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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1899)
t OREGON MIST. !) crcKV ri4t mmnma - Cirtf MI7X, Ctlitf sV rVsawfo-. Sakwcrlpilaia Itaic, One copy oa year ha ttniat. ui copy hi mwhv, Stasia copy.. Advertlsm- m nd taeara ipsa asattlrattos COLOMBIA COUNTY DIRKCTOBY, Jndae Joseph B. Doaa. Ralnlar Clerk J. U. Waste. Hi Helena Sheriff 1. . Ktce, llst.sanl. treasurer .... , ...r.. na,n. Helens Snot, el Schools t. H. Coptland, W arrra Aumaor Mania w hit. QiiIuct surveyor "o. uayea, Mevrer i i.lii,i.rt j Coronar ; A. P. McLaren. Ratal. ,"VI,?U."' I.. r. a. rraxea, scaupojee Commissioners j OCTOBER U, 1839. to back the steamboats on the Colum bia river, roand trip tickets being sold for $1, which enable Astoria ns to go to I'ortlanJ and trade, but devil a bit of trading dot Astoria tt from Pcartlnrtd tn retain. The fact ia, Aatoriana are badly bit, not only in the amount of business that city expected to accrue by a railroad, but also in dining their hand too (ar down into their jeans to pay lor Hie roaa wing eonstnutrd, lor this tola what the Astoria Herald (aid last week: "The people of Aaloria do not bare at exalted an opiniou of Mr. &. d. naimnonu aa maen tliev were Mylar to give him one-third of all their property to Iwild a railroad. For eome reason, the railroad haa not produced the results which khim of them nm- uk-uu. uci we ciuxens Of riiiaruuok take warning from Astoria when it ia proposed to construct a railroad into thia county and not so Dlumb craxv raising money to aubeidiie a oouipany Let those who want to build a railroad into Tillamook construct it on business principles, for the resources of Tillamook are well able to support it. It ia the ooinion of not only a number of our own citizens, but a number of lumber men who have UbM in h. .tln.MHn St.. . .L. U ' ' , ... lum'wr will be bhDed out of the count I iprviw. I fi I ltlBaSalxax. CODNTY OFFICERS' SEUI-AllliUAL REPORTS For the Sir Months Ending on the 30th Day of September, 121H), Showing the Financial Condition of Columbia County. SEMIANNUAL RETORT . Of the County (lark of Colombia County, "tale of Orvcon, abowlnc th amount of rial ma allowed or ins i-oumy wma . irrun loons, wr iui aiu.wea, aiuouul of warrants urawo, and ine amount ol warrauta itibtandlna and unpaid, (ram Ins lat day vf April, vm, to the HAh day of September. ISM. both Inrlualr: ON WHAT ACCOUNT ALLOWED. Road and bride P tuner Criminal account, circuit court Criminal account, iuaslceof tba tieece court..... rMi i.irr j , pnnuus bimi courthouse and Jail..,. Clerk ,,,,,.., Sheriff snrvevor Bailiff School snperiniandeni. . county jndtv. VALLEY NOTES. Jury Coroner Treasurer Soldiers and Bailers Assessor Board of nrtauuers OAi'lal Reporter Bounty on who antnuua . Local services ............ Rcbaia of tax '. District aMomey Total amount of claim allowed and warrants drawn. AXOCNT WAfttaNTs PRAWN I It V S3 it as IU3 "1 iu i liao oo HI IS M n o m m vo a a u uu il A) w v tm m i oo m m 4 m 70 00 van in lit I7K7S47 OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. . As the assessment roll for the various eoonties in the state are being summar ized and gotten ready for collection, one is led to reflect what a grand fiasco the wnoie metnoa oi aaaeeetnent and taxa tion is. Every eonnty is endeavoring to get the best of its neighbor for the pur pose of cutting down its state tax, and the result ia not only the county, hut the slate is liable to be considerably - oamoooaied. tmi lor the day that some man may figure out some method that will furnish the people relief on Hie tjueeuou oi taxation i AMOUNT Or OUTSTANDING WARRANTS t'NraJD. PRINCIPAL. INTKROrT. Mr. Lamp earns borne on Sunday, Win. Mover ia attend inc the Portland v Diversity ici year. Mr. C. C. Mover, who has been work ing in Muckle's camp, came home on a snort visit Hunoay. School opened for tba fall term on