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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1900)
OREGON MIST: ISMJKU EVKHV ttfl4V ITIOHIHJ -BT- DAVID DAHS, editor and Propnotor. ftnteacrlpllon Kates. On copy one jht 1b ajvauce.. ...... ........ 1100 Oik copy lx month , - 80 Blinjlo copy - -....- - Advertising rat "mde known upon apptieatlon COLOMBIA COUNTY DMtKCTORY, , count v orricEBs. Jades .Joseph B. roen. Rainier Clerk J. U. Watts, si. Helens HherlflT. 1. N. Rice, 81. Helens Treasurer.; K. Rom, tit. Helens fcult. ol Uchools 1. II Cotieland. Iloulton Aimumt , Martin hilp, 8t. Helens nurvnnir.. ..... " Coroner.... Dr. H. R. Cliff, St. Helena ., , ,,.,. 1 r. a. msei, rx-atiw.e Commissioner j K, u Petersou, Ntst MARCH 30, 1900. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. Voters should register. Do not defer this matter until it is too Ute. Qcay may get a seat in the senate, but it will be neither a credit to himself nor the persons who pive it to him. Bctteb banish the idea right now that there is any strife among the re publicans of Columbia county. Tiik New York Mail and Express says that Colorado, too, may cast its electoral ote for McKinley instead ot Bryau. And now, Senator Hoar wants to give Qneen IJU 2o0,000 for pin money. He'll be proposing a million for Aguin aldo some of these days. A Kind of discreet deafness is pre venting some of the populist Messiahs of Columbia county from bearing what the wild waves are saying. From the appearance of the hilltops n yonder shore of old Columbia on Tuesday, indications seemed to point to the fact that we may expect some nice winter weather this spring. Sohibodt has riled the ire of the Forest Grove Times. Dictators gener ally get "sat on" in just about such style as the Times man intimates is in store in Washington county. The inevitable and unwelcome ap pearance of "I yclone Lari9 from his Texas cellar into the borders of our state comes with the first breath of springtime. He has started in again on the crime of '73. While you're speaking about it, we'll go you the cigars that Union precinct gives seventy-five majority for the re publican ticket on June 4th. The county has been conceded to the repub licans by 300 majority. Talk about wind pudding and moon shine as articles of diet, but what is the matter with a great national political party that will declare that free silver is stalking ghost, and then stick it into their platform as a paramount issue? Thebi are yet several hundred voters In this county who have not registered. Thia matter has been kept constantly before the people since the registration books were opened, and if you are re fused vote at the next election, blame no one but yourself. Washington state is entitled to better treatment than being infested with smallpox and plague. After two years of populistic governmental regime it is not fair for the state to be double-dosed with other scourges. Of these there's merely a distinction without a difference. Eviby republican voter should turn out to the primaries in the different precincts tomorrow (Paturday) and per form a duty to himself and bis party by helping to elect delegates to the county convention who will attend the conven tionand and assist in the nomination of a ticket. Thebs are a whole lot of people in this connty, of all political parties, who think that Martin White should stand for sheriff at the republican convention. There is not a shadow of a doubt but that Martin could mop up and wring out into his own bucket more support for that office than any man In Colum bia county. To those who are counting on a fight among the republicans of Columbia County this year, it is not out of place now to serve notice on them that they will get sadly left. There is no discord within the party, and those fellows who are attempting to create such have un dertaken something they can't accom plish. William Jknninos Bbyan re-wrote the Chicago platform of 1891 and the democratic state convention of Nebraska adopted it as their article of faith. William Jennings is pretty smooth as a manipulator, and all the archangels this side of Cape Nome can't prevent his nomination for president as a fusion candidate. McMinnville