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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1899)
OUKGON MIST. OCTOBKR 27, 1800. LOCAL AND GENERAL NOTES, Hl)H('rll)u now (or Tim Ohkoon Mint, IlKrlior lllllHlxtrry wit In l'urtluml MondHy. Win. Mlllor Montluy. win til from Valloy on l.Hruimt rttrttik anil lowont priced ut W 11, wniiiiiiiin. Circuit court wai adjourned on Tun day Hiiornuon. ' K. K. Quick wim nUomling to bnrtineM in roriiuntl on mommy, M. V. llnzt'ii mid fmuily of Wttrron were in tlio city Mummy. The l'urtliiinl lOxponltlon chine to morrow (Hntiirduy) night. J. 11. Hhuldon tin a irnKtMnigur (or -jurunim mommy hiu-rnouji Boimtor Mi llrMe wb a pnNsngur (or 1'oriiHini mummy uiloriioun. Mr. ami Mm. W. F. NlauhUir vliltod lortimui motility mtoruuon The Aatoria oroiiinory It paying 24Jtf i'uiiib pur potinu lor nit. Mr. Goorgo Young wan down from Witrron Wudnnsdiiy (orunoon Mr. John Irlluiuro vinitud in Portland and Oregon City Inst Hnturday. Mrt. 8. H. Way ami ttauKlitor, Winnie, were in lomiinu iitHi piiiunmy. Kntnmmt White nnd HliorilT Rice wore In I'ortluiiM itiuHduy nfturnoon. An ndjouriuid torinof circuit court will li held liure on Duceinher 18th. Dr. Row hiiiI Mr. A. Cleveland (pent namniuy anu Bumuiy in 1 orliiuiil, Mr. Arthur Morgan was up from Bcavor valloy on uiihuiosh Katunfay. tlworne Adam and Charley Mo('auloy cnine over irom book crcca mm Mon day. I). W. Price, the merchant, was down from Bcappoosu (or a short time on Wed ncHday. Mr. Will Mcsorve was in town a day or two this week looking itftur business luatteri. Charley Mnlllngnr was over from Ver noniathis week, lie visited Portland Thursday, Mas; Uerg was down from Warren Monday afternoon doing business with our uiurchants. Mr. Israel Rpmii'cr came over (rom Vernonia WediivfttUy, and continued on up to Portland. Miss Mury Conyers, o( Oregon City, (wnt Hntiuday and Sunday in this cily visiting friends. Mr. Charles Mcsurve came down from Portland Saturday afternoon and spnt Hunday In this city. -Charley Mtickle was In Portland Tuesday. He brought home a new two acatod light wagon. There will be an entertainment given ly the public school pupil of this city on Friday of next week. Mrs. Thomas (Joopor, of Kalaina, was vlaitinfr her mother, Mrs. J. II. Decker, two days of this week. Miss IXira VanlSlitricom, of Millshoro, visited her cousin, Mrs. (J. Chamberlain, in this city last Kuuday. Mrs. Tiis llee, of Mayger, has been appointm! adminlHtralrix of the oxtate of Charles lice, dnceated, Regular Novemlier term of commis sioners' court will convene on Wednes day, the 8th of the mouth. T. H. North, of Klst, has been ap pointed administrator of the estate of Vyron Humphrey, deceased. Kugcna Miles spent last Sunday in tlii city. He returned to his studies at Portland Monday morning. Rev. Mr, Philhrook will preach next Fluidity at Itaclielor Flat at II A.M., and in this city in the evening. Dr. J. M. P. Chalmers, of Ridgellcld, was In this city Monday, being uhxun d as a witness in a case in the circuit court. Mr. J. C. Wilcox and Mr. 11. Me Naughton, of Ooble, were in the city Monday afternoon looking after business matters, John R rons and daughter came over Irom their home near Vernonia last Monday and continued on down the river to Rainier to visit relatives. Mr. V. W. Freeman, of Fishhawk, was in town Tuesday morning. He continued on to Portland, expecting to return home the latter part of the week. R. H. Ralley. of Yankton, was in town Monday afternoon en route for Kidgciicld and vicinity, where ho ex pected to do some business buying junk. Some Internal improvements wore made at the schoolhoiise lust Saturday which add greatly to the convenience of tlio premises for teachers and pupils like. Mrs. 8. K. Mclntyre. who has been engaged in the bakery business here for over a year, will leave today for New Astoria, where she will engage in the hotel business. The railroad people did meet tho cut made by tho lioutH in the faro from Astoria to Portland. However, 60 cents is too little. A two-bit faro cannot cer tainly lust long. Tho shoriir, on Wednesday, deeded to Win. N. Mcsorve, by tax deed, all the lands embraced in the W. H. Itunyon estate, in the Nehalem valloy. There are almut 700 acres in all. Superintendent Copeland is putting in some time inspecting the school In the lower part of the county. Ho ex pected to visit the schools near Uoblo, from whence he would proceed to the Nelmlem valley. The circuit Judge ordered the following bills paid, the same being incurred at tho recent term of the circuit court: J. K. Ulakesley. jury bailiff, 3; T. C. Watts, court bailiff, I5; C. K. Kunyon, ohiclal reporter. 