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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1900)
Plnkham person , mtty attends to her tre mentlous correspondence with suffering women. Her trained assistants mre all women. The letters from women mre opened by women only They are read by wo- men only. They are answered by women ana only women. The oorrespondenoe Is maoretsly confidential. Write for a book Mrs. Plnkham has Just pub' llahed whloh contains let' tors from the mayor of Lynn, the postmaster of Lvnn and others of her own city who have made careful investigation. Mrs. Plnkham has helped a million women who suffered with female troubles. She oan oure YOU. Her address Is Lynn, Mass. A Confederate' Idea. "lo succeed in war," General Miles sbserves, "is to get ready before you commence hostilities." One of the confederate trenerals in 1S61 said his Idea of snccees was "to get there fust set wi'h the mosteet." Detroit Free Prefs. SHAKE INTO VOIR SHOES Allen's Font-Kase, a powder for Hie fret. It turn tuunfiil, swollen, smarting, nerv ous feet, and instantly takes tne stiur ou of conn and bunions. It's the greatest roinfort discovery of the age. Allen's Foot r.ase makes tight or new snoes leei easy. It is a certain cure for Ingrowing Nails, sweating, calloHS and liot. tired, aching feet. We have over 30.(I0 testimonials. Trv it Uxtay. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores. I'.v mail for 25c. in stamps. Trial package KRKK. Address, Alien 9. Olmsted, ljt Koy, S. 1 . No able-bodied men need be idle in New Zealand. The government gives every applicant work, and pays him the rate of f 2 a day. A new antomatio machine gun is be log tested by the United States army It weighs oulv 13 pumis, can be car ried by one man, and fires 450 shots a minute. Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth ing (Syrup the best remedy to use for th'"' imldreu during the teething period. ; A new metliod of preserving tele graph poles is to surround the portion In the ground with an earthenware pipe like a drain pipe. Into the space be tween the pole and the pipe is poured i mixture of sand and resin. Will Cure too. Dr. Plunder's QrIloodPuriier ' A popular remedy for the bite of mad dog, at the beginning of the 19th century was for tne victim to take an ounce of the pulverized jawbone of the dog that had bitten him. After the administration of this remedy the ani raal was never known to bite any one. Rifle clubs are being formed all over France to perfect the members in marksmanship. The system is in imi tation of the custom so long practiced by the Boers, who instruct even their children in the use of firearms. An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial effects of the well known remedy, By hup or Flos, manufactured by the CaLiFOKKiA Fie Strop Co., illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing the system effectually, Impelling colds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly and enabling one to Overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from svery objectionable quality and sub ttance, and its acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing figs are used, aa they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and ther aromatic plants, by s method known to the California Fia Syrup Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAW JTBAMCISOO, CAL. LOCTISVTI.I.K, IT. jriw YORK, H. T. Fee sale by all Druggists. Price 50c. per bottle. A I .' rtl "jr. Vrkriaiira jr I 1 Best Court ajrrue. Thus Cloud. Cs f 1 II Is lis.. ! kr Srnseiwa. f V Advertising Is not luxury, but rather an economic busl- ness proposition, recognized by all it bft and most sue- A p oessful business men tho world ovor. sVtr-'''Vv Jjm PACIFIC COAST NEWS Commercial and Financial Happenings of Interest In tho Growing Western States. Coal for Market. In the country surrounding Stella, Cowlita county. Wash., it has been known for a number of jjars that crop. pings of coal have been discovered, am some prospecting and develnpmeut work have been done. The coal assay ed well, and it was comparatively easy of access, but for soma reason it was found difficult to interest capital suffl cient to hiine and ship ths coal on large enough scale to make it profit ble, and the man who owned the most valuable properties in that locality had