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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1898)
I s a ?. ,1 a ca w And sutler at leisure. When your abused tnmn.-;h can no longer cheerfully and jx"j-i;y HTi'urm its duties, a few doses of Hood's c:infl;,iufii! at like fresh water to tlia stomach, restores digestive strength. vn-Mt-H an appetite and with little rare I the patient la soon attain in perfect lioailti. Try it and you'll believe it. k yyyy u LAST TO LEAVE CUBA. parllia I America' Greatest MeUielns. Hood' Pills cure fonatlr-ation. New French Mlorophono. A now microphone ia being exhibited before the French Academy of Sciences. It detects at a great distance the ap proach o! a ship, whether an armored vessel or a torpedo boat, and gives ita warning with great clearness. It la to be subjected to teat at Cherbourg Some years ago Commander Banare proposed an instrument which he called a hydrophone and by whloh he was able to bear at a distance of mile or a mile and a half vibrations produced by a aorew of a torpedo boat, or the more regular beat of the screw of a large bat- tleshlp. It consisted of a water-tight box, the vibratory plate being inside to prevent the pressure of the water from acting upon it too directly. The wires from the transmitter were carried first to a float to make sura the trans niitter would be continually Immersed; from the Boat the wires wore carted to a receiver on a ship or on the shore. Thus with two or three miles of wire it becomes possible to receive warning of the approach of vessel from four to five miles distant. Steel Sleeper ta Switzerland- The St. Gothard Kailway Company, in Switzerland and Italy report very satisfactory results from the nse of ateel sleepers on their lines. Id 1882, when the road was opened, it was laid with wood sleepers, bat as these have had to has been done with steel instead, and at the present time 70 per cent of the road is laid on steel ties. The sleepers weigh 183 pounds each, are 8.85 feet long. The coat, when new, wfth attachments, is $1.05, which, allowing for the value of the old material and the cost of laying, ia reduced to $1.6? per sleeper, which is a saving of 1 per cent over wood sleepers. The line is a heavy one, and the traina are bsuled at express speed. The engines weigh 100 tons each. The cost of steel ties in the end is less than that of wood. In tnnnels, wooden ties are preferred, as they are not liable to rust, bnt in other places the deteriora tion due to rust ia absolutely insignia eaiit , . Cool-Looking Bit of Groan, Ferna and other delicate greens grouped here and there on brackets and tables will give a daintiness and cool ness to any room more effective than the most elaborate of summer furni ture. These ferns and small pots of delicate greens may be kept attractive and fresh by planting them In a tin . pan purchased to fit a glass bowL The pan should be well peiforated before the earth is put into it, and the ferns planted. They must be kept moist to keep them in a tbrlfty condition, and Ail of Shaftcr1 Army, including; tb General, Sail rruui Santiago. Washington, Aug. 27. The lust ol Shaftor'a army will Bail fiom Cuba to- - .... received at the war department lot this afternoon: "Santiago, via Havtl, Aug. 87, Ad jutant-General, U. 8. A., Washington: Command all embarked except detach mert of recruits of the Flint Illinoil volunteei infantry, and a part of the Ninth Massachusetts volunteer infan try, all of which will embark tmorron morning on transports now here. Gen eral Butt, with the First Illinois, on the Berlin, and the Berkshire with 856 convalescents, leave this morning fot Alontauk feint. I leave with head quarters and one company of the First infantry on the Mexico bv noon today. Instructions about the Oriaaba pro ceeding to Mod taut Point Just received. The Allegheny loft yesterday with the Ninth Massachusetts on board. Th Unionist, having on board one company of the First Illinois and private horaea, leave today. The Saratoga, with Lieu tenant Frecdinan and 8S0 of the Fiftb infantry, arrived this morning; 80S more are expected