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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1900)
OREGON MIST. ISftdKU KVtllV I IIIIIAV raOHKINO -Y- OAYID DAVIS, Editor and Proprietor. BuWrlpilon Hate. One copy one year In ailvam'e - Onu copy six immllis ......... ..- ttliiKla cony - - (1 M ... W Advertising r ""nade kuown upon application COLOMIIIA COUNTY DIRECTORY. COt'KTY rrlCEHS. Jmlco fclerk Bluiriff Troiisurer ut. of Schools.. Assessor... Surveyor Goronor Coraralasloncn j ' Joicpli H. IVwn. Rainier J. (i. WallK, Su McU'lis J. s. Hire. Hi. lli' E. liOSS. ft. llllillS I. H. Coi-etimil. Iloultou ..Martin tthlli', St. Helens A. B. I.ittl?, Hniittun Dr. H. B. CHIT. St. H.'ltfin . . . 1'. A . Fruknn. Soanpn se h. w. i-iiiersou, Mist MARCH 9, 1900. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. Down at Kalania they bare found a goUl mine right In the center of the eitv. Good! May Kalama's Btreets yet be paved with gold ore. Tub county republican convention will meet at Rainier on Monday, April 9th. Saturday, March 31st, has been recommended as the date for holding the precinct primaries. Pobtlaso will have enough convene tions on the 12th of next month to sat isfy her desires in that respect for some time. Republicans, democrats and pop ulists meet in convention there on that date. -IcKbclry prosperity in Columbia county logging and lumbering camps has knocked the underpinning ont of the calamity monument that was erected here under the democratic rule pf 1803 to 1897. Nebraska populists are in a "pickle." They have two kinds of them Bryan and anti-Bayan ; and the latter have the best of it by big odds. They demand pure and undefiled populism without any fusion. Hence a split. An. things considered, a bond-buying administration has distinct advantages over a bond-issuing administration. Clevelandigm meant selling bonds in ing bonds in time of war. Ketkb in the history of Columbia county has there been such a demand for timber and timber land as there is at present. Columbia county's timber contains the true intrinsic value, which will very soon be realized by the owner. If it is a coincidence it is remarkable that the two most prosperous periods in the history of the country are connected with the name of McKinley ; the first under the workings of the McKinley tariff, the second under the McKinley administration. It anti-expansionists should win out t the next general election, wouldn't it be embarrassing for that party to know just what to do with American territory acquired without the consent of the governed? The Louisiana coun try, Florida and the Pacific coast might object to being returned to their former political conditions. Milton Eagle. It may be possible to accomplish something or acquire something with out an effort, but instances where this occurs is the exception rattier than the rule. If the Jiehalem people desire that a railroad be built into their coun try they will certainly have to assist in furnishing an inducement. Consider one proposition at a time. Tub bnsybodys who are industriously attempting to nominate the republican ticket for this county before the conven tion meets, would do well to look after Jheir own completely demolished politi pal forces. The republicans will do their own nominating and they will do it well, without any suggestions what ever, from the broken-down leaders of the badly demolished, three-headed party. ' Tub customs receipts of the govern ment in January were over $22,000,000, being the largest of any month since 1891, except March and April, 18W7, which were abnormal by reason of the heavy