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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1898)
Oil ICG ON .MIST. -Bit- DAVIO DAVIS. frubNcrlptlon ttalua. Onortipy one ywr in dvaiice......w..... On i'y ix muiilhs,..,..,..MMMW..w. fc i mi 1 l . ) -.. ,. 1 00 .. 60 Aclvcrtixinirrul 'Mnada known npon application COLUMBIA COUNTY DIRECTORY, Jlidro llcrk siioiiir Tretwtirt'r........ Sunt, of Bchuol. Ai-ossor, Kurvovor..,, Coruiior... Conimiiisioners ' ....Joseph B. Toan. Rainier J. 11. Watts, St. H-K'ii( J. i. Jitro, i:ial.eanie K. Ktwt, Bt. Helmut t. K. CopolHnd, Warren ilnrtin While, Qnlney ,...,..,.-;o. tlavM, Mnvve'r .Br. A. P. McLaren. Katuier r. A. Frakos, KcatUKi ..N. 1). Peterson, Mist ST. UELFItS ORKGON, JIXV 23. America for Americans. "Long Ma; It ware O'er tko Homo of tbo Free aud the hand of the Brave." "We believe if Si. Helena had aa or dinance forbidding bioyola riding on the sidewalks it would be strictly en forced." The life and limb of people who throng upon our streets each day, and especially in the evenings, is con stantly in peril, and "an ordinance should be forthwith passed by our city council prohibiting the riding of bicy cles upon our passwaya." But if there is the least danger of Gsh being made oi one and nesn ot tbo otber do not cause such a law to fiod place upon ino pages of our ordinance register. hoq ibis law is passed" and it lonna to operate only in certain in stances it should be repealed. "Stuce for the goose should be sauce for the gander." These is nothing so supremely di pasting as to realize the enormous in liuence exerted in these days by men whose only passport to society is the possession of money. This fawning at the lent of wealth is degrading and de moralizing. Ueoerslly without a einel redeeming trait of character, education or intelligence, these men stand ready to proclaim certain theories, generally vicious, in their application, with all the glibness of a parrot and the persistency of a beaver. Their cheap witticisms are often taken by their gaping admirers generally indebted to them, to be omen of effervescent wisdom. Their arguments in support of improper con' among are usually as potent as an ex- ploded fire cracker. Their ability to make noise is their chief stock in trade but tbey are nevertheless a millstone a round the neck of progress. Tug surrender of Santiago and de termination manifest by the Ameri can troops and navy to proceed againet Spain and her Pacific posssss- aions, seems to us would demonstrate to the Dona that surrender of their o:sessioos and an appeal for peace would snow their better discretion. Such conditions will be the inevitable result, and their discrace at first would be no more humiliating than at lost. Discretion would certainly be the better part of valor. With two fleets destroyed, the surrender of San tiago, the inevitable surrender of Havana, a state of revolution and depleted execheqner at home, a revo lution id the Philippines and Admiral Camars operating bis fleet on a regu lar schedule at $2iZ,UOl) a trip through ine sues eanal in order to evade Com adore Watson and the Oregon, would lead any nation save bull-fighting Spain to negotiate peace terms at all jauzaras. Jttataiss. Time is not far distant when making journeys ot some considerable dis tance by bicycle will be but a common occurrence, and that means of travel will usurp much of which is directed other ways. The Oregon Eoad Club is assuming large proportions and ex tending its influence into all parts of me state, it is now designed to con struct a good bicycle path from Port land to all near-by towns, thus extend ing the range for operation and pleas ure over many miles of territory. From Portland to Vancouver such a path is already in existence, and it ie the iotentiou of the club, with the as sistance of JicyelUts directly inter ested1, to extend the service by con structing a path to St. llelens. The existence of such a path would mean that hundreds of people would visit our city. These visitors would leave more or less money