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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1900)
Tmnm ' This Is a erttloml period la the life of every woman and no mlstakoa should tornado ; The ono recognized and reliable help for women who are approaching and naaslna through this wonderful ohango Is I Lydl E. Pinkltara'f VtftUbk Compound I in i That tha utmost rellanc can be placed upon this great madkslno Is testi fied to by an army of grateful women who have been helped by lim F.Irs, Plnkham, who has the greatest and most successful experience In the world to qualify her, wlil advise you free of charge, liar address Is Lynn, Mass Write to her OiMtHt Single Knemy. President t-jwenstou, of Bethany col lege, Kansas, taya, in the Sheldon edition of tha Topeka Capitol: "The American saloon, open by law and license, is otur greatest single enemy of decenov, morality and religion. Our prohibition laws close that saloon and kill that foe. What greater praise could we utter?" Try-Allen's Foot lEas. A powder to be shaken into the shoes. At this season ymir frrl feel swollen, nervous and lint, anil ret tin-d easilr. If you have smarting fret or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot-Ease. It cools the feet and makes walking tasy. Cures ingrowing nails, awnolen and sweating feet, blisters and callous SDots. Kelieves conn and bunions of all pain and give rest aud comfort. We have 30.000 test inumials. Trv it todav. Sold bv all drutfgist and shoe' dealers for inc. Trial iwtant KEE. Address Alien S. Olnistead, LeKoy, N. Y. According to Mr. Wa Tang Fang, the Chinese minister, the proper name of the organization referred to aa "Boxers" is Yeo Ho Oman, which, in the vocabulary of the Middle Kingdom, mean "righteousness, harmony and fists." Look Tired Today. Perhaps yon can't slees or uneasy slnmber don't rest von. A Casearet randy t'athamc at bedtime guarantees jeireshing sleep. Drug. gists, luc, MC A woman should remember that with the average man the qnality of her voice counts mora than what she savs. Chicago Democrat. Louise Froebel, widow of Friedric Froebel, toander of the kindergarten system, died in Hamburg at the age of 85. : . . Sowars of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury, As mercury will surely destroy the sense ol amen ana completely aerange tne whole sr. Mm when entering it throliKh the mucous sur faces, tiuch articiea should never be ued ex cept ou prescriptions from reputable physi cians, as the damage tbey will do is ten fold to ine good yon can possibly derive from them. Mail's Catarrh Cure, manufactured bv F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, siting directly upon the blood and mucous surfsces of the system. In buy ins Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure Ton get the gemiiue. It is taken internally, and made In Toledo, Onto, by F. J. Cheney i Co. Testi. mom sis tree. Sold by Druggists, price 75c. per bottle. nau s uuiij r uia are toe nest. WHAT THE MINES ARE DOING THE LOWER YUKON NEWS I American Mining Camps in That Section Are Doing Willi' Seattle, July 4. The Post-Intelli gencer bat the following special news from Skagway: The Drat newt of the season from the remote American mining camps of the lower Yukon has Just come out to Skag-way. Latest arrivals report new strike. 100 mile back of Circle City, on three creeks known as Faitb, Hope and Char ity, which etuptv into the Tanana. A new strike is also reported on Walker's fork of the Forty-Mile, which was once before staked. A atampede has teaulted, and others have rushed in and re-staked the country. Fine pay has been struck on num ber of olaima not heretofore considered payers. Eureka, struck last summer, lias proved wonder no far, and bat a pty streak 80 feet wide and four feet oi rrulrle Ulty, and Strawberry Ppnr, THE JOHN DAY VALLEY Many Locations Reported on Dixit and Strawberry Spurs, Portland, July i.The Oregontan lias this news from the mining center of the John Day valley in Eastern Ore gon: Prairie Cily, iu the tipper part of the John Day valley is attracting consider able notice as a tnluiug center. 