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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1900)
FOR WOMAN'S IIEALTH -IN THE MINING WORLD Earnest Letters from Women Re lieved Of Pain by Mr, plattham. "Diu Mm. Pl.taa am ; Before I commenced to take your medioine I u la a terrible state, wishing myself dead a good many times. Every part of my butly aoewed to paiu in some way. At time of"menatruation my suffering was something terrible. I thought there was no cure for me, but after taking several bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound all toy bad feelings were gone. I am now well and enjoying good health. I shall always praise your medicine." Mrs. Amos Fiscbler, Box S28, Romeo, Mich. Female Troubles Overcome " Dias Mbs. Pixkham: Ihad female trouble, painful menses, and kidney complaint, also stomsch trouble. About a year ago I happened to pick np a paper that contained an advertisement of Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Com' pound, and when I read how it had helped others, 1 thought It might help me, and decided to j-ive it a trial. I did so, and as a result am now feeling perfectly well. 1 wish to thank you for the benefit your medicine has been to me." Mas. Cuba Stiibkb, DUlcr, Neb. No lore Pain " Dsak Mas. Piker am : Your Vege table Compound has been of much benefit to me. When my menses first appeared, they were very irregular. They occurred too often and did not leave for a week or more. I always suffered at these times with terrible pains in my back and abdomen. Would be in bed for several days and would not be exactly rational at times. I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and menses became regular and pains left me entirely." Mas. E. P. Custek, Brule, Wis. Value of a Knowledge of Geology to the Prospector. Kcjala l.oea In War, In all protracted wars the loss in horses from disease is tenibly heavy. In Napoleon's campaign across the Ste rn en, out of 60,000 bones, no fewer than 45,000 succumbed in sis 'months, At the siege of Plevna the Russians lost 30 per cent o( their draught ani mals, and in the Egyptian wars of 1882 the English horses were disabled, of which 600 died from sickness and only 60 on the field of battle. Pearson's Magarine. A new regulation cog introduced in Swiss matches, works so accurately that the time pieces do not vary 10 sec onds in a month. Every saloon at Tullahoma, Teun., has been placed under the legal ban charged with Sunday liquor selling. Try Allen's Foot Ih, A fmvder to be shaken into the shoes. At this season your fret feel swollen, nervous and lint, and get tired easily. If you have smarting lert or iignt snoes, irv Alien i root-hase. It coo is the feet and makes walking; easv. Cures inrrowiiift nails saooleu and swsatina? fret, blisters and callous spots. Kelieves rums and bunions ofsll pain and gives rent and comfort. We have 311.00 testimonial. Trv it todav Sold nv nil druggist and shoe dealers for 2&C Trial tan-tn ftr REK. Address Allen b. Olnistead, LeKoy. . . Crime Prevalent In Borlla. Crimes of violence, whose perpetra tors have remained undiscovered, have become so common in Berlin and its neighborhood that the Prussian ruin later of the interior has given notice that all violent deaths snail he report ed at once to a special bureau, which shall decide whether the local or Ber lin police shall take up the case, and in certain instances shall set its own detectives to work. N. Y. Sun. Physician nasi Morphine. In a recent address before a graduat ing class 01 medical stndent occurs the following most sensible advice; "While fewer physicians become in sane than members of other profes sions, larger proportion become ad dicted to the use of morphia. Opium in any form is exceedingly dangerous when self-administered. o physician should attempt to treat himself, but always take the advice and follow the direction of another physician." Loss Cbaaeo of Recovery. Prof. G. Sims Woodbead, M. D. professor of pathology, Cambridge Uni versity, pebaps the greatest authority on pathology in the world, recently wrote lor "Abkari," edited by W. S. Caine, of London, as follows: "for the last year or two I have been keeping note of the various observations that have been made in regard to the nse of alcohol in disease, and I am coming to believe more and more firmly that the patient who takes, or has taken, alco hol has a less chance of recovery than the patient who