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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1898)
Jacobs Oil nores Jacobs Oil cure Jacob Oil cure Jitwhn Oil enrm Jaoolia Oil cure Rheumatism. Neuralgia. Xaimbago, flnmtie. Sprains. BruiMt. Soreness. Stiffness. Backache. Jacobs Oil cures Jacobs Oil cures Jacobs Oil cures .Jacobs Oil cures Jacobs Oil cures Muscular aches. Rope, Measuring Maohiae. . A machine has been patented for use In menKuimtr rope, consisting of a rope raromng wheel, having a roughened face, which catches in the rope and turns as the latter is pulled through slot and across the wheel, to operate hands on dial and ring bell at cer tain distances. ; Dyspepsia Makes more people miserable than an; other disease. It takes the pleasure all out of life. The gratitude of those who have been cured of dyspepsia by Hood's Sana parilla is therefore natural. Thousands say they have suffered more than they cau tell from this disease, but hav felt no symptoms ol it since taking food's W. America's Greatest Medicine. Price, $1. Hood's Pill cure biliousness, indigestion. PHILOSOPHY AND THINGS f In your conversation use short words and not too many of them. Love may be blind, but lovers sre often spectaoles for other people. A husband's love is on the wan when he begins to stop staking his ., wife's pet dog. When a man marries girl for her beatrty, he ought not to be surprised or disappointed, either, if ha doesn't get much else. He'd lots of hair upon his chin, But none upon his head He always spoke before he thought, So many people said. 1 An Indiana woman was made to pay damages to the extent of 126 for say ing that her neighbor's beauty was ar tifioial. Foster Brown says that by the year 1950 Great Britain will have nsed 11 15th of its best resources of coal, and that there will then remain workable at gradually Increasing cost, sufficient coal to last 850 years. ' "But could yon bring yourself U marry s woman who smoked cigar ettes?" tbey asked a young man who bad insisted that woman had a right tc moke if they chose. "So; I have enough people begging my cigarettes now." Before the Bridgeport. Conn., mur der was unraveled, the chief of police of that oity received more than 800 letters of inquiry from parents of miss ing girls in various part of the conn try. Ninety-two of the letters wer from towns in Connecticut. TRY ALLBITB TOOT-BASS, A nowder to be shaken Into the shoes At this season your feet feel swollen, ner vous and uncomfortable. If yon have smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot-Ease. It rests and comforts; makes walking easy. Cores swollen and sweating feet, blisters and callous spots. Believes corns and bunions of all pain and is a cer tain care for Chilblains, Sweating, damp or iroacea leet. w e nave over t flirty thou sand testimonials. Try it Udav. Bold bv all druggists and shoo stores for 35c. Trial package FREE. Address, Allen 8. Olm- sieu, La no j, n. x. Improved Car Bern. An improved sest for railway oan has the bottom cushion mounted on a sliding frame to swing out en eithei side as the back is turned, the move ment of the bottom allowing the back to swing down further and permitting the use of a wider cushion than thos now in nse. No household is complete without a bot tle of the famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. It is s pure and wholesome stimulant rec ommended by all physicians. Don't ne glect mis necessity. If Cervera needs consolation for the cold welcome be receives in his native land, for which he staked life and honor, let bim tesd Schiller's version of (he reception given by Philip II to the Duke of Medina-Sidoma on his re turn with the remnant of the wrecked armada. The only two animals whose brains are heavier than that of a man are the whale and the elephant. KEEY0US DEPEESSIOJT. ' a talk with was. pikkhak A woman with the blues la a very nn- eomTortable person. . She is illogical, unhappy and frequently hysterical. The condition of the mind known a " the blues," nearly always, with wo men, results from diseased organs of generation. It is s source of wonder that In this age of advanced medical science, any person should still believe that mere force of will and determination will overcome depressed spirits snd nerv ousness in women. These troubles ar Indications of disease. - Every woman who doesn't nnder stand her condition should write to Lynn, Mass., to Mrs. Pinkham for her advice. Her advice is thorough com mon sense, snd is the counsel of s learned woman of great experience. Bead the story of Mrs. P. S. Bkhkstt, Westphalia, Kansas, as told in the fol lowing letter: " Dear Mrs. Piskham: I have suf fered for over two years with falling, enlargement and ulceration of the womb, and this spring, being in such a weakened condition, caused me to flow for nearly six months. Some time ago, urged by friend, I wrote to you for advice. After nslng the treatment which yon advised for a short time, that terrible flow stopped. "I am now gaining strength and flesh, and have better health than I have had for the past ten years. I wish to say to all distressed, suffer ing women, do not suffer longer, when there is one so kind and willing to aid you."' ,. Lydia fi. PInkham's Vegetable Com pound is a woman's remedy for wo man's ills. More than a million wo men have been benefited by it. ( t,MH Vim nt All Hot I A IS. i 08t l :oi'.Kh brup. 