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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1899)
The fields f "Sport. . From tlm fields t'f sport we go to b6 j4 full of pains nml aches.' XiiM next u 1 jj; Ji t, by the two of f-t. Juooks Oil, wo tiro soolliud to sleep and t- ii (, wtttcu, Wlicn th French t'rsldrnt Travel. Tlio French president travels free on the railways during luu oiliciui torn in Franco, but whon tlio return journey is uonoliided, his secretary caloulatea what it would have cost if pnd fur at regular rates, and this earn is handed over to be distributed among the poor- Kf't Hi Id of the railway mon.-Tit-l.litg. Good New it Comes From Many Homos Made Happy, "Dyspepsia la Cured.' Kor years Hood's Sareaparilla has been euilng dyspepsia. It is curing tt today and It vill continue to cure it when given a fair opportunity hy tnose who nutter mm this disease. If yon have dyspepsia take Hood 'a Pnrsaparilla. If you have friend suiiaring troin tt, ten mat meua Ui tase Hood's Sarsaparilla America's Greatest Medicine for Dyspepsia, Hood's Pills cure aU liver lilt. i8 cent. At last Speaker Reed has been ever- ruled.: At a recent annual meeting of the Daughters of the Confederacy, at Mot Springs, Ark., a lively debate arose as to whether the minutes of the previous meeting should be read before business could proceed or not. One daughter ventured to quote Speaker Koed on the subject, but she was promptly overruled and the reading was dispensed with on the motion of another daughter, who asserted ve hemently that "Tom Reed didn't known what he was talking about.' TBT ALLEN'S FOOT-SASK, A powder to be shaken into the shoes. I At tins season your feet feel swollen, ner vous and uncomfortable. If yon have smarting ieet or tignt snoes, try Allen Is Foot-Ease. It rests and comforts; makes walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating feet, blisters and cations spots. Relieves mini nu uumons oi su pain ami is a cer tain cure for Chilblains, Sweating, damp or frosted feet. We have over thirty thou sand testimonials. Try it tedav. Bold bv ill druggist and shoo stores for 25c Trial pachage FREE. Address, Allen 8. 01m- steu, to nay, n. l. Among the many mysteries of bird I migration is tbe fact that over-sea jour neys are generally conducted in the darkness, and invariably against a head wind. Tm Car a Cold In On Day- Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tahlets. All drupgist refund money if it finis to cure, xoc . There is some talk of a tnnnel under neath tbe straits of Gibraltar, and a! it would have to be only SO miles long, there is no reason why it should not . be feasible, particularly as there is a bed of bard rock all the way. No household is com plete without a bot tle of the famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. It is a pure and wholesome stimulant rec ommended by all physicians. Don't ne- . Kiect LUIS iiecesaitv. ,vV - When a young Woman gets a new bat ens is never satieaed nntil the man she loves most and tbe girl she bates most have both seen it. rlTS rerroanrimr Cured. 9o niaor nervon,,. In alter first day's use of lir. Kiltie's Ureal New beatcrrr. Send for FliKIE Sis.oo irlnl botMa sod treatise. DEL B. H. OMSK, Ltd, KK na j,. Mi ciuiaueijtiifls, 1 . When a woman buys canned mince meat sbe chops a few more apples into it and sdds a dash of brandy and then she thinks sbe bas made it. When coming to San Francisco ro to Brooklyn Hotel. 208-212 Bush street. American or European plan. Boom and board $1.00 to $1.80 per day ; rooms 50 cents m ei.uu1 per oay; single nirara vcuio. jrroe coacn. Unas. Montgomery. George Knox, who died in London recently, called himself "the last oi the Bosicruciana. " He spent a long life and a great foitnne in looking for the philosopher's stone, the elixir of life and other myths of tbe rosy xrosa. V,.;:,' -v-.. - ; HOITT-S SCHOOL FOR BOY8. Now at BurHngame, will remove to its neautiiut new Home at Memo l'arit. Ban Mateo Conntv, Cel., and re-open Jauuarv Mth, 1809. Address Ira O. Huitt, JPh. I).", ateuio rara, i. at. ' Instead of reshoeing horses with sharper shoes when the ground freezes ' an Ohio man baa invented a device which screws on tbe under eide of the shoe and can be removed easily when the ground thaws.. TEE EXCELLENCE OF SYSUP OF FIGS la due not only to the originality and simplicity of tbe combination, bat also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the Califobnia Fto Srntrp Co. only, and we wish to impress upon au tne importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the gennine Syrnp of Figs is manufactured oy tbe California Fio Srsup Co. 'r;!t only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless ' imitations manuf actnred by other par lies, ine nigh standing of the Cau- ; foknia Fio Stkup Co. with the medi cal profession, sad the satisfaction which the genuine Syrnp of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, aa it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe dot nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company - CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. sas rsaJioisoo, cl LOPuWILUC Kg. HEW rOBE. K. T. as 1 wiuat Ad tut in to. I rtost l i-.hii (rnii. Tw".ee Ootid. Ise l!l'""i. '.'