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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1900)
OREGON MIST. OHIO DAMS, editor and Proprtttar. Sukacrlpllon Hal. One copy on year In advance. ..- II 90 One copy sis. mouths m . 60 Single copy .... ... - A RUINOUS CUSTOM. COURT PROCEEDINGS. Advertising rat t-U , mad known upon application COLUMBIA COUNTY DIUKOTOKY. Jtldg. Clerk.. Bherilf Treasurer Hunt, uf School Assessor.... Surveyor. Coroner Commissioners j tOMTV OtllfERS. ., Joseph B. Doau, Rainier .... J. 0. wu. St. Helens J. N. llico, Clatskani . IS. Koxs. H- Helem Checking; Prore by Rating Land Voting I'reolncl and Koad Iltrtct at a Hljjh Ktstire. . lloumlartce Hatabliehed, Clatskaul Chief, luthemaiterof the establishment ot election "We are itlfortiictl Hint the logins precincts lor t'oluitibl county: ., .7. .... ,, .V.. " thin dsvlhls matter coming on to b heard railroad which 1'ortlatKl patttea r s -n,, ,,-tH,urt botnia fulijr .lrtHl In the imrrn negotiating for with ranchers up the ; ie, i u ordered that Columbia county h Clatskanie (for the right of way) line divided Into thirteen elec'lon precinct, to b . ;.. f 1, named and bounded as follow, to wit: angina too much for the riisht of way. We are sorry to hear thin, as a road up thrn"e the Clatskanio and down Oak Ranch ' uieuc creek would be the making. of a good sized town here and a good market for At1! ART PRKUNCT. Commencing at ne corner arc t west mile: west 5?' mile; tlietice south S pin,iii: thence north mile; mile FEBRUARY 2, 1P0O. thence went U miles: thence south l mil theuee eat if tali; them-CMOUth 111IU; thence the produce Of the farinora 111 tilts W 1 41, iuilc: then, sunth 4 miles; theme mil tion of tlie county. We hopo tlie re-J mile; tlu-u.u north miles to ptncof begin port will prove untrue and that the road j "'" .,,,.,. UUKi-iN1t. laasurego." At Bl RX PKM.INCT. TTntor-tiioutn sa U this case Clitukanie Commencing t the ne eonterof section , tp Unfortunate as is tins case, 11.1ut1.an1e 5 , 1 3 ; niem-e west 10 miles; them- outh 1 is not alone in una respect. 1 to same I n,ii.- ti,.,,w u.m.i mil.-.: ihin, mum 10 I It Ooi.'nd Warren rtltnotlB 'ea prevails altogetlier to loo miles: thence east lit mile; inem-e norm 1 nine; .S"l!r.'. !,u' . ".rIT" I . 1 t ihMi,M.t H ml ih.-m- north miles: thrtite great an extent tnrot snout vregon, nuu . futile, .hence north a utile, to place oi : b especially in C olumbia county. It is a ! ginning. false idea to presume that one can aak j BEAVKB f.VUJJ TRBCIXCT and receive fahulotta aunts of money for j Beslnnins; t wlnt on the ColumMa river a amnit tract t ianat oruiuariiy vaiueu 1 wnere me kix-uou nue wiwvi-u m-vticus nuu t, at a thousand dollars, lust oe cause, a railroad company desires right-oE-way throuirh the premise. Opportunities .Martin While. OuincT tieo. Hsves, Mitvirer .I)r. H. K. CHIT.' tit. Helens V. A. Frakes. S-alpo.e S. D. rwntou, Mist OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. tp 7 u, t s w luterstH-is saia river; luetic south hout 5 miles to mile suk on west sldi o( see it, tp 7 11. r 3 w; theuee west ll, miles; thence south M niile; then.-i west s1 mites; thence njnh iH miles; thence east 1 mite; theuee tiorth to Columbia river; theuee up stttd river to Uie place of bexiuutui;. CLATKANIB PKKCIKCT. Besnniugoa the Columbia river where the section line between section 29 n,l 30, tpHu, rtv intersects said river; thence south k south west corner see tu, tp H n, r t w ; theuee east 2 miles; thence south miles; thence cast mile; thence south mile; titcuce east Vi ntiK-; i nule; thence east '4 miles Evkkv voter who cornea to St. Helena between. now and May 16th, the date when the registration books close, should, if he haa not already done so, see that bia name is properly registered aa a voter, in order that he may have a voice in the coining election. A great deal of time and trouble could be prevented if every voter should, prior to appearing before the proper officer for registration, j properly inform himself thoroughly aa to the requirements for registration and be able to furnish all the information required by the registering officer. The person offering to register must give: First, his full name; second, business or occupation; third, bis age in years; fourth, the country oj his nativity; if naturalized, the time, place and court of naturalization, and exhibit to the officer of legal proof thereof, that is, either bis original papers or certified copies there of; sixth, his actual and precise place of residence of the elector be in s favored location. Both one's self and their neighbors are deprived of many opportunities for success in