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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1899)
ml EI S l t UY FIUOAV mOHKIINO ' . -ST DAVID DAVIS. SMbacrlptloa Bmm One copy on. year la advance...--. -M J ne copy niwui a,..., Slugl oo(vy . Advertlnni rat "made Known upon application ICgl-l L L II -J L il!B COLUMBIA COUNTY DIltKCTOKY. count erricKBs. Jnri'ire ....Joseph B. Don, Rainier Clerk J- Watts, 8t. Blierlff"...... 1- N. Rlee, Oletukanie Trmuurer K. Kw. Ht. Helena Sunt, ol Schools H. Oop. slid, warren .L. . Martin While. Quiuoy Surveyor uen. Havea, Mayirer ",' Dr. A f. McLanuv Rainier i ,..p. A. Frakes, rlcaopojse Commissioners I N- p. Peterson, Mist March 3, 1899. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. What Columbia ootmtv needs U Hoi tbe acquisition of a class that comet, with not a dollar left after land ing in ths oouulry, at baa been tng- nested by aouie who hare recently written hers far iuformation. o- souroe and poaaibililiea are plentiful but I ho class wa Ueaira ia tha on that can assist in the work there it to be done. We want an element capable of taking care of itself for at least year after its arrival here. It require! time and capital to hue out a borne here, and tbe people wo deaire are those able to meet the demands which will con front them. Thk preliminary steps taken by St. Helens people within tbe last few days looking to the improvement of the Nehalem road ia tbe inauguration of a system ol road building which merit and will receive the endorsement and co-operation of every public-spirited and enterprising person, whether di rectly benefitted or not. The move ment is one leading np to a system of toad-building whioh will undoubtedly spread throughout the state, and ex tend its relief-giving results Into the most remote sections. In this part of Oregon no other than a plank or cord uroy road will stand the test to a de gree of satisfaction, unless it be Mac adam, and that is not within our province on account of the enormous expenditure of both cash and labor, while tbe Bret-named method is pro vided for by nature to a great extent, or almost entirely. The road which it ia proposed lo improve is located al most entirely through a splendid body of timber, the use of which will be freely given, consequently lessening the oust of material, and aiding in a vast degree to tbe early consummation of the enterprise.- To dwell upon the benefits accruing is but to rehash a threadbare story. The result of having a well-improved road out of Nebalem valley to St. Htleus ia apparent to everybody, and all that is now needed ia the assistance of tbe people in the consummation of tbe project. It seems to u that opposition to the matter, if any is to be had, would be tha molt of not thoroughly understanding the law under which it is intended to pro ceed in the premises, or else through dense ignorance of tbe good results. Rucb a commendable movement, it seems to ns, certainly deserves the ap probation of every resident of Neha lem valley, the people living along tbe line of the proposed improvement and those at either terminus. Z1 What shall we eat and drink J is a question now calling forth a good deal of consideration at the present time. One after another of tbe great doctors have set a seal of condemnation on nearly everything that we like. To matoes, we are warnod, breed cancer. Cucumbers give colic. Beans are over rich and destructive of digestion. Beef contains the germ of tapeworm. Pigs and chickenfhave tichinae. Bugar, bread and peas tend to diabetes. Wine gives goat. Tbe "old oaken bucket" is infested with disease germs, and besides that, the water of the well, not being properly aerated, is prolific of malady. Even the bubbling spring . bears typhoid in it waters, coming as they do from no man knows whither. Milk, the accepted type of innocence, is a disseminator of tuberculosis and other dread diseases, besides being in digestible to grown-up folks. And now comes a great German scientist, to warn ua against chemically pure, distilled water as a