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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1899)
I fj OH ears jRhenrnsttjra. f 'i. ,Vf' Oil cere Keura.lgia. fct Jaoob Oil cures Lumbago, i '.. J..-.vt-g Oil caret SoiaUca, t t. Jitontki Oil cure Sprain, ft. Jacobs Oil cnre Bruise. ,..,'. .., Jt'S uii cures Soreness. St. Jacobs Oil cures S'iffuege. Ft Jacobs Oil cures Backache. , BU Jacob Oil ouroi Muscular aohea. Fowl Rooontlon. The Author The people in the au dience couldn't appreciate my play. lhy acted lika perfect geese. Th Munagei I noticed that they did considerable hissing.- Indianapo lis Journal. 1 1 Was 5 i Completely Helpless With Rheumatism Could not mora, tha leaat bit of jar would maka ma about with pain. I waa afraid I should ba a cripple for life, aa prescriptions did ma no good. Finally 1 aent for a bottle of Hood "a Sarsa pat ilia which helped ma much and two bottlea more put me on my feet ao that I could walk without crutches. 1 waa toon well enough to work on my farm." W. H. BHOADS, Windham, Vt Hood's Saraaparilla ia prepared only by a L Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all dealers. Price $1. Get only Hoods'. , ' s eVeart a Catastrophe). . ' Photographer Great Scott, maal try to look bappy and oheerfuL Customer I daren't. Thia photo . graph ia for my wife, who ia away on a visit She would come baok tomor row if I looked bappy and cheerful. Tit-Bits. ; Stats r Ohio, Citt of touso, I LlJCAS COCNTT. PtJJnc J. Chkmiv makes oath that he It th en I or porter at the arm ol T. 1. Chinst A Co., sluing business In tha Citr of Toledo, Comilr nrt Stats aforesaid, and that Kid 6rm will pT i-iie iuh otuHiuin uu injL,wLti9 tor earn and every case of Catarrh that cannot be coral fey tii uta of Hall CATsaita Cuss. FRANK 1. CHBMT, Sworn to before mm and subscribed in ror presence, this ilk oar of Ueoember, A. D. ISM. If 1 It Catarrh Core It taken Internally and acta directly on the blood and naucoaa surfaces of tlui system. Bend for testimonials, free. F. J. CH ENS X at CO, Toledo, a ' Sold by drurglsts, 75c . Hail's ftuntlj fills are tba best, - The present lumber season in Maine will be one of the best in several years. "Writs coming to Ban Francisco go to STJll "l'Jztt.W '""b board IL00 to $1.50 per day ; rooms BOeenta to 1.00 per day; single meals 23 cents, free coach. Chas. Montgomery. J Hindsight. .. Don't lock your stable door after tbe horse ia stolen. Possibily the thief may repent and bring it back. Chi cago Daily Newa. Fop La Grippe FOR 80 OAV8 YOU CAN ESHZI1B9L Cured by "5 DOCTORS PRONOUNCED HIM INCURABLE Ms Is sUH tnH sas writes, oa Oct. 10. 1898: i tost K a Stny last I eae Is Ssd sbo tnSsrtnt haanaHy te assesses teres sad au the worts vest - DROPS" kas toss tor sat triUOB atAHKj SIBERIA. BWANSON RHEUMATIC CURB COMPANY: I would like to tbank you for your y - . . . J ". .. .... uuuc ."1 un;. 1 UUU XYIICUIIIM- Usm In every joint and in the heart and 1 had Catarrh of tbe Head for M years. 1 was to poorly that 1 lost the use of my legs and arms, and could not move without pain, l was so cnppiea timt I bad done but " , . ' t r o- u"--iu. -c uiai ray nneumatism ana catarrh were teli.'a 1 "''ved blnv But now, AFTER U8INO "6 UROPS" ONLY TWO TSifi L x: . j u nwrEbrsu wnxii ituk SEVEN YKAR9. This medicine does more than Is claimed for it. At this time my Catarrh Is much better and I have scarcely any Rheumatism at all. and the heart weakness and pain are gone. My healing Is now good and my eyesight Is much better. I bave Rained yf,r. saw to five a mother who has a young child, for it has the same effect on the child aa on the mother. It wards off Croup and cures the Hives of the child, and .v u, -i.i. urn uu m tun mywvn man romiiiiis sleep u bow young ana Old. W M. M. KELLEM8. SIX TESTIFY TO ITS TRUTH. nA?r 2 October W. "om Mr. KeHems. he says: "I feel It a duty that I wo " God and nifferlns; humanity to announce to you and all the world that I am ret m the ring with untold thousands of others, to testify to the great merits of your valuable remedy called "S DROPS." I believe! was the first sufferer to this part of the earth to learn of tha exlatenra nt "s iirapa .nn. ,h... t r. badly afflicted with Rheumatism. Catarrh, froT.oaV.1- At 1 cn y ' "BOPS'1 cured me. To maka a long story abort, " JiRXEaP,JlS??,no recommendation in this part of the country, as everybody knows tsm LtaHiw-K!2,.,e V01""1 he.r IT HAB CURED more cases of Rheuma-V?