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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1899)
OREGON MIST. patSl'ED BVKHV FRIDAY MOHMMG -st- DAVID DAVIS, tTditor anil Proprietor. Sabecrlptlem Hates ton eowr one yw la advauce... ....... 11 00 One copy six mouths.. magi copy.. Advertising rat "nad known upon apptleaUon COLOMBIA COUNTY DIRKCTORY. CO (J TV OI'FirEKS Juries.... Clerk .... ..Joseph H. noun. Rainier 3. Q. Walts, Si. Helens Sheriff Treasurer .' But, of Schools.... assessor ....j. ?t. atee, tjiatssanio K n St. 11,' .. ..1. H. Coueiond, erren .....Martin White, Qulncy purveyor.. . . I P. A. Frakes. :a,.H.sse Commissioners j, D Peterson. Mist lUIICI...t ... rr h k mir Ht- Helens DECEMBER 29, 1899. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. Thi arrival of the season for politi cal discussion and intensified activity among national, slate and local politi' ciana cannot be said to be hailed with delight, but the conditions are here and the duty confronts the people of decid ing the issues by ballot. Before that time arriyes, however, there is a vast amount of preliminary work to be done, and it requires constant care and atteiv (ion by some one, that no important duty can be left undone. This work, ma a matter of course, is expected to be attentively looked after by members of the county organizations, and to say the least, the position is an unenviable one. The importance of a double campaign next year involves new duties which cannot be shirked. ' The campaigns of J 900 are to be strictly political. ith the exception of the supreme judge and perhaps two or three less important positions to be filled in the state, the issues next June will be altogether po liticsL The congressional election in that month will call forth direct en' dorsement or direct repudiation of the national administration by the people of Oregon. The relapse from the political fever, which will reach its highest tem perature early in Jane, will set in dur ing the latter days of the summer, and interest will continue to develop until the ballots are counted early in the month of November, choosing between one political party or another for presi dential electors. Hence, in reality, the campaign in Oregon will open with the first of the year and continue almost uninterruptedly throughout the entire year. As a matter of fact, the results re not dfficult to fortell. The people of Oregon -will never allow themselves gain to be socomp'etely humbugged by agitators and cranks ai they were in 1896. Time has proven to the complete nd absolute satisfaction of all good peo ple that the precepts of the demo-pop party as they advocated in this state and nation four and two years ago would be injurious policies if adopted. The in formation comes through observation and practical object lessons. The re turn of prosperity in this state came at once upon the replacing the republican party to power. This is not idle prattle but an acknowledged fact by even those persona who were loudest in their de nunciation of the principles and pur poses as advocated by republicans. National issues are made up entirely, of course, from the questions interest ing and affecting the whole nation, and no stronger argument can be produced in favor of prevailing conditions than the conditions themselves. As a matter of fact, the campaign throughout the approaching year will be but a matter of form because theconditions which obtain will receive a hearty endorsement at the hands of the American people. The doom of demagogism, fanaticism, popu lism, free silveriBm, contraction, repu diation and demoralization is sealed forever. .. Laugh and the world laughs with yon ; weep and you weep, alone. There is a man with a grievance. People want to be amused. They neither want to see your boil nor hear your groans. The only thing a man wants to hear is some thing to tickle him or to shock him. People have their own troubles. Sym pathy is generally lavished on its owner. When a man borrows trouble, he does not borrow it from him who hag it to spare. Ninety per cent of your grievan ces are imaginary ; one hundred