positive and active poison, destructive of the mucous membrane, and otherwise alarmingly deadly. Now, we had all settled down on distilled water as the one safe thing in the world to swallow. It Is rather unpalatable, oi course; it is trouble some to procure, and it is by no means satisfying to the craving of a hungry, thirsty man; but at any rate we be lieve it to be unimpeachably whole some and mi thoroughly safe that our drinking of it, even with a grimace of disgust, we have regarded it in the light of an almost supererogotory act of virtue. Again, what are we to eat and drinkt The doctors thesudve who prenouuee all these anathemas against solids and liquids eat and drink whatever they like. Some of them eat mince pie at midnight and regale themselves in the small hours with Welsh rabbits and mulled clarets or hot Scotches. Shall we follow their precepts or their practice THIS PUBLIC BCOOJUS. Ananal Elections for Officers to be Hold Next Monday. The date for the annual school elec tions in the several school district throughout tbe county is drawing near at hand, and the importance of zer oising care and uruuence In the ! lion of pVraons to fill the important positions of director and clerk devolves a duty upon the patron not to be lightly treated. Wlielher retiriug of ficers are to be re-elected or other persons chosen to take up their duties, the same rwponsibuity remains, aim it is to be bped that whoever may be called to perform those functions will enter upon their duties with a deter mination to promote tbe interests ui our public institutions. Tbe newspapers, the public schools and the churches of a community are what the people make them, and strangers judge the people of a local. itv by these things. Tbe newspaper goes everywhere, end if it shows an eulerpriaiug spirit, is broad and liberal in its views, of healthy morals and well patronized, showing that it ha lbs good will and reaped of the busi ness men, it is a truthful representa tive of the people. And wbeu the newspaper shows what the public school is. how many teachers are em ployed, what branches are taught, how far advanced the grades, the number of months of school, the number of graduates at the end of the term, and that the patrons are pleased with the manner with which it is conducted, the readers of the paper sum It all up and pa judgment on the school. Tbe school is tbe most important oi au our public institutions, and is and should be the common jrround which permits of no differences of opinions. Neither politics nor religion should ever be al lowed to enter its precincts. The newspaper may teach poll lie and the churches teach religion, but they are, to a ureal extern, supported J peopl of a like faith with themselves and for those very purposes. The publio school is over and be yond these things. It is supported by the great public Christian. Heathen and infidel, populist democrat and re publican for the purpose or ground ing the youth of the community in the fundamental principles of a practical education. No man, however, who is fit to exercise the duties of a school di rector or clerk is without his religious and political predictions, but there are many men who would never allow ibeir political or religions prejudices to interfere with Uie most liberal conduct of the publio school, and it is sncb men we want to see elected on the school boards. Show your interest in the matter by attending the school meeting in your district and see that tbe best men are chosen. REUBEN MOTES. Dr. H. E. Cliff made a pleasant call at this place Friday. Jar Archibald is visiting at Long Beach for a lew days. Lyman Merrill and John Splawn. of Deer Island, were in town Saturday. Mrs. Sanford Butts, of Lone Beach. Wash, returned home by boat Friday. Henry Stehman and Miss Myrtle Stehman went to Portland on tns Uanby Monday. Jonathan Tile, of Portland, was at tending to some legal business here last Saturday. Fred Henderson, our road supervisor, is making come needed repairs on the county road this week. Erwin Seffert. Fred Henderson and