1'iaoer niluuiir has been carried on in the valley siuoe the early 'Site, and the quart ledges were known to the old settlers 85 years ago. Many quarts locations have been- made in the past two years, aud if the 50th pait of them amouut to anything, the Prairie City country will certaiuly be a large pro,' docer of gold, copper and cobalt. The uiiueraliaed belt, aside from the placer deposits which are fouud in every creek, comprise Dixie ripur of the lllue mountains, eight miles north ORADSTBtSt'i ftPORT. Til iil.tiibtitlv. Trade Is Seasonably tull. IJiadslreut'ssays: Distributive tradu is tlull, seasonably to iu most In- stances, and pi ices of manufactured products are generally weak, but ax oeptions to the former are found where crop coudltiont are exceptionally prom istut: and tn the elate of prices where i lie readjusting movemeut bat been overaoue ou the down tide. 1 lie upward rush of wheat nrinea oultuiuatvd at the close of laftt week and the reactions and the Irregularities since, mainly due to heavy realising, woum mniuiy point to the movement having beeu Uuiporarilv at least over- (tone, Advices from the North are of little more than half a cron of wheat. but estimates as to the outturn in bush- FACTS FOR FARMERS .BtA-KAaa SWOR.T STATEMENT aiioot Wood riucsButvATiva). i . . : Peat faareTaata With Area. arias Cavkellaeasa Eaaiiu Tweev tr Yeara ssi Still lesuaa. I , deep. It Is expected Eureka wilt this year yield $1,500,000. Tea Rampart Cans. Col. WlRgln believes the Rampart camp Is aa good aa the creek camp ot Koine, and thinks many of the overflow at Nome will push up the river to Rampart and help make it a big pro ducer. He has the belief there is gold in Koyukuk, but feels that the develop ments are scarcely enough yet to war rant great faith in the camp, Ilowr ever, from all sources come the report that nianT are rushing into Koyukuk nine miles south. Dixie Spur is about 35 miles long, and skirts the northnrn side of the valley. Its highest point is Dixie Uutte, which has an elevation of T.000 feet. 8 tra wherry Spar is 40 miles long, extending from Canvon creek along the southern ' bound ary of the valley, into Malheur county. Its blithest point ia Strawberry Utute, which has an elevation, at 9,000 feet. The principal development has been on Dixie Spur, Here along the forks of Dixie creek, and in Quartxburg dis trict, several properties have been E, G. Lenont, who has just arrived , opened. Principal among them from Forty-Mile and other promising I the Standard, the Lone Star, the Kev American camps, reports the clean-up stone, the Sherbondy, the Clayton, the on Jack Wade this spring has been demonstrative of a good camp. The creek Is soarcely prospected, yet No. 7 below upper discovery yielded ISO, 000 at this year's clean-up, .Lenont pre dicts a great future for the oreek, and estimates the output for next season at 12,000,000, He is going after thawing machinery fur the creek. He bat a nugget from the creek weighing six Present Need and a few others. The Strawberry country hat hardly beeu touetieo, j he Cleavers think thuy have a Xreadwell in the Uregon won der. Others aie of the same opinion. J. F. Kodgera, who has examine J the country on Strawberry and Dixie Spurs, sayt the formation is porphvri- tio granite, pierved by porphyry dikes. A tulrd rock Is pure gray granite carry- i r Tn an ate when wild, exasasratea stats mants of the fflclsnvy ot all kinds of articles, from putsn; 'madlolnm to patent piuwenar i, mi tn 'column of til preae, far advertising- purtoses only, It Is pleas. Ins to write about a household specific whose usefulness haa been proved beyond ins power or aerraotort to injure or Inn latons to eompoU with. Buon la Avonan-lua Carbollneum. the oalebratsd Oerraam wood nreaarvatlve of eis vary accordingly as the government ,n "m etntui. whoso tarns la dwtlnsd reports of 8ie.000.OO0 bnthels. or the u""hi ,h' "! on ,?? Cilmitiatlal Autn,uA aI onrt fti,A mn I - " .,.u.,o vi wv,vw,vuv im decay orany kind ot woodwork, sbovo nuHiieit in yield Inst year in the tbreo or below around, from the ravaae ot states are need at a basis. climate, tang us or vermin, but It may be Knoar ia at tha blah! -win. .!, .,.1 trutnruity assorlbsd as the only preserva . r? . ... .