Mondav. with Miss Msv Whitnev. of oi. neiena, as teacner. The hopnickers have returned home and state that they did fairly well in tne Willamette vauey ID is year. There la a great deal of stamp har vesting being done here lint now. The farmers seem determined to make two blades of grass grow where onlv one (cw utiu. i ,hi the loresulns la a trae and correct statement of the amount of cUima allowed bi tba County Another farm baa gone to the timber I ir' v mu hhh euuius on me aw uay tptemoar. uwit, on - m. . , . . . . t wo Btrmioi io wn n uiewn. ana im anoiita n wamnu urava. and iba uannni m eir S.nfcT. ineLUIVen Place Ml OShll M d n n.ui.ilni ud aniM a. Iha bii.. Ik. .J a ..., I. ... .ai.i.l to Mr. VOSburg ; at least, we under- I cuemily. Wttnese my band and tba aaai of lbs County lUxirt of aald countr, thia fab day of stand so. To all persons luokinaT for Bf Lever Has turned with disgust from an other wise lovable girl witb an offensive cream. Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies ths breath by its action on the bowels, etc., as nothing else will. Bold for years on absolute guarantee. Pries 28 eta. and 50 eta. fold by lr. Edwin Roes, drug gist. Wt. Helens, and N.A.Perry, lloulton, E.E. QUICK Coninlaaloner of tor aaa. iugwn. , . , , 0. W.COLEi , Notary ralills . TI3IE CARD OF STR. IRALDA. PORTLAND, RAINIER AND WAY LANDINGS. Uf Rainier si S A. st , Neer city at at A. M.. kalame al S 0 A If.. Canlea at 1 00 A If., (a. I lumhiaVlll a J d A. at, Su Helena at J;o A. M.. arrlvaa at forllanu at IS Bj A. N. ' ROUND TRIP DAILY EXOEPT SUNDAY. Uese Psrtland si t: P. M , St Malsn. "'J Kalam. 6:W; Nacr 25 Cents to Portland and all Landings. W. E. NEW80M. pROPRirroRs or TIIORNE'S Kcmericai System Title Abstracts. ; Tlllra Btasnlneil and Parfecteil. Abatracta i rurniahed. Aaeeaanienie Kiamlnol. Ia auraaca Written. Taaea Paul and Courej- auciiaa. ST. HCLias, Ctll. PROFESSIONAL. I Outatandlmt nniwjd county warrasta on the sDth day of ipeptfiuoer, ikw EsUuuucd Internet accrued thereon , Total amount unpaid eouutj warrauta M MO H MaMa(4 MOB .1 Ml QR. J. B. BAUa PHY8IPIAN AND BURGEON. Clatakanle. Columbia county, Or. JR. EDWIN ROt, PHYSICIAN AND 6UK0E0N. St. Helena, Oregon , u ....Druirs and Medicines.... Should le bought only st Irug Store, where doubt is never allowed to enter the uilnd as to quality of ths srilcle sold. We furnish drugs of the required stantfanl of strength drugs that are right. What you buy at ft Drug Store you may depend upon it being what you ask for, ....OUR 8T0CK OF.... Patent Medicines and Toilet Articles ia rnupi ftf School Books and School Hupj.lles. Prescriptions Carefully l'oiuMuiidtd lay or Mght. ...ST. HELENS PHARMACY... . . Dr. Edwin Boas, Proprietor. ' ST. HELENS. - - OREGON STATE OP ORE1WN, I County of loluinDta,! I. J. O. alia. County clerk of the county of Columbia, ataxe of Oreana. d harahe Mrtlfr that ths foresuins la a true and correct euiement of the amount of claim, allowed by tba County and Circuit Court, of said et. only, for the di month, .titling on the SM day of September, MM, on October. A. D. US. J. U. No class of producers are riding on a Mf1"1 in u,e higher tide of prosperity just now than d0"' Toa forget bi cattlemen. Beef, at least in Eastern ciUea, has not been so high in a third of century. Those who eat beef, or de sire to do so, don't look at the price as an index ot prosperity, to them it is, or seems, the reverse. What is prosper ity for the growers and a fortane for the ll Blocs, manipulators is apparently ad versity and loss to the consumers. Yet it M not really and altogether so. If beef, or floor, or any other product of the farm is nigh, most people are at least as able to bay these neceeearies of life as they were when they were lower. The benefit of the good prices gradually passes aii arouna the circle of human activity, generally reaching the wage earner last. Dut reaching him, too, after awhile. If the farmers and raisers of livestock are prosperous, it follows, aa aureiy as me ugnt follows tne eastward revolution of the earth, that all cr nearly all other classes of workers must speedily share in that prosperity. a gooa location in wnicn to suc cessfully farm we extend an invitation to settle in our midst. The most fertile in thia valley, and WATTS. Count. 