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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1898)
OREGON--MIST. himv, kpti:!iii;ii o, i Him Tlid mail ii'nnlt on lit Illuming boat evidently owsloepa himself once In whllo. Twice rcotiiitly the wrong bun die of Orogonlant bare boon put off at imt piaca liMt Monday we received tue uax roioi papers. Your attention la directed to the lurge display advertieenioot of the Muyer Ololhlng Company, on the third page. Hpeolal inducements are offurod by thli clothing house to visit their place of business when you visit the exposition. Over 800 men, women and children ftre now employed in the cranberry marsh at Ilwaeo, picking. They are paid CO cents per box of 60 pounds. It wiu laxe about six weeds to harvest the crop, which 1 expected to reach GftftA I l The builder ot the torpedn-boat Davl have notified the government mat sua win M roauy lor lier official (rial trio next Saturday. Ills extracted tbat the eeoretary of the navy will ap . point a board of Inspectors from Mare Island, California, to examine and re ceive her. The board will consist of om engineer, a constructor, and two line oinoere. Ilolll Alger la puttingln a fine lot of timber this season on the Cowee masu The camp with a small crew of men is putting in 30,000 feet per day nd the Ug run from 32 feet in length Up and average 2500 feet to the log. They have put in over 3,000.000 feet ao far this season, having put In 700, during August. Mr. Alger is one of the most successful loggers on the Co- luniDia. jssgie. The carpenter I at work on an ad ditlon to Mr. Dolman's store. The new part is to be the same length as the maiu building, with a glare and eiore front. It is Mr. Dolman's inten tion, when the alterations in the build ing are com Dieted, to remove the drv goods department to the north side of tbe building, to avoid so much dust blowing in at the front of the building , itnd finding lodgment on the goods. Steelheada are bringing a. remark able price for this season of the year. In previous years they used to bring ti cents per pound, but now they are up to Ave cents with a good demand. Horn fishermen should not neglect this opportunity of getting in readiness for wittier ashing, as we have it from the most reliable authority that the de mand for steelhosde will be good all winter, and they can rely on fancy price. A large 70-hnraepower logging en gine waa shipped from Astoria Mon day morning to the Wallunki, where it will be used in the csmp of John Chris tiana. The logging enmpa in this virinity are rushed getting out timber for local and Portland mills, and many of them are putting in the most Jm proved machinery. The output of lops on the Lower Columbia this season will be the largest In years, says the Astoria n. - A Missouri lady, who edits ber hs band's paiwr in his abseaee, prints the following gem, which we publish as a warning to young ladies: "We feel the trouble and the woe a woman undergoe when she marries a country dilor. . They are poor aa snakes and wear more patched clothe than a rail road band. Their darning la enough to keep two women busy, while to hare their living you must exist on oup, and burn knotty wood that conies I morning, : in on subscription.' Thla office) Is under obligation to Mr. HA. I'eck, who is engaged in fish ing, for a large sslmon trout. Mr. Feok caught the fish in a seine, near the mouth of Lewis river. The trout measured S3 tnobea in length, 101 inches in circumference and weighed 3 pounds, and altogether waa a besu iiful specimen of that specie ot fish. 8ome very large salmon, trout have Been exhibited here, but we believe this fish in question to be the largest trout we bae seen. A groat many trout are aaid to be now running in the Columbia, and to catch tbem is Dot only a pleasing but profitable paetuuo. It come from very good authority that the O. K. & N. will tbia winter build a fine steel hull river iteamer for ttie Astoria-Portland route. The boat will