-..., whose mini. h.. h,,, nr.niimllv ttattaa and 'not ffnund wantlnv Blna tha dlacovarvof Avenarlua Carbollneum near. ly thirty, yeara ago, It has bsen constantly mpioya rot tne trsatmsnt of wood u In sMus. bridges, pavements, ties, tele graph poles, fence posts, house supports ana Hundred ot other constructions, and In not a single case out ot thousands has It tailed to render articles Impregnated Immune against rot and decay, whether the attacking enemies were climate, soil, trash or salt water, teredoea, ante, boring worms or otnsr hostllea. singly or In onm. blnatlon, when properly applied. The value of such a speolrla on a farm. where almost all the constructive work, from houses and barns to vine poles and fence posts, la chiefly er entirely wood. cannot be overestimated. No farmer who, appreciates praotleal economy can affonu to do without It. Aa additional weentluea for the uae ot Avenarlua Carbellneum, It may be etated that the preparation ta In expensive, and a few gallons go a long way, while application la as easy and) sim ple aa that ot common house paint. A few strokes of the brush does the work, and the artlole treated la Insured aa-aJnat aecay and deatlt. an Illustration ot the efflctrncrof Avenarlua Carbollneum we publish 'the following photographlo reproduction of two piece or wood which stood aid by side partly In and partly out of tha ground, together with a sworn statement concerning th tsmi attached, as Stan In tne picture, at this time for 10 years past, owing to the active canning demand and the strengthened position of raw. The war in China is chargeable with the advance in teas, not only from the former country, but from Japan, tome interruption in transportation being pparently looked for it the Asiatic trouble Increases. Heavy rains are complained ot in the entire cotton hell east of the Mississip pi river, and the crop is generally "in toe grass." Reports from the Iron and steel trade are at pessiniistia aa ever. Nominally quotation at Pittsburg are unchanged heat, including Hour, shipments for the week aggregate 8,184,144 bush els, agaiust 4,tH5, 180 bushels last week. Failures for the week number 185, as compared with 16? last week. failures in the Dominion ot Canada cumlier 18, at compared with US last week. PACIFIC COAST TRADE. ounces and worth $116. Gold of Jaok ing little porphyrv, but much mica. Wade, also of Rampnrt, is worth 1 19 There is also quite a bit of 'serpentine, an ounce. Jack ade gold Is mostly ana aiorite ltnom quarts. in nuggets. Ii'Qor. McGraw'a Ittea Clalns. Of those who have been among the most successful is the man who is working the claim of ex-oovernor John H. Mciiraw, of Washington, known as No. 8, on Little Manook. It yielded the last winter $80,000 of which $8,000 or $9,000 was nuggets picked out from the pay dirt by band. Last year Jlc Graw thought ha bad worked out the pay streak. No. 6, on Little Manook, this winter yielded $60,000. No. T, on the tame creek, gave $40,000. Nos. '.'1, 33 and S3, Little Manook, jr., produced $60, 000. Hoosier and Big Manook have H. E. Stewart, one of the owners of the Lone Star, says the Dixie Spur country is unquestionably a copper reg ion, although he is mindful of the fact that gold predominates in the rock. The copper belt, so far as known, ex tends, he sayt, four miles north from Johnson's arastra along both sides of the east fork of Dixie creek. There is cobalt in the rock, as has been demon strated by the work in the Standard group, but Mr. Stewart thinks consid erable depth will be required to get at the large deposits 01 this metal. Cop per is oxide and carbonate at the sur face, bat is found in the sulphide form witli depth. On the surface the cop- also proved rich. Hillside property on , per is streaky and bunchy, but as depth Big Manook has yielded as high as $9 to the pan. Idaho bar, on which a rich discovery was made in 1898, was all slaked at that time, but not much was taken out and the dump was not washed because of scarcity of water, but has been re- staked. ' RICH