not the means to do so himself. About six months ago the following capital ists of The Dalles became interested in ths property: ' Hon. Malcolm A Moody. J. M. French, J. B. Mclnerny and J. Nicholas. They employed practical mining engineer who had had experience in this character of work and had a thorough inspection of the properties made. The result was that they formed a company giving the owner of the land a half interest in paid-up, nos-assessable stock, while they agreed to furnish all the money necessary. They purchased machine) y of the latest design in the Kast, and most of it has arrived and been set up, It is the expectation of the company to have coal from its mine ou the market within 60 days of a quality equal to any that is now used in the Northwest, and at a price very much below that at which it is now sold In carrying out their present plaus they will build a railroad from Stella four miles up Cold creek to w here tne mine is located. Tho Big Buffalo Sold. . One of the most important mining deals ever made in the Northwest, wherebv the former Big Buffalo mine at Buffalo Hump becomes the property of Charles Sweenev, the Spokane capi talist, has been consumated at Grange- ville, Idaho. The sale embraces the Bert Rigley, S'oung and Bobbins inter ests, representing one-half of the mine, for $125,000 cash. Sweeney had pre viously secured the other interests for which he paid about $75,000. The deal on the property has been pending manv months. Hew Bine River Ledge. The newly discovered quartz pros pects on the Blue liver. Or., reported about two weeks ago, are attracting great deal of attention. Miners and prospectors are heading that way from all directions, and already a live! mining camp is there. The discovery is in the vicintiy of Blue river falls several miles northwest of the old Blue river mining camp. It is easily acces sible by a horse trail from the main road up the McKmzie. and no difficul ty is experienced by miners taking in supplies. To Plant Tomatoes. The Davidson Fruit Company, at Hood River, Or., has furnished about 75,000 tomato plants to farmers who are going into the business of growing tomatoes for the cannery. P. F. Brad ford has the supervision of the growing of the plants, and has visited the farm ers and given instructions about setting the plants. The plants are furnished free and the farmers have engaged to plant about 80 acres for the fruit com pany. 2ext season it 100 acres of peat can be secured, the company will put in machinery to hull and can green peas. Mohair Pool Sold. A fool comprising 2,931 fleeces ol mohair has been sold at Corral lis. Or. The purchasers were F. L. Miller and S. Li. Kline, merchants of that place. and tbe price paid was za cents per pound. The total weight of the lot would be about 10,000. lne pool is the second of the kind sold there thi season. A former lot of almost the same number of fleeces sold recently at 28M cents per pound. Northwest Tfotee. Fred E. Wilmarth has purchased an interest in the Burns, Or. News. A new saw mill will soon begin operations at Alba, Lmatilla county. Ths material for the F6ssil, Or waterworks, weighing 100 tons, will be hauled from Arlington by team. The new bridge crossing the Coquille river at Myitle Point has been com pleted and opened to traffic. It is the best bridge in Coos county. The Sugar Leaf Creamery, Coos county, has resumed operations. It will handle 10,000 to 15,000 pounds of mux daily as soon as tne roads are good, and will make cheese principally, George Snodderly, a pioneer of Grant oonnty, Or., died at Long Creek. He was 69 years of age, and went to the Canyon creek mines in I860. The body wag taken to Susanville for burial. Field Superintendent Larson, of the La Grande beet sugar factory, reports that there is a total of 700 acres of beets planted and the ground is pre pared for seeding 800 acres more. J. F. Birney, of Everett, Wash., has gone to Snohomish to survey a logging camp for Campbell Bros., on Batt's slough, where 700 acres of timber will be handled. At a Port Townsend custom house sale of seized goods, consisting of silks, eigars and opium, the principal bidders were Chinese, and the opium brought 10.50 a pound, the regular, market price. Over 500,000 shingles were floating in the bay and strewn along the beach at Port Townsend as a result of the