Transcript. Tnr. middle-of-the-road populists of this state have called their state conven tion to meet in Portland on April 12th. It seems that a very large number of the populists of Oregon are opposed to the tactics of some of the leaders in tossing coins with the democrats for the offices, while for principle, they seem to take anything fished out of the waste basket of 1896. Some persons, not resident In Wash ington county, are taking a very pro found interest in the politics of the county, and letters are being received setting forth who must be nominated for the legislature and who must be defeated, and that money will be fur nished to carry out the directions if nec essary. The people of Washington county will serve notice on all such outsiders that they are capable of taking care of their own political ailnirs. When they want, outside help to name a legislative ticket they will make it known, Forest Grove Times. Till Oregonian has done a grave wrong both to the friends of Senator Mc Bride and to those of Mr, Moody. Mr. McBride's friends frankly and quietly conceded a solid Waseo county delega tion to Mr. Moody. They nianifwited no desire whatever, at any time to thwart the wishes of Mr. Moody's friends. The latter assures the Chroni cle that thev made it a point to commit no art nor deed that could be justly centurueu us miirieiiuiv tu ,nr. ;it:iriuiT. They were in no sense antagonizing the interests of Mr. Meltride. Their single purpose was the ronouiination ot Mr. Moody. The primaries passed without opposition. The Oregonian correspond ent sent to his paper a plain, truthful, unvarnished statement of the result. The Oregonian edited the dispatch and added the following clause: "The Mcltrido influence failed utterly to ma terialise." This was not in the original, which we have seen. The result is that the friends of Mr. Meltride consider they have lieen slapped in the face. But the Oregonian did it and is wholly responsible for an act that ia regretted here on all bands. The Oregouiau has the faculty of raising mora hell in a minute than it can down in a century. Let it flirlit Mo Bride if it wants to. but let it not compromise others who desire peace. The italics Uhronicle. , SHorxn the entire naval reserves of Britain be called into active service it would mean a greater display of s Dower than the world has vet witnessed. It would mean that the fleet flying the British dag would include torty nret class battleships, teu second-class battle ships, eighteen ttura -class baltieelitps, fifteen coast defense ships, fifteen ar mored cruisers, thirty first-class cruisers, forty-three third-class cruisers, thirty- five torpedo gun-boats, aud one hundred and seventy-seven torpedo boats ana destroyers. To this enormous total must be added a certain proportion of the httv or sixty ships now Duuuing, some ot which, with the extraordinary skill at the disposal of the English dock yards, would certainly be rushed to an early completion and equipment. The war footing of thia fleet would entail the employment of more than 110,000 men, exclusive of those who would nec essarily be added to the regular yard and depot forces. The interpretation generally put upon this extraordinary activity in the navy department is that it indicates the government's desire to warn the huropean powers that Britain is ready to face any and ali possible combinations against her interests. It is a discouraging sign to the popu lists that not a single republican in this county is pushing his clniin for nomina tion on the republican ticket. There is an absolute absence of strife among the republicans, although some of the pop ulists are attempting to create discord. Notice may as well be served now as later on that such effort will prove futile. There ia a desire to have all sections of the county represented on the republi can ticket. Never before in the history of the county have the republicans been so harmonious and in such splendid con dition to enter s campaign. Of course, the delegates to the convention will realize the necessity of nominating men that will poll the full party vote. This action, which will certainly take place, will guarantee the hearty and earnest support of the whole ticket when nonii