per cent of the sympathy you receive is also im aginary. If you want to be appreciated tell your audience either a joke, or some thing involving your neighbor's charac ter. Then there is the man whose questions have no ending; whose an swers have no beginning. He is a social town pump; he pumps you till you are dry then closes up like a clam. The way to choke this gentleman off is answer his first question by asking an other. He always begins with a sick amile and an indifferent tone. Then there is the man who says: "I don't want you to get mad at what I'm going to say." Always reply, "No; if you promise not to get mad at what I'm going to say." The fact is, "silence is golden." The man who tells all he knows only tells bow little he knows. It ia as hard to talk much without talk ing of yourself, as it is to talk of your self without lying. ArrEB naming Populist Allen for ap pointment to till a term in the Renate, Bryan discovers that he has incurred the displeasure of many former hearty supporters in his home state, most not able among them being Editor Hitch cock of the Omaha World-Hernld. Ne braska democrats are not a. together cnarmea mm Bryan s uoeraiuy. YOTERS MUST BE REGISTERED Complete Resume of the Reg istration Law. Strict Compliance with Uio Provis ions of the Act will ! ltcqnired. Every elector In the state must regis ter between the first Monday In January, 1900, and 6 oclock P. M. May 15 follow ing. Such was the law passed by the last legislature. A voter may register with a notary public, justice of the peace, or county clerk. Electors are not sub ject to expense in the matter. A book containing the registration of all voters in the county will lie prepared and from this general book smaller one will lie made giving the Hat of electors iu each voting precinct. Electors will be numliered, consecu tively, in each precinct, as they are entered in the general county register. The clerk shall require of tiie elector such information as his registration number, day of registering, full name ol elector; business or occupation ; age of the elector in years ; country of nativity ; if natnralizedj the time, place and court of naturalization or declaration as evi denced by the legal proof exhibited by the elector. The actual and precise place of resi dence of the elector at the time of his registering will be asked, and the pre cinct, and, if in the country, the town ship, section and range; in cities and towns having streets, bv specifying the name of town or city, the street or oilier I - r ..... i n! .:.u location oi uie uvtciiiii-pini-v, ini nn number of the dwelling, if it ha a number, and if it has not, then such a description of the place that it can be readily ascertained and identified. If the elector be not the head of the house it must be stated, and upon what floor thereof and what room the elector oc cuoies in the house. It must also be stated whether tSe voter is able to write his name or mark his ballot. If the elector's iuability is apparent in consequence of some physi cal infirmity, such as blindness or loss of a limb, incapacitating the appllicant from writing, this fact must be set down in the register. Should the disability be illiteracy of the voter, the clerk shall, in addition to stating the fact, enter as full a description of the physical pe culiarities of the elector as possible, giving height, approximate weight, com plexion, color of eyes and any visible marks or scars and their location. The law is very explicit and enters into smallest details; until after a per son has gone through the process of registering he will think he is under suspicion for murder. Should an elector change his resi dence after registering, he may, before the books are closed, cause his former resignation to be cancelled, by a request in writing to the clerk where he regis tered, on a specially prepared blank. Section 12 of the law says: "No person shall register who is not a qualified elector in the predinct iu which he reg isters, and who is not a resident thereof, or register in a name rather than his true name, and no elector shall register a second time in