-t hv lirT'..t, pf RECORD OF A YEAR. Important Events Crowded the Past Twelve Montiis. MUCH WtOIIY MADE. The Year 1S98 Will Be Remembered as a Most Notable One. A Chronological Bit'kw Show It to Have Been Remarkable In Many Be' epecta-War with Spain Take Fore- meat Place In the Interesting Record Concise Storjr of That Victorian Conflict international and Internal Illasenetona Among European Conn-trlcs-Diaaeter and Death at Home and Abroad, To bltn who la concerned with history In the making there very rarely comes a year more heavily laden with important events than the year 1808, It has sees very stats In Europe, except peaceful Scandinavia and the Dutch communities, face to face with either war or internal dissolution eome of them within meas urable distance of both. Vet the greatest effects have not been In Europe; 1S08 has seen the United States forced, not by any greed of power, but by its humanitarian ideals, to take its part in European rela tions. A brief but glorious armed conflict with Spain has been begun, prosecuted to Its end and settled by a treaty of peace upon which the ink Is scarcely dry. The inception of great political changes has been witnessed in China; two European rulers have come to their death; several men and women prominent in statecraft military affairs, reform, literature and music, have passed away; the year has been marked by some terrible marine dis asters, causing great loss of life; and fire, flood and storm have numbered their vic time by scores snd caused extensive loss of property. The chronological table that follows gives the most important happenings of ISOS, foremost among which are those of the war with bpain. CONFLICf WITH SPAIX. Events of the War Lately Won by the United State. TanunrT- 25 U. 8. battleship Maine. Capt. C. D. Sles- bee, U. b. N., Is ordered to Havana, Cuba. February. S The poblleatioa of a letter written by - Be nor Dupuy de Lome, Spaolsh minister to tbe Uulted State, speaking dispar agingly of President McKialey, leads to the Minister' resignation of bis post and the appointment of Seuor Lais i'olo ' y ueruabe. 16 The U. 8. battleship Maine, lying In the harbor or Havana, la destroyed and sunk by an explosion between tt sad 10 o'clock D. m. IT Hear Admiral Bleard, commanding the Piortn Atlantic squadron, ortters a court of inamry into the loss or trie uuine. lf The reqnest of the Spanish ocleials In Havana for a joint Invest gallon Into the loss of the Maine is declined. 21 The United States Senate orders an In vestigation into the Maine disaster. " March. 8-E1 Congress votes to place $50,000,000 at the nnqnauned disposal ox f resident Mc- Klalev as an emergency fond. 18 Spain remonstrates ag'ilnat the presence or tne t nitea Mates neet at Key west and against other measures of defense by oar Government. 17 Facts eoneemlng Cuba stated In the Senate oy senator I'roctor, of Vermont, aa tne result or personal oDservation. 28 Court of inquiry's report on the Maine sent to Congress. April. 5 Consul General Lee recalled - 10 Consul General Lee leaves Cuba. 11 President McKlnley sends a message to congress recommending armed Interven tion in cuoa. 15 Army ordered to mobilize. 16 Senate belllirerency resolutions rsssed lit Congress vote against Cuban recogni tion, 19 Congress passes resolutions demanding xne wimarawai ui ooain irom lddi. 20 Q nee a opens Ccrtes with sir speech. lovernmeni announces its opposition to nrlvateermz. President signs notidea tlon to the nations of intention to block ade. - 21 Our minister at Madrid, Oen. Stewart lu Woodford, Informed by the Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs that diplo matic relations between Spain and the United State are terminated... .Presi dent McKlniey cable oar ultimatum to Spain, demanding a reply by April 23... Seaor Polo y hernabe. Spanish minis ter, receive bis passport and lesves Wsshlngton. Z2 Cruiser New Tort Sampson's flaeshln. capture rearo, z,ouo tons, nrteen miles east oi Havana... .cuoan port bloc le aded by tne American squadron. 23 The President issues his proclamation caning ror lzo.oou volunteers. 24 (Sunday) A Spanish decree declaring war against the United State was ga let ted at Madrid. 25 Congress passes a resolution declaring that tne state or. war exiated from April 21. 2ft Recrail Ing volunteer began in New York city. ZT United State vessels bombard Matan- aas. ...seventh New York Keglment de cline to enusc. 28 Commodore Dewey' fleet sails from Hongkong tor Manila. 29 Spanish squadron sails from Cane Verde tor tne west males. ... new York sneiis Cabanas forts.... U. 8. cruiser Yale (Parle) arrives in new York. 80 Commodore Dewey' squadron arrive off Manila.. ..rlagshlp Mew York Ores on Spanish cavalry sharpshooter off Havana. .Mar." " 10. 8. cruiser Topeka arrives at New York from Falmouth. ...Commodore Dewey's squadron destroys the Spanish fleet at Manila. 2 Cable from Manila to Bongkong cut by Commodore Dewey. Battleship Oregon snd gunboat Marietta sail from Rio Janeiro. T Commodore Dewey Informs State De partment or tbe seiiure of Corlte. 8 Congress tbanks Rear Admiral Dewey. 10 The Gussie expedition sailed from Tampa. 11 Ensign Worth Bag-ley and fonr of the crew or tne torpedo-boat winslow killed by a sbell from the Spanish forts at Car denas 12 Admiral Sampson's squadron bombsrds tne torts at nan Juan, t'orto Klco.... The Spanish Cape Verde fleet arrives at Port de France, Martinique.... tiussie exnedltloa renulsed. 