in our city each time and in the aggregate the amount would be considerable. Devotees of the sport, however, are the ones to take the initiative in this matter, and see the enterprise through. Much lias been said about the im portance of the movement inaugurated Dy tuo uregoo Lumber Uo. of Portland, Oregon, in shipping rafts of lumber trom their mills to 1'aiiiorma. It was the sincere hope of many that the first rait would prove a failure and discour age any further attempts in this line. A Calilornia paper stated that owners of lumber vessels were watching the progress ot the rait wilii deep interest. some predicting disaster, aud most of them hoping for a storm that would scatter five million feet of lumber all over the Pacific ocean. Ju case of fail ure more than one skipper was getting ready to entertain his friends. In spile . however, of an unprecedented storm at this season of the year, ninety percent of the lumber reached its destination. There is no question but what ship ow ners must acknowledg the new factor in the carrying trade along this coast Like all innovations, it makes loss in some quarters. Unless the ship owner can make prices to fit the new condi tions created by ratling he will find it iwc-'iry to look for other freight than' lumber to (il! bis vessels. Puget Sound Lumberman, , ' Tub county court at its lust session as has been the case for four years, was again called upon to settle the denuty hire proposition. Th Kaintor Keviewsays: "Like Banquo's ghost, th subject will not dowu until it is settled," and the Review offers sub stantially the same means of settling it that has been advanced by differ ent persons whom we have heard dis cus the subject. Fifteen hundred dollars is not enough to run tbo sher iff's office, nor is $1SOO dollars per year enougii to run the clerk's cilice, but pledges were made aud the court had out one course to pursue, which it wisely chose a blank refusal to allow one dollar for deputy hire. Commis sioner Peterson was in favor of allow ing Sheriff Kice$i0 per month extra; but tue rest of the court did not ac quiesce. No niau in Columbia eountv has a more vivid understanding of the truthfulness of the statement that the present compensation of the sheriff's office is insufficient than Mr. Uice, who openly declares that there is not a liv ing in the office at the present sched ule so Iohr as he is required to pay bis deputy aO per month, who refuses to work for a less amount But th court is not to blame, and has not volunteered deputy hire to either the Cleric or slienfl. Air. JBice had two years experience, but it is different with Mr. Watts, who wasted to believe tbat a 25-a-month-man could do all the work in his oflice, and ho enjoy all the honors of entertaint;inir the visit ors and drawing the salary, but subee quent events developed a different con- anion oi Bttnirs. However, the court acted with due caution when it refused to allow deputy hire, and adopted the proper means for clearly demonstrat ing to the public that the salaries are insufficient, by asking those officers to submit itemized statements of receipts and expenditures, and then the court would better know how to judge. Our representative should be appealed to oy the masses to use his in fluence to secure the proper legislation in regard to the salaries of these offi cers a sum which he wonld believe to be just and equitable compensation. Then, and not uutil then, will bidding in county offices, as by auotion, cease. SOUTH KKN CAMFOKNIA. Il will not do to treat with indiffer ence a matter of so great importance as looking after the improvement of highways leading from onr city to sections or me county to which we look for patronage. At the present time a well organized effort has exist ence in the Nehalem valley looking to the improvement of a certain road surveyed aad recorded, lendine from that valley to intercept the St Helens Portland road at Scappoose. No doubt a good grade could be had bv that out let, but would so great a number of people be benefitted? Yet the