the same precinct or register in any other precinct until his first registration has been cancelled." Upon the day of election the judges, as soon as an elector applying to vote has given bis name and residence, ehall ask the elector if be is registered, and most also examine the register. Even though a person may be registered his vote may be challenged before his ballet is actually in the box. If not registered the elector is to be conridered chal lenged. In case of a challenge the voter may subscribe an oath on a blank pro vided for that purpose, and this also must be sworn to by not more than half a dozen freeholders. In trying such cases the election judges have power to issue subpoenas to require the attendance of witnesses before them. The last section of the law gives the following warning: "Any county clerk or clerk of any county court, or any deputy of either of such officers, or any judge or clerk of election, or any justice of the peace or notary public, who shall willfully disre gard any of the provisions of this act, or who shall willfully fail to perform any provisions of this act, or any person who shall willfully or fraudulently register more than once, or register under any but his true name, or attempt to vote by personating another who is registered, contrary to the provisions of this act. or knowingly register in any precinct where he is not a resident at the time of registration, upon conviction shall be punished by imprisonment in the peni tentiary not lees tnan one year, nor more than three years, or by a fine not less than $100 nor more than 2000, or both such fine and imprisonment. Any person who shall falsely swear to any affidavit required by this act shall be deemed guilty of perjury, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished ac cordingly." For those who for any reason cannot go to the county clerk for registration, the law enables them to settle the mat ter with a notary public or justice of the peace, special blanks being provided for the purpose. These officials do not col lect any fee from the elector, but receive 10 cents for every blank filed with the county clerk. PERTINENT PARAGRAPHS. Jr ever a fellow needed a holiday it is the next day after he has had a holiday. Tub Mormons who want bygones to be bygones made a mistake in sending a by gone to congress. With the solid South against him it is hard to discover where Colonel Bryan will cut much ice. It will require lots of practice to be come accustomed to write 1900. Colonel Bryan has been at it for nearly four years. 1st the Nebraska senatorial contest Mr. Allen refused to be side-tracked. Is there no way by which he can be ditched ? Perhaps the worst thing that can be said against Aguinaldo is to charge him with being the Ooebelof the Philippines. It seems from the democratic confer ence in Chicago that the managers of the party are for the old ticket and the old result. Now that Aguinaldo's location is un known, Billy Mason will lie required to nominate some other Tagal cutthroat for a later Washington. Cora Habvky's new book is on money, trusts and imperialism. It will be as accurate and trustworthy as his publi cation of 1896, which leaves no more to be said. The great Carnegie steel works will advance wages over 7 per cent on Janu ary 1. This will be an agreeable New Year announcement to several thousand workingmen. Evening Telegram. Thohk who say the gold standard is al ready established cannot reasonably ob ject to a law making the matter perfect ly distinct and unassailable. Old Santa Claus was merrier this year than he has been for many a year past. He haB been to the wars, and was ac companied this year by that popular hero, General Prosperity. Telegram. 