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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1899)
OREGON MIST, FARM, ORCHARD AED DM ISSUES EVEUY I RIOA AOKItlNCi DAVID DAVIS. I NOTES OF INTEREST TO OUr. FARMER READERS, i Hates. On copy oh year la sdreuo. . One copy tlx months Kingie copy -MM t A bog pen la bad enough in tummer; bat if it lefdamp in winter it i the place where feed will be ranidlr wasted. The Advertising rat wnd known upon application I bogs must be dry and warm or the food I required lor warm in will coat more tuaa ROLIIMHI A HOUNTY DIRECTORY. J to auillial IB WOrUl COCHTI wrriCERS. A mod railkinct oow that hM no breed- tnAm Joph . Doi, RMnler ing " poewbility, but uch owe are Clerk..., ., J. a. Watts, Bk Helens simply "apart, " or accidental "alecov- te." ana cannot oenuiea upon lor trane- tSherifr. Treasurer..,..,. Sunt, at Schools Bit rvevor. ........ Coroner.......... Commissioners f .J. N. Hie. Clatskanie E. Roes, 8t. Helens I. H. ipiami, warren Martin White. Qitlncy ...Ueo. Hayes. Mavgwr . . .Sr. A. P. Moi-aren. Rainier P. A. Frakea, rJoappoose M. D. Peterson, HIM to their re- April 28, 18D9. mittinc tneir sooa anaiitiee progenv, though they may give good aulta when bred to pure-bred bulla. It ia seldom tliHt the fruit-grower who orden peach tree get the varieties he orders. When making contracts for peach tree be euro and procure them from a reliable nurseryman, and even then it will be well to have a written guarantee that the varieties are true to name. Dnrintf Terr cold weather the best way to keen the animals warm is to have the I i .. . ... .... I stalls covered a loot aeep wiin leaves, lent straw or shredded cornstalks. In this manner the cold draught that come I in from the floor will be partially pre-. FROM RAINIER. Mist AM Perry has gone to Portland to spend tn summer, t Thee seems to be qulU a ran of In th river at present, Miles Sheelrn made a business trip to the metropolis Tuesday. Capt. W. K.Neweome has started work on his new building again. Prof. W. A. Wood made a flying trip to roruana tue a rat oi m. weea. Doctor M. K. Hall, of Kalama, is visit- tug wttb it. ai outrun wis weea, , O. V. Baker. airent of Union Mutual Insurance Company, visited Portland on Aionuay. , Sam Sing, the wash Chinamen, has a new mansion on Water street, on the Muckle wharf. ;" Smith A Young have completed their new wharf at Cedar Landing, and are ready for business. The grade on water street will be conv pleted this week, when the A. A 0. B K. are going to build a depot. FROM Y ANKTON. School begins next Monday. Mr. Kale has gone to work in Muckle's camp on in iwweeman. Miss Pearl Sherman is in Portland this OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. vented, and the animals will require lees ek having dental work done. food by reason of such protection. Mr. John Saxton is making marked it k-u I improvement in the appearance of bis .i " r. I Mr. Knowles, the nightwstchman at Howard's mill. Has moved his family into tn Mrnett nouse. The newest arrivals are men from Northern Maine. four young All are eiu ir . : i .l. i Ai.-tt. lot food eaten by some of tne small cows i ii . lumi.uuiBui uiaj i tAMi uia.i ii .a i . ........ . of this county are now engaged in their public tesu tor Mtterexceeaea season's work. Much of the work ao Uiat consumed bv much larger cows, complished each year is only of a most Ear cow is aa individual differing from .hAniJ A I me omens, muu. iu Know nowwyrowrif see iess temporary and more permanent the1dVT"fn TrLrtW P10 Howard's mill. u,.wo.". "pcompiisneo. un many :." TT W are tlad to see oar Mithbor O. C. me ma mil eraaes. ror lnnance. toe . ,, . . . ,.. .n. .iu li. a.v : i -.. deen rata and wu.hont are beinir filled oiiruDDery costs Dot imie ana aaas ""a wit dirt onlv. and not enonth hTbeina . "". Properly ar-1 n.s ...neas o. newiy two monma. done to prevent a similar damage to the 1U 06 ' n dvantage, mere I o. LTarbell is gradually growing Uller roads in future. This is not intended as hou'1 09 Tcant P1foe " kn and his smile broader as he bandies the a "kick" against any of onr supervisors. but simply as a suggestion. There is no snruo or a nower can De grown ine ribbone 0vrr Howard's fine new team. i ukwu biiuuiu uu vm crowuwi wiui byw i oueson bnT lht tht? are ToiM the greens or flowers, but where a few are I The litUe farming done in this place . .J . I iiaaul An ihA lawn nnft nn t in th rio-ht I has been oromntlv disDOsed of. and now best they can under the cirenmstaocee. we are a strong advocate ot a Better road improvement system. places, tney add to tne oeaoty ot tne lawn. Ail wore in tne nower yara t.,:. Lrrrta doubt remains now that the permit. death of the members of the timber crnisimr nartv in Clatsop county was caneed rrom eaung cannea gooas. Jims seems to be tne only logical conclusion. should begin as early in spring as the I npby with I root ano me condition me gronnu ffl . N,B,.