fact ex us mai me people over there are earnest in their endeavors to improve their condition and are resolved to werk out their own salvation, since it is almost apparent that little interest is manifest in them by towns on the Columbia river, whose interests are identical with their own. St. Helens is the natural outlet for the u Doer Dart of the Nehalem valley, as we all know. nut conditions are such tbat any con siderable amount of traffic is absolute ly out of the question, and must re main so nntil better roads are Pro vided. We have made it our business to investigate the merits of snch an undertaking and are convinced tbat the people of Ibat valley are ready as never before to co operate with any point that will bring them relief. Five hundred dollars spent on the road from St Helens to Pittsburg would put it in prime condition for heavy teaming the year round, and the im provement conld be made so substan tial that it would endure for a number of years. The trade of the Nehalem valley would be worth aianv hundred dollars annually, and it the people of tbis place display a proper spirit of en terprise and progresMveness they will reach for this trade by co-operatine itb the Nehalem people, and make St. Helens the shipping point for the products of a rich and fertile valley whose commercial possibilities are not to be overlooked. almost every happening in a com munity, especially if it be of a scanda lous nature, reaches the editor's ears about the first thine, and those of a sensational turn scan their columns to see what is said about it But as a general thing they don't find it The fact is, newspaper men are censured, without cause, more than any other class. If they mention some people and matters with the best intentions great howl goes up ; papers are stop- pea ana a boycott is at once inangur- tod. And this. too. in the face of the fact if the editors tell all they know, the eyes or tbe world would be opened ; there would be a score or more of ap plications tor divorces; many a man and woman of "upper ten" proclivities would be ostracized from society ; not few of "the very best" element would be relegated to tbe background. So in the face of these facts, newspaper men should not be too harshly treated or criticised. They are tbe best friends the people have. If they are cursed, let him that is free from sin cast the first stone," Another Interesting hotter Received From Mr. Ptjrott. VifJJtit Camas, San Diego Co. Cel. July 1st, 1808. (To the editor.) flues my former letter I havesiient two delightful weeks on Smith's mountain. Leaving Valley Centre, the first place of importance passed through route to the mountain Is the Rlueon Imll reaorvatlon, which Is drained by the Ban Luis Key river, whose exit IsthsPaoiBo ocean. There are two schools on the reser vation. The Indians speak a mixture ot an Indian dialect and Spanish. I also passed through tht Petrorara reservation. We now begin the ascension of the mod tain; the grade it regular, but gather steep. Arter a walk of tluee utiles the summit reached, and what a view I The Ban Luii Key river, crossed a few hours ao, can now be seen meandering its way westward through the valleys te the grand Paolfio The road just pasted over can be seen wind ing like a huge serpent back to the valley from whence we came. Lying to the north may be seen Elsinore valley. Followit: the horiaon rosy be enumerated the follow ing valleys: Iterietta, Temecula, Fall brook, Valley Center, Bear valley, Ksoon- dido, Ramon and Warner's Haneh, the latter containing 50,000 acres, also the Hot springs, famous for their medical proper ties, cm the summit one finds a serifs beautiful mountain meadows, on whii xraxe herds of fat, sleek cattle. The hills sr covered with a heavy growth of eedar, red fir, hemlock, and a great variety oaks and pine, some of tbe latter measur ing about twenty five feet In circumference. There is an abundance of game quail deer, mountain Hon, timber squirrels si pigeons. Besides a large number of cam erstn the summer timo, there ere