abstains." (By Earl Douglas, Vnlvtrslty ol Montana.) Tbe study of the remains of plant ahd animal life that have existed in past ages is like history, astronomy fossil languages, politics and all othe branches of human knowledge; it V mighty interesting when oue gets isj terestod in it. But it is extremely dii tleutt to get very deeply ineterested 11 something that we know nothing about. There are so many branches of knowli edge that oue cannot know everything! But the subject on which I am askel to write is, 1 believe, of vital interest to the miner and prospector, though our knowledge of it was not developed. I . I , i! . . . . ' iur iiieir special ueneui, out oecauae oi the interest and fascination of the sub ject itself. Though I never spent a week in searh of mineral veins, I have a fellow feeling for the prospector. In the first place, there is a charm in outdoor life in tramping over the hills and moun tains and through the deep ravinea and rocky canyons; in going into camp tired enough to make rest sweet, ami hungry enough to devour with the keenest relish the ham, bacon, coffee, flapjacks and anything else thai hap pens to come along that is eatable; aud in sleeping in the pure air under the blue tent of the sky with tbe whisper ing of the pines and the varied voices of the mountain streams to charm away worldly cares and lull to sleep. It seems so good not to have to wear stylish clothes, especially if one baa none to wear; to be where there is no fear of trespassing on any man's land. and to fear nobodv's dog; to feel that the world is "yours as much as any body's, and whatever riches you may find buried in its treasure bouse you can call your own. The prospector descends, into the dark mine, submitting himself to slavery awhile that he may "grub stake" himself and be a free man for the rest of the year and have a prospect of "striking something rich" and be coming at Komiit-j er mora wealthy than his employer. Tbe ruino owner is much the same kind of a man, bat be has the advantage ia having more money to start with. and is looking for a place where he can invest bis money in a "good proposi tion" and get richer. Witn both mine owner and prospeo tor intelligence and judgment are need ed. It is true that sometmes those who have learned little from books and nothing from experience have blun dered onto rich leads; but if tbe truth were snmined up I think it would ap pear that a very large percentage of good mines have been found bv men of experience, who have worked in mines, have seen and handled the ores and have observed tbe rock in which they occur. I firmly believe, too, that a man's chances of finding the treas ures bid in the eaith would be in creased many fold by adding to bis ex perience that of other men, by study ing tbs mode of occurrence of ores, the rock formations in which they occur in fact, tbe better knowledge of geology and mineralogy he possesses and the better his power of observation and judgment tbe better his chances of lucceas. The same holds true of tbe dealer in mining property. It is true that these sciences are large ones, but it is just as true that the chances of failure without tbe necessary knowl edge are fully as large. If a- sick man, ignorant of the properties of drugs, were turned loose in an apothecary's shop be might blunder onto something that wonld help bim, but the chances would be against bim. e need not be scared by the voluminous books on geology with their frightful looking names. There are simple, interesting books, giving the most important in formation, and written especially for prospectors and mining men, and for the understanding of then, no previous knowledge of geology and mineralogy ate needed. These may lead to deeper study later. Bnt someone will say that certain minerals have been found where no experienced prospector would search and where geologists have said they cannot occur. The trouble is. an old miner comes from California, to Montana and begins to look for gold here. He knows just how the rock looks in which tbe ore occurs wheie he mined In California, and he is looking for tbe same kind of rock and tbe same looking ore, but be probably will not find it. An old Montana miner goes to Colorado and meets with the same disappointment. His views of tbe oc currence of ores are too narrow. Tbe precious metals occur in many differ ent kinds of rock and nnder a great variety of conditions; and one would MIDSUMMER BUSINESS. Dlatrloatlve Trada Is on Itestrleteii Srala. , " Bradetreet's sys: Midsummer dull, ness la distributive trade and indus try, and further reduction of prices in maunfactured goods, particularly iron aud steel and raw textiles, but a uiaiked movement in nearly all agrt- BARON WOTHSCHIUtX Great Haria Hauksr anil It la Ulfts to 1'harlty. ..... Baron Alphouse l Kothscblld. whe died recently and left upward of 25. 