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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1898)
s ' J !. ' C.l euros Rheumatism. ; . .i C,l cures KavsiflSgia. i . , i n i, i cure Polaiiea. ' 3 ("I cures Sprain, i 11 0.1 cures Brniset. t. J Oil cares Bounces., f 1. tt-vst.ii O.l outes BtiSnost. ' bt J vi i s Oil caret Backache. )t. JmcoU Oil euro Muscular aches. X-ld'nt Got Hat Btiare, lira. Ncwcotnbe (us she puts down the family paper, fondly to her hut bund) Ob, Herbert, it I could only resd such a lovely obituary notice in the paper about you M I've Just read bout a man down in Pittston. Some bow, blessings seem to me to be awful ly unevenly divided nowadays. Judge. :Sb'rofula::?',,.J' In the Blood Scrofula larks in the blood of almost every one and nnless Its poisonous taints an thoroughly expelled from the system, it la liable to break oat at any time in sores, eruptions, hip disease or some other pain ful form. Hood's Barsaparllla cures scrofula promptly and permanently, v Hood's Garcaparilla Is Amoxloa's Greatest Medicine, ft; 1 tor to. Hood's Pill ear Indigestion. 2S cents. . Ai Brother. ' Aoertaln curate was of a painfully nervous temperament, and, in conse quence, was constantly making awk ward remarks intended at oompli menta to the bishop and other. Hav ing distinguished himself in an nnnsual degree during the gathering of clergy to an afternoon tea at the bishop' palace, be was taken to task for bit failings by a senior on rate, who was on of hi companions on the way home. "Look here. Brace," said the senior, decidedly, "yon are a donkey I Why cannot yoo keep quiet, Instead of mak ing your asinin remarks? I am speak ing to yoo now as brother" Xiond laughter Interrupted Win at this point, and for the moment be won dered why. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. in packages at grocers' Schilling's Besi A monster sewing machin,weighing tluee and one-quarter tons, is in use in Leeds, Enlgand. It sew cotton belt ing. ' ' . Ko household ts complete without a bot tle of the famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. It is a pure and wholesome stimulant rec ommended by all physicians. Don't ne glect this necessity. . The bitterness of a grain of strych nine can be tasted in 1600,000 grains of water.' - -. To Cure a Cold la On Day - Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 2Sc. 1 A cubio foot of new fallen snow weighs five and a half pounds, and has 13 times the bulk of an equal weight .of water. - ": - : - If yon want the best wind mill, pumps, tanks, plows, wagons, bells ot all sixes boilers, engines, or general machinery, see or write JOHN POOLE, foot of Morrison street, Portland, Oregon. In India the average duration of lift of the natives i 24 years as against 44 in Britain.' ' Fiso's Cure for Consumption ts tbe best of ail cough cures. George W. Lots, Fabucher, La., August 86. lfWS. Ou Method of Treatment Jones Our minister is apt' to take an original view of any subject. He is to preach next Sunday on the para ble of the prodigal son. Smith I don't see how be is going to say anything new about that Jonea Ton - can't tell. - He may make his sermon an expression of sym pathy for the fatted call New York Journal. The Kalaer't Tonr. The Kaiser ' Pilgrimage to the Holy Land has a prominent place in tbe isaue of Collier's Weekly for November 8. There are interesting pictures of the scenes of the emperor's tour, including one representing tbe women gathering stones to repair the roads before the emperor's arrival. - The drill of the Boman soldier was exceedingly severe. It. comprised not only the nse of weapons, but running, jumping, climbing, wrestling, swim ming, both naked and in fnll armor. An iron-mil! company in Ohio has snceeded in making a fine quality of cement from furnace slag. "A Pwttrt Typt oftht Hight Oritrtf Exctllenci In Manufacture" 7 VdUcrCQKersCo.'s Breakfast Absolutely