COPPER STRIKE. I The season for mowing mil canse farmers busy and it seems that just as this work is to be hurried some aocident occurs. Tbis does not always happen, but many such drawbacks might be avoided if farmers will clear tlieii fields of stones, sticks and other obstructions to the machines before the grass is too high to tee them. An in jury to a mower knife may canse cost ly delay. Viennese Steak. This it very easily made by taking rump or fillet steak, free from skin, sinew, etc., and mincing it very finely. It is then dusted with flour, pepper and salt, with, if liked, a very little minced parsley or chives, shaped into fiat cakes, and fried, or saute, in hot fat, carefully turned to brown it equally on both sideti, and then served with clear gravy or demi-glace, or with sour cream. Philadelphia Press. Good Talaes oa Old Claim in a British Columbia Cany, Phoenix, B. C. July . An im portant ore strike has been made on the War Eagle claim in this camp. The strike occurred in the west drift of the 100-foot level, about 175 feet from the shaft, where a raise was being driven. The ore body dipped a little to the east and was followed 1 1 feet, when the workmen went back and continued work on the raise. Up to date the men have gone through 25 feet of clean chalcopyrite ore and have not reached the further wall. The width of the ore body, therefore, has not been deter mined. Resident Manager Buck has bad an average test made of the new strike, and received satisfactory re turns, the ore running over $20 in cop per and $1.60 gold. is attained it solidities and increases in quantity. This is the experience of all the claim owners in the Dixie creek country. There is considerable placer mining in and around Canyon City. Probaldv $35,000 was taken from tbe creeki within two miles of town last veur. At Canyon City the Humboldt Com pany is working two hydraulics on Canyon creek, taking its water from ditches. A number of Canyon City men are interested, among them Ira Sprout, Fred Yorgensen and Herbert Hunter. No figures of the annual out put are obtainable but it is believed to be about $15,000. THE ROSSLAND DISTRICT. COMING TO THE FRONT. Toroda Creak Mines Again Attracting Attention. Republic, Wash., July 9. Toroda creek mines are again attracting atten tion. Seven companies are working creek, and there are several high grade and some of them expect to cut their proptttus within aiyht of it ledges within a few days. Some of Group of Camp In tha Sointnit Show Sumo Activity. hpoicsne. juiv 9. Uonsiderable as sessment work is being done at Sum mit camp, about eight miles northwest of Olalla, B. C. It is described in tbe Kosslaml Miner as rather a series ol camps at the headwaters of tbe six or (even creeks which rise there. Three of these, Keremeog, Cedar and Olalla creeks, flow eastward to Keremeos val ley, while Fifteen-Mile, Sixteen-Milt- and Twenty-Mile creeks flow west mi then south to the Himilkameeu. There are good trails up all these creeks from Olalla and pack horses can gut up quite easily. The celebrated Nickle Plate mine is situated near the head of Twenty-Mile ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's" Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature) of 5e FaoSlmil Wrapper Below. the ledges have shown large values on the surface, and it was this that turned the attention ol mining men in that direction. Among tbe mine that bad fine surface showings and carried ex ceptionally high values was the Ox ford. As high as 255 ounces of silver and $15 in gold per ton were obtained from tbe ore near tbe surface. Tbe owners decided to run a tunnel and now have it in 65 feet. A few days since a stringer 13 inches in width was ent in the tunnel, which it believed to be an off-shoot from the ledges. The ore carries about 200 ounces of silver per ton and from $10 to $18 in gold. The tunnel will have to be extended about 40 feet to cut tbe ledge. There ia alto a parallel ledge that can be oat by the tunnel by extending it another 100 feet. The ledge vary from 7 to 9 feet in width. Tory saaaU and a aasjr ' tatakeasswi 'CARTER'S up ItTSSal