000,000 francs to the poor, was the bead or the Paris house of the great fatuity of bankers. He was highly honored la rrauce, a member of tbe Legion of wuor. an associate of the Institute t a regent of the llauk of Prance, baron married his cousin, a daugh. ' or the Kugllsh ltotbschllda. ills uie In the Place de la Concorde wa finest private manslor In Paris, lit not ouly eminent as a financier, t was also a conspicuous figure lu the A heavy wetness is doing in reuueu sugar, and the manufacturers are over- told. A good margiu of profit exist in this trade. . Report from the boot and shoe in dustry are of rather unsatisfactory trade prospects, and leather aud hides ire rather weak at the East, but stroh st Chicago, where heavy purchases foi Philippine army purposes have strength' sued the situation. Anthracite coal is in seasonable dis tribution, while the deamud for bi, luminous continues active. Wheat (including flour) shipments for tbe week aggregate 4,645,180 bush el, against ,8i8.Q2 bushels last week. Failure in the United States for the week number 167, compared with 180 last week. Failures In the Dominion of Canada for the week number 88, against 23 last week, PACIFIC COAST TRADE. If V, I -HP'! W 1 CLOTHESPINS. Ttie Tombs, ' Whoever so named Nsw York' jloomy prison chose au apt and signifi cant phrase. Many a wretched crim inal ha found Indeed therein that the path of sin Is tin path of death, aud has mourned at the burial of his own fhejr Are Made aud Used, by the Una drwdouf Millions, 'There are probably few people out tide the trade who know anything concerning tbe vast number of clothes- plus that are auuunlly required to sup-- blighted hopes aud ruined resolutions. ply the millions of housekeepers But "stone walls do not a prison throughout the United States," said a make." There are those who sit tin wholesale dealer lu such goods In New murud in "the tombs'! ' '' I' Vork to the writer yesterday, "it Is es- and woeful present. Themselves, a Umated that as man 50.000.000 dot- Milton would have It, are their own u, or 000,000,000 single pins, are man-' dungeon. Let them lift tip their head G017EL8 to the dawn ami freedom. tlod is not fur from any oue of us. -Baptist Uulou, IVi not omit the lute ououin hers for pickling, The seed may be planted in June or July. The W hit 8piue is an excellent variety, as It Is uniform, round aud of good length. It is also teutlur and very crisp, having a long stem, anil they keep well as pick It's, They mutt be picked off daily or they will grow too large. What Will Haeome of China None can torses the outcome of tit nluiiTa! lala'eii f,ii(,Mi iiiiwbi'I Ilia t block of wood tip Into a dosen or more ' division of China. It is tnlerestliig in pieces, each of which Is suitable for,aicli tlm going to pieces of Uiis race. formluir a tdn. It next alaea and enla ''' eiilil are also going to pieces be the 'crutel.' or place that la to grip the ufavtured lu Knsturu and Western fac tories every year. Tut product I su perior lu workmanship and flulslr ta anything of It kind turned out any where In the world, aud I shipped largely to all porta ot Kurope, where It luk small il ilKuitlwiM tltatt. tltak ill U ) ' and poorly made home article. "Clothesplus are made In this country principally out of beach aud maple. Blocks of this wood are fed to a very lugonlou and exceedingly riiplil-run- Ding machine, which has three sepa rate compartment. One of these cut If rn an't s rosnlsr, smithy movsmant bow. . .,,, d.r . uu r sjuk. or ollTh. k.i ..,!.,. tl,,.W ur kill i-,n.i. oannrons "iii hMi. ..I.jl u,.i ,rr,n oa J ssiiau2 wait ulnar aud ilaa Is to taas vvaf tas f Iks --h ruui jffipi CANDY "' ' " ' f CATHARTIC . V vwae mas aeteeiRse WaaMM. Palstahia, f.x.nt Tt.i.OooS Tv,n. JWr l,..n Waak.n. or irl.. tM.'uiT 3," for (r.a ..umiI, aua buoklat oaibaalta. '" smhm -; tanot, wan, ha Ts iL. KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN 11 A HON KOl llK IIII.O. Sonttlo Marhota. Onions, new, lVo. Lettuce, hothouse, I per crate. Potatoes, $15(910; 41B. Beets, per sack, 90c1ll. Turnips, per sack, 75c Carrots, per sack, $1. Parsnips, per sack, 60(g) 75c. Cauliflower, California SOctafl. strawberries fl.25 per case. Celery 40 60o per dos. Cabbage, native and California, 1.00(il.25 per 100 pounds. Tomatoes $3.50 per case. Butter Creamery, 33o; Eastern S2c dairy, 1 7 23c; ranch, lft17o pound. Kggs 19c. Cheese 14.