Pure, Delicious, Nutritious. Bt Mrtttut ymiirtf (he Genuine Article, auuie at DORCHESTER, MASS. by WALTER BAKER &CO.Ltd. ESTABUBHttJ. AMllisAtsWJ L Pas f Icoa i .von i h UNC RASTUS POSSUM YARN. Tfcanksztvtas Story Told by the Old Hcatro for trie inildrea. Uld Unc' liaetus j I Pettibone s home. very modest lit tle fourHroom es tablishment, great preparations were being made for the Thanksgiving fes tivities which the next day was ex uwtiwi tn usher In. The morning came and Aunt Patty took . tt Rjia' had cauaht and pUced him Is broad pan and put him In the oven. Aner u-e wpw. i a . .w;u dVis. rfmd the oren WAru v se, ri "vr and put In tbe pan a lot of sweet I10" which had previously oeen ooueu u v--and let them brown la the possn rat , When the animal was done brown the family and their friends gathered "nnd the festal board and the middle-eiaed girls and the Wg girls, the old folks and the vonng folks pitched into tbe dlshnd made lerry over tne arrival irom iu w ilinnor thpT had some music. and wound up with a dance. When the dance was ended the visitors, to the num ber of seven or eight, left with a chorns of good-bra and jokes and the family were left by themselves. "Put oa some coal on dat fish, you Bona paht," said Unc Baetos. "My law, dat 'nnaanm remine me of ole Ansaneaw, jas- sah. It aholy do." . "Tell ns 'bout It, pa, saia trims, ana the other children clamored for tbe story. utxrn t M,; I1nn TlnatTiK "down Hah in , 1 C.l, Dull. Jt 1 de Boston mountains whah I'se bawn we dun liv in one dese heah cabins, log cab ins. Dey chink up twix de logs with mud, an' buir a chimley on de outside. We all had nine dogs an' fo-teea la de family. De wua er smoke-house sn' chicken coop an' er ash-hoppah by de cabin an 'er cawn rrib. We wus hi de valley an a mile down de road live Kph Baker an' his fat ly. Long bout oia time oe yean an me an' Wash Adams an de Beaseiy boys we'd rtaht out early in de evenin' aftah pos sum. Tain no nse tow to go twel de simmons is ripe an' de fro ripe de 'sim mona. Yessah, de fro' it ripes de Sim mons an' den de 'possum he gwyne come out in de moonlight Dey wus monsou wood dah. Dey wus red oak, black oak, pos' oak, gum tree, ellum, sycamo" an' t lot othux. " '' " " "Well, uh, we'd have bout fohty dogs mo er less an' one de Beasely boys he'd fotch 'long ole musket. Das all de gun we got De moon be light np de 'valley, de eld broom tags' fiel's dey layin' round, an' at de aidge de Sel's wus mos' oftenest de 'ilmmon trees. Now, de 'possum love 'simmons. He eat berries, yassah, an' bods sn' roots, but, my Lawd, he fine 'slm mon tree de darkest night evah blowed. "De boys dey off In de woods chasln' lino' de fiel's an' tariu' np de g roun' look In' for 'possum. Da Jos' three klne o' dogs in dat country. Da is de boun' dog, de cur dog an' de flee dog. De cur dog, dey mos'ly call 'em mungrel heah, dey bes' foh 'possum. We lissen to dem crazy s- l.nl1fe an' hark, film TCnb Baker he (SUBS MV1M.U " 1 say, 'Das Tige, de triflin' scoun'rel.' I "Den we heah another bark an' ef we beah dat dog holla b all de boys dey ssy, 'Das music. Das sholy 'possum.' 1 gwyne tell you we rar over de broom-sage an' w git ovab de fence an' dah by er big 'simmon tree dah's music. Bose, Venus an' er lot de othah dogs. Tige, he sin' dah. Ole mist 'possum be np in tip o' de 'simmon tree, and I climb de tree an' soon I ketch Mm, he giv up an' play he daid. Yaasah. he doan show no sign dat be liv- tn'. Den we sets de dogs goin' again, an' mebbe we hear off in de aidge o de woods boo-woof, boo-woof, oo, oo, oo, an' if dey is ernudder dog go wab-ah arp-arp-srp kin o' high, den das music an' das 'pos sum. Den we clar de fence an' run throo de broom-sage an' when w find ole music dey' 'possum da hw "Well, suh, when we git all de 'possum we want we go home, an' den I take big '! 