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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1900)
The Assassination I of President Lincoln. if"' M!rpj lifSIB . N AprB 14 just thirty-three jear 1 will hare passed since ir siaem Lincoln wss shot down In Fords Theater, Washington, by John Wilkea Booth. The excitement all over the Unit ed States to-day, caused by the war scare, brings to mind the thrill of horror and excitement that passed over the country thirty-three years ago. when, just as the minds of the people had become settled after four years of wsr, the country was startled by the announcement of tin coin's assassination. Announcements bad been made In Washington papers that President Lin coln and Gen. Grant, accompanied by their wives, would visit Ford's Thester (now a pension office) on the evening of April 14. Gen. Grant found It necessary to rislt Burlington. N. J., on that memorable 14th of April, and be accordingly sent to President Lincoln a note of regret at his inability to accompany him to the the ater that evening, leaving Washington on the 6 p. m. train. To Schuyler Colfax, then Speaker of the House, the President extended an in vitation to attend the theater as late as 8:15 p. m.. for it was not until then that the President's psrty left the White Hnnw. President Lincoln manifested a THIS curious reluctance to going, bnt stated that the papers had advertised tbat him self and Gen. Grant would both attend. and, since Gen. Grant had left Washing ton, he did not want to have the audience disappointed, as the people would expect to see at least one of tnem. The thester was crowded. The box reserved for the presidential party waa tbe double box forming tbe second tier on tbe right-band side ot the stage. Tbe front of tbe box was decorated with flags and in tbe center, on tbe outside, bung an engraving of Washington. As the Grants bod declined an Invita tion to attend, Mrs. Lincoln invited, in their stead, Miss Harris, daughter of Sen ator Ira Harris, and Maj. Henry K. Katbbone, tbe Senator's stepson. The play presented was the original version of Tom Taylor's "Our American Cousin," as it was alwaya given before the late E. A. 8ot hero's changes in it. JOUST WII.KIS BOOTH. afterwards made to elaborate his still remembered character of Lord Dun dreary. The assassin. Booth, familiar with tbe theater, visited tbe box about 9 p. m., looking in for a last survey of the various positions of Its occupants. It was sup nosed, at the time, that it was due to a - -r.-.- -sss mistake or the exercise of an Imperti nent curiosity. Unknown to the presi dential party. Booth bad, during the day, bored a hole through the door of the box for observation or perhaps to fire through. At 10 p. m. Booth again entered the box, quietly holding a pistol in one hand and a knife, or dirk, in the other. Maj. Katbbone rose and asked this intruder his business. Booth rushed psst the Major without making a reply and. plac ing his pistol close to the President's head, actually in contact with it;' fired, and instantly sprang upon the cushioned baluster of the box, w hen he made a backward plunge with his knife, aimed at the face or breast of Mr. Lincoln. Maj. Rath bone, springing forward to pro tect the President, received the stab in his arm. It was towards the latter part pf the play. Perfect stillness reigned through out the house. The audience listened to the dialogue between Florence Trehchard and May Meredith, when the pistol shot rsng through the theater. It was appar ently fired behind the scenes on the right of the stage, and it was accepted by the audience as an introduction to some new passage, several of which had been in terpolated in the early part of the play. Booth had been noted as a leaper, nav- DEATH