(3150. Poultry 14o; dressed. 14(3 15c; spring, $3.50. Hay Puget Pound timothy, $11.00 312.00; choice Eastern Washington timothy, $18.00. Corn Whole, $28.00; cracked. $33; feed meal, $23. Barley Rolled or ground, per ton. $20. Flour Patent, per barrel. $3.25: blended straights, $3.00; California, $3.25; buckwheat flour, $8.00; gra ham, per barrel, $3.00; whole wheat flour, $3.00; rye flour, $3.8004.00. Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $18.00; aborts, per ton, $14.00. Feed Chopped feed, $19.00 per ton; middlings, per ton, $20; oil cake meal, per ton, $30.00. rresh Meats Choice dressed bee I steers, priceTJc; cows, 7c; mutton 8c pork, 8c; trimmed, 9c; veal, 8i 10c. Hams Large, 13c; small, ISHi breakfast bacon, 12,'jc; dry salt sides, 8c. most exclusive salons of the Faubourg St. (.leruialn. The eutertnluuieuts of the baroness at her uuiiMlticcut countir home, the Chateau du Kerrlers, aud at ber town houae, were noted for their splendor. Baron Alpliouso wna one of tbe eleven Barons Kothschlld whose loans to the governments of the world within the past ten years aggregate more than $.Vto,ooo.Otx The head of the Paris house was a hard worker and devoted to business, but. like al' hi cousin baron, he bad a bobby, This was a plon for buying rare hooks. HI collection wa one of the most valuable of a private kind In Ku- rie. While he lived he Inire the ronu union or a stern, uncharitable man. The rending of hi will replaces this reputation with oue of a diametrically apposite nature. NO REMEDY EQUALS PERUNA, SO THE WOMEN ALL SAY. have to know the geology of the whole world to know all tbe conditions in which tbey occur; yet there are certain underlying truths that, if understood, will vastly increase the chances of suc cess and save not only many years bnt many life times. Alany brother geolo gists perhaps I ongbt to say uncle ge ologists, for I think they are of the gen eration that is passing away have studied a certain region and have judged all the world by that. I might whisper to you, too, that not all who talk and write on geological subjects know just wbat tbey are talking about, snd I have no doubt you have thought ot that be lor reading this article. aVB.wT fpinfliaw oft Mais in-feJ 11 SI , rortlue Mark ot. Wheat Walla Walla. 67 & 58c: alley, 68c; Blueetem, 58c per bushel. Flour Beet grades, $3.00; lira haul. $2.55; superfine, $2.10 per barrel. Oats Choice white, 35c; choice gray, 33c per bushel. Barley Feed barley, $14.00(8 15.00: brewing, f 10.00 per ton. Millstnffs Bran, $12M ton; mid dlings, $19; shorts, $13; chop, $14 per ton. Hay Timothy, $10 11; clover,$7(l T.50; Oregon wild bay, $6(3 7 per ton. Butter rancy creamery, 85 40c: econd, 45c; dairy, 25(3 80c; store, 25c. Egg 15c per dozen. Cheese Oregon lull cream, 13c: Young America, 14c; new cheese 10c per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.00 4.00 per dozen; bens, $5.00; springs. $1.25(33.60; geese, $4.005.00 forold; 11.60(86.50; dncks, $3.004.00 per dozen; turkeys, live, 14 (g 15c per pound. Potatoes 4 0 60c per sack; sweet'. 22c per ponna. egeUbles Beets, $1; turnip, 75c; per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab bage, 1H0 per pound; paruis, $1; onions, 1 ic per pound; carrots, $1. Hops 28c per pound. Wool Galley, ISCgl'Oo per pound; Eastern Oregon, 10 (g 15c; mohair, 25 per pound. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers ami ewes, 8xc; dressed mutton. 7(a) 7Jic per pound; lambs, 5)iC Hogs dross, choice heavy, $5.00; light and feeders, $4.60; dressed. $5.00(36.50 per 100 pound. Beef Gross, top steers, $4.00(94.50; cows, $3.50(34.00; dressed beef, Ifie per pound. eal Large, 6 K (37 lie: small. 