01)1)8 AND ENDS. A writer In nn up-state paper begins an observation with : "Organ grinders are still on earth." If they weie only still but they are not. There is a drawback to everything in this world. The bitnrvst stocking the small boy can tind ia the goU variety without any foot in it. It is a mistake to suppose that color i hit the hair nrodiu-eil softening of the brain; it ia the other way, soiteningof the brain inspires tne use ot me uye. Airuinaldo left his last cnpitol for tail' itarv reasons, and that the state of his health requires that the name of his present onpitol should bo kept quiet. The Portland exposition realized 112.45 for the monument fund, aud this sum has been turned over to the Ore' gonian. The total amount received up to ante is 9,o.4. Perfect quietude in the Philippines is not to bo expected for several months. The 60,000 men sent across the Pacific will secure it, however, at the earliest practicable moment. It is a pity a republic of savages could not tie organized somewhere, and Billy Mason put at the head of it. The object lesson would be interesting and the ex perience salutary to Uilly As long as a bandit is left in Luzon somebody will pop up to exclaim that the "insurrection is not dead." If not de funct it is mightily scattered compared with what it was a lew moutns ago. Now that Ooebel is practically dead the Keutuckyiana ought to bury him deep and dance on his fcrave until the earth is packed down nood and hard. Even his ghost should be forbidden to warn. The man in Crescent, IU., whone house was smashed by a meteor, ousrht to leel himself greatly distinguished that he was not extinguished. No other citizen of the entire world has been picked out for such celebrity. Senator McBride, in the matter of committees, is the beet placed man of all the senators on the Pacific coaet, and of the entire nation, for that mat ter. This is very complimentary for Oregon, as well as to our senior senator. lleppner tiazette. Bryan has invested fflO.OOO of his profits in U. . government bonds. II one could gain access to these particular bonds he woulit, ol course, and plainly written across the back of each one of them in red ink a record of Mr. Bryan's willingness to accept payment ot both principal and interest in any kind of old dollars that may be about as good as Mexican dollars. As will be seen elsewhere, our repre sentatives and senators are sntisned with the committee assignments made fnr them. Well thev Bhould should be. The people of Oregon are also pleased that their representatives should be so admirably situated to do good worit All the members of the present session ot congress lrom Oregon wore not we choice of the Gazette, but they have been elected, and in their work for their state they should have the well wishes and help ot all. tleppner uazette. It is said that American soldiers in the Philippines were vastly surprised to learn that one of their American silver dollars would purchase two of the Mex ican dollars in common circulation there, notwithstanding the fa:t that the Mexican coin contained more silver than the American. The explanation of the paradox lies in the tact ttiat the treas ury of the United States stands ready to exchange an American silver dollar for a gold dollar, or vice versa. It ia the maintenance of the gold standard that makes every American dollar, whether metal or paper, as good aa gold the world over. How is this for Oregon? Frank H. Mason, consul general at Berlin writes to the state department: "In respect to dried apricots, peaches and pears, it may be said that these fruits from the Pacific coait of the United Suites domi nate and control the markets of conti nental Europe. Nothing comparable to them in point of size, flavor, tenderness of pulp, and general excellence had ever been seen in fcurope until tney were im ported from the United States. They have established wholly new standards of excellence, and created a new mar ket, which, if the trade is properly managed, they can hold in future against all probable competition. A suit, probably the first of its kind in Washington, has been filed in Thurs ton county by T. N. Henry, county school superintendent. The suit is brought under the provisions ot ttie compulsory education law, and the superintendent desires an order of the superior court to compel John McDon ald and wife, of Tenino, to send their three girls to school, in conformity there with. The law, up to the meeting of the last legislature, was considered a dead letter, but amendments were