ated. Prospects for populist success are not very flattering. Wk desire to again remind the voters of each precinct of their duty to nomi nate a candidate for road supervisor in each road district in your precinct. At the coming June election the voters of each road district voting together will elect one supervisor for each road dis trict in their precinct, the nominations may be made by the whole precinct or thev mav lie made bv the voters in each road district, but as the supervisors will be elected by the voters of the entire precinct, it would perhaps be as well for the voters of the entire precinct to join in the nomination of all, where there is more than one district in the preciuct. These nominations should be certified to by the county convention in order that they may be ratified and placed on the countv ticket. Congressman Moody's friends evi dently do not like the course of the Or egonian in reporting political conditions throughout the state. A short article, under the caption : "A slap in the face," appearing in this paper this week, aud credited to The Dalles Chronicle, was mailed to us trom the .Dalies, with a re quest to give it circulation in this county. It has seemed to us all the time that some of the telegraphic news from over the state, which has been furnished rec- cently, was slightly colored. All the evidence being in and the public being tne jury, tne verdict can now be ren dered, w hich we believe will be against allowing full credit for everything we read in the telegraphic news. The Goebel election law is certainly a boon to politicians. There has not been but one election held in Kentucky under its provisions, yet there are two com plete seta of state officers, enforcing their claims by the presence of the mil itia, the father of the law dead, and numerous persons on trial for murder. In fact, a condition of affairs bordering almost upon civil war has existed in Kentucky ever since the measure be came a law. There seems to be no limit to the disturbance one little demo cratic lawyer can kick up. Next Friday the republican primaries will take place. Send men to the con vention who wear no man's collar; and these are not difficult to find. There is not so much of a "ring" as some mal contents are desirous of making it ap pear. The "outs" always raise the cry of "ring" against the "ins." Thia is all nonsense. Attend your primaries, make your fight there, if you have any, and accept the result in good faith. Forest Grove Times. New lleltgion Needed. Just at this time our country needs a new religion that will make a man pay hia debts, says the Methodist Advocate. Shouting don't settle old accounts with God or man. We bounce right into a fellow and put him out of the church if he goes to a ball or theater, but never a word to the odious scamp who never pays his debts. Preachers and people who do not pay their debts are doing the church more harm than dancers or drunkards, for there are more of them in the church. Headers, is this getting close to you? Then lay down your paper and go and pay up and read on with ease. And don't you stop paying because the "statute of limitation" ex cuses the open account which you made for bread and meat. You must pay it in cash or God will make you pay it in fire and brimstone. God knows no such excuse for not paying, as "homestead redemption." When you raise that ex cuse to keep from paying your debts, you can stop singing " when I can read my title clear to mansions in the skies." You've none up there. Doe Thin ftlrike VotlY Muddy Complexions and Nauseating Breath fromclironicconstipation. Karl's Clover Hoot Tea is an absolute cure and has been sold for fifty years on an abso lute guarantee. Price 25 cts. and 60 cts. Sold by lit. Edwin Koss. IMIKCINCT ltOUNDARIK.8. In the matterof the eslalilMiraetit Of election product lor t 'olu in bin enu nty : tin Hits dsythls matter eontlng on to lie heard and the court being fully advised la the ptvm ues, In Is ordered tlisi Columbia county be divided Into till rteen election prei'liK'Is. io he named mid bounded km follows. APIARY PRKCINCT. Commencing at lie corner sec 8tl. tp 7 n, r w; i thenee went it , wiie; iiu-nce norm t mile: miles: thence sontii l mile; miles: tlienee south U mile; theuce east i) mile: tlienee south mile; thsnee cat?iuuc tnence soiling nine; tnence wvi. 