8 a o per pound. Tallow 56'Ac: No. 3 and grease 8s4c per pound. Russian soldiers are supplied with handkerchiefs at tbe expense of tbe Government women employed on Japanese tea farm work twelve hours and are paid io cents a day. . Every day there hangs over London a vast smoke cloud that I estimated to weigh about three hundred tou. l be baron of beef two slrlolus Join ed together by the end of the lacktione Is always served on the rovnl labl at Indsor Castle Christmas day. A newspaper printed on the excur sion steamer Ophlr published one nuta ber in eighty degrees north latitude. It claims to be the paper published farthest north of any on record. Spiders are a serious plague In Jap an. They spin their webs on the tele graph wires, and are no numerous as to cause a serious loss of Insulation. Sweeping tbe wires does Utile good. as the spider begin all over again. ine only pface where "black dia monds" are found 1 In the Brazilian province of Bahla. They are usuully found in river beds and brounht ud ny divers, others are obtained by tim neling mountains. The largest sped men ever found wo worth $3.),000. Wnter containing salts has a lower point of congelation. 8ea water Is more or less salt In localities, but In general It freezes at 27 degrees 4 min utes (In round numbers 28 degreee). If water be saturated with sea salt, tbe freezing point sinks to 4 degrees be low zero. In freezing, the pure water floats as Ice and the salt separate. The number of winks In a given time I found by Kotx, a Russian physician. to furnish a folrly accurate measure of the degree of eye fatigue caused by various lllumlnants. This method gave tbe following unexpected results from readings of ten minutes: With a can. aie, o.o wioks per minute; city gal. 2.8; uullgbt, 2.2; electric light, 1A Among tbe curiosities (n deeds, at tention Is called to one In Belfast, which gives tbe course and distance to a bole In the roof of the shed of the blacksmith shop." Tbl, II. P, Farrow, the Belfast civil engineer, say, should be considered an "Inde structible monument," as the bole still remains, although tbe (bed was burned many years ago. Another queer deed Is of a shipyard in Itockport, and one courne is described a "In line with tbe bow of two vessels now building at said chlpyard." nash on the clothesline, and the flual operation turns the neck and head of the pins and smooths and finishes them oft by the bushel, ready for use. The pin are then packed In boxes, each tontalnlng 720, and the boxes are then nailed up by another labor-saving ma :hlne, ready for the market." Wash lugton Btar. , A National Pawnshop. Two recognized national Institutions In Mexico are the natlouul pawnshops and tbe thieves' market lu the for mer, every article pawned Is for sale, If unredeemed within six months, aud there are always bargains to be picked up. Tbe rate of Interest Is not high, ami on each srtlclo deposited iuiiis. tlilng like the real value Is given. Strangest thing of all to our own money lender, If, when at the end of the time, the owner Is unable to redeem It and the article Is sold for more than was loaned on It, a note to the borrow er Invite him to rail and claim tbe surplus over the amount be already has. At the thieves' market there I not so much philanthropy, and he who fan lost something of value and would purchase It back Is apt to pay dearly ror it. The pawnshop keep short hour, but the candles In the booth of the thieve market burn long after the boulevard are deserted. It occupies a half square, and every article for tale Is, If not confessedly, at least tacitly, known to have departed from Its for mer owner without his consent. Con tractors who leave tools or lanterns on the street come to the market every morning to buy their property back, for the Mexican thief I a clever crook, with persistency that might be directed to a better use, aud lock and bolt do not deter him any more than the police man on every square that t under tbe rule of the Mexican city authorities. cause of ilvniH'ila. constliHtlion and atom mil dnrn'. tinott haaliU ran lw iwialurd II w use Hosteller's Stonmell Hitters. The Chicago Tribune think a cycle An Kasy Job. "What 1 Smith doing nowj" "lie i traveling1 with a clroim." "Pretty hard work, isn't it," "Not nothing to do but to stick hi head into the lion's month twice day." Tlt-lUt. Rllonee Is Oolrfan. Mr. Stubb John, would you relet rath for wheelmen may be considered l ?, un "? '""t' a good tliiug on the aide. I'nal'a Trouble, "The gn bill is twice what It was lust month." an Id the poet's wife, "There must be something wrong with the meter." "I wih I were a gn company siguno ine poet. -Kvery time my meter goa wrung I lose money." Ju dittnapoll Press. Black cuton hose should be dried and ironed ou the wrong side to pre vent tadiug. Bon-are