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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1900)
OUIXiON MIST. Al'KiL 20, um. How good arriving daily t Colllni iry, Mr. KimilliiD Meeker bus l'cn very 111 illU WKL WVUK Willi UlgnjipU. Dear lu mind; don't forget; gitrdun puiid in plenty yet, tXilllu St Uruy. Mm. W. T. Ourry, of Portlnixl, visited hef mother, Mm. A. JJuvl, in this oily this week. II. Morn" will hereafter kit bread for milu, receiving ll fresh from Portland every morning. Mm. W. A.. Harrl lint ticutt Mufl'orliiff (or about two week with a severe attack of tlio lugrlppo. Gentle spring hath come, mid Collins A Uray nr ready wltli ft line of spring ntid Hiiiiiinur good. There will bo an adjourned session of Circuit Court held In this city by judgol imwriuu tomorrow imiiuruay,; Mr. l'liilbrook Kov. J'urln next Hundaiy ut II o'clock and at I in will preucli at tho afternoon Yankton nt 3 :'M U. Homotritiii. of Vernon la. and U. W Clark, of lloultun, art) to bo awn wield mg tlm paint brush about tho city Tim opldcmle of la grlpxj which lms prostrated ninny of our people, does not-. m'um inclined to relinquish It bold. Mr. l',lleron. after visiting her (lniiiiliUr. Mm. Mholilon. for sevorn diiya, rulnriiixl to hur liomu in Portland Miimay. Mis Jessie Mitchell has Imhiii am jilnyod to touch tho Valley school, com jIuiIiib tlm torm left uiillniahcd by Mian mny iiiiiiuy. It did not rain on Kantor, but the old uUa doe not say that it will not ruin for novo ii Humbly nflor Kaster if it does not nun on unit day, Counties number of "Littlo" Oeow ' punning over this eetioii of the country on tho truvvla northward to thrir summer Imutit. Fairly good winner iiiuicauon Mr. F. J. A. Mujor, general agent of me tiro Association ol Philadelphia, vnn lu town Monday, and with the local iitffliit, Mr. E. K. Quick, solicited and muruu wine iJumuuH. Mr. C. A. Ilimpel, formerly of Oats kne, but lor a lew year residing at Vlialcm bay, where lie was engaged In tho lumber busliii'ss, has disponed ol bis interest and will return to Columbia county again. A fnw of tho arrival at Collin A liruy's storo this week are: calicoes, jiercule, cliamliry, ribbons, tins, collars, email hats, sailor hats, caps, shirts, shirt waista, abirtiiiK, etc. Call on them f you need any dry goods, clothing or furnishing goods. Preparation are being made by a mi in her of young ladies of this city to b'iv an entertainment in this city on t-aturday ol noxt week, April 28th. A pleasing programme will be given by l;uiii talent asaitcd iiy Miss Iiuise I'arr, a well-known musician, and other from Portland. Mr. J. D. Terry and wife, of Port land, came down Saturday to gpend lister with relatives in this city. Mr. l orry, while hero, purchased the Mar tin house and lot on Columbia street. )U will repair the dwelling and make oilier improvements about the projwrty, wnen it win ue lor rout. fhere tire a good many gallons of (mint being med in our city just at pre Improve tho Htroet. flood roads and good street Is always a theme which the average person do light lu bearing diHUiissed, 'i'he good rouds agilalioti bus brought soino good resu ts, ami our attnutlou may now well be directed to good streets for our town. iuuiu mis oeeu nine work (lone on our streets for Hcveral years, perhaps more vii m room, oi mcx ol aviilliilile lunilg intiii ior any other roanon. Now, how eyer tlio timo seem ripo for action along thoHo Hues fj lie taken, and we believe the city' new councilmen will order some struct improving done at an Ulll-llf 'I1!... ,1.... I . ...I . . . iiie iinaiieiui C0IKIIII01I 01 the city is in good shape, with good prospect for an Increased amount of revenue durlmr the next vur whieli cun no pm 10 no oetter use tlinn In tin provlmr our strnuts. Tim of IW or IWK) on the streets would be money well spent, and an act of the cny council wlilcli would meet the nearly approval of all the people. Hv ali mean let us clean them, and slack them and rock them, and then stand hack In admiration, Instead of attemnt- Ing to oscapo from the curses of tho teamster when Ihev lose their tern pers when sliding and bumping over the numerous rock. liioreaaiiig 