on the Knickerbock er in two or three bonis. "BHAFTER, Major-General." KILLED AND INJURED. NORTH ATLANTIC SQUADRON. Will Be Kept Intact Pending Conclu sion or I'eaoa Negotiation. New York, Aug. 87. A special to the Herald from Washington saya: Acting Secretary Allen said in an in terview that there la no intention on the part of the government to diminish the lighting strength of the North At iautio squadron until peace has actual ly Deen declared. Fot the present and pending the conclusion of peace negotl attons, the squadron tinder oomman- of Bear-Admiral Sampson will be kept intact, with a view of meeting any emergency that may arise. Mr. Allen added that much time and money bad been expended in the assembling of a formidable fleet of war ships, and it would not be judicious to disband or scatter that fleet premature ly. The various ships will be sent to the seveial navy-yards to receive such repairs as they may need, but they will be continued In commission and prepared for immediate service. : air. .alien says were nave been no requests from the people of the Pacifio coast for the return of the battle-shin Oregon. It la possible that she may at some future time return to the Pacific station, but for the present she will remain with the Atlantic squadron. fending toe conclusion of peace no gotiations, those officers who partici pated in the war will be given leave of absence wben circumstances will per mit Tbe vessels of the fleet will not be sent out of the country on special or other service. RATIONS FOR CUBANS. felactrle Car Struck by Lightning at - rittabnrg. Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. 38. During heavy thunder storm today lightning eo&; a "H?Tmr -r en' tro ?fy'1 ! avenue traction line as it was pasaln Greenwood avenue, and as a result one passenger ia dead, another will proba- bly dio, and four others ate badly hurt. Dead It. s. Fen re, aged 80, a well known business man of Hasnlwood. Injured Mrs. Sarah Wunhall, skull fractured, arm broken and hurt inter nallywill piobably die; Eugene Muu hall, her son, badly out about head David Thomas, head and arm out and bruised; unknown foreigner, foot crushed; James A. Butler, shocked. The car, which contained about 18 passengers, was travoling at about a 80- mile rate when the bolt struck It, ex ploding tbe motois and setting fire to the coach. The passengers were panic' stricken, and made frantic efforts to ea cape through tbe tightly-drawn canvas ames. . Mr. Foare, In iumninir. alitrlited on nis Head, orushlng bis Bkull in a hor- nolo manner. Ha lived but a short time. All tire injured received their injuries in attempting to iumo before uie car came to a standstill. ORDERS ISSUED. Bona X- perieot drainage will be necessary to carry off the surplus moisture and keep ine soil trom souring. With an ooca aional scouring tbe pan may be kept periectiy might, and when placed in side the glass bowl the tin will sparkle like sliver. The glistening bowl and fresh greens are not only suitable for the dining table, where they are usual ly lonnd, but for ornamenting any oiner room. Piso's Cure for Consumption has been a lunuiy meaicine with us since 18G5. J. It. Madison, 2409 42d Ave., Chicago, Illinois. m j . . .... ino prouueuon ox wnat is Known as ilk worm gut for fishing lines ia a curious indusjry that has followed the decline of silk oaltnre In the vicinity ui iuurca, epain. TO MS. PIMHAM From Mrs. Walter H. Budd, of Fat cbogue, New York. Mr Budd, in the following letter, tells a familiar story of weakness and suffering, and thank Mrs. Pinkbant for complete relief: " DBA Mrs. Piskham: I think it Is my duty to write to you and telly on what Lydla E.Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound haa done for me. I feel like another woman. Ibadauch dread ful headaches 41imi1nlt mw on top of my vjm 1 3 .1 . nearly went crazy; was also troubled with chills, was very weak; my left side from my ' ahouldera to my waist pain ed me terribly. I could not Bleep for the pain. Plasters -would help for a while, but as soon as taken off, the pain would be just as bad aa ever. Doctors prescribed medicine, but It gave me no relief. "Mow I feel so well and strong, have no more headaches, and no pain in aide, and it is all owing to your Compound. I cannot praise it enough. It la a wonderful medicine. I recommend it to every woman I .know." Make none? or snorentnl peculation In Chicago. We buy and sell wheat on mar. eina. PnTtiinM i. . ... i . Biad on a small beainnlntr hi t.,ii..... ... turen. Write lor lull particulars. Bent of r4 erencs given. Several years' exuerlonoe on th Chicago Board ol Trade, and a thorough know. lcdsreo(thbuln. Send (or our free rcfer- ChioaKO Board of Trle Broker.. Offices in Portland, Oregon and iteattle, Waah. i itii. o-tW V, it it w r v Shipload of Provlalnna for the Starving Pooplo or tbo Island. Washington, Aug. 27. The Comal sailed from Tampa to Havana today wtih 1.000,000 government rations for distribution to tbe starving people ol Cuba. These rations will be distrib uted by Lieutenant A. D. Niskern, un der the direction of Captain Lotus Niles, of the artillery, In conformity with the orders of the president and secretary of war. Supplies will be fur nisbed to other provinces in tho island under the direction of officers of tbe army as the emergency demands. It has been learned that there will be no difficulty regarding the entry of the supply vessels to Cuban porta or their distribution nnder the .direction of United Slates officers. It is said that tbe Spanish authorities' in Cuba are glad to have tbe provisions sent in. Insurgents Welcome Peace. Havana, Aug. 87. The British steamer Bayan, from Jamaica, arrival at Cienfuegos today with 800 tons ef provisions for the Spanish army. Tho steamer Clinton, with Miss Clara Bar ton, of tbe American Bed Cross So ciety, has also arrived with ptoviaionf lor the society. ; Reports from Pinar del Bio say thai the suspension of hostilities cornet agreeably to the insurgents, aa they were entirely without clothing, and were obliged to divide In small groups, it Doing impossible to Dnd provisions lor slL Settlement of War Claim. Balem, Aug. 87. Governor Lord to day received, concurred in and signed joint memorial to congress, orglng prompt and nnal legislation for the settlement of the war claims of Ore gon, California and Nevada, accruing ny reason ol uie "costs, charges and expenses Incurred by them from 1861 to 1863, for tbe defense of the Union." Tbe document contains a full, yet concise history of tbe steps heretofore taken by tbe states to have tbe great public claims settled, and was signed by uovernors Budd, of California, and baaier, ol Nevada. Mustering Oot lias Final! elded On. Washington, Aug. 88, Orders have been issued for tbe mustering out of tbe following regiments; First Ver mont, First Maine, Fifty-second Iowa, hixtn rennRylvania. Fifth Indiana. Second New York, Second Nebraska and One Hundred and Fifty-seventh In diana, all volunteer infantry. One battery Ohio light artillery, first Illinois volunteer cavalry, bat teries A and B, of theOoorgia artillery. Twentytieghtb Indiana light battery, and the New York and Pennsylvania cavaliy troops now in Porto Rico. Other orders to muster out troops will be announced aa soon as definite de cision is reached. : The Potto Rican cavalry to be mus tered out comprises troops A and C, New York; Philadelphia city troop, Sheridan troops and Governor's troop. of Pennsylvania. CAPTURED FROM SPANISH. Twenty-rle Thunaand Arms and Mil lion! of Hounds of Ammunition. Washington, Ana. 86. General Flagler, chief of the ordnance bureau has received further reports from the officers in charge of the oaptmed Span- isn arms at Santiago. They show that the number taken will be about 8S.O0O with "several million" rounds of am munition, the exact number not stated. The reports say that these aims are Mausers and Remingtons, and for the most part are in bad condition, rusty and badly kept. Tbe arms will be sent to New York and Springfield, to be cleaned op and examined oritlcally. Ordnance officers say that if tbey can be put in proper condition they will be made nse of by tbe army. BLUNDERS OF From tin Indiatrlal