FO! HEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR IIU0USIESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THECOMPLEXIO; OSBSfUamB var rsnrary Toe-staW.. WM MUMMTU.C. I CURE SICK HEADACHE. WW" tHyjUfliUp A( p0(j uin U MMjmm. j- am 11 ZK a Mining Nw and Oosslp. Several large nuggets have been found on the Mary Ann placers in Che- saw camp, H asb. A stir it reported on West Fisher creek, 80 miles from Libbv, Mont.. -where $50 ore it reported in an old claim. It is reported in Ferguson, B. C that a rich strike has been made in the Nettie L. A vein three to four feet wide of solid galena, carrying more copper than usual, was exposed. In the Muldoon group, near Belcher, 12 miles east ef Kepnblio, Wash., a strike in copper is reported, made in a 240-foot tunnel. A strike is reported on a claim be tween Delta and Carbon Center, Idaho. Tbe ore is high grade milling, and was found near the surface. Ko assays have' been made. The extent of tbe Slocan. B. C camp is remarkable. Every mountain side for distance of 95 miles long aud nearly as wide is dotted with mines and prospects pioduoing in payini quantities gold, silrtr, lead and sooner, 'mod, Horthwt Not. . The pay roll of Rossland, B. C, camp, runs over $100,000 per month. Boise's first ice plant will lie instal led and in oiieration within 15 or 30 days. Petitions are being circulated in Lin coln county, Or., protesting against the proposed location of fisntraps in Ya quiua bay. Bids are being solicited for the erec tion of a two-story brick hotel in Luke view, Or. Tbe owners will be Miller & Lane, who paid $3,500 for a site last week. Professor K. II. McAlistor of the de partment of applied mathematics at the University of Oregon has been ap pointed by the regents as supervisor of the drainage system to be put in at the university this summer. The county court of Union county. Or., has ordered road supervisors to prosecute all persons who damage the highways by permitting irrigation water to run in the roads. A Pacific coast Indian institute it to be organized. A conference of educa tors interested in the training and edu cation of Indians, will take place at Chemawa, August 14 to 19. Washing ton, Montana, Idaho and California, will be represented and perhaps sev eral other Western states. One day last week two of II. R. f lory ford's thoroughbred yearling bulls became involved in a fight, near the hot springs. Lane county. Or., wbet both fell into the spring and were scalded to death. A proposition for the location of a flax-fiber mill at Eugene Or. has been submitted by E. Luriinore, manager of the Solo factory. Tbe bonus is $2,600 in cash, "1 acres of land for site, and 1,600 acres in flax. It is repre sented that the plant will cost $25,000. and will employ regularly about a Soattlo Slarkat. Onions, new, l,lic. Lettuce, hothouse, $1 per crate. Potatoes, new, lc. -Beets, per sack, 1)00(8$ 1. Turnips, per sacl;, 75o. Carrots, per Back, $1. Parsnips, per sack, 50 a 75c. Cauliflower, California 0c($l. Strawberries $1 per case. Cabbage, native aud California, $1. 00(31.35 per 100 pounds. tomatoes $1.50 per case. Butter Creamery, SScj Eastern 83c; dairy, 1 7 22o; ranch, 15 17a pound. Eggs 19o. Cheese 12o. Poultry Hot dressed, 14 15c; spring, $3.60. Hay Pujjet Sound timothy, $11.00 ( 12.00; choice Eastern Washington timothy, $19.00. Corn Whole. $23.00; cracked, $33; feed meal, $23. Barley Kolled or ground, per ton. $30. Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.85; blended straights, $3.00; California, $3.35; buckwheat flour, $J.uu; gra ham, per barrel, $3.00; whole wheat flour, $3.00; rye flour, $3.804.0O. Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $18.00; shorts, per ton, $14.00. reed Chopped feed, $19.00 per ton; middlings, per ton, $20; oil cake meal, per ton, $30.00. fresh Meats Choice dressed beef steers, price 8c; cows, 7c; mutton 8c; Kirk, 8u; trimmed, 9c; veal, 8,'st 10c. Hams Large, 13c; small, 13 V; breakfast bacon, 125c; dry salt sides. 8C Portland Mark. Wheat Walla Walla. 