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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1900)
f 'r .,,,. ,, ,..mumM,.mi OREGON MIST. JUNK 10. woo. t luii ry l(uiiiurilimr wan up (rum Door Jnliuid luusiiay. H, li. Uoso, of Vernonla, was In tuwn a duy or two this wouk. Mri. Kleliunl Cox spaiit sovoral days this wouk In J'oiliintl visiting relulives. Misses Mary llurke and Florence tiuoruu, of Portland, Hpi'tit lust Muudiiy In tliT city visiting rolativos. On July 1st tlio Northern Pacific will roil u to tlio fure from all Incut point to Portland to U cents per mile. Mrs. A. llulumnno, of Portland, spoilt luut Friday and Kutimliiy in this city visiting tier inothor, Mrs. A. Davis. Mr. and Mm. 0. V. lilythe, of Port land, apnnt a duy in town this week, the guests of Mr. and Mrs, K. K. Quick. . Mr. and Mm. V. Jl. Dolman and Mm. Pr. Yeariraiii went to IJnukur hill hint Monday to go into vamp for the summer. Mr. and Mr. 'r. J. Cluotou loft Tims day morning for an extended trip Kast. They uxpuct to be absent two months. Dr. Hum hmt must of the lumber roue I y to Iwgin the erection of a hand- aomu two-Ntory rcsiuciico in mo norm pari ol town. Mr. M. I,. Sturm, of Bm'liulor Flat leave In a few diiya for a visit to Waal liigton points, expecting to bo absent most of the summer. Minn Harali Gllmore arrived limna last Friday (or the summer vacation from her studios at Oregon City, wliere who attuuded school the past year. Mr. I. O. Wikstom was up from bin falaiua mill Monday and Tuesday, .tins savs ho expect to remove his fam ily buck to this County this full. MrV, If. Conyers came up from CMatirkanlo hint Monday to attend the fufttral of Cant. Henderson. Hhe re Idniued over night to visit her daughter. Kvery Indication now (joints to the fact that there will 1m an iwineusu sea aide travel this summer. Already tiie agitation is on among the local seaside sojourners. The County debt is bolnst rapidly paid oil'. The Treasurer will make a cull some of these days pretty soon that wilt "surpriso the natives." Let her go, (.iallaglior. Mr. A. Kbannabiin came over from Vornnuia lust Friday, lie was accom panied home by tils daughter. Lulu, who hud visited Iter sister, Mrs. Cleotoii, for a number of weeks. Work on the Methodist edifice In this city Is not progressing as rapidly as is desired on amount of inability to pro duce lumber by reason of hesvv demand for the product of tlio local mills. The fee collected In tho County Clerk's olllce during the month of May amounted to 2SI2.M, as follows: Ke cording fees, 1 15.50; Circuit Court fees, 175.50; hind redemptions, flOI.M. Mr. A. A. Cleveland, of the city actum), Is this week unending the com mencement exercises of the htate Uni versity at Kiigcne, from which institu tion he was graduated two years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Klmor Wharton, of Fjiokaiie, arrived here on Friday lust for A visit to relatives. They have been absent nearly four years. Their visit will be of about two week's duration. Mr. Cbas. Knglish, sr., of Deer Island, who, some lime since, went to San Fran cisco to have a surgical 0Kirution per formed, is reported to bo rapidly im proving, but not yet able to leave tlio liospitul. Oeorge Kamsey was down from Scap poose last (Saturday. While here he tendered ills rcsigniilion as Supervisor of the Scappoose road district. Ooorge expects to leave for Capo Nome about July 1st. Mr. Harry Oliver and wifo, of Yank ton, expect to leave in a few days lor JCasU'm Oregon, where they go to visit relatives and particularly in quest of a change of climate, hoping to improve the condition of Mrs. Oliver's health. Census Enumerator Godfrey reports aplendjtl progress In his work and kind treaMfient from the public. Mr. tiod Irey says a great interest seems to be manifested by the people and informa tion is imparted with much willingness. Will Blavens is now lamenting the losa of a tr') g'dd watch, stolon from liis room at bis I'ortland lodgings. Will is of the opinion that a roomer in the house took the timepiece, but so far neither the thief has been apprehended nor the property recovered. The board of directors of tho St. Hel na public school has purchased a school library enclvclopcdia in four vol umes. This addition to the school amiltmieiit was a vcrv wise act on the part of the board, ami the work will be very vaiuame in me scnuoi room. I louse-pa in ting business has assumed considerable proportions in Ht. Helens. Many of the dwellings are boing re paired and repainted this season, and before tho summer is gono the appear ance of tho town will bo greatly im proved. A letter rccolved In this city Saturday by 1). J. Hwitsor contained the informa tion that Oeo. Anderson, once a resi dent here, had boon severely hurt while working in a logging camp near Ducoda, WaBh. Tho Injury was sustained by a donkey cable breaking aim