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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1899)
OK ICG ON MIST. 5tE EVKSS a" fKIOAI MOMISO -T-tHVia fcrMVia. Subscription Rate. fne Mjif on year In advance.. Buigie i:.iy..............,. .fl W enterprise conceived, constructed and paid lor with a gracious gift, it it were. Little hop u entertained of acquit in lht sum of money from the roads, snd it would be ImjtomiM to put it to better ma than to construot the Nicar agua canal, Advertising rt ivmsds known apod application COLUMBIA COUNTY DIRECTORY. COtlsri OlFICKRS. Ju.':ii ..... ..Joseph B. Doan, Rainier Clerk , O. Whim, St. HImm EnerlcT...... ,i. N. Rica, Clatifcenie Treasurer.. .....,..,. ....... .K. How, Hi. Helens Sunt o( Schools H. (w'.aiui, Warnm Aiwetawr , Martin White, Qulnoy Surveyor. ,.......,....,....Meo. Haves, Mayirer Coroner Dr. A. P. Mclaran, Rainier February 24, 1899. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. The legislative fiasco at Salem ended last Saturday, and it ia a good thing that it did. Very little commendable legislation recalled. True, some good law were made, but, indeed, many poor ones were enacted. Tax peoplo along the Columbia will Watch with more or leas interest the movements ol the cannery consolida tion. It ia a proposition shrouded in tnystery, and is looked npon at present as a scheme which brooks aril. The cold storage plants and independent eanners will undoubtedly be a thorn in the ribs of the combination. PAYMENT IN PULL. United State Will llecelvo Over 9120,000,000 from Pacific Road. Wuhihutoh, Feb, 28. A atatemnt eon. cerning tbe settlement of the Pecitio rail road obligation! wai road today by the de partment ol Justice, from which the follow ing i an extract I It will ba remembered that by the bill authorising the construction of the Pacific railroads, passed in 186t, the United State agreed to lend it credit to the various Pa- dtlo railroad eompanlea for the purpose of aiding ttiera in construction of a railway from the Missouri river to tbe Pacific ocean. For that purpose bonds were Issued in the aid of the Union Pacific railroad to the amount of ti7 ,236,511; to what was subse quently known aa the Eanaas Pacific to the amount of 16,630,000, 10 the Central Pacific te the amount of $25,885,120, and to the Western Pacific te the amount of 11,970,580, Upon these conditions, without dlreot re imbursement, the United States paid Inter est from the date of their respective issues, so that In 1897 there waa due to the United States from the Union Pacific Railroad Com pany the sum of 158,488,223; from the Kan sa Pacific In round uumbera, the sum of IIS.000,000. On the first of February, 1890, there was dueliom the Central Pacitic Rail road Company the sum of J53.330.062, ud there waa due from the Western Paelfio oa the aame date the sum of 15,423,062. The agreement lust made with the Cen tral Paeiflo Railroad Company assusee be yond the slightest doubt the full payment of the debt of the Central Paeiflo and the Western Pacific railroads, aggregating Sw - 812,71548. This debt, by the agreement, ia funded for payment within the period at 10 years; one-twentieth thereof being payable each six mon ths during that period, and the gov ernment receiTing 3 per cent interest en the balance remaining due from time to time. The treasury will immediately receiTe about 12.000,000 by the sale of the first four notes maturing under this agrecmeat, which are taken by 8 payer dt Company, aa an earnest of good faith, and of the reliance which they place npoe the ability of the contract