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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1900)
OREGON MIST. IHfttfBB EVERY FRIDAY mOKKIINO -m- D AVID DAWS, Editor and Proprietor. Hakecrlptlaa Hates. Oh CnpY oh year la advance., One copy tlx nioulh... Biuale copy......-............. ,. 00 . Advertlamr. rat "nade known tttn application COLOMBIA COUNTY DIRECTORY. coins orncKR. un. ....,.,,.. nirrk..,. Sheriff Treaaurer Bur, of schools. Aaaeaaor.... Surveyor Coroner .... Commlaelonere I .Joarptt B. Doan, Rainier ...J. u. Helena J. N. Rice, 81. Helens K. Row. St. Helena .1. H. Cnpeland, Houlion Martin While, St. Helena A. B. Utile, Houlion ,..,Dr. H. R. Cliff, Br. Helena ...... .P. A. Fraaea, ratpo.iae K. D. Peterson. Mist APRIL 13, 1900. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. RESULT Or TBE CONTENTION. In this issue of Tbc Mist will be found a detailed report of the deliberations of the Columbia county republican conven tion held at Rainier on Monday last. The ticket put forth is the result of the determination of the delegates after much canvassing of the situation, the sentiment being uppermost to put up a good ticket. The especial fitness of the candidates and their worth as public servants was the dominant object in view when the convention proceeded to business, and the result is a good, clean ticket that any republican can earnestly, honestly and cordially support, besides, it will be supported by many persons who have heretofore held opposite po litical opinions who are no longer wed ded to the peculiar methods of modern local democracy, populism and fusion. Of course, there were disappointments, as there must certainly be in such bodies, but the disappointed ones and their friends realize that someone bad to be left out. They are not disgruntled, however, and will put their shoulders to the wheel and assist in swelling the enormous majority that is in store tor the ticket. There is something more behind the ticket than the mere person ality of the candidates or individuals of whom it is composed. These men were not nominated altogether because they are capable and deserving, but because they are republicans, and Btand for the interests ot tbe party and the promulga tion of it principles. Tbe politics of tbe county officers is important to the public in their bearing upon more im portant places. Success in little things means success in greater things, and a vote for one person on the ticket means also a vote to strengthen the legislative ticket, which, at this time, is of vital importance to Columbia county. We have for United States senator the name of a fellow countyman, whose re-election we are decidedly interested in, besides due regard for onr interests by the re election of Congressman Moody. The ticket should be supported and elected for several reasons: It is clean and competent; it ia republican and stands for tbe principles of republicanism ; it waa the will of tbe majority that the several men on the ticket be nominated for the respective place ; and, because it is the result of concerted effort on the part of people opposed to the tearing down of good government by the degra dation of our monetary system with all its consequent disaster. Tbe struggle has been a bard one, but populism, with all its dogmas and fanaticisms has been discredited and completely beaten down in our midst, and the decision of our people at the polls will be that republi can rule is good enough. The conven tion has done its work well and the people of the county will set the seal of their approval upon it on tbe 4th day of next June. Had it been within our province to select the entire ticket we would have made but few changes. Our personal desire for the success of one or two friends may have prompted us to do otherwise than did the convention, but at the same time we cannot all view such matters in the same light, and we are always willing to abide the decision of the majority and those put there to speak for ns. Again we cay the ticket ia a good one and will be elected. At the republican county convention for Wahkiakum county, Wash., held last week, the only resolution passed by that body