'i -t i"oi. Uttt In I'oih. ho'-J r-T rlr-:r.-:!.. II Et. Ht. Ft. 8t. Ft. Ht. St. St. St. Bt. GREAT NEW YORK FIRE A Million Dollars Worth o: Property Destroyed. ROGERS, PEET & CO. BURNED OUT Skyscraper of the name Life Insur ance and Pe-stal Telegraph Companies Gutted. New fork, Deo. . In blinding rain storm tonight, the .massive block of buildings on Broadway, No. 953 to 259, aud included between Murray and Warren stieets, was almost destroyed by fire. Within three hours more than fl, 000.000 worth of property was de stroyed. The fire began- in the five-story brick building ocoupied by the men's fur nishing firm of Rogers, Peet & Co., on the southwest corner of Broadway and Warrant street. Adjoining the Rogers Peet building, and south ol it, was the magnificent white building of the Home Life insurance Company, and next to this was the brownstone building of the Postal Telegraph Company, erected at a cost of millions only a few years ago. Within a few minutes after the discovery of the fire the Rogers-Peet building was a roaring furnace, and an alarm had been turned in - wbioh brought more than a score of engines to the scene. It was but a short time when the flames had eaten through the wall of the Home Life, and were roar ing high above that lofty stiuoture, Thousands of people had gathered on the soene, and the bunding glare of the flames lighted np the lower part of the city- Even in the downpour, the great crowd of people grew and the police reserve were called out from many sta tions and kept the people back for blocks. Great showers of sparks were oamed in ail directions by the gale, that blew 60 miles an hour. It was a picturesque fire. The Home Life Insurance building was occupied by that company and a large number of . men prominent in various line of business. Eveiy effott was made to save the valuable papers stored in some of the offices, but many of these were lost The offices of the rapid-transit commission were on the ninth floor of this building, and it is believed that all the plana and schemes of work with which the company has been working for many years are de stroyed. In the Postal building, as well, theie were many serious losses of a private natnre, and when the flames reaobed the operating room of this structure. which they did within three hours of the outbreak, the one or two solitary operators who remained at their posts were compelled to flee for their lives. The fire burned even moie fiercely in the Home Life building, owing to the great height of this structure and in an incredibly short time the upper ball of this magnificent building was in flames. The water towers in the street were able to throw their heavy streams only into the lower part of the structure, snd the firemen, though they worked with great bravery and untiring energy, in the blinding smoke and hear, could do little in the face of such a fierce sweep of flames and gale. It was only a ques tion of time when the Postal building, so far as the npper stories were con cerned, went the way of the others. The estimste of the losses by Chief Bonner after midnight was $1,000,000 with a probability of a still further loss should the fire continue to make any thing like rapid progress. At that hour, however, he believed that he had the fire under control within reasonable limits. MORE WRECKS REPORTED. Mew of Several Pilaster Beaches New York. New York, Dec. 6. Vessels that left this port November 25 bore the brunt of the double hurricane. In many oases the names of wrecks sighted at sea can not be made out, and agents are wor ried. Other vessels have not been heard from. Swan & Son, agents for the bark Gleneida, received word last night from Captain Corning that she was wrecked, and that the crew ; were in Bermuda. She was stiuck by the storm and dis masted November 20. She was aban doned on the 20th. The Gleneida had cleared for Buenos Ayres. Word was also received yesterday ol the wreck of the schooner Kate S. Flint. - The British steamship Baron Cawdor, Captain