about fifty permanent residents. There is church, two schools, sawmill, general store. postofflce and a faroons Iron spring. Af ter shoeing onr wagon we returned to Vs ley Center. Partly Improved lands here range in price from $3 to $10 per acre. An unique way of clearing lands is employed here taking an oak log about twenty feet long, hitching a team to each end, break- ino the brush down, after which it is Bred. The ground is then ready for the plow. The rools of the brush described in my last letter are disposed of for fuel. I neg lected to state that the Pacifio ocean aud the bills In Mexico, lying south of Ban Di ego, are plainly discernable from the sum mit of Smith's mountain. C. H. PiQoorr. Another Ocean Raft. The fourth ocean log raft built by II. E. Robertson, at Stella, has gone to sea, and it peril has not overtaken it it is perhaps, well on its way to San Francisco by this time. It contains 51)0,000 lineal feet snd scales between six and seven million feet of lumber, or about twice the size of tbe raft recently shipfied to San Frauclsco by tbe Inman-Paulson Company. It is 000 tset long, S3 feet beam and draws 20 feet and 0 Inches of water. It is elintic share In the center, drawing down to a circle IS feet In diameter. The raft is cigar-shaped, like those formerly sent down by the same company, and is protected by a heary plaak bulkhead at each end, tied through the raft with four steel cables 1 inches in diameter. It is towed by a coa hawser 16 inches In circumference and ISO fathoms long. Tbis chain is connected to a center chain which runs through the whole length of the raft, and whenever the strain comes on tbe hawser it pulls the raft together. On tbs ocean by this means the raft is tight ened more securely. RAINIER KOTKS. Mr. town. Cant Hooehkirk. is convalescent. Fowler's family have moved into who has been very HI, Grsndroa Brons is visitine relatives and mends at Uouiton. Rev. Wells will preach next Bnndav at il a. in. ana p. m. in me f irst congress- tionai cnarcn. . Rev. If. Burlinrame returned to Scan- poore laai asonaav wnerene is superintend ing the building of tbe M. &. church at tnat place. Habrisos. Near St. Helens. Or., Saturday, jn;y 10, iws, io tne wue oi Jfercy tlar- nson, a uaugnier. . CooFXB. Near Warren, Or., on Saturday , July 16, 1-S9S, to the wife of William cooper, a daughter. A DELIBERATE SUICIDE. Colombia County Young Han Kills Himself, Fobest Gsovr, July 19. Otis Oliver Thomas, aged 24, killed himself fn the kitchen at bis boms on the Upper Nehalem, Columbia county, yesterday moroing, by shooting himself throngh the bead, using a Winchester rifle. His father end mother and Hiss Pearl Stewart, a school teacher, were in the house at tbe time. He retur ned borne after an absence of two months twenty-four hours before bis death. Thomas has been in poor health for a long time. He consulted a physician, Dr. J. F. Calbreatb, who said his case was hopeless, which preyed upon bis mind. The suicide was deliberately planned. Hs took the gun, and went into the woods and dis charged It, to see that It was in order, and then returned to tbe bona and killed him self. Hs left a father and mother, two brothers and six sisters. Interment will be in the Almoraa Hill cemetery, near Oastoa, Thursday, Ladies, fake the best. If vou aie troub. i led with constipation, sallow skin and a tired feeling, take Kail's Clover Tea. It is pleasant to take. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross. I Persons troubled with diarroea will be interested in the experience o! Mr. W. M. tfusb, clerk of Hotel Dorrance, rrovidence, it. i. lie says : "for several years I have been almost constant sufferer from diarrhoea, the frequent attacks almost prostrating me and rendering me unfit for my duties at tbis bolel. About two years ago a traveling salesman kindly gave me a small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Bemedv, Much to my surprise and delight its etlects were immediate. Whenever I felt symptons of the disease I would fortify myself against the attack