- th-imh 1 . : .i 1 ir ..1 1 ail hands are ready for something else. r finished aconrse in teleg- firayat me Ht. Hel- To make fence posts more durable take Dolled linseed oil, stir in pulverized coat to the consistency of paint, and give the Expert guides would hardly become be- Prt or "' coatings. U .iifiT .n.i i rw..r.-n. in rh. tar. thickened with pulverized coal, will vicinitv m whirh the bodies were tound. "? y and the presnmotion that all hands re- oil and then the coal tar. mained with one member because he was APP'J mixtures warm, ine object sick or crippled, until destitute of food w protect tne poem ag nst water. j -. - .: i Atter eacn nost is set in its Diace use tne is certainly too ibsurd to be regarded m'xture freely at the surface of wnn any seriousness, eucn an idea i " a Mini trt rtm tn Ka m vaA Aifinn nn tha I telligence of the members of the party. I? the foreign markets lean pork Is Ptomaine poisoning undoubtedly caused preferred, and tnere i a growing oe- the awful ending of the lives of the men. or more lean pora at nome. tean 9 I Nwb m n k. nMvlnMjl f Iaab itimi than mar be supposed, and the bogs will grow faster and give heavier weights less time than is ordinarily required. Mr. Rock, a brother of 8. Rock of Peris, accompanied by his family, ar rived Monday from the East. He seems to be satisfied to make Columbia county nis nome. R. Keppler and C. Jensen are doing quitn a oumness cutting corawood on their own land. They propose to run their wood to the flume themselves. using the dam on Cox creek. than when tne pork is produced solely I from corn. It is done by feeding, in ad dition to the corn, skim milk, bran, aborts, linseed meal, beans, peas, clover and other nitrogenous foods, which not A rxw additions are being made to the population in our county ngnt along, mainly of - tne class seeking Homes. Some of the newcomers are making or intending to make nurchases and others uA Innkinor nver thA avinntv seeking information upon important I only promote growth, bat increase thai points Deiore locating permanently, wuigu. w. Rimihu rennrta nf fl.n inflnr nf hnmA- I seekers come from various aecriona of the I The mutton breeds of sheep arereceiv- atate. only in irreater nnnihnm. Both ing more attention now than ever before. the new residents and the county are to It is estimated that eight sheep can be ba eonin-atnlatRH nrmn thianhnwfnff and kept in place of one COW. bat the COW en- everr . community is anxious to add to tails more labor. She will eat coarser the mm total nf it thrift and nro-. food in winter, however, than will the and the reflex of these qualities in in- sheep, but the lattercanthriveon scanty creased values. Hence, these accessions pasturage tnat will not support a cow. w oar popuiauon win meet witn a neighborly locate. welcome whereever they Word comes over from the vicinity of vemonia tnat a nnmDer ot persons re fuse to sign the road petition because it does not specify the eastern terminus as , Deing on tne bank ot tne Uolurubia river. The point may have been well taken in case of lack of knowledge of the law in regard to jurisdiction by the county court. There was no other alternative There is much land which is more suit able for sheep than for cattle, and it is nrxn sncn lands tnat aneen should be kept rather than to permit the land to be unprofitable. HOTJIiTON NOTES. Charlie Perry is working the road this week. All kinds of fruit trees are now in full bloom. The new church is rapidly searing completion. Green adams came over from Vernonia Monday evening. Mrs. E. Perry went to Rainier last Tuesday evening. A. M. Jolly did some painting for N. A. Perry this week. Mrs. Henshaw visited in Portland a few days this week. Fred Franti made a flying business trip to roruand mesaay. Ed Potter and VTm. Smith worked the road Wednesday of last week. A number of oar people attended the funeral at St. Helens last Saturday. I pleted the study of Spanish war. Next Tuesday the study of "Oregon" will be gin. Will Wilson earn horn last Saturday from I'luiMuaUi, udi m tm Mtu working. ,; , ' John