sirixing air, Anderson. On tho first of July the officers of the County will bogin to draw pay accord ing to tho achodule established by the last legislature, which is as follows: County Judge, 720; Clerk, M00, with SH)0 for deputy ; Khorih", H(K), witli 7tH) for deputy; Assessor, i)00, with $2.60 per day for doputy when noedod ; School Superintendent, o60; Treasurer, tlio former amount, COO. St. Helens has an ordinance which is about as useful as a fifth wheel to a wagon. It is almost a daily occurrence for strangers to ride their bicycio at pell mell speed down the sidewalks, with no word of Interference ollered up. Streets re good enough for the residents of the city, however, but In case of a slight in fraction of the coda by any of our peo ple there is no end of harangue. Ihe law should be inn Jo operativo at all times and under all conditions. Columbia County lias an official whom it will put tip against any oillclal of any other County In the State for a rmroril for tvinir matrimonial knots. During the past fourteen yours Judge Loan has married 74 couples, all in Col umbia Ooimtv. For eight years prior to the judge's previous election as County Judge he was Justice of the Peace for Itainior precinct, during which time ho performed a groat many mar riage ceremonies, and sinuo ho was elected County Judgo four years ago the number has proportionately in creased. No wonder the judgo received such an overwhelming majority for re-election. His popularity nnd fit ness for tho placo puled into insignifi cance when tho matter of his popularity with the fair sox is taken into account. Heuieiiiber the big dance at St. Hel ena on July 4th, K. K. Quick attended to business In Portland on Wednesday, I'm k Mitchell spent a duy or two visiting in tills city this week. Mr. and Mrs, J, 8. Cloutuger visited relatives at Scappoose lust Hunday. Mrs. W. J. Mucklu, of ltalnier, visited relutives in this city a few days this week. Commissioner letnrson citirio ovor from Mist Tuesday to attend to business matters. , C. W. Molllnger. of Vemonla, camo over the mountain Tuesday and on Wed nesday continued on to I'oi tlund, Mr. A. II. l'owell, of Pittsburg, came over from that place Tuesday, and con tinued on to Portland the same day. JIuhIiioss along tho river continues to thrive, and steam boatmen report more trulllc than they call bo conveniently handled. Mrs. D. M. Ewing and Mrs. Wm. ltlackford, of Maygur, visited their rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. J. (i. Wults, in this city several days tbis week. Mrs, S. S. Way has purchased a con fectionery store and bukory at Four teenth and Washington streets, Port land, and is now engaged in taking care of the bus! noes. io recent session of tho Grand Titer of JCustern Htur. held In Port- mid, Mrs. James Muckle, of tills city, was elected organist ol Hint bouy lor the ensuing year. The season for bond signing Is at bund and County otlicers aro on the still hunt for signers. They aro all good men and no trouble will be experienced iu furnishing all tlio bonds necessary. On July 4th, the Astoria 4 Columbia Kiver lUllroad will soil tickets between all points except Astoria to Portlund or Portland to Astoria, at one fure for the round trip, tickets going on the 4th anil returning, up to and including the 6th. The shearing of Willurd and Have llerrcn's sheen was llnishcd Monday, and the yearling yielded 11 pounds. Uwes 9 to o years oiu gavo up i '-, pounds of good," clean wool, with strands 0 inches long and strong. lleppnor liaiiutte. Will Cooper, of Warren, was in town last Saturday. He handed us a half dozen gooseberries which tio had brought down as samples of that variety of fruit raised on his place. They were vurv larie. beautiful berries, and dem onstrate what Columbia County soil is capable of producing, Friends of Hey. O. O. Haley will be much pleased to learn that he has re cently received from President McKin- ley the appointment as cnupiuin in ine army, to bo stationed in the Philippine islands, whither ho and Mrs. Haley expect soon to go. Tlio salary eon- lioclcu with the woik is fiovu anuuuny. The municipality of St. Helens never made a better investment than tho one ordering the streets improved by a lib eral supply of crushed rock. The la mentable part of the entire circum stance is the shortage of funds to carry tho work on to a greater extent and extend tho improvement to the entire breadth ana length o all the streets. About twenty of the members of Ava Temple uf Hathliono Sisters of this city visiteu urpnea lempie in rortianu msi Saturday night. The steamer America was chartered lor the trip, leaving here at 0.