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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1899)
" Debility Js Edicr Than Show The wealth of the multi rxiU.iona.bes is not .equal to good health. Riches without health are a curse, and yet the rich the middle classes and the poor alike have, in Hood' s Sarsaparilla, a valuable as sistant in getting and main taining perfect health. It never disappoints.' , ' Scrofula "Three years a so our son, now eleven, had a serious ca of scrofula and arytupelas with dreadfuf sores, dis charging and itching constantly. Ha co old not walk. Several physioiaas did not help fur sixteen months. Three mouth' treat ment with Hood's Sarsaparilla mad him perfectly well. We are (ad to tell other of it." Mas. David Laieu, Ottawa, K as. Nausea "Vonutlnir spells. dUxinea and prostration troubled me for year. Mad ueuralgia, grew weak and could not sleep. My age was against me, but Hood' barenparuia cured me thoroughly, m weieht increased from 126 to 143 nounds. am the mother of nine children. Never telt so well and strop- since I was married as i ao now." Mrs. m. u. waters, S.v r. street, Washington, D. C. Eoxema " We had t tie the the hands of .our two-year-old son on account of eczema on face and limbs. No medicine even helped until we used Hood's Sarsapa- rtua, nmcn soon cureo... (una. a. vah Wick, 123 Montgomery 6'.. Paterson, N. J. Mill I!fTs fV IIOM, Allen' Foot-Rase, a powder for the feet It cure painful. iwoUen sm&itin ft mnl Instantly takes the sting out of corn and uumons. it s toe greatest comtort aiscv my ui"iuge, Aiiviis iool-tvuou niaket tiKht-httinn or new shoe leel easy. It is certain cure forcbilblains, sweating;, dan' callous and hot. tired, aililns? feet have over 10,000 testimonials of cures. Try ii. touay. doiu cy an anifrffiai ana sikk stores. By nmtlforiJflo in stamps. Trial parkas FKKK. Address Alien 8. Olia- Stag, Lm Koy, N. Y. i ., Scientists say that the orange was formerly a berry, and that it ha bean developed for over 7,000 year. .,. son Tnist , "V Hoodi FtUl car liver his, the non-lrrttatln an4 only catbartlo to take wlifc Hood's Sarsapariila. PORTLAND DIRECTORY. AGKNT8 WINTID. (rente wanted for a Wholesale Supply House. Address PaiiOc Coast Novelty Co., Portland, Or. DENTISTS. No iwtn: new process LANti WORTHY, N.W.eor. Th sold work. DR. lrd and Morrison Jaacnlnerr and Sappllea. mm RAKES MOWERS BINDERS Trite for Catalogue J. 1, FBEEUA1, .put, Ms East Water Street, PORTLAND. OB. Wa otter On Hundred Dollars Reward for afiV ease oi tiaiarra wai can uo, us curaa oy nau' Catarrh Curfi. We the undersiiDed. hav known F. J.Chonev for the past is 'ears, and believe him perlectly aonoramo in all ousia.-ss transactions ana no anoially able to carry out any obllcaUun auai ey mui urn. wrara isnu, -vVholesaio lmigfbts, Toledo, V.' , , WAUSINO, KlNMAN & MARVIN, Wnolemle Drur-isu. Toledo. (X nail's Catarrh Cur is t Veil .m?rnally, aetint JIhiI... Ik.hluil .. . ...... .-....- .. the system. Pri:e 76c per bo de. Eoid by all aruirrifiis. icsumoniaia iree. Kail's family fills -rc ths liest. It ha been found that A rays are fatal to baoteria. In the Hygienio in stitute of Munich they are need disinfecting agent, Use Dr. Ffunder's Oregon Blood Purifier now. The son gives 600,000 time a much light the lull moon. TUMOR EXPELLED.'