Adams has recently purchased a large horse costing 14U. . This It the largest bora in the valley. Geo. Smith cams home on a short visit last Saturday, returning to his work cut' ting wood near ttouiton lueeday. Mr. and Mrs. Mow and Mrs. Shmina- ban went over the mountains for Wash' lngton county points Inst Sunday, It is reported that 8. B. Rose has in vetted in a magio lantern outfit and will Visit vernonia soon, bucoess, tjpence. A number of young people gathered at the home of Mr. 0. fi. Malmeten last Monday evening, and gave Otto a com' pleto surprise. Otto says he wishes peo ple would tell him when Uiey intend to surprise him. The evening whs pleas antly spent with games, charades, etc., aud during the evening an excellent lunch was served. Otto declared that never in the course of his bachelor career had he spent such a delightful evening, and that from thence, hence, forward. forevermore he would endeavor to live his young manhood days over. All de parted for their homes about 11 o'clock, School Warranta Payable. Notice is hereby given that the follow' ing warrant of school district No. 2, of Columbia county, Oregon, will oe paid upon presentation to me: warrants 14. 1TK ITU tf9t llfl I'm 1 U IU) 4U. Iff. Mtf. UU. &f. llOi AfP, AW, 1C(1 and 182. Interest ceases alter this date, April 28, lHW. K. . yi'KK, Clerk That Hen la All Ktgbt. A farmer livinir near town, save aCor- vallis Daner. reports tnat be nad a nan on his Diace that on Easter morning laved an egg witn tne word "faster- engraven upon it, A week later the farmer was surprised to find in th same hen's nest an egg upon winch were engraved tne words, "Oh spring, spring, you giddy young thing." The hen still Uvea and Is doing well. Northern and A. C. R. Combine. It is understood in railroad circle that the Northern Pacific is about to enter into traffic arrangement with the Astoria A Columbia River Railroad Company to send ail oi its ireignt to uauiornia oy that route. The Astoria road will, it is said, establish a line of steamboat to ply between that port and San Fran cisco, and a soon a that arrangement is entered into tne transfer of Northern Pacific freight from the other route will be commenced. The railway now ships its commodities cither by the vessels of the Pacinc Uoast steamship uompany, loading them in Tacoma, or makes rail road connections with th Southern Pa cific at Portland. at tne time the petitions were drawn, animals raised for beef. With a com nor is there yet. The starting point at bination of breed and feed they can get this end of the proposed road is at the moor into market a viar parliar aa iwoll rrcBvoiu iwuiumj uutj oi uie cny xiuiui as gain 60 per cent in weight. . , of St. Helens, and until such time as the j T county court is petitioned to create Wil- Wash your hands in borax water in- lamette street and other streets in Ht. ateadof naimrsoat. The milk nails are Gns Hegele, of Bachelor Flat, is load ing cars with hay at this Diace to be Range cattle will gradually decrease shinned to Portland. in number and the Far West will cease I . tj Cioi i n ...-n n.:. to have a monopoly in beef. Farmers I " Greenville, this will find steers profitable if they use 1 5 J5 jjf . uV Jit aunt, airs. 4. bulls of the beef-producing breeds. The Walker, this week. reason cold-storage beef takes possession I Mr. Gilson has the words "Honlton of the market is because farmer give I House" lettered on his new hotel. but little attention to the quality of the I Painter Truett did the work. Helens as county roads the court would have no jurisdiction in the matter to order them improved. This latter case would be a matter for after consideration. better and cleaner for having been rinsed in borax water. Use warm water to rinse with. Many dairymen who deliver milk to their city customers in the large -M. rlorV tt.i. .-J T n., ,.t V-. 1,.. .I,- I.. :. camp at Marshland last Sunday. . Pete Parmer, who has been working on the section at this place for the past two or three months, left for Rainier Wednesday morning, where be ha a position in a sawmill. The prime object was to get the petitions tin cans rinse them ont every day, once to circulation, that work on the pnnci- a day with a solution of borax water: a pal thoroughfare might be started at Bmafi handful of borax to a large dish- "F'""5U:". iumj we panful ot water to wash the cans iu. corporate limit of St. Helens is a matter They nee a brush to get them thoronghly 2""' r,Ju"ui "ut" clean inside, uorax kills the germs imsy technicality, it seems to us, is a which cause milk to sour, and it costs so uuur luunaation uDon wnicn to oaae an 1 ntt .i.nnn. win ..iA n objection to the signing of the petition. 