ing parties to meat the obligation entered tntu by the agreement. The total result of all these transactiona ia that out of these claims which it Waa PkoBPXCTi at present indicate a lively I once snppoaed would not realise the gov- tmsiatta season on the Lower Colum- riv. thV SnoVmo sum Bia. A Digo pnea lor salmon is almost l izi,S63,sua as-enough to pay mora than . j m i - . , , I six times orer the amount due to Hnain "u"m " tg?r I onder ue treaty ef Paris for ths Philippine wages wiu nags nign, ana me mm-1 ber THAT NEHAI.FM ItOAO. Aa Interesting Letter from tha Lit tle City of Vernonta. , Vmsomia, Or., Feb. 17. (Editor Oacaen Vir,yAs yon asked fur opinions In your last Issue of Ths Mis in regard to the Ne halera road, we will air some et ours as w see them. Tb figuratlr situation of a good road from the Nehalent valley to the Columbia river. Men favor good roads and reason men favor bad roads and do not reason. We hear from a very few, complaints in regard to the tax It will Involve upon them to build the proposed road from the Neha lent to the Columbia. Some one says it is just a scheme to gull the people. If there is any way to gull the people any worse than they are galling themselves by not having a good road, God help as I we will give up the sponge. But let na figure and see where the tax comes in. Take the butter and sugar sup ply at the present a tags. Good butter here ia worth 25 cents per roll, (and four rolls glut the market); Columbia river market 60 to 65 cants per roll. Soger, 12 pounds per dollar, valley market Celanibia 18 to 20 pounds. One roll butter, valley market, buys 8 pounds of eugar; one roll batter, river market, buys 9 to 10 pounds; loea to producer and consumer, H value or 68fi per cent tax oa every dollar of exchange products. Take the coal oil and potato condition at present. Two bushels potatoes buy 5 gallons oil, river market; valley market, if we could sell the potatoes at all, 7 bushels to buy 6 gallons oil ; a loss ef 5-7 to the producer or 71 X cents on every dollar. A man has 100 bushels bast quality win- r appiea anu ia trying uara to seep tnem from rolling by Selling them at 25 cents per beshel, while Portland is wanting auob ep- ana shingle business premises good returns to those engaged in it. Let as all join in tha chorus of the busy song, and herald tha tidiags that wa are doing badness in this part of the state. - As? absolute disregard for tha de mands ef the people for relief from the ohfld's-play system of road work ia this state was manifest by the mem bers ol the lata legislature. The time of tha members could ba devoted to the passage of measures to protect angleworms and crawfish, but it hadn't store, be a professor In a college or engage time to enact a respectable and bene- in aU Unes of manufacturing. Yon can dig flcial road law. What an nWtr,.ts, gold, either quarts or placer mining, raise , . . . I cattle or sheep, horses and hogs. You can iniog u was tnai mere oouia not nave buy some good land and i aise melons, fruit . 1 a a . a i I .. . . oecn Boomer legislative nolo np. el all kinds, grain or hay or onions. Yon I can preach, be a mechanic of any kind or TtfX act of tha legislature in appro-1 hold omce. In the latter occupation yon tiriatine S10.000 for tha Dernatnation I wm Dua competition than In either of EASTERN INQUIRY ANSWERED. Plenty of Opening In the Webfoot State tor Intending; Settlers. Numerous lelters are received at this of- floe in about the following tone "I have read so much about Oreeon I wish you would give me some information about the state and what can