with a few doses of this valuable remedy. The result has been very satisfactory and almost complete relief from the affliction." For sale by Dr. E. lioss. "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy in my family for years and always with good results," says Mr. W. B. Cooper, of El Kio, Cal. "For small children we find it especially effective." t or Bale by JJr. E. lioss. Dyspepsia cured. Sbilob's Vitalizer Im mediately relieves sour stomach, coming-op-of-food distress, and is the great kidney aud lirer remedy. Sold by Dr. K. Ross. Dreadfully Nervous. Gusts: I was dreadfully nervous, and for relief took your Karl's Clover Root Tea. It quieted my nerves and tttrengthened my wnoie nervous eysiem. i was imuuied with constipation, kidney and bowel troub le. Your tea soon cleansed my whole svs tern o thoroughly that I rapidly regained my health and strength. Mis. H. A. Bweet, i.rn.,r..i u,.l.r v... n- t.. A.t 1,11,1, oviu l.JT tJ 1 . J-Ll V, 111 WEW, COLLECTOR'S STATEMENT. " S. . -MONEY'S WORTH- IVEBV TIMt AT DOLMAN'S STORE T. HELKN8, OREGON. Mr. Dolman always keeps a lull stock ol Uenvrnl Merehiuiillite., whli-li he sells at prices that duly eoiuputlUou. -SV" DENTIST Decision In RetrNrd to Legal Instrn- nirntaanit fotnme-rolnl fitrip. Legal Instruments executed prior to July 1, lS'JS, but not presented for re cord until on or after July 1, bear the regular tax, while commercial papers issued prior to July 1, 1SU8, but not presented for payment until on and after July 1, 18118, are not taxable. The following telegram wan on Juue 30, sent to David M. Dunne, U, S. Revenue Collector, at Portland, Or "Does the Warlievenue Law require stamps on deeds, mortgages and like instrument made prior to July 1, 181)8, but not presented for record uutil on or after July 1, 1MU8T "Does the War Bevenue Law require stamps on Checks drafts and like In struments issued prior lo July 1, 1808, but not presented for payment uutil on or after July l.lSUSf" "The following is an exact copy of Mr. Dunne's reply i "John Tobln, Auditor, Colfax s To your first question, yes: fieoond question, no. "David M. Dunne, Colleoior." From the above it will be seen that deeds, mortgages and oibor legal in struments executed prior to July 1, liVJ. but not presented for record un til oa or after July 1, 1SU8, must bear the regular stamp, but clmckj, drafts and like instruments irsaed prior to July 1,181)8, but not presented for pay ment until on or after July 1, 1808, are not taxable. 1 be question was not raised with refurouoe to notes made prior to, but not presented for pay ment uutu on or after July 1. ltUs. it would appear though that a note iu- om NmU O"0' " Ro,' Drugstore depondent of any other instrument. T helbnb, t tit okkuon would come under the same rule as check, draft or other commercial pa per. However a renewal of a note or I mortgage or other instrument is treat ed as if it were a new instrument, made date of renwal, and if that date is on or after July 1, 1898, it must bear! tbe regular tax, regardless of whether or not the original was taxable. J. A. REID Has Locsted In 81. Helens Permanently, Fm.I.HKT TEETH... 7 AO to flfl 00 KM.MNtt IW li SI IH) OilUl HLL1NU8 .....1 50 upwards Crown and Brii8 Wort a Specialty $3.60 TO 99.00 PER TOOTH. The work that 1 have dona In this community lor the uut five mouths Is my recommendation, All work guaranteed satisfactory. 0. R. A N. CO, r ;A.stSVtsusVjtV4s4Ljfc.A ! i i i i 4 i i i i i O ST. HELENS HEAT MARKET James II. Sheldon, Prop. All Kinds of Fresh Meats. Hams, Bacon, Lard Meats by Wholesale At Special gates. St. Helens, Oregon i t CLATSKANIE DRUG STORE - - - DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor, Has t rec. lvfd a largre a.sortmtot l I'resb and Pure Drugs anfChemicals 1 Also a new n1 solt nt'Wk er dnurnawl wttint meillliies, furiy shiHnrmrw, ct,o.,l hnn aixi m-nooi Ktii'piifM, it-rHu(ii-r.v Hint utuvi anii't ti, nii'i ui tor evei-yuutis Wliirh ia usually koH at a lirnl otiuis ilrug wr. Prescriptions Carefully Compouudeil ' AT TIIK CLATSKANIE DRUG