1 , , . . ,' The city authorities here have but re- Before purchasing commercial fertil- cenuy bad Willamette street cutout and izers the Vermont station advises farm- ujmxi w tne western bounaary 01 tne ers to consider the following points REUBEN NOTES. We all Get Them. Every editor ba received them. The postmaster sends them to th editor. The posmaster is not to blame. For in stance, there was one by the nam of well, say Tim snort, who sent ns three notices to stop his paper; he didn't want it any longer. We wondered what the matter could be. Upon examination of the subscription book we found that Tim was short $10. He never had paid a cent, and yet be stopped bis paper as a matter of economy to ns. He didn't want ns to lose any more by him. A few days afterward Tim was at church. and his melodious tenor rang ont lond and clear in that old, soul-stirring song, "Jesus raid it All." ft might nave been mistaken, bnt his earnestness im pressed ns. The next day we sent bim a receipt in fall, begging his pardon for not knowing he bad made an assignment of his liabilities to th Lord. H. Fred Woodham was visiting with Stehman Sunday. Fred Woodham sold a fine bred bull to Capt. Gore, of Kalama, Monday, R. R. Foster made a large shipment of potatoes to Portland Wednesday on the a-euogg. ' Samuel Conrad, of Woodland. Wash.. I . a i . i : 1 1 . 1 cftv. which fart .lorn, won W a. X1Z..??'-TlL- -lYl" V' w" ".wu ""UJ' U.UU. WHO r , , : . : . -rt ' i tcviuub vAuvricuw uuutiiieu personally lOld inendS. evidence of good faith on the uart of the v.- :..u I people here to see that the road event- bore with similar goods on the same or I .Th0?- H- Woodruff, justice of the peace naliy terminates at the water's edtre I .n ith tul I of Rainier precinct, had some notary m Tt vai , . . ,., a. 1 was wmu uv oauiv viuu a SUU- I . , - , , . ( , . w 01 tne uoiumoia nver. These little rati. M tha firm r.( rK . I wore aone at mis piace last weea. luaivrjra can OB CU1CK1V enOUgO Sna tha aylvantaooa tknA J unl... nil 1ir T I 1 i.i J SitT.UilSthlilythat1d h?me i"8 ""pared with the pur- for Mr! Bortiiwick during the winter, when it is a settled fact that the people chase of mixed goods ; the character and turned to his ranch west of Clatskanie 1 s . ( lamonnt ot oarnvara manure on hand : i !. 5j.t, .1 I David Davis, editor of Tbk Obeooh Nothdio succeeds like success." is an I - .1 1 .1 a .1 :i .u . I Miht. and Georire (i. Mavirer. racnrder old but certainly true saying, and its ap- . - J of theVoods under conaideration ? the city of St. Helens, were in town n irwtiAn ah hAn Um.. . . w . I ... I' ; . "T . . . ""- and iu fitness for soil. crop, and as whiii. uuiuawuiuucH BUUWU HI uie appor- m.1nint tn hnma mannrial annnliaa tionment 01 county scnool money mst ,nd- the ,orm. ;n which the ingreVIienti occur, made. The Clatskanie district's allow ance is 1500.20 and that of the Rainier oistriCT is joAJ., ana 1 wny are me sums Keeping a record of the product of so much larger than the amount allowed each fford, the dairy mai an oppor- the St. Helens district? The answer is tunity ol knowing simple enough, yet the fact is bold and rofi. A dairyman who bas been in the Ja. McNaughton and wife, of Moores- ville, and Mrs. Ray E. Watts, of this place, attended the Eastern Star Chap ter at St. Helens Saturday evening. Henry Latonrells, of Latourelle, Ore gon, who built Uie flume from Moores- ville to Goule in IBM, is repairing th stubborn. There are more children in i,.i.:'w v. t..u . I flume for 11. B. Borthwick this week. . 1 . e , . . . , ,1 aiatMiir a wuriiiK ww a vu icuim I " tnoee aistnctssimpiy oecause tne people those dried btf. commenced to keen an TariJ W n.r.n .h U L.. ,! ThevhaTl rnVuctlmgYheree d!he fl" 'th each and the first year he for the last ten feVrsinCanadwturna """' wicic, buu nio I rOUnd that, after cnartmiff each cow with I last ar ani iiiiia nn nisi nlnna auaat have made an eiTort to get them there. They have induced then, there, and the a.. 3 a 1 . 