'possum an' dress him an' stretch him "life'' ldyPI " " WW P I v !IP k mtfftrfi lrV' P&rF? WHEN UNC ItABTTJB WAS TOUXG. THANKSaiVlNd DSNNCR CH T1I2 OLD out on de roof ot de smokehouse. In de morn In' day take 'lm an' dny pa'bile 'hn to kit out da wile taste, an' den day put lm In old oven. De fat Jes' bile out, an' when de 'poena m got tin' bake awhile yo ole mammy take dese yer long yama dat been bile already an' put In de oven with mist' "possum. -Yo' ole mammy got turnips an' back bone, cabbage an' ham bone an' lye homier an' none, corn pone. Well, auh. dey all bus deyselvee pa tin' 'possum, an' gen-ally has a little o' dish yer apple-jack an dey sweeten it with 'lasses. Yo' kin eat a DRBAMIKO OF OLD DATS. heap o 'possum, case It doan' hurt yo. When de 'possum all gone, all de sop cleaned up, de titers an' de cabbage, de ha in bone an' de backbone des out o' de way, den dey clears away all de dishes an' de table an' dey 'gins to pat Juba an' git de fiddle an' de banjo down. "Pay doan dance dese yerwaltses In my time. Dey dance one at a time or maybe dey's a boy an' a wench dey dances to- gedder. But dey dance, uej aoan suae. TVt buck an' dey wing an' dey double- shuffle an' puts in de fancy steps an' de res' dey pats an' hollers. De fiddler he got de fiddle way down on de ler arm, an he aawln' away on 'Chicken in de Bread- tray,' 'Cottoneye Joe, 'Soapsuds Ovab de Fence.' or some o' dey hoe-down tunes, an' de banjo keep! n' time. Dey loose de chlnkin' out de logs. Ohi my law, all de dishes jumpln in de cupboard sn' de pick' ninnies dev iumulu' oo an' down yo kain hole 'em down. Ole Mammy Jupe de real ole mammy she sit tn de corn ah smokin' one o dese yere red clay pipes with one o' de cane stems dat dey cuts in de cane-brake. De dogs dey outside break in' de 'possub bones an' growlin ovab de hembone. . "When one boy get tiahd dancin' eraud der boy he step in an dey des keep dancin" an' singin' an' pattin' all night yassah, twell de ole red sun be sbowin' dat be gwyne come ovah de mountain. Den dey all slip away an go whah dey can tleep foh all day." Mr. Hastos reached for bis pipe. "Git along to bed now, you chlllen," be said, and there wa a general scampering. Tbe old man puffed away remlnlscentiy. KEPT THE GOBBLER. Farmer Boltoa rinds Be Has Many Bmum to Ba Thankful. LAMED if I quite ff i - - . agree with this W '" 'r" "1 her way of rega V -, i J i,i .... ( t thanks by law an' p r o e lermations, said Farmer Bol ton In a meditative way to bis wife. "It look too much like sevtln' a stake an' a servln' notice that when you reach it you must bow down an' make your acknowledgment, no matter what vour real leenn t is, ' '; TAXI. we've got much tor be thankful fur this year, Llddy." "O, yes, we have. We " "Hoi' on, now, hoi on, Llddy. That's a way yoo have of rushln' me with argy merits an' downin' me afore I gets rightly started. Jeat wait till I git through. Our crops was mostly a fuller, owin to too much rain. What we did hnrrcst didn't really pay fur th' rateln'. Ti nt two-year-old colt waa killed by Ugh In In', moot of our standin' timber wa destroyed by Br an' a good many rods of fenc went th' same way. Now yon can't honestly say, Lid Jy, that we're aa fur along at we was this time a year ago." "I didn't know you were so worldly, Josh. You talk as though we ought to rebel against Providence whenever the credit side of our bank book doesn't hare a steady growth. We're both In th' prim of life with good health. We've been given more time to pay off the mortgage. None of the great disasters we read about has touched ns. There Is plenty in th cellar and the granary to liv on If we were without a dollar. That state of af fairs would be a godsend to tens ot thou sands this winter. Josh. And you know that Jlmmie polled through after the doe tor gave him up and ia as hardy at a knot!" "So he did, the blessed little Imp or mis chief. Bot I won't dispate with yon, Llddy. Yon don't give a feller no fair chance. I was goin' to sell that 20-pound gobbler, but