. Unqualified Success of Lydla H. Pin srhHm'a Vegetable Compound. ' mm. v. 3? MACHINERY ForM Ills, Mines, Shops snd srnJBJeclJjOf glng snd Hoisting Engines; Hoe Chisel Tooth Saws. Albany Grease, etc. '' -i TATUF.1 &BOWEFJ 27 to i First Street Portland, Or. ' UM Fremont Street, 8an Francisoc JOHH POOLE, PoBTtAiro, Okboos. can give yon the best bargains in general macliinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pomps, plows, belt and windmills. The new . steel I X L windmill, sold by him, is un equalled. ' - ' We don't admire a Chinaman's Writing. He doesn't use Carter's Ink. But then Carter's Ink is made to use with a pen, not a stick. Funny booklet " How to Make Ink Pictures" free. CARTER'S INK CO., Boston, Mas. Professional Jargoa.. "I tell you, sir, that the oo-exist-enoe uf mnemonic survivals, with sen sorial excitations, is the only conceiv able definition of temporal apprehen sion!" "And I tell yon that the invocation of mnemonics is extra-data). And that sensorial continuity is the datum. The juxtaposition of mnemonio survi val with sensoiial impression discloses no warrant for sequential and co-existential discrimination!" A German biologist has calculated that the human brain contains 800, 000,000 nerve cells, 600,000 of which die and are succeeded by new one every day. At this rate we get an en tirely new brain every 60 days. Poveity has one advantage over wealth. When a poor man is sick there is no desire on the part of the physician to prolong bis illness. Chi cago News. ' - ' " - A caterpillar can eat 600 times its - weight of food in a month. Mr. Bliiabctb Wbulocx, Magno lia, Iowa. !o th following letter de scribes her recovery from a very oriu eal condition: ' Dkab Mas. PrNiBAM I hav been taking your Vegetable Compound, and am bow ready to sound its praliea It has dona won' ders for me In relieving ma of a tumor. My health has been poor for three years. Change of life was working upon me- I waa very much bloated and was a bar- den to myself. Faa . troubled with smothering spells, also palpitation of the heart and that beanng aown icei. Ing, and could not be on my feet much. " I waa growing worse ail ths time, until I took your medicine. "After taking three boxes of tydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound Lozenges, the tumor passed from me. "My health has been better ever since, can now walk quits a distance and am troubled no more with palpita tion of the heart or bloating. I rec ommend your medicine to ail sufferers from female troubles." It is hardly reasonable to suppose that any one can doubt the efficiency of Mr. Pinkham'a methods and medi cine in the face of the tremendous vol ume of testimony. X VJSt Ceitam music prevents the hair from falling, according toons soientiat.while other kinds have a disastrons effect. "Both any wife and snyMlrhave kern alas; CASCARETS and they are the ben medicis we have aver bad la the bouse. Lass wosk my wife was trantie with headache for two days, she tried some of yourCASCAKETS, snd they relieved the pain in her head almost Immediately. W both recommend Caacareta." . Cms. SriDaroBD, Pittsburg Sat at Deposit Co., Pittsburg, Pa. CANOV CATHARTIC II FlaaaaBt. Wslatahla. PncjiMS. Tub fleetf. Tin Good. Kevsr Slckaa. Weaken, or Oripe, He 26. MM. CURB CONSTIPATION. ... BUS, Iiilml, Urn T- StT Hl-Tfl-Rll sold en rnaranteed by slldroe-IfJ-IU-Bflif s e '!' Si Tohaeos Habit. 0roaad for Complalat. Small Politician 1 want to talk to you, sir, about a remark yoa made about me in your paper. : Yon called me a political lobbet, sn I , ) S Editor Yes; it was a very annoying typographical error, and I promptly fired the compositor. Small Politician Ahl Then yon didn't mean to call me a "jobber?" Editor No, sir, I wrote "robber." very distinctly. . . - tbadc MARK. For SO Days More You Can Try It for 29 Cents. Cured of Rheumatism. mm mi mm mm to praise yoob WONDERFUL REMEDY "5 DROPS." Bwanaon Rheumatic Cars Co., Chicago, Gentlemen; I thought that I would write yon a statement and tell you how I aave sot alobg siuce I uav used your "s DKOFH." I must say that I am entirely well once more, thanks to roar wonderful remedy. It has accooipiulied more sood from th ample bonis aud lh dollar bottle than the tblrty dollars' wortb ot medicine I