104.U0. Mrs. E. Q. Nicholson, late (rom Cali fornia, la now established in the resi dence recently vacated by Rev. U. U. Haley, and is prepared to do first-class dressmaking at reasonable prices. In the future her sewing will do her adver tising. Hndtli Kiftner was up from Rainier Monduy afternoon attending to business matters. Smith is one of Rainier B hustling, energetic, young business men, ' who has an abiding faith in the .future of the place, and without doubt, the faith is well founded. There will be an entertainment and social given in the very near future, by tho fronds of tho Sunday school, to raise funds with which to bill d a wood shod at the Congregational ehurcn. Itate and place for holding the festivities will be given next week. looking ('oP Boniethliifc. Astorlans are stretching their necks to the full extent of their stretching ca- ii fiie.njr UIUBM uy HI 1116 V8II1 Ojtteillpt tO ind out In what particular way the rull- mill I II III IHieil u nil. In II. n tn.., ilUHiness men of that city dug very deep u Hnur vronsorioons pocket to Hiilmulize a rai ioiki company to put them in com miin cation will, tl.u i. u,,i,i and at the present thiiu it begins to look as if town, money, communication and all are to he taken to Portland, Fare from Astoria to Portland Is now but H6 cents, anu or course people go to Port' land to spend their money. Yes, Indeed limy do. and no others have a bettor Knowledge of this fact than have the Astoria merchants, who put up most of iiiu mummy ior too railroad which Is hauling away their customer. Increased transiHjrtallou facilities. In the ev.w.f the Astoria merchant, is not what it is cracked up to be. And there are other who urn sufloring from the contagion. Cheap fares are supping the very vital ity out of Illlinv towns nlonir the river and railroad. The reduction in fare of in cent on 1 uesduy was another under cut blow to business interests. The idea 01 the fare (rom Astoria to Portland l ing but H5 cent. Stop tho Nulsanoe. Those who have had occasion to take notice, certainly have regretted that place, which alxjve all others, should be ac in in a neat condition. Is miu u a dumping ground for most o( the trasli accumulating about the city, as is the beach along our city front. It must mar the beauty of the oitv in the eves of tourists and strangers, who of neces sity, must gnzo on all such debris as they pass on steamers, liesidcs this; wo who are comnellcd to see it everv dav are none the less disgusted at the pros pect, xvow, viiin can lie avoided, and whut Is uiore. should be shinned. Citi zens should be compelled to burn all refuse, or a dumping around should tie chosen in some less prominent place. wnere suen onjecuoiiiuiie matter could ho buried from the gaze of nasscrs bv. Such matter dumped on the beach is not only objectionable to the siuht. but it endangers health, and should be pro hibited. WolKhtiiK the Mall. Mail weiuhlne beuan a few dav airo all over the United states and will con tinue for thirty-live days. The manner nl we hrhinir is not flint mirsued reirn- larly every four years, when weluhers are employed on the trains to compute he total hulk. In tho Present manner of weighing, not pursued for over twenty years, the classifications of mail are weighed separately. In accordance with I'osiniaster ixilmau's instructions he as to see that tho different classifica tions of mail put upon the trains here are weighed separately during the weighimc period. The railway mail clerks are to weigh, according to classifi cation, only the mail that is placed in no drop Holes on the car. the weigh ug is a source of considerable trouble to postal and railway mail employee. It is for the purpose of determining the amount of mail carried. Should be Iteinedled. It seems to us that St. Helens people could just as well as not gut the daily paer from Portland an hour or two earlier each day if the papers were sent by rail Instead of by boat, For some time past the boat has been late every day. often, very late, and it is an incon venience which could be and should be remedied. If the pamrs were permitted to come by rail they would always ar rive by V .'M. In case