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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1899)
OREGON MIST. SliEPJEVKIr JT9IIDAT! MOHN""' DAVID DAVIS, aMoacrtpMe) Hautea. fin copy on year 1b advance..... Oue.eopy ei eWattuVw-. -U ae . to dterttaing ral "weA Mown upon application COLUMBIA 430(1 NT Y DIRECTORY. Indn , , Joseph B. Doen, Rainier f ieri T...' .1. O. Wetta, St. Hel.m Sheriff..... .J. M. Kloe, Clatakanle Treasurer ...K. Ross, 8t. Helena Supt. ef Schools.. I. H. Copeland, Warren AMKiMor Martin White, Quiney jlurvevor. Geo. Hayes, atnyger toronir....... ...... Dr. A. P. Motjircri, Rainier ii I... .....P. A. Frakee. 8ceipojse Commissioners j N D. Petenou, Mitt May 5, 1899. OFFICIAL. COUNTY PAPER. ''Bk ia going sky high in Hta mar kets and the consumer are noticing the raise," remarks a populist exchange. It to too bad. No doubt a return of the good, old times when beet nee ted the producer 1 cents and 2 cents a pound, is desired. Tbi blowing up the mines at Wardner, Idaho, last Saturday, with a loss of prop erty estimated at 1300,000, and the loss of one or more lives, was an act for which every man participating should be punished. It was an act of lawless ness, the extremes of which will know no bounds unless the federal authorities take the matter in hand. No doubt, their sympathizing friends will tell us the act was committed wholly in the in terest of law and order. . Th trade papers are all enthusiastic over the business situation. They say, what every intelligent person knows to be true, that trade was, never more ac tive in the United States than it is at the present. The outlook is, too, that this activity will increase instead of di minish. Bank clearances, railroad earn ings and production in all the leading industries are at the highest figures ever toBched, Labor ia more actively em' ployed than ever before, and wages has been advanced all along the line in the past few months, with advances being made daily. It is no wonder that the Brysnites axe dissatisfied with, these conditions. In this period of great ln dnstrial prosperity the calamity party ha no chance to delude the people into giving it control of affairs. What a panorama of quickly chang ing scenes and events is being produced at the present time by the great hybrid masquerading under the coat of democ racy. It ia a pitiful plight into which til popocracy of the country ia now plunged. Eastern democrats using every means to rid the party of the demagogues who now have it by the throttle ia an interesting scene on the stage of the drama now being produced. The exis tence of the party ia titular, only, not withstanding the fact that Jefferson cel ebrations have been but recently in dulged in, while at the same time the cheap-john organs of the party of discon tent are clamoring loud and long in be half of the "new democracy." In the name of everything that's good, give us a "new democracy." The old 3ne baa strayed from its ways like lost sheep. It took up with all the vagaries of discon tent, of demagogues, of populism, of weakness, of fusion, of union, and if anything On earth will resurrect the democratic party it is certainly a "new democracy," But how are the new and old democracies to be reconciled? Jeffer sonian and Bryan democracy are as far apart as east and west, and if there ia any method for bringing the two together other than "we are the democratic party looking for an issue," it ia something pot yet developed. Want More Wood, It is reported from a reliable source that Cbnrchley Bros., of Portland, are negotiating with the Northern Pacific Railroad Company for the construction of a sidetrack at the Wikstrom place, Inst above Honlton, the express purpose being to afford opportunity to ship all the cord wood that can be cut in the vicinity of Bachelor Flat. The Church leys are now and have been operating in the vicinity of Deer Island, and while this Utter venture will be very profitable to tnein, it is not in tne leastwise likely to interfere with the operations at Deer Island. A