life through this misconceived idea. By eome times yielding a little oiten paves the way to' greater things, creates opportuni ties for advancing onea interests in other directions by making a small sacrifice in one instance. The idea that one person holds the key to the whole eitn.ition, and proposes to lock progress until their demand is met is an unfortunate, vic ious and detrimental one, but "pity 'tis, 'tis true." BEWARE OF THE FAKIR. His Plana! ble Story Often Catches the Unwary One. There ought to be some way devised by which our established business men could be protected against itinerant venders of spurious wares and merchan dise. Our business men are honest and public-spirited citizens. They have tneir homes here. They pay taxes to support the city and county, to build reads and bridges, support schools, and a hundred other public necessities. They contribute of the proceeds of their business to all kinds of public and pri vate enterprises. They are honest and reliable in every way. they guarantee the onalitv and remain here to make at the time of!lnelr guarantee gooa. Ana yet wnen ... , ., . ., . some iin-norn Baiesmun comes aiong registermg, and if in the country, the with a ,ot o( cl 8helf or shop-worn bwwuu, wnuHK-iKuuiBu,,, guous, or uumneu or interior iinpie- city or town having streets, he must uients or musical instruments, which state the name of the town or city, the street or other location of his dwelling, giving the number of such dwelling, if the same has a number ; if it has no number then it must be described in some manner by which it can be readily identified. If the elector is not the head or proprietor of the house, that fact must also be stated, and he mutt state what part of the house he occu pies, giving room and floor, If from any cause the elector cannot sigu his name and mark his ballot, that, fact must be stated and the reason given. All of tii is information must be given at the time of registration and every person intending to register should know be fore he goes before the officer that he is prepared to give it. ' We are of the opinion that the law will prove burden some and unsatisfactory, so far at least, aa it appliea to rural districts. The per cent of illegal votes cast in these dis tricts is so small aa not to justify the ex pense of the taxpayers and the incon-1 venience to the voters. If the law had been made to apply to cities of a given population, it would have accomplished the ends to which it was enacted, as it is in the cities where illegal voting as a business is practiced, and there the in convenience of complying with the law is not great. However, as we have the law it should be given a fair trial. could not be sold in the larger cities at any price, they are allowed to place their shabby worthless goods in compe tition with those of honet-t and reliable dealers. True, it may be said that people don't bare to buy these spurious goods, but the fakir is a plausible cuss with a smooth tongue and will no doubt leave some of his goods with our people who will soon be looking for some one to kick them for their folly in allowing themselves to be taken in bv the fakirs. According to the statement in the Oregonian of Monday last, Columbia county will have no voice in the election of a state senator. As we understood the reapportionment act that passed the last legislature, Columbia county was placed jointly in a senatorial district with Multnomah and Washington counties. We presume this to be the fact, and the statement as it appeared in print to 1 erroneous. Anent the railroad proposition, it is of vital importance to the development of this part of the county that a harmoni ous and earnest effort be put forth to assist in the undertaking. Not only is it necessary to support the proposition mf.rnl!v. hut there mut be anmethincr ! tax, there was not an entire sentiment - J J - ' i ,- ;. . t r. - .In.l.l.. I I ITlfice of tuvur. al whs ucciiiii, iiowuvor. vj j-ji-guici- iiic bci in viic nuu levy a tax of five mills, to which the minority cheerfully assented. for investment of capital are too plenti ful in this region to presume that pro jects must be culminated merely liecsuse they are projected. We believe that corporations should be required to pay for privilcgea, which, in nearly every instance, they are willing to do, but there certainly is no sense or reason in;.. t-i,u nw ?.. t;..,o.-i tt.A voliu thence south .ivutNtmiliK ,iu -V. iuui .iiuva ...v l i.. . .1.1. , , .... , t . , 1 inetic soutn a utiles; inenee east j.