1 . I 1 iiiuucement 1 as oeen gooa scnooi laciu- her cost for food, and crediting her with ties. At Clatskanie there are twice as ali that she produced, there was a wide j ,B u,v,k, a. difference in the profits. One cow gave there are in the ht. Helens district. L profit of only $ lot the yeal. while ,eop loci wnere meir cuiiuren can another gave M profit. Selecting the have advantage of good educational I v. ,.?. k.,.; , nj training in a good, comfortable building males, be 'found it cheaper to raise his ing, where he went to procnr some more and one suited to. the requirements of wt than to buy them, although the rigging for the purpose of raising the the conditions. At Rainier there is a mnrB h rat two v.ara v.nt barge. of town this summer. He expect his out soon to live with him. Henry J. Rogers, who bas the con tract to raise the barge Washington, re turned from San Francisco Friday even- magnilicent school building and three Lfter time he found that two'cows ..ion wiwia am eiuuiuveu mj tram uie youth. Have school opportunities been an inducement to any degree? They undoubtedly have, and the only way to achieve success is to strive for it, and certainly the people of Rainier and Clatskanie are entitled to all they have acquired in this respect. United effort and determination has brought the con dition. Their good schools are their best advertisement and greatest induce ment they could possibly offer settlers, temporary or permanent. Such is the case anywhere, and if St. Helens would hope to attain to au equal footing with her sister towns there must be an effort made to provide better facilities. The district is endowed with as much wealth raised by him were equal to any three cows purchased. Since then theqnality of his stock bas been improved. There is nothing that will convince farmers so surely as the keeping of account with th cows, and it soon induce them to improve. acta -are stubborn things. ... . and cannot be ignored. barge Vernonia varieties. Mrs. Adams, of Rook creek, is improv ing. 5. ,t j . , ,-..'.- The farmers are taking advantage of th between spells. t. W. Vandyke and John Prinele were Mist visitors last Saturday. O. B. Malmeten and O. C. Spencer Ttaln. . imllln. m!:. UIIIH .V UUUU1H. ID... T. . U. . I U . I VltVl. and I can recommend it a a splendid liniment for rheumatism and other house hold nse for which we have found it val auble. W. J. Cuviga, Red Creek, N. Y. Mr. Cuvler is one of the leading mor as either of the districts mentioned, and , chants of this village aud one of the most the lack of equally good school advant-' prominent men in this vicinity. W. G. tifces is attributable solely to lack of ef-' PHipria. Editor Red Creek Herald. For fort. Shall we progress or retrograde? j sale by Dr. Edwin Ross, druggist. Rheumatism Cared. My wife has used Chamberlain' Pain visited up-river points last Sunday. Mr. and Mr. J. E. Dow were visitors at the residence of Mr, A. Bbannahan, Albert Baker ia doing some fencing on his place. , Albert believes in expansion. Mis Allia Soole visited Brannsnort last Saturday and returned bom Sun day. , T , , , : The Vernonia Literary Club has com- Lamber Easiness Picking Up. The Oregonian last Monday said : Th lumber business is evidently looking np in Portland. Mill men for a long time have been complaining that there was nothing in the business of manufactur ing lumber, but prospects must be more flattering now, as a considerable sum bas latelv len invested in the stock of a sawmill company in this city by two well-known capitalists who are not hunt ing for investments which are not likely to yield any profit. Another sawmill company has lately purchased large tract of land on the n ver front, on which they expect to erect a large mill for man ufacturing lumber for the export and railroad trade. And now it is learned that a third sawmill company ia arrang ing for the purchase of a larye tract of land around their mill, it is supposed with the intention of extending their business. Portland has tributary to it the largest and finest body of timber in the Northwest, and a market for this is developing in foreign countries, which will soon lead to a great increase in the lumber business done here. ." Da Tea Ksiavr Consumption Is preventable? Science has proven that, and also that neglect is suicidal. The worst cold or cough can be cured with Sliiloh'a Cough and Con sumption fare. Hold on a rxwitiva guarantee for over fifty year. Bold by Dr. Edwin Rosa, druggist St. Helens, and N. At Perry, Uoulton. liEQAIi NOTICES, County Treasurer's Notice. '"Cooa'TT TsaAanaaa'a Oww,"""" BY. lUi.cNu. Uh.i Aurll 14. MM. OTIC 18 MKRfcHY lUVitN '111 AT AIX UMMtia vauiity warriuiM 01 ioiiimim Onuiily, Onwm, whloh hav bean pnuxtnltxl and tnoorxHli "Nut fuld lr Want ol Funil," prior to January 1st, 1HWI, will bo paid uKn ira. aniation