be eVesiirned principally for pas senger traffic, and will be able to clip off a steady 20-mile gutt or even faster. While the plans are not yet ready for the builder, the powera-tht-be have eonie to a definite decision that the boat is to be constructed in time for the 1)9 summer traffic It is only a matter of few year when the slow boat vi I have to give wny altogether in the passenger business, for the O. K. A N. are not the only ones who are preparing to belter their river service. There is no roAsmi why Astorisns should complain of hard times, as we tiave no idle men among us. The fish ermen are getting better price for their catches than in year before, nnmerou building are going up, the Young buy bridge is being built, af fording work for all our mechanics, nd within the next few days the con struction of the Faoiflo Coast Com pany's coal bunkers and the railway company' large warehouse will be commenced. These will provide em ployment for a large number of men, extending well into the winter. The oawmillsand machine shop are all busy and Astoria now has more men on payrolls than during the corres ponding month for wveral year. Budget. The piling are out and in the water to be need in building a number of landing along the slough for team boat. Captain Good, of the Young America, la having the work done, and wlteii completed it will enable the boat to make at leant one bour'a better time on the round trio. These landings will be put In at Copland's, Saline's, Barber's, Albert Johnson's, Stump', Frnkea', I louse's, J. P. Leonard', Bon ier', John Leonard's, Pomeroy'e.Rocky Point, Lumsden's, Taylor's, Moore's, Prude's, Spec's, and Howell's. The parous of the boat, as well a the row, will rejoice wnen ne wurs is j iiniHhed. The Young America is now v njoying a splendid trade in the slough, mid the owner is willing to make these improvement at his owu oxpouae. This oluoe reocived this week from dipt, Henderson, of Houllon, a dozen or more large, luoiou puachos, which grew in the captain's yard. Tbey are well developed and matured, and are a good specimens of that variety of iruit a can be raised anywhere. The peaolt is a freestone seedling and it name is unknown. The Klondike Kuggot, one of the two paper established at Dawson, i having a hard time finding their sub scribers, who pay f 24 a year lor .the privilege of getting a semi-weekly edi tion. A paragraph In a recent issue explains the difficulty by saying that it Is very hard to find om of the houses according to the addresses tuft at the office. Among those mentioned were "the cabin with the screen door." the slab house facing the river," "the oabin three doors south of where all the dogs are." Seattle Post-Intelli-geticer. Superintendent J. McOuire, of the A. A C. railroad, was in town recently, and said his company, was going to build a depot here, aud that they would not buy a site when one had been of fered them gratis. This caused movement at once among the business men, in order that it be located can traliy, and in a very short time the wbole amount required whs pledged. Among the subscribers is W. J. Deitz. fiou: M. Knesirn. S1W; W. K. .New some, CTX); J. Cy Smith,' 150; Mrs. Surah Dibblee. 120: Fred Weatherwax. $20. Of course these transient trsders are never expected to do anything to oenentthe town permanently, and yet soma people seem to think it the proper caper to patronise them rkht along. iUinier Keview. ' rEnsonAt, mention. Jossnh Havbnrn wsi la Portland Tries. asy. Sheriff Rice was In the metropolis Tues- oay. James M tickle, sr.. was In Portland hurt oaiuruay. Mis Maude Decker returned to Portland Tuesday. Wm. Print:!, of PitUburc was la this city Monuajr. Mr. R. Cox visited in Portland Mondav ana mssuay. Mr. J. 8. Mow. of Vernon la. was In Port- i ana lussasjr. Merchant Brlces. of Yankton, was en onr strecti atomisy. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Watts snent last fiun- uay at ocappoot. W. It. Dolman was dolnar bnsinsst in roruana stonaay. O. O. Uaveer was in tb mstroDolls last rriuey ana asiuraay. Mr. James Kennedy, of Goble. was on our streets Wednesday. Itenrv Itnmnrdarr. of Deer Island, was seen on our streets monuty. Amos. Slsvene. sr. . was attend In to bul neas aflalrs in Portland Tuesday. Lon Adams came over from Vernonla Sunday en rout for Oregon City. Mrs. W.J. Muekleand son. of Rainier. spent Saturday and Sunday in this city. A. H. flaonra and famllv returned from lb oranDerry swamps Wednesday nigni, T. O. Watts, of Renhea. was trantsctint Duainess in roruaua juouuay ana luesasy, D. J. Swltser was attending to business matters lu rorusna tiooasy ana luesusy, Inrira Dnan was in the eountv seat at tending to business metier on Wednesday Attorney O. W. Col was present at the renins- of the legislutur Monday morn ing. Wanh Maekl retarded home Tuesday from Ilwaeo, where be bsd spent a number ol days. Alex flword. of Vernonla. was seen trans acting business in tbls city on Wednesday THE LEGISLATURE IN SESSION Joseph Simon, Senate President! E W. Carter, Speaker of House. ii " .SB. J. A. A, A. A. ASAAAAA A Jt. A A. A A a $ to iv y unv: iTliifJ l P lFi$i jeVjS (Ttn f .00 to 6.00 Mr. Rdwin Merrill, of Deer Inland, was Attending to busiuess matters in tbls city Monday. Dtntrlcl Attorney Cleeton spent 8nnday in this city, returning to Astoria Monday morning. Mrs. J. O. Plsnk and children returned Tuesday nlgbt from tb cranberry swamps near Ilwaeo. Mr. E. M. Wharton came an from Colom bia City Monday and attended to some busi ness mailer. Mrs. O. O. Hayger returned from Csstls Rock last Monday, where she visited rela tives tor a few days. Mrs. Dow and sons returned last Mon day from Vernonla. where they had visited relatives for several days. W. K. Stevens, of the Lake farm, was In Portland Tuesday. Mr. Stevens ray his dairy has netted hlra a neat profit this year. Dr. Ross was called to Clatskanie on Wednesday nlRht on professional buaineu. He returned to tbia city Thursday forenoon. Mr. W. D. Connell came up from Deer Island Wednesday morning en route to Hillsboro, where be went on a bualneas misteou. Israel Spencer and son, Omar, cams over from Vernonia Wednesday, the letter on bis way to University l'ark, where he will attend school this winter, Mr. T. C. Watts returned last Friday Imm Mnaunra. Illinnia. where she had spent two months visitlns; her old home. Mrs. Watts says she Is glaa to return to Oregon, where there Is no excessive best or 10 uuoer ana ngmening sturuu. Con Wolffe, who has spent nearly four years in the Itoasland mlnning camp, came down from that plaoa last week to visit his relatives, who live near Oregon City. Mr. Wnlffii enent Wednesday evenlna In till city, tli guest of Mr. and Mrs. It. Cox. Emniett Onlck has reehmed his position as driver on the Forest drove stage, and Mr. McNanier Is now pushing te lines. The atace eomnanv loses one of the best drivers on the coast, and we hope Emniett will again handle tue linos tor mem. una mook Headlight. School Superintendent Copeland.ol War- ran, was in town Tuesday. Mr. Conelsndi informed us tbut a large amount or his hay crap was exHed to the recent rains, and , Mial mere was aome nay jrov 10 iracui.iuiin the slough and on the Island. If the rains cease now it is expected that no damage will result tn me crop. TMB PERMANENT ORGANIZATION. Many Bills Being Introduccd-Sena- torlal Question Red Hot The Message. The Oregon leglalsturs Is now ia session, bsving convened at 10 o'clock Monday fore noon. The organisation was mad perma nent by electing Joseph Simon president of the sonsts and E. W. Carter, of J sexton county, speaker of the bouse. While it is claimed that the election of a United States senator was only a secondary consideration in calling tbs special session, ths fact becomes more apparent each day that this matter was tb prims reason for tli session, although an energetic effort is being made to enact sem good legislation, Tbs following letters were received by