STORE Flop that couch I Take warntnir. It may fail to consumption. A 2Ao bottie of I Whuoii s cure may suve your life. Bold by Mjr, x.uwiu xuiss. DsriBT IMS Fart Mall 8 p.m. OAOTOTITA. Bears the Jf IW MHB IiiU H3V Slwaya EMgH Be not deceived. A Couch. Hoarseness or Croup, are not to be trifl o witb. A I dose in lime of yhiloh's Cure wlil save you I iuucu irouDie. on. a oy vt. jsuw a Koss. dpnkane nynr 3 p. in. 8 p.m. Bean tli jf 11 Lull Ym Km Alwsrj Boifrilt Eigaatan ef TIn. Lull Vol Haw iw-r 7 p.m. Karl's Clover Boot Tea is a pleasant lax- tive. KPKulates tbe bowels, purities the oiooo. Clears me complexion. &asy to mane ami pleasant to take. & cents. Bold oy ir. n.uin itoss. 8 Kx.t uadajr Saturday mi p. m. oasvoiixa. Bearstiie fW Kind TOM Haw Hmjt Bcqght tUgsataie of sfM Kind Vim Haw Alwars I 6 a. m. Kx. Similar What Dr. A. E. Salter Bays. Borraxo, N. Y. Gents: From my per- nineu in unserving we 7 a. m. Tues.Thur. ami Sat. sonal knowledire. eai etftwt of rnur HhUnh'a Cnr in jlm n ri. vanced Consumption,'! am prepared to say I xnes. Thur. it it tue mm roiiiaraauie jvumeuy irisi nas I and Hut. ever oeen orouuui to my attention, it has certainly saved many from Consumption Bold by Dr. Edwin Boas. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. flu Kind Yoa Kays Always Bsssght I,v. Rlparia t:4!a. in. Mon. Wed. anilFrl. Time SCHEDULES From Portland, Salt fAke, tH'iiver. Ft worm, oainna,K8ti sas City, Ht. Louis, Chicago aud East. Wnlla Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis, M. t'nul, liuliith. Mil. waukee, Chieaga S east. Ocean Steamship. AH salllns date sub- Jrn't to change. Fflrtisn Kmnrlx-o ball Jul;-&, S, IS, 17, at, 2i. s. To Alaska Hull July 19. Columbia River Steamer. To Astoria and lumnuif. Way- Willamette River. Orpfron City. Newbers, aiein nay-uuia g Willamette and Yam hill Rivera, Oregon City, Dayton, aud Way-lauuiug. Aaaiva raoM rvvvvvvvvvvvvvevvvvvvvvv w !fc . . . I Groceries and Provisions Mall 7:110 a.m. Spokane Klyer 10.00 a. Hi. 4 p. m. op. I El.btilidar 4:30 o. m Kx.BuiiitHr Willamette River. Portland to Corvaltls aiul Way-landiiuis. Snake Blver. Blparla to Lewlatoa. S .SO d m. Mon. Wd, aud FrI. s-.SDp. m. Tues Thnr, and Hat. Lv.T'taa 6 Bun., Tuvs. aud Thur. W. H. HURLBERT, General Passenger Agoot, PORTLAND ....... OREGON Bears tha Signature of E.E. QUICK PROFESSIONAL. Commissioner of Heeds for Wash ington. , G. WJJ0LE , Notary Publle . W. DAY W. B. DLL LARD J?iUarir & air ATTORNEYS -AT-LAW Office next door to Courthouse, BT. HKLKN8, OKKGON. General practice In eonrts of Oreeon or Wash. nxton. Abstracts made dlruetlv front eountv nuunu, GEORGE A. HALL, ATTORN EY - AT - LAW. Collections, foreclosnrcs, mechanics" lelns, etc. wiiuij yttmwuuug attorney, voice with T. J. Cleeton. COLE &, QUICK, PHOPBIETOE8 OF , THORNE'S Hnmertcal Sjstei Title Abstracts. Titles Sxamfned and VrfonlA XhtniM Furnl.licd. Assesfimeuta Ksarolneil. In surance Written. Taxes Paid aud C'uuvoy-aoclug. I. HELK.1K, OBEOOK. FL0UB, GRAIN, AND FEED. TOBACCO AND C1UAUS, NOTIONS, ETC. T. C. WATTS' STORE, Kcnben, Oregon IAiAAsAAAAAAAAA8AVAAAAAAAAAAs -The First Term Will Open Tuesday, Sept. 90th. "-8EVENTKESTH ANNUAL HEHHIOlf- OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL MUnMOuTIt,. Oltli). a Strung Acadsmit nd Profvtiioial Couttti. jjj Well eiitilpiwd Training DenarUnent of nluo M rs'tw. l"h iOchllflwn. fij h4ilr NuriiMtl t'oiiine of thru yean, Stmlur fi) irir wli.illy vttIvUfynl, h) (oiuliiai(f aci'rwlliod IKsliHflnv.lganilCtilli'itw Si dmlltwi illreellv In pn.fvMli mill anrk. N 1 h ili,nia 't the f rlusd b r.