111 Herd. oir. iiarry west, oi rieappoose, pro prletorof tho Mutiny Hank 8Uick Farm, was in town lust Niiturday, bringing uiiwn two nenii oi in unions uiiestei White swine for shipment to Mr. YV. II French, nt Htulla, Wash. Mr. West re tiirnud on the 30th ol March from an extended trip through Wisconsin, Ohio aim rennuyivania, inspecting the dairy nerus oi tiiose lamous uuirviug reulous While in Pennsylvania ho purchuscd nine head of registered Jerseys from the lamous stock farm of Miller & Hib l"y, at Franklin, lie chartered a car in which to transport bis highly-prized animals, coming across the comment in the car with theiii, being ten days on uio road. J he animals range in age from eight to eighteen months, and when lauded at ticuppoose cost their owner an averaire of taw each. Mr. West' registered Jersey herd numbers twenty-live animals and is valued at JolKK). During Mr. West's absence one if the favorite cow of hi herd died very sudden v. ihe animal was prised cow and to replace her would ncccsmaie tiiu outlay oi several nun died dollar. cut. Coiiridc ruble interior painting i being done, besides some "brushing is neing none to f lie cxterloi the buildings about town. The more the belter. None can Imi hit a lick amies unions they are missed a lick. The fourth annual meeting of the Portland ocialiation of CoiiKregu tional churches and ministers will be held in thi city next week, iiegiiinninu on Tuesday and continuing until Wed iicitday evening. An cxcellunt pro gramme ha been prepared and the inciting will be of prollt and interest. Wm. Mesorve, of Uray' river, the well-known surveyor and timber cruiser, is now doing some work for the Benson Losing Company in and around West' port with a view of constructing a log ging road to Flnhhawk in the mar future. A road over thi route would tap a very vuluabe tract of timber. Astoria Hudgnt. On account of the morning boat often arriving lute during the fisliing season, we will endeavor to so arrange our onion that waiting for bread will be avoided. VV'e try to meet the demand of all cluHM's'liy keeping on hnnd tho largest nd best BCHortment of general mer chandise iu Columbia county. Collins A (jray. N Mr. K. C. Btnnwood waa in town Mon day from Yunkton. Mr. Stanwood re port verr favorable progress on tho . conntruction work of his new mill, near the dam. In fact the machinery is in running order and lumber is being cut with which to complete the structure mm repair me targe mini which mew out" some time since. The local lodge of Pythian 'had an other "timo" on Tuesday evening. After conferring the chlvalrlo rank, cover were laid, ladies invited in and a light lunch, cousiHting of ice cream and uako, oranges, banana and lemonade was served by three popular Knlifbts. Tlio merry-making continued until after 1 1 oclock. Another saloon is added to tho list in St. Helena. Mr. J. 11. Wellington ap nliml fni Ami waa irrAntcd a licence to ell Honor on tiie premises recently oc cupied by Itiiun Bros. The arrange jiioutof the Interior of the building has boen remodeled and the bur stocked with a superb quality of wines, liquors and cigar. Call nt "Duko'g Place'' for liquid refresh nionts and cigar. During the throe month ending March 31st, WKS8 claima for bounties were audited in the ollice of the Secre tary of HUte, aggregating $17,310. Hineo the law was enacted, 25,604 bounty claim have been paid by the state, ng- ?;regating $61,008. The claim audited or the lust quarter represented thirty one counties. Of this amount Columbia county people have been paid foil. There la considerable agitation on lust now among the local cyclists look ing to the formation of a cycling asso ciation and tho ultimate construction of a path from Bt. Helen to connect with the one. being built from Portlund to ward the Columbia county line. The wheeler of Seiippooso and Warren are expected to join in tho movement, and aoon we hope to seo the agitation ripen into something definite. Editor George Cornwall, of the Co lumbia River and Oregon Timborinon, of Portland, was in Ht. Helens a few hour on Tuesday. Brother Cornwall's Timberuian is a valuable disseminator of all current matters