tb Evening Telegram for publication Tues day, from Mr. Simon and Mr, Carter: Bjr Jeeeeb Slates), Peerideat at the it. To The Telegram: The fact that the sen ate was so quickly enabled to organise Itself aS a body ready for business, indicates very dearly that this brsnch of the legislature purposss living up to its pledges to tbs peo ple, and will transsct ths business before It in a thoroughly satisfactory manner. My eteotlon Is bat an lnoldeot, and while I reo- ognlse the honor conferred upon me, I an not unmindful of the obligations that snob a position entails. A paramount Issue, in my mind, I tb election of a United Btates senator, and I feel now more convinced than ever that H. W. Corbett will unquestionably be sleeted, Aside from this, there are several Important questions that will oouis up for our consid eration. Chief of thoss I a new city charter for Portland. With a few modification, I believe ths Bates bill will be passed. It is a matter of note that the senate to day was more quickly organised and ac tually began business by the Introduction of bills sooner than any of Its predecessors cf former years, Josara Simo. Salem, Or., Sept. 37. By B. W. Carter, Speaker ef the Hews. To The Telegram: In looking over -tbs list of members who compose the boats of representatives. It Is pleasing to note that they are a uniformly representative class of citizens, and the work of framing such needed legislation as will be required by this slate ought to b well taken care of in their band. In my election today I feel very highly honered. It doe not come about, a bat been stated, by reason of any combination over the senatorial contest. In fact, my lection has no bearing on the senatorial contest whatever. I am absolutely un pledged, and shall vote tor United States senator as my judgment dictates. Any ref erence to myself as being a Mitohelllte I uncalled for, as I am allied with neither faction. A aids from the election of United 8tates senator? the general appropriation bill Is tb next most Important matter. I think the legislature should keep pretty closely to the lines laid down in the call for the spec ial session, and I am com trained to believe tbat the members are seriously intent bi doing all the work possible in the time at their dispossl. I am now preparing a list of committees, sad hope to select sucb names as are best suited to care for tb varioasduties assigned tbem. K. W. Castes. Salem, Or., Sept. 27. i iteyat stakes the food fan. . mat - iiiii P3"(Mtl 1 Wflssajssm tiwUstn. Absolutely Pur enrAt Bnwwfl www ., wtw votw. Tb Oeveraer's Message. Stits Hooaa, Salem, Or., Sept. 27. The following Is a synopsis of the governor's message: Our country has reached a critical historic period. The next few years will mark an advancs or retrograde movement In Its des tiny. Momentious Issues have grown out of the Spanish war. The construction of the Nicarngueo. canal bas become Impera tive, and the disposition of the Philippines. Cuba and Porto Rico is a question demand ing tb best brains and wisest statesmanship. The Pacific coast Is vitally interested. These mattsrs will probably be passed upon ibis winter, so the slootljn of senator should not wait unlil tb regular session. Ths failure of the legislature to organise in 1807 left the state without appropriations and forced it to rua on credit. Conse quently many warrants were drawn, vouch ers Issued and claims filed. This business should be disposed of, end not left for the regular session, whsn two appropriation bills would afford a chance to raid the treas ury with dickering and jobbery. The business of the supreme, court bas grown so rapidly that tb docket Is behind two years. By OarsftMr W. P. Lard. Executive Orrica, Cspllol Building, ) Btiiem, uregon, eepiemuer ui, isuo. ToTheTslegram: The legislature which met in accordance to my call for an extra session, is deserving of very complimentary reference for the quick and expeditious manner of its organisstlon. It