- tic NfV181" and man" o,hr Pains. than any other medicine that has ever r - iu va. r uw iHat uiree B?0JnJmSnifct.i,wlth' IJnyglt can nevr ' ran.. - .i. w , , ' ITAiwr"? tVh bSvei IS- .Bra.a5r.' Kellems. Jno. Bays, all of Siberia, Ind. .. Th woP('erf!11 success that has attended CnnnTiirf; ?At?STn?SIh wor", '1.nnk 1f IU M CURED more than ONE iiilXnJ This ,urt appeal L" 7 7 . , r' maiaaen. 1 L sunering we irUHt X-?m ve.,"ufflent confldence to send for three large bottles of "6 DROPS' for llh iWi'U ,.Urly ear.l you- If 1?U ,nen end ,or toMe. which contains nough medlclna to more than prove its wonderful curative properties. Prepaid by ES'lSTSffSTS? Ti? wonderful curative giveaalmost InsUnt relfef and IssPISRMi ? m i' Aai nani ral ilaie Headaches, Heart Weakness, Toothache, Baraehe, Croap, Ia Urlnoo. adaHa, Croeplati aasabaess, Uroachiua, aad kladrcd diaeasea. Ml 13 IsT CJ V li" SKSS0 Vr?to0"oday' " "n,, OUr geDU- --GEN''8 IWASSOI RHKVMATIC CURB CO., 4 U c" l" l9 t tnaat to to nlled on m slwuys J fin tent. or mm d Wfttiuif per papw RDd alwan wortb it. , i AfrBisH on &mviti$ I do nns our iKWHaed Annual 1 . W. m- YKILMY i . Ussttwlle ml- L'JY THE CEtaims SYfiUPOF - ItAlrtryACTTBED BIT ... CALIFORNIA FIO SYRUP CO. ro-VTS!Taiii! waafK. : RUPTURS CURED.T Easrentee to itt every cane we undertake, t I, i'i i-.i it nff; write for rarUculara at once. . H. '(i(iiKi sjo., KsHot Yruss . . . a, tm Sotioiid Ssreet, toj Uajid, jt, r On Way fell. "They are engaged," she said, afteri having wit tobed the couple across the aisle for a time. - "Why do you say engaged instead of married?" ba asked. . , . "Well, after a woman is married iha atill exhibits the same propietary in terest in a man, but she doesn't seem to be so proud of it." Chicago Post. A ed Woman K I ties a ttleyolo. Probably the oldest living lieyclll ft t woman In County Ksser., Knglantj, aired S, who le an advpt rider ami whose s)rftlillins ia astoituntna;. Most people couio enjoy tteaua until very old aire If they took primer irtcat- tions to prevent disease of the lUswive organs by taking an occasional dose of Hosteller's Stomach Hitters. Even after dyspepsia, Indi- gosuoa, nmottsnesa ana constipation nave so cored a foothold and beeome chronic, the Bit. ters wiu auora speeuy rvuei. Caw on tha Track. A tourist, who has just returned from South Africa, tella the following anecdote: "On Otie of the railways- slower than those of Spain the train crawling along at the rate of six milea an hour, was suddenly brought to a standstill. 'What's the matter, guard! was the anxious query of passenger. 'Oh, air, only a oow on tha traok. The obstruction having been removed, the train steamed on, and at the end of an hour the train once more stopped. 'Yv hat's up now, guard?' the passenger again asked. 'Is it another cow?' No, sir, no,' waa the prompt reply; 'same cow, air.' " Chicago Journal. A fattara. Mr. Snlgglins Here, Maria, I want you to either amash thia alarm dock or give it away. Maria What's the matter with it? Doesn't it work eight? Mr. Snlgglins I should say not. 'aht Diamea tiling am woke me op right in the middle of my best sleep every morning since I've had it." Cleveland Leader. Havana la to bave an electric railroad bnilt and operated by an American syndicate. 1 TBT AI.r.EN-8 FOOT-KASK, A oowder to be shaken into the shoes. At this season your feet feel swollen, ner vous and uncomfortable. If you nave smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot-Ease. It rests and comforts; makes Walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating leet, ousters ana callous spots. Keuoves corns and bunions of all pain and is a cer tain cure for Chilblains, Sweating, damp or iroerea leec vy e nave over tmrty tnou sand testimonials. Try it today. Sold by all druggists and shoo stores for 25c Trial package FKEK. Address, Allen a Olra- stea, j0 jioy, a. x. - A fibre industry is demanding tbe consideration ol planters on the Island of Antigu. If you want the best wind mill, pumps. ua, jHuwa, wagooa, uvus Ol su sijtea or write JOHN POOLE, foot of Morrison street, .Portland, Oregon. Northern capitalists are said to have purchased the pig iron works at West Radford, Va. Die tie of the famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. It is a cure ana wnoiesome stimulant rec ommended by all physicians. Don't no- 'lecttiuauecessitv, . ..i' ,. j,OB to Tars Over. I thought yon were going to turn over a new leaf, John," she said. "I was," be replied, "but I find I can't." "Why notr "There won't be any new leaves un til spring." Chicago Poet. Use 5 Drops" TRY IT FOR 2S CENTS. scn,i!i m tmm DROPS" Three Yeara Ago. PERRY CO.. IND.. JAN. . 