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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1900)
tF rfHWWhu L(lfc atnaa JP'flfc VJS:o isavo tho IkulnnftTiG f...ladJ U LMJ ILdV 1 Doepondonoy In women la n mmmtml condition directly traoeable to some distinctly female in. Well women don't hove the blues, but oompara tlvely few people under atand that the right modi olne will drive them away. E. PMhim'i Vegetable Compound laasaaaM overcomes the blues, bo cause It la the safeguard of woman's health H regulates Vie entire female organlam aa nothing else does When the dragging sensation and the backache go, the blues will go also Read the letters from women appearing In this paper women who have trieu it ana Know, mere are a million such women Color reed by Royalty. It i very interesting to know what colon are aged or selected by the royal families aa being their very own. To England, the only royal family of modern times, which has selected it, belongs scarlet, which is very effective. The royal houses of Portugal, Prussia 6weden and some of the German princes wear blue. Russia . chooses dark green and Austria delights in black and yellow. Most people imagine scarlet was selected on account of the red rose of the Plantagenet, but this i not true. It was adopted from the field rules of the royal standard and from Henry's adoption of the scarlet areas of the yoemen of the guard. N. Y. Journal. Fattening. Emaciated Invalid (just arrived at the springs) Is it true that drink lug these waters produces fat? Native (weight 250) Produces fatl Why, stranger, when I came here I only weighed eight pounds, and look at me now! Rochester Herald. The best household jewel is good cook. Chicago Daily News. Wu and Barg-lar. Mrs. Winks (looking up from the paper) A woman out west shot a burg lar and killed him. Mr. Winks Well ! well ! What was he aiming at? X. Y. Weekly. luuiRnuini, itvi 3i"innT, cjiihi f J'lHinn, SICK beadache. That's the prutrrmn. Next program, L'aet-errle Candy Cathartic, iusiaut relief, brtujgiau, 10c, 20c, 50c Money Talka. Money talks, but a little scare is apt to shut it up tight. Chicago Daily News. . I believe Piso't Cure is the only medi cine that will cnre Consumption. -Anna M. Ross, Wiiliameport, Pa., Ihx. g, V5. An Ohio widow refused to marry a man because he wore a wig, although be was a millionaire. Her excuse was that in case of a family row there would be no fun in snatching him bald beaded. Chicago Daily Sews The Pleasantest, Most Powerful and f-nectlve Aeverlamng Kemedy lor Rheumatism LA GRIPPE and CATAKKH I I fall knew what ttioiiHiidn know ml I th efllfcr of a I)KOPS"uiCo. a-ttttr m wil ana Prt?v ntlve of any Artie or Pun known to tbe nuntan iKMly, thfrr would not b mint y in a" Auierws wnnout a, omu or "5 Drops!" 8e1 for tria. bottle, 3ic or large bottle, til Hiulu. at Knillu . V. n-. ' SWANSOM RHEUMATIC CURE CO 160-184 E. Lake St.. Chicsge, III. Hoax "Klumsy is very fond of horses, isn't he!" Joax "If he is, it Is something new." Hoax "Well, I saw him out riding the other day, and he had both arms around the horse's neck." Philadelphia Record if The pleasant method and beneficial effects of the well known remedy, Hthvp or Figs, manufactured by the CauroKaiA Fie Syrup Co., illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form moat refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing the system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers fently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, and its acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing figs re nsed, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to the California Fie Syrup Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. AW FRANCISCO, OAJ MtJISVTr.LB, XT. HEW YORK. W, T. For aale by all Druggists. Price 50c. per bottle; LurttS rVHirit Alt , ILUt rAILS, uouyn syrup, tuim uuou. vm Boil, by dnigtTtfta, 3Z eaaeeeuaa An Excellent Combination. CRANBERRY CROP. FIrat Actual Returns for the Terel't Census Giro the Statistics of the Fruit Produced. The first actual returns or statistics tor the twelfth census are uow wining in. Thev relate to cranberry culture and give the acreage, tenure, quantity of fruit produced, cost of labor and far tilisers, area of new plantings, value of crop and losses from disease, insects and other natural causes for each bog or plantation. In January, 1900, preliminary avhod ules relatiug to the cranberry yield 1899 were sent out to all the irrowers whose names and addresses could be obtained. The number of commercial erowers in the United States is over S. 000. Thev are found mainly in the states