Sutherland, just arrived from ava, had a boat and hoiet-engine geai smashed during a 48-hours' struggli with the gale. The German steamship Oera, from Bremen, which arrived with passengets yesterday, had the forward part of her saloon stove in and her bridge stanch ions twisted. Three barges which were out loose on the sound since Saturday have been res cued from the north shore of Long island. Thirteen schooners were taken safely into New Haven by a tugboat. The Sunset limited transcontinental train of the Southern Pacific, - west bound, was badly wrecked two miles est of Jennings, La. No live were lost. .. Troops for rhlllpplne. Milwaukee, Deo. 6. Information re ceived in this oity is that in accordance with later orders from the war depart ment, several regiments of the united States army will in a few weeks embark for the Philippines. The order, which is said to include the Third infantry from Furt Snelling, and the Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Fifteenth and wentieth regiments, requires that these regiments be prepared for pro longed foreign field service in the tropins, outside the limits of the United States. The regiments, with cavalry, are ordered to rendezvous at San Francisco between January 1 and 12. Attacking Hollo. Madrid, Deo. 6. An official dispatch from the Visavas island, in the Phil ippines, announces that the insurgents ave doubled their attacks upon Iloilo. The government advices say: The rebels have their gnn trained on the city, and fire on onr troops ghtly. , Our troops maintain a spirit ed fire an 1 have killed a number of the enemy." OLD GLORY RAISED. Two Santa Clara Cities im Control of . Americans. . - " Havana, Deo. 8. At noon today th American forces, having previously taken oharge of Sancti Spiiitu and Trinidad, in Santa Clara province, th Star and Stripes wer officially and with mi press ivo ceremonies' hoisted over the city hall and the military and other public buildings in those cities. When the flags were unfurled, the bands played "The Star Spangled Ban ner," and the soldiers and crowds of oitisens cheered enthusiastically. General Wade, president of llie United States evacuation commission, accompanied by Colonel Clone, judge adocate, Captain Hart, the) official in terpreter and Major Almy, Allison, Butler and Brooke, called uponCap-tain-General Castellanoa at the palao today. They ware received by the president of the Spanish evaouation commission, who introduced them to General Castellanos. The meeting was of a most cordial nature, and when th American retired, the oaDtain- general accompanied them half way down stairs and shook hands with all of them. The Spanish military guard on duty at the palace was drawn np and rendered the utmost honor to the American visitors. San Antonio de Los Banoa. nmvinrw of Havana, and Jaguay .la Grande, province ol JUatansas, were evacuated by the -Spanish troops yesterday. me spanisn transport Gran Ant a sailed today for Spain with 147 Span ish troops; the Fnlda will sail Monday aud the Werra, San Ignaoio and Juan Forga Tuesday. The Spanish com mission was advised today that by Monday next th evaouation of Bata- bano and the entire line of San Feline will be finished. This will complete the evacuation of the entire island west of those points. A deed of sale of the Tacon theater to an American syndicate, the property passing into the hands of the Tacon Realty Company. The Tacon, whioh is the eighth largest opera-house in the world, occupies an entire block. STEAM PIPE BURST. Bis Men Killed oa the Steamer Alamo at New York. New York, Dec. 6. Six men of the Mallory line steamship Alamo were killed tonight by the bursting of a steam pipe while the vessel lay at her pier in the East river. The dead are: Patrick Mnrphy, second engineer: Thomas McHugb, fireman; Patrick FarreU, oiler; Frank MoMahon, fire man; L. Connell, fireman; J. Ryan, a ooal-heaver; John Stoneman, a passen ger, of Albany, was seriously scalded. The Alamo has only recently been discharged from transport service for the government, and was just ovei- hanled at Roche's yard. She ha new steam pipes and boiler. She wa about to sail for Galveston with 80 passengers. At the time of the acci dent, about 1 o'clock, the ship had cast off her lines and tha tugboat Pres ident had her line taut to assist the Alamo into midstream. Her engines had made but two or three revolntiona when the explosion came. It gave lortn a roar that was heard all through South and Water streets, and the force of it sent a shook and a shiver through out the length of the ship. The floor ing; of the deck immediately over the engine room was torn into splinters. and steam poured np through the open seams in clouds. The