11 little work for eeven long years, and our uiirt worm. It ta h. Kat ...I I .. I . etc., which my letter of Jan. J9. IK, fully years i nave noucea tne erreet "5 iihoph" forget what this remedy has done for WM. M. KETXEMB. Siberia, Ind. Cox a Huff. Taylor, jir. S. W. ' the Introduction of "5 DROPS" I. nn. Wooralsrla, Dyspepsia. Backache, KS.K9TTVHi5? "r APPOINTED IN NEW TERKlTOttyi 1T Prartor. Chlcaffo, 111. CDTLEB'SCili0UTE0FIS2IIE Onaranteed cure for Orlp, Catarrh and Con sumption All DruKulsts, ai.00. W. II. Bmlth, Buifalo, N. Y., sole proprietor. 00. Gil eat ifniMmovioriii n liitaj LIVER rlLLa BOrlaoo,aKS,r,'w " . , ama oy urutglsts. d?ISr back ache? Are you troubled with constipation. Do you feel languid and utterly worn out? OOEE'S KEVEHLED REL'EBY l five yon new en e ray, take the Impurity of your bleed, make you well and healthy, y and pleasant to take. One dajlar pai tie at your druggist's. A "TH1B TRESTLE BOABB," SI PER v? frJ.: ""'r.o cents; monthly, 10 cents. ""Id by all newsdealers. Ofllce, 40a Cail - - un Ob., oau x rauvisco, cai. ."1 M- Lull A ft it Aii UilL M Cough hfruo. In t,triB. mold br rtrMtrrTtmii. A STORM-SWEPT COAST Oalea aa High Tide Prevailing r on tha Atlantlo. . Boston, Feb. 11. A howling north' east anow atorm baa prevailed in the hay and along Massachusetts coast dur ing the past 84 hours. - A three 'masted schooner, name? nnknown, ia reported wrecked off Mantasket beach. , The Hull tifesaving crew has aent out boat. At present writing it is not known whether or sot the vessel's crow are atill alive. : Boston harbor wns a fury of driven anow and scattered spray. The ferry boat slips were under water, and pas sengers had to wade for it. The storm played havoc wttn prop erty along the Lynn and Swainpscott shores; The exceptionally high tidea swept away all buildings and de molished yauhta and other small craft lying upon the shore at Kings Beach in 8wampscott. At Lynn, at high tide, the water went considerable distanoe up New Washington street, flooding the cellars of several residences and making car and foot trafflo difficult. The sea de molished 5,000 worth of atone break' water on the front. Down on Can- Cod a bowling northeast bliasard, sucl aa preaviled last November on the aw ful night when the steamer Portland went down with all on board, raged all day. ; None of the lighshipa could be seen and it waa impossible" to learn whether the Pollock Rip lightship waa holding its moorings cr not. i BY TREMENDOUS SEAS. Biz Haa Lost Overboard Proas tha Us- hla Mara. Vancouver, B. O., Feb. 11. The steamer Empress of Japan arrived yes terday from Hong Kong and Yoko hama. Mail advices say that the steamer Kinshui Maru, which sailed from Seattle December S3, lost six men overboard on her trip across. When two days out the wind blew a gale from the northeast with mountainous teas, r Some of the crew, led by Mr. Laprack, chief officer, were seeming bitch covers and all movable fittings on tbe after deck, when a very heavy sea broke on board, completely filling the after deck and washing overboard the apprentice, officer and four sailors. Captain Brady at once put about In search of the men, but could not find them. Several companion-ways of the Kinshui were carried away, besides arge pieces of bulwarks. INVESTIGATE MILES' CHARGES President MsKlnlsy A p potato a Const of Iaajalry. Washington, Feb. 11. Tbe president has appointed a oourt of Inquiry to ex amine into tbe charges touching the meat furnished during the war with Spain and other matters involved in tbe charges made by General Miles against the . administration of war affairs. The court will consist of Major-General Wade, Colonel George W. Daivs, Ninth infantry, and Colonel Gillespie, corps of engineers. The court will meet in this city Feb ruary 15, to investigate the allegations of Miles aa to the meat furnished the army. Tbe oourt will also submit an opinion upon the merits of the case, and Miles' charges, together with such recommendations of further proceed ings as may be warranted by the facts developed in the course of the inquiry. Miles declined to disensa the appoint ment of the court. TO SUCCEED EAQAN. Coloaol John V. Westoa ta Bo Coaa- anlsaary-Qoaoral. New York. Feb. 11. A dispatch to the Tribune from Washington says: General