Ktat, Jaeistn, Mich, The subject of tli la sketch is 59 years of age, and actively engaged In farm TPben 1? years- o!i he hurt Isfs shoulder and a few years after com monued to have rheuraatlo puins In IL On taking a slight cold or tbe the least train, sometimes without any appar ent can hi whatever, the trouble would start and he would suffer Uie excruciating pains. lie suffered for over 80 years, and the by Ferdinand, who had Vbo the Carllsta Ars. A number ol readura are curious to know what is meant by tbe frequent reference to the fear of a "Carlist up rising" in Spain. At the death ol King Ferdinuud of Spain, lu 1833, his 8-vf-ftr-nld rlnnnbter, lifthella II., suc ceeded to the throne, though Carlos, Ferdinand's brother, olalmod to be on titled to tho honor nnder tho salio law, whloh provided that no female should do to the throne aa Ions as any male most dosoondant of the King was living. I This law, however, had been revoked no children at last decade has suffered to muob that the time, but six months after his death he was nnable to do any work. To a daughter was born, and alio became this the frequent occurrences of diaay . queen to the exclusion of Cailot. The spells were added, making him almost latter' descendants, who are called a helpless Invalid. mm In mil Sort nf H'i(nr. He tried tbe beet physicians, but without being benefited aud has used several speclllo rbeumatlo oures. but was not helped. About one year and six months ago he read to this paper of a oast, somewhat similar to his whloh was cored by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. and concluded to try this emedy. After taking the Brst box ha felt traaswhat better, and after nslng three boxes, the pains entirely disappeared. the diaziness left him, and bo has now for over a year been entirely free from all his former trouble and enjoys better health than be has had sinoe his boyhood. He is loud In his praises of Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills for Pale People, and Carliats, have since persistently insist ed that, by right of succession, the throne belongs to them, and for over 60 years 8pain has been subject to Car list uprisings, which have simply meant a number of unsuccessful wars, the de struction of property, and general pub lie unrest. The Carllsta have found their strength in what are culled the Basque provinces, dominated mostly by the olorgy, who believe In the divine right of kings and of kingly amices sion. 'Die inhabitants of the Basque region are largely shepherds and farm era They are good fighters, and have been the main strength of the Carlist forces. A strong sentiment In lavor of a republic exists in the cities, where the people have been led to Independ ent views .by education, reading and travel. It is unnooessaiy to say that be tween what are called the Republican and the Carlisle there Is a strong anti pathy, tor their aim are radically illf- j forent In 187S Spain was a republic, I and the people owe to that brief period .of popular government many of tbe lib erties whloh they now enjoy. Les lie's Weekly. HAS NOT SLEPT ron FIV TEARS. It It rermrtod that a man In Indiana has not - had aa fi.-ur'a sleep for tlvs jrears. He con- etatitly walks about, auahle to rest, and is mora (nan a iiuei.on. i nere are thousand of men and women who are nnatile to ulci p more than an hour or two a nltrlit becauMe ol nervousness, weakness, dyspepsia, headache and constipation. A certain remedy ttt i t . ... i . . i or uiuse uisoniers is itoaiciterr nlosuaca will gladly corroborate the above state- Bluer. AH druvxlsu soils it. meuta. His post office address is Lo- - renxo Neeley, Horton, Jackson County, ' ' Spread or Flntecta Gas. Michigan. , The Pintach gas is now used for light- All the elements neoeasarv to itive ins 83,588 oars in diffeient rrnrts of the new life and richness to the blood and rectors shattered nervea are contained. world. Germany takes the lead with 81,885 cars, and England comes next in a condensed form, in Dr. Williams' with 16.854 cars. The United States Pink Pills for Pale People. All drug- ia third with 10,809 ears, and India gists sell them. ALGER. in I mis SPRINQ ITVtT nomas Hut Ulii Dinaeem ra I'M. III ket. VffA by sil sack sewers. JTot sale by sLiTn. srsl merchandise stores, or by Will A FINCK CO., ta Market street, San Francisco, Cal. t I. . 