made then which, it is thought, will make it effective. The penalty for its violation is that a child may be removed to guard ianship other than the parents', or a fine of not less than $10 or more than $'5 may be levied. McDonald and wife have been cited to appear January 2nd and show cause why they have not con formed to the law. FOB SALE. A good team of horses, harness and wstron, and a buggy and harness. cows and young stock, also a flue Hbort Horn bull, two years old. I. BUMOAHIINEK, Iieer Island, Oregon. -New Year's- Is scheduled to take place in this city on MONDAY, JANUARY 1ST, 1900 Good Music by Brice's Pop ular Orchestra. Dance Tickets 75 Cents Good order will be kept dur ing the entire evening. Prize for best waltzing will be given. For detailed particulars see large bills. w'4 lohs r tin aniH f lougu ana consumption BV V V A Cure i This la beyond question the most successful t.ottirh Medi cine ever known to scienceta few doaea tnvariahjy our the worst tM ot CovKh, Croup nd ltronchltte, while its won derful success In the cure) of Consumrtion ta without a par allel in the history f medicine, Since Its first discovery It has been sold on a fruerentee, a Irit which no other medicine can aianu. at you navv Wit Cough, we earnestly ask yon frfl to try it. In United states and Canada ieV., Me. and $1.00, and In Knaland Is. sU., Ml M. aud ia.iid. SOLE PROPRIETORS VV S.C.WELuACa LEROY, N.Y1 TORONTO, CAN. FOR SALE BY EDWIN ROSS. CAMPAIGNING IN THE PHILIPPINES. A book of over M usees, with nearly .100 beau. tllul tlltiKtraUniia ol troops in action aud scenes in tue riuitJiine isiaiius, puousnea oy Tht Hkkt-Judd Publishing Co., Of SAn Francisco, the only publishers In the untied suites wno sent representatives 10 Ma nila especially to compile a hiHtorv ot the war. Aa many as twenly-three writers were enfraged In the work In Manila, manv of whom were with the troops In their various enaemenu and they were permitted to use official record). to verity tneir reports. Map of Batthfitldt Matte by an official map-maker In the 8th Army I'orps enables tne readers to loilow closely the movements ut troops. Dtseription tt Philippine Islands divine; statistical and other Information as to climatic conditions, resources, etc. and an ae count of the trip to Manila, In king the reader to Honolulu anil tnrougn Japan aud ctuua, are iiitcrusliug luaturea oi tne nook. Tht Oregon Spscial Book Contains a complete history of the M Orejon Volunteer resimeut in the Phillpoiue cam pain, and also the name, postorflce address aud occupation of every momtier of the regi ment. toecther with lists of ktlled and wounded, deaths br dilate. troraot!ons. discharges, etc.. and also cuts ot each company aud ofileers of the regiment. It Is vouched for as othciall) correct by a cerlldcate from the colonel. Adrancs Sale of Ottr 6000 Holumts In Manila shows the faith of soldiers In the publication- It is sold by subscription only and reluming soldiers have been employed almost exclusively thus far, and have found in thit verv lucrative employment. A few ntoreagettts wanted iu this state. Address the Hicks Judd Publishing Company, 21 first lit., ben r'raucisco. YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME K OOO BANQUET None but the best in both Imported and Domestic wiuea, liquors and cigars, GYRUS - NOBLE - WHISKEY The celebrated Woinhard Beer always on draught. k CLOHIHCER i WHITNEY. Props. w r t t n tit m t UnlriflTAL HOTEL Mrs. M. J. Scott Proprietress BT. HELENB, OREGON. A Strictly Frst-Ctaaa House. A for Commercial Trayelers and the Public. Board and Lodg ing at Mont Keasouable Kates. 1 A WELL KEPT STABLE jOl For Care ol i'atron s Horses. jal ..BRINN'S SALOON.. If you want something good in the line of whisky try SHAW'S MALT Only the best of Lipors and Cigars Kept In Stoct Pool and Card Table for the nse of Fatrous. Courteous treatment. (Between the two Hotels.) ST. HELENS, - - - OREGON. d OPEN FRO J 12 O'CLOO! OPEN FROM 5 A. M. TO 12 O'CLOOK MIDNIGHT. ST. CHARLES HOTEL Front & Morrison Sts., Portland Under New Management 150 Rooms at 2S Cents to fiO Cents, tiuites 75 Cents to $1.00. Elevator, Electric Llirhts and Bells, and all Modem Conveniences. Free Bus Meets all Boats and Trains. Restaurant Cornice ti wih Heel Oreeon Telephone 299. Columbia Telephone 27. M rpfw w v v v H H H TOR PORTLAND, DAILY. -STEAMER- M H H "America" a Leave 8t. Helena. ... 