Jacob Severson were passengers on the train lor fontanel Sunday. Mrs. Cache! E. Link and J. C. Fair, of Neer City, were having some notary work done at this place Saturday. Sheriff Kirby, of Cowlits county, was in town rruiay looking lor a Dicycie mat had left its owner in Kahuna, that day. Henry Stehman returned home on the Shaver Tuesday with a tars, fine Eatey organ, as a present to nis daugtiter, Myrtle. The report of the secretary of the Riverside whist club for tbe month shows a membership of 61. The four members making ths highest scores were Henry Stehman, 113; T. C. Watt, 112: Mrs. Alice Stehman, 108; Mrs. M. D. Link, 106. RAINIER NEWS. J. J. Braim is making a short visit to his old "camping ground." T. H. Woodruff. J. P.. made a busi ness trip to Portland Wednesday. There has been two names added by petition to the list of nominees for town trustees J. B. Dosn and J. E. Brons and J. W. Stacy for marshal. And the end is not yet. Mrs. Janner Lewis, of Clatskanie. died at Good Samaritan hospital, Portland, on the 22nd of last month, and was bur ied at Clatskanie on tbe 24th. Mrs. Lewis was well known to nearly every one in Rainier ss Julia Glibbert. Bhe was a bright and beautiful woman, and will long be mourned by those who knew her best. Tub County Pafsb. Ths one great secret of success in country newspaper work is "keep everlastingly at it," and you cannot attain even a partial de gree of success unless you da It is sn easy matter to get out a single issue of a weekly paper and every line in it may be well written and show a marked originality, and typographically it may be the work of perfection ; but the suc cess comes in doing this work over and over again with the same care, dili gence and thoroughness for months snd years Ibst ws exercised in getting out the first number here comes the drag and the weariness. Tbe glamor wears off, and only dull routine labor remains illy paid at that. Not a single number or detail must be neglected or tbe publio will be quick to notice it and retaliate by withholding its meagre favor. A BETTER ROAD TO VERNONIA. Meeting of CI tlsons Held to Consider tbe Matter. Pursuant to a request to the citlsena of this city to meet and discus the matter ol improving the enmity road from St. Helens to Vvrnonia, twelve or fifteen of the business men met at tbe law office of Dillard A Day last Satur day evening and proceed to business by choosing E. E. Quick as chairman and David Davis as secretary. A thorough discussion of the matter was entered into, and while all that was cooiiipliahed was of a prelim inary eharaoter, the action has so far resulted in some substantial facts beiag brought to the surface. Mtwrs. W. B. Dillard, A. B. Little and David Davia were appointed a committee to confer with Mr. O. J). Qilson, of Houlton, a regards a right of-way fur a county road through his possessions from a point wtwre Wit lamette street terminates at the west ern border of thecity limits, and ascer tain other desirable information, and report at a meeting of the oity council held last Monday evening. This step was deemed advisable in order to straighten the route from Houlton to St. Helens, and its aims were accom plished, as Mr. Gilson freely consented to execute a deed to tbe county to lands sufficient for that purpose. The question of securing the rigbt-of-way baviug been satisfactorily accom plished, the council ordered an appro priation Iroin the general fund of ibe city of 100 to be used in cutting out and accomplishing the preliminaries to opening Willamette street to the border of the city limits. This aotion seemed necessary be cause of fear of complications arising with the county where a city incorpor ation is to be dealt with, as ths city authorities have jurisdiction over the manner of improvements on streets within the city limits. It is now pro posed and deemed advisable to set forth tu tbe petition to the county court to proceed with the improvement contemplated under tbe set of 1893, to commence tbe improvement at a cer tain point in a certain street in