of Massachusetts, New Jersey, Maine, Connecticut, Michigan and Wisconsin, but Minnesota, Oregon Rhode Island, Washington anil New York reported bogs. The number Michigan and Wisconsin is on the in crease despite a temporary set-back by forest fires. The growers are well organised, the national association having' its head auarters at Trenton. New Jersey, and local organizations existing in Massa chusetta and possibly elsewhero. Annual 'Pom Pom." The Indians residing along the river near Toiipeiiish, a short distance from North Yakima, Wash., are having thei annual "pom pom" danoo. Numerous tepees are used for this oeeason, and the inmates spend the time iu sinking dancing, feasting and making merry They began last week, while the snow was on the ground, to give a Chinook dance, as their ponies were getting poor, and the indications were winter had set in, but a sudden change in the temperature made also a change in the dance progtamme, and tbe pom pom" or "grass dance" was instituted, This peculiar dance is observed in the same manner as Chinese new year, and lasts week or ten days. The Indians array themselves in gorgeous costumes and congregate at different tepees, where a general feast is prepared. It is the season for making new friends and old animosities are buried. The tribe as a whole has ceased to observe this sacred annual festival, the educat ed members thiuking it beneath their notice, but tbe isolated members con tinue to dance every spring when th winter is over and grass begins to show on the range. Chehalis Sawmill. The Doercbecher Manufacturing Com pan v, of Chehalis, Yash., whii is preparing to move the furniture man ufacturing business to Portland, Or., in the early spring, yesterday sold the Chehalis buildings of the companv to the West brothers, of Chehalis, who are going to put a saw null into the buildings. The sale included all of the buildings and the three dry kilns, with the fans, etc., as well as the boil era of the main engine. The mill will be put in jnst as quick as the furni ture factory people move out, and the mill engine will be used to furnish power to run the citv electric light plant, Harry West being the city light Sale of Timber Land. The Charles K. Spauldiui Lumber Company, of Newberg, Or., has doed a deal with the Southern Pacific Com pany for 5,000 acres of valuable timber land on the headwaters of the Luckia mute river, in the coast range. This is about the last large bodv of timlrer tributary to the Willamette river not previously bought up by corporations, and this company is considered fortu nate in being able to secure it. Northwest Notes. Ellensburg, Wash., is soon to have a telephone exchange. George W. Hopp, of Turn water. Waab., has been appointed postmaster at cape York, Alaska. Aberdeen, Wash., has declared war on bobos, and given them the alterna tive of going to work, going on the road or going to jail. The Spokane Sunday School Associa tion is about to make a census of the city, to ascertain the number of chil dren who do not attend Sunday school. T. J. Tjoesen & Son, whose flouring mill recently burned near Ellensburg, Wash., entailing a loss of $17,000, will rebuild, and expect to have the new mill in operation in June. John G. McMillan, a prominent citi zen of Hoquiam, Wash., and well known throughout the state, accidental ly shot himself at Spokane, while show ing a revolver to a friend. He died shortly after the accident. Stuck river farmers blew up a log jam that had dammed the stream near its junction with White river, and the water in the Stuck was lowered a foot At the same time White river farmers were tiying more completely to ob struct the channel of the Stuck so as to get relief from flood on their own lands. Ground has been purchased and laid out by a floriculturist at Cle Eluui, Wash., and hothouses will soon be erected. The industry is to be carried on at Cle Elum as Ptiget Sound cannot furnish enough sunshine to supply the demand made by the florists, for with out sunshine the flowers lack fragrance and rich coloring. The rural delivery along the Elifin branch shows a gain of over 60 per cent over rhe first few months of its exist ence, handling last month nearly 4,000 pieces of mail. O. C. Applegate, the Indian agent at the Klamath reservation, is consider ing the building of a portable saw mill for work on the reservation. There is considerable demand for lumber out there, and the maguiflcant forests of sugar and bull pine furnish an unlimit ed source of raw material to work up. A saw mill with 150,000 feet daily capacity is to be built at Coles station. on the Oregon-California state line. Henry Loretz delivered to Mil Horn Bros., of Junction City, Or., the other day 2,100 pounds of bacon. Farmers are getting ahead when they can bring ia a load that amounts to over $2. The Dalles, Or., business men have guaranteed a loan of .