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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1900)
Adt article, whatever ita merit. must be made known to the publio by mean of advertising. Advertising, however, though It can do much for a thing, cannot do everyining. it may reate sale for a time, but in order to insure a lasting demand! the thing advertised must hare solid worth. This Is the case with Lydia E. rink ham's Vegetable Compound. It has olid worth. Women everywhere hare learned this fact, and the result is that there Is lasting- and absolutely unequaled demand for it. It has the largest sale of any remedy for female ills in the world, and this has been the case for years. The reason for this is that Mrs. Pinkham claims nothing; that she is not entitled to claim. She can do all that she says she can do, and her twenty years of experience make her advice Invaluable. Her experience ha been hot only long- but world-wide, and she has helped more women back to health than any one elae in the world. These facts should, and do, have immense weight with all sensible women. Remember these are not wild statements but solid facts. Fmota About the Good Doing Done by Lydia Em Pinkham m Vegetable Compound In Cases of Change of Life, Bearing" Down Pains, Eto "I bad falling, inflammation and ulceration of the womb; backache, bearing-down pains; was so weak and nervous that I could not do my own work ; had sick headache, no appetite, numb spells, hands and feet cold all the time. I had good - doctors, but none of them did me any good. Through the advice of a lady friend I began the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and after taking one bottle I felt greatly relieved, and by the time I had need several bottles was completely cured, so that I eould do my work again. I am now passing through the change of life and using your Compound. Ithelpa me wonderfully. I want every suffer ing woman to know what your medi cine has done for me." Mas. W. M. Bull, New Palestine, Mo. "Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound saved my life and gave back a loving mother to eleven children, which was more then any doctor could have done or anv other medicine in the wide world. My trouble was child bed fever. The third day after my babe was born I took a chill, which was followed by a high fever. I would perspire until my clothes were as wet as though dipped in a tub of water. The chills and fever kept up for three days. My daughter got me a bottle of your Compound. The fourth, dose stopped the chills, and the fever also disappeared. My life was saved. My age at this critical time was forty nine." Lydia E. Bovqheb, Etna, Pa. Facts About Two Cases of Falling of the Uterus Recovered by Lydia Em Pinkham's Vegetable Compound,, " I suffered for fifteen years without finding any relief. I tried doctors, but nothing seemed to do me any good. I had falling of the womb, leucorrhoea, pain in the back and head, and those bearing-down pains. One bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound did me so much good that 1 sent for four more, also two boxes of Liver Pills and one package of Sanative Wash. After using these I felt like a new woman." Mrs. O. A. Warns, Glidden, la., Box 220. " I was suffering with falling of the womb, painful menstruation, head ache, backache, pain In groins, ex tending into the limbs ; also a terrible pain at left of womb. The pain in my back was dreadful during menstrua tion, and my head would ache until I would be nearly crazy. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has given me great relief. I suffer no pain now, and I give your medicine all the praise." Mas. J. P. McSpaddu, Rosenberg, Tex. A Grateful Woman Recommends Lydia Em Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to Every Wife andMotherm " I have taken eight bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound with most gratifying results. I had been married four years and had two children. I was all run down, had fall ing of womb with all ita distressing symptoms. I had doctored with a good physician, but I derived very little good from his treatment. After taking a few bottles of your medicine, I was able to do my work and nurse my aeven-months'-old babe. I recommend your medicine to every wife and mother. Had I time, I could write much more in ita praise. I bid yon Godspeed in your good work.' Mrs. L. A. Moaais, Welaka, Putnam Co., Fla. " Df.ab Mrs. Pinkham When I com menced the use of