'ilk mile: tlisncu south 4 miles; theuce eaal a nnk's; thence Hurt h 4 mile to place ol ticglti uiUK. Al BIRN PRECINCT. Commencing st tho ne corner ol section , p Sn, raw; thence west 10 miles: thenee oiilh 1 mile; ttieuce west 4 mllea; tltenco south 10 miles: Iheiioe eest 12 miles; thenee north 1 mile; Uienee est S miles; thenee tiorth 3 miles; thenee wM I mile; llience north H miles to pise ot be gtuiiUig. BEAVER FA1X8 FRBCINCT Beginning st point on the ColumMs river where the section line betweeu section t ami 1, tp 7 u, r 3 w Interseets ssid river; thence south sUout 5 miles to -ntlle stake ou west td of see Ji, tp 7 u, r I w: thenee west ' miles; thence south 4 mile: thenee west SS miles; Ihcuce mtrth e mill's; thenee east 1 mile; thence north to Columbia river; iheuce up said river to the place ol ueluuliii(. CLATSKANIK rRKCINCT. BeirlnnltiRon tho Columbia river where the section hue between sections 9 anil 30, Ipti u, r 4 w intersects said river; thence south to south west eorner see Si, tp n, r 4 w ; theuce. east mhos; thence south Hi miles; thenee eat mile; iheuce south S mile; thencs east mile; theuce south 14 mile; thsnee east miles; tlienee south t mil; theuce east IS miles; thence south W mile: theuce east U' intle: thenee south tulle; tlienee east mite: theuce sooth mile; thence west 24 miles; thence south 1 mile: thence west S miles: iueuce uorth i miles: theuce wests miles; theuce north J miles: thence west 1 mile: thenee north a miles thence east 1 mite; thence uorth to south tstuk ot Weslport slouith; theuce along shIU slough to the Columbia river; thence up aulii Columbia river 10 me place 01 oeginuiug. PEER ISLAND PRECINCT. (rOBMSBLT SHSKMAH.) Beginning on the Columbia river whore the section hue between sections 4 and xi, tna u. r I w intersects sAid river; thenee wet to the uorthwust corner of sec I. tp5u, ritw: tnem-e nonn 1 mue: tnence west 11 nines; ineiice soma 2iuiies:theuce east 2 miles: theuce south 2 miles: thence east 1 utile; tlienee south t mile; thenee east s miles: thence north l?s miles; thence cast about 2i miles to the Columbia river; theuce down said river to the plaue of begin ning. COBLE PRECINCT. (rOKKIRLY DISS ISLAND.) Beginning at point en the Cotumhla river wuere tne seeuon tine between sections 4 ana S3, tp & n, r I w intersects sld river; thence west to southeast eomerol sec tp n, r Stw; thence north 1 mile: iheuce west & miles; iheuce north Smiles: thence east 1 mile; thenee uorth 1 mile: theuce east 1 mile: thence uorth 1 mile thence east to Columbia river; Iheuce up said river to place 01 Mgintung. MARSHLAND PRECINCT. Beginning at a totut on the Columbia river where the section line between sections 'Juend at), tp s n. r 4 west intersect said river; thence southwesterly sioti;; the Weatuort slough to a point where the west line of sec ol, tp s u. r 4 w inierseeti said slough; thenee south to south east corner of see 1, tp 7 u. r 5 west; thence weu 1 mile: thence south 3 miles; theuce west 5 miles; thence uorth to the Columbia rives; ttieuce up the Columbia river to the place ot be gum: ug. NEHALEN PREC1SCT. Beeinniug at the northeast corner of sec 13, tp 611, r4 w: thence west 3 miles; theuce nortli'2 miles; thence west 3 miles; iheuce north 2 miles: theuce west t miles to Clatsop county liue; iheuce south 10 miles; theli'.e east 4 miles; thence north 1 mile; thence east .1 miles; tlicuce north 5 utiles to the place of beginning. OAK POINT PRECINCT. Beginning at a point on the Columbia river where the section line between sections 19 and '3X tpsu, r3 west lutersecta said river: thence south to S mile poet ou west side of see '.&: theuce west 1 mile: thence south 3' miles; theuce. west 2i miles; thencs north v4 mile; iheuce west s mile; thence uorth mile; theuce west mile; thence north I'i miles; theuce west 2 miles; thencs north to Columbia river; thence up said river to the place ot beginning. RAINIER PRECINTT. Beginning at a noint on the Columbia river where the section line between sections 1 and 2, tp 7 n. r 3 w intersects said river; thence south about 4 miles to S mile stake on west side of see 25. tp 7n, r 4 w; thence east mile: thence south k mile: thenee east XA mile: thence south 3 miles; thence east 1 mile; thence north t mile; thence east 1 mile: thence north 1 utile: thence east to the Columbia river; thence down said river to the place of begluuiug. 