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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1898)
Weak Stomach f-ensitlve to every little indiscretion In cuting, even to exposure to draughts and to over-pe,rplratioii this condition pleaMtntly, positively and permanently avmnnM nv th. matrio tonle tiieh of lloud'a Santaparllla, -which literally "mokes week stomach strong." It also creates aa appetite makes you feci real hungry, and drives away all symptoms of aj'spepsia, tie sore to ge . I seed's Garsaparllla America' Greatest Medicine, All Druggists. Hood' Pills cure til Liver Ills. 25 estita. A Strang. Nervous Diana... Among the natives of the Philippines, according to correspondent of the Medioal Mews. New York, "there is occasionally found a peculiar nervous disease called ruall-mali, the) victims of which seem to be Impelled by an un oonuollablo impulse to imitate the movements of any one they sea before them. Sometimes the disease will lie dormant while the victim goee quietly about his work, but if frightened or excited in any way he will immediately begin to imitate every motion of any person who attracts his attention. If a person goffering from this disease be comes angry he shrieks and ravea like a maniao, at the same time continuing lils mimicking performances. Old women are the most common victims of mali-mali, though men are sometimes attacked. Some people believe that the imitation mania, at it It sometimes called, is always assumed and that the pretended victims can control their antioa if they try, as they are often at tacked in the presence of Europeans from whom they hope to obtain alms; unt there is no doubt that the symp toms of this disease are generally real, and that such a disease exists it oer tain." " DEAFNESS CANNOT BI CCRID pv local ppllcetions, as they cannot reach the uimncu portion 01 in ear. mere u ontr one way to cure deatneu, and that It br conttltu- tlonal remedtee. Deafneet it eauaed bv an in. flamed condition of the macout lining of the Kuttacalan Tnbe. When this tub geta in- iimnru yoo neve a ramming touna or iniper- . ui-iu i.'f., m. otucu i . tn ciiiii.ii, uiuku dealneee It the result, and unlets the inflamma tion can be taken ont and this tube restored to tu normal condition, hearing wlllbedeatrored lorever: nine omm out or ten era eenaetf h tea are cauaea by caterrn, wlilcb la nothing but Condition ol the muoona aurfacee. inflamed We will give One Hundred Dollars for any vww uf ireaineeaiceyeca oy eatarrnj tnat can not oe enrea or uairt uatarrn cure. Send lot clrcuLara. free. f. J. CHENEY A CO., Bold br Drueglfta, 76c lUU'a Pamiij fills an the beet. Toledo, O. Onr Banday Vlotoriee. ' The old saying, "the better the day, the better the deed," seems to And substantial support in our war with Spain. Dewey's great victory at Manila was fought on Sunday, May 1 ; Schley discovered Cervera'c ships hidden in the harbor of Santiago on Sunday, May 89; Cervera'8 fleet was smashed by Schley on Sunday, July 8; the Spanish Sag on Morro castle, Santiago, was hauled down on Sunday, July 17; and the first battle between our land forces and the Spaniards at Manila began on the night of Sunday, July 81, ending In victory for the American troops. liesiie's week!. WAGONS IMPACTED. me new Improved EtouKhton wagons stand the racket. Three mora car loads are on the way. It pavs to have the best, Write for free cataJOtrae. JOHN POOLE, sole agent, foot of Morrison street, Fort- Una, ur. Perverted Ideas of Beanty. Some of the natives of Australia have a queer idea of beauty. They cut themselves with shells, keep the wounds open for a long time, and when they heal huge scars aie the result. These scars are deemed highly ornamental, Plso's Cure tor Consumption has saved me large doctor bills. C. L. Baker, 4228 Kegent 8q., Philadelphia,. Pa., Deo, 8, "66. A postage stamp seven-eighths of an inch long and three-fourths of an inch wide would carry 600,000,003 of the typhoid fever bacillus, and if the layer were made a tenth of an inch deep, there wonld be 2,000,000,000,000. fry Schilling's Beat tea and baking powder. People of St. Thomas, Canada, wen so superstitions that they wanted a su ' pervisor to revise the lists when they were told that their town had increased but 18 inhabitants during the year. Representative William P. Hepburn, of Iowa, Is the great grandson