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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1899)
J along Powder Main Mum? Prof. Geo. F. Barker, M. D., University of Penn.t "jill the constituents of alum remain (from alum baking powders) 'n the bread, and the alum itself is reproduced to all intents and purposes when the bread is dissolved by the gastric juice in the process of digestion. I regard the use of alum as highly injurious." Dr. Alonzo Clark : ,"A substance (alum) which can de range the stomach should not be tolerated in baking powder." Prof. W. G. Tucker, New York State Chemist : " I believe it (alum) to be decidedly injurious when used as a constituent of food articles." Prof. S. W. Johnson, Yale College: "I regard their (alum and soluble alumina salts) introduction into baking pew dcrs as most dangerous to health." In view of such testimony as this, every care must be exercised by the housewife to exclude the over and over condemned cheap, alum baking powders from the food. Baking powder made from cream of tartar, which it highly relbed gripe acid, are promotive of health, and more efficient. No other kind thould be used in leavening food. Royal Baking Powder is the higheit example of pure cream of tartar powder. ROYAL BAKING POWOER CO, NEW YORK. Tk Adeaataga f oH Kye. Daring the late Spanish-American war a certain old colonel who had loat an eye at the battle of Gettysburg was very indignant because he was pat aside as physically incapacitated, when be applied for ad mixtion to one of the Jiew York volunteer reigments. Filled with wrath and chagrin the colonel journeyed to Washington, bent on having a personal interview with the president. lie succeeded in gain ing an audience, and the president, after listening to his plea, said, kindly: "But, my good CoL J , yon have only one eye!" "Just so, air," was the prompt re joinder, "bat can't you see the great advantage of my having only one eye? I W ben I aim my gun I shan't have to close the otherl" He fought at Santiago. Youth's Companion. Trip to Portland. Now that the heat and dust of sum mer are past and gone, there is real pleasure in travel, and no trip can give more pleasure or profit than a trip to Portland to attend the Oregon Indus trial Exposition, which runs in Port land from September 28 to October 28. All the railroad and steamboat lines The extreme point of Land's End, the most westerly point of England, has been described as resembling the head of an aligator descending into the sea. A natural tunnel runs right through it, and is about 60 feet high. Why It Saeeaede. There is nothing remarkable about the grand success that attends the Ore gon Industrial Exposition at Portland, for it is backed up by the enterprising business men of Portland, who spare no expense to make the great fair a splendid success. The men who conduct it are: H. C. Breeden, presi dent; I. X. Fleischner, vice-president; R. J. Holmes, treasurer; W. S. S tre ble, secretary; E. C. Masten, assistant secretary; H. E. Dosch, auditor; George L. Baker, superintendent; J. P. Marshall, Ben Selling, H. L. Pit took, D. Solis Cohen, C. B. Williams, Dan McAllen, A. B. Steinbach, J. E. Thielsen, D. M. Dunne, R. C. Judson, L. M. Spiegl, Sig. Bichel, H. D. Rams dell, B. S. Pague, General O. Sum mers, Col. I. N. Day, George Fuller, Captain E. S. Edwards. If a child needs nourishment one of the simplest forma in which it can be ... U.. i- k. .1 ...U ; . , are giving specially low excursion m. : j j.eV ed. The white is broken into a jar with what milk is desired and the two The least troublesome and most pro- shaken thoroughly together. A pinch Stable animal to raise in this country of salt may be added before drinikng, is the sheep. I if preferred. rates, and the fair is well worth visit ing. Vomr raelllllee for Caalleg. Army officers in the Philippines who have charge of the troop transports complain of the lack of coaling facil ities and the annoyances which sur round the replenishing of the fuel sup ply of such ships. They write the war department that the present method involves great delay, troops being com pelled