sound of escaping steam was mingled with the shrieks of the dying men, who were enveloped in it. The flow of the steam was checked with great difficulty, and not until the lapse of five or six minutes. Then it was found that it had completely filled the engine-room ana nreroom, and that all who had been confined had been not only parboiled, but suffocated by it There was no sign of life left in any of the bodies, and in several instances the skin had peeled from their hands and faces. The second engineei wsa fonnd close to the break, in a position whioh indioated that he had tried to shut off the steam at the boiler when the acci dent occurred, and had died in the at tempt. Two of the firemen were found gripped in one another's arms at tha foot of the ladder leading from the fire hole. Porto Rico Wants Reforms. San Juan de Porto Rico, Deo. 0. The report put in circulation here that the United States government will taks no definite action to establish a com prehensive scheme of Porto Rioan ad ministration for at least a year has provoked much adverse comment. A meeting has been held by local business men, ' Amencana and Potto Ricana, to protest vigorously against any delay in reforms which are abso lutely necessary to prevent the contin uance of serious abuse. The same meeting condemned the aotion of the Ameriaan anthorities in collecting ar rears of Spanish taxes since 1883, and called for the application of American laws and the establishment of free trade with the United States. Fir In Ferrol. Ferrol, Spain, Dec. 6. A Are which occurred in the government dock yards st this place last night, gutted several buildings snd, before the flames were extinguished, a number of bombshells exploded. The loss is estimated at ,000,000 pesetas. Fire In a- Catnolle Chnrch. New York, Dec. 6. Fire this morn ing wrecked the end of St. Agnes' Catholic chnrch, on Fifty-third street, near Third avenue, destroying valuable ltars, paintings and a new organ. The loss is (100,000. Berlin, Dec. 6. Seven persona were burned to death today in a fir which broke out in the small hamlet of Ex- enthal, near Sonneburg, Saxe-Mein-engen, about 13 miies northeast of Co burg. Internal Revenue RepeTt. The commissioner of internal reve nue in his annual report, the principal feature of which was made pnblic in uly last, recommends that the war levenue law be amended so as to allow discount of 8 per cent to purchaser of (100 or more instead of 1 per cent, ss now provided. Unless such action is taken, the commissioner says, a very large increase in the number of stamp duties will be necessaiy. The number of internal revenue stamps issued dur ing the year was 1.443,314,189, of the value Of (102,168,988. LATER NEWS. Superior Judge Rhode Borden died at his home at San Jrranciaco. A boiler in sawmill near Mont rose, Colo., exploded, killing three men General Miles has prepared a draft for a bill providing for a standing army of 100,000 men. It I reported that the Great North ern has purchased an line to Portland snd will soon come into that oitv over its own tracks. Mad Mullah's fanatioal movement has been partly checked, and- a strong British force is held in readiness to move against the Rebels. Thv rapid expansion of our export trade is illustrated by some figures just prepareed by the treasury bureau of statistics showing the gains in out ex ports to Africa. . The appeal of General Lord Kitoh sner. of Khartoum, for funds to found a Gordon memorial college at Khar touin met with an immediate response in London. Over 70,000 out of the 100,000 asked for has already boon subscribed. During the past week five bodies have been picked np on the beaah be tween Florence and Gardiner, Or., with a few miles' spaoe. They are supposed to be tne bodies of sailors of the wrecked Atalanta. If so, they snust have been carried 40 miles by the ocean ourrenta. The young king of Spain has had a very pleasant windfall In the shape of legacy of 8,000,000 pesetas, be queathed to him by an old gentleman named Solar, who had a close though unacknowledged relationship to the king, being the natural son of Ferdi nand VII, and great nnole of King Al fonso. Advices from Russia say the reports of threatened famine there are growing more gloomy every day. Count Leo Tolstoi has petitioned the government ior permission to form relief commit tees to cope with the distress, and the oxar himself has contributed 600,000 roubles to the Red Cross Society to aid the starving peasants. Thurlow Weed Barnes has brought suit in the New York supreme court against the American-China Develop ment Company for (1,000,000 for ser vices in obtaining railroad concessions from the imperial Chinese government, through the Chinese