Eaean ia to be placed on the retired list of the army in a few days on his own application, after 80 years service, and Colonel John F. Weston, tbe senior officer of the subsistence de partment is to be nominated by the president as commissary -general of sub sistence. The arrangement for General Eagan's retirement was made before the presi dent commuted the sentence of dismis sal imposed npon him by the court- martial. By bis retirement General Eagan will forfeit $1,976 from tbe annual pay to which he would have been entitled for tbe next sii years under the sen tence of a uspension. ' To Mary Its Dead. Olympia. Wash., Feb. 11. Gover- nor Rogers has received letter from the father of young man killed in the recent engagement at Manila, ask ing tbe governor what, if any, provi sion would be made by tbe state for bnrial, in the event that the bodies were brought home by tbe United States. The governor referred tbe mat ter to tbe legislature in a special mes sage, giving his opinion that the state would honor itself by providing suit able burial foi its soldiers killed in foreign engagement. The loo King's Qraao. Chicago, Feb. 11. This city ii in the grip of tbe coldest weathei since 1872. Twenty-two below is last night's record. About 20 persona were so se verely frostbitten during the early morning that they bad to betaken from tne streets to hospitals. Several por tions of tbe city ' are suffering from Jack of water, due to frosen pipes. One man waa frozen to death on the street last night while intoxicated. Twenty Million Dollar Mortgage. Denver, Colo.. Feb. 11. A mortgage for 120,000,000, given to the Central Trust Company, of New York city, by tbe Colorado & Southern railway, was Bled in this county today. The rev enue stamps used aggregated 135,250. Traasport Oraat Passes Algiers. Algiers, Feb. 11. The United States transport Grant, wbiob sailed from New York January 19, bound for Ma nila, passed here today. Another Mob. Strike. Skagway, via Viotoria, B. C, Feb, 11. The richest gold atrike made for monins is reported irom mojuonaid creek, Northwest territory. Th strike is closa to th boundary lino of British Columbia and the Northwest Territory. Th crook drain a natural basin thai slope down toward La Its Marsh and the Upper Yukon. Th oreek is flv mile long. i 8urfic gravel gave from SI to $3 a pan. In th country adjaoent to Mo Donald eraek there are InnumotabU oreeks not yet prospected, Th gold It ooara and assay high. Maw Bailroad la China. A, W. Bath, who was formerly ool fectoi of customs on ruget sound, was the original promoter In China, of what gives piomieeol being a very important entfrprlae. The moving; jim now re- hind the scheme la Stewart M, Brice. The matter includes valuable conces sions for the Amerioan-China Develop ment Company in tha name of the China Railroad Company. The sur vey of the road is already In progress. The office of the new company it at Ta- aoiat. Kawrorttaad.8aaadI.lao. W. II. Llewellyn and George Tiffany two New York capistalista are at San Francisco. " They are aaid tobave come west on an important railroad deal. They have in view the building of a railroad from Portland to Tacoma and Seattle, a distance of 140 miles. Bonds have already been placed In New York to raise the necessary money for the ooustruotion of thia road. It is oon mon gossip that Llewellyn and Tiffany are agenta for the Vanderbilts. - ; Gutting the Time. The time between Chicago and Omaha has been reduced to Is bouts on the Chicago & Northwestern rial- way. Thia is part of the overland limited, which is to reduce the time between Chicago and Portland to three days. The fastest time previously made between Chicago and Omaha on the Chicago Northwestern waa 13 hours and 45 minutes. A Curlona Aeeldonk. A curious accident occurred in an Albina, Or., home recently by which a little girl was dangerously wounded by a revolver. Tbe mother found the re volver whioh she imagined was un loaded. For some reason or other she placed it in an old slipper. The little girl oame in and gave this kiok caus ing the discharge of the revolver. PACIFIC COAST TRADE. " ' '; loatUa Markets. Onions, 8590o per 100 pounds. Potatoes, H 5 20. Beets, per sack, 76c Turnips, per sack. 60 (3 760. Carrots, per sack, 4 5(3 60a. Farsnips, per sack, $1. . Cauliflower. 600o per do. Celery, 86 400. Cabbage, native and California 11.25 per 100 pounds. Apples, BStgSOo per box. Pears, 60ctl.SO per box. Prunes, 60o per box. Butter Creamery, 26a per pound; dairy and ranch, 1720o per pound. Eggs, 80c Cheese Native. 