-30 p. in., arriving back at 2:H0a. in. A very pleasant trip was inni ami a most enjoyable visit, besides a splendid luncheon.'whicli was very much enjoyed. It is reported that the steamer Amer ica is to tie leased from Captain liood and placed on tho Kainier-Portlund run instead ol mo i nnoy. ine emmee win take pluce just as soon as the old Young America, now tho Republic, can be made ready for tho Slough run. All this Is minor, and this statement is pub lished without authority by any person In a position to know. Fred Watkins, Constable-elect for Union precinct, was in town a day or two recently, having just been "tuned loose" from the hospiul in Port laud, where ho had a few sections of liis jaw enrved away to cure a little dia turbunce in that portion of his anatomy kicked up by some defective molars. He has gone about liis work again oil board tho steamer Fannie. George Gragg, a brother of 8. A. Gragg, of this city, arrived here Friday accompanied by' his mother. Their home is at Deer Island, Or. They cume for a visit with relatives and were both so unfortunate as to be attacked by the grippe immediately after their arrival in Corvallis. They aro lying quite ill at the home of S. A. Gragg. A physician is-in constant attendance on them. Corvallis Uacette. Tlio St. Helens Light & Water Com pany has material ordered and most of It on hand to better equip their plant liero by the erection of a larger and better reservoir, which, when completed, will be welcomed by the patrons, not only from the fact of having cleaner water, but also from having at all times a more abundant supply on hand in case of fire. In fact, tho proposed improvement is one which has long been needed. Mr. II. A. Oberg, of Deer Island, was in the city last Friday on route to Grant's Pass, whither he goes in quest of a placo to permanently locate with his family. He expects to return after a brief time and take tho family to the new home. Mr. Oberg has been a resi dent of this County for many years aim states that his only reason for desiring to leave it is to get away from the con tinued wet weatner in the winter nine. Otherwise, Mr. Oberg atales, no more pleasant or profitable place to reside can be tounu. Tim Conntv Clerk has ordered from the printer the blank forms of certifi cates of election to be issued to Koad Supervisors, Justices of the Pence and Constublos, and as soon as it is possible to got them out, the Clerk will bo able to issue the same .to the ollicors named. Koad Supervisors aro required to give no bond, but in case of failure to qual ify for tho odlco to which they have been elected, the Court, governed by tlm statutes, will I moose a flue of $25. Justices of the Peace and Constables are required to furnish bonds. SnvBral lomiinir firms mot at the Com- inercial Club in Portland Saturday evening and effected a combination, for tlm mimosa of liinitintr overproduction and raising the price of logs, to be, known as tho Columbia River Logging Association. 8. honson, of Uak I'mnt, was chosen president, nnd L. H. Briggs, of rortlitiiu, secretary, mo nrms sign ing the nrticles of incorporation are: liensmi Logging Lumbering Company, Muckle Brothers, Stewart Powers, Ore gon Iron & Steel Company, per H, Alger; Sorenson Lumber Company, JJ, Snldcrn. J. B. Y eon, E. L. C. Company, of Cathiamet; Saldern & Brigge, Hab ighorst Company, Henry Tuko, Deep Uiver LneL'iim Company. H. l't. Arm strong, B. II. Armstrong, Colliiis-Byerly Logging Company, Collins-Brect-Perrot Company, Gray's Hay togging Com pany, Mi-Fin land Brothers nnd Thomas Day and Frank Brown. WAllUKN ITKMM. Miss Muo Harms Is spending a few days in Portlund this week. Fine weather has at last arrived and haying is the order of the duy. Matt and Roy Grewell are now busy haying at the Honeyman farm. Miss Lilllo Beaver visited relatives in Scappoose a few days last week. John Nelson commenced hauling wood to Dowulug's lauding last Tuesday. John Dolan, Carson Hariris and Ed Harms were Portland visitors one day last week. D. A. and Will Puttulo and Oliver Gould, of Portland, were down at the ranch last Sunday. Miss M. Ella Tompkins and Mrs. Jos. Meserve were the guests of Mrs. Ruth Siielllcld last Monday evening. Mr. E. Hall took his departure for Walla Walla last Thursday, where he wilt visit for a few weeks with his niece. Mr. Gus Hcgclo and family, of Bach elor Flat, were over at Warren lust Sat urday afternoon on a fishing expedition. Mrs. Lucinda Blanchard left last Wed nesday morning for Portland, where she will attend tho Pioneer meeting to be held at that place this week. Mrs. Melissa Beeglo, who has been residing in Salem and Cottage Grove for some time past, camo down on a visit lust week to her son, Jas. A. Beeglo, and family. Anyone needing any harness repair ing done will do well to call on Win. Hhellicld, who has a shop at tlio Noon place under the management of Mr. 11. II. Clarke. Services last Sunday morning and evening were not very well attended, Kov. liullantyne will not preach aguin until the first of July, four weeks from last Sunday. The Warren baseball nine were de feated