the bust were always on time tlio difference would be but a very few minutes. It i nut an uncommon thing, at all, to wait nntil after the noon meal before the daily paer arrives. A little action on the part of those interested would have the irect or remedying the present mcon euient system.' Another Columbia County Gralt. Tho fruit has been gathered from a two-yoar-old graft, grown by Mr. R Cox, of this place, which a great many people inspected during circuit court week, and on which grew and matured thirty-live pears, weighing twenty-four pounds. Twenty of the largest 'pears were (elected anil weighed separate, the total weight being ten pounds. They measured Irom ilxll)! inches lor the irgest. and lu'dXlO'i, inches tor the smallest, the other twelve pears being nearest the former than the latter figures in size. Thev wero of the Idaho variety. The limbs on which tho fruit grew are a triflu less than seven feet in length all told. respnt Conditions Suit Him Well. Mr. A. II. Matthews, of Pittsburg, was in town Monday afternoon, en route to Rainier to visit his daughter, Mrs. Mr. Matthews says that there is alto gether too much prosperity in tho coun try to justify one in putting in tneir time harping a bout Bryan and free sil- er. The single gold standard is a very good thing, in- Mr. Matthews' opinion. Ho is also in favor ot the united Mates holding the Philippine islands. He left ho price of a year's subscription to Tub Mist, and ordered the paper sent to his address. Kleot lload Supervisors. Under tho new road law the county courts will at their January terms re- rraiure the road districts of tlio county so that they will conform with the vot ing districts, ami every two years inere after make such changes as shall be deemed necessary. In Juno there shall be elected supervisors lor each district, who shall hold hi ofllco for two years. If he refuse to accept the office after hoinff elected, hu all nil lie lined $25. Tho county court shall till nil vacancies. Hanrord to lteiuin. It is said by person who bociu to be in a position to know, that G. A. Sun ford, once editor of the News, is soon to return from North Carolinia to Colum bia countv and again engage in the news paper business at Clntskanio. May lie Sanford has a longing to repay some of his political obligations (7). Things may be hotter than the hinges of hades here aliout next campaign season. And may bo, too, Hunford comes to enjoy the pros perity of this section, which he fought so industriously to lotord. Creameries Doing Well. . The dairymen throughout tho sur rounding country are now thoroughly realizing tho value of the creamery in their neighborhood. They find that to receive 20 cents or 22!u' cents a pound for their butter fat is much more profit able than to make the butter and dis pose of it themselves. Creameries are doing a much better business than for merly and tho farmer Is correspondingly prosperous as a result of the presence of tho creamery. Treated tor Deafness. Mr W. P. Case, of Pittsburg, came down from Portland Friday evening. Mr. Cuso had spunt the week In the city being treated at the Copeland Institute for relief from his deafness. He had an operation performed on his nose, sup posedly to remove the prime causo of Ills deiifncsH. Ho continued on to Pitts burg Saturday. MIHFOItl'UNB AT PIT'l'SUUItO. The Mill Dam Swept A war--A if e Im paired It Htrongth. lhodiun at the mouth of the Eos Fork of the Nehalem river, which sup plied tho power by which tho Pittsburg lumber and irrist mill bus 1 pollen ior many years, wus carried away last Sunday night, and as a consequence win nun win nit uniuiio to operate until wio immense structure is replaced. II may he some time until this is done but undoubtedly Mr. Case will be able to so arrange matter that thfl work of rebuilding the dam can soon be under taken. The entire structure, down to the bedrock of the river, I gono, how ever, the abutments remain intact. Tho immense timbers broke away at either end. i uis circumstance Is a very severe mow to nir. case, who s secretary and manager of the P ttsbnra Mill Ciimmnv. but he seems determined to surmount the difficulty, and after the debris is cleared away bo will rebuild the dam. Although Mr. Caso has labored under perplexing difficulties (or tho past five renrn, hu is nun uiiuaiiniea anu will face hi misfortune manfully and bravely. Mr. Case is one of very few who would