pertaining to the lumber, timber and logging interests of the state. In fact, as such a journal, it ha no superior on the coast. If tho Timhertnan meet with the success it deserve it will bo extremely successful. l'aylng Tac Freely. Ho far, since the tax roll ha been in the hands ol the sheritl for col lection, there ha been abiut 20.000 collected, which I very satisfactory. The state tax is paid, a n also the county school tax, the aggregate being rlti,iHi7.4.r.. up to lust JLTKiuy night there had been collected and rccciiitcd for 17,, aim trie collector Mated that, perhaps there waa $2000 ol remittance) in the ollice which had not at that time been receipted tor. Kherifl' Uice slated to us a day or two since that payments of tuxes were being made more freely tin year than last, when cullectiunp were considered the record-breaker for Ibis county. By the way, Mr. Rice uxed to tell us that utiles wo got free silver there would be no money in the country to pay taxes with. But then, Ins argument wuk partly correct. Our people have free silver in abundance, (roe because an army of thousands oi laborer are at work, and when men are working and irottinii hit wases, they are a a rule, exceedingly free with their money, both gold and silver. ' ' Another Itallroad Project. Wliile talk is cheaoand incorporation papers do not cost but a very few dollars, yet out of the great amount of talk and the several companies organized with the express purpose of building a rail- ,T . 7 "H-l road to tho Nehalem vallov, some good Thi , ni,.l "'"T C0lne- la liwt Saturday! Oregon- tan appeared an account ol the incor poration of a company to build a rail road from (Joble to Nehalem valley, near the mouth of Oak Hunch creek. Following is the paragraph: "Articles of incorporation were filed of the Uoblu A Nehalem Hailroud Com pany in the County Clerk' ollice yester day. The incorporator are Tliomas Day, R: O. Hell and J. F. lioothe; capi tal stock, $100,000. The object are to build and operate a railroad from the west bank of the Columbia river, at or near the line of the Northern Pacific Railroad, in Columbia county, on the land of R, 11. Foster, near Coble, thence westerly to Coble creek, thonce southerly to Oak Ranch creek, thence to the Nehalem river, and following the Nehalem river to Nehalem bay." Flailing Beaaon Opened. The fishing season for 1000 opened last Sunday at 12 o'clock noon, and the suc cess which has attended tho efforts of our local fishermen since, gives encour agement to tlio belief that thi will be a profitable season in the fishing busi ness. As an example of the amount of lish in the river, somo of the fishermen on one drift caught as many as twenty live llsh, tunic evon a greater number. Mr. Sheldon, the ngent at this place, received five tons of salmon from 12 o'clock noon, Sunday, to 0 o'clock in the afternoon of the same day. On Mon day he received three tons of flali and the run ia atill on. The fishermen are receiving $0 per hundred for the salmon, mid n very small catch brings them good returns for their etlbrt. The nros iwcts are not discouraging at alt for a profitable season. Creditable Showing. It rarely luinpena that when so large a clans takes the tenchers' quarterly ex amination ns wos the cuso in this county lust week, that all the applicants are successful. There waa a class of sixteen before the board here and every one was successful in securing a sulticiently high per cent to entitle them to a certilieute. Tho ehowing is exceedingly creditable for our teachers, a all the applicants save one, were Columbia comity citi zens. Our school are making rapid stride of advancement a a result of more proficient instructor. Let the good work go on. Knowledge is power. Doing Good Work, Road Supervisor J. 0. Plank was in town Tuesday afternoon, having boen forced to susiuiiid work on the rouds for a few duva on account of the exhaustion of the fund apportioned for Ins nee. Mr. Plunk bus hud a considerable crow of men at work on the road through the Milton creek bottom, and nas nuneu ninety-four rods, or lilSO feet of cordu roy to tlm t already there. At that par ticular place the condition of the