at Scappoose last Sunday by a core of 25 to ;i in favor of Scappoose. A return gsme is expected to be played at Warren next Sunday. Mr. Geo. Cunningham, who was so seriously hurt by having a large stump lull on lilm and injuring his arm, while working at the Noon place, is able to lie around again, but is still carrying his arm in a sling. A dance will be given at the school house hall this (Friduy) evening to which the public is cordially invited. Good music will be furnished and a good time assured those who come. Ice cream and cake will be served at the hall at 10 cents a dish. Mr. Chris Carlson .and eon, Olaf, of Astoria, came up latt Monday and will spend some time in Warren. They are tho guests ol their brother-in-law and uncle, Mr. II. Larson. They are both very much pleased with the country and enjoying themselves greatly. The ladies of the Evangelical church will give a lawn party Wednesday even ing, June !20, in the orchard of Mr. F. M. Hovt. to which everybody is cor dially invited. Refreshments' will be served at the different stands, which will be presided over by some of the ladies of this place, t he proceeds are to go toward tlio church. A short lit erary programme will bo rendered, consisting of songs, recitations and speeches, alter which games ol an mini a will be indulged in. Come and spend a pleasant evening. Died, Heleaaed, Kucuped. County Judire Doan has been notified by Mr. J. F. Calbreath, superintendent f tho Oregon insane asylum, of the deaths, discharges and cloiiements at and from that institution, of persons committed there from Columbia County, follows: Mr. V. R. McCulloch. of Upper Ne- halein, who was committed on Decern lier 18, 18H8, died at the asylum March 31st, tli is year. Frank Juresli. committed November 22d, 18l)t), wus released March 81st, this vear, to be taken to his home in wash- nuton County, uv his brother. Jaresh is the man who struggled so desperately on the street here for his liberty, and icave some of the town fellows such an entertaining tussle for a few moments. He was brought down trom hcappoose by Harry West and Thomas Cloningor. John K. Wardell, brought up from Mavirer. and committed to the asylum on May 15th, escaped from the asylum on the 2Uth of May, and is yet at largo. Would Not Suffer 8o Again for Fifty Times Its rrlce. I awoke last nitrlit with Bevere pains in my stomach. 1 never felt so badly In all my life. When I came down to work this morning I felt so weak I could hardly work. I went to Miller & Mc- Curdv's drug store and they recom mended Chainberlain'f Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It worked like magic and one dose fixed me all right. It certainly is the finest thing I ever used for stomach trouble. I shall not be without it in my home liereniter, f.... T ul.rtiil.l mt nara ,rt otwlilFA tho s,,f ferings of lust night again for fifty times US price. It. II. YIIJIOH, .iverviimu, Burgettstown, Washington Co., Pa. This remedy is for sale at the St. Helens Pharmacy School Kcport. Follow inn is the report of tho Goble school for tho month ending June 8: Number of days taught 18 Number of days attendance. Number of days absence.. 42 Number of times tardy 13 Number of boys enrolled 1(1 Number of eirls enrolled 14 Total numlier enrolled 30 Average number belonging U8 Average daily attendance 25 Those neither absent nor tardy dur ing the month were: Oscar Hunter, Orville Link, Mubol Foster, Alfred Hun ter, Guy Hatterleo, fearl siiuerice, Jim mie and Emma Anderson, Nellie Wiso, Jennie Foster and Willie Nicholson. Visitors during tho month were: Mrs. B. Crabb. Mrs. Henrietta Fowler. Mrs. D. A. Wise, Mr. John Archibald, Mr. Percy Clark, Mr. O. E. Hunter, chair man, and Mr. G. Jaquish and Mr. Lind say, directors. Lois Wetlk, Teacher. IMerleus Newa Comes from Dr. D. B. Onrgilo, of Washita, I. T. Ha writes: "Klectric Bitters lias cured Mrs. Brewer of scrof ula, which had caused her great sutlor ing for years. Torrible sores would break out on her head and face, and the best doctors could give her no help; but now her health is excellent." Electric Bitters is the best blood purifyer known. It's the supreme remedy for ocaeroa, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, loils and run ning sores. It stimulates, liver, kidneys and bowels, expels poisons, helps diges tion, builds up tho strength. Only 50 conts. Sold by St. Helens Pharmacy. Guaranteed. Do on Know Consumption is preventable? Science hits proven that, and also that negloct is suicidal. Tho worst cold or cough can lie cured with Sbiloh's Cough and Con sumption Curo. Sold on a positive guarantee for over 11 fly years. Sold by Dr. Kthvin Uosh. Lloyd Detrick has sone to Marshland. where he has secured employment (or ine summer. Rev. 0. E. Philbrook will preach next Dunuay at ueer island at li :30 a. in., and at the Canaan school house at 4 p. m. Attorney