minister at Washington. The concessions are worth in net profit at least (12,000,000 to the company, and they may be worth (24,000,000. Thirty-seven people were drowned in the wreck of the steamer Clan Drum mond in the bay of Biscay. A gift to Wellesley college of (50,000 from the estate of Charles T. Wilder has just been announced. The 60th anniversary of Francil Joseph's accession to the throne was celebrated throughout Austria. Three coalbarges were lost and the lives of 10 or 12 men were sacrificed in the recent Atlantic storm off Bargate. The Philippine insurgent demand 7,000,000 pesetas for the release of 40 friars imprisoned since th commence ment of the war. A fire fiend attempted to burn John Wanamaker'i big department store in Philadelphia, but was arrested before serious damage was dose. , The liabilities of Gillett, the ab sconding Kansas cattle-plunger, con tinue to grow, the latest estimate plac ing the total at (1,500,000. An unsuccessful attempt was made to hold up and rob a Missouri Pacific passenger train near Sedalia, Mo. One bandit was captured and another was severely wounded. . , Agninaldo is said to be preparing to make resistance, and Spanish' sympa thizers in Madrid declare 00,000 men armed with Mausers will onpoee Amer ican control of the Philippines. Secretary Long has ordered the cruiser New York to Havana. On his arrival, Sampson will hoist his flag on the cruiser, and it is expected she will bring the admiral north next month. A German government official, in an inteiview with a correspondent of the press in Berlin confirmed the report that Germany is negotiating with Spain for the purchase of the Caroline islands. Advices from New Guinea say the native tribes living on Mnsa river late ly raided the Masini villages, in Col lingwood bay, snd massacred 15 coast people. There are no police to deal with the murderers. News from Samoa states that the na fives held a meeting October 18 to discuss the question of the kingship. A number of conciliatory speeches ere delivered, but no -candidate was named, nor was any decision srrived at. Two men have been arrested st Lon don on charges of having robbed the Duchess of Sutherland of valuable jew elry in France last month. Part of the stolen jewelry was in the possession of the robbers when they wer arrested. A New Yoik Herald dispatch from Guayaquil, Ecaudor, says: Owing to attempt of revolutionists to invade the country simultaneously from Colombia and Peruvian frontiers, the council of state has granted extrordinary powers to President A I faro, who has assumed a 'dictatorship over the country. California mine owners assert the gold output of the state has been cui tsiled at least 60 per cent by a pro longed drought. Oliver Clement, aged 18, of Poplar Bluff, Mo., has married Mrs. Hannah MoUinnis, aged 60. She was his step mother's stepmother. . Though one of the youngest general officers in the confederate army Gen eral Wheeler was the oldest in the na tional service against Spain. The death of Colonel Amos Webster, in Washington, leaves General Horace Porter a the only surviving member of General U. 8. Grant's personal Staff. Mine. Adelin Patti-Nicolini an nounces her batroUiai to Baton Cord er st rom, a Swedish nobleman. The marriage will take place next Febru aiy. The workmen f the Llhby Glass company in Toledo, O., have completed the largest cut glass bowl ever made in the world, foi presentation to Presi dent McKinley. it weighs 76 pounds. PACIFIC COAST NEWS Greet Mistakes of Fantern Capitalists In Nelectln to Hunt Up teslr. able Mlntna Investments On of the grt mistake mad by Eastern capitalist is to seek only for ideveloped mines to purchase, says the .Mining World. As a general thing, owners of mines which can be worked at a substantial profit have no need to look for purchasers, and are not apt to look for them. It is tor this reason that those who oame to the West lor mines are disappointed; that, while they are offered partly developed Of opened properties, the paying or going mines are not then for sale, except at what they consider high prices. Alter a man or company has prospected, opened and brought to a producing point a good mine, it is worth as much to them as any one, and the owners ate unwilling to sell except at a good profit, in fact, such properties are seldom offered for sale. People have to hunt them up, and then have hard work to get a bond on them, the owners gen erally preferring to keep on working. There are great numbers of "poiug" mines, with the necessary machinery, in the West, but th owneia do not let them be "peddled" around for pro motel to bargain with. Smelter Chance lianas. The Tacoma smelter i to be the largest on the Pacific