was one favoring the election of United States senators by the direct vote of the people. To accomplish this reform in our laws will require an amendment to the United States con stitution. Such an amendment can be submitted to the people by two-thirds of both houses of congress or an application of the legislatures of two-thirds of the several states. It is hardly to be expected that the United States senate as at pres ent constituted will favor any such change the only hope of the people being to demand recognition through the leg islatures of the different states. Is stirring political times it is not wise to get overheated. A man gains nothing for bis candidate, friends or party by unnecessarily exciting the op position in urelept gabble. It has but a tendency to make the enemy work all the harder, and while hurting the pros pects of friends who are aspirants to office, engenders ill feeling that in some instances never wears away. There is more profit in calmly discussing contro versial points thau by bellowing at each other, and in imagining that the very life of tbe nation depends upon getting the better of the other fellow in an ar gument over political questions. It is not alone in mercantile and in dustrial lines of business that labor has been more amply rewarded and capital lias received better returns from its in vestments since the arrival of the pros perous period inaugurated by tbe return to republican administration of na tional affairs. While the laborer has found emplovment, which was denied him in the days of democratic depres sion, and has had his wages gradually and perceptibly increased, the farmer has also been receiving his share of the general prosperity. Thk republicans in their convention on Monday selected a set of candidates who can go before the people with clean records, and against whom no com plaints can be uttered. With such a ticket suceeas is assured for the republi cans in June in this county. Ano now there ro heart in (rloom in the Drat congressional district. Mr. Tongue was re-nominated on the first hallot at the McMinnville convention on Tuesday. He received 101 votes, ten more tl'ian were necessary for choice. The combined opposition developed little strengt h, mounting to but 02 votes, of which Hatch, of Marlon, re ceived the greatest number of any one of Tongue e opponenie. i-oiuicri aspir ations of the onnosin candidates are shattered to frnmiienttf. ami the Ikjvs will return to their homes weaker but wiser, and fully satisfied of the truth fulness of the saving that tnere are "ways that are dark and tricks that are vain." Mr. Tongue wilt lie re-elected. That Pettigrew, once the idol of South Dakota republicans, is now the most despised man in the state, is shown by the action of the republican connty con vention at Watertown in adopting a resolution denouncing him as "an advo cate f treason and a traitor to his gov ernment and to his state." Thus are the mighty fallen. It is safe to predict that IVttigrew will not receive the vote of one patriot in South Ihikota in the coming election. Pioneer l'resa. Geo nog M. Cornwall, who, for eleven years past has had editorial charge of the lathiamet uaxette, a nreezy mue paper which has taken up and contin ued the work of Pacific's zephyrs in wafting current eventt to every nook and corner along the Columbia, last week disposed of his interests in the paper to Mr. A. C. Miller. We predict success for Mr. Miller and continued prosperity for the Uazette. Tire farmers of Oregon will this year obtain not less than five million dollars from the sale of sheep and wool. The sheep industry of the state ia now almost as much of a factor as wheat is in supporting the people of Oregon. If wheat should continue low in price and wool remain high it will not be long until the sales of sheep and wool will bring more money into the slate than the sales of wheat. W. P. Elv has aeain taken editorial charge of tbe Kelso Journal. Ely has bad a rest from newspaper drudgery for nearlv two vears and should be able to enter again upon the many duties with new zeal and vigor. Columbia county voters are a little more energetic in "registering, the rush