have fuced the diBcouruifina hard ships of recent years, but with an abid ing faith In the future of that section and tho positive assurance of better business conditions, he has been in spired with a determination to overcome difllculties, and he will undoubtedly be rewarded for his lubor and trouble. Mr. Case is a man who bus never been known to refuse a neighbor a favor often discommoding himself to aceoui' modulo his friends, lfo has proven himself honest in big dealings and faith ful to a (ault, almost, to those who in any manner reposed confidence or relt ance in him. The presence o( that establishment in the particular part o( Nchulem valley where it is located, has been a great (actor in developing and building up mai region. The very best ouulitv of lumber has always been manufac tured at that establishment, and now, indeed, were its saws to be (orever silenced, a due appreciation of the true worth of the plant would be keenly real ized. The people thereabout, most of whom have some time or other been accommodated by Mr, Case, can cer tainly do no less than step to the front and offer their services to their friend and neighbor in his time of trial, even though it would lie necessary to wait some time for pay for their services. Undoubtledy Air. Case would court eously refuse an offer of charity, because his determined disposition to succeed will enable him to sometime pay all ob ligations, either by way of pecuniary assistance or services rendered. The gristmill bus also been of great value to that portion of the valley, es pecially so dining the last, few years, when modern machinery for manufac turing a superior grade of Hour, was in stalled. Altogether the plant is a very valuable one, and the people should step gallantly to tho front and render Mr. Caso all the assistance within their power to repair the damage and regain the prestige which the valley has en joyed by reason of the mill being there. CIjATSKAMK items. L. B. Stuart was in town from hi claim near Vernonia this wevk. Clntttkanie Rent a delegation to Mr, Ford' entertainment at Kyser Saturday evening. A wood scow lat week took out a big load of . cord w ood a hundred cord more or less, K. IIiik'k'H was away the latter part of the week proving up on Ilia claim in Nehalem vnlley. Oliver Iturris, of the Nehalem valley, wan in town Monday and Tuesday look ing after lumber interest. Mr. Chandler, Sr., exnaot to return to rim Franciuro this week after a pleas ant Rummer spent in this vicinity. Peter Herdklotz, Sr., is a sufferer from fiitnih'Mis of one Hide of his face, causing iiiu both inconvenience and mitlering. Mr. Lyndall was over from VoBper with a load of grain the last of the week to avail himself of the excellent market here. Smith St Thomas and Burris have quite a large quantity of cedur lumber piled along the river bank awuiting shipment. J. Maynard, one of the successful ranchers of the Nehalem valloy, near Fislihawk, was over this week to dis obo of farm product. W. C. Buck has been fortunate in se curing a very sightly place for his new residence. It makes a good showing as he gets the ground cleared oil' around it. Wood Flippin and family left us this week for a winter residonca in Portland. They have had charge of tho boarding house at Tictienur'a mill and logging camp. The postmaster has the privilege of serving the people very long hours each day since we got additional night inaihi. He is good until rod and no doubt enjoys thin distinction. Clutskanie scorned a harvest for com mercial men last week, judging from the number that were here. It looked as though they traveled in droves like wild geese for mutual protection. R. Sonneland is among u again and seems to believe that we all ought to carry life insurance and that the I'eiin Mutual is the company to get in. We have no quarrel with him and wish him SUCCl'BB. W. L. Chandler got bis teanis'in order Monday ami went up the Clatakanie to work on a new logging contract. Will is not afraid of mud and does not be lieve in having his tenm idle through tho winter if it can possibly be avoided. The city iB quite dark these rainy nights, but there is tulk of street light ing after awhile, bo if we are patient and don't happen to break a leg running against any of these lumber piles, "there'll come a time" when we can get around better at night. Eov. Waltz, of Portland, officiated at the quarterly meeting services last