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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1899)
ALONG THE COAST, BRAOSTflEETS' REVIEW. I General Trad Continues at a M aalaanaa Volunae far she Y'.er. Itmi f General Inter. Olumd "?. Tnm the Thriving rselBa ; ttataa. Bradstreet'a review of trade for the I week says; ' General trade and imlue- I try ooutiune at maximum volume I fur thia season of the year, while prices, F. E. Smith, who U connected with as a whole, manifest a strength unap- ihe Goodnoouh Mercantile Stock I preached in recent rears. Company at Elgin, was a reoent visitor Strength on values ia still moat not at La Grande. He reports business able among manufactured textiles, bnt brisk in his locality. One of the big cereals, hides and leather and the outputs of the Ek'in country is lumber. I manufactures thereof have also Mr. Smith states that all the seasoned strengthened alightly. On tne ctlior material as been shipped oat, and sev hand, pork products and tin are slight- eral of the mills are shipping green ly lower. The groat majority oi sawed lumber direct from the saws, so I prioes, however, remain firm at on- arsat ia the demand. There are six I changed Quotations. An active con- sawmills in operation in the vioinity I sumptive demand for wool is reported f Klein, and it is estimated that the at leading markets, accompanied by a total shipments of lumber from these fair export demand, and a runner re- mills during the post three months duction in stocks. amounts to 3,000,000 feet. Most of Cereals do not manifest any striking the mills will be kept in operation till change thia week, but the resisting the latest date possible, in order to power ot the market is appraently keep up with the demand, which comes greater, more moderate receipts of largely from Utah and other points wheat at the West inducing some cov- eastward. Articles of incorporation for the Cedar River Boom St Lodging Company, wit a capital stock of $50,000, were file. last week at New Whatcom, Wash. The object of the corporation is to catch, boom, sort and hold lumber logs, piling, shingle bolts and any and all other timber products. To erect lumber and shingle mills and operate same, to own or acquire tugboats for towing or transportation, etc The in' corporators of this company are Daniel H. De Can, of New Whatcom, who owns several mills on the Seund, and John F. Dufur, recently of Ashland, Wis. The company will erect a large shingle mill at South Bend, with a capacity of 250,000 shingles a day. The plant will be located on either the - Siler millsite or the Foye & McCleary site, and work on the erection of the mill will begin some time during the next month. The company has already bought several claims on Cedar river. Beet 8a(W Plant. There ia a strong probability that persons at the head of the Oxnard Beet Sugar Company, in Nebraska, will es tablish a plant in the BoiA valley, Idaho. Mr. Oxnard and associates have secured an option on the stock of the Bidenbaugh canal, the property covering 12,000 acres of land owned by the canal company. The sugar com pany sent an expert into that region during the past aiArmer, a gentleman named Weinrich. He spent three months in investigating various loca tions in Idaho, Washington, Oregon and Northern Utah, and reported to his principals that the Boise-Nampa valley was better adapted to the pro duction of sugar beets than any other section he visited. It seems likely that the people will endeavor to colon ize the lands owned by the canal com pany, as it is necessary to have great number of farmers growing beets in order to assure success for a large manufacturing plant. If the factory is built at Nam pa it will be a great help to that place, but wherever it may be erected it will become a potential fac tor in the future development of the entire valley. Home Claims. In "view of the wealth of the Cape Nome claims, and the enormous num ber of would-be claimants, it seems fair and equitable that the size of the claims should be reduced. This is the belief of the majority of Alaska pros- pec