vast body of valuable timber liea at Bachelor Flat and adjacent there to, and the culmination of such a plan a the one now under consideration will prove profitable to both promoter and the people in that locality. That indus try lias been profitably worked in that locality for several years, but distance to haul the wood is now becoming a factor which must be otherwise provided for, else profits will be destroyed and the in dustry will naturally be followed less each year. The building of a siding at the Wikstrom place will stimulate the wood business in that vicinity greatly, and naturally prove very beneficial to that neighborhood. . Mrs. Pell lionsignont Dead. Mrs. Delia Lousignont, aged 76 years, 6 months and 4 days, died April 24th at her borne on Lousignont lake, in Wash ington comity. Mrs. Lousignont was mother of sixteen children, twelve of whom are living, namely: AbnerM. Vaughn, of Ureenville, Washington county ; Francis B, Lousignont, of Mist j W, B, Ljpusignont, Buxton ; Peter E. Lousignont, Scappoosej Joseph A. Lou signont, Portland ; John T, Lousignont, (ireenvil)e; Isaac Lontiipnont, Jackson pounty; Mrs. Marian Cline, Linnton; Mrs. Murgsret Gosa, St, Helens; Mrs. JiebeecaCronan, Spokane Mrs. Martina l'arkur. Oreiron Citv. Deceased bad hern a resident of Washington county j for years, j w CIRCUIT COURT DOCKET. Cases rending Disposition WrfVwre .Judge McBrlde. The following is the docket of ease that will be up for disposition at the regular May term of circuit court which will convene in this city next Tuesday : CABIS IK LAW. T. T. Burklmrt ys. N. A. and W. H. Musgrove. E. ft. Seabrook for plaintiff; Bingham and Avery for defendants. A. T. liiklreath and Dean Blanchanl vs. Felix Dehost and G. A. Lane. Cole and Dillard for plaintiff. C. Wenty vs. Dean Blnnchard. Allen aud Cieeton for plaintiff; Cole and Dil lard for defendant, Foster Bros. vs. Alien Bros. Fenton and Fiak for plaintiffs. J. J. Brown vs. John M. Leavens. U. 8. G. Marquam for plaintiff; Cole and Dillard for defendant. K. R. Foster vs. Adaline Reed. Cole and Dillard for plaintiff; W. F. Timmons for defendant, ftunnel Elmore vs. Isaac Olllla. Har rison Allen for plaintiff. Mrs. Annie Nelson vs. Star Logging A i . . : 1 1 i vt i . . 1 : ft ljuinuering vo. uumru unv iur tituufc iff; G. W. Cole for defendant. John Conway vs. 8. C. Spencer and O. J. Bryant. Joseph Gaston for plaintiff; G. E. Davis for defendant. W. J. Muckle vs. B. T. Smith. W. J. Rice for defendant. Mary Y. Gaston vs. G. A. Sanford and J. P. Heckert. Dillard and Day for plaintiff. L. Lowengast vs. A, B. Boot. Dillard A Day for plaintiff. Milton Smith vs. R. R. Patrick and W. D. Plue. E. E. Quick vs. C. and C. Selene. G. W. Cole for plaintiff. casks in courrv. Matter of assignment of Columbia City Lumber Co. Emmons A Emmons for plaintiff. Matter ot assignment oi Link a isiaae. Bissinger A Co. vs. Jacob Schatfer. Gearin, Silvers tone A Brodie for plaint iff. Bissinger A Co. vs. Katie Schaffer, Gearin, Silvers tone A Brodie for plaint iff. Boneyman, DeHart A Co. vs. Sallie Rice. A. C. Emmons for plaintiff. Annie C. Gunderson vs. John Gunder son. Cole and Dillard for plaintiff. J. H. Horst vs. F. D. Henrici. E. W. Bingham for plaintiff; fitott, Boise A Stout for defendant. Matter of assignment of Dean Blanch aid. M. Both, assignee. Matter of assignment of Page A War ren. R. L. Sahin, assignee. Matter of assignment of Anrys A Kist- ner. J. B. xxmn, assignee. Mary W. Newsotne vs. Astoria A Co lumbia River Railroad Company. Alex Sweek and V. C. Bellinger for plaintiff. Kelso State Bank vs. William Symons. T. P. Fisk for plaintiff. W. J. Deita vs. Columbia Banking Co. S. T. Jeffreys for ulaintiff: Gearin A Brodie for defendant. Flora Wantv vs. 8. H. Kistner. M. J. McMabon for plaintiff: Bauer A Green and G. W. Cole for defendant. State of Oregon and Board of School Land Commissioners vs. Nathan Nich ols. G. W. Cole for plaintiff. State of Oregou and Board of School Land Commissioners vs. estate of W. H. Edgerton. G. W. Cole for plaintiff. State of Oregon and