$20,000 to be made to J. M. Kussel for two years at per cent, in consideration of which he is to establish a wool scouring mill there, putting in $5,000 cash himself to start the building. SPRING TRADE ENLARGING. General .Distribution It of Fairly Good Volume. Bradstreet'a rcivew of trade says: General distribution of trade it ot fairly good volume, although affected by weather conditions and holidays Spring bnsinesa ia enlarging at many markets East and West, the presence of buyers being oncouraged by special passenger rates. A softening ot prices ot speculatively dealing staples is to be noted, but the reactions are of narrow extent. foreign demand for whoat remains small, American stocks are large, and farmers are reported holding supplies back, and eiop-dainage scare are dis counted by mild weather. Th strength of corn has been a feature, for eign demand being of good proportions, and this has tarnished supporting element in the wheat market. There is a larger volume ot business in pig iron at some markets, but less at others, and prices ot that product are quite steady. Structural iron continues active, in dicating heavy building operations the coming spring and summer. Foreign iron markets retain all their old strength, and lower ocean freight would, it is argued, bring about a great enlargement of our export trade. Copper is quieter, but Bteady in price and tin notes a further advance in sym pathy with foreign speculation. Hard ware ia improving in distribution at the West. IUiBiness failures for the week num ber 163, as compared with lUtf a week ago, and 220 in 1891). Tbe strength of staple lues is a feature ot Canadian trade. Ketailers will carry over some stocks of winter clothing. Industrial activity is very marked, Canadian factories running to their fullest caacity. liussiness fail ures for the week number 28, against 35 last week, and 89 iu this week a year ago. PACIFIC COAST TRADE. Seattle Market. Onions, new, $3. 25 c 3. 60 per sack. Lettuce, hot house, 40c per dos. rotatoes, new, $18 20. Beets, per sack, 75 85c Turnips, per sack, 60o. Carrots, per sack, 60o. l'arsnips, per tack, 75(3 85c. Cauliflower, 75c $ I per doxen. Cabbage, native and California, $1.00(31.25 per 100 pounds. Apples, $1.25(31.50 per box. I "runes, 60c per box. Butter Creamery, 31o per poun dairy, 17 22c; ranch, 20o per pound Eggs 20o. Cheese Native, 16o. 1'oultrT 18(8 14c; dressed, 1415o Hay I'uget Sound timothy, $12.00 choice Eastern Washington timothy, $18.00 19.00 Corn Whole, $23.00; cracked, $23 feed meal, $23 Barley Kolled or ground, per ton, $21; whole, $22. Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.25 $3.00; California blended straights $:l.2o; buckwheat Sour, $0.00; gra ham, per barrel, $3.00; whole wheat flour, $3.00; rye flour, $3.80(34.00 Mill.ttuffs Bran, per ton, $14.00 ehorte, per ton, $16.00. middling, per ton, $20; oil cake meal per ton, $30.00. Iresh Meats Choice dressed beef steers, 7)v8c; cows, 7c; muttoi. 8c; pork, 7c; trimmed, 9c; veal, 8SS) 10c. Hams Large, 13c; small, 13 '4 breakfast bacon, 12s'c; dry salt sides, 8c. Portland Market. Wheat Walla Walla. 63 & 54c; alley, 63c; Blneetem, 56c f er bushel, Hour Best grades, $3.00; graham, 2.50; superfine, $2.10 per barrel. Oats Choice white, 35 g 36c; choice gray, 34c per busbel. Barley Feed barley, $14(315.00; brewing, $17.00 18.00 per ton. Millstuffs Bran, $13 per ton; mid, dlings, $19; shorts, $15; chop, $14 per ton. Hay Timothy, $10 11; clover,$7 .50; Oregon wild hay, $6(37 per ton, Butter Fancy creamery, 50 (3 55c leconds, 4245c; dairy, 8037ac store, 25432Mc. Eggs 1213sC per dozen. Cheese Oregon full cream, 13c Young America, 14c; new cheese 10c per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.60(3 .50 per dozen; hens, $5.00; springs 2.50(83.50; geese, $8.607.60 for old $4.50(36.50; ducks, $5.00 5. 50 per dozen; turkeys, live, lUQllo per pound. Potatoes 50 80c per sack; sweets, it 2ac per pound. Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 90c; per sack; garlic, 7c per pound; cab' bage, iyio per pound; parsnips, $1; onions, $1.502.60; carrots, $1. Hops 3 ( 8c per pound Wool Valley, 12(3 13o per pound; hastern Oregon, 814c; mohair, 27 30c per pound. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and ewes, 4ic; dressed mutton, 7(5 7J4C per pound; lambs, 7 c per pound Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5.00; light and feeders, $4.50; dressed, $5.506.00 per 100 pounds. Beef Gross, top Bteers, $4.00 4. 