have used of othei mauufacturers. I tried all kinds of meiiidne I saw advertised for Jlbeumallsm hut could not aet any relief from the dreadful safferlnK till I kt a sain rile battle ef your "8 KROFS." auf after taking tbe same for a few days 1 bekao to have less of those severe pains racking tbrougb my body. After 1 got the sample bottle most used p I could begin to rest some every nlgiil; after 1 bad used about half the dollar bottle then all my pains left me. Obi what a comfort It waal when I cuuld sleep apafn at night without any more suffering. I am so thankful to you and your "6 iKOPls" that I cannot hud words enough la praise of your wonderful remedy ror the cure of Klieumatlsm, and I ess safely recommend it to all suffering humanity and say that tbey cannot purchase auj batter niedh'tne than "6 PKUFB" tor all their ilia. Thanking yon. gentlemen, for all your kindness,! remain, luraver, your friend, li. H. LIKK, PorterSeld. Wis., feb. 10, use. Suffered the Tortures of the Damned. President Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co.. Chicago. My Dear Sir: After suffering the tortures el the damned for a Ions time from an attack f Rheumatism. I lah to say ttial your Rheumatic Curs "6 Uitul'g" has cured me e-f all mr troubles, which were all caused by one complaint beu msttsm. I bad Heart Trouble, Pitea, Hladder Trouble and Constipation. - 1 would not take WO and do without the remedies even if it only cored tbe Catarrh for me, which li has don. Therefore, f willingly take the agency for the sals of your medicines, for they arc a boon to mankind. Gratefully yours, J. W. UENJJI8. 1J0 Normal Ave., BuOVio, N. V., tsb. , Ma. "S DROPS" cores Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neuralgia, ryyenepsia, Baekanhe. Asthma, Hay Fever, Catarrh, Sleeplesanesa. Nervousness, Nervous and Neuralgia Head aches, karaciie, Toothache, Heart Weaknoas, Croup. Sweliiu, Ijsttrinua. Malnrla, Creeping Numbness. CCS TUI8T ntVt ISSCri to enable sufferers to gtvs ' DROPS" at least a trial, ws will sends run IBlBll UAl LUIS CO eampl bottle, prepaid by mall, forjn cents. A sample bottie will eonvlnoeyon. A Us. large bottles (suodoaea) tl.00, a bottlee for Not sold by druggists, only by as and our agents. Agent wanted In new territory. Writ as today. SW ANSON KHKUMATIO CURB CO., 1S7-1S9 Dearborn St.. CHICAGO, ILL. MY BABY'S KISS. lily baby's kl I the weetest thlnj ; 2'hst the Uud ot Iove a a gift can bring. It come fryui tbs Up like tbe crystal 1 dew . t Droied trom the flower on mountain aide, ' And it nieaus a love' that i pure and .... true, . And that peace and joy in th heart . . abide., .. , ., -. . , t would rathor have thitt tiny kiss Than sny other earthly biles; Aud to teel too hand on my bearded check , ' I ; ' ' Brings me face to (ace with ao angel's ;'" ' soul," ' 1 ' - - ; ' ''''' That unfolds a glimpse of th path I seek , Through the pillars of pearl to the heavenly goal. VVoumn' Home Companion. - ; GABRIELLE OF THE FENS. LAB e Relief at Last A air rfraeysHitts for St. MarfTl Trzuvh Feifniltv Ptlli In metsU box with lYench FlAtf on totJ 1b feioe. White TJrl Pm1. In tint os kTlng the ffenalne. "RpHf fo' Wr)rABn"ma4lf FRKE to Dleltl swntrv! tter with tevtfrooniAJsi svnei uertlcjimr. FRENCH UiitJtt G0t SB I A 39 Prt il., Vrk. KBEP RUPTURE CURED." Vs snarsntee to fit every esse w undertake. raa1 yut it writ lor particulars at one. . M. WSOOAKU CO., ICsperS XrusS S Kwvs, m 8euiud Street. farUaad. Or, HEALTH RESTORER. uaaui You need Oot Suffer - Health esa be restored, yonr blood can be made pare, you csu be Hi ad strong by using Moore's Revealed Remedy It's easy and pleasant to take no ;. quinine or alcohol. Hundreds have . been eured. Jl.oj jwr bottl at your Aruggists, -T-MIE shades of evening were Just I .... .. ..... K- ....... - 