to await transports, which make long trips to the coal pile and back. The distance required to go for fuel is TO miles, and the period taken for this errand is from 10 to 20 days. Sometimes, it is said, a transport is gone long enough while taking on coal to make a trip from Manila to San Francisco. It is probable there will be an official inquiry into the system, and some arrangements made by which the transports can be coaled with greater facility. Port Patrick is the nearest place on the coast of Scotland to that of Ire land, the channel being only 21 miles across about the same distance as that which separates Dover from Calais. It has the reputation of being the tradi tional point at which St. Patrick land ed from Ireland. GEN. JOE WHEELER PRAISES RERUN A, The Oreat Catarrh Cure. The first Australian newspaper, the Sydney Gazette, was published March 5, 1803, 15 years after the rise of the colony. The delay was caused through there being no printers among the convicts, who represented every pro fession, including the legal. The plant was brought out in the first fleet, but it could not be used until the authori ty caught a compositor. A snail's pace was carefully observed in Florence, Italy. Several of the mol luscs were placed between two points ten feet apart, and started. It was ascertained that the fastest snail in the race traveled at the rate of mile in 14 days. For the Chlldrea. The management of the Oregon In dustrial Exposition at Portland has pro vided well for the children, whom we have with' us always, and whose lives should be brightened. The feature of the fair that gives them .the most en joyment is the big steam merry-go-round. They never tire of it, and as they dismount from their prancing steeds they are always happy and ready for another ride. A HOT" COLO BANQUET. Iloaaa laalrie leferoaellea ay a Wallet Fraaa Ike (nwiry Wki Helped la Serve. II. One of the waiters at a popular local restaurant Is birdot passage from the I Bowery and was member of the Isniall army that served the famous "Dollar Dinner" in Mew York last I April. A good many stories have been told of that memorable event, bat none of them surpass his own In point of piotmesquenesa and inside detail. "It was the fnnntvat push I was ever In In me life," he lays, confidentially. "The kitohen was so small the had to cook everything on the outside, ami when it got theie It was dead cold. The second course was haddock, and eaoh fish come served in a linen bag, so we could put 'em In tubs of hot water and watm 'em up see? Well, some nf the hoys got rattled and served eiu bags and all, with eitit sauce over th' outside. Say, you'd of died laugh, ing seeing them fellers tryin to oaive their fish. 'This Is the toughest anld haddock I iver tackled in me life,' says one Tammany man at the head table; 'it's got a skin like a rhlnooeils,' says lie. In the kitchen there was riot all night long. It was so small the waiteia couldn't reaoli the dishers-np and they got, to crapping for -front places in the line. One man was knocked stiff with a turkev, and when they pioked him up I thought he was dead. I did, on the level. But it wasu't blood. It wss only cranberry sauoe. Auothei flunkey fell into the salad and one of the oooka put a can of ice oream in the oven, thinking it was brown gravy fur the beef. That's on the square just as I'm telling you I But the woist of all was when wffT'anie to the wine. It was 'Merican cham pagne in half pints, without Ice, and of all the kicking and hollering! One fiesh gent told me it was the only thing he had had that night that was good and warm, and he hardly said it I When a waiter that was a little jagged accident ly poured about a quarto! boil- in coffee down the back of his neck. Say, you ought of heard him euss. Between you and me, a good many waiters got to hitting the wine, and tbey found one of 'em with 15 empty bottles in his pants leg. That's hon est. I saw it myself. It was the hot teat banquet 1 was ever at." N. Ol Times-Demooiat. PRUNE DRYING. Whf the California Produet Hrlnge Higher Price In the Markets of the Kaat. The Philippine War Is