Sabbath, preaching at Qnlncy in the morning and here in the evening. He is an earnest, forcible spouker, calcu lated to Impress an audience that his prenching is an expression of hi earn est and honcBt conviction. If our people did not know otherwise that the Finn people were building a church near town, the occasional pres ence of a solicitor with a subscription paper would be a suitablo reminder. They announce themselves as well pleased with the financial help the citi zens hero have given them. Their church is well under way. A. B. Little bus boon sighting around looking for coiucis and lnudniarks. Ono troublw in this section is that that we have too many comorg already. If we had one or two less, n great deal of con troversy might havo been avoided and the town greatly benefitted. Those wore not the corners mat surveyor lit.- tie was looking for, however. Potato digger have been in big de- maim uiroug'iout the country tills week. The Carico postofllce will be discon tinued after this month, so Bays a dis patch from Washington in Thursday' Oregonian. A line of delicious candle ha recently boon added to the stock at the drug store. The line consists of "Assorted Imperials," "Arabian Cherries." "Win- tergreen lozengers." "Sweet Memories.' "Boston Raked Beans," "Maple Leaf -riixeu" anu "itoyai uum Urops." ,. una iiiih wmj resiuea lu Reaver valley, wus in Portland last Sat At f Tt. ......... t..l,. ...I. - urday attending to business matters. Mr. Morris has recently sold the timber on nis land to the Star Logging Coin' pany for $&"00. The timber is said to be a very fine body, and consequently very vaiuuuie. Mr. I). B. English, wife and mother. in-law, of Long Beach. Wash., arrived up on the Hassalo Wednesday, and con tinued on to veer isianii, wnere tney will visit relatives for some time. Be fore returning home tbev will visit rela- tives at Clutskanie, and also attend the rortiaud exposition. , The assessor and hi assistant are at work on the new set of nresent-owner ship books. The work of transcribing tne records, especially where the lands are in the donation claims, is proving uunniutiruuio oi a iubk ui suo-uiviue, out when once completed, tracing titles to small or large tracts will be an easier matter, by far, . . j .. Clican fares are aure enough a draw ing car.). Twenty-two persons from this city availed themselves ot the opportu nity to visit Portland Thursday morn ing, among them being Mr, and Mrs. S. Sali-er. Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Johns. Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Watts, Mr. James Dart and daughters, Mrs. A. J. Deming, Mrs. eilis, Mrs. W. A. Harris, Charley Melt inger, A. Davis, J. N'. Rice and Mr. F. S, Gray. Our lob printing department is kent busy most of the time turning out com mercial and society work of all kind. We are constantly adding to our job material and the reputation of turn ing out good work is given us by all who patronize us. Our prices are con sistent with good workmanship. We win prim, aiiyiiiing irom a caning cara to a poster or a book, and do it well and promptly. COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE. County Tbkasursk'h officii, ST. HBI.KNB, Ok.. Oct. 8. 1H99. VrOTIOB IB HKKKBV tilVEN THAT ALL 1.1 Unpaid Cutinty Warrants of Columbia ounlv. Oreffon. which have been oresented nil endorsed "Not Paid lor Wnt of ?nudj." prior to November ISth, lsus, will be paid upon presentation at tins office. Interet will not be allowed after thin date. KUW1N KIMS. otitis TrenKUrerof Columbia County. Oregon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE 18 HEREBY OJVEN THAT THE uniJeraitniecf ha been, by the Honorable bounty Court of Columbia County, elate of Or- exon, apiwtiitK'd ulnunistriHor of the estate of John )leiHlrlckf. deceal, and that X have duly quulified as such, and that all persona harinir claims HKimiHt Ham eitate are nereov required to present the same, accompanied by proper vmu'iiera, at me oinrc tn uuie & which, in m. Helens, said countv and state, within six months from the date hereof. Dated October 271 h, 1M. E. E. QUICK. Administrator of the estate ol John llemlrieks, ueceaaeti. , o'SitiJA NOTICE OS FINAL SETTLEMENT. TOTICE 18 HERKBY UVKN THAT THE undertdifned administrator of the estate of H. Tavlor. deceased, haa filed In the aceuiiut and petition for final distribution of the residue of jaid estate, and that the Judge of oaid Court haa appointed Monday, the 6th day of November, IMW, at 1 o'chfek P, M., and the court room of said Court, in Ht. Helens, in aaid ountv and mute, as the time and ul ace lor heurluxand senling the aaid account and petl- on ior uwrioution, at wmcii time ana piace any person interested in said estate may appear and file written objections to Uie allowance of said account and the granting of snid petition. Administrator of the estate of T. H. Taylor. deceased. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Offick at Oregon Cny, Or., October aai. 1899. X' .TOTICE IS HERKBY GIVEN THAT THE lollowlnir-nained settler has nled nonce of Ik Intention to make tiiml proof in support ol in claim, and that said proof will be inadcbe- re Hie County Clerk of Columbia Couniy, at St. Helens, Orcnon, on December Ulh, kail, viz: HASH CHB1STENSEN, Homestead entry No. 10012. for the northeast of noction 2S, township 4 north, rangfe 5 west. He names ihe following wllnesaes to prove his eonttnuoHH residenoe upon and cultivation of said land, vijt: Krilest (1. Hhannahau, J. V. neeiey anrt John smith, of vernonia, Oregon. and Adolpb Bemersou, of Kist, Oregon. ill CHAS. 11. MOOUE8, Ketfister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Officb at Okkqon Citt, Or., October 14th. 1S09. NOTICE IS HKREBY GIVEN THAT THE lollowlnK'uamed settler has filed notice of Ills Intention to make liual proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the County Clerk of Columbia County, at St. Helens, Oregon, on Novomlwr 27th, 1SSI9, vl: THOMAS G. DEVINE, Homestead entry 11X3(1, for the northwest of section 8.1, township 7 north, ranue 3 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: Lewis Malcolm, Frecl 8. Mal colm and Leon A. Malcolm, of Kyser, Oregon, and J. R. Headlee. of Rainier, Oregon. oJi)n'J4 CHAR. B. MOORES, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLIC ATON. Land Ornr at Okkion City, Or.. October 12th, 1M9. NOTICE 18 HEREBY lilVKN THAT THE fohowing-uamed settler haa tiled notice of his intention to make Anal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore tho Rcgisler and Receiver, at Oregon City, Oregon, on November '24ih, 1HU9, vis: WILLIAM RIDDERBUSCH, Homestead entry 11196, for the west of the northwest i. and west of tho southwest of section 27, township 4 north, range 6 west. Ho names tlio following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of saiil land, vis: David Tweedle and John Corcoran, of vine Maple, Oregon, Joseph Lynch, oi MisnawaKa, Oregon, ana rreurica springer, of Jewell, Oregon. CHAS. B. MOOKKf. (iJUUl Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office; at Okkoon City, Or., October 14th, 1K99. XTOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE a following-named settler has filed notice of her lntontlon to make tlnal proof in supjsut of her claim, that said proof will be moile before the County Clerk ol Columbia con nty, at St. Hel ens, Oregon, uu November 27, 1899, via: ANNIE MESCHER, Homestead entry 91174, for the northwest of section 19, township k north, range 3 west. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said hind, vis: Kred Ninseadt. W. S. Brown and Pau 8tehman,of Apiary, Oregon, and J. R. Headlee, of Rainier, Oregon. 02UIUM CHAS. B. MOORES, Register. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE S, 1878. Notice for Publication. Unitkd Status Land Offic, OIU.OUN CITY. Or.. AllgUSt J.I. IS99. N OTIOK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN comoliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 3, 1H7S, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the Htates of Cali fornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Terri tory," as extended lo all the Tilbiiv Land Stales bv act ot August 4, 18112, ltay E. Watts, of Coble, coutiiv of Columbia, stato of Oregon, has this dny tiled in this olllce her Bworn statement No. 4nriil, for tho purchase of the southeast M of sec tion 6, in township No. 5 north, rango No. 3 west, and will oiler proof lo show that the laud sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for aurlc.tUiirHl purposes, and lo establish her claim to suit! hind before the Register i, ud Receiver of this otllee, at Oregon Ci-y, Oregon, on Wednes dHy. the Ifith day of November, 18ii9. She mimes lis wilnessos: John M. Archibald, diaries .Morel, Kuill Wasser and Ueorge Morel, all of Gohle, Oregon. Any and all persons