Board of School Land Commissioners vs. W. A. Edger ton et al. G. W. Cole for plaintiff. State of Oregon and Board of School Land Commissioners vs. Edward Page etal. G. W. Cole for plaintiff. State of Oregon and Board of School Land Commissioners vs. John Quigley etal. G. W. Cole for plaintiff. M. J. Kinney vs. I. G. Wikstrom et ux. Smith A Smith for plaintiff ; Mur- Shy, Brodie A Bweet ana u. A. Hall tor efendant. Donald L, Bate vs, E. L. Boggs. E. and A. K. Mendenhall for plaintiff, C. L. Carter vs. Lena, Carter. J. C. Moreland for plaintiff. J. C. Rice A Co. vs. J. B. E. Bourne. Ames A Rice for plaintiff; G. W. Cole for defendant. Elnora Armstrong vs. R. I. Harris. Dell 8tuart and L. B. Cox for plaintiff; Bingham A Avery for defendant. Cora E. Hoff vs. Leslie Hoff, Thayer, St. Rayuer and Schnabel forplaintiff. L. O. Baxter vs. Maria West. Mur phy, Brodie A Sweet for plaintiff. - M. H. J. Fullner vs. H. E. C. Fullner. G. W. Cole for plaintiff. E. L. Bobbins vs. R. T. Bobbins. W. EL Conyers for plaintiff, CBIMIMAl ACTIO. ' State of Oregon vs. G. A. Massie. G. W. Cole and E. Mendenhall for defend ant ; T. J. Cieeton for plaintiff. Set for trial Wednesday, May 10. A Quiet Wedding. A quiet wedding was the event of yes terday at the St. Charles when Mrs. Martha Thomas, of Bcappoose, and J. W. Wilson, of Salem, were united in marriage. The bridal parlors were never more cheerfully occupied, even if both parties have seen their 60th summer. They will live at Bcippoose. where Mrs. Wilson haa a cosy little home In the country. Justice Vreeland tied the matrimonial knot, and the bridal couple left for their home as happy aa two 16-year-old lovers. Friday's Telegram, An Epidemic of Wbooplna; Cough. Last winter daring an epidemic of whooping cough my children contracted the disease, having severe coughing spells. We had used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy very successfully for croup and naturally turned to it at that time ana louna it relieved tne cough ana enected a complete cure. Johs t,. Vhir- fokd, Proprietor Norwood Honse, Nor wood, N. Y. This remedy is for sale by Dr. fXlwin hobs, aruggist. - P YB Kaierw Consumption is preventable? Science has proven that, and also that neglect is suicidal. The worst cold or cough can be cured with Shiloh'a Cough and Con sumption Cure. Sold on a positive guarantee for over fifty years. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross, druggist St. Helens, and N. A. Ferry, Houlton. Red Hot Competition. There is lively opposltiotn among salmon buyers on the Columbia river this season. The cash buyers are more numerous than they have been for many Jreara and the number of gasoline aunchea employed far exceeds that of any other season. Competition is so keen among them that many of theolder and most responsible buyers are talking of quitting the business. They say the pew buyers resort to all kinds of schemes to secure salmon. They operate on the river from Tongue point up to the mouth of the Willamette and on both sides of the river. Tbey meet the boats on the river and pay cash for the salmon. This is a convemience to fishermen, as by dis posing of their fish in this manner thev save several hours which would be con sumed in polling to the canneries to deliver their catch. Some of the launches are in the employ of the cold-storage and private cannieries, and often pay half a cent a pound in excess of the regular price in order to Induce the fishermen sen uiepi tneir nun. Aswrian, PROGRESS OF OUR SCHOOLS REPORT FROM SIX OFTMK BUSY DISTRICTS, Mooaicavii.i.K. Or.. April 28. (To the if.llinf nl Tui Mist.) Following is the report of the Mooreaville school. In die- MlUl 4V, l 111V UIUHH1 OMUIlig VM April 28: umber of dava taiiuhl . , . . 20 Number of days attendance . . . . . .421 Jtf Number of days absence ... MJ Number of times tardy ...... 1 Number of boys enrolled. i . 13 Number of girls enrolled. ... ... 