5768o; Valley, 68c; Bluestem, 60o per bushel. Hour Best grades, $3.85; graham. $2.85; superfine, $3.10 per barrel. Oatn Choice white, 85c; choice gray, 33o per bushel. Barley Feed barley, $14.00 15.00; brewing, $10.00 per ton. Miilstuffs Bran, $12.50 ton; mid dlings, $19; shorts, $13; chop, $14 per ton. Hay Timothy, $1011; clover,$7 7.50; Oregon wild hay, $6(37 per ton. Butter rancy creamery, 85 40c store, 25c. Eggs 16o per dozen. Cheese Oregon fnll cream, 13o; Young America, 14o; new cheese 10c per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.00(3 4.00 per dozen; bens, $5.00; springs, $2.504.00; geese, $4.005.00 for old; $4.50(36.50; ducks, $3.004.00 per uozen; turkeys, live, 149100 per pound. Potatoes 40(8 50c per sack; sweets, 2(8 2 Wo per ponna. Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 76c; per saok; garlic, 7o per pound; cab- Ple ot board. prfctly ir. 01 with twenty yara' exposur. on account of b ing impregnate ound, arte.- Carbollnauio FOne boat, pnmnlaiatv atM jitw j"' vapoure, on account or not being treated with CarboUiwum Avn-arlus. Ala- la Chanalt. linum 11 laa W confirm that thli nla-a nf nl 1. part of a fane board, which haa k..n espoaod to th wtathtr for naarly twenty year. This tone wa Impregnated with v Krwunaum Avanariua. and h ind plw of wood stood In vry damp, mouldy ground (hu- mu). around our warahou. Not a sin- gl thta fane ha da- in and cayed during th tlm. a shown by avow wnicn aiooa naruv parur out ot in grouna. Th ranr pot shown abor was NO mpragnated with Carbollnaum Avnartn and w Dlacd It flv veara an of th board, and rmevd both togtbei la thlr above condition. BIEBBNECK COUMONT. i n aoov teaiimnniai waa atari for th Royal Notary In Alx la C ti and Menrrs 61bnrk A Coumont nd bt- 'hapll. knowledg It a thalr fit and tru act. Th abov Is only on out of hundreds f Indorsements that Avwiarlus Carbo llneum ha reclvd from loading engl. near, chemists, contractors, shipbuilders and others all over th world. It is pub lished as an established truth, coming as It does from a country where affidavit are regarded a aacrad, and a breach ot veraolty Is regarded as a religious aa wU 1 civil orim. ff Japan Aualuos. Japan It alarmed over the emigration of many of her residents to this country who sre lured here by misrepresentation. This it like the misrepresentation which delude people into believing that any other med Ine is equal to llostetter's Stomach llittt-r fur stomach disorders. It will cure Indi gestion, constipation aud dyspepsia. Any article that it giown, whether ol the beet or not, costs something, and the grower must receive at least the cost or be will suffer a loss. The larger the difference between the cost and the price received tbe greater the profit. It sbonld be the object, therefore, to grow the best,- rather than the aim for large yields, as the market may be over stocked with inferior goods, while demand may exist for tbe beat. An attractive-looking, delicious and simple aessert is maue by lining a I Sliawbeiry Iponge. On nuarl of strawberries, halt a cupful of ocld water, one cupful of sugar, one third box of gslatine,. juice otone lemon, whites ot thrtt egt. Soak the gelatine two hour, or until It it melted. Math the berriet through a sieve. Mix tha sugar with the juice, add the lemon and gelatine and ttir until all are dissolved," Stand in pan of Ice water, aud when 11 begins to thicken told in the stiffly ben ten whites, stirring until the mixture begins to thicken, Turn into a mold and tot on the to until stiff. Serve with augur and cream. N. Y. Trlbuue, liorrT'a actioui.. Menlo Park, Situ Mateo Oimnly, Cal., .1111 lie iirw iiiiiimimh'-i in-'j p,,.-,. and complete laboratories, beautiful sun roiitiilitiKS and hum intluencos, Is one of the best equipped schools fur th triUnlilx of burs ami voiiiik men on th const. It Is In clmrsc of lr, lm tl. lioltt ami is au- 0 red tied at th itnivemlllss. Send fur cat alog, Teuih yeur begins August 8, 11100. Kgyptlan Foreelalu. A French chemist, M. Chateller, has established the fact that the composi tion of Egyptian potoelaln from Mem phis is wholly different from that of Chinese tmrcelain, and this is regurded as making it probable that the em-lent Egyptians had a process of their own for malting true poroolain. Piso's Cure Is the best mmlti-tn we ever tuwl for all atln-liuns of Hi" tliruut and lungs. W a. O., Yauburvu, lnd., Feb. 10. 