the city of St. Helens, on ths bank of the Colombia river, and thus done the street must be dedicated to the county as a county road. The committee appointed last Sat urday evening remains in existence and is empowered to call soother meet ing at any time it may elect, in order to ascertain the wishes of the citizens and council in proceeding with tbe preliminarie looking to the opening up and improvement of the county road clear through to Vernonia. It ia almost an assured fact now that under the provisions of the law en acted at tbe 1'J3 session, tbe work of road improvement will be proceeded with. It is an undertaking of much importance, and involves a good many points in law, hence much judgement must be exercised and time taken to carefully consider ths several points. School Book Traat lost Its Grip. Tbe stale legislature redeemed Itself In ns respect. It downed the American Book Trust by passing the Daly text-book bill. There Is little question that the greatest battle of the session has been between ths friends of the Dsly text-book bill and tbe Americas Book Company, and tbe dram atic scenes enacted in tbe bona sa the strug ele was drawing to a class ware not entirely unexpected. It has been a straggle between principle and ths best interests of tb publio schools on tbe one band, snd a book trust that has been charged, either rightfully or wrongfully, with levying tribute opoa the school on tbe other. This tribute, accord ing to the allegations of those who have been la the thickest of tbe fight ia opposi tion to tbe continuance of the book trust influence, has been predicated both upon lbs excessive prices charged for tbe school books and the poor quality of book them selves. Now, that tbe back of this so-called hydra-beaded octopus baa been broken, a more successful future for the educational work of tbe slate Is predicted., Tbe Ameri can Book Company, attains! which ss Uiuch has been said, is still in ths ring, but only in competition with other publishing bouses. It ia now a free-for-all fight for preference, and the books that may In fu ture be adopted will bate to win en their merits. There is no denying tbe fact that tbe American Book Company has done Its ut most to defeat tbe Italy bill, and this fact. perhaps, coupled with its cheap snd uselesaJ lobby, has operated in the s access of tbe bill. The paid agent of tbe book company have had little influence on ths members of tbe bouse, and the bill night perhaps have been mure easily defeated had they kept out of Ids house. As one member remarked, Such a lobby of itaelf is sufficient to defeat m Mil.-,. .. SUCK HEADACHES, Ths curse of overworked womankind, are n' kly and surely cured by Karl's Clover t Tea, tbe great blood purifier and tissue builder. Money refunded 11 not sanaiao tory. Price 2S cts. snd SO eta. Sold by Dr. Edwin Hoes, druggist, Bt. Helens, and N. A. Perry, Houlton. DOES THIS STRIKE VOUt M udrlv Comnlexions. Nauseating Breath come from chronle constipation. Karl's Clover Root Tea Is an absolute eurs and has been sold for fifty years Vn an absolute guarantee. Piles 25 cts snd (SO eta. Bold by Dr. Edwin Ross, druggist, Bt. Helens Oregon, sud N. A. Perry, Houlton, Oregon. r .jamjllusxcafkj ILLUSTRATED' CATALOGS . PRec Buell Lamberson 180 FRONT ST Portland. Or. M: i J! MP W I 111.!." I l i I it m SMS Kfl ! I "vvvy IU3 o rite Wista E3 u rs e r i es I B3I V tfTJPPO We have a ehofce lot of one snd two-year -old tress, soeb as Ken All Ll luIlLds Davis, Northern Spy, Baldwin, Hpitsenberg and Grareaaiten, on which we quote very WILLAMETTE PRUNE. Also Cherry Plum and Pear Trees. A. H0LADAY, Scappoose, Oregon HOULTON NOTES. A. B. Little visited Portland Monday last. W. P. daughter was up front Mavgnr last Saturday, John Franls was on our streets Thursday of last week. ' - Judys Doan wss a passenger down on ths tram Monday night. Geo, Kellsy, Jr., wa sight-seeing ,lu ths metropolis 1 ueaday. N. A. Perry and wife vbitsd Portland on Wednesday of lust week. II. 0. Howard wss a eaosenger for Port land Monday last un lbs train, L. J. Ueserve