- inttes of a piece of land because it happens to j lnclK wulh w m,,,.: UltfncB rAHt & mile; iiu'uce souiu 4 nine. uieura rtu-i j nine; inciK' outh 3i mil; iheiiee wtt li mites; theme ftouih I milt; tlie nee wet 3 mil), tbeure north t mites; ifcence vreti 3 luttn; thence north 'J milea; thence west l mile; thence north 8 miles; thence east 1 mile; theuee north to south ImdH of Wesitp'rtloHjrh; thence along n&td atotiKh to the CtilumbU river; thane up said Columbia river to the place of beginuiug. DliKB IritAND PKKCINCT. (rORUKKLY SHKRWAt.) Be-dnuina: on the CotuinhU river where the station line between section 4 nU 33 tub u, r 1 w ituereu Ut river; thence wt lu the northwest corner of tec 1. tp a n, r 2 w; thence north 1 mile; thence went 11 miles; theuee oiiLh 3 mtlejMheuce east 2 milet;iheuce &outu miles; thence en 1 mile; thence otth 1 mile; thence ec $ niiteis; thence north 1U milej; thence eat About -"4 milcK to the Columbia rtver; thence dowu urtid river to the plactt of bvgiu-ums- OOBLE FRECISCT. (roftKIELY PBKB ISLAND ) Bitinninn at a point on the Cotumbta river sfhuu fhsk iiawti.iii lit tutriaraMin sut Isviisv A a.s.,1 ! ' In K n r 1 or inluriLW'ts Hniii rii-nr' .hastioat u-aiatf to outheut comer of ec H5. tp (J n, r j w; thence nonh 1 mile; thence weit S mtle; thence north 3 mile; theoce Kst i mile; the ace north 1 mile; thence east 1 mile; thence north 1 mile; theuee e.4t to Columbia river; the acts up said river to place of 'ocirtnning. MARSHLAND PKECIXCT. Beginning at a point on the Columbia river where the section hue between ectioiu 2y ani 3). tn 0 n, r4 went Intersects aaid river; theuee wotowesterij aiontne ftewart aiouich to a point where the west line of aec 31, tp 8 u. r 4 w uuersect snld slouch; thence south to snmtv eat corner of itec 1. tp 7 u. r 5 wet; thence vreni mile; thence outh 3 mue; thence west 5 miles; thence n-rth to the Columbia river; theuee up the Columbia river to the place of be ginning. NEH ALES PRECINCT. Beginning at the northeast corner of ace IS, tp fin. M w; thence wwta miles; thence north 2 miles; thence west 3 in ilea; theuee tiorth 2 in Ilev thence wet 6 mile to CUlsop County Hue; thence south 10 miles; thence eaat 4 miles; theuee uorth 1 mile; thence etut Smiles; thence north i miles to the place of beginning. OAK POINT PRECINCT. Beginning at a pnlnt on the Columbia river where the section line tetweeii sections lvt and 2i. tpS n, r3 west intersect said river; thence south to H mile iost on veil side of sec '2V; thfti-e wet 1 mile; thence south 3' milea; thence wet 2?- miles: thence north i mile; theuee wwt li mile; thence north mile; theiue west mile; thence north miles; thence weM 2 mites; thence north to Columbia rter; thence up &aid river to the place of begiuntng, IUINIEK PltECINCT. Beinnnlugat a point on the Columbia river where the wctton line betweeu sections 1 aud 2, tp 7 n, r 3 w iuferuccti said river; thence noutb aUut 4 mile to 4 mile stake on west sUe of sec .5, tp 7n, r 4 w; theme eaat mile; thenre souin nine; tnence e&Aii mne; inencesouin 3 miieM: ewt 1 mile: tiience north 1 tntle: thence eftt 1 mile; theuee north t mile; thence east to the Columbia river; theuee down aaid river to the place of beginning. SfAPPOOSE PKECINCT. Commencing at point on the Columbia rfver wnere the section tine between sect to us T, and 31, tp 4 n, r 1 w intersects said river; thenco we At to the northwest corner of acftton 31,tp4n,r3 w; thence south 1 mile; thence east 4 miles; thence south 2 miles; thence eait 2 mile'.; thence south I mile; thence east 3 miles; thence south 1 mile; thence cat to the Willamette lough; theuee dwu Mifd slough to a point where the section line of section 19, tp3 n, r I w intersects said slough: thence east on the section tine to the Columbia river; theuee down said river to the place of beginning. I'MON PRECINCT. Beginning at a point on the Columbia river where the section line between sections 10 and lo, tp 4 n, r 1 w intersects said river; thence west on Mid section line to the Intersection of the south bo a Hilary line of the Thomas U. Smith t. L. C; thence along the southern boundary line of said Hmlth and Williams D. L. C. to the sw corner of the Coney Williams D. L.C.: thence along the west boundarr line of said W illiams D. L. C. to the northwest corner of saii claim; thence west on the north boundary Hne of Stevens and Achlles D. L. C. to nonh west cor ner of the A chile D. L. C; thence Mouth on the wet iHiiindary line of said Achlles D. U C. to section line between sections 7 and 18, tp4 n, r 1 w; thence west to the northwest corner of sec ti.n 15, tp4 n, r 3 w; theuee north 4 mile; thence caa 9 miles, thence north V miles; thcucn east to the Columbia river; thence up river to point of beginning. WARREN PRECINCT. Beginning at a point on