having already begun. Tie well. THESE WB WILL VOTE FOR. Besides Usual Officers, Five Amend ments to Constitution. In addition to the regular election for county, district and state officers to be voted for at the approaching election, there are also the following constitu tional amendments to be voted on : Municipal indebtedness amendment; judicial amendment; irrigation amend ment; repealing amendment; and an amendment for equal suffrage. "Of these propositions ttie first abro gates the present section of the state constitution, which provides that no county shall incur an indebtedness exceeding in the aggregate sum of $5000, and in its stead proposes to substitute a section that shall exteifd the limit of indebtedness to cities, school districts and other municipal corporations, 3 well as counties, ao that their aggregate indebtedness shall not exceed 5 per cent of the taxable property therein. "At present there are throe justices of tbe supreme court. If passed, the judi ciary amendments will increase this number to five. "The irrigation amendmendment is an innovation and that passage will add another article to the state constitution. The constitution of 1857 contained eight articles which have been preserved. If it receive the sanction ot the voters, tbe irrigation amendment will be known as article XIX, and under its terms the necessary use of lands for the construc tion of reservoirs for purposes of irriga tion, and for the construction of ditches and flumes to carry water for the devel opment of natural resources or the preservation of health, is declared to be a public use and subject to the control of the state. The right to appropriate from any natural stream, unappropri ated waters, and shall not be denied. The use of waters now appropriated is declared to be a public use as above, subject to certain regulations. The right to collect compensation for use of water is made a franchise. "Section 35 of Article 1 of the state constitution provides that no negro, not living here at the time of its adoption, should ever hold land or be allowed to make contracts or maintain suits in the courts. Upon the passage of the Four teenth amendment to the federal con stitution this section becomes a dead letter, and tbe 'Repealing Amendment' seeks to efface it from the organic law of the state. "In voting on tbe question of the 'Equal Suffrage Amendment' tbe ques tion to be determined is whether or not tbe constitution shall be amended as follows: "Article 1. The elective franchise in this state shall not hereafter be prohibi ted to any citizen on account of sex. "Article 1 of the constitution contains thirty-five sections but the joint resolu tions as adopted proposing the amend ment does not state which particular one it is desired to amend." Cnrtls on tbe Kopje. As nearly as we can learn from the latest heliogranis, Commandant Curtis has reconnoitered in force and occupied the Clatsop county kopje as a prelimi nary to a general movement, horse, foot and baggage, agaisnt the enemy, which he will soon lead in person. In the meantime Commandant Fulton is pursu ing his customary policy, throwing np intrenchments, laying in vast stores of ammunition and encouraging his troops to daily devotions. Tbe signs of a fear ful and sanguinary conflict between tbe erstwhile Damon and Pythias of Clatsop republicanism causes the moon to ap pear crimson-hued whenever it shows itself. Astoria Budget. Millions Given Away. It is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one concern that is not afraid to ha generous. The proprietors of Dr. King's New Discovery lor Con sumption, Coughs and colds, nave given away over ten million trial bottles, and have the satisfaction of knowing it has cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, bronchitis, lagnppe and all throat, chest and lung diseases are surely cured by it. Call at the St. Hel ena Pharmacy and get a free trial bottle. Regular size oUc and ll.uu. livery oottie guaranteed. Tbe Best In the World. We believe Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ib the best in the world. A few weeks ago we suffered with a severe cold, and having' read their advertise ments