capsizing of the scow towed from Dun geness with 1,000,000 shingles on board. Many have been recovered, but the loss will be heavy. A cattle buyer was on the Lower Co- qoille river the past week buying and contracting for calves and young stock for parties in Fresno countv, Califor nia. He made contracts for some 600 head of calves at $3 per bead, to be de livered the first of September. The Republic company has 52 teams, many of them six horses, on the road freighting from Republic to Columbia. B. C. A six horse outfit hauls 8.000 pounds, and makos the ronnd trip in five days. There are 819 national banks In operation In Illinois. , IRON AND STEEL LOWER. Metal Markets Ulsturh Serenity of ths Trade Situation. Until trwt's says: Mors rather than loss irregularity in tho trade and pries sitimtiou is to be no tod this weak, part ly in the result of weather conditions. but partly in the case of ths iron and, steel trade because of ths continuance of those efforts in ths friction of lower prices which have been such a feature of the iron and steet trade oi laie That the basis conditions of trade re main on the whole mors favorable is, however, evidenced by a number of features. Railroad earnings coittinns heavy, aud the doorcase noted in ban clearings is chargeable largely to relig' ions and other holiday ottsnrvniioea, and to restricted stock speculation. ' It hits been a weather market for ths cereals aud agricultural products, these advancing early this week, but weakening toward ths close. Wool is weak, but there is rather more inquiry, ahd now, as one yeat ago, relatively highest prices rule at points of production. Backward weather conditions have affected the lumber trade demand but in this as in a number of other lines the advanced prices denmnded are cred lteil wun cuocxiug uusmess. The pressors of heavy supplies is re sponsible for the slight, weakening shown in the price of raw sugar this week, while the re bued market n- mains unchanged. Wheat, including flour, shipments for the week aggrega ted 3,898,945 bush' eles, against 2,890,653 bushels last week. Business failures in the United States for the week number 161 against 152 last week. Failures in Canada for the week number 19, as copniared with 85 lasf week. PACIFIC COAST TRADE. Seattle Markets. Onions, f 5 per sack. Lettuce, hot house, 40 (3 45c dos, Potatoes, $16(417; $17(318. Beets, per sack, 75885cr Turnips, per sack, 40$60o. Carrots, per sack, 50(p)"5c. Parsnips, per sack, 60(3 75c. Cauliflower, California 8590o. Callage, native and California, $1.00(31.25 per 100 pounds. Apples, $2.002.75; $3.00(33.50. Prunes, 60o per box. Butter Creamery, 22o; Eastern 92c; dairy, 1 7 (d 22c; ranch, 15l7o pound Eggs 1616c. Cheese 14(3 15o. Poultry 14c; dressed, 14(3 15c spring, o. Hay Puget Sound timothy, $11.00 12.00; choice Eastern Washington timothy, $18.00(3 19.00 Corn Whole, $23.00; cracked, $23 feed meal, $23. Barley Rolled or ground, per ton, $30. Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.25 blended straights, $3.00; California, $3.25; buckwheat flour, $6.00; .gra ham, per barrel, $3.00; whole wheat flour, $3.00; rye flour, $3.804.00. Millstuffa Bran, per ton, $13.00; shorts, per ton, $14.00. Feed Chopped feed, $19.00 per ton middlings, per ton, $20; oil cake meal. per ton, $30.00. Fresh .Meats Choice dressed beef steers, price 8c; cows, 7c; mutton 8c pork, 8c; trimmed, Be; veal, 8i(3 10c. Hams Large, 13c; small, 13H breakfast bacon, 12c; dry salt sides. 8c. Portland Market. Wheat Walla Walla. 64 55c Valley, 54c; Bluestem, 57o per bushel, Flour Best grades, $3.00; graham, $2.50; superfine, $2.10 per barrel. Oats Choice white, 85 (3 36c; choice gray, 34c per bushel. Barley Feed barley, $14(314.50; brewing, $17. 00(3 17.50 per ton. Milli-tuffs Bran, $13 per ton; mid' dlings, $19; shorts, $15; chop, $14 per ton. Hay Timothy, $9 10; clover, $7(3 7.50; Oregon wild kay, $6(37 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery, 40 46c; seconds, 45c; dairy, 8037ic; store, 25(3320. Eggs 12c per dozen. Cheese Oregon full cream, 13o; Young America, 14c; new cheese 10c per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.50 .50 per dozen; hens, $5.00; springs, 2.503.50; geese, $6.60(38.00 for old; $4.50(36.50; ducks, $5.60J36.00 per dozen; turkeys, live, 10(3 Ho per pound. Potatoes 30(3 50c per sack; sweets, 2 '4C per pound. Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 76c; per sack; garlic, 70 per pound; cab bage, I'ic per pound; parsnips, 75; onions, $2.503.00; carrots, 60c. Hops 3 (3 8c per pound Wool Valley, 16(3 18o per pound; Eastern Oregon, 10 15c; mohair, 279 30c per pound. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers ami ewes, 4!ic; dressed mutton, 7(3 2c per pound; lambs, $2.60 each. Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5.00; light and feeders, $4.60; dressed, $5.00(36.50 per 100 pounds. Beef Gross, top steers, $4.0034.60; cows, $3.50(34.00; dressed beef, 6H a per pound. Veal Large, 64374c; small, 8(3 8!sc per pound. Tallow 5ig5Mc; No. 3 and grease, J(34c per pound. San Frnoeiseo Market. Wool Hpring Nevada, 1 3 (1 Co per pound; Eastern Oregon, 1216c; Val ley, 20 22c; Northern, 1012o. Hops 1899 crop, ll13o per pound. Butter Fancy creamery 17c; lo seconds, 16164c; fancy dairy, 16c; do seconds, 18(3 16c per pound. Kggs Store, 14c; fancy ranch, ,'sc. MillKtufrs Middlings, $17.00 (3 20.00; bran, $12.50 13.60. Hay Wheat $6. 50 9. 60; wheat and oat $.00(a;u.00; best barley $5,009 7.00; alfalfa, $3.00(30.60 per ton; straw, 2540o per bale. Potatoes Early Rose, 60 (3 75c; Ore gon Uurbanks, 60c$l.00; river Bur banks, 40 70c; Salinas Burbanks, S0:(31.10 per sack. Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia, $2.75(33.25; Mexican limes, $4,009 5.00; California lemons 76c$1.60; do choice $1.7692.00 per box. Tropical Fruits Bananas, $1,609 2.50 per bunch; pineapples, nom inal; Persian dates, 636K per pound. TOO MUCH INTRODUOINQ, What an Knailahman Has to Bay A boot Our Method. "It took me souio time to grasp ths American point of view In regard to tetters of Introduction," snld au Eli gl!h traveler, chattlug over America characteristics. "Wueu ws give a innn a letter of Introduction at home, w consider that ws am vouching for bint socially, nuaiiclaHy aud svery other way, so, needless to. say, It Is uever done except among relatives or the closest friends, HerS you don't seem to tuke the thing seriously. When I was lu Washington Inst week 1 was In trod need to a very pleasaut gentleman tn ths rent estate business, and elm need to nieutlou that I was going to NiihIi villa next day. 'Oil, Indeed!' he said, 'then I'll Just give you a line to an old chum of mine there,' and ImiiuHllutely he took out a pud of puitc-r and began writing, ity the way,' he remarked, after Jotting down a few words, 'I didn't eveu know my name struck me Is the proper spelllngr Tho Idea of stranger giving m a letter of Introduc tion to au Ultimate friend when he didn't eve ukuow my name struck me as very strauge aud nimialtig. Uow ever, 1 took It with thanks, and late found the Nashville mnii a very charm lug fellow. Wheu I left lie Insisted on giving me a note to a friend In Mem phis, who proved equally charming, and who, lu turn, supplied mo with a lutroductlou to a proiulucut chibiun here tn New Orleans. "The Inst letter I haven't presented, ml don't Intend to, because It contains a glaring, though Inadvertent misstate ment lu referring to me as an old and cherished friend of the good-mit tired gentlemen of Nashville and Washing ton. The process, as you see, has built me up an entirely fictitious character, and 'ion my word, 1 can't understand why such friendliness la not continual ly and outrageously abused by Iiimhir torn. I'm sura It would he on our sld of the water." Baltimore News. Why He Got It. There Is a sentiment common to ths most of mankind which makes oue' own home ami neighbors the best there are lu the world, and even a strange A lio balls from the home town the most welcome friend to be met away from there. Nevertheless, such an llltistra tlon of It as the following, told by Geu, Sir Redrers Huller, Is rare: The story was told the Rev. 8. Bar Ing Gould by Gen. Buller himself, and Is narrated In the author's words as far as possible. Sir Red vers was on his way, with regiment of soldiers, to Cauada. Off the entrance of the St. Lawrence the vessel was enveloped In fogs and de layed so that provisions ran short. Now there was a station on an Islet with supplies for shipwrecked mariners, so Sir Red vers went ashore In a boat, to visit the store and ask for assistance. When be applied be found a woman only In charge. No," said she. "the supplies are for those who are shipwrecked not for such as you." 