50; cows, $3.60(34.00; dressed beef, 6'A Ifio per pound. Veal Large, 78c; small, 9o per pound. Ban Praneteeo Market. Wool Spring Nevada, 12l5oper pound; Kastern Oregon, 1216c; Val ley, 20 22c; Northern, 10 (3 12c. uops ibuv crop, 11(3130 per pound. Butter Fancy creamery 22(a22jc: do seconds, 2 (t1c fancy dairy, 19 20c; do seconds, 17 loo per pound. Eggs Store, 12 14c; fancy ranch, 17c. MillHtufls Middlings, $17.60 20.00; bran, $12.00(313.00. Hay Wheat $0.60(39.60; wheat and oat $6.50(39.00; best barley $5.00(3 7.00; alfalfa, $0.00(37.60 per ton; straw, 80(3 45c per bale. Potatoes Early Ilose, 80 85c; Ore gon Burbanks, 75c1.10; river Bur banks, 60 75c; Salinas Burbanks, 80c(3l.l0 per sack. Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia, $2.75g3.25; Mexican limes, $4.00(3 1 6.00; California lemons 75c$1.60; , do choice $1.75(32.00 per box. I Tropical Fruits Bananas, $1.50(3 2.60 per bunch; pineapples, nom I inal; Persian dates, 6 (2 6X0 per pound. felffvention It t laid that In th case of heavy vehicles, such as motor carriages, the principal ourc of wear and deatruc tloa of the pneumatic tire Is not punc turing or breaking, but Internal stralu and friction. In some tire the Interior fibers of tbe rubber have been found reduced to a Hue powder by the con staut wear. The Agricultural Department has constructed a new building at Wash Ingtou to be used solely for testing seeds of all kluds, In order to afford pro tectlou agalust dishonest dealers. He- cent tests gave remarkable results. Meadow-foxtail see. from Uermauy, costing 35 cent a pound, was adulter ated more than 70 per cent, with seed worth only 10 rents a pound. Orchard grass, purchased In the open market, was more than half bad. Some orlin son clover, similarly purchased, wn 03 per cent. bad. : As Is well known, the soldier's risk of death In battle Is not nearly as great as of finding a grave as the result ot disease. The most competeut authori ties state that on the average It takes a ton of shot to kill one man. For In stance, It has been estimated that Iu the Crimean war the British ami French troops fired between them the enor mous amount of 43.000,000 projectiles, resulting In the death of only 51,000 Itnsslans, while on their side the Czar's adherents killed some 40.000 of the allies, with an expenditure of over 50, 000,000 projectiles .this representing a death for every 1,0S7 shots Bred. After an experimental study of more than five years at the psychological laboratory of the Saltpctrlere, M. Vas- chlde has concluded that the bra In Is always active, and there Is uo such thing as dreamless sleep. He has watched tbe sleep of thirty-six subject ranging In age from twelve mouths to ! eighty years, and bis own observations nave been ctiecked by those of rorly-six other persons. He finds that the dreanw ot deep sleep differ from the hallucina tions that come at the moment ot fall ing asleep and that of waking. The superficial sleep reflects more tbe seu satlons of every day, while the dreams of deep s!eep are more continuous, more logical, farther from reality, and have more to do with one' earlier existence. Geologists are of the opinion that the vast territory now known as Wyoming once had numerous fresh-water lakes and a climate approaching the semi tropical, and that the animals whose bones are from time to time coming to light Inhabited these lakes and tbe ad joining swamps In myriads. They sank Into the mud In dying, and their bones were covered with other deposits and became petrified. The large beds are found at points supposed to have been tbe mouths of great rivers, the animals after death having floated down these rivers to places where they were de posited In these estuaries, thus account ing for the vast deposits which charac terize certain localities and which have proved such a study to scientific lnves- Prof. It. S. Woodworth describes In Science a new movement for writers with the pen which, be thinks, has decided advantages over older methods. To write In the new manner, let the top of the paper slant to the right Instend of to the left. The horizontal lines across the paper can then be followed by drawing the whole arm. In the direc tion of the forearm, back toward the flank. "Meanwhile Impart to the wrist (and forearm) a back and forth lateral motion which shall produce the vertical trokes of the letters." When this method has been mastered, Prof. Wood worth says, "rapid writing Is freer and more legible, showing no tendency to degenerate Into the flat scrawl." The