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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1898)
OREGON MIST. ' . : OAVIO DAVIS. Subscription IKittea. ,Cne t.Hy one year In advance.., one npy six uuuuuh ... 60 B.uu oiy.,. dvertlmug rut aad known upon application COLUMBIA COUHTY DIRECTORY. Jurte ...... Joseph B. Ioan, Rainier Cleric J. O. Watts, 8t. Helen Hi.nriir j, n, Ktce, utatwame Treasurer.., K. Ko, St. Helens iil. of Schools......... J. H. Copelnnd, Warren iiwiMir .... Martin wnit, uniney Purveyor........... teo. fiayea, Mayjcer Uoroner vr. a. r. iwei.aren, tuuuier ST. HEI.KJia. ?itKUON, AUfi. s. sum. . , , America for Amoricana. "liong May It wave O'er thn Home of the Free aud the Land of the Brave." Bpaiit i worrying about the future of her colonial possessions. The world is just now witnessing a remarkable parental care of those B9seasioris by Uncle Sam. He will Ukf good care pi them. - ; Lank oounty cannot appreciate too highly the Booth-Kelley sawmill at Baprinaw. A-n institution employing 1U0 hands, on a monthly pavroll of over f 1000, turning out from 60,000 to (55,000 feet of lumber per day, and run ning overtime to fill orders, is a source of pride to the entire county .-v-Eogene jtegister. If the construction of the wagon road from Nehalera valley to Bcap poose would be worth Portland's while to look to, from s business standpoint, as was suggested by the Oregoniarj last week, it seems to us that it would be of equal importance to business men of St. Helena to look to the im provement of the road leading from this place to the Nehalem valley. ' A CO0BTKT that has to deal with the knotty problem of "what to do with the American Indian," is not go ing to have any serious difficulty :n Bdiusting itself to the new conditions in handling the Hawaiian and Malays, whose steadily expanding trade with the United States pays as good a dol lar as any other country. At least this appears to be the growing impres sion at Washington. Thb populists of Nebraska made prohibition of railroad passes to offic ials a part of their creed. Bow that the pooulist governor travels on passes, the official organ says that if he did oot accept passes his traveling about the state to accept invitations to speak would make serious inroads on his alary. Still, the populist parly de nounces the railroad past as official brokerage. ind. Journal. TlIB moat conservative figures on this season's surplus wheat crop on the Columbia river basin and the Wil lamette valley are 1,050,000 tons. These are based on last year's actual surplus, the known increased acreage this year over last, and tbe first rate condition of the crops now under bar- vest. It is estimates! that St least 2a,- 000,000 bushels of wheat will seek ex port through Portland this year. Tbx democratic press of the entire country is rejoicing over the operstion of tbe Dingley bill, which has done more to increase the prosperity of the eonntry than any piece of legislation ever enacted by congress. The unan imity of sentiment is something re markable. New Orleans Item. If this be so the tariff issue caa never be re vived in national politics. "Imperial ism" seems to be the promise slogan of law. Theib is no county in tbe United States that can compare with Uma tilla. The crop of last year that netted enough to distribute over $332 to every man, woman and child it it, will bt more than equaled this year, bringing a prosperity tbat has never been ex perienced in tbe land. There prom ises to be good prices for all grain and took, insuring the greatest wellbeing to all. With not a pauper, outside of half a dozen infirm persons at the county hospital, in the county, and all tbe farmers literally rolling in wealth, a period of tbe most abundant happi