road lias alwava been an eye-sore, but with tho amount of labor put there in the past year a great change in the condi tion of the road has been made, Kastcr'l Celebration. Easter Sunday waa duly observed in this city, in the forenoon nt tho Episco pal church by appropriate sorvices. and in the evening at the Congregational church by a specially prepared literary mill musical nroeratmnn. Tho decora tions at the Congregational church and the special sorvico was correspond ingly pleasing. There is no need to outer into detail, but snfllco it is to say the observance of tho day was all that could havo been dosirud. ICndorses tlio Ticket. UA"kom.ton, Wash., April 15th. (To wie uuitor.; inoro are several Colum bia county boy, myself with the other, woianig over in Waslilnattn thi sum mor. All ol us waited patiently last week for the arrival of Tim Miht to see w ho the lucky fellow would be at the Republican convention. The ticket i an right, and if nothing happen we will be over on the 4th of June to give the boys a lift. Hoping our friend, Dr. J. K. flail, will sit down so hard on the romnunt of Demo-Pops that everything now aim nereaiter will go straight re puoucun. jours, i. . iiumoabdnbh. Flailing; Note. ClilT B. Harris Is operating seine Willow bar. Hubert & Gable are operating their nuiiu seine on umm island, in the Hlougli, and are meeting with fairly good success, (ioorgo Crandall is again in charge of il.n li,.il i .i .i... . r. K,iv imiii buumiik: grounu uown ine liver, which ia now loused by the cannery combine. Fish Agent Hholdon'a launch arrived up from Astoria lust (Saturday and was iirosseu into iininirdiuut service in patrol fllir the river (ruttmrlnfv nn Ilia flult thus saving tho fishermen much labor, ior w'iicii mey are uuiy inaiikiui. Huliool He port. Following la the report of tlio Reuben scnooi ior me month heglnnlng March unii ami eniiing April i;hii, lUOO: Niiiirbcrof davs taught 20 Nil m her of dav attendance SOfili. iiuinoerui unys IIOBCIlce DU;t .Miinner oi times tardy 5 Number of boy enrolled 15 Number of girl enrolled 15 Total number enrolled '. .. 30 Average number belonging ,. ..t. . 28 Average attendance 25 fhoae neither absent nor tardy during the term were: Oscar Hunter, Mabel rosier anil r.nnna Anderson. Visitor during the month, 1. L. Wktlk, Teacher. Have You Kcitiaiercd? Below is the number of voter who have registered in the county for each precinct to aato : I Annum Ill Apiary 10 Heaver all 47 ChitHkanie 152 Deer Island..., 2I (Joble 77 Murshland 27 Nehalem 69 Rainier 9(1 Oak Point 108 Keappooae 79 Union 180 Warren 60 Total- .1030 ... Margaret Tlulienor Dead. The arrival of a message In thi citv about U o'clock last Sunday morning, from Ban Diego. Col., announcing the Hidden death of Mrs. Margaret Ticbenor. cast a gloom over the otherwise pleas antness of the day. Mr. Ttehcnor, who resided in this citv with her na rents sev eral year ago, had a host of friends who were grieved to receive the aad new, be side a slater. Mr. James Muckle. to whom the intelligence was a very Revere shock, having had no previous knowl edge of her sister's sickness. In fact, the demise of Mrs. Ticbenor wa very sudden. Deceased will be remembered hv manv neotiln nf this nmintv as Mian Margaret Groves, a very ellicient school teacher, having taught school in this ounty during her residence here for about seven years continuously. In 1880 leceased was married to Mr. DeWit I'icheuor, of Clatskanie. In 1892 Mr. richenor removed with his family to Sun Diego, Cal., where they have since resided. Mr. Tichenor's death occurred at 4 o'clock Sunday morning and her re main were 111 111 10 rest at iu o ciock on Monday. Beside the husband and ten- year-old son, she leave a father and mother, four sisters and three hrothers. Logging and Milling;. Dan Moore, administrator of the Rorthwick estate, hag Bold to J. F. O'Reilly, of Portland, the lumber on hand, consisting ol some 200,000 feet, logging engine, horses, scow, and some other persona! property. i n i;oweeman 11am s Halting uoin- iany, of which Muckle Bros, are mem- "BIPl VI fcllU vw 11 11 ran V decided to build a new dain in liaird creek. The Himpel