importation in anticipation of the ap proaching change in the tariff law. Yet this is the same Dingley law which the democrats, in 1897 and in the early part of 1898, insisted was a failure as a rev enue producer. . Tiikbk is no doubt of the truthfulness of the reports that many thousands of people in the East are preparing to leave in the spring to find homes in the Northwest. Oregon should not he so slow in the matter of securing its share as it has been in the past years. For ten years or more our sister state to the north has far outrun us in the race for population and internal development. The only excuse for this is found in the indifference of our own people. No grander or more resourceful common wealth exists in the Union than Oregon. Rut the leading business spirits of the State have, in many respects, apparently overlooked this fact. An awakening, however, eems to hove occurred, and it is likely that vigorous and concerted effort will be made during the present year to retrieve some degree of our lost opportunity. It would be worse than business suicide to neglect this impor taut duty. Amono the measures mat win proo- ( solm,wll't croakv, but vigorous. Unless ably be introduced at the next session , a rpse should take place we will prou of the legislature Will be one to amend j ably pull through to grass, that portion of the constitution relating tinder the peristent presure ot proa- ; , i -I.., i, ' perity our people ro becoming restless. to the qualification of electors. At , ,mv tUe Koma fewr. gouie go present Oregon has a law in common crBtv and run away to California, while with one or two other states which per- ot hers have left us and taken up their mits aliens to become voters by simply , . . . .. ., . ,, ,i i. i, making a declaration that it it, their in - tontion at some reiuoto time in the future to become a citizen of the coun try. They do not renounce their alle giance to tho country ol which they were natives and still are grunted all the rights and privileges of a bona fide citi- iicn, except tho one right of making " ' i . i .u: final proof on a homestead. But tnl8 not all. They are exempt from jury or military service and if they become em- broiled in anv trouble, can claim the . . . protection oi tne nation irom v. uencw they came ana tune tneir case to tne United States court at once. At present the United States lias under construction or authorized, sixty one vessels. The list comprises eight battleships under construction, three sheathed armored cruisers authorized, seven sheathed protected cruisers, four monitors and one gunboat authorized, one training ship, ten torpedo boat de stroyers, seventeen torpedo boats and one submarine torpedo boat. This would appear to be a formidable addi tion to the navy were it not for the fact that while the United States is con structing the total of 128,2oti tons of warships, every nation of prominence is excelling it in the tonnage of war ves sels now under construction. Pa, McKkcuisk, of Seattle, after hav ing examined into the tilth and disease producing effect of diseases carried into the homes and communicated to the human family by the filthy practice of trailing skirts, called npon a Jiew York bacteriologist to teat his own opinion in the matter and received the following reply: "In the hem of a woman's skirt which I have just been examining, I found germs of pneumonia, diptheria, typhoid fever, scarlet fever, and tu berculosis, any one of which would lie enough, if inhaled, to cause a person to be afflicted with one of the deadly diseases mentioned." Senator Mitchell's old-time hobby