we'll jest keep him fur center piece Tbanksgivin'.'' . - -; Our Thanksgiving;. We'd thonght en this Thankaglvln' day To eat os punkln pie With dear old mother at th faro, , As in the days gone ty. Bot grester Power than we bad willed Thar nwithep ahnuliln't atay. An' then we couldn't bear tbe. farm. When she had slipped awar. So brother John, he sent me word ' Ter Tlslt him a spell. An' eat lo style Thaaksgivla' day Up at Bis big no tel. Well, seek s bill o' fare as that I sever see afore. With ail the things I ever est. Aa several dosea snore. I labored bard to do my part At tialk an' etlnuette: Thong h John waa hardened to Ha world, Bometlmes his eyes wus wet I knew that thongb his pars coold boy The costliest Kina ot uian, Fer mother's rare Tbankaglvla' treat Be oltea reit a wian. Aa' when I left him fer the bight, I eonldn't helo but say. "It sln't tbe food ner ylt the style That makes Tbanksgivin day. petrolt Free Press. Pumpkin Plea and Thanksgiving. With tbe pumpkin borrowed from th Indian, and the Yankee Ingenuity that grew op with the New Englander forced to rely on his inventive skill, the pie wa an easy creation. The pnmpxn no aouoi was one of the earliest ot Its family, tor fruits when the white man came were only such as he found wild snd they would not keep through tbe fall and winter as the modern genius has made possible. Th pumpkin, however, wss a keeper, ana therefore available at late period of th year for pie and sauces, snd it hss never lost Its place on tbe Tnanssgmng tsoiev Nor, to do it Justice, is there any reason why It should. The pumpkin pie needs no apologies on Thanksgiving or any other da. ' ' Owr Own American Day. jA what lt Ahaenro nrlain. the American Thanksgiving Is oi'f own Amer- tMn Aaw n,w mnA In lf thorOflirhlf HSU U. " , " ' " . " American surroundings, it Is a chief among all the happy days or tne year, may we all have opportunity and reason to ap preciate and share In many of tbem. Sign of the Time. A- J, i : VXrtit Turkey Oh, cheer up. old man. yon ir nperaniioua.' Qnnnn T.wlrw'--Jrt I'm tirvr tintTnt- Dcvvuu iv tious, but when I pick np cranberries by tbe kitcnen floor tore oays in succaua it makes me Kinder meieacnoiy. The Night Befuro Thanksgiving. ; X KICAIIAGUA CANAL A erwi aauMar (ue iriw Cuuat- Would Ba a rowerfnl Aid In Waatarn Imelopnieiia. The NIoarautm canal it a tublnot ver. much Uiaoussed Just at this time on tb Paciflo oo nt . .. ' From, statistic CBiefully gleaned vf the mast authentic authorities, it i Shown that from th diHerunt nation ot th world and the islands ot the sea there would pass through the cannl a possible annual triifrlo of I4.0Uii.uuu tons, n probable tiaftlo of 10,000,000 tons, or a certain trntllo ot 8,000.000 tons, oo which, ii 1 toll of 3.t0 ton wss imposed, an annual revenue of $20,000,000 would be obtnlnod, or over fl9,000,000 ovoi and almve operating expenses. A saving of $3.50 per ton on wheat would amount to, any, 7 cents per bnehol, and on lumbor to to pel 1,000 feet A careful examination niada by the Marltlm uanai uompany show that possibl on-lial(of Hi 8.000,000 ton trafRo, which is claimed will pass through th canal, is Ameri can oommeroe, either coastwise or ex ports ami imports. It teems to be fully determined that it the canal is built al all it must be bnllt and operated as the pioperty of tli United Plato govern mentbuilt with the people' money. It should b open and fie and without tonnage charge to all American com meice, coastwise, exports and imports; and to conipentat otirsnlves for our outlay wa should lay toll of at least per ton on all train o passing turougu between foielgn nations. It is estimated tl at It wl'l requlr not to oexoed 1100,000,000 to con struct the canal, although it is claimed, in a recent statement ma-le by Lyman E. Coolev. a celebralwi engineer of this oonntry, that, by reason of oertain dis cover lea on lite part of tlie commission, tent