indicates to my mind that the members of each body purpose living up to pledges made to the people, and will attend promptly to the duties made to the people, and will attend promptly to the duties before them, and adjourn without loss of time. As set forth In my message, delivered this afternoon, I believe the election of a United State sen ator, the passage of an appropriation bill and the action upon such other matters as I mentioned, of very great importance, and wbsn these are completed, I feel that the legislature will have done all that should be done st this time. With these special matters out of the way, the regular session can be devoted to regular legislation. No general legislation should be attempted without very great consideration. Hasty attempts to pss laws only lead to their an nulment by the supreme court and a eon sequent waste ot time and money. W. P. Lord. The Sanatoria! Ceatest. Salim, Or., Sept. 2d. Neither branch of the legislature did much tbls morning out side ot receiving hills. ' In the senatorial ma ter the Corbett men express themselves as being aativtied be will win out in the oaiicim, while the oppo sition olalm ho is as fur off as Mitchell in the race. , A republican caucus will probably be held the latter part of the week, but the Corbett men would prefer a day early next week before bringing their strength to the surface. Mitchell being out ot tho nice, M. 0 Quortte is thestrongent candidate. Fays your Expentes-Oood until October SOth, J For the benefit ot vltltors to the InlifJ'JJ JJj J Q'JJ prttwnt It to us, sod ws refund J ej 1 .00 on every 110.00 purchase of i ..JXZti'Q On DOYC CLOTUSKC sj At our store. One Price to all tionds marked ia plain Rgures. FALIOUS CLOTHING HOUSE A and Una me POUT LARD CKEtiOH, rtajarajgyrsy y tyjysga.jayiytya ay yyyi Millinery. I will open tb fall styles of millinery from Portland le Mode Parlors, October 1st, at my home near the schoolhtnee. Coin and see them. Respectfully yours. Mas. W. B. Buau. School Report. ; ScAFronsa.Or., Sept. S3. Report of Monn aia View school for month ending SepU ru ber 23rd: Number days tanght .. 20 Number days attendance.. . Number days sbsent t&H Number times tardy g Number boys en rolled..., 12 Number girls enrolled 17 Average number belonging 25 Average daily attendunc 23 Tbs following-named pupils were neither tnutnt nor tnrdv: Lulu Bushman. Kate and Maggie Callahan, Klla and Henry Van cleave. Mas. W. T. WArrs. teacher. M4SSM. Ektaet. Near Deer Island, on Tuesday, Sept. 27, USJ, to the wife of Ed F.nyart, a son. FOR BAl.K Or will trade for cattle, one two- Mated spring beek la seod order: also two norm. i.;aii on or aauiwvt, . 0. uir aa, w. Helens, Orexon. CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE. Orrica or Citt Tbeasobsb, T HI CITY TKRABUHER OF BT. HELENS, Oregon hereby gives notice that all war rant of thi city which have been presented and endorsed "Not Paid for Want of Funds." prior to April MM, lew, will be paid upon pre tenutlon to me. Interest will not be allowed after thla date. DAVID DAVIH, City Treasurer. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. La wd Offics at Oeaoos) Crrv, Oa., August 27. ISO. XTOTIOK 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE i V fnllawtntHumMl Mictlar hu Sled nntlca Of bit Intention to make flnal proof in support o( hit clslui, and that tald proof will be made bo fort tha Keirister and Receiver, at OresoaCltr. Oregon, on October ftth, lues, vU: MIECZV8TAW OLKJNICKI, Hnnuntaul Entrv No. 10.SS7. for the uAi of nwM and neU of twaud t of m of section 14, IpSn, r Sweat. He name the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon, and cultivation of satd land, vis: K. Marshall, of Portland, Ore- ion, juscoiumwa street: w. tiitcneii, Of rorv .... tua ...... ..I 1 ... t . A Warney, of Valley, Oregon, and M. Fresh, of Deer Island, Oregon. Oo7 C HAS. B. M0ORE8, Beglster. TREASURERS NOTICE. CouitTV TsEAaossB' Orncs, UT. Hslss, OS., September 2S, U98. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT ALL nnpald County Warrants of Columbia oounty, Oregon, wnicn nave oeen presentea tun enanrsea: --not rata for want of runus,' utlon at thlKomce. Interest will not be allowed alter thin date. EDWIN KUW, sk21 Treasurer of Columbia County, Oregon. NOTICE TOJCREDITORS. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVE THAT THE undersigned has been ppointed adminis tratrix of the estate of Frank M. Webber, de ceased, by Uie Hon. County Jadare of Colum bia County, Oregon . AU persona having etaims aeatnst said estate are reaulred to nresent the same, properly verified, to me at the office of George A. Hall, attorney at law. In m. Helena, Oregon, wunin six monins irom tnis oate. Dated at tit. Helens, Oregon. Heptem ber 0, IMS. Administratrix of the estateof Frank M. VVeb- ser, deoeasea. suo? NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Orrica at Ossxtoa Crrv, Oa., Anarust 33, lm. VrOTTOB 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE iH followinr-named settler haa filed notice of bis Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, aud that said proof will be made be fore Clerk of Court, at ol. Helens. Oreson.oa Octobers, Vm, vis: JOSEPH A. EVERETT, Homestead Entrv No. SI 29. for the awW nf wkM. and lot No. 4, section 4, and se of uej4 and lot no. 1, Mcuon o, ip u, r 9 wesu He name the foltowlne witnesses to Drove hit continuous residence upou and cultivation of tald land, vis: Brlce Hacker, Wm. H. Hacker, and Joseph Reed, of Keatsy, Oregon, and John H. Hartman, of Vernonla. Oregon. aWo7 CHA8. B. MO0UE8, Beglster. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lasd Orncs atObsooh Citt, Ob., Auzust 28. 1HM. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE fullowinr-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to stake flual proof in support of nis oiaim, ana mat aaia proot wiu ne mane De fore Clerk of Court at St. Helens. Oraeon. oa Octobers, lv8,vts: M. K. EVERTTT, Homestead Entrv No. 10.WI. tat the sell of ivW and w4 nf ne of see Ki, tp 5 n, r 6 west. He nainee the following witnesses to prove bit continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vlt: Brlce Hacker, Wm. H. Hacker, and Joseph Keed, of Keatey, Oregon, and John H. Hartman, of Vernonla, Oregon. a26o7 CHAM. B. MOORKS. Register. Notice of Administrator's Sale of Lanl NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN PUR uance of an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon, in and for Columbia Coun ty, made and entered on the 6th day of Septem ber, wm, in the matter of the estate of John El more, deceased, the undersigned, the adminis trator of said estate, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, subject to confirmation by aaid Court, on Monday the 2ttb day of Octo ber. A. D. WHS. at 10 o'clock a. m.. at tha front door of the County Courthouse, In the City of St. Helens. Columbia County, Slate of Oregon, all the right, title. Interest, and estate of the tald John Elmore at the time of his death in and tn all that certain lot, piece, or parcel of real estate, altuate In the County of Columbia and State of Oregon, and particularly deacribed aa follows, towtt: The Southeast Quarter of Section Thirty-four, In Towuship Six North, of Range Three West of the Willamette Meridian, aud containing MO acres. The terms of said tale are Cash, V. 8. Gold Coin; ten per cent of the bid to be paid on the day of sale, and the balance of said bid payable on the day ol confirmation of aaid tale. K. K. UUICK, Administrator of Estate of John Xlmnra. da. ceased. sltioM SUMMONS. In the Circuit court of the Stats of Oregon for t)iumiia iwunty. Lilly M. Tavlob. Plaintiff, vt. Joan- Haaav Tat lob. Defendant. To John Henry Taylor, tha t bore-named de fendant: IN THs NAME OF THE BTATE OF OREGON: You are hereby commanded and required to appear In the above-entitled court and an swer the complaint filed against you In the above-entitled cause on or before the first