proving more stubborn than anticipated. It needs a vigorous contest to straighten matters out. We should tackle the Phil ippines ami overcome them as Ho-tetter's Stomach Hitters does dvux-twia. iudiirrs. tion. malaria, fever and ague. The buttle ia short and decisive, ami fur ti fly years the owcr nave always won. FLINGS AT WOMANKIND. am af Which Smash J ait a Little Bit or the Truth. A girl was visiting in town who has a diess tiimmed with four miles of lace, and hei hostess is thinking of giv ing a reception lor it. A woman who knows bow easily the men can be fooled tells eveiyone who kisses her that It Is the first time she was ever kissed by a man. It occuis to man with some wonder that his wife never got np as much enthusiasm over him when she was a bride as she gets op ovei the new little red baby. When a woman doesn't know of anything else nice to say about another woman she says she has such "cute little wsys." Evety unhappy woman takes pleasure In thinking of the time when he will come back, and it will be too late. A good many girls have the notion that some day they may be compelled to sell their bair and pay off the mort gage on the family homestead, as the story books relate. An Atchison girl who had very beautiful hair became very poor and agreed to sell it fur (3. After the hair had been cutoff the pur chaser refused to take it, saying she could get a switch for 2 in Kansas City that would answer. Atchison Globe. Will Kan Automobile Line. Unable to obtain an electric railway or to induce the Big Four Railroad company to improve the service north of Wabash, Ind., the citizens of North Manchester have taken briskly in hand the matter of buying an automobile to run between Wabash and that place, 14 miles. There is a great deal of travel to Wabash, the county seat, from that portion of the county, but the Big Four does not ran Us trains to accommodate it. negotiations are now on lor a horseless carriage with which it is proposed to make three or four round trips a day, carrying passengers for 76 cents both ways. If the project suc ceeds the carriage will be put on this fall and will be the first application of the automobile. H. B. Miller, preeideut of the Ore gon State Board of Horticulture, iu recent paper, makes ninny valuable nggestiona to the fruit growers of the Northwest. Mr. Miller says: The prune growers of Oregon often wonder why their French prunes do not command as good a price as the Cali fornia product. An examination of the ordinary methods of curing of the average Oregon pruue grower explains muoh of the cause of this difference In value. I have just returned from a careful Investigation of a number of prune dryers, and found muoh carelessness and slovenliness. In the first place, they pick everything from the ground that they find there at the first pick ing. Some are half roMen, some half dried, some sunburnt, and almost all immature or defective. Those are dried and go into the bins with the general crop. Then again a strong man goes over the orchard, shaking the trees as hard as he can, bringing off the primes in every stage of riiwuesa, many of them altogether too green to make a good product. A dish of these prunes will have about as many different tastes or llavors as there are prunes, and none of them will be truly first-class. Many of these dryers are operated in the most careless manner, without thermometer to indicate the tempera ture, and as a result, no two lots are cured equally; and so in the drying, as well as in the methods of gathering, many varieties of flavor are developed. After being cured they are often dumped into coal oil cases, dirty pick ing boxes, and finally bring np in a dirty barn for storage. The dirt and filth about some of these dryers is in tensely disgusting. tlood fruit, clean and pleasant to the taste, and uniform in flavor and qual ity, cannot be produced by such methods and will not command a good price in the market, and until better, cleaner and more systematic work is done in the gathering, drying and packing of our prunes, we will be far behind the California price. In the first place, the