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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1898)
OREGON MIST, ' Friday, Jnljr 8, 180(1. Doww A Stbbp IIiix. W.J.Muolcl. met frith an aoolJont Tutwday which earn, too near being serious, lie bat been hauling wood for John Backus down a very stsep bill and bad been in tbe babitof putting on a rough look, but at II strained tbe wagon be tried to go down without and the brake-block gave way, and everything in a pile nonet, driver, wooa, ana an, Mr, M nokle escaped with severe bruises, but one horse it badly out up and tb wagon crippled. -Kalnler Review. Naw PotTAL Li w. Acting Pott matter Dolman had a turprite in ttore (or ut latt week when we mailed onr regular weekly edition. Heretofore we have left our papera at tbe olBoe never atkiug weight or making Inquiry oi any nature, and at the end of each quarter the bill wat presented and tbe pottage paid. The new ruling of the department makea it necessary for tbe pottmaater to eolieot the pottage at the time the pa pen are mailed, hence Mr. Dolman wat only carrying out in structions. Labob Iico a l PiTBOMAoa. We be lieve the Tillamook Headlight at pres ent bat the largest legal patronage of anyoountry paper in the ttate. In the latt iseue of that paper there were sixty-three timber land notlcet, two homestead noticet, and four summons. For the former the claimant payt f 10 each and the land noticet are worth $5 acb. The tummont probably net the printer $20 each, to in that paper at present there are $720 worth of legal notioea. Tni Fourth at Nsbr Crrr. The people of Neer City celebrated tbe Fourth in good old-fashioned style. In the morning there waa the usual pa triotic programme rendered in the grove, followed by a basket dinner. The afternoon brought forth the sport ing ptrt of the programme, consisting of a fat women't raoe, old men'! race, young men't race, giil'e raoe, and tng of war. The exercises day's, were concluded in the evening by a grand ball given in the eohoolbouee. Kverybody who were fortunate enough to be present report a grand time. Back Fbom Morow Coukty. Mr. Jamea McKay, of Bcappoote, returned latt week from Heppner, in Eastern Oregon, whither he wentaeyeral weeka ago to find employment shearing sheep, Mr. McKay arrived there about fifteen days after tbe tl'earing season opened, but experienced no difficulty in find ing employment at good wages. lie reports the amount of wool in that sec tion larger than Wat anticipated, and Chat 11 rente per pound it offered, but the growers are in no harry to tell and are holding for better prices. Bomb Uesrut InroaMATtoii.-Here are tome figures that all thould read and remember : From Man Francisoo to the Phillipine Itianda it it 6520 miles; from 'Frisco to Hong Kong. am miles ; from Key West to Havana, t0 miles ; from Havana to Porto Rico, 1040 miles; from Porto Eico to Cape Verde Islands, 8370 miles ; from New York to Porto Rico, 1200; from Now York to Cadiz, Spain, 5120 miles; from Cadia to Canary Islands, 780 mileai from Canary Islands to Porto Rico, 2J!)0 miles; from New York to Havana, 1215 milea. Prompt Actio wai Rbquirbd. An editor in a near by Oregon town it "dead gone" on the village tohool nis'm. Thus he sounds ber praise: 81e la the pride of the town, the star of invention, and a Jewel of brillaney. Bhe drew a picture of an iceberg on the backboard. It waa to natural that the thermometer froie up solid. With a rare presence of mind the seised a crayon and drew a jtra place on the opposite walL Tbe prompt action aaved the school, but nearly all the pupils caught a sever cold front the udden change. dnitOON't iKDUBTRIAtEXPOIITlOW. The iaduetrial exposition for the elate will be held thit year in snenolnc September 22 and ending October 22. The exposition will be given by the business men of Portland, who have undertaken to pay all ex penaee, and there will be no cost to exhibitors. Even Freight on exhibits will be paid from point of ahipment to Portland. It it to be hoped that the people of this county will see to it that m good exhibit of the products of the county are collected and cent to Fort land in time (or arrangement before the opening. For particulars address Secretary Oregon industrial Exposi tion, Portland, Oregon. Bto Whbat Yjbm. After carefully compiling figures from every county . i . : - vhnM tfiM la inv oon- IU .111. m.w " v aiderable amount of wheat produced, it It etltmatea mat toe yiem una j :n k .i l..t Sft Oflfl (10. bushels. The yield of 1897 waa about 18,000.000 liusuol, me average price rwwmu uj Alt nwvul iiaap tiainff 7a eenta a bushel. and if the yield holds up to the estimate and the price remains at the 75 cent mark, which indioationt point favor- . . . i .a: ably to, ine wneai-rairung iwu-bi w nmsnat strain tliU TAsa.a ill Alt UQ- The amount of money received from this source Into our slate will be away up in tne mm ions, and