ness has already dawned and cannot do otherwise than continue for years to oomeFendleton Tribune. Fxshaps prosperity wai never more welcome to any class of people than it has been to American farmers, after four years of Cleveland and low prices. The best possible use is being made of it in tbe cancellation of mort gages. The whole country has an in terest in that feature of the change, not only because farmers have been mads better customers and more en terprising and hopeful workers since the mortgage incubus was removed or made lighter, but because the capital thus released is finding its way into commerce, manufacturies, railroad building, and mines. In fact, there is hardly an American enterprise which has not been stimulated by it in some way, diroractly or indirectly. San Francisco Chronicle. Tub better roads movement in Clat sop county is not ill-timed. Tbe peo ple of our sister oounty have suddenly sprung to a realisation of the iraper tance of better highways, and their energies in future will undoubtedly be directed to the improvement of county roads. Public money or private funds fatnoi possibly be used to better ad vsihbs;9 than where expanded for such a C!,ui-a, aud we brtpe s similar move 'U1 soon tad inception, la Co 0 J - lumbia oounty. It would be the step ping alone to advanced business methods, the speedy and permanent settlement of our unoccupied lands, aui the uUiuinie development ami improvement of the entire bounty. Road supervisors in conjunction with the county court, assisted by the peo ple, should formulate such laws as in their ndguieut would aseiat them iu the undertaking, and present them to Representative Hall, demanding action at the next legislature. THE TEST Or A P0UCT. Under the American policy of keep ing our money at home to pay for ar ticles which can be produced to ad vantage in our own factories and milla, the favorable trade balance for the past twelve months is, in round num bers, $600,000,000. One effect of this enormous credit entry in the national ledger has been to greatly inorease the stock of gold in the United States, the imports of yellow coin during the eleven months ending with May hav ing exceeded the imports by $102,026, 985, and added this large an.ount of gold to the money in circulation in this country. ' Formerly, when low tariff anal no tariff was the rule, this $102,026,985 would have come to us in manufac tured goods and not in coin. This method of settling balances, says the American Economist, has been ia a great measure abolished by the Ding' ley tariff, and Europe is paying her debts to the United States in money That is why our country is full of gold and why times are good, and why the government is able to float a popular loan of $200,000,000 without any help bom banks are foreigners. It is good policy which brings about such results. CliATSK ANIlfi NEWS. Sheriff Bice was ia town the first Dart of tna weea, Charlev Johnaoa is sqddIvuib the town wiut eoruwoou. P. J. Popham ia buildins aa addition hi house in town. M. Burford lain tbe wood business, Ditins a toe ot oorawooa near me river cans. Allan Hall is out from Pennsylvania on visit Ut his parent! Dr. and lira. Ball. W. K. Tiehenor is enirajred In haulins lumber irom aenaiem wun tbe procession Green encumbers ars coming into use. and jamaica ginger ia likely to be in demand next. V. B. Dillard. of St. Heleas. was down last Friday to attend toaoaaein our justice court. K. W. Colten has been doing aome sur reyuag about town lately tor tne rauroa company. Messrs. Geo. Davis and R. P. Graham, of Portland, were in town last Friday as in terested paruea in a civu action m justice urwig s court. A verr neatlr-nrinted circular announc ing toe tnira year oi tne uiatssanie sign school la being