be done there. I would like to go there, and I would like to anow now to gel there and at what rate. li me Know oy return mail." The following are answers to the above Aa to the first question, you can start bank or edit a daily newspaper with tele graphic dispatches from all parts of the world. Yon can start a large department of tha Salem graft, styled tha state fair, ia an act to ba condemned. Not one penny's worth of good will result to the people, but, instead, a few in dividuals at Salem will continue the farce, and wax fat from the state pap. Had that amount been voted for tha the others, however, if yon shoald chance to settle In a favored locality of some county there would be good prospects for yon se curing the office of representative, as that material will be in great demand next elec tion throughout the state. Still yen will find some eompetion in all line. Ofle thing needed her is a class ef people who promptly pay their subscription to the improvement of a public road in some county paper. In tais line yon will not Section of the State that needs marls I nmco competition. . .t..- ..... r:. .i. , , , You can also atari a sawmill, a salmon " "' wuu,u cannerv. run a railroad, start . ,.m.r. It IS evident mat ap-1 run a railroad; in fact, engage in any bnsi- have said amen. propria! ions are not made with idea of benefitting the people. the oca common to countries in a high state of I civilization like ours. As to the second question, yon can do It is an unfortunate combination of J ""'he old pioneers did; hitch np aa ox s1r.nn,.i.a. tu.t h.. A ..-1 wa ana cross we plains. Sou can walk "," - " , 1 j , Ton can ride a bicycle aa the way or drive "" " vuiuni-1 , carriage. Yoa can go to Hew York and Via to lower the price of that com mod- take a sailing vessel around the horn. You ity. The reduction benefits no one I n tik tmer and cross the Isthmus save the steamboat companies, and it r ttleu by "" ou caa wait W.Mn 4K..U . ..... nntu tb,e,nl bnUt and go down the gr - 1 U ..,.. f rim- t.b. . .,.,.. J 3 .. I rr -----1 - J..w uepeaoa upon mat inuustry xor a uva- Orleans and come all the way by water. Uhood. aba dealers are themselves to I Yet a great many get on the cars, takinc blame. Wo demands for reduction were made by the consumers, and the out is the direct result of an ambition to outsell tha competitor. The time is &ar at hand when it will be impossi ble to supply wood on the Columbia at tha price which now prevails. either s first or second-class ticket, or ride the brakes, and in three days get here, As to rate that will depend oa just bow yon com. The various ticket agents in yeur eity can give yoa special Information, as the rat on railroads varies Had yon been here just before the legisla- ttue met yon perhaps could bare got In on one of the various graft and made a rood thine. This occupation will be open for AT present there is a lively movement I you in January, luoo. in timber lands Dromised for the eoaet Wn.n700 . here you may be a little I fHirnrtaMtfi . raoH ttftsiairn rvMtrtiA mrm vabb CCtkm this summer. Considerable will A ad folka, and iota of tbem. and they interest is manifested by timber specu- u'asVeVi latora in this county aa wall at ia Clat- dodging bllzxards in the winter and hot sop and Tillamook counties. We have wither? 