-i-.niK il hy law as Ni A I'llft VM.UItl Al. UHIMItll, fl f 1 he eiaduatut oi the fcchuul ara In duinatid a ttar'lo-i-w. I. Is 111 ltien"M-Thi vuar 'nr frm f IW to) to two Ot KvttutKul and uralthtul liuttnn. ku1mhm. ('ataltwues, (Ivlns full dftatls of Urn work, ttitM'i fully oni on pi,ilcu,.a. -Address: I. l,.rA.vt'ltSU.I,, rre or W. A. WtsN, kcrclry t'smwlty. "The Perkins" C. W. KNOWLES, Manager. Mr. Knowlos was, fur many yests, proprietor n( tbe St. Clinrlt liotel, and wliilo thore estnblisliod a npuulioti as a hulul man. lis is now In a betlsr position to entertain tils Iricuds tbati ovur before, and will welcome all bis old patron to his new pluco of business, wluiro onn bo found ou np-to-duts botul. Corner Fifth anil Washington Streets, Portland. St. Helens, Oregon. G. W. COLE, ATTORNEY AND CODNHELOB-AT LAW, 8T. HELENS, OREGON. Title AbstnuH Books. Notarv Public Commis sioner of Dtied for IVnshiriKton, and an ex per- v.,..cVM,jT 1U CUUIIUUblUll Willi OIUUV. B. EDWIN llOSM, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. St, Helens, Oregon B. H. E. CLIKK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 8t. Helens, Oregon. B, I. X. BALL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Clatskanie, Coluruhla county, Or. Bhiloh's Consutnptioa Cure cures where otuer fan. it is the leading cough cure, and no home should be without it. Pleas ant to take and poes right to the spot, bold by i)r. Kdwin Koss. . For constipation take Karl's Clover Root Tea, the Kreat blood purifier. Cures head ache, nervousness, eruptions on the face, and makes the head clear as a bell, iiuld by Dr. Edwin Koss. Catarrh Cured. A clear head and sweet breath secured with Shiloh's Catarrh lern- edy, sold on a guarantee. Nasal Injector tree. Bold by Vr. ltd win Koss. Cure that coul'L with Shiloh's Cure. Th best Cough Cure. Relieves croup promptly. One million bottles sold last year. 40 closes for 23 cents, bold by Dr. Edwin Ross. Karl's Clover Root Tea. for consumnllnn It's the best and if after using it yon don't say so, return the package and get your money. Bold by Dr. kdwin Boss. MAGHOLIA.... ...SALOON O. A. BRINN, Paop. FINE : WINE?: LipRS, and Cigars. PORTLAND, OBKGON 143 Front Street, Near Aider. Oeorire Is alwavc nWwd to sen his nM Columbia con my frlenls. When lo th metropolis give bliu a call. D0Y0O 9 KNOW THE NEWS I Vou can have It all for Per.... RAa Per.... MontH Moutn In The Evening; Tcleorrara, of Portland, Oreiron. It la the liirucM evening news pajjer pnhllshed In Oregon; It contain all the nows of ths state and nf the na tion. Try It for a month. A sample copy will be mailed to you free. Address THE TELEGRAfl, Portland, Oregon. 4 J asa, L-Two Newspapers Togcilicr OREGON MISTandOREGONIAN Only Two Dollars Per Year Ia Advance. STEAMER G. W. SHAVER DELL 811 AVER, Master. , 'Ik A .. " 'W-M. i , , , '3 1 The Only Direct Iioutc ...FROM,., rortland to CJalwlvanie FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. -STEAMER Young America WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Leave Bt. Helen. rt-iw a HI Arrive at Portland... 10:00 A M Leave Portland 2 :80 P M Arrive at St. Helens...., 0:00 P M fABE CS CEIS'M. Will Carry Nothing but Passengers ana f ast rrmgut. JAMES Gr OD, Master, TiAflVPH Portland, foot bf Wanhlnxton street, Ttiwdny. Thnmlav. mid Simdnv evehlnm at S Jit ! iv t " ","1 . ''"'""''."S-l-eavMS t'.lnt.kiiide, tide iwrinltiiiiK, iloniluy, tsednewlay. ........... ? ..-. ,,,,, ,nK i-oMiiHooiH wit-iifi :io; .Muvuc-r v;i niiinn'i Arrive In Portland 1;1HJ a. in. 'lh Cowpuiiy rvservvs tliu rly' tto Shaver Transportation Company. Kaltna9:lr; Ht. UnlensDiW. cliauge lime without notice. STEAMER JOSEPH KELLOGG... Leaves KiiIho on Mondays, Wed ii e Nd fl'va and Frldsys at 6 o'clock a, m. J-JT'n--i."..- r - if nl iniiniil'n ,. Lcnves Prt lurid 1 uond.v, 'I htirKday, and HiiMll'ilUj-s, St S o'viook a in. .Portland and Kelso Route via Willamette Slough yy H. MEBEKVK, Surreyor and Civil Engineer D ELENA, OREGON. Conntv Surveyor. Land Survevlnir Tnmn '"""." "ineeniig wont promptly Und well k.,t room. ' THE . oiaijaxwiiaiLa HOTEL THOMAS COOPER, Manager. 8T. HELENS, ( . OREGON. Everything In connection with the house I. strictly llrstelass. About twenty will f,m LLd and well knot rooms. Tli ii,i. .......i,. .. ... , I times with the beat the market flUCKLE BROS MANUFAOTURERS Of Ulinenslon I.nmlmr, Kloorlnar, Hustle, HliPftlh Ing, CiwiiiKi, and a comiituta suwk of every vurioty of . ROUGH and DRESSED LOER ALWAYS ON HAND AT TIIK OLD STAND, BT. 11K1.KNS, OR