in our own and other papers, we purchased a bottle to see it it would effect us. It cured us before the bottle was more than half used. It is tbe best medicine out for colds and coughs. The Herald. Andereonville Ind. For sale at the St. Helens Pharmacy, COUNTY SCHOOL FUNDS. on Hand Apportioned to the Heveral Districts. The county school superintendent has apportioned the county school money on hand on the first Monday in April to the several districts as is shown by the following table. The amount appor tioned to the districts are proportion ately less than in former yenrs, owing to the tact that the levy for school purposes is one-half of r mill less this year, be sides there was less saloon license money received this year than formerly. The number of the district appears first, the name of the school clerk secondly, the number of children snd the amount due: 1 W.T. Watts il 243 10 5 K. E. Quick 72 202 0 8 J. A. llohiday 41 137 00 4 J.C. Hudson 61 153 5 6 S. C. Tiohenor 1W 472 28 6 Joseph Brown 12 7a 60 7 Wm. Holt 88 232 60 8 0, W. Freeman.... 10 71 26 -A. D. Holaday 64 .... 155 60 10 Jas. P. Graham. ... 87 128 60 11 Frank Meeker 23 08 80 12 C. W. Mellinger. 20 02 45 13 W. A. Wood 215 14 Mrs. E. 1. Johnson 23 15 John M. Roddick. . 68 lft Mrs. S. K. Stehman 40 MX) 25 98 80 108 86 134 00 71 25 83 05 70 70 202 80 00 36 130 fi5 170 45 67 00 308 00 77 00 128 60 138 80 116 80 160 35 81 85 "77 60 107 SO 17 Albert Wood.. 10.. 18 A. R. Melis 1& J. R. Headlee 20 T. C. Watta 21 W. D. Case 2.' N. D. Peterson 23 Henry Henderson.. 16 . 14 . 73 . lt.. ss , til.. 24 Frank J. Peterson 8 25- 41. W. Barnes 122 2d Mrs. W. J. Zilltuan IS. 27 E. R. Throop 2S-T. W. Grant 20 A. J. Uragg 30 Fred Briggs 31 W. F. Hiatt.. 32 Aimer Meserve. . . . S3 W. F. Schneider... 34 H. C. Gore So Oscar Waisanen... SO F. W. McKiuster. . 37 i red A. Bucoer 37..,. 43.... 81.... 62 ... 16.... 13.... 27.... 18.... 35 ... 62.... 42 ... 88 20 124 SO 100 34 139 16 38 W. L. Brown 26. 105 20 39 Chas. E. Philbrook 90 241 00 40 W. 11. King 23 98 80 41 Wm. H. Miller.... 13 77 60 42-Mourit Carr 24 90 95 43 C. C. Mover 19. .... . 90 35 44 M. P. Young 12 ..... 75 80 45 John Mullins 8...... 66 40 4ti R. G. Davey 35 124 80 47 John Pringie 21 94 60 48 W. B. Timonev.... 11 73 35 49-Geo. M. Holt.". .... 7 4820 50 J. W. Foster 22 96 70 51 A. M. Parker 20 92 45 52 F. E. Malmberg... 37 128 60 53-Wm. G. Woods. ... 11 73 35 64 G us Hesele 12 75 60 55-Thos. Anderson. ... 18 6 85 56 Nils ii. Olson 31 115 80 57-B. P. Wiggins 10 31 05 Total 2213 17449 02 In the above apportionment each dis trict receives, in addition to $50, $2,122 for each person reported in the district over four and under twenty years of age. Joint districts receive from this county only part of too $50 -each county in which the district lies pays in propor tion to the Dumber of children in each. As the above, $7449.02, includes all the 5-mill county school tax, there will probably be no more money to apportion before October. However, should there be money in the treasury on the first Monday in July next, it will be appor tioned among the districts. I. H. CoPELAXD, County School Superintendent " Bryan's Record. The personality and record of Bryan will be platform enough to procure his defeat at the bands of the industrial and commercial forces of the country, which are the potential forces of popular self-interest in politics. These forces may be divided on the question of the personal worth or weakness of President McKinley, bnt will lie a unit in the con clusion that it would be supreme folly at a time of unexampled national pros perity to place the administration of the national government in the hands of a party whose engineers are a piebald collection of political cranks and charla tans, whoee finance is equipped with the brains of folly and the soul of fraud ; whose statesmanship would in anarchy soon survey its national empire and be hold its ultimate home. The stars in the courses have fought against Bryan and his faction since 1896, and he will probably be beaten to a pulp next No vember, because the prosperity of the country has utterly discredited him as a political prophet aud stigmatized him as