tors, and a number of them have signed a petition to be sent to the United States senators and congressmen of Washington asking that legislation be enacted making 500 feet square the legal size of a mining claim in Alaska, and forbidding locating claims by - power of attorney. This latter abuse, the 'petitioners affirm, is particularly detrimental to the prospectors, pre venting hundreds of men from getting locations, and enabling others armed with power of attorney, legal or other wise, to secure valuable ground often miles in extent. The Hop Market. The officers of the Oregon Hopg row ers' Association are negotiating for the sale of a 15,000-bale lot of hops at 11 cents a pound. If this is conenm mated, it will be one of the largest h sales ever made in the state. It is rt ported that Lilienthal Bros, have in the past few days bought 600 bales of Oregon hops at 10 cents. A. J. Query, of Fuyallnp, Wash., is reported to have accepted 94 cents from McNeil & Sweney for his '99 hops, consisting of S23 bales. Horst Bros, effected the first ale of hops at Chehalis, a 44-bale lot, paying 84 cents. Another lot wss sold to Neis, at a reported price of 8 cents. Wheat Coming- In Rapidly. J. H. Vermillion and J. Hoskins, who are receiving sacked wheat for the Facifio Coast Elevator Company, of Tekoa, Wash., at the latter 's ware house on the reservation, report the grain is coming in rapidly and that they will soon have the building, the capacity of which is 14,000 bushels, full. It is stated that this year's crop will be twice as large as that of any former season. Sheep Sold, I. G. Thomas, of Chewaucan, last week made a sale of his bunch of sheep to W. A. Wilshire, of Lakeview. The band consisted of 1,000 ewes and 461 lambs, and the price paid was $4,000, or about $2.75 per head bunched. O. R. N. CoOlF Finished. It is officially announced that the O. K. & N. Wallula-Grange City cut-off is practically finished. This cut off will do away with the necessity of handling rreignt ana passengers over Alton bill. However, a special service will be maintained over the hill for the benefit of Walla Walla and other cities along tne old route. The only difference will be that all points between Star buck and Spokane will be reached one hour and 40 minutes sooner. The dis tance covered by the cut-off is 66 miles. ering, and corn Is sympathetically stronger. Another feature naturally attracting attention at this time of the year is the demand for but generally re ported small stocks of cool available, both East and est. Lumber displays continued strength. and advioes are of an expected very heavy cut this winter, both in the Northwest and at the South. Wheat, including flour, shipments for the week aggregated' 4,640,007 bushels, against 4,760,843 bushels last week; 6,679,141 bushels in the corre sponding week of 1898. Corn exports for the week aggregate 4,603,718 bush els against 4,681,447 bushels last week; 3,731,7-4 bushels in this week a year ago; 3,208,790 bushels in 1897; 8,975,- 731 bushels in 1890, and 1,743,167 bushels in 1895. Business failures in the United States number 189 for the week. PACIFIC COAST TRADE. ADMONISHING OHIL.DREN, Reproof and Advice Mnat Be Sugar Coated to Be Heeded. - "The universal frailty of our human! nature which dislike to be told off faults must be taken Into consideration) when we converse with our grown-up! children." write Kate Upson Clark in! the Woman's Home Companion. "After they pass the ago of fourteen or fifteen they usually betray a greater .sensitive- uess than before to even reasonable fault-finding. By the time they reach eighteen or twenty this tendency has become a marked trait They have then become substantially like the rest of us. Even from the lips of loving fathers or mothers and In strict pri vacy they want nothing but the same sort of honey ou which our own souls love to feed. They wish no allusion made to the facta that they are acquir ing nasal tones; that their gait is awk ward; that their taste In dress Is un formed and even bad; that they have not good judgment In choosing asso ciates, and so