your remedies I was very badly off. Every two weeka I was troubled with flowing spells which made me very weak. I had two of the best doctors, but they did not seem to help me. They said my trouble was . caused from weakness and was noth ing to worry about. I felt tired all the time; had no ambition. I was growing worse all the time until I began the nse of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I am now able to help bout the house, and am much Im proved In health." Mas. A. WALKJtm, CaUiooon Depot, N. Y. America sells nearly three times a much as she buys; Germany buys over 50,000,000 worth more every yeal than the sella; while Great Britain last year actually bought twice as much as (be sold. So Nlee to Eat, So Mild, go Effective. To take medicine is s plessare, when th medicine is Csacsret Csndy Cathartic, th only modern laxative nt to be ased. All drug gists, 10c, 25c, 60c. Cats are known sometimes to have tnberoolosis, and that they have in nJany cases been carriers of diptberia nd other of the ordinary infectioni directly and indirectly. If mora than suspected. ,, , ,m .a I linnlS K iirKi ALL L! fkHi S Ljugk Sirup. Tssus Good. tnijna Hold by SruavtaM. ua PACIFIC COAST NEWS Ceamorolal and financial Hpplngi of Interest In the Growing Weston States, Latter From Home. E. W. Beaohwood, of Tacoma, Wash., received a letter from K. J. Becker, at Nome, Alaska, in which he says: ''At present all lines of supplies, ex cept dog, are sufficiently plentiful Lumber is S50 per 1,000 feet, and hard to get. Milk and cream low, and rice and ham 60 cents per pound. Fuel will be short. Dog teams have cleaned the river and beach already. One hundred pounds, or a single sack, of coal, when you can get it, costs f 50. "For profit, canned meats is a good staple, but not flour or sugar. Never in history has there been such stain reding. Bonanza district has been lit on as by grasshoppers, and now there is a grand rush for Koksadapagra. "The big excitement is at Milk creek, 15 miles above Prince of Wales. York is attracting a big lot of atten tion, and good results are shown. Above Cape Kodney is the latent, called New Eldorado district, and it is surely good, along with a three mile free gold bearing ledge of quarts. The trail is hot with people for this district. There will no doubt be a big stampede for Norton creek, as $14 a pan is se cured. Other cxecks yield 10 and 15 cents at the surface. "The beach is being worked with good results, and coarse gold at times shows up. Several $5 and f 13 nug gets, and one worth S7, were found about one and a half miles up, and on top of the ground." Bonded for OO,0OO. What promises to be one of the rich- eat mines in the whole Eastern Oregon district, and which heretofore has been practically unknown, was bonded today to Captain J. W. Ileisner, of Bakei City, for $200,000. The property is situated on Dixie mountain, near Quartsbnrg, at the head of John Day valley. It is named the Yankee Boy, and consists of a group of six claims. Several veins run through the property of high grade ore. The formation ol the ledges is porphyry, slate, syenite, granite and phonolit. The property is well developed by tunnels and shafts, and the ore is found in hematite and quarts. There is plentv of water and timber, water right and mill site. To Cae Street Car Traek. The Lebanon, Or., paper mill com pany has purchased a mile of street cat rails, that were obtained Tears ago for extensions oi the street car system in Lngene. The extensions were never made. The rails will now be put to nse in the vards of the paper mill at Lebanon. In addition to this, negotia tions are pending between the same parties for the purchase of the street car system now in operation at Eugene. Trout From Lake Michigan. Tom Brown, superintendent of the Salmon river steelhead hatcherr, and E. B. Greenman, deputy fish commis sioner, left today for the hatchery site to begin work on the spring run. Mr. ureenman will remain there onlv a short time. Superintendent S. W Downing, of the Clackamas batcherv, has received 100,000 trout from Lake Michigan, which he is feeding. These trout will be transplanted in Washing ton and Oregon waters. When full grown these trout weigh as much as 85 pounds. Northwest Notes. io,uuu necessary to establish a fruit cannery in Walla Walla has been subscribed. A Umatilla county, Or., breeder has a Poland China sow whose offsprin last year brought him $100. Her lat est effort was a litter of 14 pigs. The most nnique