0:30 A M Arrive at I'ortland. , 10 :80 A M lav Portland 2:30 I'M Arrlvo at St. Helena. 0:00 P M I'AHE it t'KN'l. Will Carry Nothing but Passen gers and Kast freight. JAMKM GOOD, Mltteler. PS .rka'lii---------"--'---- ------a'-T PROFESSIONAL. JJR. i. B. HALL, rilYSiriAN AND SURGEON. Clatakaule, Columbia county, Or. JyH. EDWIN ROHM, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. St. Helens, Oregon j-r. ii. r. curt. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Bt, Helens, Oregon. G. W. COLE, ATTORNEY AND C0LN8KL0R AT-LAW, ST. HELENS, OREOON. Title Abstract Hooka, Notary Public Controls, sloner ol leerts for Washington, unit an exper ienced collector In eoniteetloo with office. J. W. DAY W. B. WLLAUD ATTORNEYS -AT-LAW Office next door to Oonrthouse, MT. UKLt.SH, OKH.ON, General practice In courts of Orecon or Wah linrtou. Abstracts inaile Ulreclly from county reeonu. GEO A. HALL, ATTORNEY -AT -LAW ST. HELE.1S, OREGON. Office next door to Colo A Quick's law and abstract office. Collection specialty. Foreclosures, uiecnamc liens, promptly attouued to. X STOMA & COLOMBIA RIYER aQ, RAILROAD COMPANY. tSADDOWM DAILY STATIONS. DAILY. 21 a r. at. 7 00 8 OA 20 a 38 S 44 S H S ft OX l S7 10 00 10 OH to it 10 .w A. 8 00 ! .0 0SI1W41 IS I4.VH1 us jia.s 40 -Mli a. M. II IA 10 ( w t S6 a au 20 12 02 8 52 t in 17 11 07 7 M 7 46 r. a). 9 40 M 8 20 8 00 7 M 7 en 7 88 7 28 7 17 7 8 42 82 20 8 10 Lt.. Portland Ar ... (iohle ..Rainier .. f'vratnl4 ,.. Havirer .. Oulncv 9 90 Ittl 3 10 OU Wl.3 10 10 .4! 10 21 10 m i7S .71 11 02 M16 11 io :vi)Jti !! n '9o.4 II :i ! .... Clatskante. ... ....Marshland.... , ... Westnort Cllftou .....Kuaupa .... Hvenson ....John tJay..... Ar . A.torla .. I.t All trains make close connections at Oohle nith Northern Pacific trains to and from the hast aud Mound points. At Portland with all trains leavins Union depot. At Astoria with I. R. aV N. Co.'s boat aud rail line to and frnut 11. waco and North lie act) point. Passeneers for Astoria or war nolnte must flse trains at lloulton. Trains will stop to let pas setiKers otTat lloulton when coming from points westoiuooie. . sj. ai s n. Gen. Pass. Ant., Astoria. Or. 0. U N. CO. DSTABT roa Time SCHEDULES Aaatri raoa Fast Mall 8 p. m. Halt Lake, Denver, Ft Worth, Omaha, Kan sas City, Kt. Iau1, Chicago and Raat. Fast Mall 8:46 p.m. Hpokane Flyer 8:15 p. m. Walla Walla. Spokane, Mill nea poll a, Kt. Paul, Dulmh, Mil waukee, Chicago aV Kast. Bpokane Flyer 8:00 a.m. 8 p.m. Ocean Steamahlpe. All sailing dates sub ject to change. For Han Francisco Bail every live days. i p. m. 8 n. m. Columbia River Steamers. To Astoria and Way landings. 4 p. m. Kx. Sunday Kx.BundeJ Saturday 10 p. m. 8 a. m. Willamette River. Oregon City. Newberg, Efalem A Way-land'ga 4:80 p.m. Ex.Bundey Ex. Sunday 7 a. m. Willamette and Yam hill Rlvere. Oregon City, Dayton, aud Way-landings. 8:80 p. m. Mon. Weil, and Krl. Tues.Thur, and Bat. 8 a. m. Willamette River. Portland to Corvallls and Way-landings. 4:80 p. m. Mon. Wed. aud Frl, Tues.Thur. and sat. Lt. Hlnaria 1:20a. m. dally . Snake River. Riparla to Lewlston. Lv.taw'ton dally at W. H. HURLBERT, Ocneral Passenger Agent, POUTLAND OKECION .STKAMKIt. DURLIME PORTLAND AND ASTORIA ' Leaves Portland every night at 8 o'clock for Astoria, (except (Sunday.) Saturday night at 10. Betarning, leaves Astoria at 6:30 o'clock every morning (except Monday.) bun day at 6:00 o'clock p. m. How About ..... COLE Main Strsst PORTLAND, RAINIER ...ST12ilIlSI -TIME I-cavcs Rainier at 8 A. M., Neer City st 8:80 A. M,, Kalsma at 8 to A. M..Rstlea at 7 90 A. at., Co tumble City al 7.90 A. M., Ml. ttvleus at 7:43 A, M., arrives at Portland nl 10 SO A. M. ROUND TRIP DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leaves Portland at 1:90 P . at., Ht. Helens 1X0'. ;llyo:40. Arrives TWENTY-FIVE CENTS TO PORTLAND The Weekly Oregonian I CONTAINS & OUR CLUBBING OFFER fc We have norfix-teil arrangomenU wlmreby wo ara rumble il lo fur ZZ. nlaliThs Weokly Orogtmian In onuumtion with Tim Mist fur Z3 only Two Dollar. Tim prlre of Tim OrotfonUn alone it $1.60. 