sunburnt, im mature and partially decayed fruit should not be dried. The trees should not be shaken, but the fruit should ripen on the tree and be allowed to drop, and in this way yon will secure uniformity of ripeness. A careful uniformity of temperature for drying should be maintained, and the fruit re moved when it reaches a fixed stand ard. Prune buyers should examine the quality of fruit much more carefully titan they do, and by variation In prices reward the careful and conscientious producer for his good work. So far the buyers have offered so much for dried prunes, regardless of their real quali ties. Associations for elevation of the standard of the quality will do much good. I realise that many of the fruitgrowers are doing good, conscien tious work, and are turning out a first class product; but I have been sur prised at the extent of careless inothodi in gathering, drying and caring for the prune, and desire to urge upon all the utmost care in every detail of produc tion of the pruue. ' UBaie oewa.a leje-rraeo-aaaaa alai.S. i THE 'YOUTH'S COMPANION Th. Flresld Frlead la Hall Million Homes. Special Subscription Offer for 1900. Those who subscribe at once will receive the nine November and December Issues of the Companion FREE, and than all the issues for the js weeks or the nsw ysar, until January t, 1901. This offer In. dudes the gift of the Nsw Companion Calendar for 1000 the most beautiful one ever given to the friends of The Companion, T Cut out and send this slip with l.7S, the price of your subscription to 1901. - JJ Smd we your aMrm on a Pottol ami tie vUl . muM you eur liul ruled Jtmotmrrmmi Kumlur, eonralnln? a full jmMwrw 0 In Contributor ml OmtrUmtUns snyatfed or th mm valtntM. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, Boston, Mass. -, - - - - - - - -- .IIIISJ .ISallllaSlallllallallllMall-laniWMIalril-MlsriTSlllllliajllMIISlll What He Had. fluent What have you got? WalterI've gut liver, calf's brains, pig's feet "I don't want a description of vour physical peculiarities. What you have got to eat Is what I waut to know." Boston Traveler. Amateur Art. In these days, when so many peoie have cameras, great many good pic tures are produced, and the amateur phohtgnipheri of the world are now competing for cash prises at the Ore gon Industrial Kxmitln at I'ortland. Many good pictures are on exhibition. f fT Permanently Cue ill afire Srat dare or aervouaneae r. Kill Kn au ant-r flrae iIbv'i um tf It. kiiM. iin... fiwva Keeiurer. ewnd rr rstl JM.OO Iriel buttle end "-"-""- H. II. aXUIK. IL,aa mtvm a ufMMMfMaia. ra. Anthracite eoal on llelllnghaiu bay has been found to be big discovery. Mothers will find Mrs. Window's Hooth Ing Hvrup the bent remedy to'ee for their ohtlureti during the teething period. Koobsster marble cutters the eight-hour dsy. now enjoy I'isq'a Curs for Coriaunipllon has been a OiMl-tend to me. Wm. II. MvClellan, tlit-ater, Florida, Sept. 17, Cleveland high school 8U0 a year. - teachers earn There la Bare rttarrh In thu eaetlon of the euuntrr than all oilier dlarm out mihmr, aii.l until iba laet fear jreare waa euiMMrd In ha Incurable. For a great many yvara dixMure tro nou urea it a local aiea.e, end .rrrlb. meal rrm..n, and by ooDatantly tailing 10 en re with hieal treatment, oronounxeri It Ineurabla, Science haa pruna catarrh lo ha awn.tllu. iioa.iun.iw, ami inar.iore reqmrre eunatltu. Ilonal trxatmeni. Haifa C'aiarrh t'ure, man. ulactunMl by r. J Cheney Co,Tldn, Ohio, lailm.Milr eon.tlnitlon.I rnrenn the market. It la taken Internally In donea from lOrlrotHita a traauounful. It acta directly (,a the blood an.l nucnua aurlacee ol the ay.iem. They niter one hundred dollar tor any eaae II lalla to eur. Mend lor elrculara and leitlmonlale. Ad- y- i- '".'' - CO., Toledo, & H..I1I fcy rrrnirelita. Mo. ilall'i Kamlly I'llli are the boat. Te ro Away With star Trumueta. A telephone has lieen Invented for deaf people which is Intended to do away with the necessity of carrying large and clumsy ear trumpets which are now In common nse. The new de vice consists of a small transmitter which is fastened to the coat, while the