wedding ever sol emnized in Spokane occurred when justice Aeonarcl pertormed the cere mony uniting Tom Wing, a native of China, and Wennie, a native of Japan, it is the opinion of many of our ranchers with whom we have spoken on the subject, gays the Vale, Malheur county, Gazette, there will be consid erable water during the coming season, in spite of the lack of snow in the mountains. They say that as the ground has not been frozen the rain and snow water has sunk, and this will feed the springs nntil late in the season L. Patnand, who arrived the other day from Alaska, it is eaid, made a stake large enough to pay dividends to the several Everett citizens who joined in advancing him $50 each as a grub stake, at the rate of $1,350 for eveiy $50. While excavating at Fort Setrens re cently for the new barracks, an old burying ground was discovered and several coffins unearthed. No one seems to now anything about this ancient burial place, and no mention can be found of it in the records at the fort. W. W, Fish, a millionaire of Elmira, N. Y., and Professor B. F. ISarge have leased 1,200 acres of choice lauds on the Yakima Indian reservation at Simoo station, and have a large force of men engaged in plowing and seed ing. They propose making a great stock farm, in which alfalfa will form the basis of feeding several thousand cattle, sheep and hogs every wintei for the early spring market. A hole 600 feet deep has been drilled on the ranch of Alex Still, near West on, Or. Some water has been obtain ed and it is expected that a good sup ply of water will be found at a little greater depth. The sheepmen who have been nsing the mountains included in the Hauler forest reserve have been notified of the decision of the secretary of the interior that sheep and cattle will not be per mitted to graze on the reserve this season. The Southern Paciflo Company has distributed 23 carloads of ties between Anmsville and North Santiam, and is putting its road-bed in first-class shape. The Pacific Sheet Metal Works, the Puget Sound Mill Company and the Fairhaven Canning Company are suing County Treasurer Koeder, of Whatcom county, Wash., to have set aside taxes assessed against their properties as Fairhaven city taxes, alleging that they are located on the tide lands in front of, but wholly outside of the city limits of Fairhaven. The total amount in volved is $1,366.82 ADVICES ARE CHEERFUL. Trade Hevlew Makes a tavorabl shewing,. Brndstreet's says: Trsde advices are, as a whole, cheerful, and the stretch of values is apparently nna bated, though some soft spots still pre sent themselves. A permanent feature this week has been the increase in strength of values of farm products nearly all the cereals, pork products and cotton advaucing, while materials for manufacture, and the products thereof, have generally remained steady or unchanged. Manufacturers of shoos are busy am weather couditious have rather favored the retailer by enabling him to dispose of some curried -over stock. Wool is fairly steady, but niauufao- turers are out of the market and cou cessions cau be obtained, though Lou don advices are better. Southern iron advices are of steady prices, and of rather more iuqnry on export account. Except immediately in Chicago, whore idleness of many thousands of invu has came dullness in the machinery and kindred trades, the Western iron situation seems a strong one. Structural material is in bet'er re quest and some very large contract! will shortly be placed. Wheat, including flour, shipment! of the week aggregate 8,277,450 bush' els. against 2, 380,578 bushels last week, 4,114,046 bushels in the corre- sponding week of 1899. Business failures iu the United State. for the week number 190, as compared with 189 last week, 305 iu this week s year ago, 333 in 1898, 233 in 1897, and SOO in 1896. Bnsiness failures in Canada for the week number 28, as compared with 3! last week, 21 in this week a year ago, 23 in 1S98, 36 in 1897 and 40 in 1896 PACIFIC COAST TRADE. Seattle Markets. Onions, new, $3,850 3. 