movement can also be taught, with rel ative facility, to tbe left hand. an Odd c-se. It Will LI niter Long- in the Mentors of a Burgeon. What was the strangest case I ever had?" said one of the surgeons In at tendance at the late convention, repeat ing the question of a reporter with whom be was chatting. "Well, let me see. I believe trio oddest Incident of my career occurred In but hold! on second thought I don't care to give any names or dates. The facts, If you like, were these: I was called by messenger to a cheap boarding house one evening to attend a man who was said to have been hurt In a fight. I found a young fellow of 25 or thereabouts, half dazed. with a bloody contusion on one of his cheeks and a badly broken none. The bridge was smashed almost flat with the face, and I saw at once that the case would need very careful handling to prevent great disfigurement. Not to bother you with technical details, I confined myself that night to a superfl- lal dressing, and deferred further pro ceedings until next day. When I called the following morning the young man had quite recovered bis senses, and al though bis clothes were shabby and all Is surroundings poor and mean, It was evident from bis bands, talk and bearing that he had never done any ard work and was a person of educa tion and refinement. I took him for tbe black sheep of some good family, but made no comments, and explained briefly that I would try to restore bis nose as far as possible by performing slight operation and Inserting an arti ficial support. To my astonishment he bjected flatly, and Insisted on letting It heal exactly as It was. 'But you will be frightfully disfigured,' I protested; doubt If your best friends would rec- guize you.' Htrunge to say, that as urance seemed to render him only the rnier, and I was compelled to let III in have his way. It was nearly three weeks before he was well, and, as I an ticipated, he looked exactly like some battered bruiser of the prize ring. 1 never saw the man again, but six months later I was shown the photo graph of a handsome young chap who was badly wanted for a big embezzle ment. I put tny finger over the mmu and recognized my late patient. Ho had walked aboard ship right under the eyes of the detective and sailed or tbe Argentine Kcpubllc. They bad bis photo, but never dreamed of con necting It with tbe caved-ln counte nance of that particular passenger." Did he get somebody to break bis nose an mienneA aatrajf ttt 'fl never ascertained," said th turgnuu, New Orleans TIniet-Deuiocrit. CAMEO CARVINQ. Rrlof Description of th Tool and th Method Employed, All the tool used by th euinoo coi'ver would make but a handful. The worker tit before a wheel turned by a pedal; tool occupy a small corner of the table surface on which the work er' hand rest while he holds the shaped stone or shell beneath the needle-like drill. The little pointed In struments which ate used to drill re semble those employed by a dentist, mid. Indeed, It waa from the cameo carver' kit that the duutlxts got many of their Ideas when the tools uow In use by them enme to he tuiuiiifucturtd thirty year ago. The drills vary In thickness according to tho portion of tbe figure or design to be executed; some are as line as the point of a cam bric needle. A small chliut rcccptiihl also stands near, tilled with oil mid dia mond dust, and Into this the workman frequently dips his tool during the progress of his work. The enmeo cut ter's occupation Is very exacting. He can put Iu only a few hours' work nt a time as a ustml thing, because of the tension on his nerves. A quavering hand imiy be rcHpoiiMlhle for the single stroke which will spoil a week's work. He must have nn eye almost like a microscope, and a very delicate touch; ho miiMt be 11 u artist In soul nml ns skilled a t-rnftsintui as Is a watch maker; he must know how to model and draw, and he must have a knowl edge of chemistry, so as to remove offeudlng spirts. The work Is executed In relief on many kinds of hard or precious stones, but essentially tbe i'lialcedonlc variety of quarts, mid on shells. Tho cameo cutter himself pre fers onyx because of Its dark and light layers, which throw out In IkiM relief a whito head, sny against a black background. He evolve his picture by removing all that portion of the white stratum remaining after the head has been completed. Sapphire blocks lire used, cornelian, turquoise, amethyst and numerous other stones. It takes about one mouth to exwute a portrn on onyx, while much less time la con sinned If tho work Is done on shell There Is always great danger of the latter breaking; and