coast. Three hundred thousand dollars will be ex pended at once in inoreasinsg its capa city and the reorganised company which now owns the smelter has unlimited capital at its command. The smelter is to be controlled by the Bunker Hill Sullivan mine at Wardner, Idaho, th largest and richest mlti in the Coeur d'Alene district; the Alaska-Tread well, Alaska-Mexican, and Alaska United States at Douglas island, three of the lurgest mines in the North. Back of thtse properties Is tha wealth of D. a Mills and other New York capitalists, and the Exploration Com pany, of., London, dominated by the Rothschilds. Henry Bratnober, the Rothschilds' confidential agent and on of th shrewdest mining men in the country, is a stockholder in the new company. W. R. Rust, of Tacoma, continues a its manager. Increase of Gold. Th year of 1898 shows a big Increase in the production of gold throughout the world. The total i estimated at (275,000,000, divided a follows: South Africa. . . ., 76,000,000 65,000,000 60,000.000 80,000,000 45,000,000 Australi. ....... United States.... Russia. . . ; Other countries. . Total. ... . ., .... .(ft5.000,000 The output of the Klondike, included in the above, is estimated at (12,000.- 000. The Klondike data is most inter esting. The exact figures, as they have come to th directoi of the United States mint, st (10,055,270. Of this (5,070,000 waa handled by the assay offioe at Seattle, and (4,085,270 was turned in for coinage at the San Fran cisco mint. Aa Important Peel. An important mining deal has been consummated at Eureka, Cal. Mostnn mine, m the northern part of Hum boldt county, owned by J. J. Motion, Peter Haniner, Jacob Kahlke, J. L. Colliaon and Mrs. E. Welty, compris ing 8,000 acres of placer mining ground, has been sold ts Charles Foote, of Chicago, for (145,000. Foot ha already commenced development work with a force of 86 men, snd will begin hydiaulicking early next year. Iron Works Consolidated. A meeting of the stockholders of the Union iron works was. held last week for the purpose of increasing the capital stock and for the purpose of ratifying th consolidation of that company with the Reid Machine Company, at 8io kane. Three new brick buildings have been recently erected and several thou sand dollars'- worth of machinery added. Tb company has several months' work ahead and contracts are piling np rapidly. Soap Works Sold. The Find ley soap works, of Van couver, B. C, have been purchased bv the Roxal Crown Soap Company, of Winnipeg. This company now prac tically controls the trade of the North west, and has a capital stock of (260, 000. The new owners contemplate erecting a new building which will be fully equipped with modern machinery snd s thoroughly efficient staff will be smploytd. 0 Acreage In Oregon. From east . to west Oregon Is 870 miles across, and 270 miles across from north to south, giving it an area of 06, 000 square miles. The acreage is great er than that of all the New England states, West Virginia and Delaware added, or greater than the aggregate of New York, Pennsylvania and Dela ware, or Iowa and Ohio, or Illinois and Louisiana, or of the total area of England, Sootland and Wales. Shipment of Apples. L. A. Porter, of Lswiston, Idaho, is arranging to ship 28 carloads of apples nine to Minnesota, sevtn to Grand Foiks, N, D., and twelve to Omaha. Mr. Porter received an order from Philip Armour, the millionaire, for a special shipment of apples. . Salmon Season Closed. ' The Columbia river salmon canneries have closed their fall season with a pack estimated at 116,000 cases. The amount of fall salmon put up is the largest in the history of tlje Colnmiba, snd tb prices paid were among the best. Tha spring pack on the Colum bia reached 888,600 cases and the total for the year is thus placed at 489,600. In all th camps of Baker City gold fields development of quarts properteis is active. The soarolty of water for mining purposes was not confined to .Oregon alone. Th comparative drouth which prevailed during the past year out down tli output of gold in California fully 88 per oent, and that state is con sequently not in th race with Colo rado, where placer mining is a second ary industry. Portland box faotories have received several order from British Columbia this season (or prune boxes. The mills in the province were not able to supply th local demand, although they hav been running on full time lately Th Spanish War la Spanish, Hlspansro, Likeafoolo, Raislnello Cubanero, . Ameriaan Guttiniadol "Letalono Culmnerot" Hlspano Talkubacko "Notlfliio, Go to Blsnool" Americano Buck In pot Daiiderupo Pootyfluol Sma8horaallo Hispitiiaro, Cubaimro Philipplno. Deweyfino Sunkafluetto . Inthetmyo