60 per sack. Lettuce, hot house, 45c per dot. Potatoes, new, $15(318. BeetM, per sack, 75 85c. Turnips, per sack, 60c. Carrots, per sack, 50c. Pamnips, per sack, 75 85c. Cauliflower, 75c$l per doaen. Cabbage, native and California, $1.0091.35 per 100 pounds. Apples, $1.35(31.60 Pr box. I'nines, 60c per box. Butter Creamery, 88o per pound; dairy, 17(3 32o; ranch, 17o per pound. Etfiis 15$ 16o. Cheese Native, 15o. Poultry 13(3 14c; dressed, 1415c; spring, $5. Hay Puget Sound timothy, $18.00; choice Eastern Washington timothy, $18.00(319.00 Corn Whole, $23.00; crackeJ, $33; feed meal, $23. Barley Boiled or ground, per ton, $20; Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.85; blended straights, $3.00; California, $3.85; bnckwheat flour, $6.00; gra ham, per barrel, $3.00; whole wheat flour, $3.00; rye flour, $3.80(34.00. Millstuffs Brau, per ton, $13.00; shorts, per ton, $15.00. Feed Chopped feed, $19.00 per ton; middlings, per ton, $20; oil cake meal, per ton, $30.00. Fresh Meats Choice dressed beef steers, 7 !i(i8c; cows, 7c; mutton 8c; pork, 7, 'so; trimmed, Be; veal, $4 10c. Hams Large, 13c; small, 13f; breakfast bacon, 12jc; dry salt sides, 8c. Portland Market. Wheat Walla Walla. 52 53c; Valley, 62c; Bluestem, 65c per bushel. Flour Best grades, $3.00; graham, $2.50; superfine, $2.10 per barrel. Oats Choice white, 85 36c; choice gray, 34c per bushel. Barley Feed barley, $14(315.00; trewing, $17.00(3 17.50 per ton. Millstnffs Bran, $13 per ton; mid dlings, $19; shorts, $15; chop, $14 per ton. Hay Timothy, $910; clover, $7(8 7.50; Oregon wild hay, $67 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery, 60 55c; seconds, 42 )iQ 45c; dairy, 3037sc; store, 25&32-aC. Kgfs 1 1 c per dozen. Cheese Oregon full cream, 13c; Young America, 14c; new cheese 10c per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.50(3 4.50 per dozen; hens, $5.00; springs, $2.50(83.50; geese, $0.60(37.50 forold; $t.506.50; ducks, $5.00(35.50 per dozen; turkeys, live, 10(3 Ho per pound. Potatoes 60 60c per sack; sweets, 224C per pound. Vegetable Beets, $1; turnips, per sack; garlic, 7c per pound; 90c; cab- bage, lc per pound; parsnips, $i; onions, 1 .50(4 2.20; carrots, SI. Hops 3 (38c per pound Wool Valley, 12(31 So per pound; Eastern Oregon, 8(3 14c; mohair, 87(3 30c per pound. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and ewes, 4''c; dressed mutton, 7(3 I lVto per pound; lambs, Tcper pound. Hogs jross, choice heavy, $5.00; light and feeders, $4.50; dressed, 1 $6.00(36.50 per 100 pounds. Beef Gross, top steers, $4.0034.50; I cows, $3.50(34.00; dressed beef, 6 i 1o per pound. Veal Large, 6i7Jso; small, 8 9o per pound. Tallow 55ic; No. 2 and grease, tiio per pound. i 8n Frsaeioeo Market. Wool Spring Nevada, 18(3 15c per pound; Eastern Oregon, 183 16c; Val ley, 30(382c; Northern, 1012c. 1 Hops 1899 crop, ll13o per nonnd. I Butter Fancy creamery 21c; do seconds, 19 30c; fancy dairy, IT 8 18c; do seconds, ISO 16o per ponnd. Eggs Store, lSc; fancy ranch, 16c. MiUstuffs Middlings, $17.00 20.00; bran, $12.00 18.00. Hay Wheat $7.00 (3 9.50; wheat and oat $7.009.00; best barley $5.60(8 7.50; alfalfa, $6.0037.50 per, ton; straw, 80(3460 per bale. Potatoes Early Kose, 75 85c; Ore gon liurbanks. oQcdi.uo: river Bur- banks, 4070c; Salinas Burbanks, 80e(ai.l0 per sack. Citrus rruit Oranges, Valencia, $3.7fi8.25; Mexican limes, $4,000 Mexican 6.00; California lemons 75c$$1.60; do-cholce $1.752.00 per box. Tropical Fruits Bananas, $1.50(9 2.50 per bunch; pineapples, nom inal; Persian dates, 6(J9io per ponnd. A GRUESOME STORY. An Incident of the Irish Rebellion at the leer HHS. In "Maciulllau'a Magaalua," . Lit ton Faulkner tells the story of the "French Invasion of Ireland." Here la one terrible incident of a terrible crime: On pathetic picture remains of this last aud terrible chapter In the abor tive Insurrection iu Mayo Iu the record of the fate of oue of the wildest and poorest of the poor and wild villages of the Laggan. Here where Downpat rick Head stands out against the ocean. la a striking natural curiosity called the Poolunshanthuiia, a chasm nearly half a mile Iu length, whk-h cuts clean through the headland, and from the top of which the clear green water caa be seen 80 feet below. Near the bot tout of the chasm and along ita whole length runs a ledgo of rock, bare when the tide is out, but covered by many feet of water when It rises. The peas antry, returned from the rebellion. were busy oue October day endeavor lug to save the remuaut of their neg lected harvest, wheu suddenly the alarm was spread that the troops from Klllnla were at baud. Well kuowlug what they had to ex pect from the terrible Frnser Feud- bles, the rebel harvesters, surprised and unable to escape to the mountains, made for the adjaceut cliffs, whose rough faces they were used to climbing. and with whose caves they were 1 miliar. It was with mauy of t lie in coustant diversion to descend to the ledge of