1, ! . a oj4. Use t Prominent Stockman Killed. Thompson Springs, Utah. Aug. 87. B. F. Graves, a prominent stocfc man, of this county, was shot and In stantly killed yesterday by Del Weant. The men bad some difference regarding tne ownership of property. They met yesterday at Bargard's ranch, and after few words Winchesters were brought into nse, and Graves was shot and in stantly killed. Brisbane, Queensland, Aug. 87. The British steamer Unnston Grange, last reported at Townaville, August 6, and tne ontien steamer Duke of Suther land, which arrived here August 9, from London, sailed today for Manila wiin 2,000 tons of frozen meat. Fall River, Mass., Aug. 87. Notioes were posted today at the Merchant's Manufacturing Company of a two week' shutdown, which will stop 18, 000 spindles and cause the enforced idleness of 1,400 men. Lin of Transports. Washington, Aug. 87. Assistant Rocretary Meiklejohn, of the war de partment, is contemplating the estab lishment of a line of transports from New York to Havana, Santiago, Ponoo and return. It Is expected that the line will be ready for operation next week. Havana will not be on tbe route at present, but as soon as that port is open the war department's line of transports will touch there. The new transports will have scheduled dates for departure and arrival, like any other ocean steamship line- London Times Offer 8om Snggesttons ltegardlng American Politic. - London, Aug. 88. Discussing the rumor that Secretary of War Alger will take refuge in the senate to escape re- ponsibility for his blunders in the war office and that Senator McMillan will become ambassador in London, the Times expresses the opinion that if America becomes a colonising power. she will be compelled to abandon this fluctuating style of administration in favor of trained oivil and military ad ministrators, not likely to removal with each presidential change, and not too dependent upon politics for their selec tion artd promotion. It will be equally impoitant to cultivate permanence llplomatio representation abroad. Ieatraetlve Storm. mica, a. i., Aug. so. as the re suit of a furious storm which swept over tne region noitn of Utica this afternoon, over $300,000 worth of dam- age was done to propel ty. In Deer- field. $10,000 damage was done to farm property, and every bridge on tbe high ways north, east and west of tbe place were carried away by the swollen streams. A washout in the canal bank occurred near Rome as a result of the storm. Several sections of rail way roadbed were washed ont, and se' eral railroad bridges carried away. Mlnss Will Bo Homovod. Washington, Aug. 28. Negotiations have been opened through diplomatic channels by which it is expected that the Spanish government will co-operate wiib itie auinoriues nere in tne re- moral of the mines and torpedoes in Havana narbor before the military com mission assembled there, the naval authorities believing this to be proper , precaution neiore any or our naval vessels enter the harbor with tbe commissioners. ITEMS OF INTEREST. A Paris Sensation. London, Aug. 88. The Paris corre spondent of the Daily Chronicle says: A sensation has been created in the American colony by a beautiful and wealthy California lady, always de scribed as Vioomtesse de Henrlot. jumping from second-floor window In tbe Hue Blanche to the pavement. sustaining teirible Injuries. - Tlinm j no hope of ber recovery. The opera tion of trepanning will be performed to night. Promotion fo Philippine Fighter. Washington, Aug. 86. Tbe presi dent has called upon General Merritt, commanding the n.ilitary foroes at Manila, for his recommendations re garding the operations that resulted In the surrender of the capital of the Philippines. . It is the president's pur pose to promote tin officers who ren dered conspicuously meritorious services In tbe land fighting at