Its durability, too, Is not great, so that shell, as a rule. Is not as deslranle aa the harder material, A portrait ou onyx will cost J-'mi. while one In shell may tie bad for $.'K). Tho Inquiries for these are rare, and biiih lug up a patronage Is slow, and Is n: compllshed mainly by satisfied custom era Influencing others. New Yor Evening Post PERSIAN RUOS OF IRISH MAKE, Deft Weaver of the Old 8im1 Turn Ou a I'erfect Imitation. Just a year ago some manufacturer uf artistic textiles touring in Dotiega resolved 011 establishing a place for th making of baud-tufted cnrH'ts of tl description generally known as "Turk lb" or "Persian." The peculiarity o this fabric Is that from Its nature must be a hand production. The tufts are tied by the linger In knots In hmgi tnillnnl unctn wtil"l. u "..l..,l tweeu two long pnrnllel beams. The carpet are mode to the lze and shape of any room. The design 1 placed In front, ami the girls, from three to uracil, ncconiiug to tno size or the car pet, select the colors Indicated row by row, which are tied, tbeu bound down by "shoots" of woolen weft diawu across the entire width and beaten firm by small Irou-toothcd hummers. There I Interesting variety and pleasure in the work, and It Is such that (ndlvlduii skill and workmanship come largely Into play. Altogether, It I Just such an Industry a I suited to the rural ills tncts or Ireland. No steam power I required, and there Is therefore no ban dlcap on the commercial side by the airsence of coal. Tbe first year's experiment with the Irish gh-Is has proved that they are ail mirably adopted for the work. The girls show a nimbtenes of fingers am sharpness of eye for color and furm that have quite astonished their tench ers. and they take to the work with a spirit and cheerfulness quite refresh lug. 80 convinced are the promoters of It ultimate sncccss that they hnv planned out a brond scheme that will exprend the work all over the west of Ireland nnd give employment to many hundred of girl and boys. London Furniture Record A Narrow Ksoape. A man come to St. Loul from Texns not long ago to see tho sight. lie bad with him nearly four thousand dollar, nmong which were three 0110 thousand dollar note. Having no friends In the city, and being fearful of hanks, he hid these big bills very securely, a he thought, by pasting them on tho Insldo of hi shirt bosom. After carousing for about a week he took bis uiidergnr ment to a laundry, and three day later discovered at tho same time tbnt the bills were still on the shirt, nml that he had forgotten where the limn dry wo. In his despair he left the city and returned to Ht. Louis, nn l when he took his clothes to a laundry the proprietor recognized him and said "I have something here that belongs to you." When the careless fellow saw his thousand-dollar bill again he al most fainted from Joy. Now ho keeps bis surplus wealth In a bank. Why People Are lUghthan led. A professor who ha made a study of children says he has discovered why the majority of people are right-handed. Infant use both bauds until they begin to speak. The motor speech function control the right side of the body and tho first rlght-hnnded motions, tending to help out speech. A speech grows so grows right-handedness. What Money Would Do. Perry Pntetlck Say, w'at's do mean- In' of "dolse far nleute?" It's Iu de paper here. Harvard Hasbpn Dot's w'nt de world would coll (lis perfesslon of our If we only bad money, Philadelphia Press, 'Unique Inducement to Trade. An up-to-date undertaking firm of De troit recently purchased two whole sec tions In a new cemetery laid out near the city and Is advertising free grave for tbe defunct relative of all people wno patronize it. Wanted Horns Keturn. pl, AVe must break off our euifage tneut, Mr. Boopen 1 find that I really cannot return your love. He Well, anyway, I "ope you'll return my present t. Fun. Our luoreaae of Inaanlly. MuchdliMHion has Iwen aroused lately bv the alarming Increase of insanity. Our high living Is (he ratine assigned. In tn rush for moiiev, men ami women neglect their health until lire breakdown twines. The hes.t wuvto preserve the heulth is by a faith fill use of llosiialer'srSiiuuach Hitters, it euree stomach ill", tu'has constipation, dyspepsia ami Irlllouoiess. Pay pTrysieTaii! "All tlw cos metics In the world will not beautify the face if the mind is disturbed." This explitttis why the dude is a thing ot lieanty hii has no mind to disturb. Chicago Dully News. TO ft'llIC A t'OI.IJ IN ONK IAT Take Laxative llromo Quinine Tablet. All drueuist refund the money if it fails to euro. K. V. tirove' signature Is ou each