rock at the Pooliiashauthana In pursuit of seals or seablrds' nests, to which they could galu access by means of a rope let down from the top of the cliff. It chanced that at the mo ment of the soldiers' raid the tide was out, and quickly bethinking them selves that there was a place of safety In which they might find a temporary refuge, they descended to the lodge, the rope being held for them by young woman, who was to return and release them as soon as the soldiers bad withdrawn. Many hours they waited there, ex pecting every moment that the rope would be lowered by their friend. Bui though the soldiers had retired long ere the tide rose, the woman came not. Terrified by the presence of the mili tary she bad tied to the bills without re membering her charge, or apprising others of the hiding-place of these Bve- and-twenty stalwart peasants. Night came on, and with it the re morseless tide running high above the level of the ledge; and when morning dawned the villagers, looking down into the chasm, saw the lifeless corpses of their sons, brothers aud husbands washing to and fro with the Idle splash of the waves in the abyss of tho Pool- oashanthano. GOOD EFFEGTS OF SINGING. Valnuble Form of Kierclae for rer- sons with Weuk Langs Many medical men are now recora meuding their patients to study sing- tug, which Is a most salutary exercise, both by vlitue of its Influence on the emotions, on the respiratory move ments aud on the development of the lungs, says the St. Louis lilobe-Demo- crat. Nothing better shows the beue- flc-ial Influence of singing In developing the chest and warding off luug disease than the freedom from pulmouury af fections among professional singers, Moreover, their general health Is ex ceptionally good, and this is probably a large measure attributable, not only to their necessarily careful plan of living, but also to the exercise of their calling. Some physicians main tain that for defective chest develop ment aud Iu chronic heart trouble sing ing is an uncounted exercise. The singer should be clad so as to allow absolute freedom of the chest move ments; there should be no constriction of the neck or waist; the collar should be low and ample, and If corsets are worn they should be roomy and loose. Oue error Into which singers, aud espe- elall amateurs, fall. Is to practice too much. The length of time to be given to the exercise depends much ujion the character and condition of the voice. Specific rules cannot be given. Metba, when asked how many hours of prac tice a day she would advise for a pupil, said: "No hours for a beginner, but minutes. I, myself, never practice more than one hour a day, and usually much less." Dr. II. Holbrook Curtis consid ers forty minutes or an hour of actual voice practice dally Is quite satllclent to develop most voices. This time should be divided Into periods of ten or fifteen minutes each. Regularity, and not long practice hours, which only fatigue the voice and wear It out. Is the greatest aid to advancement The voice develops very gradually, and any at tempt to force Ita growth Is a fatal mistake. Homo of the Largest Man. Yunnan-sen In Persia owns the larg est man In the world, ins name is Chang-Yan Mlun, and be Is just tho sort of creature Frankenstein would have modeled. He is 7 feet 3 Inches In bis bare feet and Is proportionately broad, besides which he Is a man of weight, for be turns the scale at 27 stones 4 pounds. Ho was formerly a coolie, and as he carried double loads he earned double pay. Now he guards the entrance to a mandarin's yamen and receives the remuneration of three soldiers. Made by Monks. In La Grand Chartreuse, the famous monastery of France, a liqueur noted all over the world has been made by the monks since the year 1084. An in genious system of adulteration has been discovered. A hole Is bored In the flat bottoms of the sealed bottles and some of the genuine Chartreuse is .withdrawn. After an Inferior stlmu lUiut has been substituted, the bole Is filled by the Introduction of a glass I plug, which is then melted by means of a blow pipe. tio One Nigh. Mother I'm surprised at you! Couldn't you tell be was going to kiss you? J .laughter les, ma, um mere was no one for me to tell except hlui, and he knew It alreaiiy.