'But this Is a Government depot, and we are servants of the crown." Can't help It; you're not shipwreck ed." There was a very recognisable Into nation In the woman's voice. Sir Red vers at once assumed the Cornish ac cent, and said: "What, not for dear old One and All, and I a HulIerV" "What, from Cornwall, and a BulerV Take everything there Is In the place; you're heartily welcome!" Origin of Rod and Lino. Obviously the answer to the cooun drum, "Who discovered rod-Ashing In the sea?" is the first man who found be could not dangle effectively a band line over the edge of some precipitous shore, with rocks projecting at the foot Later, when this noble savage began to burn out trees to make boats, the fisherman of the period doubtless boomed out a line on each side of the craft of the period so as to enable him to work four lines. Go to the wildest portions of these Islands and we find the same practices continued. In the far noith, little barelegged Highlanders sit on steep rocks bobbing for cuddleB, rod In hand. and without doubt much the same thing may have been seen any summer this century or two, as long. Indeed, as there have been cuddles and laddies to catch them. Go to the northwest of Ireland, and there the descendants of wild men row or sail, with bamboo rods, stuck out from the sterns of their boats, like quill stuck by wicked pupils In wigs of eighteenth century pedagogues. Files, mind you, at the end of the lines. Real fly-fishing In the sea, and catching gllssaunes (youthful coal fish) by the hundred. And this done for ages; and people want to know who discovered or Introduced rod-fishing la the sea! Why, the practice Is as old as the bills, metaphorlaclly speaking per haps older than some hills. Fishing Gazette. The Bride and Groom. "The wedding ring completes the cir cle, typical as Is the ring Itself of the perpetuity of the compact," writes Mrs. Burton Kingsland In the Ladles' Home Journal. "Inside the ring always a plain gold one are engraved the Ini tials of bride and bridegroom, and the date of the marriage. It Is placed on the third finger of the left hand be cause of the fanciful conceit that from that finger a nerve goes straight to the heart. "Some say that the word 'obey' In the marriage service Is an anachronism and holds only those who choose to be bound, but American women do not often feel their chains. In some prov inces of Russia the bride's father gives her a little cut with a whip, which in strument of correction he then pre sents to the groom for future emergen cies. The kiss formerly given by the young husband to bis bride after the words, 'I pronounce you man and wife' for which so mony rehearsals were necessary has gone out of fash Ion. "It Is a time-honored observance of eddlng etiquette that the bride shall not be seen by the bridegroom on the fateful day until she appears coming up the aisle to meet him. Hence ths ustom of the bridegroom's waiting at the altar. The bridal procession Is for him not a pageant for the guests." Toujour lm lollleso. "During a reoent sharp skirmish," atya "The Sphere," "au English officer in South Africa noticed that one of his uus was in danger. Calling an otlloer to his side he requested hint to go and belp the captain to try and bring it In. 'Pardon,' he added, aa the officer tum id to obey, 'perhaps you do not know the captain,' The offloer had not the pleasure. 'I'll introduce you, then jlmrmlng follow,' said his lordship, iiul, regardless of bursting shells and puffs of dirt which marked the pitch f bullets all' around them, he can tvred along the hillside with him, 'Captain,' lie shouted, 'let me iutro luce my frtend. Mr. B., Captain A, lie will lend you a hand to bring in that gun; hope neither of yon will be mocked over doing it. "Collier's Weekly. lOO KBWAKll SHOO. Ths readers of this tisper will be pleased to (list thero is t lesil on dreaded dlsess Hist ssieui'e hsa lieen abit lo euro In all us nun, and that Iseatartlt. Itsirscsurrn ( lire la the only poslilv cur known lo the medieal lernlty. i starrb being a constitution! dis- se, requires onnitliuilonsi treatment, lUII's Ckisrrh Cure Is taken Internslly, actlni Airvetly upon the Mood and mucous surfaces tt Ih system, thereby demniylng the (mauls, lion ot Ih ill !',, and slvlns ths patient treusih by building