Manila, just as was done in the case of the gallant officers At Santiago. Som ktxtrnordlnnry Demands New York, Aug. 26. A Herald spe cial from Santiago says the entire lergy, from Archbishop Creepo down. has sent to Custom Oolleotor Donaldson s regular monthly "impress" for pay- ment of their salaries, aa was the cus tom under the Spanish regime. The archbishop's salary is $13,000. Donald son was also presented with claims from the piofussois of schools, police and other bodies. Instructions hiive been asked from Washington. Gloves made of frogskin are the latest novelty, Wisconsin haa 9,000 Indians of various tribes. Some physiologists suppose that eleo trio shocks ptoduce death by asphyxia, others tbat the heart is suddenly par alyzed. A diamond in constant use for on Ulna cold glass lasts about threo months, but if used to out hot glass, it would only last lor one day. The voice of woman is audible In a balloon at the height of about two miles, while that of a man has never reached higher than a mile. . Two Woolnch (Me.) men made the queerest bone trade recently on record. The owner of the animal swapped the horse lor 14 roosters. Four hundred years ago only seven metals were known. Now there are 51 80 of which have been discovered w ithin the present century. Mahogany is now very generally sub stituted forhiokory in the manufacture of wagon wheola in France, it being found cheaper and quite as durable. The flow of water over Niagara Falls is estimated at 213.000 cubic feet wi second, which is equal to 1, 693,860 gallons, weighing. 16,433,270 pounds. The royal crown of Persia, which datea back to remote ages. Is in the form of a pot of flowers, surmounted by an nncut ruby the else of s hen's egg. Near the Caspian sea there are sev eral "eternal fires," so called by the natives, where natural gas issues from the ground and has been on fire for ages. The expedition of Major Gibbons, to oroes Africa from Cape Town to Cairo, Egypt, will have aluminum launches that may be separated into sections for oarrying. M. Victor, the Fienoh naturalist, says that a toad will live 28 months completely embedded in plaster of parts poured on as a liquid, and then allowed to harden. haa 0,808 cars lighted by this gas. It baa been applied to 8,184 locomotives, 8,121 of which are In Germany. Not a single locomotive in the United States has been provided with this gaa. which is rather a snrprising thing, consider ing the tine light it gives. THY AIXKK'S FOOT-KASR, To Ransw ths I.otr 8iiilr Tha Hnlted States Bovernment Is rent effort bytciontlfla pjpa gatiou to rostouk the coast water of Maine with lobsters, any Bangor (lis- ntoh In the Now Yotk Sun. The United State fish oommlssoiiur' schnoifnr Orammil. which has boon at work aloim the const for everal months, haa collected 1.150 seed lobsters from which 18.000,000 egg have been oh talned and hatched out at Gloucester, Mass. Of these fry about 6,000,000 have boon released In Cuseo bay and other are to be distributed at vurioui place from Portland eastward. The fry are very email, but tluonh the thin and transparent shell onn be seen the perfectly formed lobator with the eyes especially prominent. i;on stunt changes of water are neoosnry to keep them alive. It is likely that lobstot hatchery will soon be estab lished on the Matneooast, and buforo ninny years these shellfish will be as plontlful and ohoap a ever they were. DEAFNESS CANNOT life) CVUEO B liteal atviillca lions, they cannot roaeh tho dlnawd portion ol tbo ear. 1ur ! only eue way loonrort. amass, and mat is uy eimnum- ilonal remedies. Ihwhtea Is eaiiM-d by au In timed Oimdltloo Ol tlia uurnii lining of tli :iistchtau TulM. When this tut it"' lu seined tun have a rtimulliiH stiuud or lmnor- ,'ot hearliiu, and when it Is entirely flfw-d doafues Is the result, ana unless tne iiinauuii !eot hearing, i is Ih be te u eo nine hl- condition ol Hie mucous surfove tloo can be taken out and this Uihc rent ired lo ci i nothlnn hut aa tntlaiued its normal condition, hearln wlllhedi'siroj lirver; tune esos out caiarrn, wui-n is ol tt-a arecauttM hy Wawllldv One Hundred