-i'niiacieipiiin rresa. Historic Impediment. "Have you any relics that your son brought home from the Cuban war?" I "Ko; but I've got several trunks full of stuff be would have taken If I had IK hinj." Indianapolis Journal. The Chief Justice of Samoa Peruna is The Very Best Court Room Scene Where Judge Chambers Maintained the Supremacy of the United State In Samoa. In a recent letter to The Peruna Medicine Co., Chief Justice Chambers aay$ the following of Peruna: "I have tried one bottle of Peruna. and I can truth fully say it is one of the best tonics 1 ever used, and I take pleasure in recommending it to all sufferers who are in need of a good medicine. I can recommend it as one of the very best remedies for catarrh. W. L. Chambers." A HnlHeant fset. it is a significant fact that one of the tit Mtnna tuknn liv Isniistrul rwMi nil! first his return to Sautiago, toward stain ing ont yellow fever, was to order the closing of all American bars and saloons in the city, and prohibiting the sale of strong drink to Americans. Teslh Made fruni Paper Are the luteal in denliatrv. By a peculiar iinicus iliev are rendered belter than auv other material. Ther may be hue. but moat people would prefer llieir own. and tliia may tie best accnmplialied v keeiuit the stomach healthy with Itosietier'a Stomach Hitters, a the romtition of it af fects the teeth. The Hitters will cure con stipation, dyspepsia and biiliouiueas. rrobalily the top is the oldest toy In the world. It has been in use for thou sands oi years in all parts of the globe, and some savage tribes use it in the per formance of religious rites. Mothers will II ml Mrs. Wtnaiow'a Sooth ing 8vrup the best remedy to uae for the' jhiidren during the teething period. Venice can never have a trolley car, but she is about to take np a sulietitute through the abandonment of the pic turesque gondolas which have come down from the times of the Doges aud the adoption of electrio launches. Mv doctor said I would die, but I'lno' Pure for Consumption cured me -Anion Keluer, Cherry Valley, III., Nov. 2:t, 'US. The popular notion that the blind possess a more acute sensibility lor tactile impressions is not supported by the numerous aud careful made obser vations by Professor Griesbacb, of Haste. Self-fertile plants or varieties are those which do not reqnire pollen from other plants or varieties in order to pro duce seeds or fruit. Hel (-sterile plants or varieties are those which do require pollen from other plants. HOWS THIS". We offer One Hundred Dollarn P.owsrt for nny esse ol Cstarrh that caa not bs curei by II all Caurrh Cure. I. CtlENKr CO., rropa.. Toledo, o. We the undersigned, have known V. J. CUelicy Inr the peat la years, ami believe nun perivctiy snclsllT slile tocarry out say obligations mads nounraoic in nu aa srausaciinu i .nil n uj tueir mm. WasTdiTarAI. Wholeisiu Urusi-liiM, Toldo,1. Waioiso, Kinnak dt Ma-vis, YVnolerale Drug lata, Toledo. . risIl'aCstarrh t.'ur ist ken n-'.lnj directly on the blood and m cous aurlsi.-ee ul the.v.t in. frl e 7!c per bo' tie. bu.d by sX drugiisu. Testlmonl-le Iree. stairs smuy fin. - r tu . beat. v 1 it r.ngland is The popularity of golf in proving a godsend to the farmers and landholders in the near vicinity of tho larger towns. In many cases fabulous prices have been paid for club grounds. BHAKs? INTO YOUR SHOES Allen's Font-Kase. a txiwder for the feet. It cures painful, swollen, smarting, nerv ous feet, and instantly takes the ating out of corn and bunions. It's the gri'iiteat comfort discovery of the age. A lien's Fool- hais makes tlgbt or new shoes feel easy. t is a certain cure for Ingrowing Naiii. sweating, callous and hot. tired, aching feet. We have over ). testimonials. Try it iway. Bold, by all drm!R-i.t and- shoe stores. II v nmil 1 lor 'itc. 111 stamp. ' Trial package VKKK. Address. Allen H. Olmsted, Le Koy, N. Y. The great department store in Paris, the "Bon Marche," has the biggest kitchen in the world. In this kitchen is daily prepared the food for the 4,000 employes of the great store. ANOTHER FAST TRAIN. The Rio Orande Western Railway' 'The Great Halt Lake Route," has re sumed its fast train services to the Kast, making the run from Portland to Chi cago in three days and a half. No lay over is necessary, and only one change of cars Is made. Those who desire it have the privilege, however, of a day light stopover either at Halt Lake City or Denver. Three daily express trains are run, leaving Ogden, Utah, at 7:15 a. m., and 1:19 and 7 p-m. The morn ing train carries through standard sleeper to Chicago, via the Burlington Route, and the night train one via the Chicago, Rock Island & Paciflo Rail' way. The tourist sleepers and chair cars ran dally as