the Columbia river where the station line between sections '27 and 34. tp 4 n, r 1 w intersect said river: thence went about YZi mile, to southwest corner of section fit tp 4 n, r I w; thence north 8 mUen; thence eat to Achlles D. L. C. wet boundary Due; thenre north on the west boundary line of said ciaira to me norinwe-tt corner ot said ciai thence enH following the north boundary line oi ine ac .me una Stevens it. Ij. v. to the north east corner of the Htevens D. L. C; thence south on the ea-t boundary line of said claim to soiiiheaht corner of said claim; thence north east on the south boundary line of the P. Williams 0. L C. and the Smith h, L. C. to the htrMpciion of section line between sections 9 and 16, tp 4 n, r 1 w; thence eaM on said section line to the Columbia river; thence up the said river 10 me place or oeginnmg. REVIVE BQULIZATION BOARD. The I'eople Nhould DouianU Thla of the Next liCgUUture. The lowering of the assessments of property in Multnomah county eleven million of dollars for last year will open the eves of the people to the necessity of a state board of equalisation. It is claimed that Portland doea over $100, 000,000 worth of btisiniM a year, and yet the merchandise ot that big city la a.-sessed at only 2,000,000. The money on deposit in the national hanks alone is over $7,000,000, and yet the money i asseaet'd at ouly (57,000, and these are only two item of this outrageous assess ment, which i fraud ou the balance ot the state. The only remedy for the balance of the atate is In a state board of equalisation, the coat of which ia nothing compared to what the taxpayers of tho state would savu this year by having tho assessment of Multnomah county raised to a decent figure. Cor vnllis timet te. Of course this low valuatiou would not coNt the people any more for taxes if the low valuation were uniform. Hut it ia au injury to the reputation of the state abroad where the results alone are known and the causes are not under stood. It must be said for the assessors, that there haa been a partially devel oped public sentiment that haa, in a measure, justified this method of under valuation, evidently thinking that iu Borne way it made the burden of taxa tion lighter. We cannot fool ourselves in this matter much longer, and if this ridiculously low valuation and in equality will serve the purpose ot stim ulating the next legislature to investi gate the questiou of securing fair asaesa menta and to provide a board of equali sation of three members, elected by the people, w ith power that will approach arbitrary authority in the matter of completing the work of partial assessors, the jicople will, in Uie long run, have pined by the result of it. There will be no question before the next legisla ture that will compare in importance with this one, and it is to be hoped it will he successfully met and solved. VKK.NONI. ITKMS. returned Monday from CLATSKAME ITEMS. Mr. and Mrs. Tilden Graham spent Sunday in town. Mrs. E. Hughes and family visited friends in Lower Beaver this week. Mrs. H. L. Colvin, of Marshland, spent a day in town the first of the week. Hon. Jf. Merrill has gone to Deer Island again to visit his mother, who is reported worse. Mr. Zimmerdale started ont with his pack of blankets, for Beaver, to work in Haldren's camp there. Orville Merrill was unfortunate enough to run a splinter in his arm about two and one-half inches, at Palm's mill, a few davs ago. It was extracted with a good deal of difficulty by the doctor, but his arm has given him no trouble since. Passers by can hear orchestra prac tice occasionally, and on Tuesday evening at Dr. il.ill's residence, the evening parsed pleasantly in listening to the mutiic, consisting of six pieces. Dr. Kuoder, Everett Tichenor, jr., nnd Miss Leota Merrill play violin, Fred English, cornet, Miss Tracy, piano and Fred Hiatt, drum and cymbalB. They are expected to furnish music Fridav evening of this week at Conyers' half, where an Epworth League social even ing is to be spent. Our citizens are wide-awake when notices calling a public school meeting are posted, and especially so if there is anything in the notice about voting a tax. Last Saturday afternoon one of these meetings was held iu the upper room of the schoolhouse, and forty or more of the good citizens, male and female, were on hand to take part. The directors had contracted fur a six-month's term only, and wished an expression as to inrreaeing the length of the term and providing means to meet the expense. 