1212C Poultry Old hens, l4e per pound; spring eniokens, 14c; turkeys, 18c. Fresh meats Choice dressed beef steers, prime, 8c; oowt, prime. 7c; mutton, bo; pork, 8Xc; veal, 8(g8o. Wheat Feed wheat. 833. Oats Choice, per ton, 825. Hay Puget Bound mixed. $9.00(1 11; choice Eastern Washington tim othy, $16. Corn Whole. $23.60; cracked. $34; feed meal, $28.60. Barley Boiled or ground, per ton. $25(326; whole, $22. Flour Patent, per barrel. $3.60; straights, $3.25; California brrnds, $3.25; buckwheat flour, $3.50; graham, per krvrrel, $3.80; whole wheat flour, $3.75; rye Hour, $4.50. MillBtuffs Bran, per ton, $14; shorts, per ton, $18. Jteed ClHtpped ieed, 820 g 28 per ton; middlings, per ton, '$17; oil cake meal, per ton, $35. Portland Market. Wheat Walla Walla. 68c; Valley, 80c; Hluestem, 61o per bushel. Flour Best grades, $3.20; graham, $2.65; superfine, $2.16 per barrel. Oats Choice white, 41 42c; abolot gray, 89 40c per bushel. Barley Feed barley, $22 28; brew ing, $23.60 per ton. MillsttirTs Bran, $17 per ton; mid dlings, $22; shorts, $18; chop, $16.00 per ton. Hay Timothy, $9(310; clover, $7 8; Oregon wild bay, $6 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery, 6055o; seconds, 45 50c; dairy, 4045o store. 25S0c Cheese Oregon full cream. 12!tfo; xoong America, loo; new oheese, 10c per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.6034 per dozen; bens, $4.00 5. 00; springs. $1.2508; geese, $8.007.00 for old. $4. 60 5 for young; ducks, $5.00 6.60 per dozen; turkeys, lire. 15 1 6c per pound. Potatoes 80 90c per sack; sweets. ac per pound. Vegetables Beets, 80c; turnips, 75e per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab bage, $1 1.25 per 100 pounds; cauli flower, 76o per dozen; parsnips, 76c per sack; beans, 8c per pound; celery 7075o per dosen; cucumbers, 60c pf box; peas, a BJje per pound. Onions Oregon, 76c$l per tack. Hops 1518o; 1897 crop, 6o. Wool valley, 1012o per pound; eastern Oregon, 8 12c; mohair. 28a per pound. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and ewes, 4o; dressed mutton. 7c; spring lambs. 7MC per lb. Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $4.25; light and feeders, $3.004.00; dressed. $5.006.50 per 100 pounds. Beef Gross, top steers, 8.60 $8.75; cows, $2. 60 8. 00; dressed beef, 5 6 we per pound. Veal Large, 67c; small, 78c per poqnd. an yraoeiseo Market. Wool Spring Nevada, 1012o per pound; Oregon, Eastern, 1013o; Val- leyrl517c; Northern, 9llc. Millstuffs Middlings, $21 28. 00; bran, $18.00 19.00 per ton. Onions 8ilverskin,6090cper sack. Butter Fancy creamery, 88o; do seconds, 28 24c; fanoy dairy, 22o; do seconds, 17 19c per pound. Eggs Store, 2224o; fancy ranch, 2226o. i , Hops1898 crop, 18 170. Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia, $2 2.60; Mexican limes, $86.60; Call fornia lemons. $2.000. BOO: do ehoioe. 183.60664.60; Per box. Hay-Wheat, $14 17; wheat an.1 oat, 118016; oat, M16; bast bar ley, 113 14; alfalfa, 12U per ton: straw, 60(8750 per Dale. : Potatoes Early Bose, fl. 101.15 Oregon Burkanks. 75c($l. 16; river I Bnrbankit, 75otl; Salinas Burbanka, 1(S 1.10 per sack. Tropical fruit Bananas, $1.25((? 8.00 per bunch; pineapples, (3.50(jj 4. GO; i'erfilun dates, eijJBWo per pound. ADVERTISING DOOTORS. A relsaol Itoaaoa Why They ahoald Ho Ho jadjadaed Impostors. Their testimonials alone are sutnolsnt to bear witness to tha assertion that tney perform the cures and relief they adver tise to, because they are from people within reach, who can ba referred to, and renrasent cures made years ago. that era shown to be permanent, as well as those of recent date. Dr. Darrln has been practic ing In Oregon tha past 11 years, and istioW located at 205 Morrison street, rortiana, Tha following cards Are selected from thousands: . ' To the Editors Bofore going under Pr. Darriii's treatment I had been sutterlng irreat mtiu in mv head. Nothing seemed t.. heln ma until tuklno the doctors ele' trio and medical treatment. It's all gone now. Address, Wilhoit, Or. .. C. N. DAILY' Dr-Parrlu: The one minute operation for croRB-eye on my boy was auccesHful. He bad been oross-eved since birth. Ite fer any one to me at 7 Hall street, Fort- lund. , WKS. T. MAYUEW. Mrs. O. Karg, of Leland. Or., writes Dr. TWrin aa follows! After walking with I cane for months from theeitects of sciatic rheumatism, "I am improving every uay I am Koing to Grant's Pass next week. ! think the neonle there will stare at me more than they did the 29th of Heptemlwr, the (lay I took the first treatment by eltw- teiiMtv or von. i rv win Litins i want more like a girl of 20 than an old cripple of 43. l nope you win live many years io no for others aa much .at you have dona for me." .. .. lr. Damn gives free consultation to an, and, when necessary, gives medicines In connection with electricity. The poor treated free from 10 to 11 dally. Those willing to pay, 10 to 8; evening. 