W. II. Conyers came up from Clatskanle Wednesday to attend to matters pertaining to the State Land Board. Wagon loads of new hay are seen to arrive in the city from near-by farms, and the crop Is reported to be a good one this season. A tabulated statement of the vote by precincts cast on the 4th of the month will be found elsewhere in this issue. The figures are official. Cut out the table and lay it away for future refer ence. We acknowledge the receipt of a sea son ticket to the 7th annual assembly of tho Willamette Valley Chautauqua As sociation, which will be in session at Gladstone Park, Oregon City, July 11-21. The coming session promises to be the most interesting of any session yet held. In a bunch of beef cattle delivered in Arlington last week by Joseph Frizzell, there were three steers which weighed 6000 pounds. An Eastern buyer who saw them said he bad never seen finer steers in the Chicago market. Tiie steers were photographed in Arlington, and before an hour forty copies of the pictures were ordered. They were grade Hercfords,. of the Danneman stock. Tell Your Slater. A Beautiful Complexion is an impossi bility without good pure blood, the sort that only exists in connection with good digestion, a healthy liver and bowels. Karl's Clover Root Tea acts directly on the bowels, liver and kidneys, keeping them in perfect health. Price 25 cts. and 60 cts. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross. UICD, HKNUKKiK)H.At Houlton, Oregon, Saturday, Juttetttti, lyOO, Cttpuiin A. A. Heialerson. PttCeuKt'il huil been acoimtant sullorer for seT erMl mouths from tmnorotu uaucer, alfecthiK the riKlitjuw, wltleh muuiher was rurnovcri at til. Vincent's hospital, Portland, several weeks ago. The patient wus soon ahlt to return to bis home, anI hoM whm entertained for a while that he might teisirarlly recover, but the ravage of the lireulful dlHesMe never reused their work un til death elulmed the vietim- t'nptaln Header son Wrti born In Manchester, Nova Beotia, 06 years ago, removluj from there to the Htaieof Maine, where at the uite of 14 years he began a seafarer's life, which he followed until the out break of the civil war, In whieS he did about four year' service. Captain Henderhon had tieeu a reildent of this vicinity for a great many years aDd was highly respected by everybody. His remain were laid U, rest Monday afternoon In (jermany Hill Cemetery, according to the rites of t'hu Masonlo fraternity, of which order he was a member. A wife and brother survive the deceased. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lasd Orrtts T Oiiigom City, Or., Kay 31, 1900. NOTIPK IS HEREBY OIVKN THAT IHE following-named settler has filed notice of hit Intention to make tinul proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the Kegister and Receiver, at Oregon City, Oregou, on Aug. 4tli, l'JOO, vii: JOHN II HAKKR. Homestead entry No. 10,4(11, for the W. of N w. section is, lowusni i IS. township 4 north, range west, una the E. of N. K.J4 section 11, town- shlD 4 north, range 4 west. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: . P. Mallard, Otto B. Mai in -sten, David F. Early, aud Squire W. Early, all of Vemonla, Oregon. JSJ18 CBas. fl. Moobei, Register. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon, for Columbia Conntv. The hoard ol Commissioners for the Hale of Hchool and Univer sity Lands, and for the Invest ment of the Funds Arising therefrom, styled "the Stute Laud Hoard". 1'lalnlin. vs. SUMMONS M. A. Roeser and M. Roeser, her husband, Joseph K. Lincoln, E. N. Wheeler, Nlcolal Bros. Co., a Corporation, Mrs. H. A. Colby, William n. Thomson and I. C. Sauford, Defendants. To Mrs. H. A. Colby, M. Roeser and I. C. San ford, Defendants above-named: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: Vou und each of you are hereby notified, that the plaintlli herein has tiled acomplaint against you In the above entitled Court end cause, and that you and each of you are ncreby required to apt-ear and answer said complaint on or before the last day prescribed by the order of publica tion hereo', towlt: August 10th, WOO. Vou are further untitled that if you fail to appear and answer the s-dd oouiulalnt, or plead thereto within said time, the plaintiff will cause the default of each one of you to be entered of record aud will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In said complaint: That Is to say, for a judgment against the above-named defendants, M. A. Roeser and M. Roeser, for the sum of tiaio. with interest ihereon at the rate of eight per cent per year from the 16th day of February, Is'JI, and the further sum of fJ as attorney's fees, and the costs and disbursements of this suit, and for a decree foreclosing all your right, title and interest In and to the real estate described In the mortgage mentioned in said complaint and doacrihed as follows to-wit: The