of the famous Martin Lyons, who represented three different states in congress and cast the vote which elected Thomas Jefferson president. MRS. LUCY GOODWIN Buffered four years with female treu- hies. She now writes to Mrs, Pinkham of her complete recovery. Read her letter: Deab Mrs. Pibbham: I wish you to publish what Lydla E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound, Sanative Wash and Liver Pilla have done for me. I Buffered i for four year i with womb I trouble. My ' doctor said I had falling of the womb. I also Buffered 'cfi ctT wnn nervous all-gone feelings, palpita tion of the heart, bearing-down sensa tion and painful menstruation. I could not stand but a few minutes at a time.' i. When I commenced taking your med icine I could not eit up half a day, but before I had used half a bottle I was up and helped about my work. I have taken three bottles of Lydh) K. Pinkham'a VegetableCompound and used one package) of Sanative Wash, and am cured of all my troubles. I feel like a new woman. I can do all kinds of housework and feel stronger than I ever did in my life. I now weigh 131 H pounds. Before using your medicine 1 weighed only 108 pounds. Surely it Is the grandest medicine for weak woman that ever was, and my advice to all who are suffering from any female trouble la to try It at once and be well Your medicine has proven a blessing to me. and I cannot praise Itenough. Mrs. LuctGoodwis, Holly, W. Va J OflBtV"! i In i H 1 Tdf- if s r : : I " " .... ' ,. - . ", , , -1- ' ' i INDIANA'S EARLY GOVERNMENT Belle of the First Capital and Con- emotional Kim Btlll Standings. At Corydon, the first capital of In diana, are the relies still standing of the first government of the State. One is the old State house, built tn 1811 for the Territorial Legislature and offices. The building was not completed until 1815. The State was admitted into the Union In 1810 and the State officials nsed the building until 1825. The build ing is still a solid structure. The second relic Is the constitutional elm. The constitutional convention met ait the State bouse In June, 1810, but the weather was so hot that ad' Journment was taken to the shade of the old elm. The tree has wide-spread ing branches and covers a space 124 feet In diameter. THROUGH CRIMEAN WAR. The Vehicle Which Carried Florence Nlshtinarale on Her Mission. Florence Nightingale recently passed her seventy-eighth birthday. This Is the carriage which she had built for her BBB CABRIAOB. use during the Crimean war when transportation was so bad some vehicle became a necessity. It was a very light four-wheeled vehicle, being composed of wood battens and basket work. Its Interior lined with water-proof canvas, A canopy ran the full length, and there were curtains at the sides, so that It might be Inclosed at wIlL The sides were padded, and It was fitted with patent brakes, so as to allow It to go gently down the steep Turkish roads. All through the campaign she worked with well-nigh Incredible courage and patience, almost succumbing at one period to the terrible Crimean fever, but recovering and taking up her work again. In spite of a naturally fragile constitution, still further weakened by- hardshlps Innumerable and overwork. The national gratitude knew no bounds, and England subscribed 8256,- 000, which sum was devoted to the founding of the Nightingale homo, where nurses are trained for the splen did work of which Florence Nightin gale may be colled the pioneer. The Queen, who had followed her career with Intense Interest and sympathy, presented her with a costly and beauti ful decoration. Om of the Greatest Naval Duels. Henceforward to use Nelson's words about his own most desperate action "there was no maneuvering, there was only downright fighting;" and great as was Tone' unquestionable merit as a rr' w" v""" Ao BUT FIX BQ A SISTER TO YOU, handler of ships. It was downright fighting endurance, of the most extreme and Individual character, that won this battle. When thus In contact, the so- perlortty of the British elghteens over the American twelves, though less than at ft distance, was still great; but a far heavier disparity lay in the fabrics of the two enemies. That Richard was a very old ship, rotten, never meant for naval use; the Serapls was new, on her first commission. The fight hitherto having engnged the port guns of the