3 I THE OREGON MIST g aianliuiiUuililUliiiaiUaliuiaiaiululilianilUiaiiilu t 'QJL valued si J tl.5Ou.UU00 0,7 t Vt-f Ay 0$ 7 i " iur J It a V"siJl V- We ewn end occupy the tallest mereeeills building In the sverld. We have ever s,oe,oou customara. Sisteea hundred cisrks are constantly engsged lilllug out-ef-towa orders. OUt GENERAL, CATALOOOB le the hood of the people II aretes Wholesale Prices te Everybody, has over l.aoe pages, iS.oue iHosltalioos, and 60,000 deacriptloiia ef articlea with prlcea. It costs r cents to print and mall eachcopy. W want you to have ene. 8KNO PIPTSlliN CSNTS le show your gooJ faith, and we'll send yea JOHTBOfVERYWARO&CO.' .MUCKLE BROS....: rt MAMUFAOTURERS OF- LUHBER tllmm.lni, 1.1.. H.l.. , slifathing, easitiKs, and scuiiiplete f stock of every variety of lumber, ' jSj VTo ladles furniture Is romnloto M i without s new llirlit-runninu glNGER -tvtfsr-e If you buy s sewlnff-mactilne why not KCt the beat. 8oli on easy terms without interest. C. P. LOONET, Agent -sVntoris. . . . Oregon, STEAMER G. ? ST. HELENS, OREOON. f sW-Sfivs-sv5 DELL SHAVER, Master. .gaaJi asarf The company reserves the rlgh to change .STEAMER JOSEPH KELLOGG. Leu, van Kelxo on Mondays Weilnendayt nd Krl'iayR at 6 o'clock a.m. Portland and Kelso Route via Columbia River..... Your Title? Cf KK YOtJ Ht'ltK It Is all rliihlt lleniemhar that II li the -rV KtCftlKDUiat governs. It Is our business to sennit the t records and show whnl I bey eonlslit Iu relation to land lilies. If you (MUiteuiplsle buying land or loaning money on real a.tale sccutltv, inse no man's word, hut Insist upon knowing what the record shows rcKsnlJiut the title. An Ahitrnot Is as essential as atl.-od. Inidstnu having II. We have Die only sot ol abstract hooka til Uio county. All work pronillyii'iitutl and satisfaction guaranteed. If yon have pmpetty lo Inaureglve usaenll. Wears aaetila lor the bast lire Insurance ooinpanleslu the world. If you have property for sale list It with us aud we will fluU a buyer. OUIGK, ST. HELENS, 0HE00H AND WAY LANDINGS. IRilIaIil..o CARO- Columbia City 4 10; ('spies 4:4ft; Kalsma 6:30; Neer at Hslnlvral 8:20 P.M. AND ALL LANOINQS, W. K. NIWSOM- 12 pages s week 82 columns " 8.H4 psK-. a year 4108 columns " 31 m 3 All tlio mows wdII ivrllU'n. Articles tltwcrililng Wvstorn scenes ami Inriilt'iita. Htories o( lovo Slid adventure by well known authors. Hrilliant illustration bynewsnniMirartlatt Intcrt'atiiiir Bkotches anJ litvrature for bovs ami girl. r'nolilon articlt'l slid illustrations (or women. Ss.uut) trttara every dsy W I 'Up. 9 ;;?T?t 'j ua'.i" t Z - 1 - ' JU.1) SS1 " a- a copy PEEK, with all charges prepaid. Hicalgsa A.s. sad Hsdlsea ttreel CMicaao WHITE COLLAR LINE u ' ,tr t,t 'vaiSw-ja. -sa .Amr TIIKUILUMIIIA R1VKR AND I'trOET BOChU NAVIGATION CO. PORTLAND-ASTORIA ROUTE. STR. GATZERT landing FiKitnf Alder Mtreet, Pnrtland. leaves Portland daily (esreittHumlay)at7 A. M. Landing Tclrphnne nock, Aslorla. leaves Astoria daily (except Hnnday)7 P. M. Hailey (ialsert tickets giMxl on sleamer Hasaalo. Hteauier llassalo tickets guixl on Hailey Uatserl. U. B. SCOTT, Pres. Skin Diseases! For the apoedy and pflrmanont enre of tottor, suit rheum ami ecaonm, Cham -bcrluin's Eye and (Skin Ointment Is without an equnl. It relieves the Itch ing and smarting Almost instantly and ita continued use etTert a m-rmanent cure . It also enres itch , bnrW's iteh, scald bond, sore nipples, itching piles, chapped hands, chronio sore eyes and granulated lids. Dr. Tody's Condition Powders for horses are the best tonlo, blood purifier sndvermifuge, Price, 23 cents. Holdb Dr. Edwin Itoss. W. SHAVER Leave Portland, foot of Wash ington St., Mondays & Thurs days, C:3() A. M. Leave Clats kanio Tuesdays and Fridays at i o'clock in the morning. time without notlee, Shaver Transportation Company. Leaves Pert land Tuesday, ThuriMlay, and Naturdnys, at II o'clock a. m. tivi V.IJittr.UAau. t .Tvav rr apsa.-.-.