'amma' Ma' pl'mnt always contended that when the ex tent and quality of the timber of this section became known there would be a general stampede to acquire posses sion of the lands. It is not difficult to foretell the results. Great manufac turing plants will be established in the beat of the forests, and the entire onast Prom Mortis Dakota. Lacota, North Dakota, Feb, 9, 1899. David Davis, St, Helena, Or. Dear Sir: I have read your description of Columbia county in the Oregonlaa, aad would like you to answer the following questions for me: Is the government land you speak of good farming laadT Is It covered with timber How far Is it from a railroad f Ia ilea at 11.00 to l.iit par bushel; a loss of 'ft can U to tl. 00 per bushel: total lose ol 75 to siuo. AtuX aaoli products are iu- creanoa;. lakinct&e averace of the thlnra men, tioned and we have a loss of 75 cents os every dollar the producer and consumer spends in products for goods in the valley. And so we might fill the whole category of Compare this with the small tax it would require in tea yeara to build tha roat, and it would sink it into the fathomless ahvaa an uwp ww wi-um uvtvt near ui u again. Let us rally to the woods and build a road waieaa oi Mixing at random. lours truly, Fieuaa. REUBEN NOTES. Bert Beffert. of Clatakania. au in tnwn tuesaay. Born. To the wife of Jacob Niiaahanmu uau;uir. I. G. Wikstrom. of 8L waa I. . . ' 1 town nuBomj, lorn. Feb. 21. to tha wifa of Tkna. Paw. son, a -pouna son. Mrs. Henry Stehman was in Portland on xnnraaay ot last week. John Seffert, of Deer Island, was doing m.""w ui wsi i uesasy. J. C.Gripper. traveling agent forW.T. Fuller A Co., was in town Monday. Born. At Mooreaville, Feb. 17, to the wu oi emu wasssr, a 0-pound girl. Hisses Eliaa WetUe and Mary Sherman, ef Portland, were in this city Monday. atra. 8. A. Fowler waa a passenger to i maw vu me auoni tram ruesoay. Henry Frants, of Btella, Wash., was vlsit- wg wnn 14. otenman i nuraaay aad Friday. B. H. Havard, who was vary sick last week, is improving, and will aooa be able to oe out again. B. W. Matthews and father and mother moveci into town Tuesday aud are occupy ing Mrs. Foster's house. A. H. Sain, general agent for the Masonic Fraternal Accident Association, was visit ing in this vicinity Tuesday. H. B. Borthwiek received a large traction naine on the Bbaver en Thursday evening of last week to be used ia furnishing power for the dynamo. The Northern Pacific have 20 men em ployed at and near this place raising the track to its proper grade. The gravel is brought from Bcappoose. The Order of Red Men of this rltv chart ered the steamer Cauby and attended the funeral of Mr. H. B. Borthwiek in Port land last Sunday. The passengers were as follows: G. U. Fowler, Carl Ablers. H. M. Fowler, H. Rvckman. C. C. Fowler, r. nienman, t. r. Archibald, IE. w. Fowler. J. atcjMaugnton and wile, W. C. Burch, P, Banner, F. W. MakinaUr. O. W. V.kinat.r H. tthults. T. Peoples snd wife. 1. K. Hon. ooy, r. riomonuon IIOULTON NOTES. A. B. tittle returned home from' Salem Sunday last, Georr Emerson left Friday for Gray's river, W ash. The stauaew laiuily iuuJ to Colls on xuesuay last. George Case was in from Bachelor Flat Tuesday list. Mrs. Jas. Cox has been oa the sick list the past week. Miss Maud Watts cam down from Soap poosa xuesuey. Fred Watklns la hauling wood from this piaoe to ot. tieiena. Johnnie Lainbersoa was a hand on the section Thursday last. , I Meeker and several others are prun ing tneir trees wis week. Mrs. 8usie Beaver has bean suffering with a ision tor tn past weex. ' A number of Knights took the train for Bamier last Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Baker, of Portland, are down on a visit tills week. v Houlton Is booming. A wave of prosper- ity nas struoa town jasi now. ' Aaron Kellsy and Jas, Walker were down from ocappoose Monday