18 Commodore Sehley'a fleet sails south to meet tbe Spanish squadron. 14 Spanlab Cape , Verde fleet sighted off Curseos. 15 Rear Admiral Dewey reports on fall of Manila. .. .Bignsta s cabinet resigns.... Spanish torpedo-boat destroyer Terror disabled st Port de France, Martinique. ....Spanish fleet leaves Curneoa....Oen, Merritt ordered to ibe Philippines ss mil Itary governor. ...Gov. lilack authorise Be Careful How Ton Sit. Recently an eminent physioian gave otterance to the opinion that appendi citis la more eommon in this country than in others because of the Yankee enstom that men have and men are moro frequently sufferers from the dis ease than women of habitually sitting with one leg thrown over the other. This habit, the physician was quoted saying, restricts the autlon of the di only gestive appartus, ana especially of the called the literature of appendicitis bas lower intestine, and causes stagnation : reached the reading community. Les- the contents and the stretching of li9'g rer.rffnnlaatlon of disbanded Thirteenth Uegunenr.-. 17 8sgas;a's new cabinet announced at Madrid. 18 N.uety thousand troops ordered to roobll lus In CliU'kanmuijs. ' 20- Spmitsh fleet arrives at 8antlago d tubs. 2 4 'miser Charleston salla for Msnilai -id Troops A snd 0 arrive at Camp Alger, runs i.nurca, v. 24-The Spuulsh Ceil la bottled np at San' ' tlnsrov . "J- 3-'l hree transports with 2.RS8 men start for Manila. ,. .President Issues a call (or To.ueu more volunteers. 20 Oregon arrives In Key West. ...On of Spain s cabinet ministers said the conn - try was willing to accept "an honorable peace.". . , .Commodore Schley Is In tou with the insurgent leaders.. Florida expedition landed without opposition near Onantanamo, Cuba. 27 Spanish scout ship rhased by American wttrsmi's uear ivey west. 20 Commodore Selilev renorta ths trsnnlni of Crrrera In tbe harbor of Santiago d t cu us ... . cruiser Columbia arrives at New York, having been In collision with the Itrltlsh steamship Foscolia, which Sana. SO Troops embark at Tsmoa for Havana 31 Keer Admiral Sampson's fleet bombards torts or Santiago de cub. Jnns, ' 1 Transport for Manila arrive at Hono lulu, Hawaii, and tbe Hoy In Blue be F com the guests of the city... .Monitor Monadnock ordered to Manila from Saa frrauclsco. S Spain again appeals to the Fowsrs to Intervene. 3-Amerlcaa squadron bombarded Santiago de Cuba. 4 L.'eut. Hobson sinks cruiser Merrimae in the mouth of the harbor of Santiago ue vuna. tt Fortifications of Santiago d Cuba re- nucen. T American squadron bombards and at leuces batteries at Santiago. .. .Mooltor Monterey and collier Brutus sail for Manila. 8 Assault oa fortiflcatlona of Guantanamo Bay. 9 House agree on war revenue conference report.. 10 Admiral Sampson reports be bss held uunnranamo harbor since the 7th. Senate agrees on conference report oa srar revenue bill. 11 Fonr Americans at Calmanera art kilted in a ngnt witn tne Spaniards. IS Thirty-two transports with Shafter'a troops soil for Santiago. ,. .President sictvmisr signs the war tax bill. 14 Two Americans and several hundred Spaniards killed la a battle at Cai manera. 15 Seeend expedition sailed froej San Fran cisco tor Manna. .. .Great destruction results to Santiago forts through the use or tne nvnanme guns on tne veanviu'i. 17 Spanish sqnsdron sailed from Cad s and passed Gibraltar. 20 Transports with Gen. Shafter'a troops arrive on namiago. 22 Part of Shafter'a troops landed. u Italance of troop landed without aeet nent. ...Admiral cameras Cauls fleet arrives at island of t'aniellarla. 24 Sixteen American soldiers killed and forly wounded In driving back Spanish soldiers st Santiago. 27 Commodore Watson to eommsnd fleet to attack Spanish home territory.... Presi dent McKlniey recommend tbsnks of Co i jress for Lieut. Hobson, and that he be transferred to tne Hue. 28 President proclaims blockade of South ern Cuba from Cap France to Cap 28 Gen. Shaffer reports he can take San tiago in forty-eight Sours Tbe Senate tnanks Lleot. Hobson and bia men, nam ing eacn one perajnaiiy. SO Kgyptisn Government refused to let Camera coal his fleet at Fort Said. Jniiy. . . 1 Shafter'a army began tbe assault noon Ssntlsgo de Cuba, captnring the enemy's outer work. 2 Shafter renewed the attack noon San tiago, to ng sooni l.taai in killed and wouitded, and making 2.000 Spanish prisoner. The Spanish casualties prob ably exceeded those of tbe Americans. 5 Cerven'a fleet destroyed at Santiago, with great loss of life. 6 Spanish transport Alfonso XII. blown np off Mur.el by Atnerlesn gunboats.... Hobson, tbe hero of tbe Merrimae, and hla comrades exchanged for Spanish prisoners outside Santiago. 7 President signs Hawaiian annexation resolution. ...Admiral Dewey took Subig and 1.300 prisoners. 11 Cruiser St. Louis brings Admiral Cer- vera and 746 prisoners to Portsmouth, N. H.... Admiral Sampson's fleet bom barded Soailago. 13 Aunounced that yellow fever bas broken out In Gen. Shafter's srmy. 14 Cra. Toral and the Spanish army snr rendered Santiago at 8 p. m. 17 "Old Glory" raiaed over Santiago at noon. 15 President Issnes a proclamation provid ing tor tne government or Santiago.... Seven American vessels bombard Man tauillo and destroy seven Spanish shins. 