northwest '4, aud the south of the north east quarter and the northeast quarter of the northeast uuarter of section 82: uso the south west quarter of the southeast quarter of section 2V. all altuute In town.dilp7, north of range!, wait of the Willamette meridian, In Columbia County, Btato of Oregon, and containing 3'iO acres. Also for the usual decree for the sale of said described mortgaged premises, and the ap plication of the proceeds of said sale in pay ment ol said judgment, aim lor such oincr aua further rellel as the Court may deem proper. The date of the first publication of this sum mons la Friday, June IStli, 1MI0, and the last publication thereof Friday, the 10th day of Aug ust, A. I)., li'00; aud said summons shall be pub lished on Friday of each week for the period of six consecutive weeks between said dates. I his summons Is served by nutmcuuon oy order of the Hon. Thos. A. Mc.Briile, Judge of the above-entitled Court, made aud entered on the aith day of way, A. !., iw. W. H. CONYKBS, tl. W. Col.. Attornevs for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon, for Columbia County. The Board of Commissioners for the Sale of School and Univer sity Lands and for tho Invest ment of the Funds Arising Therefrom, Styled "The State I .,,i,,l llnanl." Plaintiff vs. SUMMONS M. Roeser and M. A. Roeser, his wife, Joseph F. Lincoln, E. N. W heeler, Nlcolai llrothers Co., a Corporation, Mrs. H. A. Colby, William B. Thomson aud 1. C. Sanford, Defendants. To Mrs. H. A. Colby, M. Roeser nd I. C. Saii- fortl, Defendants above-named: N THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: 1 Yon and each of vou are hereby uotil ed. that the Plaintiff herein has filed a complaint against you in the above-entitled Court and ciiiaa. nnd that vnu and each of vou arc hereby requlrod to appear and answer said complaint on or before tho last day proscribed by the order of publication hereof, towit: August loth, 1000. You are further notified that if yon fall to ap pear aud answer the sal. I complaint, or plend thereto, within said time, the Plaintiff will cause the default of each one of you to be cn tril of record and will atmlv to the Court for the relief prayed for In said complaint: That Is to aav, for a judgment against the above-named HnfandutitA. M. KoesAr and M. A. Roeser. for the sum of U0, with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent par year from August 16th. 181U, and also for the further sum of 175 n nitornnv's fnes in said suit, allll for tlio COstS and aisltursemeuis in inissuii, auu ior a uecre foreclosing all your right, title ana interest in and to the real e.-t ite described iu the mortgage mentioned in Bald comnlaiut aud described as follows to-wlt: The north hall of the north west quarter; the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter; the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter ui section m; iiiho ine soutu urai. nnnrinr of the southeast ouartor: and the northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of section rr-, an oemg stunie in lownsnip , n.trih .-,1 raium 2 wftMl of the Willamette Meri dian in Columbia County. Oregon. Also for the usual decree for the sale of said described mort gaged premises, ana tlio application oi ine pro ,.... ,! of said sale iu UAVUH'tlt of ssid judgment. and for such other and further relief as the Court may deem proper. The date of the first nuhllcatlon of this sum mons is Friday, Juue 15th, 1900, and the last publloaUQn thereof Friday, ine nan aav oi August. A. D.,J'.KMI; and said summons ahull be published on Friday of each week for the period of six eonseoutlve weeks between said dates. This summons is served by publication, by order of the Hon. Thus. A. McBride, Judgo of the above entitled Court, made and entered on the 2lh day 'of May, A. D , 1900. W. H. Comykrs, G. W. Coi.n, .'Attorneys for Plaintiff. COUMTY TREASURER'S NOTICE Coukty Tssasiihkr's Orrics, u it-. a irmn TOTICB 18 HEItKBY GIVEN THAT ALL 11 unpaid County Warrants ol coiumuia County, Oregon, which have been presented ami endorsed' "Not Paid for Want of Funds," prior to Sept. 1st, IBM), will bo paid npjin pre sentation at this olllce. Interest Will not be allowed after this date. kdwin bubs, nillJS Treasurer of Columbia County, Oregon. FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL WHOM It may conaern, that the undersigned. guar dian of the estate of Oeorge E. Frakes. a minor, has riled In the County Court ol Columbia County' state of Oregon, his final account aud report as such guardian of said estate, and that Haturday. the 7lh day of July, HMO, at the hour of 1 o'clock F. M., of said day, at the Court House In St. Helens. Or., has been appointed by suld Court as the lime and placs for hearing of objections to said final account and report, and for the hearing aud settlement thereof. Dated Juue 7, 1U00. V. A. Fkakks. Ouardlau of the estate and person of George E, Frakes, a minor. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Okkoom City, On., May 12, WOO. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THK following-named settler hss filed notice of her Intention to make final proof In iupiort of her claim, and thut said proof will be made be fore the Countv clerk of Columbia County, at St. Helens, Oregon, on June 27th, 1U00, vii: DSniiiA i;. on. ulnar. of section 12, township 4 north, range 4 west. nne names ine loiiowmg witnesses v prove her continuous residence uton and cultivation of said land, viz: John D. linker, OttoB. Malm sten, aud Alice D. Smile, of Vernonla, Oregon, Eva West, of Greenville. Oregon, mis J22 . Cuss. B. Mooass, Register. NOTICE FORUBLICATION. Land Orrica at Okeooh City. Or., May 29th, 1900. N'OTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE fnllowliie-.named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of hia clulm. that sslil tirnftf will Imi made before the County Clerk ot Columbiacounty,at St. Hel ens, Oregon, on July 16, 1900, viz: W1L.1.1E A. fl AKKIS. Homestead entrv No. 11,179. for the N. 'A of B. E. 4, 8. W. '4 of S. K. and 8. E. of 8. W. of section 19, township 6 north, range 4 west. tie names ine lonowing wuncsHes w prove his coutiuuous residence upon and cultivation of said land vis: C. W. Melllnger, 8. A. Wilkin son, li. M. Keeuiney, ana A. li. Matnews, all ol Vemonla Oregon. Jl J 13 Cms. B. Mooass, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. La no Orrics AT Obiook City, Or , May 81. 1900. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed uoflce of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that suld proof will be made be fore the Register and Receiver, at Oregon City Oregon, ou Aug. 4, 1U00, viz: bAsur.Lr. hai.ijaku. Homestead entry No. 10.532, for the W. Ji of 8. K. U and S. E. 'A of 8. E. M. of section X loxo- ship 4 northFrange 4 went. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: John D. Baker, E. E. Nicker son, F. M. I'arker, and David T. Early, all of Vernonla, Oregon. jrijlS Cbas. B. Mooris, Register. 'CITATION. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, in and for Columbia County. In the matter of the estate of Frank II. Webber, deceased. To fcliiabeth Webber. Mrs. I. G. Wlkstrom, heirs of said deceased, and all others whom It may concern. N THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby cited and required to appear before Ihe Judge of the County Court of Ihe State of Oregon, for Columbia County, on Mon day, the 16th day of July, I'.X1. at 1 o'clock In ine atiernoon oi Baiu nay, ai me wun eiihiiu ut the Court Houra. In the Clfv ol ST. Helens, in Columbia County, Oregon, to show cause, if any there be, why an order should not be made granting to the said Administrator permission, and directing mm io sell lie real estate oi saia deceased, at public auction, according to the pe tition of the Administrator on file herein. That the following is a true description of the real proiertv described In ihe petition, belonging to said estate, to-wlt: The west W of the north west M of the southeast '4 of section 7. township 4 north, range 1 west of Willamette Meridian, in Columbia county, Mate oi uregon. witness, ine Hon. i. a. iroau, ". Judge of the County Court of the iEAL J State of Oregon, for the County of ., ,. , ' Columbia, this 11th day of June, A. D. I!. Attkst: J. G. WATTS, Clerk. PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE To the Honorable County Court of Columbia Conntv, Oregon. We, the undersigned legal voters, residing in Oak Point Precinct, Columbia Couuty, Oregon, would respectfully petition your honorable body at its next Regular Session, which will be held on the Sth day of July, l'JOO, in the Court House. In tho City ol St. Helens, Colombia County, State of Oregon, that a Liquor License De grautea io . Ij. ruinam, io sen spiruuous, vinous and malt liquors, in quantities less than one gallon, in Oak Point Preci net, In said Con n ty and State, and that said License be granted for a period of six months; for all of which your petitioners will over pray: W H Keed, Jus G Gumbert, D M Ewing, W A Paslev, James Coakley. Carl Stockenberg, James Stockeubcrg, L 8 Mason, R 11 King, Geo W Knick, Henrr Henderson, Chas Ertckson, C L Blamnlil.'t, wm Anderson, oavin mini, wmiam MeCollam. (1 H Crandall, A L Mt'Oaire, George Armstrong, Joseph Powers I S Gragg. C R Wi ley, J E Black, J W Turner, I J Davis, Wm Rob ert, tlharles Mayger, Simon Kaspar, Frank Humes. A E Middaugh, F w nunrer, s sio Barnes, L Stockeubcrg. G W Barnes, C G Pal lium, A Wadin, F E Williams. C P Syvcrson, C w Lovearen. J B Lovegren. Edgar Quigley, Q W Walling, L W Ball, F J Quinu, J G Tompkins, Ed Carlson, Emil Peterson, M A Kegel. Ed Love gren. A J Quigley, R Herino, c II Jones, Chaa Hermo. R S Payne. Harry Russell, H