A Wheeler mill at the mouth of the Nehalem has been sold. ohn h. Dubois, of Dubois City, Ponn., who own souio 30,000 acres near the mouth of the river, has purchased Mr. I limners interest. It is under stood that tho capacity of the mill will no enlarged to ti0,UUU leet per uav. i ne output ia entirely spruce. Somo new machinery wilt lie added and a powerful tug and barge constructed. the (.'oweeman is not exactly tribu tary to Columbia county, yet a great leal of the logging done on that stream is carried on by Columbia county people and capital, and much of the work is perlormed uy Oolumhia county laborers. A grcut deal of the supplies used in the camps there are sent from thi place. It is estimated that the output of the Coweemnn this year will be 40,000,000 feet of log. II. Morgns ha just received a new tock of summer goods and invites your inspection. Fancy shirt waists, tallies' skirts, trimmed huts, gents furnishing goods, summer hats, ladies' and gents' shoes, (dipper and rubber. Our enterprising merchants, Collin & Cray, have been making some change 111 me arrangement oi.ineir sure mi week. Another counter has been placed nd they will hereafter dispense aoda water and other mild drink for the ac commodation of the public. - In this Issue will be found a call by the County Treasurer for outstanding warrants endorsed prior to March 1st, 18011. It is a very creditable showing for any county to be no further behind in the payment of warrant than four teen month, with almost one-half of the current tax remaining to be ap plied on the public debt. II. 0. Howard' two stallion, Roe and Ben, will stand during this season at their owner's place, at Yankton, two days each week. Marcs left for brewi ng will be pastured tree ot charge, ana every precaution exercised for their pro tection from accident, (jure will be taken in breeding, but no responsibility for unavoidable accident will bo taken. In nlnioBt every neighborhood there is someone whose life bus boon saved by Chamberlain's Cello, Cholera and Diar- hoea Remedy, or who has been cured of chronic diarrhoea by tho use of that medlcino. Mich persons make a point of telling it whenever opportunity o tiers, hoping that it may bo tlio mean 01 saving other lives. For Bale at tha St. Helena rnarmacy. Yon Try It. If Sliiloh'a Cough and Consumption lire, which la sold for the small price of 25 cts., 60 cts. and $1, does not cure, take the bottle back and we will refund your money. Sold for over fifty years on this guarantee. Price 25 cts. and 60 cts. Hold by Dr. Fdwin Robs. WAItUKN ITEMS. Mr. Ole Bohinan. I reported on the ion. urn. J. 8. Bacon 1 confined to hi home with la grippe. . ixml Puzey waa in Portland last week on a visit witu a friend. Born To the wife of EU Lynch, on rcuiiuuy lust, a ouugnior. John Slavens left for Castle Rock wash., on Saturday last. Miss Olive Ellis is now the owner of a new bicycle, a present from her mother Mr. J. S. Bacon and Mis Olive Grewell (pent the first part of the week in roriianu. Mr. R. O. Hazen and daughter, jvuyuie, spent a couple oi day in fort' land last week. Dale Semple and Harvey Collin in tend to leave for Ryan, Wash., ome 11 mo next monin. Prof. D. C. Allard informed us that five more minils have been enrolled and ue now nas a class of fifty. Mr. and Mr. John Downing anenl ibhi nununy a me guest of Mn and Mr. Uus Hcgele, ol Bachelor Flat. Deacon Whitney passed through War ren Tuesday, bike and all. We under stand that Deacon i going into training soon. Miss McQueen, who has been viaitinir hor sister, ,Mrs. N'im Baker, for the last two weeks, returned to her home at Vancouver, Wash., on Monday. , We were certain when our friend. ueo. louug, was nominated lor Uon table that the cigar would be a thick a nie. so they are in the winter time. Out of thirty-eight catalogues which Floyd Puzey received during last week. thirty-seven of them cam from different House furnishers. No use to try to keep u qmei, we are an next. Rev. J. A. Renshaw nreached his lareweil sermon oil Sunday last to a fair- sized audience at the home of Mr. and Mr. Larson. Mr. Renshaw has made many friend in ou community who win an ieei in loss