Pollen for anr ease ol Peal nee (caused hy catarrh) that run not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Curs. Bund lor Olreularee. y cUKiiT&Y 4l CO.. Toledo, 0. Hold by PniKSlsts, '. iltll'i Family fills aw the best. Thete are 110 mountains In (Colorado whose peaks are over 13,000 feel above ocean level. '-. - Tbe attention of the public 1 milled to tbe professional work of Dr. T, U. White, No. 871 X Morrison street, Portland, Or. Ills electrical appli ances are the most modem, and hi orown and bridge work is of snob art! tio form and finish, that his patients are delighted not only with the looks, but with the comfort llicy receive from the nse ol auoh artificial work. All operations are painless under his meth ods. See that your teeth are properly .is. red for and that by a skillful dentist. There is no need to suffer the discom forts of broken-down and stained teeth wlio'n they can be made useful and pleasant to look upon without pain. i -jjt TEE nCLXLLNCE CF SY21P CF HQS la due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and aklil with which it is manufactured by svlontiaa processes known to tbe Cai.ivoiinia Fio Syhup Co. only, and wo wlnh to Impress upoo all the Importance of purchasing ths truo and original remedy. As ths genuine Hyrup of Fijfa Is manufactured by tho CAtiroiiNtA Fio Syaop Co. ouly, knowledge of that foot Will auitit one In avoiding the worthless Imlt.utlons manufactured by other par ties. The high standing" of the Cau roHRU Via Synirp Co, with the medi cal profession, and the aullhfaotloa which tha genuine Syrup of lig has given to millions of families, makes tho name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of Its remedy. It la fur la advance of nil other laxative, aa It acta on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritatinir or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nnuaeato. In order to get ita beneflalal effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA TIG SYRUP CO, SN rHNCIC, Dal. Kri.vm.a. Ky. w vokr, m. t. A powder to be shaken Into At this season Tour feet feel swollen the vous, and hot, and get tired easll; smarting or tlgut shoes, try Allen's oot-Eas. It cools the feet and shoes. I, uw- Jy. Ifvou makes walking easy. Cure swollen and sweating fct, blisters aud callous spots. Relieves corns and bunions of all pain and f ives rest and comfort. Ten thousand tes Imomalsof eures. Try it today, gold by all druggists and shoe stores for 25c 6nt by mail for 2.5c In sump. Trial packae FREB. Address Allen B. Olmsted, wjt aura. A man who live on the Sabast road, near Lewiston, Me., sells small Dab for bait from a well in ths door yard. Wbon a oustomer comes along a pan is towered into the well and isrge nnmoer oi little shiners are brought np. VrTAOONSl IVrKOVKO. Isl stdrs.J P Q MS MrtatsN. 4rsMU Sl.sSS. If-' 0ISCISMII.0 .f "' v V"' j CU8E YGUSSH.FI 2lufecpat! Urn nnjrr ?hm, He ,9ia!hrl(ffH", tn o!d)t Jtiillr ftujiifiifiitfl, is Court ti tits vn nod) nldyt cntttarnb s.-tamtl mat, (tnbs fir t eon Irfct on bit jum 1, 3aitii!ir 18n9 fl an 00 bltjrtilflttt, ukI$i fur hat itatbfti Jiatyt mifitr tl (iiintntrrt netbn uns km ffirofl bafi'lr, 18.00, (n ilitlfniiiit. fflles luffs fid) rofct-ylmmiKri! fcViif rn. German PuWIvhlng Co., Portland, Or. EotierV Carfc!i! if lodlns. tiusranteed ear rvn Csiarrh and cr.-iimpiirn, All lruilts. tl.W, W. ILBtuiUt. Hliltalu. ii. V. Vae III. i , 1 sole nmiifirtur. Falnlns. ami aot astrlu. ' IsV Jb L Hi'. Ifil,.' I. ti l. NlHf fln. sent or polsonuus. I J"" m s " rttoiuied atones kld by Droa-s-twU, Pa. J.O. Uorraaa. tM Isabel la hi. Ig, Cblcago.lU. ir .lixs-szzzrn . - . ' li no, nr I lining, ssi.ts. V.17HKSI writing to ndiortlmr ptoaas vw .wn, i v snsinsiun mis i lapv. f)Mt8MMytttftM Paper artificial teeth are now made in Geimany. They are said to be not brittle, to retain their color, and to be ligbtei than china teeth, and they do not melt in tbe mouth. The cylindrical bales of cotton now shipped from tbe United States to Liv erpool are pronounced a great improve ment upon the first specimens, and also upon tbe old bale. Cerosie, a