by President MoKinley to Investi gate th feasibility of the project, th oust ol th canal will ba reduced much below tbe figure of 9100,000,000, on account of favorable dredging in the lower end of Lake Nioaragua. non-exist ence of rock in the Ban Jnan river to Toro Rapids, good foundation fur im mense dam at Ochoa, favorable condi tion for embankments at San Fian- Cisco basin, and a new sit for duin at Tambro Granada. . The farmers of California, Washing ton. Oregon and Idaho, now fmther from th world's markots than any other agriculturists, would not only be placed i near Lirerpool aa their com petitor ia India, Chile and th Argen tine, but tber would also have an ad vantage over their competitors of 3 per ton, or cents bushel! fur tne Wheat from India mutt bear 3 per ton toll at th Suet oanal, and we would have th Paolfio South American state pay $2 per ton on the Nicaragua oanal. Then, too, our Atlantic nd .Gulf porta would hav this $3 per ton ad vantage over all their British and Euro oean rival in th great maiket of Japan, Korea, Australia and the Paolfic islands, at their rivalt wonld o compelled to pty tbe 83 per ton toll, whether they went to market via tne Suet oanal or th Nioaragua canal. Still Short of Water. The drought in California this year has not yet been relieved by fall rains, and oo November 1 the Sooth Yuba Water Company served notice on all th mine which are operated by its power that no more water con Id be fur nished until after tbe rainy season naa fullr set in, .a th company could not count on more than enough lo fill their contract to furnish Nevada City tnd Grass Vail ley with water for mu nicipal purposes. This will Hang np nearly a thousand stamp in th dis trict .. ' ' ' - Sad af ras Salmon Smsab. Th salmon packing season is st tn and. there being no more vessels due to arrlv from the north, and according to the beat authorities, toys the San Fran cltoo Call, all the canneries on the coast are 1.000,000 cases, or ahont 83 per cent sbort of the 1897 pok. The Alaska Packers' Association is some 4S.000 cases abort, or lust' than 6 per oentof last year's pack. About 10,000 barrels of salt salmon were shipped fiom Alaska during the season of 18U8. fclpaaeat of Lead to China. ' The Puget Sound Reduotlon Com pany, of Everett, Wash., made a ship ment of 60 tons of lead last week to tbe Amerioan Trading Company in Shanghai, Chine. Arrangements have been made for weekly shipments to China and Japan by way of the Cana dian Paolfie tteamsbip line. . Mew Brickyard, A new briokyard will toon be started tt Port Orchard, Wash. The macbin arv ba been ready for tome lime tnd last week t consignment ot small tools Wat received at th point ; Northwest Jottings. Baker City is to have an extensive candy menu factory. It is estimated that 180,000 net was received by Ashland peaoligrowers this season. Over 190,000 sacks of grain hav been received for shipment at A 1 mots, Wash., this season. A large portion of the Klamath In' diana are buying flour and other tup plies in Goose Lake this fall. Many Indian wagons tre going and returning from Pine Creek mills each day. Tiie largest piece of coal that was ever brought to Spokan it now on ex hibition there. It weighs 1,400 rxionds, tnd It took seven men to on load it from th car and place it in its present position. It was taken out of th mine owned by the railroad com pany, at Koslyfl ,:,'". S Tb Columbia River Logging Com pany, of Golden, B. C, is preparing to do a big business this winter and tbe' East' Kootenay Miner says they want ISO bush men to work in the woods. Wages in Washington lumber camps have advanced 25 percent, and logs are worth f 1.28 and $1.60 more per thous and than they were year ago. - The Cathlamet Logging Company bat closed down operationt for the season having put in over 3,000,000 feet tnd bave timber enough to last two seasons more. . ': A new, taw mill la being added to Lament's