BED OF PRESIDENT LICOLN. Ing become habituated to sensational ieapa in bis repertoire of characters. He lesped nine feet down on the stage, but his spur caught in the flag decorating tbe front of the presidential box and as he resched the stsge he fell, recovering him self in a wonderful wsy, though bis leg was broken. He bounded across the stsge, pushing past Miss Laura Keene, who stood near the prompter's desk. striking her on the band with bis own, still holding the dagger. As he crossed the stage Booth cried out, dramatically, "Sic semper tyrannis!" and "I have done it!" Once through the side scenes Booth quickly escaped by tbe rear door of the theater, where a horse awaited him, its bridle held by an employe of the theater whom Booth rewarded with a kick, nis agony from his broken leg being intense. Meanwhile the shrieks of Mrs. Lincoln made clear to the audience the nature of the horrible crime tbat bad just been per petrated. Pandemonium reigned. Wom en cried, men hollowed and children screamed. Miss Laura Keene advanced to the footlights and called out: "For God'a sake, have presence of mindl Keep your places and all will be well!' Miss Harris called to Misa Keene to bring some water, which the actress, did, and afterwards accompanied Mrs. Lin coln to the house opposite, to which the unconscious President was at once re moved. It was found tbat be bad been shot through the bead, above tbe back ot the temporal bone, and tbat some ot tbe brain wss oozing out snd tbat death was inevitable. Within it comparatively short time the terrible nevs bad spread all over Wash ington, and by midnight every member of the cabinet, except Seward, whose own life waa attempted, bad gathered at the bedside of their dying chief. Mrs. Lin coln wss present, prostrated with grief, and other members of the family, Sena tor Sumner, Speaker Colfax, military of ficials of the War Department, several generate and physicians, the latter in eluding Surgeon General Barnes, who had from tbe first assisted Dr. Stone, tbe President's family physician. President Lincoln never recovered con sciousness. As dsy dawned his pulse failed and a look of perfect peace over spread bis features. At 7:22 a. m. be ceased to breathe. Rev. Dr. Gurley knelt down and prayed and Secretary Stanton broke the silence which followed with the remark: "Maw he belongs to tu ares The South lost. In Lincoln, one who would have proved to be ita beat friend. as Is, perhaps, cow realised. In a letter written trtien. Van Aleu on the last day of his life.' Uucolu wrote Word that strike the keynote ot his character. In It he said: . "I thank yon for the assure nee you tire me that I shall be supported by conserv tive men like yourself In the efforts 1 may make to restore the -Union ao as to make It, to use your language, a nnloa ot hearts and hands as well as ot States. Over alt the .members ot that preat' dentlal theater party a black and awful fate hung menariugly. The fate of the assassin, John Wilkea Booth, la too well known for repetition shot down like a dog, aa he was. In burning barn. Many have not fullowed the end of oth era Indirectly associated with the tragedy, The stricken widow of the martyred President passed the balance of her days In melancholia and madnesa. Ot the guests who were with her in the box that night, one slew the other and ended his own life a maniac. By a curious coincidence, even Herat Boston Corbett, who shot Booth tn the bam, became Insane and was afterwards confined in a Kansaa asylum. VALENTINES OUT OF DATE Original Terse, Flower or Candy Are Now the Proper Gifts. Valentines are out of date. That the edict of society. When the 14th of February .comes around now the proper caper is to write to your lady fair a few choice