nothing but a vociferous quack and a tireless political tramp. Oregonian. Tbat Throbbing Headache. Would quicklv leave you, if you used Dr. King's New' Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers bave proved their matchless merit for sick and nervous headaches. They make pure blood and build up your health. Only 25 cents. Money back if not cured. Sold at the St. Hel ens Pharmacy. Two Funeral Orations. By the irony of fate and the exigen cies of personal ambition, it became tbe duty of the Hon. Joseph C.Blackburn to pronounce tbe funeral oration at the coffin of William Goebel. And of Goe bel, Senator Blackburn said : "Build here over bis grave a mighty towering granite shaft that shall defy the corroding touch of time. Inscribe upon it an epitaph that shall be worthy of the man. He earned this at bands. In life and death he was consecrated to the people's cause. He lived an honest life, and gave his life for your deliverance.- Of him no eulogy buttrnth may say: "Earth never pillowed upon her bosom a truer son, nor heaven opened wide ber portals to receive a manlier spirit." At Covington, on Sunday, April 14, a little less than five years ago the eulogist of Goebel pronounced another funeral oration. That time he ktood by the colli n of Col. John L. Sanford, who, like Goebel, had been shot in the high way. And of Sanford, Senator Black burn said : "John Sanford was to me like a brother. I loved him. I hope God may pare me, and I shall make it my life's mission to avengo him by burying his slayer in the depths of merited public execration." The slayer of John Sanford was Wil lam Goebel. New York Sun. Tell lanr Slater. A Beautiful Complexion is an impossi bility without good pure blood, the sort that only exists in connection with good digestion, a healthy liver and bowels. Karl's Clover Koot lea acts uirectiy on the bowels, liver and kidneys, keeping them in perfect health. Price 25 cts. and 60 cts. Sold by Dr. Edwin Roes. Manr a. lver Has turned with disgust from an other wise lovable girl with an offensive breath. Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies the breath by its action on the bowels, etc., as nothing else will. Sold for years on absolute guarantee. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by Dr. Edwiu Roes. - Order your stationery printed at this A. i t! ...a H?Monable prices. Remarkable Cure of Rheumatism. KtritA, Jackson Co., W. Va. About three years ago my wife had an attack of rheumatism which confined her to her bed for over month and rendered her unable to walk a step without assistance, her limbs being swollen to double their normal siso. Mr. 8. Maddox insisted on my using Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I purchased a 50-cent bottle and used it according; to the directions -and the next morning she walked to breakfast without any assistance in any manner, and sh has not had a similar attack since. A. R. Pa amine. For sale at the Ht. Helens Pharmacy. KaiTs Clover Root Tea IVewtlftaa the Complexion, Pnrlnee the Wood, aivvaa Frah.C'learkia. Cinton. atlpatloo, ltHllgMtlon, and alt K-optUir.i o( the bklu. An airrweble laltve Nervo Toole. Sold on ahaolute RiiaranUM) 01 all druKteta at sec, Mc. and ei.od, S. C. WELLS A CO., LCNOY, N. V. ol peoemtToaa FOR SALE BY EDWIN ROSS. Stallion "OTTO" Will make the season of 1900 at my place on Milton creek, or where conven ience may dictate. THIS STALLION Is eight yean old, fifteen hands high; was sired by "Farwell." His dam was "Maud," a full Morgan. Terms: Insurance, $5.00. G. C. BARGER, Yankton, Or. V f T TTIlTm V T UnlrifuAL HOTEL Mrs. M.J. Scott Proprietress ST. HELENS, OREGON. A Strictly Pret-CIasa Hnue. A Home for 'Commercial Travelers and tbe Public. Board and Lodg ing at Most Keaaouuble Kates. A WELL KEPT STABLE For Care of Patron's Horses. .BRIMS SALOON. JUm. jrinn, Vtop. If rrti want amnethlnff rood In tha line ol wtiiaky try SHAW'S MALT Only tbe best ot Liprs and Cigars KcptioStoci Pool and Card Tables for tha one ol I'ntroua. Courteous treatment. (Batwaan tha two Hotele.) ST. HELENS, - - OREGON. OPEN FROM 5 A. M. TO 12 O'CLOCK MIDNIGHT. d raearapa mm mm mm MiM mar jam M aye M J w'h lf T SS f oil POItTXAND. DAILY. IfS -STeAMEK "America" ii Willamett Slough Route H H H H H M M M H Leave fit. Helens. . . . 