Syverson. K J smith, b Lovegieu, i ivoeiiermeirer, b a Norgren. J8j6 PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE To Tin Hoi'orabli County Count or Col umbia County, State or Ohioon: Wa. the nnderslfmed letral voters, residing tn Goble Precinct Columbia County Slate of Oregon. would respeotmiiy petition your ltonoraDie body at its next regular terra, which will be held on the 5th day of July, 1900, tn the Court House in the citr of St. Helens, Columbia Conntv, State of Oregon: That a license be granted to O. E. Hunter, to 6ell spiritless, vinuona and malt liquors In quanitles less than one gallon, in Goble Precinct, In said County anil istaie, ana mac saiu license ee granieu ior av period of one vear, for which we ever pray: Dated this 23th, day of May WOO, at Goble Oregon. G. C. Jaquish, K. W. Fowler, P. A. Buchor, J, M. Powlor. Victor Furrer, Amcy Link, Glenn Link, Frank Cleaver, Jacob Zwingll, J. W. Lord, Fred Koble, Frafik Welter, J. M. Payne, John Gilllgan.U. M. Farr, Thomas Paw son, T. 11. Blackoter, L. Bradley, M. W. Bradley, Charles Link, J. C. Monroe, H. Stehmau, John Karr, Jay P. Archllbaia, uonaia Bate, jonn Munson, C. W. McFarland, G. 8. Foster, F. Drucks, Henry Blake, James Blacketer, II. Ward, U. 8. D'Spain, A. H. Roberts, James Kennedv. 1r. Thos. Buree&s. George Foster, jr. F. W. McKluster Peter lioescy, wipe l razairai, ii. jm. rowitr, m. . drown .Ins Ijtnnrs. Thomas Pooote'a. G. W. Farr, G. Anllker, Walter Hunier, Peter Wicks, Wm. Bardick, R. Aullker, 0. P. Anderson, 8. IS. Butts, A. Neer, J. R. Madison, E. A. Smith. W. 1). Snjterlee, Fred Woodham, J. H. Spencer Christopher Mnglun. Dk Shilohs Cough and lOnsumption - uire This Is beyond question tho most successful Cough Medi cine ever known to science; a few doses invariably cure the worst cases of Cough, Croup and Bronchltla, while Ha won derful success in the cure of Consumption la without a par allel in the history of medicine. Since its first discovery it haa been sold on a guarantee, a test which no other medicine can atand. If you have a Cough, we earnestly ask you totryit. In United States and Canada 85c., 60c. and l.pO, and in England Is. 3d., Ua. 3d. and 1B.GJ. antr OfVYCDIFTARSl I S.CWells & Co.) LEROY, N.Y. TORONTO, CAN, FOR SALE BY EDWIN ROSS New Firm! COLLINS & GRAY I Carry the largest stock and greatest variety of general merchandise of any firm in Columbia county, where the wants of the farmer, the logger, mechanic, business man and laborer can be supplied. Their stock consists of GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Furnishing goods, hardware, tinware, paints, oils, glass, crockery, cuttlery, blankets, oil clothing, feed, flour, garden seeds, orchard grass, garden implements, and dairy supplies, etc, etc. LOGGERS' AND WOODSMENS'JOOLS. Collins & Gray (Successors to "W. H. DOLMAN.) THE PEOPLES' MERCHANTS. T-i i m t i - J toff H"" aVI AnP."lAM V u-rwa UAViiniigvu v Aavruuov y,AAAAAAAAArAAAAIAA,AAAAAAAAiB li' Before Where he Mens" Suits, Checked or Boys' 8 tits, Three Different Patterns.. Boys' Washing Suits Bors' Shoes. Ladles' and Vesting Top, John fTfjfxjf ay ay ays xym jarTayyy jsji If You will Give Them a Trial They will Convince You that what is Said in this Advertisement is THE TRUTH Our Large Stock of DRY GOODSjlGROCERIES Consists of the Highest Standard of Quality, which we aim to sell at very reasonable prices. RUBBER GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ....BOOTS AND SHOES.... DART & MUCKLE, POPULAR DEALERS. ST. HELENS, - OREGON. St, Helens Meat Market KELLEY & GILS0N, Proprietors. BEEF. MUTTON, PORK, VEAL, Breakfast Bacon, Cottage, Picnic and Westphalia Hams. Pure Lard. Highest Cash Priee Paid for Stock.. St. Helens Pharmacy DR. EDWIN ROSS, Proprietor. 1 K I I V.-- J w a iawvvwvvvvvvvvvvyyyvvyvyy Prescriptions carefully and accurately compounded at any hour of tha or night. Orders by mall for medicine will receive prompt attention. 5 day PAINTS, OILS, PAINTERS' SUPPLIES. ..St. Helens ST. HELENS, i I New Goods! Wl J I aW Bkas kai I Wf af I B Saw 1 sr v Money Kelnndeu if not Satisfactory NO DOUBT YOU AEE ALL IN HEED OF . Clothing and Shoes! Before taking chances on some unreliable r taking chances on lome an re liable Bhoea, why not have a eure and K square deal by seeing W JOHN DELLAR.. recommends every article ; price accord- R ing w us vaiue. j. VATK A PW RPPriiTTIRIL- W Fancy Worsteds, Chevtofs, Bromo 1 III F r. $7.50 Striped, with tloubte-Breasted Vest. . tPlaJU h s nr W 1.Z3 .411 1.25 Satin Calf. Lace Misses' Shoes, Vlcl Kid, Tan or Black, fl f fl a $3.00 Values for Cellar, COB. FIRST AND YAMHILL, PORTLAND, OREGON. aysTy: say BOLOGNA, PORK, SUMMER SAUSAGE. KELLEY & GILSON, St. IIklknb, Ohkuom. Drugs, (Jnemicals AND ...PATENT MEDICINES.... Perfumery, Toilet Articles, School Books,School Sup- plies, Stationery, Etc , . . . ' CLEVELAND 4 COTTAufc uuluko. Pharmacy..