1U00. Illcka "Has your furnace worked II right the past wiutcrr" Wicks "Oh, yos; the furnace hat done lit part; but the (Ires that I have liven able to build in it have fulled entirely to ooniiiiuuiwte any warmth to the bouse." Boston Transcript. Mothers will Hud Mrs. Wiusluw's Booth. ma Hvrun th best remedy to us fnr their child ran during th teething parlod. Alfalfa seeded on light sandy toll In New Jersey during the month ot Au gust three yenr. ago hut given sev eral oropi of hay per year, aud tha fall towing it declared a success, although the recommendation has been to sow the teed in the spring. Jact a Ltltlo Out of Ccrta That It tht Wty many serious troubles bKln, Tht stomach nets a littles out of order, It negltutsd, and chronic dyspsptla lollows, Tht blood becomes a llttlt im pure, at occasional pimples testify, aud In tlmt a long array or blood diseases attack the system. It Is safest to curt thsse trou bles at one by thoroughly purifying th blood with Ifnod'l Harsaparilln, It main tains th liesllh aud cure dlssnst, HooeTa SaraapaHlla fs America's Greatest Medicine. Price tl, .." ' 1 ' .'Li 1 . The planting of waste laud to trees tor timber it receiving more attention than formerly. Farmers who planted trees 30 years ago now find that tliey then tnutl good investments. It it ' claimed that cherry and hickory trees require bout 80 years before they are valuable for timber; maple trees 20 years aud black walnut 15 years. A black walnut tree is laid to attain from 13 to 15 Inches In diameter In 15 yean from the teed. Nuts sre also a source ol profit with some growers of timber. Carter's Ink It l)sd by th greatest railway systems ot th United States. They would nut use it if it Wasn't tht best, The land for late potatoes should be plowed deep and harrowed flue. The land should uurer ho allowed to form a crust before the plants are tip. Kun a harrow over the Hold, both be dirt and after the potatoes ant up. The teed may be planted about five lucliet dncp and given level culture instead ot hilling, Clover tod land is excellent (or potatoes, and to avoid disease it is beat not to plant potatoes ou the same laud twice In succession. Frequent and shallow cultivation rather titan deep thou Id be given. Broom corn it scarce and high. The main crop it grown in Illinois. Tha brush it the salable portion, but soma (armors also value tliu seed a an im portant crop. The labor required for broom coin it about the same at lor corn. (ttmEtMtji 1 J At Cctable Pre parationfor As slmilaliitfj focFoodawtRcgula ting the Stomachs and Bowls of 1 1 n r m arm n 1 11 bus, Fromotea DigestlonCht rlur nessandResl.Contalns neither Optum.Morplune norliiveral. ISot Narcotic. JmfetfJtSAMinimimVl -leie d- Ur..faw ,. A perfect Remedy- forConslirw Hon, Sour Sloayach.Diarrliot'fl Worms .Convulsions .Feverish nest and Loas or SLEEP. Facsimile Sigrtalur of NEW YORK. exact copy or wrapper. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signaturo the 1 M In Use For Over ' Thirty Years tms senrau seaaanv, nsai vaaa m. Tha Famous German Wood Preserver) ..AVENARIUS CARDOUUEUrJ.. WHICH I'-RMANKKTLY UKSTHOVI ..CHICKEN LICE AND VERMlN.. aCtTOne aoDlication it all that is reaufrcol. It ta4 tnr win fl oTto aVJSSl mtle "T "upp,r you'rT,ite iot ci'cuUr, and info'mtion to tht melted gelatine. The center is then following- distributing agents! Perfection Pile Prciervino- Co Seattle.. bage, lic per pound; parsnips, $1; filled with boiled custard flavored with Wash. Fisher, Thorsen & Co, Portland, Ore eon. 1 Whlttier. Coburn & onions, lHo per pound; carrots, I. black coffee and stiffened with a little a, c? r.1 ' v'reon' w n"utt l . Hops 2 80 per pound.. gelatine. A oupfnl of whipped cream rr CUCO' Wool Valley, 1616o per pound; Eastern Oregon, 10(81 60; mohair, 25 per pound. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and ewes, 8710; dressed mutton, 1 TAo per pound; lambs, 6X0. Hogs Gross, choice heavy, 15.00; light and feeders, $1.50; dressed, $5.006.B0 per 100 pounds. Beef Gross, top steers, 14. 