21 Gen, Miles, with 8,413 men on trans ports, convoyed by warships, starts to take Porto Rico. .. .American gunboata capture Nlpe and sink the Spanish cruis er Jorge Juan.. ..Gen. Callxto Garcia,, commander of the Cubsn army of East ern Cuba, owing to discontent because the American Government bas Ignored him and bis troopa In the surrender of Santlazo,wiihdrew....Ncws rescued this country that tbe second expedition to re- en rone Admiral Dewey sad arrived at Cavlte. ....... 22 Agu.naldo declared himself dictator of tbe 1'hllinplnes. 23 Another expedition for the Philippine Islands sailed from Ssn Francisco. 25 Gen .Miles snd l,.VO men reach Gnan ico. Porto Rico, and effect a landing. 28 Secretary Day, M. Cambon, French am- DSFsaanr. and bis Hrst secrets rr. M. Thiebant, confer with President McKln iey In regard to terms of oeaee. 27 Tbe port of Ponce, Porto Rico, surrend ers to Capt. Davis, of gnnboat Dixie. SO News of Gen. Merritt's srrival at Cavlte received at Washington. .. .Dewey In forms the President that Agnlnaldo, the l'niilrpine insurgent chief, assumed defiant attitude. 31 The Spanish forces st Cavlte made ortle during a fierce storm on the Amer ican troop In the Malate trenches. They were repulsed with hesvy loss. Ten of Gen. Merritt' men were killed snd for ty-eight wounded. Aaornst. 2t President McKlniey make public the terms or peace offered to Spain by the imtea states. 4 The monitor Monterey and Its consort Hrutus. srrlve st Manila. .. .Gen. Shat ter and his subordinates ssk that tbe fever-stricken srmy st Santiago de Cuba be removed north. 5 Formal orders issued for the removal of Gen. Shafter's srmv to this country. Spain accepts the terms of peace offered ny tne united nates unaysmo, ror to Klco, eaptored by Gen. Haines rorcea. Three Americans cornered. 8 Spain accept President McKlniey' peace terms, certain representation were made regarding Cuba which were not accepted, however. ...Spaniards at uuantansmo isy down tneir arm ana surrender to Brig. Gen. Kwer. 9 Gen. Ernst' brlgsde captured Coamo, rot-to moo, alter a lively Bgnt, in which seven Pennsylvania volunteers were wounded. Two hundred Spsnlsrds were taken prisoners. ...Spsnlsrds sttempt to retake tbe lighthouse at Cape Ban Juan, but are repulsed with heavy loss. 10 A protocol covering tbe peace terms of tne united Htates bas been agreed upon by M. Cambon, representing Spain, and President McKlniey.... Gen. Schwsn's forces defest Spanish troop at Maya- gnes, Porto Rico. Loss oa oor side two killed snd on wonnded. 11 Spain's cabinet formally approved Pres ident sicitinieys peace protocol and a cablegram waa sent to M. Cambon au thorising him to sign In behalf of Spain. 12 M. Cambon, French ambassador to the United States, signs tbe protocol and S cessstion of hostilities Is ordered. 13 Surrender of the city of Mantis, sfter stiff bombardment bv Dewev. - So Gen. Merritt leaves Manila for Paris to aid tne peace commission. Feptember. 8 Spanish Cortes convenes to consider peace proposals. 8 Gen. Otis. United States commander at tbe opening of the vermiform appendix, making it possible for obstructions to reach the latter, and thus giving rise to appendicitis. There is no other dis ease, if we may judge from the atten tion given vo it by current publica tions, in which the general public takes so much interest as in this one, which is comparatively new to medi cal practice. Probably mnch of the popular interest is due to the fnot that within a lew yenrs what maybe West!. Msnlift, deionnded the removal f the - lnii-r'Hts from ihnl elfy. , - . lu-Spanish senate adopts Ibe pence prut Col. 12 The situation at Manila reported crlt loll. 13 Spanish Cbsmbt'rsof Deputies, adopts the neuee protocol. -1 10 npHiiiMii i:ece CtHum!iou ai)otUtsl, with Seuor Itlos, Presldeut of the Sen ate, as President. 17 The Pece Conunlsalon 6t th United States soils for Pur.s. lu Spanish Government Issues an order for all troop In the West Dulles to return home. 20Th evacuation of the on I lying positions lu Porto Klco begun by the HiumlHli, 29 American and Spanish Commissioners meet lu Paris. V October,' v ' 1 American and Spanish Peace Commis sioners hold their nrat session. 4 American Peace Commission receives the report of Uen. Merritt In Paris. IS Formal ceremony of raising th United Males nag over !-an Juan takes plan... American Coinmlafloitor refos to es soin any portion of Cuban debt. 24 Gen. Ortega, with the last of the Span lab soldiers, sails from l'orto I' Ico for sua in. 20 Spanish soldiers captured at- Manll dnrliif th war are released by Culled states. 27 Spanish Peace Commissioners accept coudltloa of the non-assumption of Cu baa debt by vnlted statve. 'November. ''v 28 Terms of peace accepted by Spain, December, 10 Treaty of peace with Spain signed st ran. GESKRAL CHBO.NOtt GT. BecorJ of Events that Have Occurred ' Durlna the Past Tear. January. 1 Officers of the Cuban provisional gov eminent aworn In. J Six persons burned to death at Jersey City, N. J. 8 Thirty persons killed hy collapse of floor In cltv hall at London, Ont. T Theodore Durrant banged for murder at St. Quentln prison, California. 8 Six men killed by explosion of an Ohio Hirer tow boat near lileuflciil, Pa.,., Fifteen men drowned off Baudue by foundering of a French steamer. . , .Six live lest In s mine explosion near Pitts burg, or asaj. M0e r. Haudv. 