of Otntntante for Catarrh That t oulala Mereurr, As mereurr mil siu-olv ntrr h twits ol aiueu aim CMinpiviotjr Wfraniro tlia Whola SI'S-li-ni wlH-lielitentuj llllironan lha muroiia aur. faros. HuibaiioItiuiilil ur ba umhIi. win on etoMrtiitioiia fiooi rvpuialila hlit.l. lh Uamaita Ihajr will do Is ton lollf l winaioiiiioueaii ihmiiiv norm. Irmn thorn. IPs catarrh t'lire. inamilaeiiiio I bv f. J. Bty Joking la the Palpi. -uerore I went to college." said a minister of this city, "I did upply work on a certain charge one summer. In the Methodist Church we had ser vice morning and evening. There was a Presbyterian Church In the village. and the pastor from another village supplied It preaching there once a Sunday In the afternoon. I went to bear him one afternoon. He was a college-bred man and wo supposed to be away up. When be spied me In the congregation be came down and asked me to assist In the opening exercise. When we were seated be asked me to read tbe first lesson, and at the same time announce that It was a certain chapter in the Book of Number. Just before I was to read I reached ap to the desk and took down the Bible and opened to tbe place. I glanced down over tbe chapter and law that It wa a mas of unpronounceable name. I knew that be wa working a Joke on. me. ue knew that I could not get away with those names. 1 laid noth ing, but when the time came I stood up and announced the chapter follow ing and read It lis i infiioy a i a., toimimi., Domains no mcrrorr, ami Is tali i'ii IniarnaUjr, ai ling dlrmily ui.on tlio blixui ami mucoii, turlaooa of tin atsioin. In bnyiiis flail's ( aiarilt t ura b sure Too i-l lln smiiilua. It la lakan tmariiallr, and mail In Toledo, Ohio, by . t, c'baurr A to. anoniaU U. Xolit bv limssUis, trteM. par bonis. . Hail's r aniii) 1'ulsara in Imk The Income of John I. Itockefeller, of the Staudard Oil Company, Increase at tbe rate of $684 an hour, night aud Jay. City Clerk Donovau, of Huston, ba ohosen fur his messenger a 17 year old girl, Mis Annie 0. Itiley, tbe first of her sex to bold stu b a jHwltlou in Bos ton. The civil service com in is inner being nnable to supply a girl in re- puuae to Mr. IJouovau'a request, b chose his own messenger. Confusion in th head, vertigo, stu por, falntuess, nausea, vomiting, gnu era! depression of the nervous aud cir culatory function, follow the ingestion ot large tinautitie of tobaoco. Calicoes should be washed in clean water, dried in the thade. aud turned on the wrong side to dry. Black aud white calicoes are benefit. ted by having a handful of salt added to the rinsing water. Bed tablecloths keen their color if a little borax I added to the riiiao witter aud they are dried in the shitde. It i not needful to laiil white clotha (unless very dirty) and have the house filled with steam every week. There are 746 saloon in the First ward of Chicago, and in one section there are 20 in one block. Mr. Btubb I should think not Ma. rial "And why tmtT" "llooaua gnu onn be silenced."-. Chkago Kveuing New. IIOITT'S Titooi., Meuttt Park, Han Malan fnlliitv, fsl Willi Ha new biiti.ilnsa, newly fnVii,li and complete lalairaiorles, beauillul sun niiinillut's and hums Inlluaitess, is una nl Hie bast ihiiim-i seliools lor tils tralulni, uflHitSHiid .loung men on Hie eoai. ji la In eharKViif lr. Irl. Ilollt ami Is sis credited at III titilvtrsltiea, baud fnrral. slug. Tenili year lirglns August a, liwo. Kysight U frequently Impaired by the use ot tolwcco, due to the para 1 vs. lug ot the nerves controlling the iris. or paralysis ot the optlo nerve, some. time resulting in absolute loss of stunt. Mothara will find i ll'l,,j,..'.ii.i. lug Hvrup the best remedy tn u for Uir'i oiiiklnui during lbs Imthing wriud. The towu of IMily and Moody. Tax.. have each voted "uo Uiuuss." tn. former by a big majority, . t'iao'l Cure for ('oniininllon la an lr.i. abla nisilleliie for rOinilia and r.ilil. s w. Hiacrt. Oiean liror. t. J., s'ab. ir In Prussia habitual drunkards mar be legally put In charge of guardians. Thsrinooialor Kuraory MwimIsIIo. A tlienuimieter is almost indDnsl- ble In the nursery. It should, if possi ble, hang in th mlldl of the room. away from the door, window, wall and fireplace, where the mercury may be affected by the draught. It the room where the baby I obliged to sleep is very hot lu the middle of the dsy, or at night, hang a wet sheet over th window aud leave the door open, fipriukle the sheet a it