1 here was considerable zood natured discussion, for when it came to voting a more substantial a small sac land holdings. What is asked for as a subsidy is indeed a small sacrilice to our people in consideration of the vast importance and benefit such an enter prise would prove to be to our county. The right-of-way will certainly be read ily donated, and little trouble w ill un doubtedly be met with in raising the other sulisidy that of three sections of timber. The success or failure of the undertaking lies entirely with the peo ple who would reap great benefit. WHO AUK THB PKOPLKr "There's great prosperity for trusts, and monopolists, and great corporations, and the New York National iJank syn dicate, and the stock speculators and industrial pirates. But how about the people? Aye, there's the rub, and it takes the hair olf." Itegister Democrat. Well, how about the people anyway? What i SlillohV A grand old remedy for Coughs, Colds and Consumption; used through the world for half a century ; has cured in numerable faces of incipient consump tion and relieved many in artvanceu stages In the matter of re-dlstrictlnir Colombia county into road district. It is herebr ordered by the court that the county be divlrleil Into 15 ros'i Mtxificis, the boundaries ot a Men shall be i follows, to-wlt All the lanrtH embraced within the boundaries oi h.'njtpooe precinct shall continue road dis trict i. ii. i. All the land embraced within the boundaries of Warren precinct shall comprise road district ro. 'i. All the land within the boundaries of Union precinct shull coiiuirisc road dlslnct No. 3. All the fund embraced within the boundaries of i'cer Inland precinct shall conTprihe road dis trict No. 4. All the land eTtbrsced within the boundaries of tiohie firecinct shall coniDrise road district it you are not sauniea wun me no. . result we will refund vntir monev A" """ ernbrncen witnin ine rmumiarie results we win rt-innu your money. of KH(ni , buU ir) 0ll) dl l Price 25 cts. and 50 eta. Sold by Lr. i k. . 1 Edwin Uoss. Brian has a cinch on Yellowstone whis key. Try Hunter-Baltimore Kye at Brinn's saloon. The dance to lie given at this place on February 22nd, will be an enjoyable aflair. . Dr. Hops is constantly adding to his stock of drugs, chemicals, patent medi- All the land embraced within the boundaries of Apiary precinet shnll comprise road district All the land embraced within the boundaries of Heaver Falls precinct shall comprise rued district No. 8. All the land embraced within Ihe bonndaries of Oak Point precinct shall comprise road dis trict No. t. All the land embraced within the bonndaries of f.'lats kanle precinct shall comprise road dis trict No. 10 All the land embraced within the boundaries o' Marshland precinct shall comprise road dis trict No. 11. Rond district No. 12 shall tie bounded as fol lows: Commencing at the northeast corner of Ti.o ..,iu.. ,.t ,1 .;i i.. .,!.,.. cince, cw;. sun to jicoiunu vici niiy goctlon vs. in 7 n. r 5 w: thence west m les to banks and other banks more than doub led during the pant two years, and the total amount of their deposits increased over 40 per cent. Wa-res have increased throughout the entire country, and "jobs" are much more plentiful. There is not a man in the United States who does not believe that the "peoples" conditions have been greatly improved since 18IW. If the term "people" means the labor ers, farmers,' professional and business men, there is no doubt but the people are prosperous; but if the pop editor had reference to agitators, walking dele gates, wind-jammers and populist poli ticians, then we suppose that times are pretty "panicky," and that "it takes the liair off." It depends altogether on who arc the "poople." Jinlama Bulletin. to have their wants in. the drug line supplied by a home dealer, Tho fact that Mr. Willard Johnson, of Castle Itock, will have charge of the tpsn, ri w, i floor at the dance here on February I mile; thenc w.,a ..,i.i. i,..,i.t,.o " "! thenci viii i t in? iiijvv issavr limb oii:iiuii limbic will lie furnished by a Portland i mile orchestra, are two features which cer tainly will add greatly to the enjoyment of the occasion. county line 4 111 11cm; thence north 4 miles; thence west 1 mile; thence norths miles to place of begin uliiKin Nchalen preclw-t. Koad district No. U-Nchalen precinct. Com mencing ut the northeiist comer of section 13, thence west s miles; thence north 2 :e west 3 miles; thence north 2 west 3 ni est thence south S miles; thetxw esKt I mile; thence south 3 .Tinny n I. over lias turned with disgust from an other wine lovable girl with an offensive breath. Karl's Clover Itoot Tea purifies the breath by its action on the bowels, etc., as nothing else will. Pold for years on absolute guarantee. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Bold by Dr. Edwin Kosa. s; thence ea.tH miles; thence north 6 mile to me pmce or ncKtnntiig. Koad district No. 14 Auburn precinct. Com meticiwr at the northeast corner of section S, tp fin, r8tv; thence west 10 mile; thence south 1 mile; thence west 4 miles; thence south 6 miles; thence cast 8 miles; theuee north 1 mile; thence east 12 miles; them north miles; thence west 1 mile; thence north 2 miles to the place of beginning. Koad district No. 16 Auburn precinet. Com menclnfr at the northeai-t corner of section 4, fp 4 n, r 3 w; thence west 12 miles; thence south 1 mile; thence west 8 miles: thence south 6 miles; thence east 12 miles; thence north 1 mile; thence east 3 miles; thence north 6 utile to the place of bcgiunlug. F. Tracy Seattle. Mr. and Mra. A. Smith are visiting in Washington county this week. Miss Bertha Gillihan arrived home from Portland Wednesday last. Phillip Sbeeley is working In Wash ington county, near roreat Uruve Mrs. Alsleben, of Brauusport, died hint Wendeaday and waa buried Thurs day. James Etnmona haa been on the sick list for a few days, but ia better at this writing. There waa a party at J. S. Mow's Sat unlay evening, January 27tli. All re port a good time. AI Bloodsean, of Buxton, came over to veruonta Monday, tie wants to buy a young team oi horsea. Those wishing to register can do so on Saturdays at the postorhce, through I. r. bpeucer, a notary public. Guy MHls left here Wednesday for ftyivana, waaii.. wtiere lie w ill nut In the coming summer firing a donkey in a togging camp. Quite a number from here attended the dance at Mr. Maitili's on Itock creek last Thursday night and all report hav ing a way up tune. Died, on Sunday, January 28th, at 8 p.m.. oi heart trouble. Alouzo . Atl anta. The funeral took place on Tues day atThe ctiurcu. S. B. Rose haa a raspberry bush in his garden with blosaoma and green berriea on it. Wild blackberries iu blossom are no uncommon thing in this locality. Died, on Thursday, January 25th, Alexander Eastlick, after an illness of nearly a year. He waa an early settler in tins valley, having come here in lSiM It,, miaa horn in N. I ......... 1 .. .... I'l 1818, making him nearly 82 years old at the time of his death, ilia wife, to whom he waa married in I8J9, survives him. KECflEX ITKMrJ. it. C. Jacquish was doing business lu Rainier Friday. Robert Johnson, of Quincy, Oregon, waa in Uoble Thursday. Born, at Goble, January 24, to the wile ol U. jMaginn, a boy D. J. Moore shipped eighteen head of hogs to Portlaud Monday. Frank Deganda moved down to May ger on Thursday, where he will cut wood. George Archibald started for Jielson, B, C, Thursday, where be has secured a position in a smelter at $3.60 per day. Mra. Kay E. Watts started Thursday for California. She will make a atop at Urant'a Pass, to visit relatives. She will be away four or five weeks. An Editor's Iilfe Ha red by Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. During the early part of October, 18W), I contracted a bail cold which settled on my lungs and waa neglected until f feared that consumption had appeared in an incipient state. I was constantly couching and trying to expel something which I could not. 1 became alarmed and after giving the local doctor a trial, bought a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and the result was immediate improvement, and after I had used three bottles my lungs were restored to their healthy state. B. 8. Ei;wahijs, pub linher of the Review, Wyant, III. For sale at the St. Helens pharmacy. "TOO MITCH PHOHPKUITV.,,l "Presto, change!" Tho calamity howl era have vhuugud thoir tune I They claim now that the present prosperity fa too irrent to be natural that it la a boom which cannot lotur continue, and must be followed by a panic the most terrible that waa ever known aiuuo 1 itf" was a pup, - The following "leader" on the subject of our prosperity from the Portland Dispatch ia worthy of reproduction aa it shows to what desperate strait the pop ulists are driven by Ueneral Prosperity : "It la au Inlhittkl bubble and in time It must burst, and no amount ot parti sun bowl ot prosperity can prevent a crisis that haa nut hail an equal. This innv come sooner than some expect." The pvsstmoatin asa who haa become past master in the ailing businesa can alwaya dud a panic or a "crisis" to be come alarmed at, even though he la compelled to- draw on his Imagination for a future "crisis" caused by too much prosperity 1 This latest "argument" of the pops will make very poor campaign thunder. Kulaina Bulletin. How About Your Title? If you are in need ot aome nice, up-to-date stationery it will pay you to leave orders at tlila