13 Tntnl number enrolled 20 Average number belonning 23.8 AvAnuntriailv attendance 21 Those neither absent nor tardy .during the month were J antes and Emma An derron, Ethel and Clarence Davis, Myr tle Senilis, Robert Walling, and Reuben Arunitiald. Visitors during the month were Mrs, C. V. Anderson, Mr. Lawrence Archi bald, Ella Nichols, Dannie Peoples, Eva line Davis, of Moorewille ; Mrs. E. E. Davis, of Tide Creek, and Mrs. A. A. Merrill, of Deer Island. Lixsia Wkttli, Teacher. Goblb, Or., May 2. (To the Editor of Th Mikt.) Following is the school rec ord of district No. Sb, Neer City, for the mmith nf Artril; Number of davs taught 20 N amber of davs attendance., 601 Number of days absence 60 Number of times tardy .... 10 Number of airls enrolled 20 Number of bovs enrolled ............ 16 Tntnl number enrolled Average attendance, . .. . . i 30 Those who were neither abeent nor tardv throughout the month are William Bradley, Earl Bradley, Bertha Buckbee, Stella Buckbee, Francis Fowler, Mary Fowler, Chesley Maktnster, Pearl Mon roe, Jesse McGregor, Mary Neer, Bella Neer, Harry OIen and Huzel Neer. Ray Bingham, Teacher. ft . . A. 1M ITn Ida Flitnr UUSUBt Vti,n'" .uw of Thk Mist.) Report of Keuben school, district No. 20, for month commencing Aoril 3rd and ending April 28 : Number of days taught, i ... 20 Number of davs attendance u Number of daysabsent ........... 23 Average daily" attendance. ..... .21 13-20 Number of time tardy S Number of bovs enrolled 14 Number of girls enrolled.......... 13 Total nainber enrolled '1 Those who were neither absent nor tardy were Etta Jordan, Jennie and Mabel Fotter. Mvrtle Pawson. Oscar. Alfred and Thomas Hundred, and Myrite Fowler. There were 17 visitors during the month. V. Mtbtlb powill, Teacher. Following is the report of the school irl district No. 23, for the month ending Aoril 28. 1899: Number of day taught.. 20 Number of days attendance 648 Number of days absence 65 Times tardv. ." 2 Number of ooys enrolled 18 Number of girls enrolled.. 16 Total number enrolled ... 84 Average daily attendance 28 Average number belonging 81 The following were neither absent nor tardy: Pearl Bernhardt, Fannie Bry ant. Katie and Frankie Kaapar, Malel and Artie Huffman, Claude and Willie Overholt and Arthur Mason. .. . Robert Boals, Teacher. Dan Islamd. Or.. May 2. (To the Editor of Thi Mist.) The following is a report ol school district no. s, uommDia county, Or., for month commencing April 8 and end ing April ': Number boys enrolled. 6 Number girls enrolled 14 Whole number 19 Number days taught. .', , 20 Number of days attendance 321' Number of days absence 813 Average attendance 16 Those neither tardv nor absent were Laura, Mable and Iona Merrill, May Envart. Blvthe Oaitens. Robert Olson and Chester Chrisinger. Mas. Bcatricb Mk KKH.L, Teacher. Wabbkm, Or., May 2. (To the Editor of Thb Mist.) Report of the Bay View school. Warren, Oregon, for month end ing April28: . Number of days taught 20 Number of pupils enrolled 49 Number of days attendance 909 Number of days absence 45 Number of times tardy. ............. 64 Average daily attendance ........... 45 Those neither absent nor tardy are Lillie Beaver, Sadiefeaker, Katie Baker, Maude Wilson, tyvk Fullerton, Annie Jensen, George 'l&eafccr, Ida Beaver, Frank Olsen, Townie urewell and Irwin Grewell. Nbttib Cbosby, Teacher. Bummer Normal. Teachers not employed during the summer can find opportunity to make additional preparation for their work, or to review for either state or county ex aminations at the summer term of the State Normal School at Monmouth. From 35 to $40 will cover all expenses for the ten weeks. Term beginning Tuesday, June 26. Full information sent on application to the (Secretary ol the Faculty, Normal School, Monmouth. I consider it not only a pleasure but a duty I owe to my neighbors to tell about the wonderful cure effected in my case bv the timely useot loamDenain'suolic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I was taken very badly with flux and procured a bottle of this remedy, A few doses of it effected a permanent cure. I take pleasure in recommending it to others suffering from that dreadful