1,1 X inning on me unto nniuioi. vi vni re. The trees Just touelwd by the parting rays of the setting sun dipped their branches a little lower In the breeze as If to catch what glory was left of the former radiance of tbe hen v. ens above ami rustled their leaves lu defiance of the coming black cloud of night Underneath one of them stood a man whose face seemed to have borrowed some of the heaviness from the even Ing clouds, tie was leaning dehpoml ently against the bark with his eye glued upon the door of a tluy cotiage, which stood out clearly from the others by reason of Its newly whitewashed walls. Every now snd then hb turned away wttb a long-drawn sigh and re ceded a step or two, only to return once more and center his gsse upon the little mean dwelling house. Suddenly his eye brightened np as If by magic, bis breath came In short, quick gasps, and he took a step hastily forward as the door of the cottage glow ly opened and the form of a young and beautiful girl appeared in the entrance. "Gabrlelle," ha whispered eagerly. The girl started back with a startled cry. : . You, again.1" she exclaimed as the light from tbe cottage fell upon bis eager upturned face. "Will yon still continue to pester me with your pres ence, monsieur?" This and to me," stammered the man In pained surprise. 'Have you forgotteu so soon the promise you made to me, Gabrlelle, that day when yoa said you loved me 7" 'I always forget things that are best forgotten," said the girl, carelessly. 'Twas but a moment's foolishness. why remember It?" 'Ay, but you shall remember It," aaid the man, stung to sudden fierceness. Io yon think, girl, you can play with heart like mine, and with the river so ' near at band, too?" The girl tossed her head contemptu ously, snd laughed with much derision. 'And do you think to frighten me?" she said Jlgbtly. "I have beard each threats before. Only last week Jean ! of the Brachen yonder swore to bktvr out his brains for my sake, and In truth fear he has not found them yet, for to my knowledge be Is still whole beaded. But there, I will cease to tell you of my fooiiHu tales, for I mean to settle down and live quietly as becomes maid betrothed." 1 . "Betrothed," echoed tbe man In sud den alarm. "It is not true, tell me at once, Gabrleller" "It is true," said the girl doggedly. "Then may heaven help you both," said tbe man, and drawing bis cloak round him he strode away Into the iglit muttering to himself so fiercely that the girl shuddered in spite of her professions of Indifference to bis threats, and altering her mind about her evening ramble, turned once more into the house and carefully bolted and barred the door. ; r t It was a strange thing that a girl so young ai-d charming as Gabrlelle should live so entirely alone. ' Relations she bad none, and friends of ber own seg were few and not over sincere. Lovers she bad plenty, but they proved but a source of annoyance to ber and quarreled constantly among tbehiselves when (hey should have sympathized, for she treated them all witb like coquetry and indifference. Gabrlelle of the Fens she was called. for nothing she loved better than to spend ber time barefooted among the swampy banks of tbe river side, seek ing for new treasures that were to be found and reveling In all the Joys of nature. ; . . On this particular night nature bad little charms for her, she peeped from the blinds of ber little window and turned away with a foreboding In her heart of something she knew not what. Time dragged heavily that night, and at last wearied out in both mind and body she threw herself upon ber bed dressed as she was, and slept heavily. Blie was awakened the next morning with a sense of acnte coldness, and sit ting up In bed, shivering, she dlscov- ed that tbe floor was covered with