the state will take on Us old time proiperout condition. Operations Cbasbd. J. H. Peter- ton, manager of tbe Star Logging Co. near Hudson, ia cutting down his force, having discharged thirty-five men recently. " There are a number of reaaona for tills, among - wnion are : 1st. the high water bat lifted the apron to hit chute making it difficult to get the logt into the tlough ; and. 2nd, tht market (or logt ia wholly demoralized. Before tha war waa declared logt were Am tuch demand that prioec teemed guaranteed for the season. All at once dealers feared that pirates would twoop down upon them in case of an attempt to thip to foreign countries, hence the reaction, logt having dropped two dol lart or more per thousand feet. Mr. Peterson will retain twelve or tuteen men to make repairs and out soras timber, and if matters mend any dur ing the fall he will probably return the whole force Kamicr iteview. Thi KTbw OmcEKt. Tha officers of Columbia county, who, on the 6(h of June were elected, are now at their potts of duty in charge of the affairs of the county. Judge foati was in the county seat last Saturday and ap proved the bonds that were ready, and in tome inttenoet administered the oath of office. Clerk-elect Walts filed hit bond and atsumed his duties Tues day morning. Sheriff Rice and As sessor White alto filed their bonds and continued in the usual discharge of their oifloial affairs. County Boiiooi Superintendent Copeltnd also took possession of hit office Tuesday. Tbe county treasurer, Dr. Ross, tiled bis bond and took tbe oaltt last Saturday and on Tuesday took up the duties of his responsible office. Commissioner Frakes wat also on hand when court wst called Wednesday morning and atiumed hit dutiet for another four year't tiege, with the confidence of the nle of tbe county to support mm it deliberations. Mr. R. 8. Hat- tan will oontiaue to be deputy sheriff, while Clerk Watte hat not yet chosen a permanent deputy. Coroner Mo Laren also filed bis bond and entered upon the duties of bis office for another two years. Surveyor Hayes, failing to file bis bond on Saturday, and Mon day being a holiday, the oourt deemed it proper to declare the office vaoant and tha appointment of Mr. Hayet at turveyor waa made Wednesday morn ing, after which his bond was filed and approved and the oath administered. County Clerk Watta on Thursday morning appointed W. A. Harris dep uty county clerk. St. Hbxbki Cblbbbatbd. Fourth of July wat patriotically and enthusi astically celebrated in this city, lbs Kidgeneid band arrived early In tbe morning and enlivened matters with a number of choice selections while pre ps ration i for tbe other festivities were being made. About 10 :80 the visitors and citizens assembled in the grove, wbere appropriate exercises ware held. consisting of music by the band, songs by tba audience, prayer by Kev. a, u. Haley, a short, yet patriotic and inter esting oration by Prof. W. H. Iliff, of Porfirad, proceeded by tbe reading of the Declaration of Independence by Hon. Judeon Weed. Hon. E. E. Quick offioiated aa president of the day. Tbe assistance rendered by the people from Warren, Scappoose, Houi ton and other tlaoes waa appreciated. Tbe exeroiaee at the grave concluded shortly after 13 o'clock, and tbe after noon wat devoted to amusements of various kinds. Tbe day waa all that possibly could bare been wished for. the manner in which tbe people cele brated demonstrating that they bad mora than ordinary occasion to be happy. Tba (estiviliee closed with a ffrand ball in the evening at which a arge crowd was in attendance and a good time was bad. Should bb Hkedbo. The county court of Donglasa county bat Just is sued the following words of caution to justices of the peeoe : "AH justices of the peace of Douglass county, Oregon, are hereby cautioned againat issuing warrants (or tbe arrest of persons charged with petty offense, unless tbe justice thould be satisfied that the evi dence is sufficient to convict, or that' the accuaed ia attempting to leave the county or atate, and wheu warrant is issued to notify the district attorney or bis deputy, and in all oases wbere practicable, such aa wbere defendant is not attempting to leave the county or state, to aubmil a full statement of the case to tbe district attorney or bis deputy before issuing a warrant. Spec ial attention of all jnslices ot tne peace is called to the following section of tbe code: '8eclion 2172 Tbe justice may, in hie discretion, require tbe private prosecutor in a criminal action to give security (or cot Is and disbursements, before filing or receiving tbe com plaint therein, in tbe amount author ised in civil action, and not otherwise.' " Tbe above aection is applicable to all misdemeanors of which the justice has jurisdiction to try and impose punish ment. . - Turaaiaen Vii.iTifinif. Br tha con struction of the Astoria and Columbia River Railroad