clutniiiii:' adverse ly Ihe above-described lands are requested to tile their ohiims in this otllce on nr before said ,r. (iv November. Istimo chas. u. mookes, Rogister. VEK.NONIA ITEMS. Miss Eva Miilmsten arrived home from Portland Huuday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Tracy made a busi ness trip to Clatskanie last week. Born, on Sunday, October 15th, to the wife of John Kdliolm, a daughter. Wm. Mellinzer came over from Floul- ton last week to harvest hi potato crop. E. K. Throop, of Keasey, passed through Vernonia Monday en route to Forest Grove. W. W. Allen made a trip to Houlton Saturday, returning Sunday with a load of passengers. Omar Shannahan arrived in Vernonia Sunday, fie will reside on bis farm up the river tins winter. Josh Rose had tho misfortune to lose some of the peeline off of his face last Saturday, The cause is still a mystery. hu n. ?? mi,, ui i;iftmim vr.iu una If U71:,A !,. i.. ..,l ...lw, l been vismnz her cousin, Mrs. Htrouo. of this place, returned home Saturday. The schedule day on the Kist-Keasey mail route nave changed iroin Tuesday, Ttiursday and Saturday to Monday Wednesday and t riday. Mr. D. W. Holton. representing the Northrop & Stui gia Company, of Port land, was in Vernonia Wednesday tak ing orders Irom our merchants. "I wish to express my thank to the manufacturers of Chamberlain' Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for hav ing put on the market such n wonderful medicine," gay W. W. Mussingill, of lieamnont, Texas. There are many thousand of mother whose children have been saved from attacks of cholera infantum and dysentery who must also feel tlianktui. It 18 tor sale by ut. Edwin Rosa. . What i. HbllohV A grand old remedy for Coughs, Colds and Consumption ; used through the world Ior half a century ; ha cured in numerable cases of incipient consump tion and relieved many in advanced stages. If you are not satisfied with tiie results we will retund your money. Price 26 cl. and 50 cts. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross, druggist, St. Helens, and N. A. Perry, Houlton. Vouu( mother.. Croup is the terror of thousands of young mothers because its outbreak is so agonizing and frequently fatal, ohi loh'g Cough and Consumption Cure acts ike magic in cases of Croup. It hag never been known to fail. The worst case relieved immediately. Price 25 eta., 50 cts. and $1. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross, druggist, St. Helens, and N. A. I'erry, lloulton. Tell V.ur Sister. A Beautiful Complexion is an impossi bility without good pure blood, the sort that only exists in connection with good digestion, a healthy liver and bowels. Karl' Clover Hoot Tea acts directly on the bowels; liver and kidneys, keeping them in perfect health. Price 25 cts. and 60 cts. Sold by Dr. Edwin Robs, druggists, 6t. Helens, and N. A. Perry, lloulton. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Bennett died on Wednesday at their home near Warren. The funeral was held Thursday. OTAKKIED. WELLBORN-WESTON. At Warren, Buuday, Octobers, ltf9, Mr. Silas Welloru and hiss Jenavrie Weston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. ). Fullerton, Rev. 1'hilbrook officiating. no it. ROWLEY. At Houlton, October 10, 1W9, to the wue oi james aowiev, a son. . DIKO. CONN ELL. At Portland, October 28, 1899, Wm. Council, ol paralysis, aged 77 years. Deceased was the father of Wm. . Conuell, of Deer Island. DECKER. Near Warren, October 23, 1899, LilUe, wife of Oenrge Pecker, of dropsy. SOLICITORS WANTED. We will pay 112 a week salarj to either a man or a woman to represent tne idlaud Monthly Msglzine as a subscrintion solicitor. The Mid- laud is the same size as MeClures or the Cnsnio nolitau. It is now in its sixth Year, and is .the only magazine of this kiud published iu the great Central West. A handsome premium given to each subscriber. Send 11) centa for a copy of the Midland and premium list to the i wentietn uemury ruotisuing uo., &t. ixmis, juo. Skin Diseases. For the BDeedv and nennanent cure of tetter, Bait rheum and eczema, Cham berlain' Eye and Skin Ointment is without an equal. It relieves the itch ing and smarting almost instantly and its continned use effects a permanent cure. It also cures itch, barber's itch, scald bead, sore nipples, itching piles, chapped hands, chronic soro eyes and granulated lids. Dr. Catlv's Condition Powders for horses are the best tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. Price, 25 cents. Sold by Dr. Edwiu Ross. ED HILLSBERRY, Expert :-: Barber SHARP RAZORS AND CLEAN TOWELS. None but purest chemicals used in wash ing and cleansing the lace. I : Get a Hot Towel on Your Face Usual prices for work. DECKER'S OLD STAND, ST. HELENS J STORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER JOL RAILROAD COMPANY. RKADDOWN STATIONS. 