latter, the starboard lower gun-ports were still closed, and from the ships' touching could not be opened. They were therefore blown off, and the fight went on. "A novelty In naval combats was now presented to many witnesses, but to few admirers," quaintly wrote Lieut Dale, who was In the midst of the scene below decks. "The rammers were run into the respective ships to enable the men to load;" that Is, the staves of the rammers of one ship en tered the ports of the other as the guns were being loaded. "We became so close fore and aft," reported Pearson, "that the muzzles of our guns touched each other's sides;" and even so, by the testimony of the lieutenant on the lower gun-deck of the Serapls, her guns could hot be fully run out, owing to the nearness of the vessels. Scrlbner's. GRANDSON OF BRIGHAM YOUNG He Commanded the Utah Artillery In the (Morions Fife-lit Near Hanila. In the fight at Malate, In the Philip pines, In which the American soldiers fought to gallantly and repulsed the Spaniards with great loss, one of the Interesting figures who took part In the engagement was Capt Richard W. Young, commander of the Utah Light Artillery, who Is a grandson of Brig- ham Young, the late Mormon leader. The Utah Artillery drew forth the com mendation of Gen. Greene for their brave work In repelling the Spanish at tack. ; Capt Young Is a West Point graduate and was connected with the artillery branch of the army. He re ON THE ROAD FROf! PONCB - , . . . . . - ' - .' v. -a-v ' f. This sketch Is made from a reproduction of a recent photograph, which shows the wild nature of the country over which General Miles' forces had to march to reach the Porto Ulcau capital vjr ' JOIN." signed from the army to practice law In Salt Lake City, having been gradu ated from the Columbia University Law School. When the war broke out he volunteered his services and was placed in command of two batteries of CAPT. BICHABD W. TOUWO. artillery from Utah. He Is an able lawyer as well as a good fighter, and is the author of a standard pamphlet on the use of the mtlltary power In the suppression of mobs. ODD HAPPENING IN CHINA. Hena Hatch Flah Esara Which Are Placed in Esaabelle. In China hens hatch fish eggs. The eggs are placed in an eggshell and the unsuspecting ben sets on It for a few days. Then the contents are slipped Into a shallow pool, where they can BBS BATCHES FISH BOOS. bask in the sunlight until they are strong enough to be turned Into a lake or river. No man Is so nervy 'that be does not enjoy it when he calls at a dentist's. and is told to call to-morrow. Cut the amount of money yon expect to get square In two. TO SAN iUAN, PORTO RICO. I;" 5 t PRIZES SCOURED. the Cruet Ilea-elmunt OouilHg ' KanoalAloa. to ike Portland. Or.. Sept. 18.(To the Editor.) This is most beautiful and sitrantlve rltv. and Its live people are no and dolnn In the march of progress, The Hogolnisns aro coming to the Oregon Industrial Eipositton, and thoy are an attraction that will be long re membered, for thoy are the greatest aerial gymnasts in the world. They command princely salaries, and people who have soon them in San Francisco, where thev are now playing, say that they alone aro worth ten times (he price of admission. Thoy limit tnuir pur formanoes this season to three places in the United States San Francisco, Portland and New York, then thoy re turn to Europe. Tho exposition man gement was bound to have star attiao- tiona. and certainly secured a big one In the HeaelniariB. Other attractions are boing arrunood tot, and people who come to the expo iltion this year will have plonty of tmuiement In connection with Instruc tion and sight-seeing and promenading throoirh the big building. The full military band wnion has been engaged to give concerts day and evening daring the exposition Is now elvlna daily oonoorts at a big fuir in San Francisco, and is delighting thou lands of peoftlo. Such ruoalo will be appreciated In the Northwest, sod those who attend the exposition will be given every opportunity to enjoy It Advices from all parts of the North west indicate that many people aro oomlne to the exposition who have not been In Portland for years. They will find that many improvements have been made here and that the city has gtown. And they can see all these Improvements at a cost of almost noth ing In time and money, for Portland