box. 2!o. Milwaukee has Dewey monument, stin ted plans for a thy Ai.i.;Nr "ioor KAiie. A powder tn Ire shaken Into the shoes. At ibis season your feet leel swollen, ner vous and tiiii'oiurirlalle. If you have smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Knot-Kane. It rests and comforts; makes walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating feet, hhxiera" nml callous siinta. lielluvea corns anil hunlniis uf nil pain and ia a eer tnln inn' lor Chilblains, Hw eating, damp or IVosieil feet. We have over Ihirlv thousand testimonials. Try It Indue. Hold bv nil ilrugirists ami shoe atnrea for 2xr. Trial package I' A sled, f, Hoy, N. Y. package Mir.;. Aililress, Allen p. inm Milwaukee i to raise $35,000 fur a school for the deaf. Mothers will find Mrs. Wliisluw's Hooth. log Hvrup the best remedy to use fur thrlr siiuorvu uiiritig tne teeming penou. Duncan N. Hood, a son of tho famous confederate general, Is now lighting with the Hirers iu Mouth Africa. He is the adopted son of John Morris, wealthy New Jersey cttixeu, who at hi death left young Hood some money. Hood la a graduate ot West l'utut and at the outbreak of tho Spanish war or gani.ed the so-called immuue regt meuts which served iu Culra. Philadelphia ha decided to allow motocycle iu the parks. BAD BREAT "I have metmaj r KT 4 ma a mild iit it,tii l tint? it.? are twti uu dnrful Uf ilittftsir tmt I r tMMMr wuh irk iTiuch ml tiuf ItttsfAib . tt wutl, After Ukltil ten Ji-m) of (.'M-artn t.a ittiiruvtMt WuuUvrfuilr Tbt are mi hip tn lb Untlf." Wll II 1 MlrVA Nai.ii.. im Huiubuu Hi.UtiCiuttaU. C0. Pleasant. Pslsian,., 1 ment. Ta.te fined. r Uowt, Never Atrtan. Weakan. or Ome Kw. 2e. arc. ... CURt CONSTIPATION. ... ) e.a, iMar, rsiw. sminii, (hi, nt M.Tfl.RlR ""'d and numMwa f all ru- I U-DAb ,u ui ut looaeco llai.ii. HAXIANI WINI-THI IOIAL MI Jw&wf candy fj Lyr CATHARTIC 'k. aw veoot stum lesniaeo gas , FOR H. I. M. EMPEROR OF RUSSIA. 'THE MARSHAL OP TUB IMPERIAL COURT REQUESTS YOU TO SEND WITH. OUT DELAY ANOTHER CASE OF CO BOTTLES YIN IARIAN1." Write to MARIANA & CO., for Descriptive Book. 75 PORTRAITS, I'AHIH: 41 IM. llanisinaiin. LoNpON: Stt Oitord St. 62 W. 15th ST., NEW YORK, Indorsement and Autographs of Celebrities. PORTLAND DIRECTORY. fence anil Wire Works I'OHTI.ANIr WIHK A 1IION WOltKS: WIHK arel Iron lericirrn; mlice railing, em. sill Aider. aiaehlner anil Niiiillea. CAWK-lllN A CO.! KN'IINKS, IIOII.KIIS. MA. chiaerr, aiifiiiliee. 4u Klistm., 1'mtiauil.or. JOHN POOI.E, ran give you tire best bargalna in general machinery, englnea, holler, tanks, pumps, plows, belts aud windmill. Th. ...J steel t X h windmill, sold by him, is tin. equalled. KLONDIKE BOOT AND SHOB BLACKINQ A Wuildfrftll rllhCovRrv. Will rnAnr tUm. ttiltK'Nt Hii'l tiirint noroiKi I pal her wHtritr....f KfKl mltla io Iu diirnhllltv. Hs'iid u 'JUm Mllvnr ml rnf:;,v' hv p'tllril liinU. ikihL rmtd. amuiuh Hi .nut villi IWII VI'ltrM. svilMHIHI'rlKitl if II M I'M II I (it 1 1 Cat, MACHINERY, all kinds ...TATUM A BOWEN... t I 3 First Slrstl F0RTLAN0. 0. EVEfV IWOTHE HEEDS aelhlnK tn take away the severe backaches I eliminate the terrible liiiailaches. Moore's Revealed Remedy Will do it and there Is a nlfta.iirn In ilia tak(tir II.imi pur bottle at the ilriiKKlsts. D A XC MT wlr aSn 'uMii rflltiil jrr tvr: as to patentabill y. Neint fur "l urn' I'rlim r.1' MlLO B. ATftVENlt M lvurtlH(t(l II VtifH- BHVENlACO. jirauvneM CbtiiBio, ClcvcUml, Detroit. DROPSY Treated Successfully Address UK, N1EUK1BK, Mountain IIobm, Id. 111 11 IPWSMasensBaaaisBssseaaaaaa (I a -jj 11 r . fi I ar"s tmi I. im e.S. fl if " m, , us" Le. I l buomi lNranrs U al BrV rJewHipiMaiirs. ur.e.aiB eaarL. A - n llw. 1. t. nr;.SM n I O ffC A I (Q I IVt V I tt lew MILAB y rmvD LH EE ffJfrm D iv 'V7'"" Q Hl,,,' Usees' BSaa Haar ssajpalnn. a ar a kj-i pas tvfMi, am. im I. u S H H II 11 3 U o.M.aM4,e. ia, itirriarairi H frow payln orope booauae tber'raH U A . , 1 1 1 1 ""ii, ttssesssell ...... H MI!'