1'Wrk. By W. A. HARRIS, Deputy. SEMIANNUAL STATEMENT HOULTON NOTES. Good weather still prevails. Mrs. Henshaw visited Portland TWn- dav. Mr. C. L. Daotett haa a nosition In roniana. Two sisters of Mrs. James Sue nee ar rived from Scotland last Tuesday. A very enjoyable time was had at Lambereon's nartv last Saturdav even ing. James Cox. Jr. returned from Alaska. Fridav eveninir of last week on a de layed train. A nice little dance is the next on the programme at Yankton, formerly String- wwu. xiveryooov aance. In the future we will bnv onr tickets for way stations and not throneh tickets. oecause it is cneaper in the end. Dad Henshaw returned from the deeD sea fishing grounds last Monday night. Dad reports that he caught about 1200 pounua oi Dsn by a band line. Ths great demand for livestock, which promises to extend for several years, is a condition undoubtedly most gratify ing to aii interestea in toe industry. The rraver. hnamar HnAO nnt wia nf j permit himself to become lax in his eenin was spent in playing games. methods, to prod nee good stock that wiU """ "nu t w nan. always command the best monev. and I Commencing on October 4. the N. while we are "in it" we want to set our-1 p- will sell tickets at a reduced rate, one aeives to making the best ol bank ae- one-nun tare, plus 60 cents, which counts in conjunction witb reputation, entitles you to two admissions to the There may come a time, some years exposition. The date of sales are on hence, when the rush will be over. Wednesday of each, week, October 4, xnen tne teener trayer win get down to " i ana -a, limited to tne Sunday tol- t tacaa ana Degin to scratch over I wwing. bis memory and nirare od his exoenae account to find out what brand it was DEKB ISLAND ITEMS. that turned htm the biggest pile of dol-1 . , Jars, .teaching the conclusions he mn- Aoams, oi uanco, was seen on makes up his blue "book" and every nr streets nut jrnaay. name that goes in there has a reputa- Mr. Dillard and family were the "on ior s quality, ds it Deet, mutton or guests of J. al. Fayne's Friday. .&.rmrDThrr.Jlari? .. F.m.. Clatskanie, was visit, rniehtW r.rti Mt.guere iaUr,iy ana ruuy. teaay customers ss sny business man Of the County Treasurer of Columbia county. Oregon, ior ths aft month, ending on the SMh day si September, law, of money received and paid out, ban whom rccarired andiron what aoaroe, and on what account paid out: Aitorirre becetvbd. 'rved' "JJ" To amount oo hand from Uat report. PISM To amount, received from Snerln tianaral tax... 71 To - " " i,ctal arhool fax ITJJ (S To " " " 'peelal eltr tax II da To " " " " -nty road las Tin To " - , fen .' ana To " " " " illaqueot lax 3 To " CoantyClerk Pees.. ... Unto To " " Redemption of land.... an a To " ' " School Sunt. Cor teacher.' certiorate a OB To " " " Stats Treaa ttat road hind It) a To " " " " School fund 9 To " " l.lcenae and Plnaa , Fines and license tJO to To " " ' County Coronar 7 to Total Rewired , , 147343 at AMOUNTS PAID OUT. 0-NKR-L Fl'NI) By amount paid out on county warrants vttnt HI By amouut paid oulon S. Sunerlolandent'. warrauta , ita'i M By balance icenera fnnd on hand to pay advertised county warrant. mo si By balance school fund on hand SWM IX By amount special city tax paid is By amount special school tax paid sous 74 By amount county road tax paid S17 2t By amount atatc road fund paid , 70 (10 By amount ioatltute fund paid as 36 by amount on hand special achool tax S91 74 By amount on baud special city tax &l By amount on hand county road tax 3SH W By amount on