21 F. M. 7 00 8 On 8 ' 8 38 8 a 8 61) 8 X 9 OS 9 19 9 117 10 00 10 OS 10 20 10 SI) A.M. 8 00 9 as 9 18 9 85 9 40 9 fill 10 00 10 10 10 21 10 K9 It 02 11 10 11 22 II SO u. r. m. .0 Lv.. Portland.. A r 11 15 10 05 9 40 : 8 as l 8 20 I 8 00 7 54 I 89.4 4..8i 88.51 65.91 lloble ., Uainier Pyramid Mayger Qnlncy .... Clalskanio .... Marshland Westiwrt Clifton. Knappa Pvenson...... John Day Ar .. Astoria ... Lv 9 52 9 UA 9 SO 9 20 9 12 9 02 8 52 8 87 8 17 8 07 7 55 7 45 ri9.8i 7 48 7 S 7 2K 7 17 7 Oi 8 42 6 Ui 6 20 10 ir.2.s 71.21 78 71 sti.6 90.8 ,95.4 Wl 81 - All tmins mnke clone connections ut. lioble wilh Northern I'HClrlo trHinn to anil from the Kivst anil Sounil point.1. At Portland with all train leavmir lmon ilepot. At Astoria with 1. It. & N. Co.'s boat nml rail lino to and frum 11 wuco and North llcaeh points. Piissenpcrs for Astoria or way points must flujr trains at Houlton. Trains will stop to let pas sciiKets oil' at lloulton when coming from points west m uooiu. ... ihj.i Gen. I'ass. AkI.. Astoria, Or. e ....St. Helens' He We Have Everything You Want S in the Line of 1 ..GENERAL.. ..Merchandise.. fe Our Prices are Right I g- yon buy or not. We are pleased to 13 - show goods and give prices. 1 Loggers' Outfits. Logging Camps Supplied MAIN STREET, ST. HELENS, OREGON 3 ....St. Helens J. II. DART, Prop..... Fresh Meats, Sausage, Hams, Bacon, Lard . Bacon, Lard and Hams Sold way Down. Special Rates Given on Orders for Large Quantities of Meat. Main Street, &$$r& i .....JOHNSON & BURCDORFER BROS.... (V-Manufacturers ...All Kinds of Rough d Flooring Ku.tle ...Ceiling ASD ..Dimen.ion Lumber... 8CAPPOO8E. - raty jy ay ay ay ay ja. al ay Mr ; " ..THE NEW ..Carries a Large Assortment of..... Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats Caps Dresses, Etc GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Our line of groceries, tobacco, cigars, candies, nuts, fruits, etc., is new and clean, in fact, our entire stock consists of strictly up-to-date goods, which we invite the public to inspect. Portland prices for goods. H. MORGUS, Proprietor, H St Helens, Oregon ry yp ty tp tajrLyr- MONTE VISTA NURSERIES APPLE TREES. ON WHICH WE QUOTE Willlmntfo Driinn "e KBi two year-old trees, olona were obtained from a IlllluIllGllu MullC. prominent fruit grower, and wore cut Irom bearing trees. ? ALSO CHERRY, PLUM AND FEAR TREES. A. HOLADAY, PROP., HOME BAKERY - MRS B. E. M'INTYRE, PROPRIETRESS. Hoie-Maile Bread, Pies Calces, Do nghnuts T-Lunclie s, 10 cents Dp. Also a Stock of Notions and Confectionery S NEXT TO BOWLING ALLB1Y, -:- ST. HELENS. ....STEAMER JOSEPH KELLOGG. Leaves Kelso on Mondays, Y ennesdaya and Fridays at 6 o'clock a. m. ....Portland and Kelso Route via Willamette slough..... THE C10NINCER i WHITNEY, Props. TiiarAMocs GYRUS - NOBLE - WHISKEY Besides other standard brands o( litjuor, U kett always on hand. Card tables, jhmjI table, and billiard table for the use of patrons. t. Helens, Oregon. Popular Store.... f 3 .S3 3 3 Come and See us, whether ...THE POPULAR GROCERS... 5 Meat Market.... ? St. Helens. of and Dealers in o and Dressed Lumber... GOOD ROAD TO THE MILL. Mill on aouth fork ol Bcappoom creek.fonr ( miles from ticbppooee nation. . Lumber delivered at Svappoow station or Johnson's landinK ut 1.00 per M, extra. At w arren station, 11.50. - - - - OREGON ay ay ay laa jai ja ay jji p ja .Mji.Mua'l aw a. -a 1 YORK STORE.. Harris' Old Stand y ty. ayi"tyr'y jyjf y TT" We have a choice lot of one and two-year-old iiaes, such as Ben Davis, Northern Spy, Bald win, Spitzenberg and Gravenstein, VERT REASONABLE PRICES. SCAPPOOSE, OREGON and LUNCH ROOM Leares Port land Tuesday. Thursday, and Saturdays, at 6 o'clock a. m. 3A, f nmiTiTin n i t aam If you want somethlna; ftood in thtt una ui n ui.mij viy SHAW'S MALT Oulf the best ol Liquors and Cigars Kent in Stock! Fool and Card Tables for the use ol Fatroua. tJotirteous treatment. (Betwaan the two Hotvla.) ST. HELENS, ... OREGON. OPEN FROM B A. M. TO 12 O'CLOCK MIDNIGHT. MIDNIGHT. S