stansaa of valentine verse, or, In case of your Inability to construct proper rnyme, send around a few bunchea of vio lets or sweet roses or a nice box of randy a heart shaped box preferred, ot course all tied up with pretty silk ribbon. The flowers and the candy may not laat aa long aa the poetry, buf the flowers will be prettier, the candy will taste better and both will be more appreciated. When it is said thst valentines are ont ot date the statement baa to be made, ot course, with some reservation. They are Jt THE SUKli ATT IIOVSB. It ni ben that tb assassination ins planned. out of dste as gifts between fashionable adults, but among children they are popu lar still. Every little lad and lassie watches for the postman on the morning of St. Vslentine's dsy. of course, and la disappointed If tbe mail brings no love message, no little embossed and painted Cupid. What is meant by tbe statement that valeutinee are out of date is tbat the day of the three-story, fussed and fuszy, hand-painted, lint and nonsense creation. over which young ladies nsed to go into ecstasies ot delight and young men used to go into bsnkruptcy, baa long been pass ed. The custom of sending tbat sort ot remembrance is as dead as tbe custom of New year's calling. It was never a sen' si We custom sny ay, for no young msa felt really repaid in putting a week a sal ary into a gift to a young lady when, be cause of tbe mystery and secrecy that have to be observed in sending vslentines, be eouid not accompany it with his card. It was altogether too discouraging to hsve his Jiated rival get tbe credit for sending a sentimental tot of poetry all done up in fluffy expensiveness for which be bad cheerfully emptied bis pockets and "gone broke." Valentines of that sort hsve hsd their day and belong now to the sweetly remembered psst. PRAYER TO ST. VALENTINE. Hearts or dollars? sb, te which Should my maiden heart Incline! To be iuved or to be rich? Tell me, good St. Valentine. fbould I scorn the shining gold! Is s heart a richer mlue? Btre I'm waiting to be tola Tell ass good St. Valentin St jtr m v II O x tJyt SPECULATION WAS SLACK. Payments Through Clearing; - oases Less Thaw Tear Ago, ; R. O. Dun A Co. 'a weakly tsvlew trad Kits: w ostiier tit new year will surpass or keep paoa with the old is tha que Hon which gives special interest every week's returns. Comparing now with business by fur tha latest and moat prosperous ever known a year ago, mora than 40 por ont larger than in January, 1898, which, in ita torn had shown heavier business than any preceding rear, it oaunot ba ax peoted that such a gnin will ba repeat' ed. But the decrease of 8.6 per cent in payment! through tha clear lug-houses is wholly due to great speculative au tivity at New York last year, with sales of 18,031,88s share against o.oiB.tcu to the same date this year, for payments outside this city hav ueen .s per cent greater than a year ago, and greater than in the same part of any other month. This week one contract of 10,000 tou for a Western road, and two for bridgxa requiring 11,000 tons, are the only hi? transactions reported in iron products Perhaps the moat important indi trial event la the marketing ot wool. goods at prices averaging 18.4 per ceuc higher than laat year, nianv makes be' ing promptly sold op and withdrawn, while others sell ao well aa to giv great encouragement. Business in cotton goods begins to Increase, though in staples it is still moderate. The market tor brearlstnffs is not ac tive nor have change in prices of ele vator wheat beeu of any oousequenue, bnt the active May option allows sharp decline. Atlantic exports cou tiuue far below former years; in three weeks, 6,003,-25 bushels against 13, 224.082 last year. Failures for the week have been S43 