hand .tale road fund si VI By amount on hand ipecial , 92 as By amount on baud institute fund 112 06 By amount on hand applicable to payment of county warrant. IJE4 41 Total paid out H7M3 m STATE OF ORBOOS, I County of Columbia, I I Edwin Rosa, do hereby certify that the forerolne Is a true and cornet statement of the annus on hand. In the County Treasury of aald County foe the A. D. Ms. Wltnem my hand this ooth day of r.imin aura, i4uD.y Traaaurar. amounta received, paid out and reinaiiilns on haud, mi montba emiina oa tne 99th day of September, September, A. P. law. JWJCKLE BROS at ANUFACTVRKRS OF- Rough aod Dressed Lumber uimenaion Lumber. FInorlna. Rustic. Shaath ina. t-aatnira, aaa a complete .lock of every I ,...; ,w iuuiii aa.a nana. JT THE OLD STAND, ST. HELENS, OR SEMIANNUAL STATEMENT Of the amount of money and warrauta received for taxea, and money paid to ths County Treaa. oy toe nnenn 01 uhubihi ouniy, uregou, tor tne atx mootna ending on the SOta nrer t September, A. D. 1UW: 1 day ol in other commercial pursuits. Miss Nellie Payne haa recovered from her illness snd is aa well as ever. Mr. Georee has sold his residenm here and will move to Columbia City. Travis Brothers have finished haulms? out their wood and no one is sorry of it. Mr. C. A. Merrill snd bride now re- I side on the island, where he is putting Collected in April, tax.. I 200 00 tt.lA Ml a.iRl i .auA w 1.741 47 Is ths sudden snd untimely death of Mr. U. B. Borthwick, of Uoble, many persons are deprived of a true, tried friend ; hundreds of persons sre placed in s position of uncertainty as to future employment, the county loses a valu- out bard wood. able and energetic supporter and busi- Cbas. Olsen has moved his family to ness manager, and tne community sUnds FortUnd, where he can send his child- an uauger 01 oeing oepnvea 01 tne sue- ren to school steady Balance on band March II, WW Amount collected in six mouths, ending September SMb Amount collected In May Amount collected In June Amount collected in Julr Amount collected in Aurust 2.W9 M Amouut collected In neotember 1 t-.t ki Three per cent penalty on taxea collected In Aagnat and September tl AttTertisiug eoiteoien in oeptcmo. r... a SI Hilease lor paver, served in September and October 14 an Coete on sale of IMW tax S77 an sola to county ior mm tax itm Tax collected on rolls back of 1898 271 ao extensive manufacturing and coinmer ciil enterprises within the entire scope of country far or near, besides in a bus iness sense the state, the county and the community suffers the loss of s man whose every desire and effort was to pro mote not only enterprise, thrift and in dustry, but happiness and good will toward man. Mr. Borthwick was truly irrepressible. Eeverses in business af fairs were bravely met and manfully and most successfully overcome by him, and bad providence spared his life Or a few years longer he would have amassed a fortune for himself by making those around him prosperous and happy. The loss is certainly one the community can ill afford to sustain in innny ways, but undoubtedly comfort can be found in the knowledge that though "his hand be closed to eurtly need, Miss Mav Envart has been visitine her brother st Canby the past two weeks, but is expected back soon. Mr. Herman Smith and Mr. Barnes were up at Sam Kinder a to spend the evening last inurauay, so tney say nut were they 7 The school closed last Fridav and the teacher, Miss Hardison, gaye an enter tainment in the afternoon. All present uaa a gooa time. Mr. Seaman and Boss Envart have formed a partners IiId and are cuttimr wood on C. C. Smith's place. This means two more bachelors. For tome reason or other there haa not been any news in The Mist from Deer Island lor some time. It is gener ally supposea tnat tne correspondent iias oeeu to tne mines, but as he re L. ; 1 bestowed that the briefest kindly thought '"'" k. T'f mor must be, he lived to bless