formerly through from Portland to Denver. Twice a week tourist excursion cars are run through from Portland to Boston. All trains carry dining cars, making the trip across the continent, via "The Ureat Bait Lake Route," most desira ble. The Rio Grande Westora Railway is the only road running thiough Halt Lake City, and with its connections the Denver & Rio Grande and the C'ol- orado Mitlland ta'.es the passenger . .. . , . I througn tne lamons jtocxy mountain scenery of Colorado. For rates and all other Information, address J.D.MANSFIELD, General Agent, ' 268 Washington Bt., Portland, Oregon. ft M: P iWY A. OS mjk.trtJB DOCTORS INSIST that their KHLUiilAI loM. KIDNEY DISEASE wsnsoH RasokUric Cras Co.1 Wkea 1 wrote voa for a sample bottle et "5 DROPS" my wife waa SMiferlsf terribly (turn Kheuto,alim sail was very tliaowrafed, ss I had tried eveiy. talaf the doctoia prescribed, eves seadlng her to Rlchneld Springs, etc. My doctor la very much surprised at the prosreas any wile Is making-, snil she la so well that abe (tsaiib mark) tot Kidney Dtsesss, MAH V A. CAAl!OII, HI at a Cap, I'a. Aug. U.". Iffs f n f ng la She meet newerfsl eeartne fcsewn. Fres frem eeutswi am) serfaHly fcanalem. w Uff vr w II ftvee sIummS laauuileseeee relief, smt la s MUtveii. for Hbenmntlam, aeloMea. NrwlftA. TJv.e ISsiehoes, lakaa, Mny Teeer, f'nmrrh, I- Urines, tnaih aieenleeaneee, Nerenaeueee, re nod Snralfl. neautawkwe, Kara, Tools neks. Heart W eakness, trewasy. Malaria, Ooeataa kaaaaew, ota., et. ft ntVfi to 1. ttiffcrvr. to el DBol-S" et la a trial. will mn4 a SAa mmple trttla, SW UAltf prviMUSby mall, lor leela. AaaeiplekotOevlMenevlB you. al,, larva tMHUas twi aesHltlet, tknttlaalvrla. sM ky sad njaa. assets W..TKS la Urn Tunm... wajrs la TO.S.I. WAsaox UMEi'MATie cuata Do., is is is Uke sk, ( micawu, uju ALABASTINE durable and natural eosiing 11. a alia ami Mt L ins, maiie reaur mr oas by mliliig wlia cold water. It la s cement that ansa through s pro. cess of settina, herdene with a, snd ess bs coated end reeuated without na.hiiig off lie old costs before renewing. Alsbsaline la ma.le in whit and fourteen liesuUiui tiuu. It is pnt up in lire-ptiiind pseksses In dry form, with complete directions on every pscksge, ALABASTINE bb minaa,s 11 is entirely n lira rent from all lb various kslaotnlnne oil the market, being dur able end not rturk on lbs well with glue. Alahsatln rn.Uimer ationld avoid getting ebeap kslanniitiee under different uampa, by lusi.tlng 00 having Hi molt In psrkara pmpnrly labeled They should reject all im lutUona, Tilers Is nothing "Just as good." ALABASTINE Prevent mni-h slrkneae, particularly throst snd luug dilHcullles, sttrfbu utile Ui unasnltsry oostiiura on walla. It baa been reromiuendad in a uaiKir published by the kllrblaan Hut Hoard of Health on sccount of Iu sanitary future; which paper stmngly condemned kalaomlne. Alalia. Hue ran bs uaeil on Miliar pla.lenxl wall.. (kI colling., brick or ran, a. and sny one rsn hrn.htton. It adinttaof raill cslchsrurns (mm wall psper decorations, thus aenurlng at resannalile eipanea the laust and ileal e(T ecu. Alalia. Hue la msnufsclured by Uis n- Al ARAQTIWT PAMPAMV f '"-""iii 1 lilt- uuitu nil VI GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN, from whom all irlal Infnrmstlim can be nb uinnl. Write for Instructive snd Internet-In.- booklet, mallod fres to all sppllrsnU, A llsautlrul Creed. "The inoht beuutifol creed heart is love of home," ' Of the In the I"'rity "' tllH ,"J,nB i the hope of the nHi,in Kn tll 'i1M1i i Fair l'lay, "a Journal devoted to the interests of the retail liquor trudo." It . was this same beautiful creed which ! drove the early crnnaders out into the ' streets and into the saloons to do bat-1 tie agaiust home's greutest foe. It is this same creed which nrges tho home keepers of the V. (J. T. U. to "do everything" that organized mother love can do to aid in destroying I he I oiroyer. ixies me retail iiqnor trade conduce to the purity of the home? With a saloon on every corner aud the ,,,..,. -. ,n.miiBi ,,, I..,. i, . . ' : , " ; . ' is aniBty tor our nomes, wnat the hope of the nation? Union Hignal. A Michigan paper tells of the explo sion of a hot water bag. A doctor says: "I have often wondered that there have been so few accident of this kind. People sometimes All them with water hot enongh to scald a person to deuth. More care should lie taken aud many accidents would be averted." According to the annual report of the New Voik state board of charities there is a greater demand for girl babies for adoption than can be supplied. Nearly 400 families applied for homeless chil dren in the past twelve months. BESTFORTEIE VELS If yon hsven't s regnlsr, healthy movement of th bown a every say, yuu'r a ok. or will ns. keep your bowula oven, anil well. Fores, In tlieanapeuf violent nlir. e or 1,1 II 1,0 lm 1. .,.;. aniiKitlm.t. tis.lMt. moat iierract wsy of sssnine ilia boeula ulnar sua la to lata F RlJBI!t.nw?.hJ;i,!?.t!!,V T"!"Qx no ooni, FV"i,"L"n.'