on. Private discourses upon the wiles of the world and the weakness of youth and Its proneness to wander they wish noue of. Whatever medicine of that sort is to be given must be administered in small doses, interjected with skill Into conversations upon ordinary matters, and sugar- coated. If possible, with artful compli ment, though it should be always de served. Even the best and dearest of our carefully-brought-up young people are likely to have their year or more of obstinacy and 'ptg-hendedness,' or thelt permanent streaks of unreasonableness and contumacy. Therefore, they would better receive most of the telling strokes that mold Into Bbape before they reach the age of fourteen. From that time up to the age of what Is called 'discretion,' which does not arrive with most of us before twenty-five (If then), the youth. In judgment and sense, Is really not much superior to what he was at from seven to fifteen, but h has no suspicion of this fact." Seattle Market. Onions, new, $1.001.85 per sack. Potatoes, new, $16(3 18. Beets, per sack 85c. Turnips, per sack, 65o. Carrots, per sack, 75o. Parsnips, per sack, 90c. Cauliflower, 75o per down. Cabbage, native and California, $1 1.25 per 100 pounds. Peaches, 6580o. Apples, $1.25 1.60 per box. Pears, $1.00(31.25 per box. Prunes, 60o per box. Watermelons, $1.60. Nutmegs, 60 75c. Butter Creamery, 30o per pound; dairy, 17 22c; ranch, 20c per pound. Eggs Firm, 80c. Cheese Native, 13 14c. Poultry 11 ( 12 he; dressed, 13 Xc Hay Puget Sound timothy, $12.00; choice Eastern Washington timothy, $17.00. Corn Whole, $23.00; cracked, $23; feed meal, $23. Barley Rolled or ground, per ton. $21; whole, $22. Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.65; blended straights, $3.25; California, $3.25; buckwheat flour, $3.50; gra ham, per barrel, $2.90; whole wheat flour, $3.00; rye flour, $3.75. Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $16.00; shorts, per ton, $17.00. Feed Chopped feed, $20.50 per ton; middlings, per ton, $22; oil cake meal, per ton, $35.00. Portland Market. Wheat Wall Walla, 60 52c; Valley, 61c; Bluestem, 62o per bushel. Flour Best grades, $3.25; graham, $2.65; superfine, $2.15 per barrel. Oats Choice white, 34 36c; choice gray, 32 33c per bushel. Barley Feed barley, $16(316.50; brewing, $18.00 19.00 per ton. Millstuffs Bran, $17 per ton; mid dlings, $22; shorts, $18; chop, $16 per ton. Kay Timothy, $9(311; clover, $7 8; Oregon wild hay, $67 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery, 60 55c; seconds, 42445c; dairy, 37440c; store, 25 35c. Eggs 29 30c per dozen. Cheese Oregon full cream, 13c; Young America, 14c; new cheese lOo per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.00 4.00 per dozen; bens, $4.60; springs, $2.003.50; geese, 5.606.00 for old; $4.60(36.50 for young; ducks, $4.50 per dozen; turkeys, live, 13 14c per pound. Potatoes 60 65o per sack; sweets, 2 2io per pound. Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 90c; per sack; garlic, 7c per pound; cauli flower, 75o per dozen; parsnips, $1; beans, 66o per pound; celery, 70 75o per dozen; cucumbers, 60o per box; peas, 84o per pound; tomatoes, 75o per box; green corn, 12s 15c per dozen. Hops 7 10c; 1898 crop, 66c. Wool Valley, 1218o per pound; Eastern Oregon, 814c; mohair, 27 80c per pound. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and ewes, 8Mc; dressed mutton, 6 7c per pound; lambs, 7$c per pound. Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5.00; light and feeders, $4.60; dressed, $6.006.50 per 100 pounds. Beef Gross, top steers, $3.50(34.00; cows, 3(33.50; dressed beet, vy3($ Jio per pound. Veal Large, 667ic: small, 8 6o per pound. Business Olrle. I do not mean a girl who baa gont into some trade or profession, for the most domestic "home bird" of my girl readers may be one. Indeed, if she helps to carry out her dally duties suc cessfully she must do her utmost to become a "business girl" In my sense of the word. And when. In course ot time, she passes to a home of ber own. she will be at no loss In taking up ber position as housekeeper and mistress. She will win