was a paseagr for the A. 1 0. Sunday morning of last week. Mrs, K. P. Ridley left liar on Thursday morning of last week fer Seattle, Wash. Mtas Dora Perry, of tit. Helena, was visit ing at Mr. and Mr. N. A. Perry's Bunday. H. T. Grrwsll and twe brothers, of War. ran. were in town inursuay evening oi last week. Tbe Northern Paeiflo ia hauling gravel from ScaptHMtM tu Columbia City tuU naonta. W. H. Oonyers, of Clatskanie, wss a pas senger for that place Wednesday evening of last wssa. Piv of Veraonia's best men eame onl Monday evening to work on tbe section at Ibis place. R. H. Bailey, road superyi-or of district No. 22, had a fore of men at Work en Uie road this wees. Geo. Kelley, jr., J. Ijmberson, Jr., Al Heaahsw and K. A. Emerson worked the road Friday and Saturday last. Ths number on the atovs raffle st Perry's store wss broken oten Monday night, sirs. Geo. Thomas drew the lucky number. Bom of I he boys of this place bad a few rounus wun in ooxing giovs last ouiiuey, boms of tbsm received peeled noses, eio. The social hop glren at Mr. Lamberson's bona Saturday evening last was a complel success. Ths merry crowd danced unill a late hour, and then returned to their homes. VERNONIA VARIETIES. Ssveral young sport train Mist were at tending the dance in thi city. Miss Desna Wilson was visiting friends at rittaburg Monday and 1 uesday. Born On Feb. list, to the wifs of Hsns Cbristiansoa, a son. Mother and child do ing well. Mrs. A. Shannahan and daughter, Merle, were the guests of K. M. Dow and family lueauay. The dance at this place was a grand sue cess Wednesday evening, and all rewrt s One uuie. Adolph Bergersen, of Tpper Kehslem. was seen on our streets atnrdsr. Hs re- purls vegetation putting fortb her new growth. Wm. M. Wilson mads snother trip to St. Helena this week, returning Saturday. M r. Wilson must expect to rtart a grocery, dry gooos ana furniture store. Mr. Kay, of Pittrbnrg, passed through our cltv for points on Ins river Tuesday. Mr. Ray is canvassing for a rood and use ful book, pertaining to the late Spanish- American war, eic. School Report. Report of the Houlton school for the month ending Keb. 21: Number day taught. ......... ....... 19 Number days attendance 678 K Number days absence &3M Number time larday a Whole number soyssnrolled 23 Whole number girls enrolled... 23 Total number enrolled 44 Average number belonging. 85 Average daily attendauo 81 Those neither absent nor tardy were Lola Braddock, Clarence Uarrison, Walpba Kon- kle, Annie Wikstrom, Mary Wikstrom Manly Copsland. Mauds Dougherty. Lettie Smith, CorB:ouse, May Jolly, Bessie Jolly, Curd Usher. Visitors during th month war Cspt. snd Mr. Henderson, Rev. Pbllbronk snd Mrs, Henshsw, ol Houlton; Dr. Cliff. Lsots Whitney, Lottie Hsll snd Sarah Gilmore.of St. Helens, snd Mr. Gray, of Portland. Lincoln's birthday was celebrated Mon day, th 13lh, with appropriate work. The exercises were marked by a deep feeling of pstriotbm, which wss In a measure due to Mrs. Henderson, who related s person si in terview with Mr. Lincoln. By nunisrous stories, etc.. Lincoln draw awsy from tbe past Into the present. Oregon admbwion day was celebrated on Tuesday, tbe 14ib. Washington's birthday wss also recog nised, and the exercises in the afternoon were attended by quite a number of friends and patrons of the school. Bev. Pbilbrook gavs a brief, bnt very Interesting talk on Washington, and helped make the exercises a success. Th chief ides In alt these celebrations was to deepen and Intensify patriotism. Mis Lissi Wattle, of Portland, bad charge of the school for a few days during ths first of th month and won the regard of the studeaU, and executed tbe work in a thorough capable manner. Mis Lata Wilms, teacher, TELL YOUtt SISTER. . . A Beautiful Complexion is sn Impossibil ity without good purs blood, tbe sort tost only exists in connection with good diges tion, a healthy liver and bowels. Karl's Clover Boot tea acts directly on the bowels, liver, and kidneys, keeping them in perfect health. Price 25 cts sad ISO ct. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross, druggist, St. Helens, Ore gon, and a. A. ferry, Houlton, uregon. ON EVERY BOTTLE V Of Sbiloh's Consumption Core Is this guar ante: "All we ask of you i to us two third of th content of thi bottls fallh- fnllv. then if van v vou are not benefited return tbe bottle to your druggist and bs mar refund ths price paid. Price 26 cts. 60 ets and fi.w sold oy vr. iwiwin noss, draggist,.St. Helens, Oregon, and N. A. rsrry, iiouiton, uregon. -. reasonable price. fOM On and two-year-old trees. Cions were obtained from a prominent fruit grower! were cut from bearing trees One From Washington. BAoxroan. Wash.. Feb. 87. Mr. David Davia. Bt. Helen. Dear Blr. Will you pleats glvs tns soma information shout Columbia county T Is ths government land any good for farming purpose T Is it timber land or prairie; what doe cord wood generally sell for, and whst i ths nravaillns Dries for taw log, and what ia ths principal tlmner there T Who must I writs to find out aoout ins railroad lands T rieass let tne hear from you and greatly oblige, yours, JOHM U. UKKKK. ST. HELENS HOTEL - 6T. IIKLKN8, 0P.BG0H. T. L BENNETT, Proprietor .. , Good Accommodations for Tran sient Cuntora. Krgnlar Boarders st Reas onable Prices. Well Kept Ll.ery Bam For Cars of Horses. o THE BANCS?! 13 3. CLOHimtH t WHITNEY, . VMS VAMOCS GYRUS - KOBLE WHISKEY Re.ll es other standard brand of liquor, Is kept always on baud. Card table., pool table, snd billiard table for the as of patrons. St. Helena, Oregon f w- rv trr wrvw-p- 6. WCOLE , Notary Public Commissioner of Peeds for Wash ington. ...... PROPRIETORS OP THORNE'S HBierical SysteiTiUe Abstracts. Titles examined snd Perfected. Abstracts Furnished. Assessments Kumlned. In aurano Written. Taxes Paid sud Courey sneiug. x ST. HELE, MISM. laWjjswatsttwMMSl ST. CHARLES HOTEL Front ilorrisoi Sts., Fcrtlani Under Hew Management ISO Boom st 25 Cents to 80 Cent. Uuites 75 Cent to 11.00. . Elevator, Electric Light and Bell, and all Modern Convenience. Free Bus Meets ail Boats 8 and Trains. Eestanfant ConiiscteA witli EoteL O-egon Telephone 299. Columbia Telephone 27. MUCKLE BROS. MANUFACTURERS 0P- Resgh inA Dressed Lumber Ins, Casings, and s complete slock of every variety of lumbar kept en hand. AT TRg OLD STAND, 8T. BELXNS, OK 0.R.M.C0. fine SCHEDULES From Portland. Deri ST roa Aasiv raox Fast Mall Sp-m, Salt Luke, DeiiTer, Ft Worth, Omaha. Kan sas City, Ht. Iouia, Chicago and Keel, Fast Mall :. Spokane Flyer t.HO p. m. Walla Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis, Ht. Paul, DuTuth, Mil waukee, Chicago East. Spokane Flyer S :110 a.m. Ocean Steamship, AU sailing dates sub ject to eh ana. For Han Frncico Ball every Are days. 1p.m. 4 p. Columbia diver Steamers. To Astoria and Way. land lugs. 4p.m. Ex.Suodsy Kx.ffunday Saturday 10 p. m. Willamette River. Oregon City. New berg, Salem A Way-land gs Sa. m. Ex.buuday 4:80 p.m. Ks. Sunday 7 a. in. Willamette ami Yam hill Rtawrs. Oregna City, Dayton, sad Way-landing. S HO p. m. Mnn. Wed. andFri. Tues.Ttmr. and Sat. Sa.m. Wlllamett Slvee. Portland to Corvallt and Way-iaoding. 4:Mp.m. Tu. Thur. and ait. Tes.Thur. and eat. Vr. mpsrte Snake Hhr. Riparta te Lewlston. Lv.Lew'ton :4a,m. daily ex cept Frl. i:ts. m. daily es cent sat. VT. H. HURLBERT, Gencrftl PuMnxer Agent, PORTLAKD - - OBE00II M1M s SOWS' JAMES II. SHELDON, rreprleler I Fresh Meats; Hams. Cacon, and Lard. etc. I Always kept on hand. Mr. Blieldnn sell hams, bseon, snd bird wny F down. rJpeoial rale given thus who wish luPurcbaMi meats ill larg ' f qiiaiiiitlus. .. k Main Street, CLATSKANIE DRUG STORE DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor, Has hist received a larg aaf taseat, e4 r'resk and Far Also s new and select stnek of drngs snit patent medtelnea, fancy stationery, school boots i and school supplies, perfumery and toilet articles, and la laut svsrylhiug which is ! usually kept at s Bral-claaa drug store, f ' Prescriptions Carefully CompournJed , ' AT GLATSKANIE SOME "GOOD BUYS For Sale by COLE & QUICK. IS seres, with good bewed