tn the United States, against 848 last year, and 40 in Canada, against Si last year. PACIFIC COAST TRADE. attle Markata. Onions, new, ?1.60(3 1.75 per sack Lettuce, hothouse, 91.25 Totatoee, new, 1620. Beets, per sack, 76(3 85c. Turnips, per sack, 60o. Carrots, per sack, 60c. Parsnips, per sack, 75 85c. Cauliflower, 75o$l per dozen. Cabbage, native and California, 75c $ 1.00 per 100 pounds. Apples, 9l.25g 1.50 per box. Pears, $1.00 1.25 pur box. Prunes, 60o per box. Butter Creamery, 82o per ponnd dairy, 17 22c; ranch, 84o per pound Eggs 20(3 21o. Cheese Native, 16o. Poultry 18 14c; dressed, 14015c. Hay Puget Souud timothy, 12.00; choice Eastern . Washington timothy, $18.0O(19.0O Corn w hole, $23.00; cracked, $23; feed meal, $23. Barley Rolled or ground, per ton, $21; whole, $23. Floor Patent, per barrel, $3.25; blended straights, $3.00; California, $3.25; buckwheat floor, $6.00; srrv ham, per barrel, $3.80; whole wheat flour, $3.00; rye flour, $3.8O4.00, Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $14.00; shorts, per ton, $16.00. Feed Chopped feed, $19.60 per ton, middlings, per ton, $20; oil cake meal, per ton, $30.00. Fresh Meats Choice dressed beef steers, 7K8c; cows, prime, 7c; pork, 7c; trimmed, 8, He; veal. 8i(9l0c. Hams Large, 13c; small, 13 j; breakfast bacon, 12sc; dry aalt tides, 8c. Partial, Market. Wheat Walla Walla. 60(3 51c; Valley, 50c; Blueatem, 52o per bushel. r lour Best grades, $2.90; graham, $2.25; anperhne, $2.15 per barrel. Oate Choice white, 86 36c; choice gray, 84o per bushel. Barley Feed barley, $15(316.00; brewing, $ 1 8. 00 (3 1 8 .50 per ton. M ills t off s Bran, $17 per ton; mid dlings, $22; shorts, $18; chop, $16 per ton. Hay Timothy, $9.60(311; clover, $7(38; Oregon wild hay, $6(37 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery, 60 (3 65c; seconds, 42 (345c; dairy, 30(3 37 Mc; store, 22H27Ko. Eggs 17(317sO per dozen. Cheese Oregon fall cream, 13 c; Young America, 14c; new cheese lOo per ponnd. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $2.50 .00 per dozen; hens, $4.60; springs, $2.50(38.50; geese, $7.00(38.60 for old; $4.606.60; ducks, $6.00(39.00 per dozen; turkeys, live, 16(3170 per pound. Potatoes 56 80c per sack; sweets, (82io per pound. Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 90c; per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab' bage, yio per ponnd; parsnips, $1; onions, $1.15(31.60; carrots, $1, Hops 7(3 10c; 1898 crop, 66o. Wool Valley, 12 (31 So per pound; Eastern Oregon, 8(3 14c; mohair, 27(8 80o per pound. Mutton Gross, beet sheep, wethers and ewes, 8c; dressed mutton, 6)i(3 7o per pound; lambe, 7o per pound. Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5,00; light and feeders, $4.50; dressed, $5.60(36.00 per 100 pounds. Beef Gross, top steers, $3.5004.00; cows, $3(38.50; dressed beef, 7 Mo per ponnd. Veal Large, 84(37JsC; small, 8(3 8c per ponnd. aa Praaeiseo Market, Wool Spring Nevada, 1215o per ponnd; Eastern Oregon, 12(3 16c; Val ley, 20 (3 22c; Northern, 1012o. Hops 1899 crop, ll12o per pound. Butter Fancy creamery 26c; do seconds, 28 24c; fancy dairy, 21 22c; do seconds, 18 (3 20o per pound. Eggs Store, 18 20c; fancy ranch, 22c. Millstuffs Middlings, $17.00 (3 20.00; bran, $18(314.00. Hay Wheat $0.60(39.50; wheat and oat $8.50(39.00; best barley $5.00(3 .00; alfalfa, $0.00(37.60 per ton; straw, 8045o per bale. Potatoes Early Rose, 85 90; Ore gon Bnrbanks, 8&c(312.0; river Bur banks, 60 (3 85c; Salinas Bnrbanks, 1.00(31.25 per sack. Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia, $3.75(38.25; Mexican limes, $4.00(3 00; California lemons 76c$1.50; do choice $1.76(32.00 per box. Tropical Fruits Bananas, $1.60 3.50 per bunch; pineapples, nom inal; Persian dates, 6(Ko per ponnd, " Yog Msy Bend the Sapttng Whn AstAS Aa btcomt chronic anef oWb reafcrf ft b oflrn dfWcWr to cort Jit, Tht t$ th rttson tufiy tf ti btst to Ukt Hoof i Srtpv8U wAvn dlstkst first thow ttslf. Jn kng-Mtttd, UnA cious CAStt, Hoofs SrsprOU 1$ also WuUrfuBy luoctssful. 