water. Half asleep she wondered vaguely what bad happened. Then ber full senses came back to ber. A wild fear rose to ber mind, and was con firmed by tbe sight that met her, view when she sprang to tbe window. A wonderful sight, indued, one great expanse of water for mllus aronnd, from out of which the tree tops and the roofs of tbe bouses appeared at Intervals to break tbe torrent of its rush. Branches of trees and other ob stacles came floating by, but not a hu man being was In sight Gabrlelle' first thought was that every soul had been drowned, and the next was that everybody had mnbaged to get away and bad deserted her. A .sob of self pity rose to her throat and she wrung ber bands In agonizing despair. "Louis! Louis!" she cried helplessly, calling upon' the despised lover of the night before In her hour of terror. j "Who calls Louis?"'.' came a voice from the water, "surely not Mistress Gabrlelle," and looking round the girl ' taw tbe very person whose name sbe scix'ot of things rnii elnir.M In 0 fw hours, ran It not, inndunohllvl", "Dou't reproach me. now," exclaimed the girl hnriUHlIy; ' '"Yon have come to , save me, have you not, dear Louis? The the "WWe noons: pet", trie water is rtvnriy , up to my window, and I am so fright' enetir ' "Where Is that flue fellow to whom you are betrothed? It is his privilege to save you. I will not deprive him of It," returned the ninn, surlily. , The girl's face flushed angrily. "He has forgotten me and has gone lr save himself, like a coward," she said "If ever I escape from this terror alive I will confront him with it "Aud if 1 save you," said the man In the csuoe, with a little more eagerness In his voice, "what do I get for my The girl waa silent and suddenly averted her face. . "A bargain's a bargain," he went on pressing his advantage, "If It sliull be death, say so, or perhaps you may choose life. Whatever It Is, w will share It together. Unbridle. Como, we are both young; It would be terrible to die like rats In a hlle. Hay the wortl sweetheart, and yon shall be In my bout before many seconds have llowu," ; Gnhrlelle was not a heroine; death was full of terrors to her. The rapidly rising waters filled her with a sense of Intense horror. Life lu any condition looked bright to her just then. She turned her eyes toward the man In the boat, snd scanned his si rung, deter mined features, Kven while lior proud spirit revolted against the tyranny of the man, she exulted In It. Such are tbe ways of women. "I think," she said deliberately. "1 prefer even life with you to death," and throwing a shawl around her head, suf fered herself to Ihj lowered luto the boat, which the man quickly drew up to her wlutlow. . ' For some time neither spoke a wortl, the man using all his energy to keep the b &ni-s 'DOTOU TillaK At OV COULD HAV IT '. - l-KBISBKU T ' - boat steady, so strong was the current of Ihe tide, tbe girl looking round ber In wonder as they steered their way through the floating objects, which had been carried away from the deserted village. Ouco they passed a child's empty cradle, which was floating swift ly along witb the tide. The girl shuddered and the tears welled op Into ber eyes. .-.. ' Do yon think," she said, "that any one could have perlnhod? Is it possible that I should have been the ouly soul left among thetn all r' ; . , "Quite possible," said the man, "for I warned them all aud saw them alt go loug before " "a thought of me!" Interrupted the girl, anxiously." v "Well, I was unwilling to disturb your slumber," replied the man, "and kept watch throughout the night, until my lioat nearly rose on a level witb your window." "You wanted to frighten me Into" "Exactly," said the man. "You bnd It all your own way before, and I thought it was about time to get the upper band." "Aud where are we going now?" said the girl. In a low voice. "To St Lawrence, where yon will meet all your friends, and Unit gallant lover of yours, whom ,we will not call by the name of friend. Gabrlelle, tell me my night's work has not been to vnln.".