mankind." new T looked for again. It ia possible that Vice-President Ho bart may be unable to preside at the next session of the United States senate. More than that, it is now recognized ss s serious probability that he will not lie in physical condition to accept a nomi- nal.inn aa mnninir mora, if Pvo.i.lnn I McKinleyin the next campaign. The opy the Brink property this winter, VERJiOJfIA ITKMS. Bert Mills has returned to the vallev for the winter. Mrs. Keaseay was s nsssenirer over on the stage Thursday. Joseph Sesseman and family will oc- diseaee from which Mr. Hobart suffers it a kidney trouble, not acute, but a troubls requiring absolute rest for a long time. The fact hat been known to hit friends, but this is ths first an' nounceinent that bis illness is so serious at to threaten actual withdrawal from the duties of hit public position. This ilinest began with an attack of the grip 1 .. , - F 1 . 11. . . 1 iu vrourgm ish spring, xiu reiurnea tlience to Washington, where he suffered a relapse, being confined to hit house for several weeka. Then he went to Long Branch, and recovered sufficient to join his friend, the president, during a part of his outing at Lake Champlain. Sinse he returned last Tuesday to his home in his Pateron, Carroll Hall, the vice-president lias not visited hit office in the savings bank building. It is said he can make no effort without exhaust ion. Hit private secretary tayt : "The trouble with Mr. Hobart it that at toon St he feelt strong enough to work, he pitches in so hard that he makes him self ill Resin." It it now nearly tix months since the vice-preeident, despite ! long periods 01 rent, hat been able to devote time continuously to business. The absurdity of building a railroad to Portland froin Astoria is more plainly seen every day, says ths Tillamook iiesdlight. At the present time tbs railroad is cuagud in futile attempt Frank Wilson it bauline lumber from Pittsburg to hit ranch above Vernonia thit week. School will begin in the Tucker dis trict October loth, with J. E. Dow as teacher. A. G. iiotebkitt. of Upper Pebble Ci-eek, was doing business in Vernonia last Monday. 1. P, Spencer and wife and daughter, Maggie, went to Forest Grove Thursday, returning Saturday. Miss Bertha Gillihan, Louis Seigert and Hy VanBlaricom were passengers out on ths stage Monday, The report comes from West Portland that T. J. Brink, formerly of thit place, died there on September 17th. Mrt. J. E. Dow returned from Polk county Saturday, where she bos been visiting friends and relatives for the past tix weekt. The Vernonia literary club, after a tlx week's vacation, will returns work Tuesday evening, October 17th, at 7:30 p. m. This tirst meeting for the fall will be held at the residence of Dr. and Mrs. Hatfield (corner Third and Cougar streets), and the business of the evening will be the election of officers and the arrangement of programmes for ths next two meetings. All members are requested to be present. Amounts paid to treasurer during alx months ending September Suth, 1S9S. In April. In May .. In June In July In Auirast In September In Aut-uat and September, t per cent penalty In September, advertising In September, mileage on papers served , . Tax back of lsW Total paid to treasurer Balance on haud , Total.. ...tis.sns w ... ,m it .... 4,306 116 ... 1,741 47 ... 2,01 ht ... 1,47 m 67 SH 40 IS 16 ... 278 au ...'