12 Forty live and $1,000,000 worth of prop erty uestroyea ay a lornaoo st run Smllh. Ark. 16 Death of Hob. Benl. Butterworth, Uni ted States Commissioner or patents, at Thomsavtlle. oa. 10 Bread rlota at Ancona. Italy. 20 Fire loss of $tW0,W0 at Cast Grand Porks. Minn. 22 Marriage of Rev. T. DeWItt Talmage and Mrs. Col. Collier Destructive storm over tbe West and South. 25 Msny persons burned to death In a eon- fill-ration at Hnokane,,,vv 000 worth of property at East St. Iiouls, III., Including t moo elevator a no tiur llngton freight depot, destroyed by Are. 27-Jauuary wheat sells for tllu In Chi- cago. .. .steamer city or uuiuts lost off St. Joaeph, Mien. 29 Several persons killed in a smssh-up on tbe Maine central Hallway at orono.... Ten men killed by caving In of North weat laud tunnel In Chicago, February. 1 Six Uvea loat by burning of th Alvord House, Gloversvllle, N. Y Schooner Brtgge wrecked oS Little Nahant and elzht Uvea lost. 2 .VM,0oO are loss la Winnipeg, Manitoba. 8 Six nersoua killed In railway collision near usion....rire aesiroys .uo,uuv worth or property at scranton, l'a. 4 Seven killed lu railroad wreck at Glas gow. Scotland. B-S5ii.O00 Are at Albany, Ind... .Holland American steamer veenoam wrecked In mid-ocean. 9 Adolph L. Leutgert sentenced to life Im prisonment tor wire uinruer in Chi cago.... Assssslnstlon of Presldeut Bar. rlos of Guatemala.... 1250,000 fire loss at Fort Worm, Texas. 10 Thirty-eight lives crushed ont by fall lug walls at Pittsburg. 11 Nassau Chambers In New York burned; loss, fooo.uoo French ship nucha t goe down off Canary Islands; 87 live lost. 17 Fire damp explosion In a colliery at Hamnietirly, Pruss's, kills 50 persons..,. JWO.OcO lire st Plttsileld, Mass Brit ish steamer Legislnior burned at sea. 18 Death of Miss Franees K. Wlllnr-i In New York City Large Are at Pitts burg. 20 New wharf snd ensiom honse at Tarn- pteo, Mexico, burned; s. 82,000.000. 25 National Tobacco Company's works st Louisville. Ky., burned; toss, fj.000,0fai. 28 Nine live lost in tenement bouse Are at Charleston, 8. C... Seven persons killed at Blue Island, III., by the collis ion of a train and an omnllma. ...Ten persona killed and lire Injured by aa explosion and Are In Hall Broa.' labora tory at Kalamasoo. Mich. 27 Death of Wm. M. Slngerly, proprietor of tne rnuaueipnia ttecora. March. 2 Six men killed by boiler explosion nesr Brewton. Als. 8 Nine drowned by the foundering of the ' hooner 8peedwell off tbe Florida coaat. T Fire causes ll.Vi.ooO lose In Browne!) A Field Co. 'a building at Providence, R. I. 3.000.000 fire loss at Manila, Phil ippine Islands. 11- Death of Oen. W. 8. Bosecrans. 13 Eleven men burned to death In Bowery Mission. New York. 16 Death of Aubrey Beardsley, the artist. ....Many persons killed in a firs tt 215 Wsbssb avenue, Chicago. 17 Death of Blanche K. Brnc,Jeglster of tne ireasnry, 19 Six convicts killed Is s mine st Pratt City. Ala. 21 Several persons killed In s hotel Are st Hatte, Mont. 22 Forty live lost by sinking of bsrk Helen Almy off Ran Francisco. 25 Death of James Paya, English novel ist. ...Deatb of Truman P. Handy, of Cleveland, Ohio, oldest banker in United States. .. .W isconsin Industrial School for Boy at Waukesha damaged 1100,000 Dy ore. 23 Forty-eight sealer of steamer Green land periabed on Ire doe. 28 Seven persons burned to death st Kent, Minn. 27 Deatb of Congressman Slmpkio, of Massachusetts. ''April. 1 : 8 Fifty lives lost la flood at Shawnee- town. 111. 4 Fifteen men killed by explosion of pow der near San Vicente, Mexico. 7 Sodden death of Margaret Mather, th tragedienne. 11 Oxford Junction, lows, visited by 8100, 000 Are. 12 Peun glass works at North Irwin, Pa,, burned; loss. I7o0.000. 15 Anaconda Copper Mining Co. at Belt, Mont, suffers 1250,000 Ore loss. 17 Fire, following dust explosion, de stroys grain elevator st Bor.on; loss, 19 Death of George Parsons Latbroo. 21 Postmaster General Gsry resigns snd I succeeded by Charles Kmory Smith.... Death ot Senator Waltbati, of Missis sippi. 25 Secretary of Stat Jobn Sherman re sign. 28 Wm. R. Day appointed to All the va cancy. .. .Glasgow, Scotland, visited by s $750,000 fire.... Powder' mill at Santa Crus, Cel., blown up, esuslug loss of eleven Uvea. 28 Atlantic Powder Co.'i works at Dover, N. J., wrecked by an explosion. SO Heavy damage done by tornadoes In rteDrassa, Kansas, lows ana south Da kota. May. ' -. 2 Thirteen person killed by tornado st JerlcO, Mo. 8 Schooner Crown wreeked off St. Johns, N. F and 11 men drowned. 8 125,000 Are loss st Cleveland. 7 Three hundred person killed la s riot at Milan, Italy. a rmiiiOi Xflnn iff.H tlannnn A.. 11 Wool warehouse burn at Ballardvllle, Mass.; Mass, -ju.uuu. OOfsTT DELAY In securing th not.IiWBlA AGENCY for IMVi one day's delay may result ia your Sompetitor getting It. We are th nly blcrcl bonne having a delivery point in tbe tidrtb. west. Prompt delivery oi all ordsrs assured. Dealers who handle th COLUMBIA snd II Alt rroD line win have a double advant age over others who do not. We bars Im- f roved tbe quality of oor products, while our n creased output enables us to reduc our prlees, as follows: Columbia Chalnless .,.,..OT..j,.7S 00 1 Columbia Models 67-Ss..., - 60 00 1 Columbia Models 16-49, 'W pattern, "Wlio prOTejnsnts... ................ .................... ....... t) 09 pops' rJAnuFAOTUHiriG co., : ' fsatrfl1n Oroges. WaihlnjIoB, HsmsRS aiuf lis. 12 Burning of Armour's elevator T nl several 'lumber yards, cause l,lW,OtO leU lu ('lltl'njjo. 14 Thousands killed by eyrlone on Snni' bitwn InIoihI. Malay Arehlpelngo. . . . 'Uf- 'ward Itciiieiiyl, violinist, fulls dead In II Snn Frnnclsco tlimtler, ...nan uroa. glass works burned at M uncle, lud.i ' iv.-n. f-"in,m'o. ' --' ' 18 Flint mill of Mining A Mill Co., at Rust Liverpool, Ohio, burned: losa, lisi,(al. 17 Great damage done anil ninny people hurt hy cyclone In Nebraska. 18 HuslneaB eei Inn of Attleboro, Mass., destroyed by first. . . . Destructive cyclone sweeps through Iowa, Kansas, lllluols and Wisconsin. 10 Death of William 19. Gladstone. aaDeatb of F.dwurd Bellamy. ...Mln fli'S at r.ollern, Prussia : 45 miners perlab, 28 Italian eabtaet resigns. 31 New cabinet formed In Italy. Ju -e, 1-Denth of tragedian Thos. W. Keen..., Transintsslipl exposition open at Omaha. 4 Death of Capt. Chas. V. Orldloy, of th cruiser Olympla at Manila. 7- l'lniit of Burgess Steel Co., Portsmouth, Ohio, burned; loss, 4tK),iH). 11 Case Power Building In Detroit burned. 1.1 Collapse of Joseph Leller'a wheat deal. l.V-Beslguallon of -the French ministry, 28 Flrat party cabinet formed lu Japan. 2D Formation of th I'elioux eubluet In . Italy. July. J Strike of stereotyner eanaes Chicago papers to suspend for four days. 4 French liner 1.4 Buurgogns goe down off Suhle Island with ChVI passenger. Hawaiian resolutions adopted by the Senate. 8- Steelvllle, Mo., almost obliterated by s waterspout. ...Congre adjourn slue die. 11 Sngast ministry In Spain resigns.... Hleven men killed In water tunnel at Cleveland, Ohio. 19 Powder mill at Oakland, Cal., blown up by a Cbliiamau aud seven Uvea lust. SO Death tit Prluc Bismarck. Anuuat. ' 1 Martin Thorn executed at Sing Sing, N. Y. 8Blmnarek. N. D.. destroyed by fire Death of Georg M, tubers, Itgyptologiat snd novelist. 12 United S.tttes flag officially hoisted over Hawaii. 13 Twenty live lost by cloudburst In Haw kins county, Ky. 13Rrs'gnatlon of ministry at Lisbon, 20 French steamer La Coquette sunk off Newfoundland by tne ft or go; in uvea lost. 21-8even person killed In railway collision st Sharon. Mass. 22 E glit laborers killed hy collapse of B wall in Carnegie tnnnei, ra... .carter- vllle, 111., vls'ted by a I.'AO.OOO Or.... 300 miners drowned at Nlenre, Silesia Deatb of King Mnlletoa of Samoa. 2S Destructive ttr at Logansnurt. La. 25 Kx-Gov. Claude Matthews stricken by paralysis at Henarry a ornve, inn. 28-1) eatb of x-Oov. Claude Matthews of Indiana. 30 Small pox breaks out st Put-In-Bay 1st and, Lake Brie. 81 Wllbelmina becomes Queen of Holland ....Confession snd sn:eld of Col. Henry, principal witness agaiust Capt. Dreyfus, . st rans. Feptember. 2 President Wllford Woodruff, of the Mor mon church, died at San Francisco.... The British captured Omdurman oppo ' sHe Khartonm, In tbe Sondau., 4 British troops occupied (ihsrtoum. Cavalguac, t rench Minister of War, re slgna 8 Twenty-eight people killed In collision . of train with trolley car at Cohoes. N. Y. ....Gen. Hurlluden sppolnted French Minister of War. 8 Wllbelmina crowned Queen of Holland at Amsterdam.... Thirty men killed by falling of a bridge over St Lawrence River, near St. Regis Indian village Many killed in riots In Crete. .. .Opening of G. A. R. national encampment at Cin cinnati. 10 Assassination of Elisabeth, Empreaa of Austria, by an Italian anarchist at Genera, Swltserlsnd... .1200,000 are at Ltverinore Falls. Me. 11 Fire wiped out New Westminster, B. C, and Jerome, Aria. 12 Deatb of Judge Tho. M. Cooley at Ann aroor, Mien. ... Hurricane on Island of St. Vincent. West Indies, killed per sons and destroyed much nronertr. 14 Lorenao Snow chosen bead of tbe Mor mon church. 18-Deoth of Dr. Jobn nail.. ..Death of Miss Winnie Davis. 20 Ten persons burned lo deatb In an ele vator fire In Toledo. 22 Thirty six men drowned by sinking of French boat Vllle de Fecamp off Fecamp. 23 Fifty miners entombed lu coal abaft at iirownsvllie. Pa. 24 Several persons killed and mnrh oron erty deal rayed by windstorm at Lliuu. O. 28 Tornsdo destroys properly at Tonawan- ua, f,. x., and kill Ave at Merrllton, Out. ....Death of M s Fannr DavenoorL 27 Claremont, Minn., destrored by fire. 28-Deatb of ex Secretary Thomas F. Bay aru....Hior ai i-ana. in. 29 Death of Queen Louise of Denmark. 80 Hundred of lire lot by flood la Japan. '. 1 'October, 1 Great Are In Colorado Springs, Colo. 2 Fierce gsle on Souih Atlsutle coast. 5 In attempting to quell the rebellion of me ino ans at near Lake, Minn., several soldiers were killed and wounded. 8 Great Are In Sidney, N. 8. W. -20ft,0uu Are at Atlantic City, N. J. 10 Great Are at Dawson Cllv. Alaska. 20 Seven men killed by boiler explosion oa torpeao ooat Paris near Astoria, fire. 23-Ten men killed in a race war at Uar- persviiie. Miss. 24 Fire on the Brooklyn, N. 1., water front: loss, 14T5.0O0. 23 French cabinet resigns, 81 New French cabinet formed. ...Japan esc cabinet resign. .November. . B Fleven men killed by collapse of new Wonderlsnd tbester st Detroit.... Seven men crushed to death In a mine near wiiscstiarre, l'a. 0 Capitol at Washington wrecked by gas vmiMVBion. . . .I'cuiu ot L1SV1Q A. WSllB, 7- Heslgoatlon of the Greek ministry. 8 General election. 9 Organisation of Japan's new ministry Completed. 