has one of the best street-car systems In the world. Electrlo cars vibrate to all parts of the city and its suburbs, and yon can take a car every few niln ntes. Excursions to the beautiful oity park, the heights. Willamette falls and other attractive points are thus quickly and cheaply made. At tho city patk visitors not only see a very protty place, bnt also see a largo collection of bears, oougars, wolves, alligators and other wild animals, besides eagles, owls and all kinds of fuathored fam ilies. The great Exposition bnildlns Is be ing rearranged and made attractive. and every evening during the exposi tion It will bo illuminated with count less electrlo lights, and tho display along that line will be the grandest ever seen In (he Northwest. The farmers and fruit-grower of the Northwest are taking a very laudable interest in the exposition, and the dis play of their products will be large anil creditablo, and many special features are being arranged for their benefit and edification, and the farmers' wives and daughters will find in tho exposition many exhibits and attractions that will be specially interesting to thorn, not the least of whioh will be the free cooking lectures by Miss -Susy Tracoy, who is an acknowledged scientific ex pert In that line. The solid and enterprising business men of Portland are all behind the ex position, and aro pushing It along. They know that it is a good thing for the whole Northwest, and tholr com mittees are meeting every night to ar range for and engage new attractions and make the exposition beneficial to all, and tho railroad and steamboat companies are going to give low special rates, so that all may come and enjoy themselves and be edified. Instructed and amused. R. The Australian aborigines are now ranked by nthnographeis as fifth or sixth in the list of so-called natural races, the Veddahsof Ceylon being the lowest in the scale of savage culture. IMPROVEMENTS IN (XVINO MA CBiyiea. inventor aro n en T who can make a ma. emtio mat win rite ana iiout in a r. ont tin one improvement wnieti none hat aucccedr In mining la an apparetna that will eiilils tti III guttle the machine through the manv trearheroim eur- roiila ol air. In this rcapct humanity fortunate tn havlna Hoatetter'tHtnnianh Rlt. tert, wnicn act! at . tale guide by curing treacherout atomach, liver and blood dlwerea, giving a good appetite, a ttrong conttltutloa iuu uervea uae twwi. It has been proved, as the result of experiments, that the circulation of the blood is affected by musio. CITt Ferniapentlr Cured, no fltaor nerrnn.n.. riiw after flrti day'e ue or pr. on-at KerveMeetorer. Send for FaKie Bl.oo trlil boulo and treatlne. PR, B. U, kmn ki, Ltd.. ton Aw-h Hi.paA. VI.IIHIt.I.I I w The Peroivan Central railroad covers distance of ten miles at an elevation o ly about 8,000 feet lower than the summit of the highest mountain in Switzerland. A X. I rr T- "Hi. " THE EXCELLENCE OF SYIUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the qare and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the CaLiifOnsiA Fio Svnup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importause of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Pigs Is manufactured by the California Fio Svatjp Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless Imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Caw fornia Fid SratJp Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which ths genuine Byrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Comnanv of the excellence of lta remedy. It is uvaucei oi an otner laxatives, as it acts on the kidneva. 11ti bowels Without Irritating or weaken lng tbem, and It docs not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember th namk the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. - SAS FSiAllOISOe). CeL McumiA a. new TBt. . . y You might as well be safe in your tea-drinking, and enjoy it more besides. Try Schilling's Best your money back if you don't like it. Crown ! nvlilfe Wot. If vou are In need of srtlfluliil tooth be sure they are modorn and strictly up to data. If you have a fow teeth do not have them extracted, but have bridges made. Tho L. L. White sys tem of erowns and brlilitos Is aoknowl edited to be the latest and best. All persons wlio are fortunate enough to have crowns and bridges made accoid Inn to this svstom are