1 to 8 Kundavt. 10 io 11 Errors of youth, tin potency, varicocele, hydrocele and strict diseases treated. No cases published only ure a sueciaitv. au cnronio aim unvsio bv rjermission or tne natient. au Busi ness relations strictly confidential Letters of inoulrv answered. Circulars and ques tion blanks sent free. Batteries and baits furnished by the doctor. ' ! . ' OUlces, 205 Morrison street, Portland. FEOFLV AND BVXNTfl A. W. Millspaugh, aged 85, has been ticket agent at the Union depot. Kan sas City, Mo., ainoe 1870 and has been in the railroad business for over 60 years. Mr. Millsbaugb ia as active as though only half his age. When the late Calivn a Brioe failed In his earliest ventures he was about to give np entirely had it not been tor encouragement and aid given him by Mr. Foster, who was afterward secre tary of tbe treasury under president Harrison. The young Chinese emperor, having outlived the reports that he had com mitted suicide or been assassinated, ia now desoribed by Dr. Dethere,5 a Frenchman, who Is one of his physi cians, as merely sufferer from fits of depression and lassitude, his real ail ment to far as 4hera ia any, being ab normal melancholia. While on the bench Associate Jus- tioe MoKecna, of the United States supreme court, ia the personification of dignity, in private he la the moat democratic member of "the highest tribunal in the land." In pleasant weather he always walka to the court, stopping frequently to chat moment with friend or gaaa with interest at the shop window. Dsmaod for Oar Good ta Moaloo. A member of a prominent clay man ufacturing company of Kansas City, recently returned from Mexican business tour, state that Mexicans want our goods, "and never hesitate to spend the money for them, and they bave got til money, too. Take farm machinery for instance. One ranch man will buy carload at a time for bis own nse. They need plow and pnmp and windmills and lee plant, and, in fact, all kind of modern ma chinery. The trade is there and ha long been neglected. We can get it by atudying the need of the republic and catering to it people." A Wsmaa's Smllo. Strange what a little thing will turn the whole current of a man' life." "What' tbe matter now, Jones?" "Dp to 80 daya ago tha young lady of my choice was taking my attentions aerioualy, and onr marriage seemed foregone conclusion. Then I met her on the avenue, lifted my hat, made my best bow and dropped through a coal hole. Now she can't keep her face straight minute while we're to gether.' Detroit Free Press. A single elephant' tusk can now be out into a abeet of ivory 160 inches long and 20 inobea wide. ' The Tear Round. All the year around chronic or ne glected rheumatism hangs on. It 1 worse In chilly, damp weather, but never sj bad that St. Jacob Oil can't promptly and effectually our it. Space has a temperature of 800 de gree below xero. FOR MEN ONLY. DR. FOOTE & STAFF 16ft ADAM ST. CH1CAOO, Kn reoultinir BnarDfl4J trtktrnnt ahntild eomiuttpenioiiHlir or by nr rr" with Mi Knter ana omy ciui mim' pfttjl.tJlsHa ift ib United 8iu-. !! of mm mnAm" Hi Itudr Of ft life-lllUsX UfifbrtllflsattH vrvwlitrs bo md lmm9dtiitly comaiuntcittsi wUh Dr. Foot, of Cbtetvffo. Kvryihmc Mni.lntiJ. Knidt4 n very whtrt In Mwled ptuikmt fti4 luMr In Siln envelopes. Correr.ponim! oiUltd. Jot urslcial, AferiftTfcl itd ICletrldnl nritbodi adopted. Dluirlu the etomh wtib dmire ebaii doned. Avoid druge reootnmnf1xl by U uneu thortutd end elt-iityld eneoleliiiu In WnnLurn towne. Vnw genuine epflclelUte locate oaulde of Wew York or Cblcttgo. In these oltlee your prl vtue eiTalrs ere safe. Unequalled lreumtut for ell dlwwiitjaend weekneeen of tbe Ufnitv-Urlnary, Hexusl, ItfproduoKve and Nervous Bynttime. Im pwtlmente to marrlaye removed. ''Hyuhala" Poeltlvlr turtfl tbe blood, miree avi.Tiilia and reiuovM all white oloere In tbroa or mouth, p per colored pou on body and eruptions on ekin, also catarrh end rheumatism, "VIvoymIjs," the