10 New ministry formed In Greece. .. .Pres ident siasso ana secretaries ot Cuban re- puone resign. 11 Ksnk at Klrksvllle, Mo., robbed of iK,(AJ, 17 British ship Atalant sinks off Oregoa vwni,i, o live loat, 18-Deatb of Jobn W. Keely, tbe Inventor. ....Twelve laborers killed by, train at nacaeussca sieaaowa, gi. J. 19 Death of Oen. D. C. Btiell, 23 Burning of the Baldwin hotel nd the ater In San Francisco. 24- 20 Great torm sweep ever th coun try; many live lost at ses. 27 Death of Actor C. W. CouMavk ni. persona killed by boiler explosion near Fourteen ax lie niougn, Cal. 28 Dynamite explosion In Hsvana kilts 15 pvrsun ana injures zo otners. December. 8 Opening of Congressional session. 10 Death of William Black, novelist. 11 Deatb of Gen. Callxto Garcia at Wash ington. lit Death of e-ftn-tA Calvin a D,f A. Six persons killed to railway wreck". nnuil'iu, V IS, 16 Six persons killed br a train in. wood, N. J Department tor of G. Hartsteln's Son burned at Milwaukee; loss, luO.ouO. 17 Desth of Baron Ferdinand James de Rothschild In London.... Twenty lives I ioi in vitrmmsuip collision in the North r. 19-11,000,000 Are St Term Haute, Ind. And now s Boston man claims tbe cen. ter of the stnge long enough to sdvlse that, so far as tho annexation of the I'hil lppines is concerned, "celerity should be comcmpered with cunetatlon. LI Hung Chang has been sent to wstch the overflow of the Yellow river. This, we rase it, is tne polite Clilneae equiva lent fur saying that he has been sent uo Tl 9 nan xvi rvr. Columbia Model 49, 040. Wsrtforda i : : . ...liiS 00 Vedsttcs, Strictly L'p-l-I)at., Wa lob blevcle sundries. M 00 Write for tonus and discounts. 1S2-J4 t'.lli SUt tittlt&i, Qf. STORIES OP RELIEF. Two Lottora to Mrs, Pinkhtvra. Mrs. Jotist Williams, English town, N. J., writes! " Ukak Mils. riNKBAsi! I oannotb gin to toll you how I suffered before taking your remedies. I was o woak that 1 could hardly walk aorosa tho floor without fulling. I hud womb trouble and such a bonrlng-down fueling also suffered with my brtek and limbs, pnla In womb, Inflammation of the bladdor, piles and Indigestion. Before I bad tnken one bottle of I-ydin IS. l'inlihniu's Vcffetablo Compound I felt a great deal belter, and after taking two aud one half bottles and half a lxx ot your Liver Tills I was cured, I f more would tnlte your modicino thoy would out have to suffer so much." ., Mrs. Joseph I'lcTicnsoJl, 513 East St., Warren, l'a., writes: "Drab Mna, I'inkuam: I hove suf fered with womb trouble over fifteen years. I bad inflammation, enlarge ment and displacement of the womb. I bad the backache toimtnntly, also headache, and waa so dirzy. I hiul heart trouble, it seemed aa thouifh my heart was In my throat at times ohok- I .. ... n T AAitlil , . , 1 ... ii 1 ir b mil o,t n i, it U1J .11'. . V v 11 1 v. .... w i. . .. v .. -. -. -. I could not He down, for then my heart woutu ucat ao loan a wuuiu h-bi bui though I was smothering. I had to sit up in bed nights In order to breathe. I was so weak I oould not do any thing. "1 have now taken several bot tles ot Lydia E. rinkham s Vegetable Compound, and used three piuk ages of Kauatire Wash, and can say I am perfectly cured. I do not ttj Ink I cruld have lived long if Mrs. l'iuk ham's medicine had not helped ma." The elephant baa more muscles In its trunk than any other creature pos sesses in its entire body, timir number being no feweor than 40,000. The Mast Common ef All, The most common of all ailments from sports ot nil kinds ate sprains and bruises. The must common and surest Bme o( ,,em a b, t10 nM 0f St. Jacob Oil, which Is prompt in its action. Transparent leather is made In Franco. I shall recommend Plao'i Cure for Con- sumption fur and wide. Mrs. Mulligan, l'liiiiistvnu, rveiit, r.ii-innn, Nov. n, inki. The woman of 80 asks, "Who is hof the, woman ot 80, "What is )ie?"tlie woman pnst 80, "Where is hef" , Heal thyitlappy Girls often, from no apparent cause, become languid and deJoortdent in tht totly d&yt ot their womanhood They draff, along always tired, never hungry, bre&thlcn and vmh & palpitating heart after .light emote to th&t merely to walk up Jt6.irt exhausting. Somttimea & ahort.dry-coug lead are" ton that they blood, Are you like that Have yoo too little bloodt Motc tvnamic people have been made Itrong, hungry, energetic men and women by the use of Dr. Williams PinK Pills for Pal People than by any other means They are the best tome in the world. Mlta Lola elevens, of Gasport, Nlsgsrs Co,,tt. Y.,had been a very heattby girt until about a year ago, when a he grew weak and pals, Kb lost her appetite, was tired in the morning aa on retiring, and lost flesh until she became so emaciated that her friends hardly knew her. The doc tors declared the disease anstmie.and gave her up to die. A physician who was visiting In Gasport prevailed upon her to try Dr. Will lams' pin Pllla for Pal People. She did so, and wa benefited at ones. She I now well and trung-th very picture of health.