dtiliuhtud, and novor oesse in thotr praises of the com fort thoy derive from tholr new toeth. It also more perfectly restores the tou- tnros of the faos than any other motnou, This system of aitificlul toeth is more easily kept clean than any otlioi. A larao number of Poitland pel" wearing our make of artificial teeth and crowns, and several oi mem nan worn crowns and bridges of other systems, and they assort that for comfort, clean liness and aitlstlo appearance nothing enn equal the unite system, ur White also uses all tho latest electrical appliance for painless filling and ex traction of teeth. Froffl the well-tnmra Portland Business College mrvei m s life lonr lettlmnnlal of thomnih mh to- niaraiimi ior an emr pocmo tMMltton. Tho Inn ucllon of "ArmntroiiK'a Uuabtncil Thrtiry ltd Prartll. ol llookkuottllia" anahh-e n fen in of "ArmKronKl Ui; 'rattle, ol llookkuauliia1 do better trurk now than ever bedire. Inv itt tale, ('all, or wrlto. A. t. AkMaTHOXD. I'rlii- uijwi, ruruauu, ui regon, Hake money by toocertol leculetltnilnCiitceao. w V and tell wheat ia mar. tint. FnnnnMk K. .. I . made on a tmaTl bcglnnliii br trtrtin. in iu lure. Write lor lull nuttnulart. of ref erence riven. Several vtara' M t... tblcaro Board ol Trade, and t thorough knew. lltplthebnlnf. Rend Inr nnr Iroe rcftr enee book. fiOWKINO. HOPKINS A Co Chli-aao Hoard ol Trade Brokert. Offlcea In Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Wain. YOUR LIVERS It Wrong? Get It Right Keep It Rloht Moore'a Hevele4Braedrwl!ldolt. Three dote, will make jroq leel better, Oct It rrora your drnniltt or tnr wholesale drug hoaat, or fcom Stewart A Iloimw Prog Co., Seattle, flPillEUl WOKPRINB COCAINK LAOItANITIIt W' aw V Stooped atone Oa.J.0. HorraAH.iMlwbeuaBldg.t' ATI AS ZKfllUKS AND BOItMSX E plmtl ill H : . i.S I U Soli uo 5 sir- ytwtwctws?wi A Beautiful Present AZLiA Vntxih iiit it ,"?"' Vr 01 e("tll. '"wa. have decided to OIVB AWAY a beautiful present with each package ol starch sold. These presents are in the farm ol 1 8 OcQiififui Paste! Ploforco They are 13x19 inches In sire, Lilacs and Pansles. IO" Pansles and Marguerites. O-C-riUBINI 'fggtt8 wnmnfe.9 mUm, 'MIue)f; r VRa i&..A "J"", by the renowned r k kiTU 'iT V ,u,nivo oecn chosen from the erv eho in his studio and are now oiWeH t, .1.. I iv" r" ,v5r7 i",0' The pictures are accuwtely tZa Vn a 7h cofof. u ed In ina s, and are pronounced bv comnei. .iJ'I.J? .U6cd ,n 5?E;'i" p1""" r-s sold for 10 cnts a Mckaae A.fc oiL'i"! f,ttrcb m the nkct and autlful picture. pKKee' Ask V grocer for this starch and get a ill T,:::ns in? tuxm mi i-t r m " . OREGON inn Opcni lu PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 22. Clones CXTTOBER 22, 1898. The Pluoet and tlretrt Ktpntttlon Erer Mold tu the Nurlliwetk MiBiijiD mnu Prwliwla nl Oreyton and Wanhlngton will b. ditplHVi d In wonderful imliiUn, timlud. Lg ttiore varitith't than erer llor gathered togother In on. cold, siLf ch m mm mmiuiimu Marvelo.tif Rich Bp.elmetia frnm Oat Osld, Silver and Other Mine. Bennotn Renowocd Eilltary Ban. Dai tea tntaard lor tlx tvatoa. Astoaaaia A.rlat Feat, aad Aerobatle Perruroaaoeea. ' Terr Law Uate. on all Ratlroada. AOMlMSIoM. ASaMa, S Ctett, Children, 10 Cents Dm unfrr Ptiitt. h ..ffiaArtAlsti". in Ifiajr arriK rnjuinjtin. is unirl IB sis vtr nod) nld)t (enttgint iifanitt war, (enbin prlr rt eon Irfct ta tit jum 1, Januar lfi' ftrl an oTif Mrjrnlgta, wildji ffir Ut ndehftt Saljr fiiifrrr ftk-osnintin anitrn imb btn ryrofl Hllr. IS.oo, it ftnUnbin. Mas (ofli f'5 'JJiodi Oiuinman frhlijin. Qeimnn PuMlahlng Co., rortlarid, Or. Sle SI fn nnnaliirtl iMliarjSi, tn aem rii Hot, tirllaH.ifit ur nirrtMi ol aiefe.t Mmlrtta. raiiiieM, ana a..l ulfla .'ni er aoitutiena. 0. 1 SJole) ke itrsnrlaue J rf aula eraeper. V' t-irootiir tern en niM ntimt. r?",Pl LT.'S!' c!',"rV Th' h" inwiewiaa, art. rtvil ivh h.m it... ...t... ii- era! mtrc-faenillM ttorea, o y Xtthh PINOK CO., m Market street, San rraiioliixo. fat t. m. o. Un. as, lVRtw writing to nrlvnrltaer. pleat. II mention tbia paper. . IBM H SUPPLIES Cavvston &. Co. tucottltrt ta H. P. Oregorj a C. 48 and SO First St, Portland, Or. 304 First Av,S, Seattle, Tub, a and are entitled as follows: Wild American Popples. Lilacs and Iris. antel artist, test subjects the orig- Ti """w . e Mt..lli.i f- f lalMI4fl9. EVeltnEtwi QHinitit " l0MTI, 1. V , tt' w -m