last. Rev. Fhilbrook preached in N. P. Perry'e nan Moauay uigui ot mis west. N. A. Perry made a flying trip to Bcap poose on i uureaay oi last weas. Teck Mills carried tbe Vernoula mail from that place to here Monday. Fred Frants and K. 8. Faxon are hauling use iruui mm uuiua w iuv rauroau. H. 0. Howard has about 1500 ties piled aioog toe rauroau tract at toia piaoe. Wm. and George Smith were taking in the sights in Portland oa Thursday oi last week. Merchant Perry made a trip up to the nn me uam wnu a loaa oi previsions on last rnaaj. Thomas Muokle passed through bare Monday noon oa the tram for Skagway Aiaaaa. - Ed Hasea left Mondav for Kelso, where he expects to work in a logging camp this uwiiuer. , . fc. Ji W W W- V W o-r tiri cmo v o XHOTPI 6T. HELENS, ORE00N, I. A. BENNETT, Proprietor Good Aooommodatlons for Tran sient Custom. Kegular Boarders at Reas onable Prloee. Well Kept LlYery Barn . For Care of Horses. fit I uBk sfkjsVsflsvafhjIst JkJk js A.Jk aflh-afh AukJkJti mjs Jk jA. A sSaJM ...0T. IIZLCnO... www MEM -s- MAEEEH I www TKC- CLOmnetH d WHITHiT, fnpm. TBS AM0t GYRUS - NOBLE - WHISKEY Besides other standard brands of llituor, is kept always on baud. Ii&tttijariv getv. Card tables, pool table, and billiard table tor the use ot patrons. St. Halemsi Orfgoa. M. C. Gray was a tbe Northern Paoli last week. passenger for Goble on io Wednesday noon of j The traveling man ot Wadbams A Co., of roruano. was ooma dusiusss wtta our mar- cnant taat uonuay. The church Is ororreasina alona nleelT this week. Painter Truatt haa naarla tha a . . -. uxa. wa. oi paint oau Postmaster McNutt. nf Vemaala. named through onr town en rout lor Portland en w eonesday of laat weak. Dr. Edwin Rosa, of 8L Helens, was a naa- enger tor tiatsxanie oa me Astoria train tnursoay evening of last week. A number of onr vonna nsonla attended me masque oau at ot, naiena, last t rtday araauis;. ja goea time was oao. Miss Bertha MoDsniel. formrrlv of this place, but now of Middletoa, Oregon, is Tiaiuug wiui mi, iuan tnis weea. YOUNO MOTHERS. Croup is the terror ol thousands of vonnc mothers because its outbreak ia so agonhel ing sua irequentiy tatal. Bhiion s ifeugh and Consumption cur acts lik msrio to cases of Croup. It has never been known to tail, u na worst eases relieved iminedt- stely. rrtce 25 cts., 50 ote. and 11.00. Hold bv Dr. Edwin Ross, drueviat. Ht. Helena. uu . a. x orry , nouiton An exchange says the correct way to pronounce Aguinaldo ia "Ah-ws- nal-do." Accent third syllable, eive a" tbe sound it has in the word father, i" is like "a" long, and "g" is silent. We know of some people who have a shorter way to pronounce it than that and it isn't M-u-d, either. "Ah-we- mauled-you" would be as good as any pronunciation. Dangere of the Grip. The greatest dancer from La Grintie Is of care is used, however, and Chamberlain's E.E. QUICK Commissioner of Deeds (or Wash. tllflOU. 0. WCOLE . Notary Public . PROPRIETORS OF THORNE'S NDmerical SjTtciiiJitle Abstracts. Titles Kxamlned and Perfected. Abstracts Furnished. Assessments Kxamlned. In surance Written. Taxes Paid and Courey anoina, BT. BELBPIS, S8EOOK. 4vWss)saaafaas)aejsjsasja oi.uimiiLiiO HOTEL Front & Morrison sts.. Portland its resulting in pneumonia. If reasonable care is usea, nowever, and Ubambenain s Couah Reuiedv taken, all danver will ba aroiuea. Among tne tensol inousands who have used this remedy lor la gripps w bav yet to learn of a single case having resulted in pneumonia which shows conclusively) that this remedy is a certain preventive of Under New Management 150 Rooms at 25 Cents to 50 