circulated, tht fail term begin Monday, August t. Charley Conyera Is runniac aback to and from the depot to meet trains, ao tbat per sons can get to town irom any passenger tram tnat stops at our atatioa. Oscar Elliott, while in town this week, re ports a better demand for logs, and says he can aeu ail ne can get eut. uscar a prov ing successful as a logger, and a good man in tne community, Teams from three or four Kehalem saw mills are kept busy hauling out cedar lum ber. A procession ot them pass through town nearly every day aa they take their uiaaa to mis nver Daua. The bioscope entertainment on Tuesday evening did not draw a very large house, but was a fairly good abow, it ia reported. The dance afterward gave a chance for ex ercise tor a very snort time. A. J. Orwig, oar new justice of the peace, tried bis brat case last .Friday, and per formed bis judicial functions very aatisfi torily, so far, at leaat, as tbe puulio could see. it is hardly probable, bowever, tbat both contestants were altogether satisfied witn ma decision. The buzz of the ahingle-roul is again heard in our town, ririnit us an appearance of greater business enterprise sad activity. Our suburban shingie-oiills are pretty gen erally kept busy bow, and a number of teams are employed bringing their product to town tor ampuieut. A station sgent has been Disced in chares of tbe depot building at the railroad, and we now buy our tickets instead of paving on the train. Tbe waiting room is very nicely hoisbed inside, and the scent haa a name somewhat familiar, that of timitb, a vary courteous gentleman, oy tne way. Mrs. Jack Wendell has (riven un her mil- unery Dusioess sua gene to roraaua to live. tier ttousenoia enacts, remaining unsold, were abinned on tbe Sbaver Mondav even ing, while tbe store, we understand, haa been transferred to Hiss Asaiie Conyers, who is competent to conduct a business of tbat kind, and will doubtless look after tbe proper outfitting. The graphaphone entertainment on Mon day evening at iewis' bote! waa rather more entertaining to tue audience man profitable ta the proprietor. By means of large tunnel arrangement tne ptiono- spiuc reproductions could be beard bv all in the room, aa well aa tbe crowd that stood at tbe door, wbeo au was prepared lor an enjoyable evening, the proprietor passed the bat, and it waa amusing to see how quickly tbe crowd at the door dispersed. He looked from the door to tbe hat in band at tbe retreating figures and came back with s grieved loos to see u ne bad missed any body in the room. VERM ONI A VARIETIES. Sr. Cliff, of St Helens, made a flvlnr trio to tuui piace msb ouiuruay. Rev. Fisher went to Jewell last Friday wnere ne win conaact a eaiapmeeung. Sam n el Mowe and wife oassed thronerh town last Thursday en route to their ranch on Boappoose creas. A Urge number ef young people came in from Cornelius and vicinity last Saturday and are camped on tbe old camp ground. Hisses Stewart and Dow. of Portland. who bavebeen tbe guests of Mr. and Mrs. rrana iraey, returned norne laatuaturday. Hr. A. Bhannahaa and daughter. Merle. went to Bt. Helens last Friday, tbey re turned home Sunday accompanied by Mr. sad Mrs. T. J. Cleeton. Geo. Rice came verv near being son strnek last Saturday. Hs bad changed his self binder for a harvester, and was at. temping te do the binding on the harvester aloue. The result waa overheating and very near a sun stroke. Bay. P. W. Launer.of Little Pal's. Wash.. came over tbe mountain from St. Helens last Monday, and was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. I. P. Spencer Monday evening. He wsa on bis way to Jewell te assist la the carapmeeting at tbat place. 