. fan 7 9lto IB ..jw.m 1 STATE OF OBEOON. County of Columbia, I I. J. N. Rice, anerlA of said county, do hereby certify that the forecolnc is cor rect aod tins. Witness my hand this 8Uth day of September, A. D. 199 J. N. RICK. Sheriff nf Columbia County. By R. S. H ATTAN, Deputy SEMIANNUAL 8UMMABY STATEMENT Of the financial condition of the County of Columbia, In tbs Stats of Oregon, on ths 90th day of September, a. v. vm. LIABILITIES. To warrants drawn on the county treasurer, ana out standing and unpaid To estimated amount of Inter est accrued thereon Total liabilities.. AMOUNT. .ttt fOO ss 800 00 . .127 olO 86 RESOURCES. By funds in hands of county treas urer applicants to tne payment 01 county warrants advertised By funds in hands of county .herltTi applicable to me payment 01 coun ty warrant. By Mtlmated unpaid delinquent tax, appucaote to tne payment 01 coun tv warrants By amount of liens on land bid In by county By SO s'rea of land ))) courthouse, fixtures and lot... Total resources AMOUNT. . SM8 24 OT73 5 OOS 12 , 16 m 61 too 00 1 600 00 .127 694 W QH. H. K. CUFF, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. v 81. Helens, Oregon. -M kAAAAAAaAAAIkahVAAaVAAal AfksfsvafSa&aVafkafkaxatk. afkuM ! H A rV AKTfP HP T IP QTHD i: 4 VLfiTLlUlVIllUJLf JL AY W VI wj 1 VIVJb Q. W. COLE, ATTORNEY AMD COUNHKLOR AT LA W, HT. HELENS, OBEOON. Title Abstract Bonks. Nntarv Pub! Is. rntnmla. I sinner of Deeds for Waahlnxton, aad an eaper I inw wiirrwr m vonucvuon Wltn vnaa DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor, tins kaat raeatvaal a tare at Freak aad rV J. W. DAT W. B. D1LLABD Alas ATTORN EYS - AT-LAW Ofllce twit door to rourthonaa. ST. UELENS. ORKlioN. Oeneral praetira la courts of Otcaoa or Wash Abstracu mads directly from couuly DRUGS GXnZ&JX&SkJUtS s new and a. lent atosk of Srura and patent medicines, fancy alalionery arhool hosa and arhnnl sundlaa, wrlumrry au.1 lolM articles, and la tart svatilhluc ahlthl. usually kept at a Srstviaea Unit sums. ia rrescriptioiw Carefully Oonipoandcd -AT THE- InirUiu. recorde. J CLATSKANIE DRUG STORE GEO A. HALL, aATTORN EY - AT - LAW ST. RELERs, .!. Office) next door to Cole A Quick's law and abstract office. Collections a amvialtv. 'Forerlosnrva. ... a.. 1, a nin'a li.n. nw... .... I u .. 1 . I . . I u...uun., MVUiptiy atlOllUCSJ W. swtia)W)ati)rti,)stitistifrifi ST. CHARLES HOTEL Front & EorriSM Sts Portland Under Net Management ISO Rooms at 21 Cents lo ISO Cents. Bui ice 76 Cents to f 1.00. fl'PKAM ICR. Ii X-J FR. Ii 1 3M EQ SOBTLAWO AWD ASTORIA Leaves Portland every night at II o'clock tor Astoria, except Bunday.) Haturtlay ia tv, RelurnlnsT, leaves Astoria at 6: Ik) o'clock eveiy momma; (except Monday.) bun-1 nay at u: w o'clock p. m. Elevator, Ktotrls Llelits and llclla, and ail afoalern (kiiiTrnlcncaa. Free Hua Meets all floats snd Trains. Ecstanrant Ccnacc EintEcel (rajon Tcleplione 2W. Columbia Telephone Tl. AiTniTmir v UKllaliiAL HOTEL In. I. J. Scott Proprietress ST. HM.IINS, OBKUOK. A Hlrirlly r rat-Claa. Hotiaa. A llonta for (UinniemaJ Traveltrs and the I'ublie. Hoard anil LoUk iUf al Moat ltaaonule Kales. r i A WELL KEPT STABLE Kor Care of ration's Hones. jfk oooooooooooa 0. B. N. CO. WHITE COLLAR LINE 3 aax.ia.r L . Dart aT roa Fast Mall Sp.m. pokane Flyer 10 p. m. I p. o. iloti Kx.Sunday Saturday iv p. m. ta. m. Ex. Sunday 7 a. m. Tues.Thur. and Sat. HOnCt FOR PUBLICATION. LaD Orncs at Oarooa City, Oa , Sept. 6th, 1W0. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of her inteutlon to make final proof In support of 1- - ...I - .. . 1. . . .-1,1 , V. . I IjUHIU, UJM mill flvvi mil. u. 1u- flire ths Register and Kecelver, al Oresou City, Oregon, on October 21st, ltw, vis: VIOLA ORTSCHILD, Homestead entry No. 11,240, for ths southeast ol secttou 28, townahlp 4 uorth, range weat. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous resilience upon, and cultivation of said land, viz: Robert Simpson, Adam Him p. sou, William B Lousignont and Thos. J, Ua FarUml, all of En Hon. Oregon. slOo-JO CHA8, B. MOORE8, Register. COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE. VaTOTICE IS HEREBY tilVEN il unpaid County Warrants of COUXTT TSSASDSKS'S "FHCI, ST. HRLSSS. OS., OCt. S, UW. THAT ALL Columbia County, Oregon, which have been presented and endorsed - "Not Paid for want of Funds," prior to November 18th, MM, will be paid upon presentation at this office. Interest will not be allowed afier this date. EDWIN ROSS, o6n3 Treasurer of Columbia County, Oregon. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lad Orncs at OxiaoK Ciry, 0. Ism. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT THE following-named settler has Sled notice of bis Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that aald proof will be made be fore the Register and Receiver, at Oregon City, Oregon, on October 27th. 1009, viz: FRANK ALSLEBEN, Homestead entry tSM, for the lots 1, 2 and S, sec tion 81, township 4 north, ronge 4 wont. He names the loll owing witnesses to prove his continuous reildence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz: Albert Schmldlin, Fred Bor lesckl, Herman Fullnerand Georgu M. Holt, all Brau naport, Oregon. sloo20 CHAS, B. MOOREB, Register. 6 a. m. Tues.Thur. and Sat. Lv. Rlparia 1:49 a. ni. dally ex cept Sat. GUARDIAN'S FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned guardian of the estate of John Hendricks, an Incompetent person, has filed In the office of the county clerk of Columbia coun ty, state of Oregon, his final account as such guardian, and the Honorable County Judge of said Columbia county, Oregon, has appointcil Monday, tbs Mth day of October, 1W9, at the hour of 1 O'clock In the aftarnonn of said dav. . aim in conn room oi me county court nouse, In the city of St. Helens. Orea-on. aa th. tlma A thin coatin? made of three parts of KiTtS lard, melted with one part rosin, snd i e. e. qcicC, sppliedto stoves and gratet, will pre- lnT LaJaS"4 ' loia H,,n,rl'k,' "n veut their rusting during the summer.' n.teS, St. Helens,' Oregon, September 16, MM. ' Time SCHEDULES From Portland. Hall T lr n.n. V. Worth, Omaha, afsn aaa City, St. liula, i.oicaao ana s.ast. Walla Walla, Spokane, sain neapoi i a, st. rem. uuiuth. M l waukes, Chicago KaaL Ocsan Steamships. All sailing dates sub ject to cnange. For Man Francisco Mall every five days, Oolumbla Rlvsr taam.r.. To Astoria snd Way lauding.. Willamette River. Oregon Cltr. Newbers. Salem Way-laud gs and Yam. hill Rivera. Oregon Cltr, Dayton, and Way-landings. Willamette River. Portland to Corvallls and Way-landings. naks Rlvsr, Rlparia to Lewlston. Aaaiva raosl THE COLUMBIA KIVER AND FI1UICT SOUHU NAVIGATION CO. F0BTL&ND-&ST0BIA ROUTE. STR. G ATZERT Fast Mall t:4 p. m. Spokane Klrer liUam. Landing Vnat nf llilMiUmat VwmnA Leaves i'oriland dally (except Sunday) al 7 A. M. Lauding Telephone dock, Astoria. Leaves Astoria dally (except Sunday) 7 P. M. Balloy Galaert tickets good on steamer llaasslo. Steamer Haaaalo tickets good on Bailey Uatsert. U. B. SCOTT, Pres. jf" res rsMTLSiis, sAia.rT M - - H IKABSCH W TTi II1V1 1VU h j . Willamelt Slongb Roate M H M H H M lave fit. Hclotis 7:n A M Arrive at Portland... 10:.l A M tinve Portland ... 2:30 H M arrive at Ht. Helena... 0:110 I' M F1HE SO CIKNTS. Will Carry Nolhliig but rsasen. gers and Fast Freight. J A SIKH UflOD, mstaiar. n M H H H 4 p. m. Kxllfii W IffAlTTIU finmn in irAitnti rtmiTnn ...slUillll ohitiV lo lUMi MKMiL. m 3 nday 4:S9d. m. Ex.Hunday afe ..Continue to Earn Money by. Subscribing for the 8:9)0 n. m. Mon. Wed. snd Krl. 4:80 n i Tues Thur. I and Sat. 3 m Mist I Lv.Iew'ton 646 a. m. dally ex cept Frl. W. H. HURLBERT, General Paaseno-ar Arent. PORTLAND OREGON No Ladies Faruitare is Complete Without s New LIGHT -RUNNING 8INGEK .SEWING MACHINE. Sold on Easy Terms without Interest. C. P. LOOftEY. Agent. Antotlis Oregon. Weekly Oregonian AND The Oregon ..Our Clubbing; Rate Enables Us to.. Furnish Both Papers for only ' TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR 1 iiiiiumiujiiiitiuitiaujiiiiijtiaiiujiiaiaujiiiuiiijiiiiijiijutg STEAIVIER G. W. SHAVER DELL SHAVER, Master. -.i--nirwi. uinri.i.u.rr n -J The Only Direct Konte ..FROM.,, rortlund to ClatRkanio a.,,., i.,..- .u,,m,....m, ,mw . , .. LeaVeS ',?Lu.'M,n',tnn Tl'b 7y- Thursday, and Sunday r-vrnlns st Kr.;lnl,,j0..Wc.S ,' Shaver Transportation Company.