the respect of those In ber employ by showing them that she un derstands how she should be served. and that while comfort Is absolutely required, no extravagance will be al lowed. She will cause her husband's love for ber to Increase by showing hlui bow truly his Interest Is hers by bringing Into play her knowledge of how to spend and bow to save." To make home uncomfortable by mean. unnecessary savings Is no real econ omy, but to plun with loving thought how to make every dollar yield Its true value Is housekeeping In Its best sense. for such a "business girl" will make a small Income go further and give more real happiness and comfort than would one of double and treble the amount In Inexperienced bonds. But to make my girl reader a complete business one of the type which I write, she must also learn how to conduct her charities Giving indiscriminately, without In quiry or thought, is often more produc tive of evil than good, and she must be as wise over the spending of the por tion allotted "to help others," and give as thorough consideration to it as she does to what she puts apart for her personal concerns. " "" Age sad Marriage. A woman's prospect of marriage Is distinctly affected by age. The statis tics of all countries show that the great majority of women marry between tht ages of 20 and 30. Before reaching 20 a woman has, of course, a chance of matrimony, but the objections raised by parents or friends to marriage at tender age frequently outweigh the de sire of the young woman to acquire a husband, and lead ber to defer the wedding day. All the statistics that have been gathered bear out the statement thai a woman's best chance to marry Is al the age of 25, that over six-tenths oi the marriages take place between 2C and 80, and consequently that a wo man's chance Increases up to 25, and steadily decreases after that age until It reaches the vanishing point some where about CO. Out of 1.000 married women 142 marry before the age or 20, 080 be tween 20 and 30, 111 between 80 and 40, the woman In the thirties having not so good a chance as the girl In hei teens; between the ages of 40 and 60 the falling off is enormous, only 41 In 1,000 contracting an alliance in that decade, while past 60 the chances still further diminish, for the woman who has celebrated the semi-centennial of her birth has only nineteen chances In a thousand. '"Do It and Stick to It" . If you art tick and dixowAjtduiih irt pore blood, CAlAnh or rrWrurum, Ukt Hood's SnprHU faithfully And ptrsis- tenlty. And yoa tuiZf soon Hav a curt. ihls medicine Aw eared ihousAndt of ihtrs nd it ruCl do tht nun for you. y'Althfutty tAken, n Bond) Will Be gold. The board of trustees of school dis trict No. 28, Bingham county, Idaho, is offering for sale coupon bonds of that district to the amount of $400, bearing interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, payable annually, and redeem able 10 years from date. '- : New Bank to Be Opened. A hew bank, to be known as the Scandinavian American bank, is about to be opened in New Whatcom, Wash. Frank Olesoa, secretary of the board of works, Seattle, will be manager of the pew institution. Ban Franeiseo Market. Wool Spring Nevada, 12 15c per pound; Eastern Oregon, 12(3 16c; Val ley, 18 20c; Northern, 810c. Hops lsya crop, ifttswfta per pound. Onions Yellow, 7585o per sack. Butter Fancy - creamery 26 (3 27c; do seconds, 27)4 28c; fancy dairy, 25 27c; do seconds, 2324o per pound. Eggs Store, 26 82c; fancy ranch, 40c. Millstuffs Middlings, $19.00 20.50; bran, $17.5018.00. Hay Wheat $7.60 10; wheat and oat $7.00 9.00; best barley $5.00(3 7.00; alfalfa, $0.00 7.00 per ton; straw, 2640o per bale. Potatoes Early Hose, 40 50c; Ore gon Burbanks, $1.26(31.60; river Bur- banks, 60 76c; Saunas Burbanks, $1.00 1.10 per sack. Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia, $2.75(38.25; Mexican limes, $4.00 6.00; California lemons 75ctl.50; do ohoice $1.75 2.00 per box. Tropical Fruits Bananas, $1.60 9.60 per bunch; pineapples, nom lnal; Persian dates, 66o per Jxiond, Keasonable. The reasons for orthography are among the things which pass man's un derstanding. Some explanations, how ever, have a plausible sound. A minister was recently called upon to marry a couple In private, and und occasion to ask how the name of one of the witnesses was spelled. M-c-II-u-g-h," replied the man. Haven't you a sister Margaret?" In quired the clergyman. Yes, sir." Well," said the minister, "she spells her name, 'M-c-C-u-e. " "That," said the witness, "Is because my sister and me, we went to different schools." Accident with Lamp. Any table on which lamps are placed should be of firm construction, large top, and of sufficient weight at the base not to tip easily or Jar when touched. A great many so-called acci dents with lamps are caused by plac ing them on light, rickety tables. In every newspaper society depart ment conducted by women there ap pears once a week, and sometimes twice, the following item: "A man never realizes what a prize he willfully threw away until some other fellow gets her." Wben a small boy wants a match ' with which to light a cigarette, be prefixes his request for one with the word "please." He then goes home I and says; "Pass the butter." In Canada the Grand Trunk Is re ported to have called In several ot its traveling freight agents owing to the fact that they cannot secure oars for the tremendous rush ot business offer ing. The 60 factories ot Kokomo, Ind., now using natural gas as fuel are filling up their cellars and sheds with wood and coal tor uso in case the gas gives out. There has been no conl in that town for 13 years until a fow days ago. Mothers will uml Mrs. WlnsUiw's Sooth Ins Syrup the beat remedy to use for their Oluluren during the teething period. An hour of careful thiuking is worth more than ten of careless talking. I never used so quick a cure as I'lsn's Cure fair Consumption. J. H. Calmer, box 1171, Seattle, Wu.ii., Nov. 25, 101)5. A man ot Integrity will never listen to any reason against conscience. VITALITY or pahanatwl riiwthy lit. Kim.'a Invigorating Tunic. t'UKKII. Trial Jluttli- iHttitaltitiiii V. tN-kn lr.ulm.ut. tlr. Kltuw'a Institute, wl Anb St., fbiUMlrlplila. FouudoU 1,7 L True odncatlon never induces con tempt ot the ignorant. CURB A COLD IN ON- OAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. h. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 26c. Live as though life were eornost and life will be so. SIl.tKB INTO IOVn B IIO ICS Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It cures painful, swollen, sinnrCiiiK. nerv ous feet, and Intilttully takes the sting out of corns and bunions. It's the vramr- clnfort (li.M'ovrrv of thence. Allen's Fool- r.tise makes ngnt ttr new aitoes feel eay. It is a cerluin eure for Ingrowing-Nulls. wetttinit, tnlluii) and lint, tireu, aching feet. We have over 30.1100 testimonials. Try it fiuny. Mold lir nil (IniKiciMs and sin stores, nv mail ir Ku In stamps. Trial pm-kni. FI'.KK. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, l.e Hoy, N. Y. A striking eivdence of the scarcity of workingtnen is a groat placard which has been hung out in front of the post office, Ottawa, Canada, by one ot the lumber companies asking tor 1,000 la borers and 300 shantymen. Wben hat is wot with rain it should be dried with a silk handkerchief, brushed with a soft brush and when it is nearly dry with a harder brush. The Waiter ntaew '9m, A downtown restaurant was ia the turmoil of the busy dinner hour. Care worn business men rushed in and swal lowed a lunch as though millions de pended on their haste. Waiters bal anoed steaming platers on the tips of their little fingers with the ease of Jap anese jugglers, and everythig seemed confusion. Yet there was a certain degree ot discipline among the waiters and they seemed to know tholr oustonv era and their usual ohoice ot dishes. For instance, when a pair ot lantern' jawed actors without an engagement entored, the waiter that listened to the order yelled to the eooki "Two soups and a llam-omeletl" Detroit Free Press. ' Eleotrloltjr for JUraln. A scientist has discovered an apparatus which will stimulate the brain. It unnsists