3 fccdS SaMapal NEARLY BURIED ALIVE. India Woman's Narrow Kaoape front a Tarrlble Death. Mrs. Ellen Crosby had narrow enpe from being buried alive in Craw ford county, Indiana. She was pro nounoed dead, aud preparations for the burial were being made. While this was in progress hei daughter, 19 years old, worn out by exhaustion, lay down to rest, but her eyes had scarcely closed before she sprang up and per smptortly insisted that her mothers1 body be returned to the bed. She re uinrked that her mother had called to her in her sleep, saving: "Mary, don't let them bury me alive." The ouder taker complied with the daughter's re quest, saying it was but a dream, but the daughter stoutly claimed the con trary and would not be denied. Nearly eight hours passed when Mrs. Crosby lowly opened her eyes and looked at ber daughter, who had remained by her bedside, constantly watching for a return to life. Mrs. Crosby is now considered in a fair way to recovery. Stats o Ohio. Citv or tolsdo, I Lcus focsvr. I FatNK 1. 1 Hir makes oath thai be Is tbt tcuior )rier ol Hi nrin ol r. 1. 1 HSXir k t o., auina ouaiuvaa in in i nr 01 lotciot vnuiuv and male (omai.l, and thai aaltt Arm will pa Ihoauinoi ON lll'NIWKl) IhjI.I.AHM tor earh and avarr cage of t alarm mat cannot os curau by tna use ol UtU I Catinsm l,l'. Sworn to before ma an. I subscribed In nv rn,lK 4 t'lin.ivi nreaencs, Ihiattb day ol Pecambar, A. P. IM. I A. W. UIJ!A80N, HaJl'a Catarrh Cur la taken Internallv and acta directly ou ine moon ami mucona ttiriacat Of Uiaayatem. wni lorieHtimnmaia, irea. r.J.un.Mi vu., joiaue, v. Antrt by ilruxstaia, 7to. Uall't rami) fills are tha beat. Matrimony oa Small Capital. A Wilmington clergyman tells of Philadelphia couple who came to him to lie married one day. When they left the boat at the rourth street wharf in the olty they had but Ave dollars between them. Nevertheless, the erooiu called a cab and ordered to lie driven to the city hall and then to the nearest minister. At the city hall he paid $3.60 for a marriage licence, which left $1.40 to pay the cabman aud to fee the minister. At tho lutter't house the cabbv demanded $1.50. The groom replied that he did uot have it, and the driver compromised on a dol lar, leaving 40 cents for tha minister. The groom, however, was not done mving, for he stepiied into a near-by tore and bought an envelope for a cent. In this he put the remaining 89 rents, and after the ceremony hauded it to the minister. How the newly- married couple got back to Philadel phia is a mystery. Philadelphia Record. Painters in the car shops at Knox- ville are working 15 to 17 hours pet day. SALT LAKE CITY. Aa Important Factor In Transanll- nantal Traval. No one crossing the continent can afford to cut Halt Lake City from his route. The attractions of the place, including the Mormon Temple, Taber nacle and Church institutions, the ireat Salt Lake deader and denser than the Dead Sea in the Holy Land the picturesque environment and the war.n sulphur and hot springs, are greater to the square yard tlian any lo cality on the American continent. Tbe Rio Grande W estern Railway, connecting on the East with the Den ver Sc Rio Grande and Colorado Mid land Ruilways and on the West with the Southern Paciflo (Central Route) and Oregon Short Liue, is the ouly transcoiitlnetnal line passing directly through Bait Lake City. The route through Bait Lake City via the Rio Grande Western Railway is famous alt the year round. ' On account of the equable climate of Utah and Colorado it