up the constitution, and Milting nature in doing us wor. in pro. prlemrs hare so much faith In Its rurally power, that they oRer One Hundred JVHars lor any ease that U (alls toourw. bead lor ltst t tesliuiuutals. Address r. 1. ( II KNOT at l O., Toledo, O. Bold by druggists, 7,Vi. llall's Vamlly I'llli ar the best. A doctor of Rreslau has been experi menting with hens, and he gave 40 of them gout by feeding them ou horse flesh without fat. Then he partially relieved them of the gouty pains by the tdiuiuistiation of powdered egg shells. A SIGNIFICANT LETTER. New York City, Feb. 15, 1000. My Dear Carlton: I know it will please you to learn that my homeward journey Irom San Francisco was more than pleasant. Oue striking feature that added very much to my comfort was the dining car service on the Rio Grande Western aud the Deuver & Rio Grande. This is the finest service of this description I have ever seen anv- where, either in this country or abroad; the food and cooking was all that could be desired, and at very moderate prices. If you happen to know the Rio Grande Western people, I wish you would say to them that it will afford me the greatest pleasure at all times to bear testimony anywhere to the above mcts. ery truly yours, (Signed) J. ADDISON IIAKKR. 2nd. (-sit Lake Tribune.) The Rio Grande Western Railway now operates through Pullman sleeping cats between San Francisco and Chi cago, without change. The route via Salt Lake City ia unequalled iu attrac tiveness and wealth of novel Interest. Three through trains daily. Write for information, rates, etc., to J. D. Mans field, General Agent, 253 Washington street, Portland, Ore., or Geo. W. Ileintx, General Passenger ageut, Salt Lake City. Death-Dealing Instruments. Soapless (jam 1 see dey's I wen aniidder drownded in a bathtub, I'etey. Perambulating Pete Yep; dem t'ings is a dangerous as trolleys. Philadelphia North American. Cures Talk Creat Fame of Creat Medicine Won by Actual Merit. The fame of Hood's Sarsatmrllla has been won by the good it has done to tho-e who were sulteriiig from riuiraae. lis cures baveeicited wonder and admiration. It has caused tiioii'umls to rr juice in the en joyment of good health, ami it will do you tne same good it lias done oilier". It wilt expel from your blood ail impurities; will triveyou a good annetite and make vnu strong snil vigorous. It is Just the medi cine to help you now, when your system Is lu need ol tonic and invigorutor. SorS -"Last spring I had sores nu my face. I U-t-au taking Hood Harsa parilla and continued with it until the sores were all gun aud I was stronger and healthier than ever before." Jolts K. MutSuovs.i, Point Arena. Cat. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is America's Greatest Medicine. LAHASTINB la the original nd only durahl wall coating, entirely different from all kal somlnes. Keady for use In white or fourteen beautiful tints by adding cold water. ATJIE8 naturally prfr ALA BABT1NE for wall and ceil 1ng. because It I pure, clean, durable. Put up In dry pow dered form, In five-pound pack aces, with full directions. LL kslsomlne are cheap, tem porary preparations mads from whiting, chalks, clays, etc., and stuck on walls with da ravin; animal glue. ALABA8 TINE Is not altalsomln. It W ARB of th dealer who ay h can nil you the "same thins" AIABASTl.NE or 'something just good." Jf I either not posted er IS try ing to deceive you. ND IN OrFEKINO somrthlng h he Doug nt :hap and trie to sell on ALABAHTINE'8 de mands, he may not realls ths damage you will aufter by a kalsomlne on your walls. BNSIBLB dealers will not buy a lawsuit. Dealer risk on by celling and consumer by using Infringement. Alabastln Co. own right to make wall coat ing to mix with cold water. HIS INTERIOR WALI.8 of every church and school should be coated only with pure, dur able AbAMABTINK. It afe suard health. Hundred of too used yearly for this work. mm D N BTJYINO ALABASTINB, customer should avoid get ting cheap kalsomlne under different names. Insist oil having our goods In packages and properly labeled. TJTSANCE of wall psoer Is ob viated by ALABASTINB. It can bs used on plastared wans, wood ceilings, brick or can vas. A child can brush It on. It doss not rub or scale off. BTABUHHBD In favor. Shun all Imitations. Ask paint deal er or druggist for tint card. Write us for Interesting