In konse Itx'M, room.; barn snd out houses; 'small orchard; sehool i a mile; post ome. U mile; sers. cleared and culti vated; tui.oto feel of good yellow lir tim ber. Price 1000, X down, balance. Urns. 40 acres near Deer Island, all fenced; S acres cleared and cultivated; good orchard, house, barn and outhouses. rtieel0U0,Hdowa. SO acre, 4 miles from St Helena, with buildings, small fruits and sume nfeared land. Milton creek runs through the premise, ttln WSu. SO sera, (a township S north, ranee 3 west; good bulldlnaaad Improvements, near scbuolbooa snd posluflto. File mi 100 acre f of mfte from Deer Island station, on the Northern fuel no railroad, O0,0U0feetofaaw timber. Uerge amount of oordwood cau be cut Only K of a mil haul. M0 sera of timber land In tnwmrittp 4 north, rang S wew. Price IU0 per acre. For further information call on or address: OOlatK 4& QUZQK, Main Street, - St. Helens. Oregon r)'xea - fll nrvnr pi pro? fH wilt laiuuu ;vi STEAMER G. DELL SHAVER, Master. I ' 1 I T norma Portland, foot of Washington street, Tnesrlay. Thursday, and Sttndsy evenings al I UrJUVCO o'clock. Keturnlng Leave Claukanle. tlile permitting, Monday, VVedneMsv. snd Friday evenings at 4 o'clock. Will pass Ouk Point Kalam:lA; Bt. Helena :ho. Arrive In Portland cnange ume wiwoui notice. . ...STEAMER JOSEPH KELLOGG.. Leave Kelso on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays st o'clock a. at. tj, . m. if " ' --as .....Portland and Kelso Routs via Willametts slough.... X STORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER all RAILROAD COMPANY. W1NTRB SCHKDtJL.e. East bound Dally West bound Trains 33 I 34 p. m. :M :2S :07 M t:U 7:4 7:29 7:00 a. m. II 90 11 00 10 411 10 IS a. m. p. m. 7 M 1 10 S 2ft S U t 20 t m arrive. Houlton . leave so 18 I M ..... Ooble .... Rainier....... .... Maygers , ...Clatskanla...... ,.. Westport .... Cllton. ....... .... Knappa 10 00 10 M 68 as 00 sat soo 10 M 11 1 II 41 10 12 10 8A . m. 3 IS leave. .Astoria. . arrive 11 10 Tralna leave Astoria for Seaside at 13 90 p. m. snd S p. m. Boat oonnsctlons at AHtorUi for Ilwano, Chinook. Fort Canby, Nshalen, Till amook, and Oarrlbaldl. Paawngers fnr Astoria or way points must Rag trains at Honlton. Trains will slop to let pas sengers off at Honlton when coining from points weatofOoble. J. V, maiyw. Gen. Pus. Agt., Aatorl. Or. A A afta aMtsi JSWV MAElIf , 9 W Bt. IIelenM. Oregon. W THE ' DRUG STORE ISO acres In Carleo valley, township I north, ranee weittt good house, barn and nrchurd; tl acre, cleared andetiUI- ' rated; (ond y.llow fir tin.ber that eau be Invited Into Miluia eniek. Frlre tlUW, one-halt duwn. , 10 acres In lown.hlp4 north, rang.! West; all fenced, 40 aer. In cultivation, SUV fruit trees In hearing, 100 aerea are slashed and seeded to pasture, school house within 1 niile, county road on three side., good bulidlnes, nam, out house, drer, chicken yard, all farming ImpLments. Ineludlng mower, hay rake, plows aultlvainni, hay bales, Mump ma. chine, only D' wiles from cuuntyseat, V4 allies from Iwo railroad stations. Prlee & per acre lor all, or will divine place In MtorWaereiraet, but If divided will wtll only unimproved portion. I0 acres of timber land in township 4 north, rang S west. Pueel'i.S . ISO acre, of timber land In township t north, mugs. wad. FrlcAfU. Timber lend In township 4 north, ranee west, suitable lor logging- l''W 11 par acre. sna - iaxr lSI ..PER TEAL W. SHAVER The Only Direct Kouto ROM Portland to Clatskanie about 7 Blclla 7:15; Mayger iMi Kalnler :v:ui 1:30 a, m. Th company resolves th righ la mm iransponation company. Leaves Fort, land Tuesday. Thursday, and Saturdays, St t o'clock a. m. White Collar Line ww-i.i'Niy ' '! ' x j THE COLUMBIA RIVER AND rVOKT SOI'KD NAVIGATION CO, - FORTLiKB-ASTOEIi ROUTE.' ...TELEPHONE:.; Lanrllrr Foot of Alder Street, Portland. Leaves Portland dally (except Bunday) at 1 A, M.' Landing Telephone dock, Astoria, Leaves Astoria dally (except Sunday) 7 V. m. Telephone Tickets Oond on Steamer Potter. Steamer roller Tickets Oood on Telephone. ; V. B. SCOTT, Pres. '