Manllao. SamsontiKM), Hhafteralso, Slyl' Sohleyo, MashemaUo. Cerverato Santiago, AlloBoneo Hispanero, -ThenaUno Pionlaaro, - Soldinraro Americano: Hurral aro McKlnleyaro, Rcpuhlicano Conntniroi Crowneraro Laurelaro; Allthotlmo Kvery where) MoKibbenaro wave in slro Oldgoriaro, Goodoldtiuio) Eataplelo Yankeearo Punklnpieo, Fraterimro Hlspanaro, Cubanaro, """Aiuerloano, BnotmawanO, Fisglbango, Hlphoornhro, McKlnleyaro Unoleaamol Railroad Trains to Run Slower. . Railroad officials claim that It is very sxpenslvs to run their express trains, and sre talking about -reducing th speed. It is likewise expensive to the health to struggle and compete In business affairs as men do nowadays. The whole system gives out. For restoring strength ltostet ter's Stomach Bitters is th proper remedy. Conl-Dast Firing. Fine dust of coal or of flour mixed with air forms an explosive agent whioh has been the cause of uisny a mine and fiourmilt disaster. Advantage i taken of this property of combustible dust In a new process of boiler-firing. The fuel reduced to dust Is fed by ma chinery Into th ftirnaoe la which afire must constantly be maintained. Th instant the dust fulls into the furnace chamber it burns with a flash, almost explosively, and the production of smoke is absolutely prevented and the firing become economical as regard consumption of fuel. It would seem that it might lead to th utilisation of the enormous mountain of coal slaok which cover so many squar mile of land in th mining distriots. Youth's Companion. ' While lightning may b seen and it illumination of the cloud and mist may b reogniced when It i vn two hundred miles distant, thunder I rarely audible more than ten miles, The thunder from very distant storm, there foie, seldom reaches th ear. Delay Make It Border. Mis-step have mad the wont sprains, but it is no mis-step to us St. Jacob Oil. It make a onr by strengthening, soothing and conquering the pain. Every hour's delay makes it harder to oure. An Interesting test has just been made by a JTrencn woman. With a view to test Ing the sustaining power of chocolate, sh lived upon that alon for 60 days, and lost but 16 pound in the Interval. When coming to flan Francisco go to Brooklyn Hotel, Sus-212 Bush street. American or Kuronean plan. Room and board $1.00 to 11-60 per day j rooms 60 cent to i.w per aay; single meais xo eenis. Free coach. Chat. Montgomery, Tb female brain commences to de cline In weight after th ags of 80; th male not until tan year later. If you want the best wind mill, pumps, tanks, plows, -wagons, bells ot all sites ooiiers, engines, or general machinery, te or write JOHN POOLE, foot of Morrison street, Portland, Oregon. A naturalist of eminence say that land birds make their journey in th daytime and water bird st night. To Core Cold In One Day Take Laxative Itromo Quinine Tablets. All druggist refund money if it fails to cure. 26o. It is a ourion circumstance that some of the most important invention have been discovered by lunatics. Before havlni teeth extracted, consult Dr. Thos. H. White, 271)4 Morrison street, Portland, Or. Crown snd bridgs work gives the best of satisfaction. Uold tilling specialty. - It is calculated that th men and women of today are nearly two inches taller than their ancestors. I know that my life was saved by Piso's Cure for Consumption. John A. Mlllsr, Au Sable, Michigan, April 21, 1805. Unbreakable mirror ar now mad by putting a coating of quloksllver on tb back of a very thin plate of cellu loid. rif Fsrnienentlv Cured K e Ate er nwvounn.i fl I after ttr.l day's use ol Dr. NerelWornr. n.d(t for rkSp as. on trial bonis and tritl. ln, B. iCIIllfjS, lioj , t Arch strut, rauadtigiiia, SfT ' Fran von Teuffel, wife of tha physi oian to the king of Wurtemburg, who died in Munich, Germany, was well known in this country ss Blanchs Willis Howard, the author of "One Summer," "Guenn," "Aunt Serena" and "The Ooen Door." She was married to Dr. von Teuffel in 1890. - Kill ....FLOUR MILL MACHINERY.... Warahousi Machinery, Chop Mills, Water Wheels. Supplies ot all Kinds. Write for Prices W carry In stock a large supply of th abovs oonvs'ers, both right and left, which w will sell at neatly reduced prices. Alio all sites ol elevator buckets and bolts, Write lor price-list and discounts, . - y WiHamet Iron Works Front and Everett 8t. IF Pon't neglect yourself; It Is tb purled fitting trim applied In vason which efffots a cure; the Imperfect never; 11,000 styles to elect from enables us to guar antee a St, or no charge; If your ilriiKftlHt does not keep tin in write us for directions lor self. menaurement; correapondenr confidential and trnues sent se cure from obnervailon, to any addrfM; money refunrled If not