shingle mill plant at Welser, Whatcom county. Wash., which, when finished, will be capable of turning out 80,000 feet of lumber daily, in addition lo tbe daily output of 60,000 shingles. Connnlilalltlaa. a nrsn.,.l ... an l!,!aan answer to his wife's suit for divorce an agreement aigned by ootn ' to aiauunu." Mr. Woodruff, the New York man who bs accumulated 60 wives, simply mnkea Chluaao's ButaS-Gatss, of toven- wife notoriety, look small. . "I have always had t desire to go on thtttgt," tayt tbtSt Louit yonng woman who wus marrica auniruuj, tnd it now seeking divorce. She not only wantt to go on the ttago, but tb wants to tiegin at a star. . PERIODS OF PAIN. 4 " Menstruation, the balance wheel of tjjrnman 'a Ufa. Is also tha btn of exist- nc to many beoaus It mean time ol great suffering. While no woman It entirely free front periodical pain, It doe not teem to htve been na ture's plan that women otherwise healthy should suffer so aeverely. Lydla E. Pink' ham's Vegs Ublt Corn pound is the most thorough fe male regula tor known to n!lea.t ail. ence. 1 1 relieves th condition that pro duces so much discomfort and robs men struation of its terror. Der It proof! Di Mrs. Pinmami How can I thank you enough for what you have done for me When I wrote to you I waa suffering untold pain at ttmt of menstruation) wat nervous, had bead ache all the time, no appetite, that tlrtd feeling, and did not care for anything. I have taken three bottle of byata m. Plnkham't Vegetable Compound, one of Blood Purifier, two boxet of Liver Pills, and to-day I am a well person. I would like to have those who suffer know that I am one of the many who have, been cured of female eomplalntt by your wonderful medicine end tdvic. Mitt jEitmt R Mats. Leon, Wit. I f you art suffering in this wy, writ as Mist Mile did to Mr At Lynn, Mast., for th advice which the offers fret of chargt to ell women. A canal connecting th Mediterranean with the Red tea existed at early at 800 years before th Christitn era, U length it 93 miles. MM to Oot tU. One onmnlaint aoema to set rln in autumn, and that la neuralgia. To tooth tbe pain, strengthen the nerve ana rid tn system ol it, use di. jtcons Oil, the beat knows cure. Prom China 1480,008 woith of human bair it exported annually. It conies mostly from the beadt of malt- factor, pauper and dead people. How to A system which has become run down byth8tryinowethei' of the bast summer h not in a condition to meet the severe winter of this (limafe and will easily fall a brey to disease unless a proper tonic is used. DrVilllams'Pink Pills for Pale People are the best medicine in the world for build influp and strengthen m an enervated system . Do not confuse thti bills with ord r 7...: a: inary purgative pills. They do MOT act on the bowels.thereby further weakening the body. They build ub the blood and jtreno,thenthenerve Major A. C. Bishop, of n; Third At., Detroit, Mich., la a well-know cNII engineer. lie says i "When 1 had my last spall of alckneia and cams out of the hospital I was a aorry eight. 1 could not regain my strength, . ' and could not walk or a Mock for several weeka. laollcedaomearticles In the aewspapers reararaing m. wiuiama- rina rills lor rale reopie, which convinced me that they were worth trying and I bought two hosra. Iff! I did not take them for my complexion but for strength. Alter tiling them (i 1 felt better, and koow they did me worlds of good. I am plraaed to IL recommend them to Invalids who need a tonic or to build up a shattered ' eoastitution." fm Prttt, , ) -At All dvMjdltUet divttt fvm th( 0v.VYiVm Htdt. 'C A tm Company, chnsctkdy,M.Y, Prict (i(ty Untt pv boti f" ....STEEL SPIRAL CONVEYERS...'