dries with a whisk broom that ha been dipped la cold water, Ladies' Home Journal. A recent Investigation showed thnt S3 per cent of the Inmate of the New York house of industry were sent tbvr fur crime resulting frout the as ot lu- toxiaitlng drink. During the last 20 year death from alcoholism lu Grent Britain hsvs In creased b2 per cent among man, and 145 per cu I among women. It will ueoesaarlly take a great mny year to (litiii)instrate to the lay tnlud whether the rejiH-tion of the llollaud snbmarlne tnriwtlo tmat wa a groal exiniomy or a grout oversight. We Are Direct Importers of iAVENARIUS GARBQUfJEUrJ, (The Famous Oerman Wood Preserver) ma WHICH t-KRMAMgMTI.V IIKITHOr CHICKEN L.ICB AND VERMIN One application it all that is required. It kits for yean. Price, 50 cent. fWr nillrl. M7rit nm l..f ... f ir "When I sat down be gave me a look I r ' .w-.. OTmon and he got one back. I whlsnered FISHER. THOR&Pti Jt fifa.: DAnfn.J nMH. hoan worn ' ' " " " "f" hoarsely, 'I guess not' Those were th only word spoken on the subject" uuea observer. (PAl'iriO to AKNT.l An lronlo Condolence. When a man become suddenly rich Signaling at Mhu A system of tilght-dgnallnft with flag held np by kites and lighted by a suspended search light was tried some time ago at liuyonue, New Jersey, 8ayt Electricity: The searcb-Ilght was of about on hundred candle power, and was sus pended within a few feet of the flags. ine light wa sent up at a quarter to 7 o'clock, bung two feet below the flag, each of which was two feet square. Both light and flags were sup ported by one nine foot and one seven foot kite. Tbe flags were fastened to the kite cable by perpendicular staffs. To light the flags the search-light was rigidly braced on tbe kite cable In ueb a position that It pointed straight sky ward. A tbe kite carried the cable CHAMPION BINDER .. Best On Earth... Eccentric Sprocket Wheel, chain pufli on the long; spoke when doing' the hardest work, wnich is compressing: the bundle, tying- the knot and dichrging the bundle. We guarantee a gain ol power ol Jo 2-3 per cent at this time. Force Feed Elevator, warranted to waste less grain than Anv other. Send lor Catalogue. MITCHELL, LEVIS & STAYER CO. First and Taylor Streets, Portland, Ortgoo Branches: Salem, McMinnville. it not Infrequently follows that he be- upward, the glare of the fiery pencil f - Grand UfeAfnrA ..1. C ' come as suddenly oblivious to his old PM-ed beneath the flying kites and up- 7 ' m""0,0 JXaJtle, po- aaiiM A recent report from Boise, Idaho, is to the effect that a fabulously rich body of gold ore has been encountered in th Iowa mine, owned by Judge W, B. Hey burn. The mine is located near Qoartsburg. Okanogan Gold Mine, Ltd.. is the name of a corporation capitalized for nogan Free Uold Mines, Ltd., which has property in Okanogan county Wash. Miss tiiuan Wjmsr. Mis Susan Wymar. teacher in the Richmond school, Chicago, 111., writes the following letter to Dr. Hartman regarding Pe-ru-na. She says: "Only . i i i ... And n.ii.1 1. v nn... ito k over the property of the Oka- -"-" . u -un, mi, iuii ueea my experience. A friend in need i a friend indeed, and every bottle of Pe-ru-na I ever bought proved a good irlend to me." Susan Wymar. A unique gold dredge has been bollt kZu a ST "TJen- 12,4 by th Hammond Manufacturing Com Aorth Superior treet, Kacine Citv i. .i j . " Wi... write.: "I feel welUnd gcSd Y ' . h. and happy now that pen cannot de- onrch GoM ' Mining & Dredging scribe It. Pe-ru-na ia everything to v-0mpanT hlcb wiU be takn to Cal me. I have token several bottles of 0In .red'J', U 00 rolle Pe-ru-na foi female complaint. I am m."y m,,iT?1 from ,)lac 10 ',lHce at in the change of life and it doe me ' u" . ?' the eDilleer while ,I)8 good." Pe-ru-na baa no equal in all ' ! in "I"""11' u u contrncte, of the irregularitie. and emergencies I J? T '? euud 'T ti(,e WHt,r peculiar to women caused by pelvic 1 1, . 1 cTan a width oatarrb i ' 28 ,eet "nd ,ix feet dP without Address Dr. Hartmai., Columbus I T"; Jhl 4TaVel U aiseJ(' bv p., tot a free book for women only. 1 4ln ot b. cwened and passed vr copper p la tea Son Praooiaeo Markat. Wool Spring Nevada, lSaiBopei pound; J'jmtern Oregon, 1016c; val ley, 18($20c; Northern, 10(S 12c. nop lawn crop, lll3o per pound. Butter Fancy creamery 19 (8 20c: do seconds, 18(3 18Kc; fancy dalrv. lHc; do seconds, 16 I0)ie per pound. r-gg btore, 16c4i fancy ranch. 