of an eleetriu band. While scientists have been Inventing unnatural ways of making the brain work, llostettnr's 8tomach Hit ters has for lift V venrs been uoinir it natur ally, it cures dyspepsia and all stomach irouoietami ouuus up tne system. Out of 1, 100,004 in Massachusetts engaged in gainful occupations, only 87,000 are employed on Sundays. Bows mist We offer One Hundred Dollars ItnwarA for an ease of Catarrh that can uol Us cured by lull's uaiarrn i;uru. r. j. vukpiKY ro rrnr., Toledo, w. Wo the undersieneii. have known F.J. Clttnivr for the nasi IS year, ami believe aim pur lcct ly honorable In all bulu ss Irauaaetloni antl tin auclal l-r able to carry out auy oWLjoUous nuule by their uroi. WssrATarAX, W holenalo Druiclstt, Tolftlo, ', WaiaiNO, KinNan A Manvts, W nolemle Druer tats, Toleito, O. Ilall'sCatarrhUure lit. ken.nt:rnalljr.aollni alreetly on the blood and m. oous surfaces w the system. I'rl io "Jo per bo' tie. Sold by all druRiiata. Testimonial! Iree, lull's family I'll Is - k 1 i best. The wages of every employe of the United Salt Com pan v, of Clovoland, have been increased voluntarily. Town Farthest Itemoved nm Sea. Kuldja, which is said to lie the cen ter of Asia, is claimed to bo the farthest i removed town from the sea in the world. This town, whluh formed part of the ancient kingdom of Dzoungarut, is between 1,800 and 1,000 miles from the sea. Kuldja Is tho point from which numerous races have migrated to the low and arid steppes of the Aralo Caspian depression, and the still mor distant and better favored regions of the west. On the fertile banks of tin) Hi and Irtish, the migrating hordes lingered for a time, loth, as it were, to venture out into the unknown plain be fore them, stretching far away into sandy deserts that separate Europe from Asia, until a now tide of popular migration forced them at last to strike their tents and depart Westward from their mountainous halting ground. Los Angeles, Cal., is distinguished for the number ot pretrolium oil wells it possesses. The output for 1808 ap proximated 1,100,000 barrels, and that (or 1800 is estimated to be about the same. SALT LAKK OITY. An Transceatl- Important Paetor In tientnl Travel. No one crossing the continent can afford to out Halt Lake City from his route. The atlmotloni ot the place, including the Mormon Temple, Taber nacle and Church Institutions, the Clreat Halt Lake deader and denser than the Dead Bos In the Holy Land the picturesque environment and the warm sulphur and hot springs, are greater to the square yard than any lo cality on the American coutinont, Tho Itio Grande Western Hallway, connecting on the East with the Den ver Itio Uraurte and Colorado Mid land Hallways and on the West with the Southern Pacific (Central Itoute) and Oregon Hhort Line, Is the only trauscoutinotiial line passing directly through Bait Lake City. Tho route through Bait Lake City via the Wo Cirande Western Hallway Is famous all the year round. On account ot the oquahlo olimato of Utah and Colorado it ia just as popular In winter al In summer. Pund xo to J. l). Mansiieiu, 258 Washington St., Portland, or Oeo, W, llolnti, Acting General Passenger Agent, Salt Lake City, for a copy of ( i mm Wr 11 Salt Lake Saints." Uliuate, Citythe City ot the Beenerjr and Nature's Sani tarium. Scenery, altitude, sunshine and air, constitute the factors which are rapid ly making Colorado the health and pleasure grounds of the world. Here the sun shines 867 days of the average year, and it blends with the crisp, electrlo mountain air to produce a ciimato match Ions in the known world. No pen oan portray, no brush con picture tho majestic grandeur ot the scenery along tho line of the Denver A Itio Grande Hiillroad in Colorado. 