. JJJJJ'J-X W earry In stock a large supply of th above conveyers, both right snd left, which wa will tail at greatly reduced prices. Also all sltas ol elevator buckets and bolui Write lor prloe-liat and discounts, Willamet Iron Works Front and Everett t. smPQRTLAMD, Ott. BBoif ct fas; VEflfSSli WOOLEN MILLSLi. S ylujr.1 sJE'L1 ZiTJJZ logne, saropUs, self-measurement blanks, etc., J."'". .. ? ?,i.K,. '.!. i'i AMI J1, naf mailed free. Address 1. LANDMAN, ilcKay " .-v ai aiTiel H .J? 1 U m d n orlm' building, Portland. Or. Mention this paper '"Jy'll'S-, H.,.na, Montana. DIIIIillYOURLIVERsH Male and female agents In their own town Heora's Balsd Bsntody wllldoll. ThMa can make from 5 to 10 a day easy, tomsthlng ooses will make von leal n.. .. , entirely new. No eaperlenoe necessary. Send Z.7..:tlT.. 1 ! better. Oat It froa for a free aampls. HICK CO.. yonr druggist or any wholesale drag house, ot lui First St., rooms 1 snd IS, Portland, Or. rcStswart Holmes Drug Co, Seoul. buy tms ctmum svrupof figs fmmk CALIFORNIA FIO SVRUP CO. IraSnA'iKVJ.Uir'''-- . ' '" fg-HIWTg! TH g WAtrm. ' '' 'lmsstl. Mold ay Orocrlala, BASEBALL; FOOTBALL ISIS The "Amarlona Boy" HaUleaMw. Every American hope our school boyt ui i. ,.,! in their eliurts to raise t '.O),- 000 to bs used in building a battle !i!j. It ;os3 grrt f feniW warohln. Hut you can build up your noiuru wun uostoi. tor's Fioiiini'h ftiUani st small nen. This rt'iiiuil is for ail stomach, liver and bowel disorders. Itooh data's Many CnuroliSS. The town In England best provided with placet of worship It the anoinnl nl u,uhiUI. where thai are 143 eliurohet and uhiiola. Fifty belong tn the Church of Hingiana tnu o io m Nonoonformielt. follow II Vp. ' Sit down tnd oool off suddenly, tnd then regret it, for stiffness and soreness -Is bound to follow. Follow It np with St. Jacobs Oil and you will have nothing to regiel from t prompt cute, Th Msw frank I.aail'S Popalor .: Monthly, Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly fur November is tlie initial nnmlier In tb new tnd improved form of thlt long time favorite lllnstrtied family maga tine; with handsome cover in color and gold. lit price Is reduced to ten vents, one dollar per annnm. This is unquestionably wise and popular . move on the part ot a tbe publisher! and the rotnrn of Mrs. Frank Leslie to the editorship of the mngaalne assure tor it t future at brilliant at its past has been prosperous. Bicycles tre , taxed tn Sliorelmm, Mass., the average assement this year being 8S0. , ,:; " ' ' tjtoo WA ioo. ' The readers otthUpapaf will bs pleased to ftwrn thai Ihera IS at lut OB drealwl dit Dial Mitnca has lieen able to eura in ail lis Stasm, sod that laaa'artb. lull'aCatarrh Our la ihenaly piMltlTomite known to tha nitidtcal Itaiernltf. Caurrb belns asunatltulloual dis ease, requires a oonailtnilonal treatment. Hull's Calarrh rureia laken Internally, acting dlwily Hnoa tha hliwd and ssocona snriati s oi the syeleui. tliereUy dtreylig th lour! lion o th dlaiw, aad sli'lng 11. a ru"t strenitlh by bulldini up the eonaittnjloa aud al,ilng nature la doing Us work. TUa pro prieiora have so much faith In Irs surativ powers, that they oli-r Ou Hundred Iiullar hit any eaa that It (alia logUTft, oaltd tor Hal Ot Mttluonuiii. in " p, y.cit d by dro(?lia, Wo. .. li'sVatntiy I'llls nl the beat Hal Stockings were first used In the 11th century. Before that olotu bandages were used On the feet. When eonilng to Ran Francisco go to Iirooklyn lloiel, ie-IU Hush stress, American or European plan. Room ana board 11.00 to 11.60 per day rooms 50 oent to 11.00 por day; slngls bvala 3S cent. Pre coach. Chat. Montgomery. Bom scientists assert that the purest air in title is found about SB feat above the street aurfao. PIT PennaiHmlly cvr. ttaararona rile an( tr ear's nw ef ir. Kiln,', urml Karr Awtorer. tVnd Ibr (Hteat inl oMUeanatrMilia. 1H. A. U. MJJJ, Iwt, aat AtvA , t'kiUllnu.Ta. The Aeolian harp was the Invention, it it believed, of Athtnasiua Kiraher, who lived in the seventeenth esntory, tnd It I to csllod from Atolint, the god or ruler of lb windt. 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