book let, free. ALABAHTINB CO., Grand Itapids, Mich. fullr 1st EI.I.E OISAH" wa glrs to escb penoe burls mi ot tAt Rlsars for and nxDress chersM. an elisnl alckal plsUcass, stem wind, stem Mt, open faoo Watch, na imi Hand us forvMMtelMB elated wetth chain and oharm. vuur uma and full addrata no nnnT. Wa will send olsers, watch, ohsln and charm. If, after eiemlnauon, yea are aaliaflad, pay your egeiit S2.Au and stprsaa oharf ea. naaasooaaaaniaaywnara ia wau. e.asuiaaa lenna. loa SoutharB Halla'UaseoodaaBaarlAoolaaraaowoffarad. V"ifilftmilmimt eflels sasaTwUeiUhli A IS) A E A Oullty Cnnselene. Rastns Whad yo tink is de mattah wit me, dootalif Doctor Oh, nothing but oh token pox, I guess. Kastm (getting nervous) I olare on mah honah, dootah, 1 halnt bin no what 1 could ketch datl Judge. Mrltlth Aristocracy Hlaated. Manv people attribute ths recent rever ses of the lli n Ish to the degeneracy of the arlstocracv. Ths life of luxury certainly doe not proline vigor. Indigestible sup pers, line hours, constant nerve strain ami lack of esercls upset the stuniurli and weiiken both plivsintl mid menial vitality. The blood thal'makes men heroes must com from auitve, htnilthy stomachs. Hos teller's Stoniuch Hitters tmrillra the blood and strengthen the etriiiiscli. It vines constipation, Indignation, dyspepsia and biliousness. The street oars of Havana are heavy, cumbersome, old style oars, drawn by three pouloa, one iu the lead of a span at the doubletree, all of them hitched too far from the oar for economy of effort on the part of the little beasts or successful handling by the driver. Don't Let Cutistlpatlou Kill Yont It will do It, openly or In dlagulse, t'onttl patlott has many lung sclautirUi aliases, but t ascareta l aiidy ( stimuli) a 111 save you. litug gists, luo, 'Joe, we. In San Kafael, Gal., is is illegal to shoot game with a repeating or ningii sine shotgun. The Shortest l-neral'a Long Title. "Hobs, who is sometimes known as Ijord Hoberts, has, next to the royal family, the longest lists of titles in Groat Hrlulti. Here Is his olllulal designation: Itarou Hoberts, of Kan dahar and Waterford, P.C., K.P., G.C.B., G.C.8.I., G.C.I.K., V.C.. D.O.L., LL.1). And yet he is the shortest general in the service. Should he be triumphant in South Africa he may count ou a few more letters to his name. Collier's Weekly. STFQRTI! lOVELS If ftm tsftvvn'i ft nutttlfcr. hMliiif ovitiml of th bowu everf dy, jro r Ic. or ui tkmep fmi tli Hri, ami be rtre. la lh tbrncf of viuttant tbjTte or pui pot ami. u atifnm. Tb ) giutafisrvsi, .. wossft fsrir wsj v mwmvlUM. MM J Pleasant, Palatable, fount. Taste flood Imoni, tew HioXfi, Wi.l.n, or Urle, M. SV Write m free aaaaiite. aud tMioSlet on aealta. Address BE can or IL jM CATHARTIC a Ss sum aM sseayeiaso gae KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEANl'to Malaria1? B sa ara nsa ssV sL a 1J inn n tmi mis t" immediate lasting Bra almoin twist ol the wrist von esn line up tlie eutter bar on the Champion Draw Cut Mower Vt-l list It An .nH ,.... a ...4 tl. ... a erss -was iv on nu umrri tlt rUlf BVltJ otlier point too. H.-rnl (or I atHlogue. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO., rnniLANn, orkoox. B LATEST W and BEST L too fut onsi iinn i M 2000 ft. nACfilHES I UU Looms 4 JtYstAS, nnm, obio. UL CURE YOURSELF 1 'iiimics1 1lM 111 Si ... ...... I rljarlisrHna.lnllsniBialloiia, Irrltatluiis or uhrstlons lit flltlAnna n..n,l. ...... I. '',". . -,-.., pu. Mil IU rwitntCtuunw Co, sut ur pulsouuus. VllSOISMHTI.I ", r OrsnlatB, ft sant In plain wrapper, l.r Bsprsss rr.p.1,1. "i t,l l. or S Mtlas, SV.7S. Circular sent m . tl. . BAD SPR1NO BLOOD fteqnlres some sort of a tonic thst clrans out the Impurities. One that really dues till aud more I noore'a Revealed Remedy And does It thoroughly. Plssisnt to ta. 11.00 St roui druggist's, ' l I 1 SSllS" ELLA Old as the Hills tr Ih pslni tnd arlisi of RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA SCIATICA ur as tasei Is the cur of them by iSt. Jacobs Oil lneurahle. Wife John, you have a very aiitmy. ing habit of say lug "What's tlutt" whenever you are ejMikeu to. Cun't you break yourself of it? Husband (reading) I'.h what's that?" Tit Hits. Th Makers of farter's Ink Nayi "We can't make any bettor ink llian we tin; w don't know how to. We end innke ixHirer ink, but ws won't." Carter's Ink is the best. Thaie Is a time In every Kin whin one must concentrate or fall. It is so in business, tn the choice of a prod-salon, in respect to religion. Ituv. 1). C. itarrett. Plan's Our is the best medicliiu we ever used for all allectious Of the iiinutt and lungs. Wa. O., Vaiimircti, lud., Feb. 10, 11KXJ. The British oovornmetit kenna II vessel at work sounding aud charting .I.