disease. J. W. Lvmch, Dorr, W. Va. This rem edy is sold by Dr. Edwin Ross, druggist, Haw Is Wife? Has she lost her beauty 1 If so, Con stipation. Indigestion, sick Headache are the principal causes. Karl's Clover Root Ten has cured these ills for half a century. Price 25 eta. and 60 cts. Money refunded if results are not satisfactory. Sold by Dr. Edwin Rosa, druggist, St. Helens, and N. A. Perry, Houlton. ' lse Tbi atrlk TewT Muddy Complexions and Nauseating Breath from chronic constipation, Karl's Clover Root Tea is an absolute cure and has been sold for fifty years on an abso lute guarantee. Price 26 cts. and 60 cts, Bold by Dr. Edwin Ross, drufrgist, St. Helens, and N. A. Perry, Houlton. Tall Yawr Blatwr. A Beautiful Complexion Is an impossi bility without good pure blood, tbe sort that only exists in connection with good digestion, a healthy liver and bowels. Karl's (Jlover Koot lea acta directly on the bowels, liver and kidneys, keeping them in perfect health. Price 26 cts. and 60 cts. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross, druggists, St; Helens, and N. A. Perry, Houlton. Oa Everr Bottle Of Shiloh's Consumption Cure ia this guarantee: "All we ask of you is to use two-thirds of the contents of this bottle faithfully, then, If yon fay you are not benefited, return the bottle to your druggist and he may refund the price paid." Price 26 eta.. 60 cts. and (1.00. Sold bv Dr. Edwin Ross, drutrgist. St. t Helens, and N, A, Perry, Houlton. Suhool Warrants Payable. Notice is hereby given that, upon pie wsnution to me, 1 wiU pay the following numbered outstanding warrants of school district No, 41, Columbia county, Ore gon : No. 44, 48, 49, 60. 61, 62, 65, 67 and 68. Interest will cease on said war rants on May 8. 1899. , , Wm. H. MIM.M, District Clerk. liKGAk NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOB BIDS. PKoroeii. roa Builuihu acHooLBousa. To all concerned:-- .. UKALBD 111PM WILL R RK'-KIVKO UNTIL. O Jnua ll. In, lor bulWltUK a hIihoIIiouw lu School m.lili't Na. One, Oolttighla County, Ora on. l'lauaauJuixK'Uloatioiui lu- l awn at tha mlilni" o Mr. H. Wm, a dlwcior lor I1 dliirlct, rontramor to tumuli all inalrlal. 1 ha right l rrvu to rajeol any or M!. Bvordarolthebrainl, J I.KON AkD, CUlk. BrawHMwa, Or., Way Mb, UW. County Treasurer's Notice. Covhty TusAncaaa'aiU'rica. ' nr. Hai aaa, Or.. April 14, 1W. NOTICIC 18 IIKKKBV (UVfcN THAT ALL unimld County Warranta ol Columbia County. Orcwin. "hlcta ham bum prwumWcl and ancloriwo.: "Not Paid lor Want ol Fund.," prior lo January lt, mas, will ba paid upon pre sentation at this nffloa. Int"f will not b al lowed aflerth la dale. KUWIN KOrW, aMniU Trvanirerot Columbia Couuty, Oraon. Teacher's Examination. 0ICS Or ft:HOOl8HrSKlNTKDIIllT, Iloin.ToN, Oreaon. April 28, 1899. NOTIOK W HKRKHV OJVBN THAT, rX)R the piirpoaa ol maklns an examination ol all penoua who may ofTor IhifUiMlvea aa vandl datea lor ttachera ot the at'hooU ol thta oounty. the count u-hool auiierliileiHlent thereof will hold a public examination at St. Helena, Oregon, bealiinlnR al lo'olook p. m., Wednaalay, May u, io. Mats papera will be attended tpat the aaniatluis. I. H. COl'KLAND, County School Superintendent Administrator's Notice. In the County Court ol the State ol Oregon, An (..mtv i,l l.lllimhllL In tbe mailer ol the aalaM of Ottawa U Loua- iKuonl, deceased. NOTICR 18 HCKKBY GIVEN THAT TBI i.m1vmI .... hv order of the Oountv ,.t ,k. i.t. nl nrniMtn. lor the County ol Columbia, made and entered on the Slat day ol March. 1MW, duly appointed ine aoinini.irawr of the estate of Odeeas l,. mui-ikuoih, uetasu. ah M,Hnn, hoidina rfAima eaajnn weaaiaee- tt -r h.Mh nnllfled Lo Droneut the aanie to me, Willi proper vouunera, a. vn twice oi . r, mini Hinil Hi. McKar butldlnc, In Ilia city ol Portland, Oraaou, within ala month! from tbe ant puoitraiiou oi inia so- u, Apm in,.. srUvVSmT Administrator of the at tat ol Oileaaa L. Loiie- IRnout, deoeaaed. aiuw Notice for Publication. Laud Orrtca at Oaaaoa Crrv, Oa., April -. 