8 too that courh 1 Take warning. Tt nw lead to consumption. A 25a botUe ot Sbiloh's cure may savs your life. Bold by vr. juiwia itoss. . . fha Best Ksasealr teg riatx. Mr. John Mathlas. a wall known ainxlr dealer of Pulaski. Kv.. save: "After anf. firing for over a week with flux, and my physician having failed to relieve me, I was advised to try Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and bave tli pleasure of at ting that tbe half of one bottle cured me." For sale by Dr. E. Ross. COUNTY COVBT. Proceedings of the July Term or County Court. FIRST OHsnlDU SIXTH. He it remembered, that at a regular term of the county court of the state of Oregon lor ine county ol Columbia, beffnn antt held at mo oounty courtnouM, In St, Helena, li said OOUtttv and stata. nn WmltiAHrinv. th fltb day of July, A. D MM. theaatmi being mi t euiteauay smer me nrBt oionun In until month, and fixed bv law for hold ine a reprular term of said eotirt, whan were present Hon. J. B. Doan, judjrej CotnnilN- slonera brakes ana Peterson. County Clerk J. G. Watts, and Sheriff liiee. Whereupon on this Wednesday, the Gth dav at, A. I).. Itm, the same twin the iirat iudlMal day of aaid term ol said court, and among wmrr ITUVMVUtog iUllowlUg Were UaU In the matter of the application of Israel Spencer, commander of Bticher Post No. 70, . A. R. Application allowed and olerk ordered to draw warrant in favor of said commander in the atun of $17.60 for funeral expenses ol iwaou uroaby, deceased. petition of H. West for remission of costs on sale of land for 181X1 tales, allowed in tna sum oi h.iu. The stirvevor-eleet bavin failed to mm) IfjUA due time, tbe oflic was declared v cant and George Hayes was appointed voumy surveyor, Th justice ot the nesoe-eleot of Auburn precinct hnvlng failed to qualify In due uuie, tne onioe was declared vacant ana W u. liasu appointed. Fetilion granted 0. S. Hunter for liquor lunun, Viewers' report on P. H. Adams rosd rea in open court Br si time. Report of county school superintendent examined and oroereii rued. Appraisers' report on road anrvev No. 1S6, known as tbe J. O. Coulter road, and assess the damage to the lands of tUliRoie. at SIUU.UU, wtiu b damage were assessed against tne petitioners, and upon the ueti tioners filing tbe receipt of S. B. Rose for S1W.UU said petition to be granted and road uruwieu upeneu. SECOND DAYJULY SEVENTH. Petition granted W. K. Pullman for liquor utensil tui vuk iruiut preeiuci. ( Resignation of Lincoln B. Wood aa super visor of road district No. 21 accepted, and rr. 4 Auss apHuitea. Books of county clerk, sheriff, and treas urer examined ana approved. Annual reporta of the olork, sheriff, and urumei UAauiiiieu, Reports of J. O. Watts, county clerk, ot iue appwuuiiwDi oi n . a. Harris aa deputy county clerk presented, which appointment was approved by the court. Report of J. N. Rice, sheriff, of the ap pointment of R. S. Hattan aa deputy sher iff presented, which appointment was ap- THIRD DAY JULY XIQHTH. In ths matter of the collection of tbe de linquent taxes for tbe years 1888, 1838, 1890, 1891, and 1892. It ia ordered by the court that tbe clerk issue warrants for tbs collec tion of taxea for the above-named vear. and place the same in the hands of the suenu wim uie warrant tor us collection ot tne iwi taxes. Viewers' report on road survey No. 137. known sa ths F. H. Adams road, read in open court second time. Claim for dam ages filed by Ernest Krueger, Edward Krueger, and Gun tare Lsnge. XR. Cox. Ralph Hssen. and W. J. Fullerton ap pointed appraisers to meet St the reaidenr oi uustave Lanre, on Saturday. August 13. laaa, to assess toe uamages. Bid of News Publishing Com nan v in nnh. lish the court proceedings for IS cents psr inch, brevier measure, which bid waa ac cepted tor tbe year IMS. Remission of taxes for the vear Iftftn I r. reterson, siu: starua Ordered by the court thst the sheriff file an additional bond in the turn of f 1,000 h iu wuniwr. Ordertd bv the court thst ths elerk draw warrants monthlv In nsvment of tka aal. anes oi tne various otucers. Recommended bv the ennrt that the sheriff advertise far bids for publishing the ueunqueni ia saie, anu tuat ne let tbe con tract to tne lowest bidder. Return of the sheriff on tbe tsx roll for imi examiner?, and tbe clerk ordered tn give the sheriff credit for the amounts so relumed ss delinquent. The following bills were rejected : A. B. Davis, work on assessment roll .$ 28 60 E. B. Quick, same 28 65 jonn rnngie, ad minis terms oaths to judges snd clems 125 G. W.Baruea.preparingpolling place 2 00 R. Besseman, same 2 00 A. Robinson, serving subpoenas in Johnson cane ft no 8t. Vincents hospital, careof Metculf lauiuy . 1.12 uu RAINIER NOTES. Dr. McLaren went to Portland Monday. Mist A lies Perrv is visiting frienda In nasoiugwu. Mrs. A. ij. Clark ia visiting frlanda at norm laniuui. Rev. M. Burlingama made a trip to St. Helena Monday. Mrs. Deits and children have gone tn AiKerfcsvnie w peuu a nioniu Prof. Kent, of the Corvallta Agricultural ('..ll... m as I. I T .. 1 .. Bathing in the Columbia is the snort the 3 uu"g pwyiv muuigv ui uuiinjf iui warm weataer. lbs Uibblee bni ding Is receiving a ont ot new paint, wtiicb is making quite so im provement to Main street. H. W. Burlingame. who haa been visit ing bis father. Rev. M. Burlingame. re turned ooiue last mono ay. There will be an ice cream social Fridav. August 5th, in the Weatherwax building, giren uj uiw uHuie industrial union Atateaaent ol Account. WASHINOTON, O. SPAIN c. ua. , tees m ewirr THE UNITED STATES. WITH Naval Account... Spaaiih Ship Amarican Ship Oettroed bf tht Spaniard. At Havana Harbor. Battleship Maine, Dettroftd bf Amtri- can Havf. DeatrayeS at riaalla. Relna Crlstlna. CaaUUa, Don Antonio deUlloa Isle de Luzon, IsledeCuba, General Iezo, mown up r tkuaC lUlil KEY. Marques del Duerro. KICano, Velasco, Xle de Mindanao, One other boat (not named), Cruisers and gunboats Destroy'd at SaatUj;a Vizeava. Cristobal Colon, Oquendo, tlaria Teresa, Relna Mercedes, Armored eruisttrm. Furor, Plu ton. Torpedo boats. Dssteycd at Havana, Alnhonso XII. Cruiser. JTliSr NOTK. ' Un.'. hum mIIa.1 fn an I.mml tion of onr books. Tbe above shows one pan of th sccouut. Ba tt The KM Yw Haw Atari BoifgM lalaJlw YBi Haw Atari Blgasttus of OABVOXIXAa BesnOs j 'M kind Vw Haw Atart Boi!t Blgaatar, ST? , Ttf - Karl's Clover Root Tea is a pleasntit lax ative. Regulates the bowels, purifies ths blood. Clear th complexion. Kasy to ruaK and pleasant to lake. i cent. Sold bv Dr. Hidwin Rom. Be not deceived, A Cough, Hoarseness or Croup, are not to be trill u with. A doae in time ot Shilnh's Cure wHl save you much trouble. Sold by Dr. Kdw a Rosa. O jBm IS tSf O H X A- m " Boars jj, Kind Yoa Man Alwm SougM What Br. A. MS. Satlter Say. Bumto, N. Y. dent From my per sonal knowledge, gained In observing the effect of your Sbiloh's Cure in cases of ad vanced Consumption, I am prepared to say it is the most remarkable Remedy tbat haa ever been brought to my attention. It has certainly saved many from Consumption. Sold by Dr. Edwin Kos. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. His Kind Yoa Have Always Bocght : Bears the Signature of 44 Private Boarding ....HOUSE.... Mrs. M. J. Scott, Proprietress 8T. HELENS, OREGON. Private board and rooms. . Transient trade and regular boarders solicited. Cars taken of horses of country sojourners. NKXT TO MAB0NI0 HALL. PROFESSIONAL. J. W. DAY W. B. PIIXABD ATTORNEYS -AT-LAW OfHce next door to Courthouse, BT. UELfiNti, OKKGON. General practice In courts of Oregon or Wash' lnxtou. Abstracts made directly from oouuty records. GEORGE A. HALL, ATTORN EY - AT - LAW . ' X ' Collections, foreclosnres, mechanics' loins, etc neputy probeouting attorney, umue witbT. J. Cleetoii. St. Hslens, Oreoon. G. W. COLE, ATTORNEY AND C0UN8SL0K-AT LAW, ST. HELENS, OREGON. Title Abstract Books. Motarv Public. Commis sioner of Heeds for Washington, and anexper seueeu wuwwr iu eunueutiou w uu oibuo. J-B. EDWIN BQfiM, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Bt. Helens, Oregon j-jb, h. b. curr, PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. St, Helens, Oregon. QB. J. K. BALL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Clatskanie, Colombia oounty, Or. Get Value Received' EVERY TIME AT N. A. Perry's HOULTON, OREGON. E.E. QUICK 6. WCOLE Comtnlssloner of . Notary Fublic . Deeds for Vash lngton. COLE & QUICK, PBOPB1ET0B8 OP THORNE'S Numerical System Title Abstracts. TltlM Examined And ParfratMl. Ahtfvhi Fumlnhed. AkwesMments Kxamlnod. In uramse Written. Tajfi Pftttl and flnnvnv- ST. IIELEPI8, OREGON, BANQUET SALOON 0L0NINGER& COOPER, PBOPBIET0B8. Wine and . Liquor Card tables, nool table, billiard table and other devices for the entertainment of pat rons, wuere nine can ds pieasanuy spent, ) Besides other popular brands, sre kept inmantiv on nana to sunmv tne increased trade at this very popular saloon, ) THg FAMOUS - CYRUS NOBLE WHISKY IS KBIT AT THB BANQUET. WHITE COLLAR LINE THE COLUMBIA RIVER AND PUOXT BOUND NAVIGATION CO. PCBmSD-ASKEIl EODTE. Str. BAILEY GATZERT Landlns Foot of Alder Btroet. Pnrllnnrl. Leaves I'ortiaud dally (eieept buuday) at 7 A, H. Landlna Telenhone rinck. Astoria. ' Leaves Astoria dally (except Bunday) 1 P. IS, Oatsert Tickets Good on Rteamer Thompson Hteauier Tboiupion Tickets titwd on tiatuirt. V. B. SCOTT, Pres. HUNT HARDWARE CO. POHTLANl), OHKUON. NOBTIIEAST COKH'S SECOND 4 MOimiSON ... .Carries t Complete stock of .,. . Heating-:- Stoves .MS RANGES. All Kinds of Oookinff I'tenslts. Prult Jar aud ENAMBM5I) FUUlT I'ANa Kemem Iwr and call when in Uiecltylftu nuodot anytulug iu tbe frult-oauulus line, Hardware, : Tinware, : Crockery And Xverythliur In that Uu of Goods. CHERRY SEEDERS, APPLE PKSXKMS, ETC. N0BTHBA8T COKN'R SECOND A M01UU80N Romember th place MONEY'S WORTH EVERV TIME AT DOLUAN'S STORE. T. HELENS, OREOON. Hr. Dolman always keep a full stock Of General Monllmmltse, which be sells at prices tbat Ueiy competition. ens. DENTIST - J. A. REID Has Located In 6L Helen Permanently, FULL PET TEETH ..7 M to S10 00 PIL1.INO St) to II 00 UOU) FILLINOU II HO upwards Crown and Brides fork a Snccialty 3.60 TO S.00 PER TOOTH. Ths work that I have done In this community tor the peat five months is my recoiameudatlou. All work guaranteed satisfactory. Office Next Door te Ross' Drugstore 8T. HELENS, I ! It OREOON tIAGHOLIA.... a ...SALOON G. A. BRINN, Prop. ME:WInS:LI(!DORS, and Ctsars. PORTLAND, OREGON 143 Front Street, Near Alder. Oeonre Is always pleased to so his old Columbia county frienils. When In tbe metropolis give bira a call. 0. R. & N. CO. Time SCHEDULES DSVABT ros Arbivs raoa From Portland. Past Mall 8 p.m. 8alt Lake, Denver, Ft. Worth, OBiaha,Kan sa City, Bt. Louis, Chicago and East. Fast Mall 7:30 a.m. Spokane Klyer 3p. iu, Walla Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis, Ht. Spokane Flyer 10:la.m. raui, vuiutn. Mil' waukee. Cbicaro A 8p.m. Ocean Steamship. 4 p.m. All sailing dates sub ject 10 ciianice. For Bun Francisco Ball August 2, S, 10, 14. IS, 22, M, 0. 7p.i To Aliuika Ball August 8, 28, 6 pm. 8 n. m. Oolumbla Rhrer Steamers. tfu m. Ex.6unday Ex. uuday Baturday 10 p. m. To Astoria and Way- MUlUUlgS. tn. m. Wlllamatt River. l:Mt.n. Ex.8unday Oreaon City, Newberg, Balem t Way-land g Ex.8unday 7 a. m. and Yam- 8:80 D. m. Tues.Thar. nm Hiver. Hon. Wed, and Bat. Orexon City, Dayton, auara ana way-ianaings. Sa. m. Wlllamatt River. 