- -. The girl laughed softly, and. leaning forward, placed her baud In that of the man's. "I am content with the bargain we made, if you are," she said. "One knows one's friends when , danger threatens, and If you will but brave life by my side you are a pluckier man than I thought you. As to that other man. never speak bis name to me again." The Rambler.' ' ' ' - Tried to Comply. The manufacturer of a certain brand of cigar advertised It far and wide as "The Unparalleled Everybody Smokes It" One day be received a tetter from a man with whom be was ouly slightly acquainted,' running thus; "Dear Smitliby I want one of those cigars everybody Is smoking. Bend it to me by mall, securely done np In a small pasteboard box. . Yours truly, Browuson.t' ., .',,;.,,' Not even a stamp was enclosed for postage, but Huiltliby took some pains to comply with the request, and after a lapse of two or three days Browuson received by mall, duly packed In a small box, a stump of a cigar three quarters of an Inch long, accompanied by tbe following note: " ' ; "Dear Brownson Impossible to send one that everybody Js smoking, ; but here Is one that fifteen separate news boys have smoked on. -Yours truly, giulthby." ',. ...... ;h ., -i ; -J , , ... Blondes, Ulvins; War o Brunette. Tbe blonde type will have disappear ed from Europe. In two centuries, ac cording to an English physician, who declares that of 100 blondes only fifty. Ave marry, while of 100 brunette sev-enty-flve . ronrry. In .'Germany, .aud Scandinavia alao the blonde . type Is much less predominant than it used to be. ' ; :'- ; - . '.' . Mr. Grumble "l see by the paper that Mt Vesuvius is in eruption." "Mrs. Grumble "Oh, I'm so glad!" ! Mr, Orumble-There you are again! Maria. Jow, why on earth should you be glad V , 1 rs. urunilile " y e,!!,, , you bad called upon, sitting comfortably Jfan't utamo me for It; that's all."- In his canoe and staying the motion of the boat with a band upon the adjacent window-alll. , "Louis!" said the girl again delight edly, but witb an anxious gaze still up on the cruel water. . "Ah, 'tis Louis now," said the man. "Last night 'twas monsieur. Bow the ranch,, Do you clulm to be consldurute and thoughtful? Here Js a, .question . to test you: W'itorr you borrow a book, do yon put a paper tfover on It to keep It from getting soiled while it Is In your bands?' " ; " . ." L: Ksulanatlea. f "How do ytut explain b ivlf that two at oonirwinv and thro are none?", asked ths insno visitor. "Iftisss," said Tommy, "lha thsra wasn't enonoh. to est." lndisnspolls Journal. ' ;" ' ' i. . A Straaa Man' Isnsk Th , itronsesl man na earth say ths seers of bis wonderful .bower I perfect diiri'stlon. llosletlsr' fitotnacb. llitler niskes digestion easy, and cures all com plsints arising from s weak, stomach, such as isuiiresiiou, Diiioiisness. liver aim am nev ailments. As a tonin it la marvelotis. Everybody needs it at this tiin of th yar. .. - " Th window of Petslan lionses, as a ule, ar not visible from Hi street, Thr was s young man froinl.enor, Who boldly went off to th war; , The "beer' mads him sick, H recovered quit quick By th prompt us of old Jesse Moor. Butter and baoon are declared by a medical writer to be tlis moat nuilib ing ol all food. . ilothera will And Urs. Wlnslow's Sooth. big Hyrup th beet rniely to use for their wuurou. uunng so teetutiig periou. Cork, it sunk 800 teot In the octmn, will not lis on account of the piui ol Ui water. To Car Cold la One Pay Take Lsistlv Bromo Quinine Tablots. Ail ortiitKls" relunu money u is laits so