for electing United States senators by a direct vote of the people, is popular now. Even the Oregonian and Tele gram favor the measure. The latter would tar and feather an assemblyman who would vote for a man for the senate who wouldn't vote for such amendment to the federal constitution then ride him ou a rail. That's business-like, but it's more nltra than Mitchell ever dared to be. Moro Observer. . from Utah because the Gentiles insist on holding them to their pledges. Manv of these people will come to Oregon, but they will certainly fare no better here in the matter of liberty to violate either a state or a federal statute. Ore gon has made a record or two which ought to put at rest any doubt these strange religionists may have about the situation out here. It sends its polyga mists to the penitentiary. No democratic politician in this year of grace and elections is telling the "poor farmer" and the "down-trodden laborer" that every man who is out of debt and has money in his pocket is a robber and an oppressor. Mr. Lincoln's famous jury acquitted the man charged with hog-stealing because every juror had a chunk of that pork." The appli cation of the story to present circum stances is obvious. Mb. Fkkkmax' statement in regard to fusion will undoubtedly be understood as it is meant. It is comprehensive and not only expresses the sentiment of the writer, but also the sentiment of dozens of other sound-minded democrats of this county. Have You Hcjfistered? Below is the number of voters who have registered in the county for each precinct to date: 1 Auburn 86 2 Apiary 4 Beaver Falls 15 Clatskanie &i DeerL-land M Goble Marshland 44 j I Nehale j.Kiiaiiiu O; Kainier 46 OakFoint.... M I i'P00 Jl I Union 101 Warren ...86 Total f53 Declines to Fukc. To Tug EniTOK. To avoid eomnliryi- uons anu misunderstandings, would you kindly permit me. through the medium of your esteemed paper, to inform whom soever this may concern that 1 do not wish cheap notoriety by being identified with a party that tolerates such men as Herr MoBt. W. J. Brvan and others of their ilk. I believe in law and order. and let it be understood once for all that 1 will not accept any favors at the hands of the fusionists of Columbia county. Kespectfully, U. W. Fkekhan. Fisbhawk, Oregon, March 6th, 1900. BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS. The undersigned, having: purchased a cockerel from the famous prize win ning; flock of Geo. W. Downs, of Port land, to run with his fine thoroughbred hens, is prepared to furnish eggs at the moderate sum of 60 cents tier setting of thirteen eegfl. Leave orders for eegs at cli;. i i:,. u.t ii..l... r....,.....? vviiiud v.. d, i.v. i.vitue, .yicviu, Chab. Takhkli,, Houlton, Or. We have saved many doctor bills since we began using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in our home. We keep a bot tle open all the time and whenever any of my family or myself begin to catch cold we begin to use the Cough Remedy and as a result we never have to send for a doctor and incur a large doctor bill, for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy never fails to cure. It is certainly a medicine of great merit and worth. D. S. Mkah kle, General Merchant and Farmer, Mattie, Bedford county, Pa. For sale at the St. Helens Pharmacy. I DOWN NEHALEM VALLEY, p Cpeik Corrf.M,dpt 8tnd, Lively Ncwa ltema. Editou Mmr. Wo linve jnst eniorged from a state of hibernation, like our counterpart, the frog. Our voices are fOoile at ft. lie ens lor in . time, 1 but uUimatelv the probabilities are that , .. J s , , w, ,re tll0T will locate more pcriiimienlly. If