1'itrtiea going East should travel via tills line whiuh is known all over the world as the Sccnlo Line of the world. For any information regarding rates, time tables, etc., call on or address II. C. Nluhol, general agent, 261 Wash ington street, l'ortland, Or., or any agent of the O. It. A N. Co., or South ern 1'aoitlo Company. Are Van Ooln KaalT s"aa If so, yon should see that yonr ticket reads via ilia Great Kook Island route, nd you will get the best. Pullman palace sleeping cars, elegant lecllning chair cuis "free," and llbiary buffet cars on all through trains. Host dining cat service In the world. Popu lar personally conducted siourslons ones a week to all points East. Foi full particulars call on or address any ticket agent, or A. It. COOPKlt, G. A. P. D., O. II. 1. A P. Ity., 248 Washington street, Portland, Or, An Excellent Combination. The pleasaut method and beneficial effoets of the woll known remedy, Mrnur- or Fins, manufactured by the California Fiq Nrnur Co., illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be medlulnally laxative and presenting them In the form moat rof reeding to the taste and acceptable to the system. It Is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing the system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per. inunently. Its perfect freedom from -fj.-.i ..II. - it. .. i i. l VTCirv ukmuuviwubvuiv uuniivT suu an W -. - J l. - . . I . . I - I II . nwnce, nnn ius aofcina; on tun nmncya, liver and bowels, without weakening or Irritating thorn, make It the Ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing figs are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but tits medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and othor aroroatlo plants, by a method known to the California Fio tivnup Co, only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid Imitations, please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package-. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. ban raAktoisco, csi LOUtSTTLL. XT. H1WTOII, IT. T. for sale by all Druggiste, Price SOC. per bottle, ! - - i For the turn ot the stairs, that ugly place in the old city houses, tall silver taper holders of Itusslan workmanship or the old Dutch candlesticks four feet high will be found etTootivo adjuncts. Improved Train Kcjiilptnent, The O. It, A N. and Oregon Short Line hnvo added a buffet, smoking anil library car to their Porttaml-Chioauo through tialn, and a dining car servioe bat been liiatigiiarated. The train Is equipped with the latest chair cars, day coaches and luxurious flitt-oluss and ordinary sleepms. Client connec tion made at Granger with Union l'a clfio, and at Ogdnn with Itio Grande Una, from all points in Oregon, Wash Ington and Idaho to all Eastern oltles. For information, rates, etc, call on any O. ft. A N. agent, or address W. II. Ilurlburt, General Passenger Agent, Poitlaud. Before putting away linen take care that it -Is thoroughly dried and woll aired. Nothing collects dampness quite as quickly as linen. Fhould liuen show sigus of turning yellow wring out in lukewarm soap and water, then dry and store again. Southerners affirm that tho people ot the North spoil watermelons by too much chilling, which renders them indigestible. 0XXXXXXX)0XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX00XXXXXX) ooo Babies riush ! Don't you hear your baby cry ? Babies often grow peevish, fretful, restless and feel bad, poor little things, without being able to tell you why. How much the little Innocents suffer, unable to tell the cause of their distress I It is almost always some trouble In their little Insides, sour curd on the stomach, Indigestion, wind colic, bowel complaints, that start the ills of childhood. CASCARETS make mother's milk mildly purgative, and Increase the flow of milk In nursing mothers. Mamma takes a Cascaret, baby gets the benefit In this way, Cascarets afford the only safe laxative for babes in arms. cxxxxxxooxxxx Mr. a I. otk , .shv ait,, f soa.InJuotpolui Jou.ual. "I .hall neve ha wltkeat CAaWA StETn. Mr enllarea are alwars .uale4 eea I five Ut.M a portloa of a labial, and err for aiore, Thar ar. toe ftaett pUteaast Be4l.!ne I have evar tri.e Tae Sara foenS a Bernaoent alee la ml keaae." ktu.Jona ruom Bos en, Miobifaa CHr, las. ta chu Th hi eeot an op ia V how AT m m m AX sat .1.1. - t i tni SSSS ANNUAL 6ALE8. 