00(94. 60; cows, $3.50(34.00; dressed beef, 6X 7o per pound. Veal Large, 6 M (87 Mo; small, 8 SHo per pound. San FranaiM) Mark Wool Spring Nevada, 1816oper pound; Eastern Oregon, 10(3 15c; Val ley, 18 20o; northern, 10O13o. iiops itwtf crop, liaiao per pound. . . Butter Fancy creamery 1819oj do seconds, IT He; fancy dairy, 17c; do seconds, 16(3 18X0 per pound. Kggs Store, 13Jc; fancy ranch, 17c. Miilstuffs Middlings, $17.00 20.00; bran, $12.50(318.50. Hay Wheat $6.50(3 10; wheat and oat $0.0009.00; best barley $5.00(3 7.00; alfalfa, $5.00(36.00 per ton; straw, 25 40c per bale. Potatoes Karly Rose, 60 65c; Ore gon Burhanks, 80c (g HO; river Bur banks, 85 05c; new. 70c$1.25. Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia, $3.753.25; Mexican limes, $4.00(3 6.00; California lemons 76c3$1.60; do choice $1.76(32.00 per box. Tropical Fruits Bananas, $1.60(3 8.60 per bunch; pineapples, nom inal; l'ersian dates, 0g6)tO per pound, . stiired In just as the oustard is poured Into the mould is an improvement. An excellent plan to get two cropt on the same land and at the same time, is to drop teeds of sweet corn in the same rows with the peas, placing the seeds of corn several inches apart, thinning to a foot apart after the plants are np. Tbe corn will finish its main growth after tbe peas have oeased growing, though for taller kinds tbe corn serves as supports. Some notion of the coming deluge of books on the South African war may be had from the fact that an American publisher now in London waa within a week of his arrival offered .the Ameri can rights in 25 war books. CHAMPION BINDER ...Beat On Earth... Eccentric Sprocket Wheel, chain pulls on the long spokes when doing the hardest work, which is compressing the bundle, ty ing the knot and discharging the bundle. We guarantee a gain of power oi 16 2-3 per cent at this time. Si Sfoniacli after I wa lne4 a try CAaOA BtBTe, I will afr b without Ibem la tba boas. Mr Ur.r was la a e.rr bat ebau. ant ear beat I ihl kb I had ibinuh tmntil Mnv .1 ... . . . ' las Caeeareia. I feel Sue. Mr wife bee also need tbe. wltb beoeSelal .Malta for sour stoniaob." Jos. aaaauae, UH1 Congress at, St. Louis, ate. Force Feed Elevator, warranted to waste leu grain than any other. Send for Catalogue. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAYER CO. First and Taylor Streets, Portland, Oregon Branches) Salem. McMinnville, La Grande. Medford, Seattle, Spokane. ItllSIS. Maat, Pslstabi. fount. Tail Goo, ttt oa. eer Slot, "nun. or Gripe, Ifto, ,, OURK CONSTIPATION. ... Merita leaesi Ceaeasr. Cbleeee, aealfeel. Bee leek, lit HARD WORKING WOMEN Can (lnd quick and permanent relief for Rsrlinis and strength dusiroyltig troubles iu Moore's Revealed Remedy Thnnesnds have need It and tlioneandi now pralic it. It crnee pfrmaiiuiiily, II per bottle at your di usaltt's. CEME FGSI PII FS TTClNhfi Jil6 product inulMiurn untf oiiu tn-Mnfr. 1 iiist nmn, u wan rtlM ara cured by wall M llllnil, Hkedln ur I'ptitruillntf irlhc F)p.HrtaaainUnli BIIa i m ri v - Htttpa Ht-hlntf anl tiifltidlng. Ahaorht t union1, ft i) Dr.Boaanko in 1 or BIB ftltOUt JUUrUeMt. .UratdritKirliUoraeuttiv mall. TrnatlMfrea. Writs, JJ. UOH ANIiUi I'D laJa.I'tv Can't Afford to Miss It. You can't afford to nuirlont ihm Nrw rnliimlMnii lrt urate. It liaa nlalma on vry IjotiNflMtlil, ihr Tt (.) tljli'ga no othar mrnl Imt vr a'enm-jillnnt-d. All iba hat Inlo th room Itotieatt t up tlieoblmtir-y, but no amok at all, f,r th now tyum or draiiRiita mnkfta p?rf't ti(unluitlf.ii and a dear whit flaiua, Havna vou half v..ti rut.) i.hi ., " i For partkrulara, ulaa;ranii and full dmorlirtlon ait. siffjonais. ar : su&vZiXXtE ' Ifj "JVAh'.s" PENSION BICKFUBII. Wathlnaten. U. C . tl,v will ni- nelva (illicit roiilliia. H. r.ih N. It. Vol.. stall ailli Corps. froMOutlng claims si'irj 1S7I. JOHN POOLK, PoHTLAao, Ossooa., can viva you tlit best bargains lnsneral. iiiaiiliinorjr, eiiginss, lioilsrs, tanks, pumps, plows, bolts and windmills, 'ihe new sioel 1 X h windmill, sold by I1I111, I 1111 tqiialled. . N. P. N. V. Ho. SS-IWOO. tVU-N wrltln to ilertlers r 1 BBtlB