. BOSA N K O CO. , rsllririsMs, rs. Sid by llrussl. maTT US Ws wnTmsiryou s, pair or oui 4 fold pao!at-lw nreyi-gls soil osm, wsmuitod uii turf, Will, a., lull.. ...l.ln. flUs a wmrrsntil to St your urns or moneV mrumltd. our alsiMMs will pnrmiUMmltr mire lies liMcfis, nurvotis a-M,lt,fWml oa, utlmnstliiui, tnks wrlnkl.s mil of your tsi-s, emitfi t-rn. miuNi ti, we .train hi. rtfiiruiKM. l,.f. O.II..I lit SI.. SuftfeS,!, JOHN POOI.R. Portland, Oseaow. can viva you the nest Imrynlns In funeral niaiiliinery, engines, boilers, tanks, iiiimps, plows, baits and windmills. Tbe new Steel f X I. vinrlmlll ...1,1 .!. la.,,.. iimllel. M. l M. V. Ho. SllfOO. WMBN writing- to adr.rtlsars pl.ata. BsaaUaa tala papas. . i