greatly. D. A. Pattullo Dent Saturday and Sunday on hi ranch near Warren. It is ine intention oi nr. rattuuo to em oar in ine dairy business and. wa understand, that in the near future he is to erect a silo. Mr. Isbcster. who is already located at the ranch, is to have charge of the dairy, while Mr. McFar- land win Have control of the other work A birthday party wa tendered to Frank Sheflield at the home of hi brother, on Friday evening last. Ail the young people in the vicinity were present and by the noise and racket one would have thought that a few had ilropped in from somewhere else. Doc was not present, he being absent on mportant business. The young people. not having room enough, threw the stove out on the back porch. All kinds of games were plaved. after which cake coffee iu dainty Quantities were served. Million Given Away. It ia certainly gratifving to the public to know of one concern that is not afraid to lie generous. The proprietors of Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles, and buve the satisfaction of knowing it has cured thousand of hopeless cases. Asthma, bronchitis, iagrippe and all hroat, chest and lung disease are surely cured bv it. Call at the St. Hel- ns Pharmacy and get a free trial bottle. Kegular size 50c and $1.00. Every bottle guaranteed. Soldier who have served in the re cent war with Spain and in the Philip pines will fare well if only a small part of the bill now pending in congress are passed, uepresentative uauies, of Ten neesee, ha introduced a bill extending to them the homestead laws. Senator Turner' bill, giving them travel pay, which was previouely adversely reported and postponed indefinitely, has been reconsidered and placed on the calendar. Sihutant General Corbin opposes the nil and sav it wonld involve the pav- meut of $7,000,000. The following are ihe sums he has figured out would nave to be paid: Privates, $299.30; corporals, si'H.oo, sargeants, X37Z.30: second lieu tenants, $1,419.44; first lieutenants. $1,620.83; captains. $1,826. Itemarkabio Cure of Klienmatiam. Kkfna, Jackson Co., W. 'a. About three years ago mv wife had an attack of rheumatism which confined her to her bed for over a month and rendered her unable to walk a step without assistance, her limbs being swollen to double their normal size. Mr. 6. Maddox insisted on my using Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I purchased a 50-cent bottle and used it according to the direction and the next morning she walked to breakfast without any assistance in any manner, and she has not had a similar attack since. A. B. Parson. For eale at the St. Helen Pharmacy. The financial account of the superin tendent of the Oregon State Insane Asylum for the month of February show the total expenditure for articles consumed to be $0719.75. The total payroll wag $5556.57. The per capita expense wae $10.47 per month, and 87 cent per day. The total number of patient January 31st wa 1104; during the month 24 were received and 21 dis charged, making the total number of patients February 28th, 1107. The number of ofticors and employe is 141. That Throbbing Headache. Would quickly leave yon, if you used Dr.- King's New" Life Pills. Thousands of eufl'crers have proved their matchless merit for sick and nervous headaches. They make pare blood and build up your health. Only 25 cent. Money back if not cured. Sold at the St. Hel ens Pharmacy. ORECION'3 TIMBER OUTPUT. Amount of Lumber Manufactured In Each County In 1HIM, COUNTY WO. Of WKKt Baker ; 36,000,000 Benton 6,500,000 uiucKumas ii,7W,ooo Clatsop 20,000,000 Columbia 40,000,000 Coo 26,000,000 New. Firm!" New Goods! 100,000 1,600,000 20,000,000 400,000 2,400,000 20,000,000 7,500,000 Curry. Crook. Douglua. (iilliam Giant Harney Jackson Josephine. . . Klamath 26,000,000 Lake 2,000,000 Lane 16,000,000 Lincoln , 2,500,000 Linn 20,000,000 Malheur , 2,000,000 Marion 22.000.W10 Morrow 1,000,000 m u itnomah 205.000.000 Pojk 12,000,000 nner man. . . Tillamook 40,000,000 Umatilla 20.000.000 Union 80,000,000 Wallowa 3,000,000 Washington 12,000,000 wasco 8,000,000 Wheeler 2,000,000 Yamhill 10,000,000 Total 609,660,000 Dai You Know Consumption is preventable? Science lias proven that, and also that neglect is suicidal. The worst cold or cough can be cured with Shiloh's Cough and Con sumption Cure. Sold on a positive guarantee for over fifty year. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross. Skin Diseases. For the speedy and permanent rnro nf tetter, salt rheum and eczema, Cham berlain's Eye and Skin Ointment Is without an equal. It relieve the Itch ing and smarting almost instantly and its continued use effects a permanent enre. It also cures itch, barber's itr-h scald head, sore nipples, itching piles, chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and granulated lids. Dr. fady'l Ronilitlnn Pnwilora fnr horses are the best tonio. blood nnrifier andvermifuge. Price, 85cents. Soldby Dr. Edwin Ross. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. The utidereliaied has amnmeil and will Dav npoa presentation to me, al my residence, near Veruonia. Columbia county, Oregon, all just and legal claims against Alamo F. Adams, de ceased. Claims mut be presented within one year from the date of this notice, and must be accompanied bv Drouer vouchers, bated A orll Will, UUIli. V.1AIIOA a. AUAna. COUNT? TREASURER'S NOTICE. Cockit TasAsrjRKa's (lyrics, i-r. Helens. Or.. April 20. 1M0. TOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVES THAT ALL 11 unpaid Countv Warrants of Columbia county, Oregon, which have been presented and endorsed- "Not Paid for Want of Funds," prior to March 1st, It-'JW. w ill be paid upon pre sentation at this omce. Interest will not he allowed alter this date. EIIWIJI itoss. a2UmlS Treasurer of Columbia County, Oregon. NOTICE FOR PUBLIC A TON. Lakd Orrics at Orkoom Citt, Ob.. March 17th. 1900. VfOTICK 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE ll fohowinir-named settler has riled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of Mil, I.IUUI, Will IUM Miu uruui win ue uiaue o- fore the County Clerk of Columbia eouutv. at tit. Helens, Oregon, on May 3. 19UU, vis: VALENTINE WACHOWIAH. Homestead entrv No.ll.usK. fnr the nnthwMt a of section , township 5 north, range 2 west. no namea me lunowiug witnesses to prove his continuous residence nron and cultivation of said land, via: Valeutf cltniecki and An drew Kinowskl, of Valley, Oregon: John Ul- man and Solomon Rock, of leris, Oregon. mia27 CHAS. B. MOORES, Register. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice ia hereby given that I. the undersigned, have been, by the Honora ble County Court of the State of Ore gon, for Columbia County, appointed administrator of the estate of George Price, deceased ; that all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same, with the proper vouchers, to me, at Pittsburg, Columbia County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated March 16, 1900. W. D. Case, Administrator of the estate of Georire Price, deceased. 3 John Dellar CORNER FIRST ANP YAMHILL f HTIIEETS, PORTLAND. S. Denlor In t CLOTH ING Gents' Furnishings, SHOES. We note the following prices on our specialties: Ladios' Shoes, Kid or Karitt. Calf 1 11 jC Lace or Button, values tjl, I J Mens' Clothing, Cheviots or Wor sted, Latest Style, U.0U value..,. Boys' Clothing, Cheviots, Durable and Fashionable, S4.50 value Hoys' Crescent Suits, Durable and Fiwhlonuble, lb cent value 7.50 2,50 .40 JOHN DELLAR, Proprietor. STRICTLY ONE PRIcK TO ALL iVvvvvvvvvvvvik NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notico is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have been, by the Honora ble County Court of the State of Ore gon, for Columbia County, appointed administrator of the estate of Sarah Case, deceased ; that all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same with the proper vouchers, to me at Pittsburg, Columbia County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated, March 16, 1900. W. D. Cask, Administrator of the estate of Sarah Case, deceased. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Notice is hereby given that on Satur day, April 28th, 1900, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the court house door, at St. Helens, Columbia county, Oregon, pursuant to an order of the County Court of the state of Oregon, for Clatsop county, made and entered January 8th, 1900, I will, as administrator of the estate of Edward Westby, deceased, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following-described real property be longing to said estate, and situate in said Columbia county, to-wit: Lots two, three and four, and the southwest quar ter of the northeast quarter of section sis, in township 6 north, range 5, west of Willamette meridian in Oregon, con taining about 160.70 acres. Dated March 30th, 1900. Otto E. Carlson, Administrator of the estate of Edward Westby, deceased. mS0a27 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, for the County of Columbia. Nina M. Emerson, Plaintifl, vs. V. Emrrbon, Defendant. To Charles V. Emerson, defendant in the above entitled Buit. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against von in the above entitled suit by Tuesday", May 15th, 1900. Said suit is commenced by plaintiff against you for divorce upon the grounds of desertion, and if you fail to answer between now and said time, the plaintiff will take judgment against vou for di vorce and the dissolution ot the mar riage now existing between you and said plnintiff. This summons is served by publica tion in pursuance to an order made by the Honorable Thomas A. McRride, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Columbia. ItateU .March 13th, 1900, said order providing that the BrBt publication of this summons should be made on Friday, March 10th, 1900. 8. C. SPENCER, Attorney for plaintiff. COLLINS & GRAY J Carry the largest stock and greatest variety of general merchandise of any I! .... in '.,)..., 1 .in . V. n .. . . . L. f . .. .1.. uiu, a.k uuiuuium wu"K, niiuc 1110 vrmibB ut but? jnrmci, tliv logger, mechanic, business man and laborer can be supplied. Their stock consist of GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Furnishing goods, hardware, tinware, paints, oils, glass, crockery, cattlery, umuKtas, uii i-tuuiiug, leeu, nour. garuen seeus, orcnara grass, garden implements, and dairy supplies, etc. etc. LOGGERS' AND W00DSMENS' TOOLS. , Collins & Gray (Successors to W. II. DOLMAN.) THE PEOPLES' MERCHANTS. If You will Give Them a Trial They will Convince You that what is Said in this Advertisement is ' THE TRUTH Our Large Stock of DRY G00DS3EGR0CERIES Consists of the Highest Standard pf Quality, which we aim to sell at very reasonable prices. RUBBER GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ....BOOTS AND SHOES.... DART & MUCKLE, POPULAR DEALERS. ST. HELENS, - - OREGON. -vvvfv. VWWvwwyyy .JOHNSON & BURCDORFER BROS... RDn.Q k o Manufacturers of and Dealers In o ...All Kinds of Rough and Dressed Lumber... A a , ... I UUUUHUAU IU lflt MIU. m ior.BK... ma-lie ...tnimf Mill on south fork of Scappooee creek.four m miiefl irom wcappoose Mat ion. , I Lumber delivered At appoote station or W ...DimenfcioM Lumber.. Johnson's landing at fl.00 per Mt extra. At ( t 8CAPPOO8E, ----- OREGON St, Helens Meat Market KELLEY & GILS0N, Proprietors. MUTTON, ti PC BOLOGNA, PORK, PORK, VEAL LjLLlm SUMMER SAUSAGE. Breakfast Bacon, Cottage, Picnic and Westphalia Hams. Pure Lard. Highest Cash Price Paid for Stock.. KELLEY & GILSON, St. Hklens, Oregon. St. Helens Pharmacy DR. EDWIN ROSS, Proprietor. Drugs, Chemicals AND ....PATENT MEDICINES.... Perfumery, Toilet Articles, School Books.Scliool Sup plies, Stationery, Etc .... Prescriptions carefully and accurately compounded at anv hour of the day or night. Order by mail for medicine will receive prompt attention. PAINTS, OILS, CLEVELAND PAINTERS' SUPPLIES. 5 COTTAGE COLORS. y ..St. Helens Pharmacy.. ot" un rriuc ' n n . . THE NEW YORK STORE Has removed to the Cooper building, and ha the largest stock of dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes, notion and gen eral merchandise in Columbia county, and is constantly re ceiving new invoice of spring and summer good. Come and get aome of the rare bargains I am ottering to make room for " new goods. Remember that I pay the highest price for pro duce in exchange for goods, at the lowest price. Call and see Cooper Building, Main Street, ST. HELENS, OKEGON