only permanent restorer and Inviforaior, fives visor to vital organs and nervee. nrevtinta and juesgrlp. If per bottle for 94, Triai boiUee, ai ltler xeuxi ieuy , uavir price, i A negro woman ii tbt post m after at Edieto Ulaud, g. O. PIT1 p"ny Cnred. Np fits or nervoosnws rile) after tirst day's use of Ur. kitn' tirt kKMStorer. Send for ir H. tr te aksi.nA iri.i bottle and treatise. I) it. R. 11. KlANiSL uo ArcU sireet. ltlijulelpl.iA, J During the siesa of Jfarl DOttef WS sold at f 10 a pound. t MACHINERY ?orMIIIe? Mines, Shops and Farms; Steel JUj. aiiir .ll'iircnS'r'e'; HntChlsol . , Toath Baws, Alrwny grease, etc. TATUL1 & DOVVCn 17 Io n First Street Portlsnd, Or -() tseiuout Bltoct, bau jiancis-JO. fhlwAwlttsrw J Com peopU wt Mm wnen auiug o ( ipgton (Is.) Detnoorat. Plto't Cur for Consumption is th only wuiff wdWn. used in J r a Albright, MiitUttburg, fa,, Dec U, lsv There are 47 Chines temples In th United States. To Cur m Col la On Daf TaV Uiatlv Bromo Qlnt Tablets, ill driiKKl"" n1""1 "l0"' U 11 our. So. Three thousand marriage re pr formed every day all ovw th world. Wipe Out. It Is th specific virtue of penetration In St. Jacob Oil whioh carries it right down to theSoiatio norve lu th cur of Sciatica, and th effect I to sooth th nerv and wlp out th pain. Emperor Charles V carried a watch in 1680 that weighed 87 pounds. In such a oase It is proper to say only "oarrlsdi" such a watch it never "worn." , : A new and scientific treatment of all discuses of the genlto urinary organ at one thorough, quick ami sure It that of Dr. Foot and Staff, ol 101 Adam St., Chicago. Th doctors believe in pro scribing a little as I con sistent with certain oure. They are Old practitioner and year of extieri no In their tpecialty lint taught them the needs of every individual oase, and how best to treat it to effect a complete eradication of the dltesto germ. Dr. Foots' Eyphal I well known and effloauious cure for all blood fliseasrs,whlle his Vlgorala stands fore most among restoratives and Invigura tor of th nervous system. A bridge of 000 foot tpsn at Buda Past 1 being erected entirely by mean of electrical machinery. Society Women ana, in fact, neatly all women who undevgo & ntrvoti ttvam. &t 3 compclltd ta vcjtet fully watch the drov- SSaT. the corriina J wvinklct and lhmnv that become move Vlist vetoing every day. ' every woman know that ill-health it a fatal enemy to I beauty and that flood plainest face an en- I durind attvactivtntiV ' Put blood and strong nrv - thti art th Mvt of health and beauty. Dt. William' PmH Pill for Pale People build uvendthen the ncTvci. T ibl. to the mother thty ate appyoachind fifty they are hat dvid for thia emit of Mrs, Jacob Wrarer, of Busbntll, nl.,lt SOyols rars old. Shs Mrs t "I suffaRd for fire or sis yean with the trouble that cornea to oroaura at this time of life. I was much acaacwd, was unable, taoch of the time, to ' do bbv own arork, sud sutTered berond air power to dcoorttie. Ivaadovro. hearted sod melancholy. Nothing seemed to do me any Roud. Thea I aaade tip my mind to try rr. Williams' Pink Pills for I'sls I'rople. I bousjht tbe first box la March, 1H97, and was beovfltrd from the start. A bos and s half cured me completely, and 1 am bow rugged and at rung." ButktuU II,) Rtnrd. The genuine package always bear the f wll name At all drufijit ov sent postpaid on receipt of price 50 per bos by the 0t. Williams 4. Jt "V a slWk 0 a Sal 'tsiaw 0 0 W ' u () o o o () 'O C) C) () o C) () C) o () C) () () o C) o () c ( o ( ) o i ) o ) o () K CI everybody you know to no I save their tin tags for you The Tin Tags taken from Horseshoe, "J. T.," Cross Bow, Good Luckand Drummond Natural Leaf will pay for anv one or all of this list of desirable and useful things and you have your good chewing tobacco besides. Every man, woman and child in America can find something on this list that they would like to have and can have FKKKl Write your aame and address plainly and send every tag you can get to us mentioning the number of the present you want. Any assortment of the different kinds of tags mentioned abov will be accepted as follows : . .. . . . . . . . tot 1 aisics oov, qnstai onlgn, un- portcd from Jaiwtt , , 1 Kml,jn, Made, (ihhI uael , t Kaiiora, 41g4nrh, entKt steal ChilX, &i, Kntfe, Fork aad Spooa S Salt and Fpper, one each, nuad ruple plata on white metal. . . . ( Rasor, hollow ground, fin. fagStn teal..,,. ., Hotter Knife, tripb plate, beat qual uRarShcll,triplepUte,battquality t Stamp Hon, sterling silver., , , .. 