at tlila om. Iuwrot will not bo al iowwl aflrrthladats. KbWIN KOHH, aUiuU Tnwaurarof Columbia County, Oregon. Administrator's Notice. N0TICH 18 HKRKHY OIVKN THAT THE aiidcrolKiu'il baa boon duly awKilntml by th Comity Court ol Columbia County, unnrou, adniiultrtor ol 111 valuta ot CliarlM J. farr, dtKieiwd, ami haa qmtllllad hj auoh, AU per noiia havlna olnlim attaint! said satats arc hera liy roitutnxl U raeut th ant, with rropnr vottclirra, to ma, al lh oltttw of Cola at Vlulok, InMt. Helena, Oreuon, alllilu tlx moutlit Imin th data hrol. laU)d al Ht. ltelvin, dragon, DIM, 1HW, UK0, W. FARR, Adinlulatraiorof th salatsof Ctuurlaa J. furr, dmiaaaad. nJUaUs Teacher's Examination. Orrics or ScHooi, 8ursiMT(NnsttT, Uoulton, Oregon. April is. US. NOTI0I W MKRKHV lllVBN THAT, FOR th purpoaa ol maklui an examination ol no roar ouar ut.maaivaa aa vaiiui- th. county arkool aunarliitpndeiil thereof will all peraoue who may oiler Ut.tnaelvee aa eandl dataa tor Wachen ol hold nubile examination at St. Helena, Oi beiilrimng at toelova 10, ist, 8tat paper Urn. nlon at at. Helena, Oreann, 1 p. in., Wcduoaday, May will be attrtiiled to at the 1. II. COfKLAM). County Sotiool Uuparlnteudent Administrator's Notice. In the Cftuntv Court of th State ol Oregon. lor tne i;ounty 01 voiunioia. In the matter of the eetats of OdeaM L. Lous- wnont, deceaaM. NOTICE IS HRREBT OIVIN THAT THE uuderslitned waa, by order of the County Court ol the State ol Orepm, for the Connty of Columbia, made and entered on the Hat day ol Marob, lHiw, duly enpoiuteti tne aiituiutatrator th aatale ol Odeaaa 1.. uuaiKtiont. daceaaed. wrwHii holdlna elalma aualnat Iheeaidee tale are hereby notlfled to arexent the aame to me, with proer vottebere, at the offireol 3. P. Kavauaajcn. rooma AA and M, McKay building. In the City ot I'ortland. Oreitoit, within aU aionuitfrom tne Dm puniiitaunn 01 inn no- Uoe, April 7lh, um, llated April Tin, iw. Administrator of th MUM at Oduaaa h. ton. lirnont, deoeaaeu. . a'nio Notice for Pnblicatiorj. - Lab Orncs at Qaaooa CitV, Oa.. April Jo, lam XTOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT TUB il liillowln named settler ha fllel notice ol hie Intention to make Baal proof In support ol hta claim, and mat nam proof win oa inuue Be fore Heelater and at Oregon City, Or foa, ou Juu aith. lav, via: ALBERT L. MILLER, Hornet trad Entry lo.ieo, (or th northeast U nt eeetlon It, townehlp 4 north, rente I weet. He names th following witnesses tn pror hi con tlniipus raeldenee upon and cultivation ol said land. Tls: Paul 1. hchols. of Holtou, Orecon, Otto William, ef 8t. Helens, Oreatm, William Guild, al Hanrle Itland. Oreaun. fsrclral Uu- cnanaa,oi rnina, ureon. sjv . v. 11 AO. u. auuau, Keaunar. Notice for publication. La no Orncs at Osbooh City, Oa.,1 Anrll lnth. UM NOTICE IB HEREBY OIVKN THAT TUE lollowlne-named settler has filed notice ot his Intention to make Anal proof In support of his claim, under toeliou Act March J. PoiS. and that said pruol will be mad before the County Clerk ol Columbia county at St Helens, Oregon, on stay a. w, w: , PH1NEA8 PECK, ITomettesd enlrr No. S7VI for th tH ol th ntU of section 2D, township ft north, ranf 4 wast. He name the following witnesses to prorehlt continuous retidanc upon and cultivation of said land, vlti John Campbell and Allien Wood, of Vernonia. Oregon, and Clarence Heed and William c. ctcninau, of aeeney, uron. allmlV CHAB. B. MOOKKS, HeKlttor. Notice for Publioatloa. Laud Omca at Oaaoow Citt, Ob Marh J7th. ISM XTOTICE 18 HEREBY OlVKK THAT THE ll loilowlnt-nained settler hae filed notlca of nit intention to etase uuaiurtMH in support 01 his claim, and that said proof will be made b fiira theCoautv Clerk ol Columbia Countv. at BL Helens, Oregon, on Hay I3tb, lttW, vis; GE till ART MORBACK, Homestead entry SIM, for the northeast V ol section S'l, townthlp6 north, rang I west, lie names tb foiiowiug witnasa 10 prove nis eon tlnuuus resliieuc upon and cultivation of said lauij, TIB! NWIIVH MVUWnr., ,, lllln,,, II. n.tBiu. John Hildebrand aud Frank Ollnleehl, all of Valley, Oregon. CHAM. a. mookeh, maimU ttegiaur. Blck Headache. The enrse of overworked womanhood, ar auicklv and surelv cured bv Karl's Clover Root Tea, the ereat blood purifier and tissue builder. Money refunded if not satisfactory. Price 26 eta. and 150 eta. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross, druggist, St. Helens, and IN. A. ferry, uoulton. ' -' What Bhllah? A grand old remedy for Coughs, Colds and Consumption; used through the world for half a century, has cured in numerable cases of incipient consump tion and relieved many in advanced stages. If you are not satisfied with the result we win reiuna your money, Price 26 els. and 50 cts. Sold by Dr, Edwin Ross, druggist, St. Helens, and It. A. ferry, liou I ton. Traai Mathers. ' Croup is the terror of thousands of young mother because it outbreak is so agonizing and frequently fatal. Shi' loti's Cough and Consumption Cure acts ike magic in case of Croup. It bas never been known to fail. The worst esses relieved immediately. Price 25 cts., 50 cts. and 11. Sold by Dr. JSdwin Koas, druggist, St. Helens, and N. A. Ferry, Uoulton. ' '; ' Tan Try Iu .",v,"""-' . j If 8hllohs Cough and Consumption Cure, which is sold for the small price of 25 cts., 50 cts. and $1, does not cure, take th bottle back and we will refund your money. Sold for over fifty years on this guarantee. Price 26 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross, druggist, St. Helens, and N. A. Perry, Houlton. Mmmy m leaver Ha turned with disgust from an other wise lovable girl with an offensive breath. Karl' Clover Root Tea purifies th breath br it action on the bowels, etc.. a nothing else will. Sold for years on absolute guarantee. Price 25 eta. and 50 eta. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross, drug gist, St. Helena, and N.A.Perry, Honlton, Oa Erary Battla Of Shilob'f Consumption Cure la this f narantee ; "All we ask of yon is to nse wo-thirds of the contents of this bottle faithfully, then, if you say you are not benefited, return tb bottle to your druggist and ha may refund the price paid." Price 25 cts., 60 cts. and $1.00. Sold by Dr; Edwin Ross, druggist, St, Helens, and N. A, Perry, Honlton. . : Notice for Publication. ' . Laud Omca at Oasooa Ciry. Oa.,1 ,, March nth. 18M. NOTICE 18 HEREBY ClVEN THAT THE followltis named settler hss tiled notic of his Intention to make Anal proof In support ot his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the County Clerk of Columbia County, al 8t. Helens, Oregon, on May lath. Will, vis: ANDREW KEN0W8KI, Homestead entry StST, for the southeast H ot section Si, township ft north, ranges west. He names the following witn to pro. his con tlnuous rtldeno upon, and colli ration of said land, Tls: William a Adam, UerhartMorbeck, Julias Floater and Vale nil uilnlsckl, all of Val ley, Oregon. ,-,.... C-HA8. B JiOOUEH, milraU , kegister. ; Summons by Publication. In th Circuit Coart ot th BUM el Oregon, for Columbia County. Cbablbs B. Cbatbb, plaintiff, Lisa Cbahb, defendant. To Lena Crater, th above-named defendant: IN THE NAME OP THE STATE OP OREOON: You are hereby required to appear and an swer the 00m plaint bled eaalntt you In the May, mv, and If you fall so u answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to th Court for th relief demanded In the oomplalnt, which la lor a degree of divorce against you upon the ground of desertion and that bis property eon' sitting of lots fifteen and sixteen, block one huudred and twenty-five, aud lots twenty-two and iwenty-lbree, block one hundred and twenty-three, all In Chaplin's Addition to the City of La Orande, Union County, Oregon, be freed from any claim of defendant. This summons Is published by order of T. A. McBiide, th above entitled Court, duly mad and entered In the above-entitled cause, dated March 20th, VW, and said order re quires this summons to be published one a week for six suooesslv weeks. In Ths ObbmuN Mist oone eech week, th fl rut publication being March 24th, UU. , KlLUN i MOHKLANJ). Attorneys lor Plaintiff. Summons by Publication. I. In the Circuit Conrt of th Stat of Oregon, tor Columbia County. ' . -'..i-.-. Coba E. Corr, plaintiff, : , vs. J ,,,,'. Lxsui Oorr, defendant, " " ' ' To Lsli Oon, tb said defendant: : 1 IN THE MAME OF THE STATE OK OREGON yoa ar hereby notified that th plaintiff herein ha Sled a complaint against you In th abure-entltled Court, and you ar hereby re quired to appear and answer said oomplalnt on or before the last day of the time prescribed by the order ol publication he roof, to-wlt: On or before the 13th day of May, 1HW. You are further notified that It you fall to appear and answer tho oomplalnt, or plead thereto, the plaintiff will eaus Tour default to be entered, and will apply to said court for th relief prayed for In the oomplalnt, that Is to say, for a deera dis solving forever the bonds of matrimony agist ing between plaintiff end defendaut herein, and for snch