6.000.000 BOXES. Tins is THE TABLET 10c 25c 50c DRUGGISTS CASCABBTt era tbeelatelr harmless, aerely vegetable eosipeaod. le ssemrlal or ether misers plll-pelsot fa Casesrats. Casesrets iremptlr, aa4 te,matlr sere every eisorder ef the Stomach, Liver sad latestlaea. They set ealy ewe eomatipatloa, bet eerreet say as4 every form et irrstelarf ty .1 the hewtli, iacluataf oUrrha sa4 Sywatery. Pltssut, palatable, potent. Taste too, de food. Sever ilck.a, woakea or gripe. Be sere yea fet the feaalae I Beware ef Imitations sad eabslltsUs I Bay s bos ef CA3CARBTS . to-day, aad if aot pleased ta every respect, get yoer money haok I Write as far booklet and free sample I Address tTBRLOfO RSMBDT C0MPAIT, CHICAGO w BBW TOR. m occoooooox MARIAMI WINI-THI IDBAL miHOM TONIO-FOR IODY AND BRAiN. FOR H. I. M. EMPEROR OF RUSSIA. ' "THE MARSHAL OF THE IMPERIAL COURT REQUESTS YOU TO SEND WITH OUT DELAY ANOTHER CASE OF 60 BOTTLES YIN MARIAN!." Write to MARIANA & CO., for Descriptive Book, 75 PORTRAITS, PARIS; .1 B1. llamamann. LONDON: 230 Oxford St. (2 W. 15th ST., NEW Y0BK, Indorsements and Antogrraphs of Celebrities. 25c MT. ANGEL 25c Benedictine Salve. Bsperlenoe of Many Tears Clearly Dera onatrates the Oreat Kfllclaney of Tble Mnlinenl. Poatpald, Soe a Box. Address Benedictine Priory, Mt An pel, Or. New Oklsanii, I.e., Nov. S, 1S0S. Rev. Father Kudosed find money order for ; mother box of Tour Halve. I And It very good ndeud, and try sot to be without It. PA'IKICK tiAKRY, till Bolivar St. I.ouisvii.LS, Ky Jan. 1, isuo, Rtv. Fsthers-1 And your Halve to be the best Skive thai I ever nurd. PH. HCUKJiVERI, 7B. Walnut Bt. Beat Cimgh Bjrup. Tut UimkL Um f 9 In tlmsx Hold hr CruSl. i WOMEN WHO FRET And are constantly nnwell will And quiet and permanent relief In floore's Revealed Remedy. y '"''i"0" """" ln "i esy and pleasant to w. uui uiuggia una it ior fi.uu per bottle. PORTLAND DIRECTORY. renee aad Wire Works. PORTLAND WIH A IKON WOKKH; WIHK and Inm lenclnir! oltlce ratlins, etc. Kil Alder. Machinery and Miiill. CAWKTON A CO.! KN0INK8,' HOIt.KKH, MA cliinerysiiiilies. -6u First St., Portland, Or. JOHN rOOLETPorr con K ve you the best harKalmr In general iiincliiiierr engines, boilers, tanks, pumps, plows, belts and wlniimllls. The new steel I XL windmill. .,.1,1 I.. 1,1... I. ...7 eiiuslloil. ' ' 11 Ke ef rwCP V.n r.i.. u MACHINERY. ALL KINDS ...TATUM BOWEN... tt to II First street F0ITUND. 01. SUHE CURE FOB PILES avstr sw flrtlgajIfJM Blt aUMitU(U MM, Rupture treated selen tlrliwl ly and oonadentl al ly. Cvnitatinat 0. H. W00DAHO CO.. 108 leoenl II., Pertlsntf. Yon Can't Make i Mistake kj Taking the tfrlLJt Jin I and Magle Unlnrn ftargafn f.fsi No. Ir now rrady lor nialllns. T. I ANIitKWH,lUMontguw.y St., Han Frani'lico, PS, aUBTiri HOOK, for Women Uri awl TMiwoitiUc irf Ml if French Femaia Pills. Pmlimd by Ihrnismnrlt of MilriffMt UtllM a sua, MWaTI rllllll DH WHtiuUt aUmIIM. enuwu Dru CoIsi A SM 1-earlSl., New turk City. LIVER OR. GUNN'S Tver" PILLS PrF.F0F A DOSE. Cor. Sink n.sdaohe BbirW ' llrnpl.a.n.1 Purify Hie ..m .."""'f"!' TooollTlnr. vou.e.wlll malt fcU., Frillada., fcua,. ala llt i,,,,,, YOUNG MEN! . vnr nnnarrhM ail Olmt ent PaM'a !) HraxISn. II ""-iHinna wriM-n will eur Nil OiKK Siiowh It ku ... r.lll -up., nn liiatuir how wHimn r,r of how lone aunillntf. Itwiillla rnira lla um will aatrmtah you. It la abnolnojlr mt. Prv,iil Htlrtnr. ami .all Ihi lahan wlthoiil ItKioo.n Slni anil itnUnUon liiulana. I'ltll K. a go. St sua wx&mpystG' foTM i' ,! '! 'vorlte through Uininj Car and Buffet-Library Car Lin Eist. i Ku 'm'ImoI' ''.""'"'"srs cH on or ..lln-. J. It. NAUKL, . P. A. W. K.lJOMAN.a. A. C. O. TEIIRY, T. P. A. 124 Third Street, Portland, Or. r5S'ffilVJ".ll5'';'J.' ""'"s.u, c uilaVtt., r4 Makn writing comfort. (inuubni CURE YOURIiin tin lilfU for uunalitral dl.r.liars4,lliAamaiatVilis, Irrltatlona ur ulvaratioiis at miiniiHi ni.nibraiii-a. i" i. x.ud., ralDTo... ami not astral. llHIuiuiluHisioai fto. I.iil or iiS0lssn,0.r3 S.M ky Drafilals, .U.S. A. a. 1 in plain wrapper. r uaprra, prapald, fur if an n. a l..u. a-, H V' Clroular annt onVmilliill. , M. V. JN. U. MO. eS-'SS. WIIS3M wrltlw. ta advertisers uentloB this f er, ,