cur, aac It is supposed that the aveisge depth ol ssnd in the deserts of Africa is from 80 to 40 feet. CIVS Permanently Cared. If o Stsor servousnes rll after first itav'a use of lir. kllna's ural Nsrve Rnatorsr. Send Sir rKKN S.OO Ulal bottlsandlreatlsa, DR. . U, AUMJk, til, S AKh attest, 1'huadaluuia, fa, . The most wonderful vegetable In ths. world It th truffle; It has neither roots, stems, leaves, flower nor seeds. Kaaetly What Ton Wan. Ahandr little bos (lust rk-ht for s lady's sura or a santleman's vest porkeOoI tlascarets Candr Cathartio. nrevenis llllisaa. All druii- (ists, 10C, 'JtM, Mu, The average weight of a man's brain is this pound eight ounce. I bellev fiao' Cur is the only medi cine that will curs consumption .Ami , hobs, wunauispurt, is., no v. u, is. Elephant are fond of gin, bat, it I aid, will not touch champagne. rj ' T"Xi' .. w .--' w.i 1 as 3 The Natural Cure for Indigestion. Ot you hftvt pain In the itomach after c.tin Tne thln ari from Da you hftve ytllow tonduti wnitf. on tne tom Inrjidestlon t.nd Dyspcpna. fI A as i aVistak rt'MAHrll. Art 'riirt.!nn ricnfridi on dideitiVe fluids or Igrmenl." iecreted by cerf&in nd. When ihe tetretlon becomes iniuffltient, Indigestion reult. Or. William. Pink Pilli for f&le People cme the fii&nas to resume, xnstr nornii Artlfitm ferment (of which mot io tilled Dvipep.l cure tn composed) JJ '' "tem porary relief, but Or. William.' PmK 'Pill for Pale People afford a permanent core. n 3 (snsratetl by Ui Inillse.Uon pressed on Hi henrtj and natiseu n 11 rrrssularlly ottlsaeUon. DhehaJ mueh pain tu lier stonmeli J' A. '.L- ...i.i-.i t ri,ini nd severe ehiiklii sneli UI.hwruiosileevratiilht. IkMitoreweretrlcwIln , vain; th Us bene me worse, daawuilsnl,aud feared linnetiatnt (ltwlh. sh nollos4 tuat la Interval In sbi. li her sloiiiai h did not asy-.oy herThsr heart's actio Urame normal. Iteeaonln eorreelly that her dlsesllon a aleie at fault h iTorunMl ths nroper mdlolnlo treat Uml trutllile and with Immwtlnls fnodT reavill. Her appetli cam haoS, th elisl'S spells aoarns less frequext an 4 anally reassd. Her weixlit, hl. h naa orwm realty reuuoeu, a as rasMwau ohu ana " That others niay know ths means of enr e sivsthe . ram erthemailloinaaaed Dr. Williams' t'lnk 1'llls for fal IVipi. riias pills eontala sll ths sl.msnls neeesaary to slv in w lit and rtohasa W the fcluvd aad restor slmtlerad tu rn, . &'w Urn, Umntrj, inii. Sold by atl drujfc'Uts or unt poitptid by the Cr. William Mediclni Co, Schenectady.N.y.. Price, 5occr boxib boxes,$213. A diet book sent f HEl. to WW ars' sssyFe MS e s s Th whirling winds of Arabia some times ciosvat sand pits to a depth ol J, 000 feet, th rim usually being three times that depth in dlsmotur, A sand pit thus road may bo entirely obliterated , In a few hours, and an other xovation mad within a short distance ol II. A Knsslsn officer lias been insking spsrimnU with very siircttwlul re sults, In th use ol falcons Instead ol pigeon carriers. It sotmu Hint tlmy can fly vory muoli fnsler. A pieon cover ten to twelve leSKtW an hoar whereas a falcon can do fllteeii. - It oso also oaity with eas a fairly heavy weight. I It is coinnutsd that ths doath rata of the woild is 07. and ths birth isle 70 Professor It. VV. Wood, instructor in a minute, and this seemingly light physios in thsUnlvetsily of Wlsoousln, oeioentase ol aaia is sufficient to else I has orluinstetl the l.loa ol tliawliur mil Inth..prtl..M ,,r system by -sing ' ,IT,.on,,nSnPUU.lIin h !"" P,PMwitl; "trlaliy. and Dr. Plunder's OrvfunBiuojPuniisr. I of almost 1.S00, 000 tout. list mada two toecfssful expifi iaient. A I rowiii)ipif m A i . . : r Vwwe--r tr : iJv TTHE pleasant method and beneficial effects of the well-known remedy, Syrup OP Ftcs, manufactured V by tbe California Fig; Syrup