- - I . I - A- JI..J ..... 1 . me w:vsu irtHi au uuii est wiiere usng era lurk. Last year 10,11(10 square utiles were eurefully charted iu differ ent part of the world Asia, Africa and the Houth Pacific. Refuse, choose and culture! They are truly the great things of which this life of toil and suffering are made. Itev. D. C. MacLeod. The rag ptcknrs of Paris, of whom there are aolmt 40,01)0, are euraged be cause the new rubbish boke, Just in troduced tn that city, cannot lie ojh uimI by any one but the eartmeu who are carry off the contents. O me iucoi ircfltn ionic rnn nntw ami rrasm V V St" " r BM ,. J efficacious agreeable Makes the BEST PUMPS for IRRIGATION and RECLAMATION. MINE DRAINAGE Capa cities from one gallon to 100,000 gallons per minute. They also lfDAPU TWO STAMP MILLS, build the 1111 If Un ("eiit tiravul Mills, and the Celebrsti'd I)saks AmauisMatom. rlpecial Machinery for C A t'K NUM K, Kend for Catalogue. rRflCU MIHT. m llU laannst, I San MIVU 11 HO U W. Uraneh. I3S Main !.,( Kran.'larffl PORTLAND DIRECTORY. Maelttiistrjr nimI Niiittla). KMWNM, HOII.KUrt, Mi. . WAV Histim., rtiiU.or. chinvry, tiHtUtji SOUS rOOLB. PnttTt.AHp, OmtrioR. ran give you tUm t lmr$nin In tfrnrra. limrliinery, eiijtitiff, rt)ilrr, tank-, (u.n, iltiwi. twit mitt Hintlnillls. '1 lin trw ir I X L windmill, anlU by him, U im siul)H. Rubber Growing In Mexico tm rti rlrhfMM KlAnrlrli l IMI) vmmh iivMtisl 4tmw tlvsi htr cwttt Inistftsal ft ". rtti $l(OJ lUoti. IM l.ttl) Mr (ttrrts)(, U.d wusl frtll. till Mlmslni, ! slsslUf smrtnttklr wttkuiHl htttsrsMt, lumi WUl llmst, iwutN MsHsi rsMolUi riwtrs(ir I'tsitt. dth cntls nap!'! ln(Hmsnui, sMfr lstn Mviuti bek ot lir ir.iMr..nw, ervp filurM iunj ll.U. Urf IntsMtmsinU sM,Hstllr pr..nistt.l, trthr rruf itJ htislfisMM tjHMksi tialrh fi.rt tuts. rfsM.rftdl) iit..tif mmn also ulrtiiti"l, raflatltlo liftf msiilon An mute siurtisM of a.lik, Inr-lutlln tlemi wis, nd UtmrH. bhototraiha, tttm hitn-lrsnl ttolirsj MUM bug alMwhsir. tsms titlmrsj d. nl OstjsJ, tttstlltj! lyJi tl III OH MK-II-t of iltl IM l rstutrsj4 ttt auiiir or-Ur A'lns or M on hTTnhkI knvi i k iwi., a --.!, nn Mri Htnwl, Hu rriscic, ('.. Cut lilts out. MACHINERY. K1NDS ...TATUM si BO WIN... tt t II first Street PORILsNO 0s, BUFFALO PITTS CO. MANUrACTUIlKIlM of New louble C!yllnrler Farm t.neo- notlvea aud Threshing Maehlnerj Write for CataloKUe. S'JO . Vainhllt Nt,, I-Olt 11. A N l, Oil. (Mention this iBer. PATENT KCfJItKI) OK fl Rl'UNPS" 'tt tr i. I resivlosai to pa- tejntablll V, Hemllur Inveninrs1 rrlinir," , M'LO B. TtVCN 0... Kslah. im. SI7 Mill St., WaMHINiiTi'S, ''. llrsiirh lllttcesi Chli'sgn, ( Ick Ioii.I, llutrnlt. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. YOUNG MEN! Tor 'IniiorrhiHi snrl lllart grt Taliafa okaf siwini- It la tlia CINI.V niMltclna wlili-li will mira each ami "i" oaaa. Nil TASK known It liaa fallal t" curn, n I.ialUr hnw .rl,Mi or ,rf how lung abm,llni. from Its uaa Bill aabmlah Jull. It la alaailnwlr aara, pmaanta atiirtnra. and oan Im takan wltliMiit '"'wlJ.Tl lanr and ilU.ntl',n friwii tiilalnraa. TliK 'K. l l. sala by all rullalil. dnisslata, r at-nt prwpald ! ajplaaa bialaljr wrayiHMl, on nK-'lit )f irlc. tj , FAlmtClltSH:L0O.,ClilOBgs,ll. Rlroular auUlad ea rauuaB. sum: r.imv rnn pii fs ITCI .assrssaa wises bssb b Ill N t I'llaanrtMluc.e monitilrB sndau lu-nina- Til Jar atdrusslau or seat liy mall. Traallas Ires. Writs ins about four ease. JJU. ilnSANKii, 1,'bllada. is. M. P. N. U. Mo. t8-l- 1 Dnlhllng or remodeling reslilenres sun aluria. We carry a rnmnlrte lino nt Millit 'li drams and Tiling, Tile Flooring, Tile Ws.ii siMilllig. Anillrims, Feiiilern, Hi ri'clis, KlH'IMi'. (ma snil rinihlnr,il,,ii t:hsiiili'IHs, slid sit "I" lillea irsrtalnlng to Klei'lrln slid Una I.IKhllnK. We alan carry all binds o( Hatlerle., Ilulla sml Indicators. 'hiingraiha chccrliil ly sent on ajicat!iin. Kit A N H llol.t OMH I " S4S WH.hlligleil Ht., l ortlaiid, Or. M9tttllsBB tblsf ytlpot