other aud (urines relief sa to the Court may seem proper. The date ol the first publication of this Sum mon M rrmsy, tne sist aav 01 siarcn, inm, and vt. lfViKI, and tnid Hiuiimona snail be nu Halted on Friday of esrh weuk tor th peroftl of ths last publication thereof Friday, the 12th day 01 May, lrv.M, anil tnia minimon ensu oe nub, at tviub . ImIwmiii aM diiUta. Thls Kmnmoitt Is puDiltliiol by order of Hon. T. A, Miiltrl'te, JuiIku of said Court, mail at Chambers, dntod March Wtli, m. i, THAT EH, ST, tfcA I IV ft U BCHWABKL, Attorneys for rialntin". .joiinsorj'& cuncDonFCii csios..... . o-llaxiiifscturersof soil Uealert ln-o :..A!I ICIntts cf Rough end Cresses! Urr.bcr... PRI0E Of LUMBIB IN THE VARDB. Common Rough I 00 per M Slteil ;. SOllporM Second-elsts flooring and Turtle, H (11 per M rtrsl-olus ttourlng aud nullo... , U OU pet M BOAPPOOBM. - - OOOD ROAD TO THE MILL. Mill on south fork nf Kaappoua oreek.four tnltet from HnapHiose ttiillotl. Lumber delivered at Ht iippoos station or Joltuton'ilniiilltig et tl.uO per M, extra. At VYarnn itslloii, fl.W. , , tvavavvtW OltKOON tVrasrsViayvVVVWWVVVVVVVV'VVl ST. HELENS PHARMACY Dr. E6WIN ROSS, Proprietor. DRUGS Patent Medicines, Fancy Toilet Articles. PCRFUMKS ANO FANCY STATIONARY. Prescriptions... Carefully and Accu rately Oompoundcd, DAY OR NIGHT. ....Cigars.... Complete Line of ......Druggists' Sundries School Books... and.... School Supplies ...MONEY SAVED IS MONEY EARNED.,.. ..Continue to Earn Money by.. Subscribing fur the Weekly Oregonian$: ano . The Oregon Hist 3 3 . r-. , , i TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR iUiUiUiUiiiiUiUiUiUiUiUiUiUiUiUiUa.iUUaiUiUiUiU ,0ur Clubbing Rate Enables Us to., Furnish Both Papers for only KE. QUICK CotnmMoner of Deeds log V aab Ingtoo... ...... G. AVVCOLE - . Votary fobllo J PBOl'KJKTORa or THORNE'S Kninerical SnteiTitle Abstracts. Tltlee Ixamlned and Perfected. Abstraflt. furnl.hed. Ataeesmenls Kxamlned. In surance Written, lanes Paid and Convey. anolug. , , . j. 1 . . HELEN, VBCGOri. .BRINK'S SALOON.. ,;. tiOtn. (11 fSl. : ' It TO want .omethtng good la th. line of wbiaky try SHAVV'8 MALT ', Only th. tssst ot ,; ' Lidnors an. Cijaw Kept In stock Pool and Card Table for th nt ' . of Patron. Courteous treatment. . (BatwMn th. twa Hotal.) ST. BUMS, ... OnSGOK. Ko Ladles Furniture' is Compete . Wltbeut a New LIGHT -RUNNING SXNGSB 8CWINO MACHINE. Bold on Easy Term without Interest. o. p. Loonier, Af.nt. jtw.tori. - - Orejon. &DstWaOa-d rOH POMTLA'D, D.ILV. M M H H"America,, . . OPEN PROM A. M. TO ,. 12 O-OLOOK MIONIOMT 'VtXVeJ -THE- CLommoek i whitniy, . THI PAMOOa GYRUS - NOBLE - WHISKEY Beetdea other standard brands of ; liquor, Is kept always on hand, Card Utiles, pool table, and billiard table for th. mm of natrons. ; 1 St. Uelantt, Orgoa, ST. CHARLES HOTEL Front & Morrison Stx, Portlantl Under New Management ISO Boom at 25 Cent to SO Cent, Unite 75 Cent to $1.00. , 1 Elevator, Electric Uahti and Bells, . and all Modern Conveniences. Free Dm Meet all Boat! .!.! j and Train. . 1 Kestanrant Connoctcd witli Hotel ' ,-.' O'egbn Telepbon 209. ; j v, Columbia Teleplion 27,, ,, , H H H H H M H H H M -TAMH- Willamett Slongli Route . 1 i Leav. 81. Helen,..,. 7:00 A. M ArrtveatPnrtlitnd... 10:30 A M lrv l'ortlnnd ... 2:. SO H M Arrive at Ht. Helena.. . 6:00 P M - ;; . I'ABE SO CEM'I'a. Will Carry Nothing but Psn. ger and Fat Freight, JAITIKM OOOD, IflB.t.r. "'MM 1 0.B.&N.C0. Paraat roa Fast Mail I p. m. gpokan. Klyerl 2:10 p.m. iB.m. ' 8 p. m. fcfx.BuiKiay tlaturday 10 p. m. . m. Ex.Sunday 7 . m. Tnes.Thur, and Hat. , 6 m. ' Tues. Thur, and bet. tv. Rlparls Mfia. m. dally ex Oept Bat. Time SCHEDULES Prom Portland, Salt take, Denver, Ft. Worth, Oinaha.Ksn- , sas city, at. Louis, Uhlcago and East. Wall Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis, Hi, Paul,. Puluth, Jdll waukue, thlcajo A Ka.1, Ooean Staamthlpt. All sailing dates tub- Jett to chanKe. For Nan Frnnalsco Hsll every five days. Columbia River Steemera, To Astoria and Way laud lugs. Willamette River., Oregon City, rJevberg, Malum A Way-land'gs Willamett. and Yam. hill River., Oregon City, Dayton, and Way-landlDgs, Willamette River. Portland to Corvalllt and Wtiy landliigs. , Snake River, Hlparla tn Iwlton. Asaiva raoa Fast Mali :16 p.m. Spokane Flyer ;U0a.m, 4 p. m. . tn. Kx.Sunday 4:80 p. m. Ex.bunUsy 80 p.m. Mon, Wed. and ITi. s.aon. m. Tuet Tliur. and but. Lv.Lew'to. D:ISa.m, d.lly ex cept Frl, " W. H. HUBLBBRT, ' Oen.ral Passenger Agent, PORTLAND .., , - . OBKfjON