4:80 p.m. Tues.Tbur. Portland to Corvalll Tues.Thiir. ana Bat. ana Way-lanaing. ana eat. Lv. Rlparla l:4fia. m. Snake River. Riparla to Lewlston. Lv.Lew'toa 8:46 a.m. Btin.,Tues. Hon. Wed. ana rn. ana inur. W. II. HURLBERT, General Passenger Agent, PORTLAND - . . . OBKQON D0Y0O 9 ENOW TEE NEWS ! Yon can bavs It all for Per RAa Per.... MontH Jut MsntH In The Evening Tclmrmm, of Portland, Oregon. It is the largest evening new papcr pnhllshed In Oregoo I It contains all t10 news of ths state and of the na tion. Try It for a month. A sample copy will be mailed to you free, Address THE TELEGRAfl, ' Portland, Oregon. A A' vlri if- Ayki r o ST. HELENS HEAT 'QAK&OT James 11. Sheldon, Prop. Ail Kinds of Fresh Keats, Hams, Bacon, Lard Meats by Wholesale At Special Kstss. rt1tJsrsWVWVVWVVWVV,ll CLATSKANIE DRUG STORK 'f)R. J. E. HALL, Proprietor, Hss lust received ol Prn Drugs and Chemicals Also s new and selsel stock of drug and patent medicines, fancy tallnnery , sehool boos, snd school supplies, perfumery antl toilet articles, aud In foot everything wlilohls - usually kepi at a Urstulass drug store. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded AT THE CLATSKANIE Groceries and K y FLOUR, GRAIN, AND FEED. TOBACCO AND CIQAR3, NOTIONS, ETC. t T. O. WATTS' STORE. Reuben, ..... Oregon 'The Perkins" C. W. KN0WLE5, Maiiager. Hr. Knowles was, for many years, pioprlelor of the St. Charles hotel, and while there established a reputation as a hotel man. lie is now in a bettor position to entertain his friends than ever before, and will welcome all his old patrons to his new place of business, whoro cuu be found an up-to-date liotol. Corner Fifth and Washington Streets, Portiacl S8WliiZSeiBS STAR - SALOON W, VP. RLAKK8S.EY, Prop. FINE WINEsTnD LIQUORS. Tbe Pamnos J, H. CtfTTErt, MAGNOLIA aud 1IONKY HKW Wtilkey always on band CELEBRATED HOP GOLD BEER A large stock of DOMRHTIO and KEY WEST Cigar of tb beat grade always ou hand. Btwn th two hotel. Malm Bt. Uslena, Ore, p' flUCKLE BROS MANUFAOTURERI OP Dimension Lumber, Flooring-, Rustle, Bheath In;, Oaslngs, and a couipltite slock of every variety of ROUGH and DRESSED LUMBER ALWAYS' ON HAND AT THE OLD STAND, BT. IlKLKKB, OR i j - Two Newspapers Together. 1 j OREGON MIST Only Two Dollars Per STEAMER G. DELL SHAVER, Master. !Hm)Atr0f .' .... TiAflVftS Portland, foot of Washington street, Tuesday, Thursday, and Runday evenlns at 5 jutiirt,,-) o'eloek. Returnliiir Leaves Clntxkanlo, tide permitting, Monday, Wednesday, sua fridsy evenings at eo'eloek. Will pass Oak Point atx.ut 1; Stella 7:16 Warner V:!i Kalulcr siiifli KalaiDaS:lfi: Bt. Helens 0:BO. Arrlva In Portland ItHA a. m. Wl. f.m..u.,u rAH rh Ita VUHHQW ..WW n IWH, MV.tVS. ....STEAMER JOSEPH KELLOGG.... Leaves Kelso on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at t o'eloek a. ta, .Pcrtlsnd anil Kelso Rbiita Ajffltjatjftt AuaVasVstsi rfstitVA 1 0 St. Helens, Oregon s large assortment and Purs DRUG STORE Provisions..... -........ F0R PORTLAND, DAILY. -STEAMER Young America WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Leave St. Helens 89 A M Arrive at TiirHaiid.. 10:tnl A M Leave I'nrtland ii:SO I M Arrive at tit. Helens 6;00 V M rAUK SS CENTS. Will Carry Nothing but Passengers and Fast Fraglit. JAMES Of OD, Master. . THC HOTEL THOMAS COOPER, Managtr. 8T. HELENS, i ; i 0KEG0N. 5 Evervthlna' In eonneettnn with th hnnrn I strictly nmt class. About twenty well lundnhrd ami well kept rooms. Tbe table sutlled at all time with lb best tbe market affords. Horses BoaricH and Cared For. OREGON I AN Year In Advance. r W. SHAVER The Only Direct Eouto : ...FROM.m Portland to Clatskanie Shaver Transportation Company. via Willsajctta Slsh.