6CAPPOOSE PRECINCT. Commencing at a noint on the Columbia river where the set t ion line tetween tu-ctiou 7 and 31. tp 4 n. r I w intersects said river; thence west to the northwest corner of section 31,tp4u,r3 w; iheuce south 1 mile: thence east 4 miles; theuce south 2 miles; thence east 2 miles; thence south 1 mile; thence east 3 miles: thence smith 1 mile; thenee east to the Willamette slough; thence down said slough to a point where the S section line of section IS. tp A n, r 1 w intersect said slough; thenee cast on the 1$ section liue to the Columbia river; theuce down said river tu the place of beg-innJntf. CNION PRECINCT. Beginning at a point on (he Columbia river where the section line between sections Hi and 15, tp 4 n, r 1 w intersects said river; thence west on suid section line to the intersection of the south boHmiary line of the Thomas H Smith D. L. C; theuce along the southern boundary line of said ttmith aud Williams D. L. C. to the sw corner of the Posey Williams D. L.C.; thence along the west boundary line of said Williams D. L. C. to the northwest corner of said claim; thence west on the north boundarr liue of Stevens and Achiles D. L. C. to northwest cor ner of the Achiles u. L. C; thenee south on the west boundary line of said Achiles 1. L. C. to section line between sections 7 and IS. tp 4 n, r 1 tnence west to me northwest corner 01 sec 11 15. tn 4 n. r 3 w: thence north 4 miles: thence cast 9 miles, thence north l'i miles; thence east to the Columbia river; theuce up river to point 01 beginning. WARREN PRECINCT. Beginning at a point on the Colnmbla river where the sectiou line between sections 27 aud 3t. tp 4 n, r 1 w intersects said river: theuce west about l'3i miles to southwest corner of section 27, tp 4 n, r 1 w; thence north 3 miles; thence east to Achiles D. L. C. west boundary line; theuce north on the west boundary line of said claim to the northwest corner ot said claim; theme ea-t following the north boundary line of the Achiles and Stevens l. L. C. to the north east comer of the Stevens h. L. C; thence south on the east boundary Hue ol said claim to southeast corner of said claim; thence north east on the south boundary line of the P. Williams U. L. C. and the Smith I). L. C. to the intersection of section line between sections 9 and ill, tp 4 n, r 1 w; thence east on said section line to the Columbia river; thence up the said river to the place of beginning. ROAD mSTKICT BOl'NDAKIEH. In the matter of re-rllstricling Columbia county into road districts. It is hereby ordered by the court that the county be divided Into 1.0 road districts, the boundaries of which shall be as follows, tl-wlt: All the lands embraced within the boundaries of Scappoose precinct shall comprise road dis trict No. 1. All the land embraced within the boundaries of Warren precinct shall comprise road district No. 2. AH the land within the boundaries of Union precinct shall comprise Vosd district No. 3. Ail the land embraced within the boundaries of tieer Island preciuct shall comprise road dis trict No. 4. All the land embraced within the boundaries fir. Dhilohs Cough and pnsumption Cure M This l beyond question the most successful Couh Medi cine ever known to scienee; a few doses invariably cure the worst cases of Couprh, Croup and Bronchitis, while its won derful success tn the cure of Consumption is without a par allel in the history of medicine. Since its first discovery it ham been sold on a guarantee, a test which no other medicine can stand. If you have a Cough, we earnestly ask you totryit. In United .States end Canada 2Sc., ryje. and tl.00, and fn Kngiand Is. W., Sis. 3d. and 4a. Sd. SOLE PROPRIETORS S S.-C.Wells.