the McKinley administration is re sponsible for all' tho calamities that overtake ns, why not have a changer We would suggest Mr. Roberts, of Utah, for president, ami then polygamy would come in votrtie and there would be no , occasion ,for the state to Interfere with I personal and private affairs. Ssivo county i expenses. Suet j There was a timber agent canvasins j this part of the cnunty ol late, taking options on choice chums, J he IJ;"." I was about all he aid take. The settlers , realize ,lllU g,. ,;,);,. i, good prop- rmiln burns have also been around, paying, in most instances, fair prices. O. W. Freeman sold three head of steers for ifl"0. There have been several horses changing owners at from HX)to $1-5 per head, tiood cows are worth from $!S5 to $45 each, and scarce at that price. W. K. Van has been doing some log giug for the Deep creek mill, liosidos some fir. he has a nice lot of clear cedar. ; which is reported to be worth tL'6 per .i i :.. iv.-. I I mousanu ietn ... i orwauu. School district No. 8, commonly known as Sunnysido, has a new school house. The site'is changed from the north to the south side of the river. The build ing is painted in National colors red, white aud blue which we think is novel as well as appropriate. The Lane sawmill is a breaker. It has broken nearly everything about it, and now comes the grand smashuu she has broken her record. One whole week without an accident! Billy is the hoy w ho cau boil water with wet cedur saw dust. Freeman has pnt a pusher on his mill in the shape of another wheel. It is a decided improvement, increasing the capacity at least 50 per cent. it is thought here that the new elec tion laws will work a great hardship on the county, there not being eligible citi zens enough in the county to rill the offices. Better import a few. Anon. It is very hard to stand idly by and see our dear ones suffer while awaiting the arrival of thedoctor. An Albany (N. Y.) dairyman called at a drug store there for a doctor to come and see his child, then very sick with croup. Not finding the doctor in, he left word for him to come at once on his return, lie also bought a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy, which he hoped would give some relief until the doctor should arrive. In a few hours he returned, saying the doc tor need not come, as the child was much better. The druggist, Mr. Otto Scolts, says the family has since recom mended Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to their neighbors and freinds Until he has a constant demand for it from that part of the country. For sale at the St. Helens pharmacy. The connty court is wrestling with road supervisor's reports. few days in the city this week. Garden seeds, field seeds, flower seeds. Headquarters at Collins A Gray's. Capt. A. Henderson, of Houlton, was taken to Portland on Wednesday for the purpose of having the malignant growth on his jaw removed by operation, that coarse being considered necessary in order to save his life. Call for a County Conyention. A republican convention for the county of Columbia, state of Oregon, is caned to meet at Kaimer, Oregon, on Monday. April flth, HWO. at 11 o'clock a. m., pt earn day, tor the purpose of nom mating candidates tor the various county offices of said Columbia cotintv. uregon, ana to elect six (O; delegates to the state convention to he held in Port land, Oregon, on Thursday, April 12th, liKJO, and to transact any other business i that may be brought before the conven tion, itie convention will consist of forty-two (42) delegates, apportioned among the several precincts as follows: Auourn 3 Apiary 1 Beaver Falls 3 Clatskanie 5 Deer Island 2 Goble 4 Marshland 2 Nehalem 3 Oak Point 3 Rainier 4 Seappooee 4 Union 5 Warren 3 The same beinir one (1) deleuate-at- larif from eaeh nrwirwit anil nno ll fur every twenty-four (24) votes cast for T. T. Geer for governor in 1898. and one for each major fraction of twenty-four io x,,.,. .. . m t t ernor The county central committee recom- n,,.Tiu i,..i ih. u.,. i precincts be held at the usual voting places in said precincts on Saturday, March 31st, 1900, at 2 o'clock p. m., of said day, and that the delegates attend the convention in person. By order of the committee. A. L. Ci.ahk, David Davib, Secretary. Chairman. if . lie nvr. flit' Karl'9 Oovcr Root Tea BirtuV the Complnlon, Porifis th Blood, KivcsaKresh.UMrSkin. CurnCon S 15!"' Ii'dlsestlon, nod all Eruptions of tne An areeitbl Lsmllve Narve i onic. bold on alisolute jruamiitee by all druKKlsU at asc, 60c suuf1.00. 8- C. WELLS A CO., LCROV, N. V. OLC MOSMItrORS FOR SALE BY EDWIN ROSS. iir in a lav FAHM FOll UKNT, Fairly well improved farm, one team of horses, six cows, farming implements. For further particulars apply to Cami'CK Zollkh. Oolite, Oregon, mi Try It. If SHiloli'a Cough and Consumption Cure, which is sold for the small price of 2"i cts., 60 eta, and I, does not cure, take the bottle back and we will refund your money. 8old for over fifty years on this guarantee. Price 25 cts, and 50 eta. Sold by Or. Edwin Rosa. COVtiT IKUSVSURS NOTICE. CorNTt Trkascrkh's orrtca, St. IIii iiii. Il . Mrh . IMtt. TOWIt 18 ItKKKUV U1VKN THAT AM. iiaimtil Comity WHri-inits of CommM Comity, Orepm, which Imvo loii iirom'tiU'd ami eutnrett' "Nut I'nlil tor ol Kiituta," in lor lo Juuimry Mill. Istt. aiul witrrunit Nm. MBO. .Ml. Stla, ,M4, M74, SITO, 4H0, MM, ftui, A-iM. M7I hi.iI 5!tv cnilorcit on Jiumtry nih, I mi, will to Mil upm 1'iv.v'iimuon hi lln othi'. lulurvsl will not be Hllowcil niter llilsitnio. KPWIN lUfS, lufati TroiiMirer of t'olumMn County, Drewm. CITY TREASURER S NOTICE. (limi t of City Tkxi'ii, Sr. I1M1.HN9. (iivl'iui. Jim. '-M. mm. T Ml IS CITY THKASIIvKK OP nf. HULKS, I tiresmi hereby iilve notice Unit nil m itr-. mnlM of tm elly Imvu Ihhm. iin'niiiteil ; mill emlomoit "N'ot 1'niil Uit Want of Kuililn." I prior lo Mmili '.Mill, IM, k ml warrant!. Nt., , unit t'liilorM'tl on tliitt luie, will be iilil upon lirtiKotitaiKi.i to nitt. uitere! will not tx ttl' iowiit niter Hit daw. UAVH) DAVIS, city TnsiuMirer. NOTICE FOR rCBUCATON. Land Omrs xr vbbaok Oitv, 0.. Jnnry '.'Till, W00. N'OTtCK IS HKRMY tllVKN THAT THK loliuHtniMiitiutMl nttler hii tll.l notice ut tils Intention lo luaktt rtuitl proof lu support of hU eliilnt. Hint ttint sniil proof will he nnele be lore .he Coumy Clerk of C0I11.11M4 eouiny, ut M. Helms. Orcgou, ou Huron 'A liMO, vlt: JOHN U Yot'NO, llnmestt'Hcl entry 10.01A, for th iiorthwet of l of seeilon lt, towiuhip 4, rituito 4 wet. mill north l of nortlicHKt v. hiu! uortheaal l of nortliwext secUou 24, tawti' shin 4 north miiKo A we&t. tfe nHinea the following witnessc to nror his continuous resMenoe upon tint culiivattou of aul Intnl. vis: J. V. Sheeley, Huns Christ ensen, Wllllnin Hess aud J. T. Allium, M ol Veruouis., Orvxuu- ('HAS. B. MOOKKS. Register. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been appointed administra trix of the estate of Win. I,. Graham, deceased, by the Hon. J. B. Doan, iiulrt of the County Court of the State of Ore gon for Columbia County. All persons having claims airainst said estato are re quired to present the same, properly veriticd, to me at Marshland, Oregon, or at the otlice of K. i Gralmm, 206 Mar quuiu building, Portland, Oregon , with in six mouths from the date of this notice. Dated this 8th day of March, 1000. Maude E. Ukaham, m!)a6 Administratrix of said estate. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby gen that I, the un dersigned, have been appointed admin istrator, with the last will annexed, of the estate ol ueorire Haves, deceased by order of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Columbia connty that all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to pre sent the r-ame, with proper vouchers, to me, at Alayger, Columbia county, Ure gon, within six months from the dst of this notice. I'ated March 2nd, l'.KHJ, C1IABLK8 MAYCiEK. Administrator of the estate of George liayea, deceased. iiizmsu ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Notice is hereby given that on Satur day, April 7tn, luou, at Vi o'clock, noon, at the court house door, at St. Helens. Columhia county, Oregon, pursuant to an order oi tne uonnty (Jourt ol the .ln,n 1 I .. . made and entered Januarv 8th, 1U00, 1 will, as administrator of the estate of Edward Westby, deceased, sell at public auction, to the" highest bidder for cash, the following-described real property be longing to said estate, and situate in said Columhia county, to-wit: Lota two, three and four, and the southwest quar ter of the northeast quarter of section six, in township 0 north, range 5. west oi v niainette meridian m Oregon, con taming anout lmj.u acres. Dated March 2nd, liXJO. JOHN J,. CARLSON. Administrator of the estate of Edward Westby, deceased. m2ui30 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, for Columbia County. Blam iik K. Bahnks, plaintiff, vs. D. J. P.arnkh, defendant. To I). J. Barnes, the above-named do- lennant. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Of Oregon : You are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint tiled against you in the above-entitled Court and caiiHe on or before the lath day of April, 'W00, and if you fail so to appear ana answer, tor want tnereoi planum will apply to the Court for the relief de manded in her complaint: The relief demanded is the dissolution of the marriage coutract now and here tofore existing between plaintilT and de fendant, on the ground of wilful deser tion, and for the care and custody of the three minor children beloinnnir to nlaint- itf and defendant. This summons is published bv order of the Hon. J. B. Doan, judge of the County Court for Columbia county, Ore gon, made February 24, 1900, the first publication being Friday, March 2, 1900, and the last publication being April 13, iyvu. j. A. HAUL,. Attorney fur plaintiff. ED HILLSBERRY, Expert Barber SHARP RAZORS AND CLEAN TOWELS. None but pu rest chemicals used in wash ing and cleansing the lave. Get a Hot Towel on Your Face Usual prices for work. DECKER'S OLD STAND, ST. HELENS li VOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME Wj OOO gANQUET None but the best in both Imported and Domestic wines, liquors and cigars. GYRUS NOBLE WHISKEY The celebrated Weinliard Beer always on draught. $ CL0NINGER A WHITNEY, fropi. ST. CHARLES HOTEL Front & Morrison Sts., Portland Under New Management ISO It on m at ta Cents to M Cents, billies Ceuta to 1.00. Klvvator, Klectrle l.htliti and Kelts, and all .Modern Conveniences. Pre llmt Meets all Hoati Mini Trains. Restaurant Couucc chin Eoel O-iT'll Teleiilio.i a 10. . niiiiiitna teiepiioiiu: Hl I'OUTLIMI, DAI I V. JH M H M H M H -8TEAMER America" H Wiramett SlongH Route M r i Ieave 8t. Hclent. ... 0:30 A M Arrive at l'ortlnnd. .10:) A M Ive l'ortland . . . . 