1W- N OTIf!K IS HEREBY OIVBN THAT THK fnllowlnr.naiaed tattler haa filed notice ol hi. Intunriuii to make final orool in auDpnrt ol bin claim, and that aaid prool win oe maua oe- fore KeaUter and Receiver at Oregon City, Or son. on June ath, l, via: ALBF.RT L. MILLKB, HmiHiMil Kuirr 10.190. lor ihe rjortheaat ii ot aeelion 14, lowtuhip 4 north, ranae S . He namea me nmowms wiuieiwa w vrvvm nu w tinitoui realdenee upon and ciilliratlon nl .aid laud, via: raut J. venow, oi uoiia, urraon. Otto William., ol St. Helen., Oregun, Willlaio tiulld, of Anuria laland, Oregon, 1'erelval Bu t'hanan, ol Fortland, Qreaon. afeja CI1AS. B. MUOKK8, Rawtiter. Notice for Publication. Land Ornca at Obioom Citv. Oa . Aoril 10th. 1H9 NOTK B J9 HKRRRY OIVliN THAT THE (allovrlne-named wttler baa filed notice ol hie Intention to make llnal proof in anpport ol bta elalm. under aertion s Act HarcD X lima, and that aald prool will be made before the Uouuiy Clerk ol Columblacounty at 8'. Helena, Oregon, on May ,, uv, via: PHINRAn FECK, Homeitead enlnr No. 9791 for the i ot the awU ol auction 2a, townanipa portn, ransee weak He namea the following witneMea to prove hit contlnuoua realdenee upon and enlllvation ol aid land, via: John C'amphell and Albert Wood, ol Vernonta, Oregon, and Clarence Heed and William V, EK-nman, oi aeawy, otvgon. al4ml CHAU. H. MUUKIU), Keglater. Notice for Publication. Laxd Orrics at Oaaooa City, Oa March 27th. WM. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVKN THAT THK following-named aettler haa Died notice ol nia intention to maae nuat prom in eupponor hit claim, and thateaid Drool will ba made be fore tbe County Clerk of Columbia County, al at. Helena, Oregon, on nay win, im, via: OEKHART MOBBACK, Ilomentcad entry SIM, (or the northeaat tint aection 82, township a north, range S weak He namea Ihe following wltneneee to prove hi. oon tinuooa reaideuce noon and eulilvalios ol aald land, via: Andrew Kenowckl, William C. Adam, John Hildebraod aud Prank Olinleckl, all oi valley, Oregon, , tuu. u. auoais, maimi2 Begiater. Notice for Publication. Lakd Orrtca at Ossoon Citt. Oa., U.....U MIL Im m ,,M, ow, NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVKN THAT THE following-named aettler haa filed notice ol his Intention to make final proof In support ol hi. claim, and that aald prool will be mad be fore Ihe County Clerk ol Colombia County, at si. ueiena, urejton, on may mn, uw, via: ANDREW KENOW8KI, Homestead entry tlAT, for the southeast M ol section 82, townnhlp north, range S west. He namea the loll owing to prove hi. con tlnuoua redflence upon, and cultivation of said land, vis: William C. Adam, (lerhart Morback, Juliaa Floater and Valentl tillnieckl, all ol Val ley, Oregon. CHAo. B. M0OHE8, mMml'i ; ' Begiater. Summons by Publication. In the Circuit Conrt ol the State of Oregon, for Columbia County. Cbablss 8. Csatsb, plaintiff, 1 va UtaA Caaraa. defendant. To Lena Crater, the above-named defendant: IN THE NAME OP THE STATE OP OREOON: You are hereby required to appear and an swer the complaint Hied against you In the above-entitled suit on or before the 11th day of May, lmiv, and If you fail so to answer, for want thereof the plain tltr will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In the complaint, which is for a degree of divorce against you upon the ground of desertion and that bis property con sisting of lota fifteen and sixteen, block one hundred and twenty Ave, and lots twenty-two and twenty-three, block one hundred and twenty-three, all In Chanlln'a Addition to the City of ij Grande, Union County, Oregon, be freed from any claim of defendant, Thia summons la published by order ol T. A. McBrlde. Judas of the above entitled Court, duly made and entered In the above-entitled cause, dated March Wth, MM, and aald order re quires this summons to be published once a week lor alx enoceaatva weeks, In Ths Oaao Miarnneeeacn weea.ine nrsipuoticanon oeing March Mth, KlfcUN i MOKELAND, Attorneys lor Plaintiff. Summons by Publication. In tbe Circuit Conrt of the State Oregon, for Columbia County. Coka