6 :30 A M Arrive at Portland. .10:30 A M lave Portland 2 :30 P M Arrive at St. Helens. 8:00 P M FAKE 25 CENTS. Will Carry NotMne hnt Passen gers and Kant Freight. H H H H X M H H JA.TIKM GOOD, Waaler. 44 huatkt ST. CHARLES HOTEL Front & Morrison Sts., Portlani Under New Management 150 Rooms at 25 Cents to 60 Cents, tiuites 75 Cents to 11.00. Elevator, Elxotrlc Ufrhts and Bells, and all Modern Conveniences. Free Bus Meets all Boats and Trains. Restaurant Connec ed ill Heel Oreeon Telenhone 29. Columbia Xeienhon 27. Skin Diseases. For the speedy and permanent enre ot tetter, salt rheum aud evaeinn, Cham berlain'! Eye and ttkln Ointment la without an etinal. It relieves the itch' inff and smarting almost Instantly and it oonttnned nie efterta a permanent cure. It also cure itch, baruer'i itch, raid head, sore nipples, itching piles, chapped hands, chroulo lore eye and grauulatvd lids. Ir faaV Condition Fowtlon for horse are the bent tonic, Mood purifier and vermifuge. Price, 83 oouU. bold by Dr. Edwin Ross, JST0RIA& COLUMBIA RIYER H RAILROAD COMPANY. ataDDowM DAILY. STATIONS. DAILY. r. . 7 00 S l a w 8 3M S 44 S fx) M Orl 1 a s7 10 00 10 (W 10 30 10 SO i. a. s on OA ih !tf 40 A. M. It fi 10 t ta SA S 80 W s ii w ftl a 37 17 07 7 U 7 4S r. m. a o t s n a oo 7 M 7 4 7 m 7 an 7 17 7 i 41 t xt VO s io . rorttand.. Ar .t4 .,. OoNe . Kalnler ,, Tyrant lit ., Mavaar...... ,, QniniT....,., . ('taivkanle.... , Maralilantl..,. .. W.-.lH,rl ... Hilton ,. . Knanpa...... .. Sveiuon...,., ..John Pay..... ,. Astoria ...Lt 4ft.l M.6 9 Ml !.' 10 00 IC.S 10 10 jtM.4 10 111 71.3! 10 W) 11 tu II 10 ITS 7i iwts!! it a it ao u Ar All trains make rlraw connerttona at tlotila with Northern TaiMito train, to and from tli Kaal and Sound points. At Portland with all tralna leavina Onion depot. At A.torla with I. K. A N. I'o.'a tmat and rail line to and fryui 11 waoo and North Beach polnta. raaaenrera for Altnrla or way point' mint (las tralna at lloultun. Tralna will atop to Id paa aenxera off at tluullnn wheneomtttg from points weatotUuble. J. Maye, Gen. Paaa. Ant.. Astoria, Or. 0. R. & N. CO. Para at rua Time SCHEDULES Assies raoa re.i Mall p. m. Halt I-ake. Denver, Ft. Worth. Umaha.Kan ana City, ft. Louie, Chicago and EaaL rut Mall (4ft p. n Spokane Flyer :44p. m. Walla Walla. Ppokana, Min nea poll a. hi. Paul. Ihilnth, Mil waukee, Olikaao A Kaau Spokane Flyer S 00 a.m. t P IB. Oceen Staamthlpa. All nailing dalea eub- Jert to change. For Han Frauclaoit tiailerery rive days. 4 p.m. p. m. Kx.Hunday Saturday 10 p. m. Columbia River Steamers. TO Aatnrla and Way laud tune, 4 p. m. Ei Sunday Sam. Ex. Sunday Willamette Rler. Oregon City. Newtwrg, ttalem A Way land 4p. tn. x. ounday 7 am. Willamette and Yam hill Rivera. Oregon City, Dayton, and Way.laudiuga. S 80 p. in. Moo. Wed. and Frl. Tuee.Thar. sail sat. a. m. Willamette River. Portland to Corvallla and Way-landinga, 4 SOp. m. Mon. Wed. and Frl. Tuea. Thur. and bat. Lr. Klparta l ain. m. daily Snake River.! Rtparta to LewUrton. Lv. taw'too tfatly at 30 a. in. W. H. HURLBERT, General Paaeenger Agent, PORTLAND OBF.OON PROFESSIONAL. GEO A. HALL, ' ATTORNEY -AT -LAW ST. UCLEKX, OUTGO. Office next door to Cole A Quick's law and abstract office. Collections a specialty. Foreclosures, mechanic's liens, promptly attended to. Q G. NIXON, ATTOUKE Y-AT-LA TV. Collections a Specialty. RAINIER, : : OREGON. jy. 1. E. BALL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Clatskanfe, Columbia county, Or. )K. EDWIN Koaa, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. St. Helens, Oregon J-JR. H. B. CLIFF, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 8t. Helens, Oregon. G. W. COLE, ATTORNEY AND COUNBELOB-AT-LAW, ST. HELENS, OREGON. Title Abetrart Booki. Notary Pnblla. Rnmmla- aloner ol Deeda for Washington, and an exper iences collector in connection wnn onice. J. W. DAY W. B. DILLARD 5 Mart & Pan, ATTORNEYS -AT-LAW Office next door in Cotirthouee, ST. HELEN. OKKUON. General nractire In eonrta of Oregon or Waah' ingtnu. Ahatracte made directly from county recorda. YOU ARI ALWAYS WELOOMC