is just as popular in winter as in summer. Send 2c to J. D. Mansfield, 253 Washington St., Portland, or Geo. W. Heintz, Acting General Passenger Agent, Halt Lake City, for a copy of Halt Lake City the City of the Saints." How Woman Was Mads. A small hoy in the Mission Sunday school of Bishop Fallows' church pro pounded an entirely new theory of creation last Sunday. "Who made man?" asked the teach er, beginning, as in the good old days when orthodoxy used catechisms "God," was tho prompt reply. "And how did he make him?" "Ont of dost, ma'am; nothing but ust." "And who made woman?" "God made her, too, ma'am." "How?" The small boy hesitated, and then replied cheerfully: 'He caused a deep ileep to fall upon man and then took aut his backbone and made woman," Chicago Inter-Ocean. Vermont in maple sugar stands flr' In the union, making nearly 2,000,0(1. pounds annually. .More butter per cow is made in Vermont than in any other state more pounds of wool per sheep are clipped than in any other state, and more bushels of potatoes are raised per aore than in any other state. Chaplain Condon, who is totally blind, never permits a barber to touch his face. While Dr. Conden has been blind for a no in her of years, it has been his practice to shave himself, and an well does be do It that he seldom if ever "nicks" his face. Adjutant-General Corbin thinks the Lawton fund will finally reach $100.- 100, which will be invested for Mrs. Lawton in government bonds and uive her an income sufficient to provide gainst all want and enable her to edu cate her children properly. i CuHtS rYHtHt All ELSE f AILS. I Baft tjoush Syrup. TaaUw Good. 1 In tltna. Sold hr drtitfitUtH. Vm , m , v if ., sj a y . j r f .mm aaa-:alwiia"s The lama Jonas. There In this are many joussss world, but perhaps not quite s many as peoplt think. Not long o two friends met who hsd not f0" other for ten yrs, sine, thslr school d"Whom did you marry, BiHyT" asked ont, "A Miss Jones, of Philadelphia," re plied Billy, who was a trill sensitive. "Yon always did taka to the nam 'Jones.' I can remember when we went to school together you wwd to tag around after a Ut auub-nosed Jones girl." "I remember it, too," ssld Billy. "She's the girl I married."-Youth t Companion. Artlllulat Might. An Inventor hns perfected an l'tn,;l lit.llaiice. which liaelninis will enable tb blind to see. This III tiring imicll Happi ness to thus who have ilelei'llve vys'slit. Another it rest discovery wliien win n happiness to ;hoa whosa stoiiinelta nav ihh'uiiis uerangeu, la lioairurr u...... Ulnars. It is a certain cure for liuH"- lion, dvspepsia, malaria, fevar aim " In Saxony no teauher receives leas than $300 a year. Only Sara Maillelns for Chlhlren. Tha tamtar Hula InatilMi ol rhIMren are ruin- hr violent .ti ruoa. ulilanr llqiiltla. t'aaearett araplKaaaut, liarmle a. vrlsctlve, Drnfgnn lw, M3, WO. New York housvtmiitbt get $3,20 for eight boors. I know that mv lite waa saved by I'lan't Cure for t'oiiaiuiipiion. Jnlin A. Millar, au Bauie, jutctilKan, April m, istn. Tha North Staffordshire (England) Christian Endeavor union 1ms put on foot a scheme for obtaining 6,000 new total absitnouce pledge in the year. TO CIK A COt.l IN OMB IAT Take Laxative tlromo Quinine Tablet. All druggists refuud the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove' signature I on each box. 26o. Java furnishes two-thirds of the quinine used. VITA MTV law, naallllaUHliw iliiwlel .Hir.1li lr. Kiln liilin mule. I limii , IlKlllarunlaliilna ' limmnl. I, Klluoa Inaliluls. ail Arrant, l'lillwll,uia. rnumiau iu, During the last fiscal year Berlin ex ported 88,088 tons of beer and imported 82,084 tons, of which 84,508 rani from Bavaria and Bohemia. Mexico Is one of the United States' best oustomers In the