othVe. TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. Notice la hereby given that tlie county superintendent of Columbia county will hold the regular examination ot appli cants for state papera at St. Helena, commencing Wednesday, February 14. at 0 o'clock a. m., and continuing until Saturday, February 17, at 4 o'clock p. ui, I. 11. Coi-KLANI), County Superintendent. NOTICE FOR PUBLIC A TON. Lamd Orrica at obiooh City, Oa.. Jsunary Vth. IDon. VTOTICK IS HKRKBY tllVKN THAT TMK ll fohowfna;. named settler has tiled nolle of his Intention to make final prtiof iu support of his claim, and that said proof will b made be fore the County clerk of Columbia county, at tit. lleleus, Oreon,on March t. IMW, eU: JOHN L. Yol NO, Homestead entry 10.01A, for the northwest ti of northwest V of section 19, town.hip 4, uorth raue 4 wtul, aud uorth l of northeast and northeast of northwest )-. section 34, town ship 4 north ran ft west. He uame the following witnesses to pmv his continuous residence upon and eulllvatiou of said laud, vis: J. P. Slieeley, Hans Christ ensen, William Hess sud J. T. Adams, ail of Veruonla, Orunon. CHAS. D. MOOKEti, Keister. no It. Baowir. At Houlton, Saturday, January 27, l'juu. to the wife of Frank Brown, a son. Karl's Clover Root Tea BeantlfU. ,1.. r- T..S.a ,. I) ood. gives Krash, Clears In. CurosCon stlpatlon, Indigestion, and all Eruptions of th bktn. An a-reeabl Lsxatlv Narva Tonic, old on absolute aiiarant by all druKalsts at 2fic, 50c and S l-OO. S. C. WELLS A CO., LCROV, N. V. sot noiiifroR CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE. Orrica or Cttr Tssi , sr. lUisKS. Orcirofi, Jan. 'JO, I'M "IJE CITY TKKASl'KKR lir KT. HHI.KNo. Oreiton hereby itves notice that all war rants of this city wh and endorsed "Not I' h have taren presents! aid for Waul of Funds," prior to Feb. ?th, lW, will be iid upon pre setttatlon to m. Interest will not he allowed alter this date. JMVM) bAVI-l, City Treasurer. (X HK YOtl HI'RK It I all rlajbtt Remember that It I th ZX. HKCtiHDthal aoverus, II Is our business lo search. Ih records and show what llier contain In relation In land titles. If vou eontemplst buylitsj laud or loaulni ninny on real .imi. ueorltv. takn no man's word, but Insist uptiu kuowlii what i the reeoM shows rerillntltellll. An Alislraiit Isasewiitlsl a a deed. Insist mi bavin II. W hv Ut only of ahsiiao, laaiks In th cimtity. All work prompllyesoeiitrd ami allsfaullon urante.l. If jtou hav roprty lo liisiirslvus call, War aaeuts for th best Br lusuraui companies In th world. II you livu proporty lor l Usl tl wllh us aud w will nl buytw. COXkl3 OUIGE. Mai. Str-t 'T. HELENS, 0100 PORTLAND, RAINIER AND WAY LANDINGS. TIME CARD hears Rslnler al 6 A. M.. Keer Clty.t A. U., Kalauta at 6 40 A. W.. CiiIm luuii-lsClty at A. M., u Uelvtis at 7:A A. 14., arrive at .'orllauJ M IM al T 10 A. M.,C si, SB, ROUND TRIP DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave Fortland at 2 F. M . "t. llatetis 4 SO Columbia City 4:40; Capias 4:46; KeJajaaS.M; Mr cur 0 u. Arrive i naiuiar i.ju r. . U. TWKNTV-FIVI OINTi TO 0TUkHO AND ALL LANOINOS. W. I. HIWIOM- The Weekly Oregonian jg WE IIS " rr us CONTAINS All tb newa well written. Article describing Wcateru sccima and Iniltlelit. Stories nt lovo and adventure by well known author. Brilliant illustration by newspaper artist Interesting k etches and literature fur bovs and girl. Fashion article and llluatratlona fur women. iOUR CLUBBING OFFER ft: We have tM'rficteil arrangninent whereby we are enableil to fur- ZZ nlsli the Weekly tirotfinlnn In conintillon with Tim Mtsr et only Two Dollars. The prlctj ot The Oregonian alrme la $1.00. tor THE OREGON MIST 3 3 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice la hereby given to all whom it may concern, that the undersigned, ad ministrator of theestateot Joseph Smith, deceased, baa filed in the County Court ot Columbia county, tor the atate of Or egon, hie final account and report aa such administrator of said estate, and that Monday, the 6th day of March, l!KX). at the hour of I o'clock P. M. of said day, has been appointed by aaid Court as the time fur hearing of objec tions lo said tins I account and report. and for the hearing and settlement thereof. Dated January 23, 1000. Okuruk W. Smith, Administrator of the estate ot Joseiih Smith, deceased. jltiflU ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice ia hereby niven that I will aell for cash, at public auction, at the court house tluor, at St. Helens, Columbia county, Oregon, on Saturday, the 17th day of February. 