receiver can be carried iu the pocket except when wanted. It la then to lie placed to the car eiactly as 1 an ordinary telephone receiver. The whole eiaiaratna is worked by a small electrio luttory, which also finds a place In the pocket. Not only is the new apparatus more convenient than the old-faahloued ear trumpet, but It Is claimed by the inventor that it entire ly does away with the tteovsnlty of talk lug in a loud tone of voice. tihicauo Tribune. Fair at I'ortlanil. The mrtslo at the Oregon Industrial Kxposltlon is simply gram). It Is by lieunett's full military band, which gives popular classic concerts after noons and evenings. The amusement feature) of the fair are never neglected, and there are astuniahiug acrobatic and aerial feats, grand cake-walks and many other good things to delight, surprise and ploaae all who come. There are In ltoeton 44,30? pemotie lorn in llritlxh America, Including Ontario, Nova Hootla, New Hrunnwick, IMuce Kdward inlnnil and Newfound land. PORTLAND DIRECTORY. fawea ami Hlra Wnrh. POHTLANII H'IKK A HI"" WOltKS; Wlllg and Iron letmlug! office rallluy, etc, SH Alder. Maehliiarjr ami uill. JOE WHIEUB'I CHAKOB AT SAIf JUAJC HILL. Major-General Joseph Wheeler, com manding the cavalry forces in front of Santiago and the author of "The Santi ago Campaign," in speaking of the great catarrh remedy, Pe-ru-na, says: "I join with Senators Sullivan, Roach and McEnery in their good opinion of Fe-tn-na.' It is recommended to me by those who have used it as an excel lent tonic and particularly effective as a cure for catarrh." United States Senator KoEnery. Hon. S. D. McEnery, United States Senator from Louisiana, says the follow ing in regard to Pe-ru-na: "Pe-ru-na is an excellent tonic I have used it sufficiently to say that I believe it to be all that yon claim for it. S. D. McEnery, New Orleans, Louisiana." United States Senator Sullivan. "I desire to say that I have been taking Pe-ru-na for some time for ca tarrh, and have found it an excellent medicine, giving me more relief than anything 1 have ever taken. W. V. Sullivan, Oxford, Miss." United States Senator Roach. "Persuaded by a friend, I have used Pe-ru-na as a tonic, and am glad to testify that it has greatly helped me in strength, vigor and appetite. I have been advised by friends that it is re markably efficacious as a cure for the almost universal complaint of catarrh. W. N. Roach, Larimore, North Da kota." A free book on catarrh sent to any address by The Pe-ru-na Drug Manu facturing Co., Columbus, Ohio. The microbes that cause chills and fever and malaria enter the system through mucous membranes made porous by catarrh. Pe-ru-na heals the mu cous membranes and prevents the entrance of malarial germs, thus preventing and curing these affections. ImprovaOl TrelBj Kqulpeaeat. The O. R A N. and Oregon Short Line have added a buffet, smoking and library car to their Portland-Chioago through tiain, and a dining car service has been iuaogosrated. The train Is equipped with the latest ehair cars, day coaches and' luxurious flnt-olaes and ordinary sleepers. Direct connec tion made at Granger-with Union Pa cific and at Ogden with Rio Grande line, from all points in Oregon, Wash ington and Idaho to all Eastein eities. For information, rates, etc., call on any O. K. & K. agent, or address W. II. Burlburt, General Passenger Agent, Portland. ' War Mnaeoni, It is worth a trip to Portland to see the war museum at the exposition there. Captain E. 8. Edwards took his coat right off and went to work, and has gotten together the largest col lection of war weapons ever seen in the Northwest. Most of them were cap tured in the Philippines by the Ore gon volunteers. The museum is the carrying out of an idea suggested and followed np by Dan MoAllen, one of Portland's most enterprising business men, and it ia all for the benefit of the monument fund. Irony. "Did ye Iver notice a mon from St. Louis?" inquired the janitor philoso pher. "Will, if ye didn't Jt's worth yer whoile. Up th' boulevard he struts wid hid ilevated. Suddlnly thor's a big commotion an' he's lifted off his fate by an