Cents. Suites 76 Cents to f 1.00. Elevator. Electric Lights and Bells, and all Modem Convenience. Free Bus Meet all Boata aad Traiua. Restaurant Ccmoctci witn Hotel Oregon Telephone 299. Columbia Telephone 27. Geo, Fnstr. ir.. . Despain, M. Link, B. H. Neer, C. 8. lea ens, D. Link and wife. L. Pressey, T. Light- louvanu wna, m. asca.ay, w. M. r rain ana wile. Mrs. V. K. lieaTsns. Joa Brnnah ( ha. Coleman, John Giilem, Alex Nichols and wire, t.a uioquet, J. Urares, B. McCormick, C. W. Miller. W. Hunter, T. O. Watts and wife. Mrs. 8. E. Butte. J. H. Blaad. HP. f'.rl. son, Mrs. S. J. Elsie and Mrs. Bessie Crab. DIED. Oiltjiib. At Salem, on Saturday. Febrn. ary 18, 1809, Mr. B. F. Giltner, aged 49 Deceased was well known In this county, hsvfng spent a considerable portion of her life la this city. 8he bad been an invalid for many years, her last Illness was of eight weeks duration. She waa born in Yamhill county, and was the daughter of James H, MeBride, being oae of fourteen children of whom all but four are alive. Mrs. Gilt ner bad resided in Salem about twelve years. Her husband and two cbildrea sur vive ber, Edmond C. Giltner and Mia George Giltner. The remains were brought to Houlton on the 12 o'clock Northern laat Sunday, from which place they were taken to the Germany bill cemetery for burial, followed by many relative and a large concourse of friends and acquaintances. Boxthwick. In Portland, Friday. Febru ary 17. 1899, Mr. H. B. Borthwiek. of paralysis. that dangerous disease. It will cur 1st I gnppe in less unit than any other treat ment. It is pleasant and safe to take. For I sate oy ur. tuiwin koss, druggistLHelens. I YAMKTON HAPPENINGS. H. 0. Howard is turning out 200 tie s.per UJ. J. A. Wikstrom and family left for Ka- laion, rr aso., last wees- Frank Brown and Ed. Slanwoodars busy a. ui umj mjis sos. railing lufta. J. N. Brlnn is makingtioticeablelmprore-1 mot on his home ranch. Who'll be the I n.Tt? I . STEAMER LURLIHE vaaa va vvmiudu tivui ui'u Road Supervisor Bsiley is doing good work. Severs! rods of corduroy have been put in near the schoolbouse, and tha road now is in fairly good coadiliun all along the MUCKLE BROS. MANUFACTURERS' of Rough and Dressed Lumber Dimension Lumber. Flnorlnv. Rustle ' flhaa.1i. ina. ;asinas, ana a complete stock ol every variety of lumber kept oa band. AT THE OLD STAND, ST. BELEN8, OR PORTLAND AND ASTORIA An Honest Medicine for La Grippe. Geo. W. Waltt, of South Gardiner. Me.. . - w. - lIk,..L.Jlk.MW.t U 1 A chills and grippe and have taken iota of trasn oi no account out profit to tbe vendor. unamoeriain's tjoogh iiemedy Is tbe only thing that has done any good whatever. I have used one 50-cent bottle and tha chills. cold and grip have alt left me. I congratu late uie manufacturers of an nonest med icine." For sale bv Dr. Edwin Boas, rlrua- Leaves Portland every night at 8 o'clock ior astona, texcept Duuuay.l Saturday night at 10. Returning, leaves Astoria at 6:80 o'clock every morning (except Monday.) Sun day at 6: 00 o'clock p. m. 0. R. A N. CO. i i J Main Btrsst, jamea it. imkldon, rrepriener Fresh Meats, Hams, Bacon, and Lard, etc. Always kept on hand. Mr. Shehlnn setls hams, bacon, and ford way down. Hpeolal rates given thus who wish to purchase nieat In large quantities. - , (St. irelans), OrKon. ft w-WWT V V Vtr anvuS GLATSKANIE DRUG STORE DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor, Has Just received a larm assertauat at Prsah aad rare Also a new and select stock of drum snd patent aiedlnlnee, Ifcney statlnnerv, aehonl twioas and schiKil supplies, lierfnmt'ry suit tullet articles, aud la laot everrlhlug wuluh Is usually kept at a artl-clas driig store. rrescriptions CawMly Compounded . AT THE ' aOT a rrtOTr a Tsvitts T-nTrf onnATtrt gsrstyt VVVVTVVtWlVSVTV''i)" tatftl aftss.ala.Jaftt ,SraW sAL.sAasaUsjaale wDKJinC UUUU DU YsO For Sale by, COLE & QUICK. 