-Buff it, (M r.) Omrur, The genuine arc told only in package, the snrapptr always bcAnng the full name. For salt by all drug gists or ent , postpaid, by the Dr Williams rAeditine Company. Schenectady, N Y., on receipt of price, fitly cents per bo. Book of cures free on recjueit. A J : A. SWORN. STATEMENT. I, C. It. Ilolllns, M. D., of Orsns Valley, Or., Voluntarily make the following a'ate'menli Alter having u teeth estraeted I liars had St u.i ., I...... .....I.... ,. . ....... i.. three In Portlnn.l. one in Kan Krsiieisco and na able toeai a meal's victuals or sveu sn apple or -'". ,; - . Vk. .1 ii irapi, they were put Into Iflll VIlistn. Kllfl aat moHl itlnce with Die Kremteet oumforl and with icini;iiuv ill tlVfrs rpaiit'i;!, ileilVxCs- ,Vrnch "nfc. Tho Dallen.Or,; Sliermati Co. Bank, WoOr'; Wm. II older, Hhirtff of Mhermati Co.j lira. X. B. Nltrliols aurl Brother, 1'ortiaua Or n wK;w ur" nui SllbaTnlriMd fttlfl ft tars', rn tf. tissfi.ral insa I hiss 1 lii U f I tL ' ' ISM MACHINERY Ror Mills, Mines, Shops and Fsrms; Sioel Log. gliig snd Hoisting Knglnesi Hoe Chliel Tooth Saws, Albany Grease, ete, " . TATUr.l&BOWEN 27 to 3fl First gtrent Portlsnd, Or. M-:ie Fremont Sireet, Han Francisco. Cut Rate5? Drue Catalogue FREE..." ft iiodard, Clarke Co.. ",',n'"'T s. mmj,, , . SI MJJ It. J Mt YOUR LIVER sH Hoove', ruvealed Remedy will do It Three i doses will uaks you feel better. Get It Iron) your druggist or sny wbolessle drug house, or ,vus uHinM.a, ouiBiwa xirugvo., aeaUl. TEETH WITHOUT PLAfES i riAni I 4 Dr. T. H. White. Vl3,., Msg Bring l eprosy In Ibis Cniuiiv It Is polulcd out tlisl b I Illicit HllllUK so), dlers In Hawaii may eonliiiiit lin.y Hiere, and bring II l ltd country when lio-y return. Willie It'primv Is much to be tlioinl' d, lliero ai' S tliimsand llmi'S n many vlelllo lu Moinaeh, disorders and Mood dlco, but tbeie le cut for them lu lloMiellel'i Nl.iiiiaeti !lll;;!r, Other common ailments iliat II'" Milters aiusspecitlo (or am malaria, ievur Slid aguu, bold at sll drugstores,' ,. . The best pliionpples grow l nKlirn Cubii. Tliuy sro vary easy In cnltivuto, only little oapilul is wiulreil, nml pie vlotis exporlotioo i ipjI ubsiiliitoy Bonlinl, ; ' v " " .-' ' AGKMT4 WjNrmi. DUTOMR-Vegeiiililn and metallla, a freak of iisiure, noled as the best l' u s i Hi th sorld lor silver, gold, brsss, eie , u .1 In qun. tliv sullloiiMit lor yesrs, lo,- !'! cents I'. 0. tninps. It Is liilimorlal anil ni-neht III Mov4 ; mtiv tm rei'Sinni wiiu u. outuos,,o. n. oai.ic LNOKIt.iiUl Mutual Life lliilldiMgiNual'l", Hash. I The iMilttr lux olmnnoH tlm color of Its (toat. In summer it Is ulwuya liluek: I in winter It is cu wliila tlutt the aulr mill can sciiri'oly tm soon hs It iciimpeit over tlio now, - A Mbrt Fight, , The dump autumn nights and mors ing stirs up soiiilli'iii and tliuti omiius a tuu of pulii. , Umu Hi. .JiiniiU (ill, and tlioti coiiios a In:; to on re It, It is a ' tort light and thv oiire is sure. If you want the best wind mill, pinups, tanks, plows, wagons, bells ot ail suns - . , . '. , ii. Kll n' V VJiTof M Jrrl Street, Portland, Orvgmi. The liulf of rabbits and other animal in' Ktiasla is ooiiviirtod Into liowls, dishes and plates, whiuli are vultied for their trength, ditriibiliiy and DglilneH. The article have the appearance of var nished leather. , DEAFNBSS CANNOT UK tlURHD By local sppllratlnns, as they cannot reseb th diseased portion ol lbs rnr. 1 bera lsony on way locur deainesa, atid that is by constitu tional remedies, liasiuuss is caused bv au In named roiidli Ion of Dm inucoua lining of Hi Kuaiarhtai, Tula,. When this tuts, u in. Ilsineil yon have s ruinblliig wnud or Imiwr. teut hearing, and when II 1 entirely closed deKines Is tlie result, snd nntesntiioluriamins llo n ran lw taken mil suit Ibis tube rest osd to lianormsl eoo.tiilmi, liesrltig will bndeatrnvsd lorever; nine csaes out ol t a era caused by esiarrh, bleb is nothing but au luitanisd eoiidlilonol ihsmurimssurlavea, w will give On Hundred Dollars for any ease ol Deal lies (esused by calami) II. st can not be cured by II sll Catarrh Curs. Seud lor .cu,a, y clIKNKYAC0.iTaUdOi0 gold by bruggtsts, Tiso UairsFamlly PIU are th bt The most active volcano In the wot Id is Mt. Sttngav, 17,199 feet high, situ ated on tbe eastem chain of the Andes, Honth America.' It has boeii in con slant eruption since 1738, and lbs sound of It explosion is suniollimai heard at Qnito, a distance of 1R0 in i lis, 267 having been eonnted In an liotir. $40 CASH, $45 INSTALLMENTS i899W BICYCLES "Best Wheel on Earth." WW Ideals la ao, tli, ). Send' for oslalogna, Lir agents wauled everywhots. FRBD T. MEUIIII.L CYC1.K CO., POKTLAND, SPOKANK. TACOMA. in s,w, lsi, ivi.i, ,,.ni... , . .. , rli.e pe:h. On Iieeemlier lo. lsus, I bad my nrn sua Aiour, rortiand. Or., snd wlibin my mouth I was able In est til 1st tlma f Ls..... .. t no trooUl at all. Tiivaro a nVuvi tU aiid ri I i.j.i I tin, as JOUNOtilLHKB, 'Notary Public for Orma. Iwers famuus years mm their fsms j grosrs ytt ysar M II, snus I ninal to ha relied on-as alwars J , IS, MK. IUF U S h luuli. l uvaiera evarywber. llvetsjosi . psr prt ana always worth it. , lusui on usviii il.em. lino no risk -buy t-errv'a. nwi-n Annual is rits S.fEKIItittS. RUPTURE CURED. Itonft".?..??, Ht0 "'."'I rn" undcriase. I on j put .li .offi wr, t priicu i ,. lil Lis"l!li' ',ru, r iHsrs, lie Second Klnci, Portland, Or. CURE VOURSELFf Vm Jilui fur nnnAturaJ ntwctitrwN, lnfUirihmlitiilt trt ittuitmff or nkre,iins ' m "'"nil mm-ibnim, , - ivins, ssrj'J mil Mil iU rrtttHNj OHEttiriit (If), r riiKunuii4. " m pin I n wrp()f"f, rfpttm, I of ict. ft.'. 78. wit mt rftj iwt NO. l-'tttf. r f pt..u errttaisiissi I VA - A m - w