autymobile. He picks hlm silf up, goes home an' tills his friends th' horsellM carriages av Chicago are run by jackasses; but thot th' jackasses are insolde. Oh, he's a bitter lobster. " Chicago Evening News. There is nearly $13,000,000 in the United States treasury, the proceeds of sales of cotton which fell into the federal hands during the civil war. This money belongs to the owners of the cotton or their heirs, if they can prove their cluiiM. There are about 600 species of hum ming birds, all natives of America, and most of them confined to Central and South America. The secretary of the Massachusetts board of health hag issued the state ment that codfish is as nutritious as sirloin steak or oleomargarine. "The Prudent Man Setteth His House in Or Jet." Your hwntn tenement should be ghen even more ctreful Mention than the house you live bu Set U tn order by thoroughly renovating your whole system 'f tMOCI rnade pare by Uklng Hoof s StrsapsrUU. Then every orgut vM set promptly snd reguUrly. Paris ia to hare a 880-foot high um brella. . lll( Wool hale. The sale by Uoliert Noble, the Idaho sheep king, of 1,-000,000 pounds of wool from Mountain Home, Idaho, rep resents the largest amount of wool ever sold at one time by an individual grower. It represents the clips ol 1807, 1808 and 181)9. The wool wai sold to A. Schott & Co., of St. Louis. The price to be paid for the wool ir stated to be f 150,000. The money will be paid in a few days and the wool will be started to St. Louis as soon as possible. It will require 60 cars to move it. Mr. Noble's clip next year will amount to 600,000 pounds. riant to Bo Mold. The Western Machinery Company's plant at Tacoma, Wash., will be sold by Receiver Bryan. J. II. Hardy, ol Cheater, Conn., is the highest bidder, he having offered $7,000 for the plant, and unless a higher bidder steps in in a few days, the court will accept the offer of Mr. Hardy. Mr. Hardy is a practical man and should he bny the plant he will enlarge it and bring it up to a high standard, so that he can do any marine work necessary. He contemplates putting in a large ainouut of new machinery, which will greatly enlarge the capacity of the plant. Bonde for Halo. The county treasurer of Malheur county will sell np to September 80, coupon bonds of school district No. 80, amounting to $1,200. These bonds are I 6 per cent semi-annuals, issued in de nominations of $800 and redeemable In 20 years. A Mammoth Knterprleo, The Astoria Company, a New Jersey corporation with a capital of $20,000,- 000, will erect a mammoth saw mill, costing 9 z.ouu.uuu, at rlavel, on Young's bay. A pulp mill will be es tablished at Lewis and Clark falls. where one of the largest paper mills in the country will be erected. O. P. Huntington and II. J. Pierpont Morgan are back 01 the enterprise. Mold County Bonde. The several bids submitted for the purchase of the $50,000 bond issue of Nex Perce county, Idaho, were again considered at an adjourned meeting of the county commissioners of that coun ty. The bid of Dnke M. Parson, of Chicago, was finally accepted. The premium realized on the bonds is $1,686 and the purchasers will supply the necessary blank bonds free of charge All detulls of the sale will be completed in alxut three weeks. The bonds run 10 years and bear 6 per cent Interest. Maw Knitting Factory. Walter S. Lever has mode a pro posi tion to the people of La Grande to es tablish a knitting factory there. He wishes a bonus for part of the amount necessary to purchase the machinery. which will cost between SUl.nnn u,l $8,000. With this amount an outfit of the newest machinery can be secured. The cathedral of Cologne is naturally the chief place of interest in that fam ous city. It took almost six centuries and a half to build, having beeu begun In 1248 and finished in 1880. lta style of architecture is fiothlo, and it has eight chapels, which contain the re mains of eight archbishops, and the skulls of "the three wise men of the Kast." The (lurch of St. Ursula Is decorated inside with the lionea of some of the 11,000 virgins who, with St. Ursula herself, were murdered by the Huns. To keep onion any length of time the tops and roots) slmuld be left on, but should be throughly dried before putting away. They will keep a long time any place in the barn where no rain can get to them, with a free circu lation of air and not much light. They should not be piled more. than three inches ueep. Recently a ship of only 2,600 tons carried from Para,, to New York a cargo of rublier, which was Insured for $3,000,000. CAWNTON A CO.! KNIIINK. IKIILKHH. MA. (Inaory, aii.li4. 