! I I '"sa saaMsaaa, MiesM, l at. M aale everywhere. lUfnae substitutes. H U HIl., aa tale Bailee, a. a.n m II Mu.. . . si tw f Cut ..a is re. aa Mannas M Stick to Kerry', SMdi and prosper. c.uu, ut. u. bim' ftl m IZTnZoZTl I JohnASalzerSeedCo. y P D. M. FERRY a CO., PetreH, atlcfc. LACBSEJfl SALT LAKE CITY. An Iuiiortant Keillor la Mental Travel Traaseuntl- No one crossing th continent can afford to out Salt Lake City from hli route. Th attractions ot th plao, Including th Monnou Temple, Taber nacle and Church Institutions, th Great ylt Lake deader and denser than the Dead Sea iu th Holy Laud the picturesque environment aud th warm sulphur ami hot springs, are greater to the square yard than any lo cality on the American continent, The Hit) tiraud Western Hallway, riimioottng on tho East with the lieu, ver A Klo lirande and Colorado Mid. laud Hallway and tin the West with tho Houtheru I'aulllo (Central Koute) and Oregon Hbort Line, 1 the only transctmtiutitlial Hue paaalng directly through Halt Lake City. The route through Halt Lake Oil via the Klo tlrandu Western Hallway U famous all the year round Ou account ot tho equable climate of Utah and Colorado It 1 Just as popular iu winter a In summer. Mend 2c to J. I). Mansfield, LTitt Washington Ntrtwt, Portland, or (loorge W. Hulittx, (ieneral Passenger Agent, Halt Lake City, for a copy ot "Malt Uko City the City of the Malnt. Tho value of the imports ot potatoes into F.ngtHiid yearly Is estimated at $3,000,000. CAT A RIIU CANNOT OtaKtl With local application as they eennnt reaeh Hie seal nl Hie .lieeaM, I alarm la a klol or ei'tistilutMialtliM'aee, ami In order to eure It von iiiiisi take Internal trrneliee. Ilall'i ca tarrh cure la taken internally, aiul aeia.lltaciir on the tilootl and mucous surfaces, lull's Ca tarrh Cure is not a uuaek meiltotne, n waa irescri!teil by one of tire treat irhyslelaoa la title ccniiiry lor years, and laa regular prescription. It lseiuni-sel ol the liest tonlre kuuen. eoni hi ned Willi t aa heel blood purlllera, aetln ill. recilyoq the mucous surfaces. The rerlec eomhlnatlon ot the two lintreillenta Is wliainro. duces such wonderful results ill curing eelaxru. Bend fur leeilnuuilals, tree. F 1. ciikskv t o. ,1'roprs., Toledo, 0. (old he dnmisla, price 7!. Halls family I'llls art las bast. When little Kthel wa asked if slit was going to l'.dltb' party alio said: "I dou'l kuow. 1 asked mamma oure, aud she said 'No I' Hut then, I haven't asked her a good many time jot." . IndlauapulU 1'reas. Improved Teals) KMitlninaas. Th O. It. A N. and Oregon Short Line have added a buffet, smoking ami library car to their Portland-Chicago Ibioiigh tiain, and a dining car serviua has been Inaugiiarated. The train I equipped with th latest obair ear, day coacbtr and lumrlou flttt-olass and ordinary tleepai. Direct conneo. lion nraile l Uranger with Union !' elite, and at Ogden with Itlo Uraiide line, from all points In Oregon, Wash. Ingtnn and Idaho to all Eastern cities. For Information, rates, eld., eall on snv O. It At N. agent, 01 address W. II. Iliirlbttrt, General 1'asanuger Agent, l'oitlnd. In the case of th city ot Chicago against Charles Netchor, proprietor ot the lloatun store, the npMr court do clurr the city ordinance, prohibiting department storm from willing moats, groceries, provision and liquor to be iuvalid. Th trip made by motor car from Cairo ti the pyiamid is made lu It minutes. MOM TONIO-fOH dOOY ANO MAIM. YOUNG MEN! Kris. ri,Mi.irrl..u e..4 lllarf siA. its.. a. Metawtlfln. It la th DNI.V iiioilMnii wblrh will uur rh eviid a-mry otuM. No t'AMK known U Uem vr UlM lo eurm, no rnatlvr how twrtiMiN of at fioer lontf mainilng. HmoMi rivtiii it iim will utaittUh fan. It li aiMiliitly prvnui Mrls'iur. itttd nn tm taken wIMikhI Imwn-ifnoe- itnil VlnUH from hulnM. fHU -K, t -mt by alt rilltil dniirlM, r ml prstwltl bj eMynea, filalnly wmpp), on jrut nt vrirm, by , riHrtUXilHMAtQCIatninVL Clroukr mailed) on rwiiiMt. CL. It r-M nmd rreak aae ttellakle Heeea on shltiti ynu flan dsimd, uf Veeeleble, e lowers, tarassee, ew, mi u. mim arefuarauteeee!i.faotltie. Uleewlalrlal. Hrad fi our oaialiiaiie. mailed tree ea atijillaalkia. el, Vlaeeat as He., 01 Hansome Hk, Haa rraaolaae. Oat CURE r03 PILES TTOlTlrTi'j-; l Priidace molature andeaute lupins. i. '! "s's iriirailrnr Dr.Boeanko'a Pile fcemedir. Hips ' Iti-hlne anil lilaadlni. Alisnrhs tumors. Hon a Jar sldriiicKlm or seal li mail, Trestlse tree. Write are about yuur caw. Kit, JiosANKO, fkliada.ra. CURE YOURSELF t lies fill tl lor nnn.lursl dlsrbarans.latlaranisuiias, irrllalliius or ulc.rstlons N. P. N. V. Mo. IO 100, VVUElf wrltlnrs to adeeHleer IlSrALa.Cn iSmon.arlM MtilliM. H 7J e'afae'ai -ntM . .!,, jUMl., la B X r AKt Q Use,laai.SM.ia.aaIs...rnaa.n J miriaAT U Corn -tri 1 IA a e sa ear m 0 rulmt trWa fflAA&vY 1 sMbrtM4iSHiia.tik. mm R t sTlff I l.rr, EAUDI.s.aa, II I; ?. tr f 1 '. la .. jmii U . ktf I j HAft . a Tea IE Aw I ill '"" va awl a mis. II I I is i u t un. M MJLW a n.i i. tuliiar.. or mueons nisartirarrss frnTt ''"'"I" oo.iMr.a, rsiolsas, snd at astrla aeliKltvuiONiairitiiVi, ssut or pulsoBttua. VwpiSOITI,.l sWIal hy Itratawlsta, V V . ji jprsenlln pl.lo wrappsr, AJV. I br sipr.ii, eraaalil, lor "'"I: f'M- " bottles. J.7. s aaaaeiiei V' Clroular sent ea requatt. IT meatloa th 1 1