1 in sores, with toed hewed Io knnee KxM, roonjs; barn and out tinuaea; utiles U mile: S aoraa vated: WO.'JU! t,t of swid small orchard; school H of a mile: tnt- H mlleiSaoraa slesred snilciilll : WO.'Jiio t,t ol loud yrllnw r 11 in rrloe tiuuo, U down, halanes, time. vaoresnear Deer Island, all tsneed; S acrea cleared aad culuvalwl; sthmI orchard, house, barn stid ovtbouae. Pilot flow, H down. SD scree, 4 mile from M. Relsns, with niiiuinirs. sm land. Mllto small fruit aud soma piaara.1 ion ereea runs thrvusb the fiice aeo. bullillni land. premises, a acres la township 5 north, raasel westiirood bulWtlnisand linproveuenta, near aehoolhiiiue and pasloaes. frte led acres In Carico valley, township I north, ran t west: (mxl house, uara and orchard; acrea cleared ami culti vated; sd yalluw llr tin, her thai ran be burred lain Mlltoa ere.. 1'rlos llsuw, ooe-ball down. 10 acres In tnwnshlpt north, rants I west; all leneed, u acres la cultivation, see Irult trees in beartui, loo arrrs are slashed aud seeded to pasture, school house wliblo H mile, county rwd oa Sire alttea. guMt tmildlnics, ham, oat. ousa, dryer, ehlrkon yard, all (arming lnilemenu, tnrludint mower, hay rake, plows cultivators, bay baler, Mump ma chine, only 'i miles from cnumy seat, l'-t mllas Iroia two railroad siaibna. rrleetat per acre lr all, or will rtivM place In lOur'JO at' re tracts, but If dlvliled will sell only unuuproved portioa. lop acres ( of a mile from Deer Island f?illJLnnlon H'sNortberaraeinirsllroail. oUO.OUS feet ol saw timtier. Llanrs amount o'eordwood caa ba ouU Ouiy of a mllebaui. . scree of timber land In township 4 north, range 2 west, file KUU pet sore. ISO acres of timber land In township 4 north, range 5 west, l'ucefciio. too seres of timber land In township t north, rails' ? west, fries t'M. Timber land In township 4 north, retire t wm, suitable ior logging, frke i per awe,. For further information call on or address: CXOIaEI QUICK. Main Street, - 5t. Helens, 'vvvvvvyvvvav v v v v v v v v v vvy-a L'JU ""'""" " "' ' ' II II I II U UIU L I. . i.ii I. uf .l'. i in inii-r v' TEJ 11 : STEAMER G. W. SHAVER f..i-V-T-rxr l, TW...-.t rn.,t DELL SI1AVEK, Master. DO YOU KNOW Consumption is preventableT Science has proven that, and also that neglect ia mi me worst cold or cough can DavaaT roa cidal. be cured with Sbiloh'e Cough and Consump tion Cure. Sold on a positive guarantee for over nity years. Bold by Dr. , druggist, fit. Helens, Oregon, s-erry, xtouiion, uregon. Dr. Edwin Ross, ana a. A. rst Mail Sp.m. flA A AAAAA AAA A.eiA.1, sa, nf, irTSV; section will thrive and blossom into I there sny nnoccupied grstlng land iu your wealth, and vineyards and mftadows Bonnt'rT What would be the chance to get nrill elw,r,d .),. v5ii. ,nA t .u. ort OBl here next summer snd what - wages are paidf Perhaps yoa would like T""eJ - I to know what kind of weather we are bav- TH fact that the government will 'JZl W"' " be ,'r? ? ....... vurwv,vw iruui w last two week. Of course, that Is nothing isvciue roaas, io wnicn it piaoea lie 1 r .? i'"MW 10 00' 1 naveoeen ...v, . . . . here 16 year trying to get used to Hand uauauig many yeara ago, ia one oi can't That la why I write to you. Hop- 1:1??1T Jr r.zv ' 7;, f. m. a0w.,a. Tfuom r an.ej yj iu omia faVVrVWyUW MrVftitrrill I'll aud figuring on tha