4Mu Kitatnt., I'.. Miami. or. JOHN POOLB. rontTt,so, 0o. rau ulve you Ilia beat bariialii iu gi-uerai machinery, eiiKinet, bollpra, taiika, puuipa. plows, be lta and wnltitil!a. The new steel ( X I, windmill, aohl by hint, is un-eipialleil. OUT THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS ... MAJfUTAOTUaKO T ... CALIFORNIA Fid SYRUP CO. IV-MOTBTMB KAN. When Pain Racks the Body Frank Ixmg.who Uvea near lnnon, M lch aaye 1 "I wae taken with a pain In my back, and I waeohllired to take to my bed. The phyelt-lan pronounced my eaae muecular rhauuiallam ao- Cm punted by lumbago. "I gradually became woree. nnlll 1 thought death would be welc ome re taaae. I wiia Dually Induced to try lit. Wllllnma' Pink Plllafor I'alereo jle, and altar ualuf Ova boiaa, was tnllruly eured. "I am confident that Dr. Wllllama IMnk 1'IIUaaveil my lire. 1 will gladly answer Inriulrleacomierntiiginyalck- neae and wonderful cure, provided stamp be oucloaod for roply, "Fuasa Lowo." Bworn to before me at Venice, Mlah., thie ISIh dar of AdHI. Hum. ti. Jl. Ooi.iwm ith, JuHtfoth Punrt. rrum iur Ubicrvtr, Flushing, Mien. MACHINERY. ...TATUM A BO WIN... Is IS Hrsl Ureal fORILANO OS, RhS- MAaTtl.-S wnoc, elief for Women" i-jgfTw I". In rllf, toaJe.1 r.nTh,tu. Writ MiaB'Tiir mis iotk ctniuufiiitif I'artk u. Un Mt4 TswsUmuJ. tf LH. AUUTkL French Femala PiSls. lhrvlMd by IhnnasafwU ,f MttufW) LhtlwM mtm. eUwirilIi sui1 without n (HX f Ml lalll IB Ulna. Wl.iL buA Tt,A t'i - rxwMte Dium UahMIA 4 rmtl .. K.w Kurta'cita. YOUNG MEN! FOom.rrt.r anil (It 1mtmtm Oky HrwtMr, If) to th ONI,Y niitrm M,1. will cur ww'li ami ttmrf owe. MO OANK known It liaasi r t.. a...-. now IW1M "I IH IM'W sun 1 nrum m um win Mnih yuu, flu J 11 MiUilltitr. llMmit It 1 KleM.ltlf! Mir, SrvfM wtilftunt. and rtii iw token without Ihhuvi? is-ncsj turf (IfUntlofi front tnrtiir-L ,'hlf K, fts u). ettlt) tiy ll rliitl dm ir Aft at, tr tiit pniMaid uj iiihm. CURE YOURSELF! I lu.ej r, , rllsi-liarava. Ilinatiimatliiue, lirllMtima ur ulvamlltiiu) 1 MaiMi-a. laliilM, ami m.i .,,t! iTHiEMaa Ohimicii flo, or euiaiumua. 'ITl " "'"ale. rm praealil. Uut A'eiarTi SUB, "r 3 b,ll,, jj'jj, Clri'iilar n-iit un rniuant, DR.GUNf.'S'uvlvR0 ONE FOR A DOSE. Cure HI, k II u?"rf!W"' Kaniore Tlmpleeeiid I'ui .if'.'4 l,,l'"l"'ianilPraaiit lllllouaii, Dr. Wllllama' Pink Pllla lor Pale Panola re never aold b the Serea er Hundred, kul elaatt in package!. At all drugglttl. r sired Irem the Or. Wllllama Mtjlclne Ce.. Scnanectedi. k. .. Au caala an. beiea 12.60. ' nn 1 n LIVER nixd rlfv Haa B(li.irls1a.e..Ul..t, m . ". ( t .., Wl .. jo murium foil, ttd will m Nil !?.?P iw..' .nr'u,!i ,,n" 1K. 1IOHANRO "ARTERaSBMIC You tli'ny vnurHdlv pleiisnrs and comfort if you ilun't use It. RELIEF FOR WOMAN That tired, languid fueling-, I he tmlnaln the back and Hie chronic Imadavlie will dlaaiinoar iilL ly If ynu take floore's Revealed Remedy It la an Ideal medicine Inr women, eaay and eneanl to Uko. 1.UU per bottle at your drug-gUl'e. ff VOabama Living pictures are used In Minne apolis department-store windows to at tract attention. Bome of the women Who post havs been oil the stage. S3 MILS WHIM All tLSt (All r-'jM v.miKi, nriip, 'j-antua Oi In Minn. H.ilit br rlriiiiiilKla. SEE, L Rupture treaied aelen lllli iU I r an. cnnlld. nil al ly. tmKfaium i.ii,i.. 0. H. WOOOai.o A CO., 108 teeond SI , Pe tlane). Blllt WOOR' PILES rllia form, atei ear.ll U ll-.l III !.. ... n..,-...n rilaa sra t-iin-i i.a tk m - 1, 1 a 1 ,T. Jar at drufaUUoruiit h iiiiil 'IT -nll-io rr Write laa aboutour eaae. liu. BOSANKO, Hbilacl.,l'a. N. P, M. u. MO. 1 '. MHrT writing ia advertisers Bleaaa 1 1 Ueatloa his fiayer.