X. Corr, plaintiff. v, I LasLia Oor, defendant, To Leslie Go IT, the aald defendant: III THK NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON voa are hereby notltled that tbe plaintiff herein haa tiled a onmplalut agalnsv you In the above-entitled Court, and you ar hereby re quired to appear and answer aald oomplalnt oa or before the last day ol the time prescribed by tbe order of publication hereof, lo-wlt; On or before the 12th day of May, WV. You are further notified that If yon fall to appear and answer tbe complaint, or plead thereto, tbe plaintiff rill i-auiui vonr default to be entered, and will apply to aald conrt for the relief prayed for In the complaint, that Is to say, for a decree dis solving forever the bonds of matrimony exist ing netween piaimin aua aeiennau. iwmn, aim for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem proper. ... 'Tne date of the first publication of this Sum mons la Friday, the Slut day ol March, WM, and the last publication thereof Friday, the 12th day of May, 1KW, and said Summon, sball be pub lished on Friday ol each week for the perold of alx weeks between aald dates. This Hummonsls published by order of Hon. T. A. McBrlde, Judge of said Court, mad at Chambers, dated March 2Wh, IKK). THAYKK, ST. RAYNER A SCHNABEL. Attorneys for Plaintiff. . tVtn. tfrfnn, Vop. It you want aomthlna rood In the Una at whuky try SHAW'S MALT -Only the beater Liprs and Cijars Kept in Stock s Pool and Card Tablea lor the tine ol I'atroua. Courleoua treatment. (twee the two Hotels.) ST. HSIEXS, - - OREGON. OPfM FROM A. M. TO IS O'OIOOK MIDNIOHT. d -THt- uommit WHirttr, fnpt. . THS FAMOUS GYRUS NOBLE WHISKEY ' Besides other standard brands of liquor, la kept always on band. Card teniae, pool table, aud billiard table for tbe aaa of patrons. BU IIlnh Orsioa, JST0RIA& COLOMBIA RIYER i RAILROAD COMPANY. BSADIWWM DAILY. TATiona. 21 r. a. 7 a 06 I i w (44 160 t H t On 1 7 11)00 10 OH 10 'JO 10 so A.M. S 00 04 30 t 40 t 46 t 6S Lv.. Portland... At ...... Moble ...... Rainier Pyramid M.yaer Qulney....... . ... Clikaule.... ....Marshland.... Wxetport Clifton ......Kuappa, ... Sveuaon John lav 10 00 10 10 io m 10 s it 01 it is n n u no Ar .. Af'oria...l,v ataoor k DAILV. Bsj U M . W r. af. 9 4 11 IS 140 u ioio tan 99 hi t C 3 (40 sou 99 im n as i 14 t IS T Sa E J 9 OS 7 at 9U I M T 17 C 3 9 40 9M 99 S 17 94 C 3 9 07 9 94 9 III l Cj t a 900 fa BSABIDK DIVISION J9 99 Dally aT 99 rTHTh. at. A a - -j-jj 4 00 11SJ .0 Lv.. Astoria ., A r 7 40 4 00 9 11 6ft l. Ar w.,, Lv 7 9 He t W 19 19 Lt wamntoo Ar , w 9 to 9 30 1 1 00 H.SjAr. .BeatliIe..,.L I 9 16 I 9 All Trains to and from Seaside ran to Flaval ana new Astoria via warreuton. SPECIAL SUNDAY 8IA8IDI TRAIN Leaves Astoria at 4:90 a, m. and arrive Beaalde Ua. m. fasaensrara may return oa any train anowa la scneouie on aams a ate. Paasenirers for Astoria or way pointa mast Ss trains at Houlton. Trains will stop In let pas aenaera off at Houlton when coming from points westoiuooi. - v. Sen. fasa. Ant., Astoria. Or. MUCKLE BROS. MANOFACTCBKRB Of Rough aod Dressed Lumber Dimension Lnraber. Floorlnr. Rnirtle. Shaath. ins, 1 Main ., and a eompieta stoea 01 every variety 01 lumoer aep. on nauu, AT THB OLD STAND, ST. HELENS, 0B White Collar Line r, -jt1 w- THE COLUMBIA RIVER AND PUOST BOUND NAVIGATION CO. F0ETLASD-AST0E1A ROUTE. ..TELEPHONE... Landlna root of Alder Street. Portland. Leaves Portland dally (except Sunday) at 7 A, M. Landlna Telephone dook, Astoria. Leaves Astoria dally (except Sunday) 7 P. M. Telepbon Tickets Good on Steamer Potter. Steamer Potter Tickets tiood on Telephone. U. B. SCOTT, Pres. 0.B.MC0. Time SCHEDULES DaAST FOB Aaaiva raoa From Portland, Past Mail 9 p.m. Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kan sas City, r. Louis, Chicago and Bast. Fast Mall 9:49 p.m. Spokane Flyerl 9:10 p. m. Walla Walla, SpoxaM, Spokane, oils. Ht. Spokane Flyer 9:80 a.m. Minn sap Paul. Duluth, Mil waukee, Chicago A Ksat. 9p.m. Ocean Steamships. All sailing dates sub ject to chanae. For Kan Francisco Sail every five days. 4 p. m. 9 D. m. Oolumbla River Otaamers. To Astoria and Way landings. m. Kx.Sunday Saturday lOp. m, Ex unday 9 a, m. Ix.Sunday Willamette River. Oregon City, Newberg, Salem 4 Way-land as 4:90 p.m. Ex.Sunday 7 a.m. Tnes.Thur, and Sat. Willamette and Yam hill Rivera. Oregon City, Dayton, and Way-landings. 