1000, at 12 o'clock noon, oi said day, the following-described real property belonging to the estate of Edward Westby, deceased, tow it: Iiota numbered two, three, and four, and the southwest quarter of the northeast Quar ter of section six. in township six. north of range live, west of Willamette mer idian, in On-sou. containing one hun dred and fifty acrea and seventy hun dredths of au acre. Said Dronertv will las sold by me aa administrator of the estate ot U-Uwaru Westby, deceased. imiea, Astoria, uregon, Jan. 13, 1000. Joiix Carlson, Adtniiflstrator of the estate of Edward Westby, deceased. jlUfltt Skin Diseases. For the sneedr and nermarw-nt inn nt tetter, salt rheum and eczema. Cham berlain's Eye and Skin Ointment ia without an eonal. It re eves the Itch- lng and smarting almost blatantly and iU continued use effects a permanent core. It also cures itch, barber'a itch, scald head, sore nipples, itching pllea, chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and grauuutieu uua. Dr. fadv'a Condition lnwilr tnr horses are the best tonic, blood nnrirW and vermifuge. Price, 23centa. 8oldb Dr. Edwin Rosa. PROFESSIONAL. C.G.NIXON, dTTORNE Y-AT-LA W. Collections a Specialty. RAINIER, : : OREGON. jH. J. E. HALI, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Clatskanie, Columbia county, Or. J-jR. EDWIN KOBM, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. St. Helena, Oregon FOR SALE BY EDWINiROSS. J-JR. H. B. CUFF, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 8t. Helens, Uregon. G. W. COLE, ' ATTORNEY AND C0UN8EI.OR-AT-LAW, ST. HELENS, OREGON. Title Abstract Books, Notary Publlo, Commis sioner of Heeds for WashliiKton, and unexper ienced collector in connection with onico. 1. W. DAY W. B. DILLAKD ATTORNEYS -AT-LAW Office next door lo Courthouse, 8T. HELENS, OKEUON. General practice In court of Orogon or Wash ington. Abstracts made directly from county records. s-si.'vi'i it"r''",'T' T W own and eccupy ths tallest msrtantll buliaicf In th world. W has Ljj yf IVHi i over s.isn.sui usiomrs. Biateen hunr.d cltrk r soaauatly IlJil l& B(a(s4 tiling oul-of-towa eidsrs. f t 'jr Hp I OU OBNCRAL CATALOOUK is Ih. book f th pefts-lt ajaetM llrM lcJ I Wholtssl Prices to Kesryhody. hss ovsr Loom pas, l.oe illustrallons. sad f J 1 all o,ax d.scrlplians of trtlcl with pries. It costs rs esnls to prtnl ad rnU 5'r, I (VvV "chsorr. W.w.niyoutohsv. on. SKNO FIFTBKN CKNTt ta ahaw J JJ II 1 lt 1 y"r a"" ta'lh. and wll wad o copy FRKK. with ll chrt fspald. Ill 0. R. & N. CO. Iisust roa Fast Msll 8 p. ci. Htsikane Flyer 8:45 p. m. 8 p.m. 8 p. m. Kx.Hunday Raturday 10 p. m. (. m. Ex.Biihday 7 a. m. Tues.Thur, and sal. a. m. Tues. Thur. and Bat. I. Rlpsrla 1:21) a. m. dally Tiie SCHEDULES Sail l ake. Denver. Ft. Worth, Omaha Kan sas City, M Ixiuls, Chlcano and East, Walla Wall. Ppokana, Mln no s pel 1 1, Ml. I', Diiluth, Mil wauke, Chlcaio A East. Ocn Stsamshlps. All salllna dale tub- Jei-t to chaue. For Han Francisco . Hall every live days. Columbia River 0lmr. To Astoria and Way. laudltiifs. River, Oreson (!liy. Kewlierff, Hnlem A way-land is Wlllamatt and Yam. hill R I vers. Oregon City. Dayton, nay-la Wlllamatt Rlvr. Portland to Corvallls and Way-laudliiKS. Bnak Rlvar. Rlparla to Lewlstoo. Aaatva raoa Fast Mall i p. m. Bpokau Fljer S;t. m. 4 p. m. 4 p. tn ts.Siind lay 4 p.m. Kx.Hunday 8:80 p. m. Mon. Wed. aud Frl. 4:90 p. m. Mon. Wed. aud Frl. I.r Iw'ton dally al H DO a. m. W. H. HURLBERT, General Tassruger Agent, PORTLAND OIIK0ON GEO A. HALL, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW T. II KM: PI M, OIIKUON. Office next dtior to Cole A Quick's law ana abstract oiticu. Collection- a apecialty. Fornrloanrei, mechanic'! liens, promptly attended to. j To ladiwi furnltnre fa eomolete ; i without a new light-running glNQER It you buy a sewing-machine why not gel the brat. Hold on easy tertua without Interest. C. P. LOONEY, Agent Antorln Oregon. WHITE COLLAR LINE THE COLUMBIA RIVER AND 1'UOET HOUND NAVIGATION CO. PORTLAND-ASTORIA ROUTE. STR. GATZERT I saaU. If a J Vnrl Itttifl. ItatViw I'orlUtiil l.llw ..! MlllltlttV (tt 7 A. . Urvok A.torU dully (rirrj.t Bun-UyJJ r. m. Itrtllny itKrt ttfkfU dMM, on 1enmwr Hmhhio. Hlt'ttHn-r Uunio tlokoU. food on JlUty liftUtfrw U. B. SCOTT, Pres. HTKAMHitt j PORTLANO N0Ifl5l.i Leaves Portland every night ' 'cl? for Astoria, (except Bumlay.) Buturday liight at 11). Ileturning. leave Astoria at 0:) o'clock every morning (except Monday.) day at u: 00 o'clock p. m. Hun STEAMER G. W. SHAVER DELL SHAVER, Master. K 11 ! 7 ifCTi awrt rv Leave Portland, foot of Wash ington St., Mondays & Thurs days, 6:30 A. M. Leave Clats kanie Tuesdays and Fridays at 4 o'clock in tho morning. Th compuiy reserve the rlgh to change, time without nolle. Shaver Transportation Company.