aewiug machine line. Built on the Square. A Splendid Line for You. MR. DEALER. Portland. Oregon, Delivery, Quick Delivery Guaranteed. CLEVELAND CHAINLESS iVsl rjciiui m CLEVELAND CHAIN ROADSTER 50 CLEVELAND a IAIN ROADSTER Rcr.2l lbs) 50 CLEVELAND CHAIN 40 STORMER CHAIN 35 PENNANT SPECIAL CHAIN 30 Boys' and Glrlt' BicycU. Largest Jobbrt ol for Ca'alogu and Discounts. Agtnlt wanUd in tD towns throughout Ortgon, Washington, Idaho and Montana. MEI1C1N BICYCLE CD. PORTUNO BrUI.ll, Pops Salts Dep.. 111134 link It V Ct9a RAMPLB DOCTORS INSIST that Uiclr RHEUMATISM. KIDNEY DISEASE twaKHW RrisuMaric Ctiaa Co.: Wbra I wilt waa aullrin( tarrlbljr from Rnramaitaai talof 111 ductota praacrltad, a scndluf bar surpriaad at Iht ptograaa my ua la maaioc, a bo an is so wan irw ana rafuanl to krrp bar aeamatrraa an la auar dolus baroaa sawing. Tka Sactofa laslst aa bar uklag "f lfata " ami aw una bar that It Is aow only a raaitar ol a frw days and aha will tat cntlraly curad, aad as art ars aery wall knoaa ban, tha " liMOP" U r-cal(ug coaaularabla aliaa. tloaaad praiaa. V. it raiCK. Jataay CHy, N. J. Oct. U I- Swaksok RastiMATie Crs Co.i I sullrrad tarflhlr wllb Kldaas TraaiMa (ur yaara, sad altar iiaiag laaa than iwa katllaa of HUoIU" I am now aollrtly writ and I gtaa " DRul" tha prala tot sny cura. I could not Snd anything that woald givw rna tha sllghlaat rallal nnill I tried this ramady, aad 1 r -command It lo aaary body as a parianint cura Dtwrg (tsai.b MASK) fur Kidnty LKaea-a. MAHV A. CAkllAUUII, Black Oap, f. Aug. U'- Itcg nDADfi'l la tha aort aooarfal aiMHSa Sanaa fraa rrani OftUm mm farlait kanal JI ll l V r O it V.M almnaa hutaataaaona nitot, aad la a MMlu,aaara tor MhaamaOaaa. SflaUaa, Hanralgla, Or Haahaaha, kaa Blag Taaar, l ataan. a, aiaavlaaaaaaa. Waraanaaaaa, sarraa, ataniiii aaaaaa. aaan. ka. Maart Waakaaaa. Urm au, Malaria, Craaalag aaaaaan, aaa., aaa. tl nHVO oaallaaaaaraotl"Plui"alartalrlal, a M aaaja Saalla, OU UAIB mtmpmUtbr Mall, lor iaa. A aamt'la bnttla alll -ua.lara yoa. Aln, larsa aoHM UN Soaaa) ai aa, beuiM tot aa. sidhr aaaadatania. aasars aaaTSS la sa wrtu-i. nam ta to-ail. WAN SOW mMKValATltl tlUalg) VO PORTLAND DIRECTORY. ranaa and Wlra Work a. FORTI.ANK WlltK A MOM VTOIIKH: WlltK aim Iron Icnoing; oSica railing. am. SMAIdar. Mavliluar mill Mnppllas. CAWRTON CO.: KNUINKS. HOIt.KltS. MA- eliinary, supplies. ti liraisi., foriiand.or. JOHN POOLE, PoartASD, Oasoog, in K vs you tha best bantalns in aannral lactilnarv. anaioa- k,,uH ... . , n hiiir,, ijoiiimi, plows, bolts and wlnilmllla. 'lbs tiaw SKal i t A Li Wliiamlll. sn lit by li in. la mi. Sqll n.i ' ' - BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS ... MAWrjl-AOTtlRBB BY ... CALIFORNIA FIO. SYRUP CO. ROT THE NAM K. OLB AOBNOT Worthlngton team Pumps nd Watr Mater. Pumping rianit of Any Capacity TATUM IIIIWKN SVtosa PlratHtreet.I'ortl.nd.Or, Haoliinory-All Kinds. INDIAN RELICS WANTED rsuli pid tnrHlona Arrnwa ni.vera. FIe,A io,tfl. W rile and avinl mil. P. II am 1 1 Ion, Two lllvera, Wis. lines to If. CANCER Si Curable t the Use ol Knife, Addrsus IIt. NKWK1B1C, Mountain Home, Ida. aii' , r jhp,- "smv Mf In tbe sod than any saada Wk ff tbat only coat half as much, Y II Tasted, tm to nam, fraab and II 11 rallaula. Always tha baat. Ask II IV for Kerry's uka no otbars. f V "a tor lW Saad Arjnaal. I V'. ramit ti., Jr V wrt' l"tk- r Imprsvarl Trails Rejalpmeal, Th O. K. as H. and Oregon Bliorl Lin hav added buffst, smoking and library car to llislr PoMImiuI-CIiIohvq thiougb ttaln, and dining car sarvlae hat bn Inaugurated. The train la quipped with th latest elmlr carl, day coacliss and luxurious flist-elasi and ordinary ilsepatl. LHisot conns., lion mad at Granger with Union P. olfJo, and at 0dn with Rio (J rands Hns. front all points In