the valuation oi atsess- alda nmnartv in fhiiumbi Coll 11 tV will be increased a sufficient amount to raise tbe incoming ttxea eacn year several thousaod dollars. The North am Panllln nan nn tmntv-ttro miles of roadbed and rolling stock, besides the ferry at neiama, ine-iaooma, 1.1.. h i. mnuH at f30.000. the full mnanl nf lav naid ta this COUntT this year being 14,011.72. While tbe As toria road will hare so terry to oe assessed, it will have a greater number of miles of road, which, substantially, will enable Columbia county to realise as great an amount each year from it aa it realised from the Northern Pacific. However, the lax received from that road next year will not be a very large amount, aa it had only about, seven ilaa nf ralla Uiit on the first dav oi March, from which date the assessment ia made. However, in tbe tnture our a mint Ain Mlmilata on about 81000 a year mora coming into its exchequer, ... ... . .i .i ..i wutcn win pay more u wo ariet of our county officers. Teachbrb' Ikstitdtb. The newly- installed county school loperiotend- ent. Mr. I. II. Oopeland, wae-in town last Saturday look ne alter mattert connected with hit office, and among other thingt did not overlook tbe im portance of tbe annual institute lor teachers, sir. uepeiana is jet aaua olded as to where the institute will be held this year, but aaya it rightly belonnto Rainier, as Clatskanie bad it last year and St. Helena the year hnfora. Ha is also undecided yet at to the date, but thinks it will not be held until tbe latter part of August or earlv in September, at be believes that date would be more satisfactory, inaamuoh as most of the teachers by that time would have returned after their summer vacation, and would then be ready to resume their school work. ' Fbia Twbhtt Fbst Mrt. Maxwell, of Columbia City, while piokiog cher ries Tuesday lost her footing in the tree and fell a distance of twenty feet to the ground, sustaining a severe shak ing up. Dr. Ross wat tummoned, but he failed to find any fractured bones unless it be one rib which he thought might be broken. Mra. Maxwell wat forluaale that no more serious injuries were received. CLATSKANIE NEWS. Andrew Eagle was ever from Oak Point to svend the fourth. Miss Mary Confers same oowa fiuui Or egon Olty ti spend tbe national holiday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. English spent tbeir holiday with John's parents at Deer Island. Mrs. X. S. Harlow returned on Saturday f ram ber visit ef a few days at Portland and Vanooaver. Mist Carrie Tfohenor has oemnleted ber school la the Kyter school district and is at home again. Mrs. W. 0. Oosslln, of Aslorio, spent the Fourth In Clatekaule, and Is spending a few days la and about oar city. Mr. E. Hughes was detailed ss a tpeeial peace e Ulcer for the Fourth, sad was arouad to see that Ufa sad property was stenre. The elty marshal engaged In the ice cream business on the Fourth, bnt kept bis weather eye open to see that everything went on peacefully, if not quietly. Tbs new bridge is finished and is quits an improvement over tbe old one ia tbe matter of grade, making it much easier to get ovsr with a load. Some new wsgons have been shipped into oar vicinity lately. We notices W. H. Abel on tbe last Invoice. He expect to haul lumber from Kehalem. Tbe elty band was In demand for the Fourth at different plaoaa, but decided to remaia at horns and assist in waking our celebration a toocess. Good boys. Mrs. H. L. Colvin, of Marshland, came op Saturday with her boy, Barry, who bad broken bis collarbone the day before. He was duly bandaged and returned the same day. Frank York, of Mist, assisted tbs boys la tbs band Monday. Frank was formerly one of tbera" and was kindly greeted en this occasion. Ills aesistaaoe was appre ciated also. Mrs. 0. W. Jones lavltsd the Lsdies Aid Society to her home but week to assist in celebrating the birthday anniversary of ber daughter, Mrs. A. M. Wheeler, who came np from Astoria a few days ago for a brief visit. . B. H. Blrdsall and wife came down last week on a ashing expedition, bringing their wheels along. Mrs. Biidsall was ia town Monday and they both took the evening train for Portland. He reports the oapturs of 80 nice trout from the Upper Clatskanie. Phil Popbam is reported to bare shot a mall cougar a abort distance out of town. He was fortunate in not having an inter view with its parent. Cougars are supposed to be exterminated ia this region, but this Junior must hsve lost its bearings. The boys look on tbeir oompanion, Phil, as quite a hero at present. The Fourth at this place passed off with a good deal of enthuieain, increased nota bly by the news ot tbe destruction of 'the Spanish fleet off Santiago de Cuba, which bad been placed on tbe bulletin board early in tbe morning and was later confirmed by the Oreronian. A threatened shower early In the morning kept a few away, bnt there was a large