&Co. LEROY, N.Y. TORONTO, CAN. FOR SALE BY EDWIN ROSS, to If I of OoMt precinct ahall comprise road district rso. 5. All the land embraced within the boundaries of Kaluler preciuct shall comprise road district Iso, 6. All the him! embraced within the boundaries of Apiary piuciuot shall comprise road district No. f. All the land embraced within the boundaries of Heaver Kails product shall outuprlse road district No. . All the land embraced within the bonndarles ot Onk Point prectuct shall comprise road dis trict No. . All Hie land embraced within the boundaries ot Ctnlskntiie precltwi ahall comprise road dis trict No. 10. ' All the land embraced wlthlu the boundaries o' Marshland, precinct shall comprise road dis trict Nb. II. Road district No. 12 shall be bounded as fol lows: Commencing at the northeast comer of section JK. tp 7 n, r & w; theuce west 3 miles to county line: theuce south ID mllea; thence east 4 miles; thence north 4 miles; thence west 1 mile; thence north miles to place of beglu uiug In Nelnten prevlnct. Road district No. 13 Nehalen precinct. Com mencing at the northeast comer ot aectlon 1.1, tp Units, thence west 3 miles; thenee north it miles; thence west 3 miles; tlienee north 2 miles; thence west 1 mllea; thenca south miles: thence east I tulle; thence south S miles; thenee east a miles; theuce uorth f) utiles to the place ol beginning. Road district No. 14 Auhnrh preclnot. Com mencing at the northeast corner of section a, tp ft u. rl w; tlienee west la mile; theuce south 1 mile; thence west 4 miles; thence south ft miles; theuce east 3 miles; thence north 1 mile; theuce east U miles; thence uorth 8 miles: thenee west t mile; theuce north 3 mllea to the place ot beginning. Road district No. 1 Auburn preetnet. Com mencing at ttia Uortheasl corner of section 4. tn 4 u. r 3 w: thenee west IJ miles; thenee south! mile: theuce west 3 mllea; theuce south a miles: iheuce east U miles; thence north 1 mile; thence) east 3 miles; theue uorili 5 tulles to Uie place ot begtnutug. POINTtCU lAHAGH.rU8, Tho pay of honesty la always aura, but it's ofteu alow. Court a woman and she will worship you, but marry her and she will defy you. Men are never satisfied. For every dollar a man acquires he wants two dollars more. Some hotel clerk probably originated the remark, "There is always room at the top." In order to succeed a man should have plenty of push but sometimes a pull help hitu out. Adam was the only man who ever held an undisputed claim to the title of "oldest inhabitant." Many a man refuses to do a thing he wants to simply because some other man tells him to do it. No man or woman can afford to be without good manners, when they coat so little and are worth so much. Give the true American a daily news p tper and a pioco of pie and he will mike himsvll at home anywhere on eaith. Every man wants a wife without a fault but the trouble arises from the (act that every woman wants a faultless husband. You can't judge a man's character by his acta in public. Love may be blind, bat the girl's little brother seee things. Some men are born great, some achieve greatness ar i tome are u. g. You can alwavs t.-M by the way a girl smiles to herself wnether she ia in lure. Much of his Satanical majesty's suc cess is due to the fact that he never pro crastinates. If a man is in love with a woman there is nothing on earth that he isn't willing to promise her. The goodness of gold is tried by fire, the goodness of women by gold aud the goodness of man by woman. When a girl discovers that she is be ginning to think too much of a man all she baa to do is to marry him, and the chances are that sho will soon begin to think less of him. Call for a Coanty Comention. A rcnublican convention for the county of Columbia, state of Oregon, is called' to meet at Rainier, Oregon, on Monday. April 9th, 100, at 11 o'clock a. m., of said day, for the purpose of nom inating candidates for the various county offices of said Columbia county, Oregon, and to elect six (B) delegates to tne state convention w uv ueiu 111 Port land, Oregon, on Thursday, April 12th, 1900, and to transact any other basinesa that mav be brought before the conven tion. The convention will consist of fortv-two (42) delegates, apportioned among the several precincts a follows: Auburn Apiary ..1 Beaver Falls 3 Clatskanie 5 Deer Island 2 Ooble 4 Marshland 2 ftehalem .8 Ouk l'oint 3 Iiainier 4 Scappoose 4 Union 6 Warren 3 The same being one (1) delegate-at-laree from each precinct and one (1) for every twenty-four (24) vote cant for T. T. Geer for governor in 1H08, and one for each major fraction of tweuty-four (24) votes cast for said T. T. Geer, gov ernor. The connty central committee recom mends that the primaries in the several precincts be held at the usual voting places in said precincts on (Saturday, March 31st. 1000. at 2 o'clock p. in., ol aaid day, and that the delegatea attend tne convention in person. By order ot tlte committee. A. L. Claek, David Davis, Secretary, Chairman. ED HILLSBERRY, Expert :-: Barber SHARP RAZORS AND CLEAN TOWELS. None bnt purest chemicals used in wash ing ana cleansing me lace. Get a Hot Towel on Your Face Usual prices for work. DECKER'S OLD STAND, ST. HELENS YOU ARE ALWAYS WELOOMC ooo AT THE gANQUET None but the best in both Imported and Domestic wl"e8 "I"0 anu kbie - whiskey The celebrated Weinhard liocr always on draught. CLONIHQtH li WHITNEY, Prop. ST. CHARLES HOTEL Front & Morrison Sis,, Portland Under New Management ISO Ronma at SS Cents to AO Cents, bultes 75 Cents to $1.00. Elevator, Electric Lights and ltells, and all Modern Conveniences. Free. Hus Meets all Duals and Trains. Restaurant Conucc ch in Heel Culumbi Toli phone 27. IIIH POUTIVANB. DAILY. -BTIAMgft- "America" i Willamett Slongb Route Leave'&t. Helen. ... 6:30 A M Arrive at Portland. .10:30 A M IxMtve 1'ortland 8:31) I'M Arrive at St. ileleus. U:tH) l M f are 5 rti.rrft. Will Carry Nothing but Passen gers and Past Fteight. H M M H H H H H H H H H M H H JtSIt) 4JOOII, in stater. 4 A STORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER A RAILROAD COMPANY. SISDDOWH 0 also ur DAILY. Jl 23 II 1A a 40 10 0 S ! S m 8 '20 a M h tu ati im at 7 4 u 7 as tu 7 at W 7 17 a tn 7 trj S 17 4J S 07 ItJ 7 M S 20 7tV S 10 DAILY. STATIONS. -i & T. X. 7 (SI 0 M S as 8 44 S VI s as a iw i'j s m io in 10 iw io a 10 so . I S 00 I .0 06 '30 4 IS 14.VSI 35 ivt.a 40 .V.D, :o a 10 00 IVJ..1 U. , rorilstul., Ar .. Ilohle ..Rainier .... . Pyramid. ... .. Maviter , Ojiim-r , Clatkeu!e... Marshland... . Wialsrl.,,. I'lltloll ..Kuaiipa 10 10 -4 10 .'1 71. J 10 l TS 7 u tu Mt! II 10 UOHii... II '2 .4 ... it au si Ar .John Hay . Astoria .. . I.v All trains make rlisie connections at DoMe M-tth Northern facitlo trains to ami Irom the Kat anil Souud points. At Portland with all trains leavuia l luou iletioi. At Astoria with I K. N t:o.'s boat ami rail Hue to aud frimi It waco aud .Sorlu lleavb points. ruwnin lor Antnri or w? polnu mnl flu iwniterii off at HouJtnn whtfii oomlng Irom puluu i :..t.u m t vaA W VIUUUIV. 4Bfswj Oen. I'kvts. AKl..AittorU, Or. Skin Diseases. For the speedy and permanent curt of tetter, salt rheum and ectetna. Cham berlain's Eye And Skin Ointment la without an eqnal. It relieves the itch ing and smarting; almost instantly and its contlnned rue effects a permanent cure. It also cares itch, barber 'a itch, xatil ttoarl um nlnnU ll.klr. chapped hands, chronic tore eyes and granaiateu hum. Dr. fadr'l CoodlUoB Powders for horses are the best tonlo. blood pnrifler andvermifnge. Price, S3 centu. bold by Or. Edwin lions. PROFESSIONAL. GEO A. HALL, ATTORNEY -AT -LAW T. IICLKlva, oBeuo. Office next door to Cole A Quick's law and abstract office. Collections a specialty. Foreclosures, mechanic's liens, promptly attended to. C.G.NIXON, ATTORNEY-AT-Ri w. Collections a Specialty. RAINIER, j : OREGON. 0B. J. X. HALL, PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. Clatskanie, Columbia county, Or. J-jR. EDWIN K08H, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 8 1. Helens, Oregon II. ft. CUFF, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, HL Helena, Oregon. G. W. COLE, ATTORNEY AND COUNHELOR-AT LAW, 8T. HELENS, OREGON. Title Abstract Books. Notarv Poblln. Commis sioner of Dtw'la fur Washington, anil anesper- lenceu collector in coooectiett witu ouiue. J. W. PAY W. B, DILLARD Plllrtrh $e ?tit, ATTORNEYS -AT-LAW Oflloe next door Io Courthouse, HT.'UELENM, OHKOON. General praetlee In courts of Oregon or Wash ington. Abstract made directly from county records. BTKAMKK "LjUTTR. Ii 1 1ST HI PORTLAND AND ASTORIA Leaves Portland every nlrlit at 8 o!clock for Astoria, (except Bumiay.) Batunlay night at 10. Returning, lenves Astoria nt 0:3(1 o'clock eveiy morning (except Monday,) Hun day at 0 : 00 o'clock p, ni. How About it asents for the hot lire have propn for sale conia S Ham Stmt PORTLAND, RAINIER : TIME CARD- ' ' Leave Halnler at 6 A. M . Neer City at S HO A. M.. Kalama at 0:40 A. M..