OOO AT TBI BANQUET . None but the best in both Imported and Domestic wines, liquors and cigars. GYRUS - NOBLE - WHISKEY The celebrated Weinhard Beor always on draught. CL0HIN0ER i WHITNEY, Pnpi. is mtwwwwwiiitiiiffwwwwwiininiiwiwwwiffwffi The Weekly Oregonian iiE CONTAINS OUR CLUBBING OFFER We have perttcteftrmiigiiieuU whereby we are enabled to fur nlsh The Weekly Uregonian only Two Dollars. The price THE liUiUUiiUiUiUiUiUiUiUiUiU I How About CSOlLtia ..... main srreer fjhaliiod m ll.aWUOAOO sr-a 6V a We aw a eo4 acetify Ike tetlut mereeMlte buHdiaf I world. We hare evee s,eae,eae au.tooi.ra. aiateea hundred cierke are ceoataotly ee(ed klllruj oul-of-towo orders. OUR OBNERAL CATALOGUE la the book of tbe oeople-ll qwetos Wkoteeale Prteee to Everybody, hea o.r i.ooa pagee, i,eee IlluatraUena, and ao.oaa daecrlptloaa of article, with pricee. It eoate r cente 10 print end mall eachcopy. W. want yoy to ha. one. 8KNI) l-ICTRKN CtNt toahow yeur toad faith, and we'll aana yea MONTGOMERY WARDS. ... WHEN IN NEED OF MEDICINE... -OO the Plats kan ie ) DRUQ STORG Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Etc OH. J. E. HALL, rropritttr. C&1TSKANIE, - OREGON. I. .STEAMER JOSEPH KELLOGG.... Leaves Kelao iRl. t a f i T f f BKifsr tj, Leerea Port on Mon da ye, V 1 1 A 1 f ft?l A W SI " land Toeeday, Wedneedeye I I '('.? ' 1 aL-. ff t 1 Thursday, and and Krldaye at 1 aWj-v. v j t 'YSir1l'' . 2Jr . Saturdays, at Portland and Kelso WHITE COLLAR LINE THE COLUMBIA KIVKR AND I'UCJET SOUND NAVIGATION CO. PORTLAND-ASTORIA ROUTE. STR. GATZERT Landlns Foot of Alder Htreet, Portland, Leavoe Portland dally (e'eitHuni1ay)ai 7 A, If Lanillnit Telephone dork, A.torla. Leevaa Aatorla dally (eicepl Hunday)7 P. M. Ballny (iatrcrt tlckeia (cmxl on atcanier llaaaaln. HUsanier liaaaalo tlrketa Kood on Bailey Uataert. U. B. SCOTT, Pres. .8TKAMKB.... Ij IJ TR Ij I InJ Ej PORTLAND AND ASTORIA Leaves Porllanrl etery tihfht at 8 o'clortk for Astoria, (except Sunday.) Baturrtay night at 10. ' Returning, leaves Aatorla at 0: 80 o'clock every morning (except Monday.) Bun day at 8: 00 o'clock p, m. STEAMER G. DELL SHAVER, Master. f2wmA9 The company reaerves ths righ to change Shaver week year All the news well written. Articles descrihlhg Western scenes and Incidents, Horles of love and adventure by well known authors, Brilliant Illustration by newspaper artists lnterustlng sketches and literature (or bovs and glils. Fashion nrtiulvs and Illustrations (or women, In connection with Tun Mint lor of The Oregoulnn alone is 1.60, OREGON MIST : iUiUiUiUiUiUsUiiUiUiUiUiUS Your Title? Cf RR YOt! nt'RIt It ta all rlatitT Remember that n la ths i, HKOOHD that (oterna. It la uur bunlneea In eearch the tw roconla ami aliuar a hat they con la In In relation In land tlllea. II you contemplate buying: laml or litauln money on real. eiaie aeetirlly, lake no luan'a wonl, but Inalst upon kitowliie nrliat the record .how. niaanlliin the title. An Abalraol la aa eaaenilal aa a ileetl. Iiialat on having II. We have the only avt of elutraot booka In the comity. All work nniuii'ltyeieflittml ami allalacllun auuranltml. II yon have property to tnnrelireea call. We are ennui lor the laml lire Ineurance cnmpanleeln the world. If jou Imva property fur aale Hat It with ua anil we will find a buyer. QUICK, r urira-e jiarotx W. nan, vnavviv Kt W.nnln trt io.ouq te H OW I. Data everyday a copy rn. wiin an cnergae prpa. CO.1 Mickifaa Are. sad HaelaeaWreef OHIQA0 TO- Route via Columbia River No larlica furniture Is romolrte without a new light-rnnnlng glNQER If yon buy a sewing-machine why not get the beat. Bold on easy terms without Intorest. O. P. LOONET, Agent Antorlav Oregon. (V 1 ED IIILLSBERRY, Expert :-: Barber BHABP EAZOB8 AND CLEAN TOWELS. None but purest chemicals used In wash ing and cleansing the face. r- i Get a Hot Towel on Your Face Usual pricee for work. DECKER'8 OLD STAND, ST, HELENS W. SHAVER Will leave Tortland, foot of Washing ton street, each Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoon at 6 o'clock. Re turning, leave Clatskanie each Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock, tide permitting. time without notice. Transportation Comoany.