new product extracted from the scum rising on suzar oane juioe. is claimed by French chemist to have the properties of ordinary beeswax, which It resembles In sppearanoe. . Since 1788, 14 acts of parliament have been passed doaling with the sub ject of literary copyright in England and the law Is yet in a very chaotic and unsatisfactory condition. ine new lmnrovecl rltnnfrhtAn vnnmi stand tbe racket Three mora car loads are on me way. it pays to have the best. Writefcirfrea cataloirue. JOHN POOl.K, sole agent, foot of Morrison street, Port- sa-uu, yjt. A well on Sainbel Island, Fla.,whIoh bad always been ftcsh water, changed to sulphur water a few weeks after a windmill had been built over it to util ize the water for in (gating purposes. CITS. rernuwienUr Cured. Ko ntanr ,.. k -JLu " J! Kll"e's lirvat bottle and treetlse. I'rt. it ii it is against the rules to oarrv matohes on board a modern man-of- war. From the time when the ship leaves' harbor for a cruise she Is never without a light of some kind burning. Try Schilling's Best tea asd baking powder, "Municipal Opera. The London County Council has re ceived 8 petition bearing many promi nent names in favor of municipal opera house, supported by local taxa tion. The petitioner asseit that it II bs possible for the council bv an annual financial grant of moderate amonnt to establish a permanent ooera bouse, where muaio of tbe best can be brought within the reach of the Deonle. where encouragement can be offered to yonng artists to pursue the highest paths of their profession, and where the development of native operatic art can be promoted. They cite the experi ence of Important Continental town, where some such scheme has proved successful. Ths largest mass of Dure rock salt in the world lies under the orovlnce of Gallicla, Hungary. It is known to be 600 miles long, 20 broad and 250 feet in thickness. A Beautiful Present In order to further introduce ELASTIC STARCH (Flat Iron Brand), the manufacturers, I. C. Hubingcr Urns. Co of Keokuk, Iowa, have decided to GIVE AWAY a beautiful present with each package of starch sold. These presents are in tbe form of mutiiul PGsfc! Pi G.L7C3 They are 13x10 inches In sire, and are entitled a follows; Lilacs and Pansles. Ponsles and Marguerite. CS.TIHVM. ' rKguwift(eoiHa' I mimmmmw'ft tana v K-"t ssWtM JsT m ill HitHJ lft,1rtBi ft I" IIMasMlaMslir nil 'II I ..1 . .-at m Wild American Poppies. Lilacs and Iris. These rarj pictures, four in number, by the renowned paMel artist. K. LeKov. of New York, have been rlnwen Imm ih. ...... ,t,..r,.,.. ... 1. In hi tudio and are now offered for the first time lo the public. The picture are accurately reproduced in all the colors used In the orlg- in is, auu are pronounced oy competent critics, works of a't, as Pasel. Plcture are the correct thing for the home, nothing surpasilntj I ...van vcauij, iit,iiuc ty 2ijnn ana nrtisiic tDerif. One ol these pictures m m n . :icfof ulasf ic Starch purchased of your grocer. It I the best laundry starch on the market, "nd twtiMpktZT1 ' ioureTOcet to' '' and get . I ILL G5SCES3 HZ? EL&ST23 STJ.S2SI. ACCEPT ID Si'SSTJTSiTE 1 Weed Destrojrer. Weeds can bo destroyed in oardnn and along railways by a now machine naving an oil resorvolr mounted on wheels and piovidod with an air pump to force the oil Into s eorie of homers, which transform It into gas and dis charge it against the weeds. The first book printed In the limits of the United States was the "Bay Psalms Book," which was issued In Cambridge, Mass., in 1040. Specimens Mlcksl Steel Aslaa, Aoccording to the London Engineer street car axles are being made at tha Krupp works, Essen, with seven to eight por cent of nickel. Hollow drlv lug axles for locomotives are also being made of this alloy, while for fire boxes steel having as high as 25 pot cent of nickel Is used. liaulslierl to Siberia. In 15 years Russia has sent 024.000 nnrenna . CII.a.I.. I..1I.. , nn. . 1 1 I'b'oation wmely rare lives of prisoners having accompanied and command very high prices. the prisoner, of their own free will. SfOB To King colored 1tSlo r y Ming's SCo