day of the next regular term of the above entitled court next following the expiration of the time prescribed In the order of publication of this summons, towtt: Tuesday, the Uth day of Octo ber, less; and yon will take notice that if yon fail to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in her complaint, towit: First That on or before the first day of the term of the above-entitled court, that you pay to the clerk thereof the sum of SIMMS) alimony pendente lite. Second For a decree dissolving the marrhure contract now and heretofore existing between taintttrana defendant, ana lor auegreeawara ;nsr the care, enstodv. and control of the minor children of plaintiff and defendant to this nlafntitV. Third For a decree swarding to this plaintiff one-naif ot tne foiiowing-ueseriDea real prop erty, towit: Lying, being, and situate In Col urn biacounty, Oregon, and designated aa the South west quarter of the Northeast quarter and the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section S, Township 4 North, Range ft West of the Willamette Meridian, belonging to aaid de ftndant; and Fourth That In the event tald defendant falls to pay aaid alimony pendente lite, that the aaid sum of 1130.00 be ordered aud rdfudged to be a lieil Upon the interest of aaid defendant In aaid premises, and that the Mine be sold to pay said sum, and for the costs and disbursements of this suit, aud for such otbur relief as may be equitable. This summons It published against you In Tna St. Helbmb Mist by order of Hon. Thoa. A. M,v Bride, Judge of the above-entitled court, made and dated the 2nd day of September, lms. tiKO. R. BAGLEY, Jd Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circnlt Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia County. Hiss Kmina H. Stenbers, plaintiff) vs. John C. Mants, Annie Hants, Sadie Mants. Tillie Mnntx, Carl Mants, M. Hendricks, Alphia Adams, and Ethel Hendricks, defendants. To John C. Manls, Annie Mants, Sadie Mants, Tillie Mants, Carl Manls, and M. Hendricks, of the above-named defend ants: YOU AND EACH OF YOU ABE hereby required to appear and answer the conipsmt filed against you in the above entitled suit by the first day of the next term of the above-entitled Court following the expiration of the time prescribed in the order for publication of this summons, which day will be Tuesday, the eleventh day of October, 1J8. and if you fail so to appear or answer said complaint on or be fore said day for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to said Court for the relief de manded in ber complaint. The relief demanded In plaintiff's com plaint is tbat the mortgage held and owned by ber upon the following described real property situated in the County of Colnm.. bia and State) of Oregon, to-wit: the South west quarter of Section four (-1), in Town ship three (3) North. Range two(2) West of tha Willamette Meridisn, containing 100 acres, be forclosed. and the said premises be sold to satisfy the mortgage debt due plaintiff secured by said mortgage, to-wit: The sum of 400.00. together with interest on the same at the rata of 10 per cent per annum since the 18th day of August, 1897. also a reasonable attorney's fee and the costs and disbnsements of this suit, and that you and each of you. and all persons claiming or to claim by, through, or under yon or either of yon subsequent to theonm mencement of this suit, be barred and for ever foreclosed of all right, claim, equity nf redemption, or other interest in or to said real property, and such other and further relief as to the Court may seem meet and proper. This Summons is published by an order of Hon. T. A. MuBrule. Judge of the above entitled Court, made August 5th. 1808. J.THOKNBORN ROSS. P. P. DABNEY. and E. B. 8EABROOK. al2s23 Attorneys for Plaintiff. r Ke4EaUajt ....Save Money.... t BY VISITING THS.... Portland :-: Exposition. i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i Bring thla coupon with yon and we will allow you a rebate of ....10 PER CENT.... On a)1 jrnur pnrrhiuieit. We carry the Urgesi uock of Men's and Boys' Clothing In the City, Jaduding an Enormous Line of ...Overcoats and Mackintoshes... Our Prices are Always the Lowest. BEN SELLINO, Manager. Moyer Clothing Co. The Populer-Prlce Clothiers. THIRD AND OAK STREETS. r v4 AM:nPPM.J F.T.TCD'. - - . itmtsssai va - tttjfaojMM gj ' tarsal f::"To ''MOTHERS.-' , WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR Elgin TYV THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD "CASTORIA," AND "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADEMARK. ' J, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Ilyannis, ZIassachu$cttih I was the originator of "CASTOR I A," the iatne that has borne and does now hear -- on every ; the facsimile signature of QCiyfMjCkt. wrapper.1 This is the original "C ASTORIA" which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it ; the kind you have always bought ,t on thi 1 and has the signature of 0&zffi&ic wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name except ' AiiMittsif , 1 X, T. L.H TT L'tf t a J a 7i .1 A TVs TJnf "Ra TiAomirnfl .wv aivu aw uwvi 1 via. 1 uo not endanger t&e We of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in greaients oi wnicn even ne does not know. "Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF ; Insist on Easing Tho End That Never Failed Yon. ay ttn ay sjji tjy ty sjj aj Mjqpiqpwpty'qpQ-) I HARRIS CASH GROCERY 5 IS)VVW : Keeps always on hand all kinds of i ....I . . , , ; staple and fancy groeeriea and ; r ir - pntvisions, farm prodnee, tropical . ' s-Or YOlir : and domestic fruits in season, tine OrOCeneS. 1 teas and coffee, tottaceo and ciKara. ; A flne line of confectionery also in ', stock, and variuusotber specialties. : ' '--"--nnnnsnrtnnrtrtrtnflA.nrtrtnnrttw.fltii . . CADlLien 0Sjr. t 1 T .1 I ill r r r -v w -K.M q wnitt-rt vvwm i mm rAny iviaii's, ntLtna, urt. lrAsVAAAst.A.AAA,A,XAAAA A A A ST. HELENS PHARMACY Dr. EDWIN ROSS, Proprietor. OOOOOo00 DRUGS Patent Medicines, Fancy Toilet Articles. PERFUMES AND FANCY STATIONERY. Prescriptions... Carefully and Accur ateiy Compounded.... DAY OR NIGHT. Clftl'See Complete Line of... ......Dnisls' Snslrics School Books, and.... School Supplies LillfctffstVtrtftkiftr ttrasih fwa a-ar ari mm, aa itT K-r .M.i.jmJ DART & MUCKLE ruin Street, - St. Helens, Oregon. Deahn ia. GENERAL MERCHANDISE Choice Groceries Always on hnnd. Ft onr, grain. And feted. Tobiuioo and cigara, aud atuukcra' articlea, nuliont, eio. ...Hardvare... CROCKERY AND TINWARE ..".Drv Goods... Inelnritnfr ft general auRortment of elothfmr, fnt-nlflhtriiTs, aud U rent guoda. Altio ft nue tine ol bouu aud hM. DART & MUCKLE Maiu Street, - - St Helens, Oregon. I GOOD TOOLSI LOW PRICES! -FOR NET 8POT CASH.... Jenning Patent Bits Clark's Kxpoiisiou Hits. . . Common Ilrace Kstcbel Braeea Drawinsj-kuives Kidding Drswiiie-knlve.. Common Saw-sets Worrell's Bew sets Carpenters' hammers. Carpenters' hatchets Carpenters' handaxes...... Jack planes ,. Dission nanasaws Good steel handsaws Firmer cmsels. ....Uto30e .70c to $1.10 ....S5to50e ,.C0etoT2.00 4oe $1 20 ISO ate ....25 to 45o ....85 to fioo ... 60 to 70c 65c 1 25 .... M to 75c ....17 to3oc ICK CHKAH SBXEKIBB. 1 ot. Artio I 85 5-o.t. Artie 1 15 S-qt. Artio 1 30 4- Quart ArHa.. 1- qt. White Mountain 2- qt. White MounUin 5- qt. White Mountain 4-qt. White Mountain tt-qt. White Mountain LATH MOWKaS. 12-Inch Philadelphia 14-incb Philadelphia......... 10-inch -Philudelphia......... 18-inch Philadelphia 20-inch Philadelphia Camp Coilee Pots OBAKrra camp ksttles. 3- qt. with .coyer.. 4- qt. witil cover 6-qt. with cover 8-qt. with cover .$1 M . 1 00 1 45 . 1 75 ,. 2 m . S 43 .... 4 60 .... 5 IS ..... 6 00 6 50 7 t .20 to Sua .....)C 3"o .... il"s Black Diamond Files, Oil Stoves, Pinchers, Wrenehps, and many other Rood f hin nsed by all kinds of people, at low prioes for tho next 30 days. Open evenings. iSr.-.::?. xmiiT n abbitabi: co. rv.-