Oregon, Wash. Ingtoli and Idaho to all Kuttttn ol Ilea. For Information, rates, etc, call no any O. K. N. agent, or address W. II. Ilnrlbiirt, Usnerat Passenger Agent, Puitlend. "Within th next five yean Missouri will slartl th world," prophesies State Geologist Gallagher, In a recent Interview, "with th great amount of lead, lint, copper, nickel, cobalt and coal mined In th state. Missouri is rich tn minerals, the richest of any state lu th country." Don't smoke cigarette for III pur. pose of killing time. Tim will transact business at th old stiiud long after you tin It. Chicago News. Mothers will llnd .Mrs. Wlnsluw'a Sooth. In Mvrup tbe bast r-inedy to us fur ihrl sliilil ii during His twilling period, II Answered ha Purpoaa, Maude Hav Btdlu, and Jack had a new quarrel? Lena Oh, nul but they'v patched up their old on till it' about a good as new. Puck. BESTFGBTHE BOWELS If r lwvsi't rulr, bMiUiif MMrinni of I In WWWf s7. Mi WW will w. nttwy, J tkuwvla . ami im well, f ort, itt tltttiM vlvi'tu utifM r flit tMitftiiit. t aaiiMfmwt rntl MUM VHMtf AMU MM W W WM Irtaaaant. ralubl t-unl Taxatkml rmonna. t-a, Mlnaaa. Waakan. or urtMa, HM. giv Wrlta nr fraa aaatpla. mwi buuklalua amillt). AtlftraM KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN and Replacement on Guarantee. A LINE HARD TO BEAT. (Brvsl Gear) $75 rOj jV BicycW Sundrlsa in Iht Northwest. rtl BOTTLJD rOH iOa. patients use "5 DROPS" for etc. Rca4 th follow Ing letter! wrota roe for a samplt brittle of "t PHOP" mf au'l was "try uiacuuraml, aa I bad trta avarjr to Kickalil prln, ate M)r dot lot la vary tauch I la I -tka at., 1HIIAVO, SA. CORN WHEAT Will out-ylald corn; will mnk tha aame kind olmaali kaa auparlor lallanlns qnallllri, alll aulra I ha prohtna nl lattanliig lloga snd Csnla Ins wheat nnnnlrv: should he sown In the aprlng lha aaaia as and alll ylold liora tu to loo hnahela r aarai the alraw slirr It IB thraihnl haa an oily aubalauoe aud It Is almost aa good aa hay. Frlaea'eeed 10a par pouad er ( P hnndred. Addraaa M. J. IIIIKLUI 41 CO., Moaoew, Idsbs, Just aa rhrapas MHir Ins. T t IlILIJ RKf'IIKT-Tsn cents; rnln lo IMIII jO T.M.U., Mo.l goilaalo, I al. UolMO. Are You Tired ? Do You Lack Energy? Yon ran become enargallo and la In1 tired Invllug by using Moore'i Revealed Remedy It rnntslna no dsngorona drugs II has a pleajwiil taate. II a bottle at druggta's. CURE YOURSELF I Haa nil Jtr annafural r)ltcliara,lnn.niiiiil", rrrllallona or llharalloiiS m u .in.M-j. et maaoaa aiBiru.. r-.-ju o..i I'alulMs. anil aul aauia- Ithi tHjlOMlsin.i fin, gn or polauneua. r it 00, or i hntllra, p.n. . (,'lrculur anal ua raiuait. CURE FOSt PILES. llTjll I'll la I Pllaa lNliPl.Mr(M.riiarioUtarm ltilil (oriu. ft. walk lillml, Ill-lntT or ttr"tru1ti Htlllis lL.,ill... ...I l.lJ- A Jtrt tlriiiKliiUttrMnt hf ji'iM. TrHw " Wr'w m -iwut uar wm, 1R. BUM AN KO, fbilftd.. 1- knil lilnatnt. A liMitriisI tUtlti.rV 0"" YOUNG MEN! , for n-ainrrhiaa anil Olart art Pahat'a Okar Si".1".: 2 la Ilia ONI.V ni-,iiiii wliltb alll rura " ami aarr rnallar how vrlMia or of how lone auii1lng. .Hafiiiw rr..m n. i. .ill nt.b ..... t, u utalr ra'n. Ire,.nni rtrkture, and narl ba lakaa lil'm,"?wll and tl.unllon from btulniMa. PIllclC. '"J?? al. Iiy all rallal'la (InieirlMa, or aani nrapaMl of aapra plalnlj wreouad, on r.jirt of prlra. hj . . ' , lUlwK'HrSil-ACOa.Oktoaglhlll' r JTUlaraulladearaniiaat, DR. GWS 1 imphoviddii I c LIVER rikW ONI FOR A DOSE, Cure ilxk sod napapaiani.iuoaTlmplaaand P .!?'.'" '"a'alloaandPrsaent llllloua arlaoha Purify lla Inuatiaaa. 10 notdrlpeorHlokan, Toooliflnce rou.wa alll mall ""P1 !' or lull Ims lor Joo. IB. iliiHANatW J'.,Flilldr.,?Ruua, Hold li; lirm.l.i". N. p. N. C. o. 8-100. WUBN writing to advertisers pleas weotloB this paper. I V mirTlU -; 0