. . wnt. ' .7' " aeaiin. stomas K.M.H, Ivaaur, UlMf a, lalml, In, lart. Hss KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN DROPSY Treated Successfully Addraa &. N1V I'KIRK, Mountslo Uorns, Ids, 01 VNa,. TWDaiAsws Says Catarrh Cure. CHIEP JUSTKB CHAMBERS BOTTLD FOR lOa. patients use " "5 DROPS" for etc Read the follow Ing tcttersi refused to keep her seamstress and Is sow doing her eel sewing. The esctse Isslat sa hef tsklsg "1 Drops" sad eaaur her that it la aw only s matter of a few days aed aha will bt entirely cured, ssd ss we sre eery well koowa here, ih "S lianra" la receiving cvaaiilersble atten tion sad praise. . K. raiCK, Jersey City, N, J. Xt. U ten. Bwsnsott RHatrusTK Cuss Co t I suffered terribly with Kidney Trouble lor yesrs, sad sfter using leas thai twe kettles of "9 itiKni'S" I am now entirety well end I glee "3 DKOPa" the prawe fur my curs. I could not nd anything that would give me the allghteat teller unlit I tried this remade, and I recommend! I to everybody as a permanent rure PORTLAND DIRECTORY. Penee and IVIra Ifnrk. I'OltM. ASM Will A IKON WOUKS: Will end Itun lending; oillce railing, em. 4 Aider. Mnnttlnsry nod aupplies. 1'AWHTON A t'O.) leN'IINM, Htlll.lC Its, HA. CIIIBerr.Silille. ) rirstMl., lullian.t.Or. john rom.E. rottTMSB, oeo.. can give you Ilia beat bargain lit general Innt'lilnvry, engines, hollers, tanki, pump., plows, belt nod windmills. The new ee I X I, windmill, sold by him, is un equalled. BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS ... MAwuracToaan t... CALIFORNIA Fid SYRUP CO. ia-OTE TIIK "AM. $. Art. nit of llfeWCrttllll'M t hjf frtitorlviicnl iMljr And lur wHiei tijr it 1 Hi I or fitrcM. tirroairtttKli'iii r m 1)i)M(m1. A'.'lrtf-a: LlOitr PURCHISIKO 18EICT, 45S Korrison Strut, Portland, On.oi. FOR 14 CENTS W Uh tit M'a Italiw JC, aw uffU'u-, od h ) ftf 1 .'hat (Mi . n Uaiart. It P.f JUrl'sH fcw-r-lt((, leekiifnM. Mr.sri MUM, n M HtfAterry Jlaa Ita 1 i. tiuian. est earllMTnmto lllaat ee aarlb. flM Jena a. a.i.asn asss Co.. la soaas. wia WELL DRILL sill tnitllnsM tf that (IsHII Is slew ... -.J ...t, Mm 5. '''Wf.tir..lh4i-r,j. llMJI.t. iHl' l- ,,J""'" IK. rrnflla UrKtt, 1LV -tttfV.rjlKK. lAMJHJlZMIMiJI. TIFFIN, OHIO. DR. GUN?rSmM PILLS ONf FOR A DOtf. CnreSlckHesnsehssnanys- IMpals, luimuia l,liainea,l'uriry Ilia lllnos, Aid nlgi" lies, Irnv ssl lllllou.ueas. IlinietOrtpaorSlckan. to convince rou. will ni sll.smp nfreei lull Int. vie. Ow. BOSANM00O.,rtnastie,ra. Soldo, Urmgl.i IWflHY SICK WOMEN Csn esally trace their trouble to the blond, but that Uon'l help, unleaa tlisy find a remedy, Moore's Revealed Remedy Purines the blnod-mskei alck women Ironf and well, tl.oupsr bottle at the drug nor. YOUNG MEN! For OoiinrrliiM anil lllMt t lalat'a oaev Simelne. II la Ilia ONLY ei!lntnii wlili-h will oure aauli and every SO I'lHK known It haa ever rall'il to aura, a" mailer linw arrtoiw or or sow from Ita uae will yim. bow Ions aandlng. Heu!M Srev.nta arli-tiira, ami oan bo leaen wltlioiil Itiiton-"" Imn anil ilL,nlIon fron. Ihi.Iom.. I'lllOK. Sl.lW. Kof 11 la aiwooi.-. mla liy all nllalila driiicelMa, or a-ut prapalil by eipreia, plainly wrappad, on m-iiliit of jirlrn. Iiy , l'nTCIItaiOAI,C.,Ciaesge,Ilk Clmusr mailed 00 nquaat. CURE YOURSELF 1 Has lllg Si for unnatural dli!liar.,lnSaiiinialhiii, Irrllatlona or alterations CtlUKS' am u .in. nr.. or muooaa memo,.. r, Ofni.alM. I'alllloaa. and nut aalrm- llHiEviUlOiiiSiaii 0o. ""' "r iKil.onum. kriiaoiaNTl,o.lT by aipra.., prepaid, fof l im. or S liolllra, 11.711, Ireular emit on rwiuoil. M. P. N. V. No. i-loo. JlHaXW writing to advarilssrs plesa I fi I Jtt Weetb SI.OO, reelSeaa 111 Akova la Pas, eorlb SIS. IU f I m.ll fiis fra, tiisatker ekt ssr 1 If gr.elt)eteliit,llnn sfl suual I f J Mill I MlltlSS IOUAI MTAft f II stHiaraealatefthtanallee Aide. 1 11 eiaiapa. We Inviu four trade, and I . Ill knee shea fee anee try Mai aer's 'Bene yos will eitkost. imsw wI.oH ,!,, naiaar'a lene-ret. '"OHIO Tf meatloB tb lis vaper.