construction of ths Nicaragua canal, at art estimated expenditure of 1120,000,000. What the Facifio roads will pay into the gov ernment will build tha canal, which, in substance, would be a great national YOU TBY IT. If fihiloh'a Cough and Consumption Care, which is sold for the small price of 2S Cte., SO eta. and 11.00, does not cure take the bot tle back and we will refund your money. Sold for over fifty years oa this guarantee. Price 26 cts. and 60 cts. Sold by Dr. Edwin Boss, druggist, St. Helens, and N. A, Per ry, Houlton. , Tf Pi fUUSTRATEO- CATAL03S bucH" Larr.bcrson . IBO FRONT ST A. A A r r r mm Bnokane Fiver 1:30 p. m. tp.m. S b. m. Ex.8unday Saturday uip. m. a. m. ExJauaday VVVVVWvVVl"VTt'VlVVVV'lfVVV rJ3onf e :ista: PJurserie 7 a. m. Tues.Thur. aad Bat. I Tim V ffliWQ We have a choice lot of one and twmvear-nM traea. annh rt.n Of I LiU lAlii)s Davis, Northern Spy. Baldwin, Spitzenbergeod GravensUen, on wuivu wv ijuvw rsrj mNDSiss Jincai, One and two-year-old trees. Clotis were obtained from a prominent frnit grower) wer cut from bearing tree. WILLAMETTE PRUNE. Also Cherry. Plum and Pear Trees. A. HOLADAV, Scappoose, Oregon. Sa. m. Toes. Thnr. and Mat. Lv. Itlparla 1:45a. m. dallr ex eept Sat. Time SCHEDULES . From Portland. Salt Lake, Denver. Ft. Worth, Omaha.Kan raa City, Ht. Louis, vuivesv ana Asst. Walla Walla, Si Minneapolis, Ht. Paul, Dulnth, Mil waukee, Chicago a Ocean ateamehlps. All sailing dates tub- leoi io enanv. For Haa Francisco nan every eve Hays, Columbia River Steamer. To Astoria and Way lauuiugs. Wlllamatt silver. Oregon city, Newbera, Balem a Way-land gs Willamette and Yam hill Rivera. Oreeon City, Dayton, ana way-landings. Willamette River, Portland to Corvsllis and way-landings. nak River. Blparte to Lewlston. Aaaiva raoM Fast Mall Spokane river S:0a.m. 4 p.m. 4 n. m Ex.Bunday 4?Mn.m. Ex.Hunday 8:80 n. m. Mon. Wed. aud T1. 4:80 n. m. Tues Thur. and Bat. Lv.tew'toa o:4oa,m. dally ex cept Frl. D is Tortland to Clatskanie Leaves fCftiM. . . w.-v. . ws. w as. vuHipaii; rNI w 99 1119 riKi) iff ciiavu Ume witbout notlo. Shaver Transportation Company. ....STEAMER JOSEPH KELLOGG.... Leaves Kelso on Mondays, Wednesdsrs and Fridays at t o'clock a. m. Leaves Port- land Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturdays, at t o'clock a. m. ..Portland and Kelso Routs via Willamette slough.... JSST0RIA& COLOMBIA RIVER H RAILROAD COMPANY. WINTKH a HfcDItLK. East bound Daily West bound p. m. a:o9 t.Ji 07 8:3)1 8:14 7:45 7:211 7:00 a. m. 11 20 11 oo 10 45 10 18 53 t 23 00 I K Trains arrive. Hon Hon. leave ...... t.noie Rainier.'.,, , .... Mayirers,,,, ., ..Clatskanie,,, .... Westport.,,, Clifton.,,,, auappa , -ioJ.tJj!eHito.rl:1.-srrlve 33 a, m, 8 50 16 9 DO 10 00 10 S 10 55 11 15 u a . m, a 15 m. 21 P. 7 M S 10 S 25 8 55 S 20 50 10 12 10 85 111 10 VT. EL HUBLBERT, ' General Passenger Agent, FOBTXAHD OREOOlf Trains leave Astoria for nuih..i i.u. iin.ifpi.m' oat TOnnsotlons at Astoria "for uMiuuua, run ianoy, ffenaiem. Till, amook, and Oarrlbaldl. ' Passeneors for Astoria or wsy points must flsg trains at llonlton. Trains will stop to let pas ...toT'iSifi Hou""n when otimlng Iron point west oi uoDie. s. C. insiyo. , Oen. Pass. Ait., Astoria, Or. White Collar Line THE COLUMBIA BIVEB AND PUOKT SOl'BD NAVIGATION CO. FOETLAKD-ASTOEIA ROUTE. ...TELEPHONE... Landlne Foot o iMwWm.i Vn.ti.nit. Leaves Portland dally (except Sunday) at 7 A. Landlna Telephone dock, Astoria. Leaves Astoria dally (except Sunday) 7 F. M. Telephone Tickets flood on Steamer Potter. Steamer Potter TloJtcls Good ou Telephone. V. B. SCOTT, Pres.