('ai.les at 7:20 A. II., Co luuii'la t:ity at 7 :W A. M., Hi. Helens at 7:4ft A, M., arrives at I'otllaud at 10:90 A. at. ROUND TRIP DAILY EXOEPT SUNDAY. Leave Portland at .m P. M , St. Helens 4 M: ( City 4 40: 's.l4:W: Kalama 90; Neor diy:40. Arrives at Halnler at e M0 I'. M. TWENTY-f IVI OINTt TO PORTLAND ... WHEN LY NEED OF MEDICINE... -QO c LATSKANIE THE. Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Etc OK. J. I. HALL Proprietor, CL.1TSKJNIE. fc Wee ' v5?- swekot seeds v.v: a." " - ; il!' r' !. We m and oceupv the tallest mercantile kulldlni la the world. W have over ,ose,ase uatomer. Sisieen hundred elstks are toasuotljr nafe ailiot out of lowa order. OUR OCNERAL CATALOOUB la the boeS of tho peopls-lt tuotso Wholesale Prtcsa to Everybody, has over I ooo ft . llluslratloas. aad description! of articles with price, It costs r cent to print and asall each copy. We want yoa to have ou. 8RND KIFTKKN CKNfS 10 how yoat food faith, and we II tenil you a JQNT60UERYWARD&CQ.1 STEAMER JOSEPH KELLOGG.... leaves Kelso on Won day a, Wednesday ami Krhtays at bo'clock a. in. Portland and Kelso Route via Columbia River. 0. R. & N. CO. Ilres T roa Time SCHEDULES Aaaivt raoM Fast Msll S p. tn. Malt Ijike. Deneer. Ft. Worth, Omaha.Kan sas Uity, Hi. UmiH, Chicago and East. Fast Mall 44 p. m. RDokane Flyer t.ib p. m. Walla Walla. Spokane, MI11 nea pol I a, It. Paul, liuluth, Mil waukee, Chlcaxu A East. Htmkana Flyer 8.00 a.m. 8 p. m. Ocoan Steamship. All sailing dates suh- Je:t to change. For Han Frawlwo Hall every llveilavs. 4 p. in. S p. m. Ex.Hiinday Battirday lUp. m. Oolumbla Rlvar Staamars. To Astoria anil Waj landltigs. Jii m. Ex nday a. m. Willamett Rlvar. Oregon fllty, Newberg, rialeiu A Way laud'gs 4:80 p. m. Ix. Sunday El. Similar 7. m. Willamette and Yam hill Rlvar. Oregon City, Dayton, and Way-latidlugs. 8 :3n. in. M011. Wed. and Frl. Tuea.Tliar, sad Hat. 6 a. m. Willamette Rlvar. Portland to Orvallls and Way-laudltiKs. 4:80 p. m. Mnn. Wed. and Frl. Tucb. Th 11 r. aim Hat, I.T. Rlparla Snaka Rlvar. Rlparla to Lewlauni. I.v.t-ew'lon dally at Suua, in. dally W. H. HURLBERT, Oeneral Passenger Agent, PORTLAND OHF.OON STEAMER G. DELL SHAVER, Master. f .3 The company reserve the rlgli to change time Shaver Your 1 itlej' A I!K YOB Willi It Is all rlulitt Keinmnhef that It li ho jtV ItKOiillH Hint governs, U Is inr linshiess to search the " rveonls anil show what lliev contain lu relation Io land' lilies, it you oomemitm' nojuia i i"""i" money un real- eHale security, take no man's wonl, tint Itislat upon kiiotvlni what Hie lui'oiil shows resnoiliiK the Hlie. An Alutrant Is asessonllal as nilei'it. Ihalntnn liavlnit II. We have tho only set of alwtracl hiHka In the county. A II work promptly eaeeiiteil and satlsfaeUoii Kuaraiiietm, vim u,v r'r" a' ,'," vti . "ears insurant'' i-ouivtiuios in uie worm, u list It Willi us ami wo will dud a tmytir. quick, ST. HUMS, OHtOOH AND WAY LANDINGS. AND ALL LANDING. VV. I. NiWAOM- TO- DRUQ STORE - OREGON. H trom 10.1X10 la 7 O - . '" v imi!i ".V. m copy wita an cnart.s ncer-aiq. Hicaifs As, aad HadltM tlreot CHioaao Lear Pert land Tuesday. Thunxlay, aiil Halnrdays, at t e'e lock - m. N 0 ladies Inrnitnre Is com nil' to without a new liffht-rtinnins; glNQER s 11 jnw our wwHiR-miirnino wnj ?i) M .. k...a.t U..I.I osao 1 . ...I . 1 I - m. twtr ),: mo in iv UtJiii iii Bn Usriun without iiitoroat. C. P. LOONETj Agent 1 w I WHITE COLLAR LINE .WuAl's a tmmn TUB COLUMBIA RIVER AND HUOfiT SOUND NAVIGATION CO. PORTLAND-ASTORIA EODTE. STR. GATZERT Landing Font of Alder Street, Portland. Leaves I'nrllaud dally (iiienininiilay)at7 A, M Landing Telephou (look, Astoria. Leaves Astoria dally (except Miimlsy)7 P. Malloy (iaimri tickets giaid on steamer Ifassslo. Htesiuer If aaaalo tickets good on lialley UatierU U. B. SCOTT, Pres. W. SHAVER Leave Portland, foot of Wash ington St, Mondays & Thnrs days, C:3() A. M. Leave Clats kanie Tuesdays and Fridays at i o'clock in the morning. without notice. Transportation Comoany. 1 .-"ATr s--rlt--?pi