10 Knife, "Keen Kuiler," two Madea 11 Butcher Knife, "Keen Kutier," S-inch blade., , 1J Sheen, Keen Kultrr," aisch, nickel ,, IS NulSel,CrackersndtPkki,silvtr It Nsil Kile, sterling silver, amethyst wi, vincn i , roe IS Tooth Bruatt, slerling silver, ame thyst set, g-inch XOO M Psner Cutter, sterling silver, ame .. ,h! set, t-inch.. Joe IT naHsill,"Auociaivin,"betqusl. lu) IS Watch, steal wind end set, guaran teed good lime keener . 900 This offsr ixpint Novirobir 30, 1333. Address all your Tags and the correspondence about them to DRUMMOND BRANCH, tt. Louis, Mo. CI - Tbe Halional Inieutors' Association. . (iMOOBrOBATIB.) W do general PATIENT BDSIMXSS, We secure, Introduca and sell patents. Our regit- tHrad atbirnav ean rntvnn tieinia SImaI f ...... fOguverntneniwiHioiuaoiajr. oKents wanlM Information ltimlshid on reiiiest. Room (IIS CMAHStB OF COMMSSC 8U1U)IU, POSTLAMD, OtSUOH. u vjTifj Mftii , i.,, Htwubni arLiitios. rnriinir YOUNG MEN! J!!"i?5?3hM,fn a"H VH'm'' Okay MimrlOe, II It lat OlHu-iltiMltr r. Uianittei I TO mmm rnl tl; fntitrn tram btrntium, PHU'K. ta.oo. H taken wlLhiiu. lnoonvta. BhIm by ttll r.Ublt tlnitTtflatat, or mmt pt-rs.til'.y tipwitL biaUaUtT WrsVUiraU. on n-t ftitt it tirl.-e. I.v aroular on $Z!)UU " - TEETH WITHOUT PLATES Roots Crowned. Hrlrlret Made, i alnle.s UliliiK and extraotiou. Dr. T. H. White, X"' TO.IPATlIIKHAlt from Mr. Walter B. Budtt, of Ftt chptW. Nw Ton ic Mr. Boon, in the following letter, tell ft familiar story of weuhuess and suffering, and thank Mr, riukhaaa for oompUt relief! "Daua kin. I'm Kit a sts I think It 1 tny fluty to wrlta to you and tell you what Lydla fcU'lnkhsrn. Vegelabl Comuound has don fur rue, I fuel Ilk another woman. I hadsuch dread ful headache through my . ft temple and on top of my nsati, mat Bfarly went crasy; was alto troubled with chills, wasvory ' wenks my left aid from my shoulders to tny waist pain ad me terribly. I could not slurp for th paltt. i'laster would help for a while, tut aa soon as taken off, th pain would be lust as bad a aver. Doctor prescribed medicine, but It gave rut no relief. ' " How I reel so wen ana strong, have no more hesl aches, and no pain in aide, and It 1 all owing to your Compound. I cannot praise it enough. It 1 a wonderful tnedicln. I recommend it to every woman J know," - The Sandwich Islander estimate th beauty of women by their weight. - L W ft ! up and pwvlfy the blood and tht vouna aivt thty arc invalu a nttiMiw. to the woman the beat remedy that science her life. neditineCo, thenntadj IrWSt dr" "sj, 0H Jf fl)t H sf 0 at w C) C) ( ) () ( i) it t) ( ) ) ( ) o O i ) ) C i ( ) ( ) C) o ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) o i) f ) ( ) ( ) o ( ) IS Alarm CloA, nickel, warranted ,7uJ W Carvers, buck horn handle, good teal , 900 M Sis Kogers' TsBipootn, beat qua!, irit n Kmves and Forks, sia each, buck. horn handles 950 9 Clock, t-duy. Calendar, 1 nsrmonv eler. Barometer , , MO' 94 Stove, YVil.on Hester, site No. go er No, 40 gosj 99 Tool Set, sot playthings, but real tools AS 90 Tuilti Set, decerned norcslais, very handaome too 9T Watch, solid silver, full Jeweled , louo 95 Sewing Machine, nitt chu, with sll attachment, , ISnO Revolver, Colt's, heMtiuslity lhKI M Kine, Winchevur, lo-thol, 91-eal 1W0 81 Shot Gun, double barrel, bammer- less, atuh twist , 9000 S9 Cuiur (Waihburn), rnaewnod, io- Uid with aiotharpssrl 9000 St Bicycle, standard auka, ladies' or JWHS '....MM BOOKS -80 choice selections -urns as last rear's list, 40 tsgs each. C ) ELIEF ON. MArlTCL'S rRENCil FEMALE PILLS IHrtlrniUrt and toxtl nioitUEH in plain ha&.w1 FOR a...s ....... Wl-Mtr AAlliKU JTRKa. ffBgWCH DHtlfl CO., 3B U 383 Prl i( Ntw York CURE YOURSELF! f I'Ktcn V 3 . llee Big w for .atnrai leli.ftd.r.. I el.oharuii, lintamiiiatK'tia. jr Utur.ew4 11 lrrittl(ii,a ,,r l.. .1 fc-fr..a Painless, anil not astria- lrHlEsl0llIHlQ!l1o. tent or polsnsuus. S SM U HtlMIM. Ill K, ..... . " omcmTi,o.f olel bf Irrowelets, 7 n.pines, prnpsll, rtir IK), or 1 bnttlo.. z,7S. 'irr.ulsr aotil nn reunmil. isvbuutrour lilt. UllHaNkl), i',, w. P. w. V. NO. WMKIf writing to advertisers utoas uuwtton thia paper. A cess fa, rifts fci i PlltMiirtj ititit7lt)lnriiiJ iimi Ittiti iiiff. T tt form, aj t Hi!n,, itr.!lMf r tWrtiftiii Piisw m aare4 by pr. 0oarikonf l Mtvitiftciy 0toMitohlBfi na AU.rl)t ttiux-rn, tVM JsrAt(ritararrallas-rlst.t.l. ,,11 l'r ... 4 .... Writ. Ml