9:90 p. m. Mon. Wed. and Fri. 4 a. m. Tues. Thar, and Sat. Willamette River. Portland to Corvallla and Way-landings, 4:90 o. m. TuesThur. and Hat. Lr. Rlparia 1:46a. ra. dally ex cept Sat, pake River. Rlparia to Lewlstou. Lv Iw'ton 9 46 a. va, dally ex cept Krl. VT. 11. HURLBERT, Oeneral Paaeenaer Atent. PORTLAND . . OKK'IOM itiiiiiiiiiiiHi.iiiniiiiiiifHiiinKnii'iiiiiiiiiM.nimnitff r ....KONEY SAVED. IS MONEY EARNED. .. ..Continue to Earn Money by Subscribing for the Yeekly Oregonian fc -. i Tlie Oregon P ..Our Clubbing Rate Enables Us to.. H Furnish Hoth Papers foronly I TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR . iuiUiUiUiUiaiUiUiiiiUiiiiUaUiiUiUiuiuiUiuiuiuiUsUiiu ..UJOHflSOW A DURCPORFER PR08.Me , o Manufaoturera of and Dealers lo a ...All Kinds of Rough and Dressed Lumber... M rieerl... OOOO ROAD TO THI MILL. m rirlv... Risatle ...tielllssff Mill on sonih fork ol rVmpimOM araeMour a HO miles from ri'aipn, slattnu. , t 4 . . . Lumber delivered at Hi aooa station or . f ...DlaaianaUia Laaakar... Johnson's lamllng at $1.00 per M, extra All' . , Warren station, II, W U BOAPl'OOHK, . . . . . ORXOON f ....Drugs and Bhonld I bouiiht only at a Dra fltor. where rloubt 19 never allowed to enter the mind as to quality of the article sold. We furnish dmtrs of the required standard of etrrngth druifs that are ritilit. What you buy at Drug Store you may depend upon it being what you ask for. ....OUR STOCK OF.... Patent Medicines and Toilet Articles .IS COMPLETE. School Books and School Supplies, Pr-er,rlptiom Carefully Compounded Day or MKht. ...ST. HELENS PHARMACY... Dr. Edwin Ross, Proprietor. ST. HELENS, - - OREGON tUh. alfc affcanaana At afVjaVjaN A ana atketausfejOi afai aftxJna xUk afaufla taV aBa aralas HOUE BAKERY ( . t. M'INTYRI, PROfRIITRIH. Home-Mais Bread, Fies Calces, Dongllnnts Lnnclies, 18 cents Dp. Alao a Stock of Motions and Confectionery KBIT TO BOWMNO AL.L.OTV, T. UBLH1NS. GLATSKANIE DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor, Has fust racrlv.4 ol Praeh DRUGS C3SI3RIIOlIvS Also a new and select stock of drnia and patent Biedlolnae, fancy stationery, school boon and school supplies, perfumery and toilet articles, and la tact sveri thing which la usually kept al a nrst-cUtae dnif store. Prescriptions Carefully (Compounded AT PT ircir9 vn? ED HILLSBERRY, Expert :-: Barber SHARP RAZORS AND CLEAN TOWELS. Nona but purest chemicals used In wash ing ana cleansing ma iac. Get a Hot Towel on Your Face Usual prices for work. DECKER'S OLD STAND, ST. HELENS STEAMER G. DELL SHAVER, Master. UaZZZ t rn-tjK. -i iff T Portland, foot of Washlnaton street. JJrar U3 o'ciovk. KoturniiiK Leaves Clntuksiiie, tide permilliiiK, Monitdy, Wediimriny, and Friday ev.nlnn at 4 o'clock Kalama:16: Ht. Helena 9:110. Arrive io Portland change time without notice. ....STEAMER JOSEPH KELLOGG.... Leaves Kelso on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at Ho'olock a. m. '- " .....Portland and Kelso Route ii,ra aaawaapaa. AND - i . Mist WW nyausauaauv upTyrmfi-mi at -tgr-wgiiqn Medicines.. a m LUNCH ROOII aVN DRUG STORE a tarn i and Pari artaaeat THE T.mTP l E.E. QUICK O.'TVVCOLB .Notary PubUo. Commissioner of Deeds for Wash ington. ...... D1 'ft udols PROPK1RTOR8 Ot THORNFS Nnierical Systemjitle Abstracts, Titles Examined and Perfented. Abstracts Furnished. Atuiosiimnts Kxamined. In suranee Written. Taxes Paid and Convey anoina. HT. RELEtta, OBF.60". W. SHAVER The Only Direct Route ...PROM... crtland to Clatskanie TnasdRV. Thumdav. and Sundav ovnnlnn at S win pass us a roiutBuniit t; nene:in; aiayaer tw, Kaimrr :wt 1:80 a. m. a ne company reserves ine ngn t Shaver Transportation Company. teaves Porti land Tiiesdayi Thumday, aud Saturdays, at 9 o'clock a, T, ' 'SMI Li via Willamette slough