184c. Millstuff Middlings, $17.00 0 80.00; bran, $12.60 18.60. Hay Wheat $8.60(810; wheat and oat 16.00(39.60; best barley $6,000 7.00; alfalfa, $5.00(16.00 per ton; straw, 25 40c per bale. Potatoes Early Rose, 60 66c; Ore gon Burbank, 80c90; river Bur hanks, 85 (3 65c; new, 70c$1.85. Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia, $2.76(38.25; Mexican limes, $4,009 6.00; California lemons 70c$1.60; do choice $1.76 2. 00 per box. Tropical Fruits Bananas, $1.60(8 9.60 per bunch; pineapples, nom inal; reman oates, sona psi pound. friends. Thus, a Persian having ob tained a lucrative position at court, a friend of bi came shortly1 afterward to congratulate bim thereon. Tbe new ;oiii ticr asked him: "Who are you and why do you come here?" The other coolly replied; "Dp you not know me, then? I am your old friend, and am mc to condole with yon, having heard that you had lately lost your sight" Sun Francisco Wave. ward Into space. The rapid fluttering of the flags caused the effect of a tream of blue, white and mil fire, ex tending ten or twelve feet beyond the tc-arch-llgbt reflector. This Invention will probably not only be used in signaling In time of war. but will produce effects of great beauty in night carnivals, ARE YOU COIiO Oil HOT? Yon ran ba numrnrlahls alwars if you i, liav lh v.. ....... ...,,. nuiU .iiiuirill I II,. M ..u,l. I.,. a in-w uriu-iil or ilrauahla, ihrowa Ilia ,, ih. room linl.l or nil ilia hluiii.v. .nil u.... Bioni-r. It o. l.ll run alioul ihln now arsis Ii I. pofftnlon fur aiiv liooiwholil. Knr i,.ril, ,,i... I II v. ft h a M Hiirtlaiid. Or. soil roll a.rtiitloli apply to TH It la PuMlflnn. I A meeting of a negro "literary socle- tlAKL) WUKKING WOMEN T .e Madrid Census. A recent count shows that Madrid l:os 10,038 buildings with 18,080 apart ment. The number of Inhabitants ex eed 000,00407,1IO Spanish and 3,280 foreigner. Csn find qnlolt anit purmanant nllf fur sorlous and stri'imiii,.M Teachlnr Oer mast In tbe Transvaal. Johannesburg has a German school which last June was giving instruc tion to 11. 'J boys. 84 girls and 25 chil dren In the kindergarten. ty" was tn progress, and tbe business nnrf fit rha itrmrram wna tlniti.s innl.1. eratlon. t.oui,.,. Some one had proposed that the regu- mOOFe S Revealed lar time of meeting lie changed from I Monday to Wednesday night, and th proposition provoked much discussion. Finally the president of the society was appealed to for hi opinion, aud be said, with mucb gravity Remedy Thousands have nnl n and iliotmsiuts ...... ,., . i-nrBsrniaiieiuiy, II per bottle at your ilMigii'. " Chocolate Used ss Moner. Chocolate Is still used In the Interior of Houili Africa for currency, as are cocouuut and egg. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. Hullilliig or reiiioilolliis ri-slilrncos ami Well, membahs oh de s'clety, paa. ami riii'iis" riTO",!!!?. litis ami I'miililiint'lnn Cliaiu'lt-tler nnes iirrtainiiis to KlrrirUi ami i ii which night de s'clety meet, but fo' myself I prefer Monday." people are good for no other than that tbev mow huiiu. j tbms those who are not. 8ome reason When tbe average girl isn't crying to ber mother that the boy teate ber she Is looking for boy to tease her. ml all mi),. also rarrr all kltnl. l li-. . ... ZT llirtloaturs. ' l-l,oi.r ,. luZV.ZV""" hunk Hoi.i iiMH ST Yo a wa.lmiajtoa St.. I'ortlaiul, or, fland BEStUELL ,00J"! DfllLLIFIQ i2oooH.r.iAcninES UU tooKu a vrxAi, hmh, oaio, I JOHN POOI.K, PoTt.ASf), Osrnoi. can iriv you the best bargains ill gsnsral insclilnery, engines, bollsra, tanks, pump", plow, bells and windmills. Th n steal I X I, windmill, sold by him. ) tqualled. ONI ron A DOBg. Ours link Bsadsoliassd pupils, lleniom 'iui,io,l-urir the liiuoil, Alii Ulg;;- tlllll. I'Mt Mlll llltf...!..... l...n ...UO'lfMn. 10 nmvlnpafoii.wliinslisampafrssirulllios.lM. D. OaANKOOO., at.iaii iiruMlna A new novel by Gertrude Dig la call ed "The Image Breakers," and will ap. pear la the fall. SSiafiilf: (.iiioih Syrup. 'I'ul.a UihhI. Css I I In tlm.. Holrt hr driiBi,,,. I iiwi . f yBitaV I .Mlwt4art, Ji a laa,uin H IS J M 10 airloiara. f 3 (liiioa.l 17lliblOHlsioi r hioismti,.!"" w CURE YOURSELFI Has Hlsfiramiai!rsl lsrlisrs"S,laaaiinsiljiBS, or alMrslloaS or muooBs I"'"""?"," I'alulaaa, tn not saltlo (In, S"11 solaonous. Saul br Drnsis"i pr wnt la plain wrapw". Brnpaiu, lll8, f..h oa rail um., or sant In pis j7o!r"i tllruiilar sunt N. V. Ho. T-. JUMH wvltliir to advertisers plaass noBUoa tb fs payor.