Company, illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxative principles of nlants known to be medicinally laxative and Dresentlnsr them In the form most refreskinir to the tusta and acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxative, ' CLEANSING THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY, DISPELLING COLDS AND HEADACHES, PREVENTING FEVERS, . OVERCOMING HABITUAL CONSTIPATION PERMANENTLY, Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and substance, and its actintr on the kldncvs. Iver and bowels, gently yet promptly, without weakening or irritating them, make it the Ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing ngs are usea, as they are pleasant to tne taste, but ' THE MEDICINAL QUALITIES ARE OBTAINED FROM SENNA AND OTHER AROMATIC PLANTS, by a method known to the California Fig Syrup Company only. In order to get its beneficial effects, and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package. .Consumers of the choicest products of modern commerce purchase at about the same price that others pay for cheap and worthless imitations. To come into universal demand and to be everywhere considered tbe best of its class, an article must be capable of satisfying the wants and tastes of the best informed purchasers. The California Fig Syrup Company having met with the highest success in the manufacture and sale of its excellent liquid laxative remedy, Svrcp op Figs, it has become important to all to have a knowledge of the Company and its product Tbe California Fig Syrup Company was organized more than fifteen years ago, for the special purpose of manufacturing and selling a laxative remedy which would be more pleasant to the taste and more beneficial in effect than any other known. The great value of the remedy, as a medicinal agent and of the Company's efforts, is attested by the sale of millions of bottles annually, and by the night approval of most eminent physicians. As tne true ana genuine remedy numed Syrup op Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Company only, the knowledge of that fact will assist in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by otner parties. MBF3RNIA pro 5yrvp e for Sale by All Drujishs , Price 50 $ Per BoMe. 7 V CUBE YOURSELF! ( L'MKhX I . ' Hlf U tot iiiintturtl f In I mMstiA j tflPhr;it, fiifliiimtltm., f owmiashi U Irritation or icrtuu4 F m w suUusr. r. imooDi niMmbrtvriMi, Crst mu nsttiiti, 1 1-, ,iPttM tttiif biH uot wtria ;TH6tNBCrlfHlf)HlOO. ut or PotouQH, yS BSI ISS FBSSISI WiafpnTs by prm, prtpBld, tat .(, or l botdm, $if.7fl. CiruuUr tank a roqiittl. YOUNG MEN! li' iwI'fc fAiLi w t CouKb bi-up. TsMMM (inwi,. Um 1 f'i'1 by rlruffMtati. II : i ror qoiioniuM Mitt ait gvt Plit'i Okr rwHfl. II M ant (ni,y rtitHiu-in wlilfh will nure tmdh vrul vorr oww. Mo OAmU known it him err ffM Co oudi, ho mRtter htiw avHoiUt or of how long utanMng, liwiulM prstventsi Mrirtun from it uw will wrtAiibib jrou. It la nwly trnfe. rir-mr. Mid oar, tm (vvkeui wltitoul ltioitr dHtntlon from hiia-inMs. 1'kli K. Um V,m itaii) Uj all rolitvbi) driisirtnU, or tvnt precss 9JmtumL plUul W rftirfwd, pn rftrK iiit of prli-e. hr CirotUarituJle4o&misM TEETH WITHOUT PLATES ftaols Crowned. llrlHrsiMsns, rainless fllllur and xi.ractinn. ' Dr. T.H.White, Fo,rfiaKni DH. COr.M'S ' uveb 0 FILLS ?!'? A DOSE. Curs Sli-k llssil.'oh anl I7spsila, Hsraose Pimplss ami Purlly khs i?,'?'. '' """ snd Prevent Ulllousnsss. 1 BoKrlporSIisii. Toootlvlnsa vnu.wenlll msll !f.f P IlTl' P''J1 h" lottUn, 1H. hoHANKW CO., aVhllada., aVciwa. Sold bv 1ukk1su. I ( nu FtlM brooQi'A welaiurosMaelsniusf ii.iitmgi jhUfvtm. Hilnd, B-tdlng or fr-.trtttlu-i Stop tic It in An 4 llr'ltp. A Imnf Ij t uniot , inn JftrkttlrKsritioruf by ytj. 'frvAtt, ttnm. Writ ssboai yoar cam. hit, M li ii, h. r. N. V. NO. IT-''