aliafactory. O. H. Woodard At , Expert Trust Fitters, 1U8 Second St., Portland, Or. Orowl Stubborn. Any oomplnlnt becomes chronic by neglect, and Rheumatism grows stub born by not using St. Jacobs Oil, which Is Ms sure enr snd conquers the pain promptly. .Every suffers should use It. . It has been estimated that a slngl plant of the Russian thistle six fuel in diameter produces 9,000,000 seeds, ) Th December (lentitry. In th first Installment of his story of ths "Merrimuo" In the Decern bsi Century, which I to be nn unusually sttractWe number, Lieutenant Ilobion lays no claim to having originated th idea of blocking the chminol at Hniitl ago. The sinking ot the collier had been ordoisd by Admiral fiiimnson, but the commanding oftker off Santiago had not executed the maneuver when th flng-ship arrived, and thtwoiklng out of th plan, a well its execution, was I nt tinted to Lieutenant Hobson. The preliminary st.-ps are detailed in this number ot the magnsine, and In later Issue th story ol the sinking of th ship snd the captur and imprison ment of her crew will b given st first hand. This is the only sooount of hi exploit that Mr. Hobson has written for publication. HOW TtHSf . W offer On Hundred Dollars Rsward for aef ease ol Catarrh that cau not be cure J by Halls CUrrV'i.r0flltNr!Y C0 " '"rs-.Toloflo, a Ws the undertisned, have known 1. 1. Cliiy for lite pant IS ynars. and bellnve hhn prlm-ilf hniinraolo In all bunlnoas Irannai-lloni ami fm-anoiall- a Ma to oariy out any obligations mad by their Arm. wasraTstMX, Wholewls tiriissmt,Tnlnn, th Wil.Dixo, Kihnn A ManviK, Wholal Iru(i"!il,To!.lo, O. flail's Catarrh Cure is takanintomally.aniliiB dlrvMly ou tho blood and mucous Mtrfaues of the system, frloe 7Aojr boltle. by all drtiftL-Uta, Testimonials Iree, ilall s Family Tills to the best. The fcoundldty of microbe Is pro digious, so much so that if 18 drops ot water polluted with bacteria ar al lowed to full Into a cup of broth th gstm population would nave increased In St hour to 80,000,000. fMlTA' TB2 EXCBULENCE OP SYEUP CP HC3 is due not only to ths originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to ths ears and skill with which it is manufactured by soicntifie processes known to th California Fio Srsuv Co. only, and we wish to Impr upon all the Importance of purchasing ths true and original remedy. ' Aa ths genuine Syrup ot Figs I manufactured by ths CALiroHNi. Flo Svnor Xo. only, a knowledg of that fact will assist on in avoiding1 the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing ot th Cam FOBNIA Fio Bruvr Co. with th medt cal profession, and the satisfaction whioh the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, make th nam of the Company a guaranty of th escellenc of it remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxative, at it acts on th kidneys, liver and bowel without Irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not grip nor nsuceat. In order to get it bene ficlal effect, picas remember th name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. AN rAN0IC4. Cal. LetJISVIlXC Mr. M KW tUK, V. lie Miners ond up' Id Book ly J. H. Kink, aMkyer and chemist, or I'oru land, Or. This It the fullest art-l mont complete book yet written, and Is partlenlarly adapted (or the r"Ulrriiitol the oronetwlnr. the aa. aver and miner. The book ( luflr lllumrated. Tables for oaleulaihi miners' Inches ol water, lnstruotlons to prospectors, and elo altnnl methods of tatfna- matat-bt-arlna rouki. Price. I'i.SO, postaf s prepaid. Address .f H, rl8ltl-a.- Wa;hlntn St PORTLAND, OR, WORK FOR ALL Men snd women are maklni from II m ta 7.M per day f iling our gooiln. No eiperienc necessary. Send two oent stamp (or a Ire ample. 11105 A CO., 1S1K First St., rooms 1 4 is, Portland, Or, YOUR LIVER;': it Wrong, Get it Right Keep it Right Hoore't Revealed Romedrwllldolt. Three doses will voak oa leel better. Get ll Iron mr drug 1st or any wholesale drag bouse, ot srom Stewart A Holmes Crag Co., Seattle. BASEBALL, FOOTBALL STHLITI0 AND OYMNallUH SUPPLIES. Send for Catalonia. I will I fixck co. s::?r.:.-,ui $40 CASH, $45 INSTALLMENTS 1899 BICYCLES "Best Wheels on Karth." 18W Ideals 123.80, 128, IK). Rend (or eatalosu. Live agents wanted everywhere. 1-BKD T. MERRIt.1, CTCL CO., PORTLAND. SPOKANE, TACOMA. .PORTLAND, OR. CURE YOURSELF! Um IStf 41 for unnritiimt 0rhard, lhflnrnAtun, Irrllatloiif or ulcei t Joui Of fUUAOUl Hi nibt-nrwtft.. rain.fii, ftm! not uu.a flfl, snt or polsunoui. 1 ftoU by Irr!tilB, ! sw-iis in plain wrsppur. S.oo, or t bottleI W.?ft, ircul&r iut ou riiuot Jf. P. N. U. ISO. flO-'W8, w BIX writing1 to itdTrtUr plM f: km '-4 -X 1 V . -. S jjrt'l'BES 1 S R.I H Itrlat.H. I J.1 rHffm Ohimicii ''(iMiisn,s.f'