2 :30 I' M Arrive at St. Helena. 0:001" M FAHK 5 I'KNTS. Will Carry Notlilnu but Tasacu. gers and Fast Freiijht. H M M H H X J All KM (iOOO, !lnler. A STORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER II RAILROAD COMPANY. a. a. s no i ei .r a is i. t as :s.&!i V HI ,V. D j !) .V.I..T . .uiiicy . flrtUkfttil,. , MHrhliiiil. . Ht"tiMirl... ... t'liftim . ..Kutt'.pA..., ,. HVlMIMUl,.., ..John luV. . S Alt ;10 Ul :a.'. in iio io rm i 9 111 ill) Jl .71.5 9 .17 0 m T 7 io no :u w ' 10 tM ill 10 1)0.31 in ao it -it w.i. to :m In : w '. .. AnlorU ...l.v J All (rnfn makA rlo connection mi (ioble with Northurn t'ttciMC tratii lu urn I irom in Kiol aiul .H.iitn.1 ixitrnx. At Ton. and with tiU tmliii IritviiiK I men ilt. At AaUirt with I K. A Co 'h l.uiit Mill tm lino tu Bud (rput It waou itna Mjrui ih-huh puinu. PwuLtnitf n lor Astoria or wbt point mut H inn Kt UoulUn. TrHlnn will itou to let n written otTit tlouJtnti whvn cmit4ii( Iniui muUUi artttit (if llnhlt. J. V. MmVlm Gn. AKt.. AHtorU. Or. Skin Diseases. For the apeedy and pennaneut enre of tetter, alt rlieum anil eczema. Cham berlain's Eye and tskin Ointment la without an eiinal. It relieve the Itch ing and smarting almont iuntantly and ita contlnned Xtue effects a permanent care, it also cares Itch, barber s itch, scald head, sore nippliu, ltchinir rll.s. chapped hands, clironio sore eyes and gnuiaiaieu uus. Dr. failj'i Condllloii Powder for horses are the beat tonic, blood pnrlfier andvermifago. Price, 33 cents. Hold by Dr. Ed win IlOKS. PKOFE8SIONAL. GEO A. HALL, ATTORNEY - AT -LAW rt. nt:i.:.K, ohkuom. Office next dixir to Colo A Quick's law and abatraut olllce. Collection!) a specialty. Foreclositreg. tiiecbanic's liens, promptly attended to. C.G.NIXON, dTTORNE Y-JT-JL1 IF. Collections a Spocialty. RAINIER, : : OREGON. JR. 1. K. HA LI, PHYSICIAN AND 8URQE0N. Clatskanie, Columhia county, Or. JH. EDWIN U08, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON St. Helens, Oregon )R. H. R. CUKr, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 8L Helena, Oregon. G. W. COLE, ATTORNEY AND COUKHELOR-AT-LAW, BT. HELENS, OREGON. Titla Atistrant Ronks. Nnlarv Public. Com in Is- loimrof Drts fur WashiiiifUin. anil an oxtnir- lviicert collector In comiuotton with ofUco. J. W. DAY W. B, DII.LARD ATTORNEYS -AT-LAW Ofllre neit rtoiir to Onurlhouse, 8T. HELKMM, OKEUUM. General prautlre in court of Orciron or Wash Initum. Abstracts mails directly from county records. .BTKAMKH., Ti TJ FR. Ij I 3ST Ej PORTLAND AND A8TORIA Leaves Portland every night at 8 o'clock for Astoria, (except tiunday.) Saturday night at 10. HeuirriiiiK, leaves AnUjrla at 0:3.) o'clock every morning (except Monday.) Hun day at 6:00 o'clock p. m. 8 addows 3 " I & W?';r ' y" ""T A ""C ? f 'ilfft OAILV. T.TlO. DAILY. k JVfX 'i lua4 al A , !.. t7ttfJTt r$w--K Wlil YiWJ"!:.::: Yi .feS &$WV S 30 9 1K4.VSI Kltllller 9iU S JT Y C it f, " U H L f .1 VAjVi K44 9t0,V..9i slater 1 9 SO 7 M A V tj I U i V -y-C.Y ' ' "V V,r1l'' How About A nr, VHP Ht'ltK Z KmumiMlml o. .in, hiiiiks In the enmity. Kiini-iuiii'i'il. tl vnii . ..... . , - . imeniM Inr .he imelllM .or Ihfl neil I".' Iiuvo imi.orty Inr ! co rdis Main 3trt PORTLAND, RAINIER AND WAY LANDINGS. m TIME CARD ; Leaves RaliilorM A. M., Neer City at !W A M Kalniim at ';,;. r"l',"",!t,' ' ; M..Co hiiuiila Illy ait.W A. M., Ht. Ileluiia al 1 ii A. M., arrlvos t 1'urtluu.l at 10.1a) A. H. ROUND TRIP DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave 1'nrlln.iil at II, P. M , Hi. Helens (ml; CulitiiiMn lily I"; 'il sitfi KnUiua 5 HO; Ntw l.;lly 4:40. Arrives al Ualulnr al tl. JO I'. M, TWENTY-FIVi 0IMT TO PORTLAND AND ALL LANDING. W. I. NIWSOM. ... WHEX IX NEED OF MEDICINE... -CO thc 1LATSKAN1E tl DRUQ STORE Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Etc j DR. J. i. HALL. Prtpriitor. I CUTS lu INI Ef - OREGON. tin -s'.v-i- in Wi mi and .A II,. I.II..I n.n ,wo,aou tuitcmiri. tiiliin huiidrf a cUrks sis (uustaolljr tn(4 filling oul-of-tow ocdsra. OUR OENKRAL CATALOGUE la tht book of lha rpla It quotst Wholaaala I'rlcaa to KvsrytwJy, has ovar l,oi pas, tSoe Illustrations, anil drstrli-tlona of ar.l.i will. rlca. It sosts T " P'ln ," achcofy. W. want you to hava o. BRNO rifTKKN CRMT to show your (ooJ faith, and wa'll snil you JiOHTOOMERY WARD 9 ..STEAMER JOSEPH KELLOGG. KSi. i A l f I tas85 Jl Uaves Pvrl- I ' k I Va? T II A It t Tuosiljr. a A - T Mr4tAc- a . Ihursilay, ami , t! gn-firZr' l .aatVw Hlaa. al .V.W , f,:ri'?rr o'elock a. bi. UlSVM KaIio on Mini il ays, H 1 ti e s il s jf s sml Krlitsys at Su'cUx k a. tu. Portland and Kelso Route via Columbia River. 0, R, & N. CO, "rVT Time SCHEDULES yatm Kat Salt Lake, Hanver, Kt. Mall VVnrlh, Omnha.Kaii- Fast Hp. ni. ms City, Kt. Units, Mall Uilcauoaliit KaaL iii. in. Bmkano Walla Walla, Hpokana, Rpokano Kl)i-r Mln tl a a ii o 1 1 s, Hi. Klrer 8:4ip, in. I'aol, liiiluih, Mil- 8.( wimkce, Chlcaiio 4 East, Ocaan 8taamshlps. . ap-m- All aalllna n.te. sub- 4 p' m' Jei't ti cliaiiKa, Fur Han Friuii'lM-t 8 p.m. Columbia Rlvar 4 p.m. Ki.Hun.lay Staamsra. Ks.ffuu.lsjr Baturday To Astoria and Way- lUp. Ul. lltllflllltfS. ' . m. ' Wltlamalta Rlvar. 4.MpiM)i Ex.-un.lay Ore..n (Mty.Newliet., t..n.iuday Halem dt Way-land us 7 . m Wlllamatts and Yam- .- Tn'eJl'nu,. WM M'lm.'WSi. and Hat. Orcifim Clly, Dnytiin, and KrI, and Wuy-laiitlliiS, a. m. WlllamatU Rlvar. 4-nnp. ,, Tucs Ttiur. Pnrtlnnd li Corvallls Mun. Wwl. and bat. and Way laiidliiKB. mid KrI. Lv. Rljinria Bnaks Rlvar. Lv.lAW'ton l:aia. in. dully at dally RlparU to Lewlaton. H:;Wii. ul, W. H. HURLBERT Ocneral Fasseniior Anent, PORTLAND ' OUKOONj STEAMER G. DELL SHAVER, Master. nii-iri-i-is- -ii The company resotvci tha rlgb to change time Shaver Your Title? It U "11 Heinomt Ki.vrii. 11 U ior I.I..I.I. i i. hut 1 her I'linliiln In twr thai It ti tho i to neiiri'li llio luimiiui tu luml lllliw. If visit ii..iili.iiiiliUi liiij lm. li.iiil or h..ti.ic imiiiey mi real, null! seonrlti', Inho H" '""'" lv"r'li "''",! what liie iwonl ali.'.ws r.iHiHiiK Ihe IKIe. All Alwlmol I. k u-shiiIIhI, liuvliiit It, W have Urn .inly set nl nlmtrai't All worn immniyiJxt'i'ii." aim aaiisiniMinii lmvi iirnperty t.i nisi reitivoiisinmii, ytii r i...... h iti.iiiiiriiiliiu 111 tliu Hrmlil. II v.... Minim"' y "V ,.i ,r I Y t H lll u wu wl" 111111 i,uiv'. QUICK, r- vhcook TO- - anllla bultillni In ths wort4, Wi havs a topy s, - ri M,miU'?H'tZT''inm NO Imlle fiirnilnre l complete K without a now Uitht-ruiinliiK V 1 S!NaR I If you liuy a nwlnK-macblue why C) not (fi.a the Ix'at. Sold on easy k tiriiia without Interest, N O. P. LOONET, Agent fij -torta Orsnon. g WHITE COLLAR LINE THK COLUMBIA RIVER AND I'UOKT HOUND NAVIGATION CO. PORTLAND-ASTORIA ROUTE. STR. GATZERT Landing Foot of Alder Hlreat, Porllanrt. leaves I'nrilniid dallv (exie.itM.inilay)ut 7 A, M LuiiiltiiR '1'nleiilintifl dtiek, Anlorls. Lenvoa Astoria dslly (mrept Hiindny) 7 P. Ilnlli.v riafv.rl floli.iiii u,uu. .wi kl.'Uiiiiir HfUSIllO. Hli-unii-r linssalo tlekols good on Uulley Ualrrrt. U. B. SCOTT, Pres. W. SHAVER Loavo Portland, foot of Wash ington St., Mondays & Thurs days, G:30 A. M. Leave Clats kanie Tuesdays and Fridays at 4 o'clock in tho morning. without notko. Transportation Comoany. L I km i-iiv2ibi "f -4e,v-- f'T