orowd preeent from Nebalem, Marshland, lower Beaver and Upper Clale kanle. The citisens had beta quite liberal in their dfeplay of flags and bunting, and these, with the evergreen trees temporarily planted so generously along the atresia, gave the town a regular holiday appear ance. When the band came on the main steetat 10 a. m. it was lined with men. women, and children in holiday attire, gen erally with proluto decorations ot Sags, bad gee, tri-colored ties, sasbas, etc., about tbeir persons willing to show their colors, aad all ent for a day of enjoyment. The band boys bad been practicing lately, aad furnished some fine selections of maeic which attracted and pleated the crowd. About 10:90, headed by the band, the pro- oessioo marched Id tbe grounds in the grove across the Clatekanie,.where a plat form bad been built facing seats that were soon occupied by tbe large crowd present Here W. K. Ttchenor, as marshal ef tbe day, after music by the band, called for an address of welcome by Mayor A. M. Tich enor, who In a short address welcomed the crowd to Clatskanls end hoped they would epend a day of enjoyment while they cele brated tbe oatiou's birthday. A national anthem followed this address by a choir of 25 or 90 voices, after which Judge Thomas A. McBride was Introduced as tbe orator of the day and In an address of 15 or SO min ules said a number of good things in an eloquent and impressive manner. While the judge declares be is no orator, bit re marks are appropriate, Impressive, prectf- ral, and enttuently sensible, snd our people enjoy listeolng to him. After his oration a vocal selection by Mrs. Grant Jones and her sister, Mrs. W. E. Oonyers, referring to Dewey and his victory, waa enthusiastically received snd applauded. Musio by the band and another anthem waa followed by an intermission for dinner, after which the ports of the afternoon consisting of foot raolng, sack races, log barling, tng of war. etc., were indulged in to the delight of the crowd. A grand ball at night ended the day's exercises and completed the pre gramme. The fireworks were- by individ uals mostly of ths noisy variety, and need all day as well as at night. A Nicklb IB A Clam. A little ton of Captain A. M. Fox found a clam in a slough near rorunna wa oiner aay and took it home wbere be broke it to pieces. He wat well rewarded fur bit trouble, tor on the intide he found a niokle dated 1894, which waa bright and thiny and was rapidly becoming a oearL The secretions of the clam were beginning to cover ana in a few vears mora it would nava pasaea aa a pearl of the purest kind. Only imagination can conceive how the clam became possessed of the coin, at peo ple are not in tne namt oi leeatng money to bivalves. steyst tu it -- "I j ' VEBNONIA VARIETIES. A social bop wss given here on the even ing ot tbe Fourth at Webster's ball. Frank Tracy bat commenced bit duties has msll carrier between braunsport aud this place. Ear. Fisher was surprised te receive a Visit from bis mother and brother last Bat arday, wbe welds In Monmouth, Mr. S. A. Hosford, who for the past few months has been unable te get sway from boms, attended tbe public exercises at this place last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. 8bannaban returned home last Tuesday from Foreet drove after having spent four days at that place attend ing the encampment. On account of whooping cough ths Keasey school has taken a vacation. Miss Bottler, the teacher will spend ber vacation in Port- laad, at which place sbs resides. A Iwm nnmhar of Varnania hove eama horns te spend tbe Fourth. Among thi,. home were Gay and Bert Mills, Dow Keasey, Frank Wilson, Park Mitchell, and Josh Bessemsn. Mr. and Mrs. I. P. Spencer went to Forest Grove last Friday to attend ths annual en trapment of Washington county veterans. They returned home Tuesday, reportinc a pleast at time spent At about 2: SO a. m. Monday morning we were awakened by the boom of anvils Which told us bst the fourth ot July was once more at band. At 10:80 a large crowd assembled in tbe tabernacle to listen to a very interesting programme. At 12 o'clock the feokt interesting partof tbe programme was held the basket dinner. At 2 e clock the crowd again assembled to bear tbe re maining part of the programme, after which tbe day was spent in amusement, etc. Tbe orator of the day, Rev. A. E. Myers, of Houlton. wss not able to be preeent. Cbtef among the numbers on tbe programme was an orginal poem by Mrs. Nellie 8. Keasey, entitled The United btates and Its Devel opment." - NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Lakd Omci at Oaaaoa Crrr, Om , June n,vm. NOT'CB IS WSBBBY GIVEN THAT THE folkmrimr-nsmed settler has Sled notice of Ma fnfontfnn tARIAkt final nronf lu SUDPOrt Of bis claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the eouutjr clerk ot Columbia eountf at 81. Helens, Oregon, on August t, l&tt, vis: OBOBOK H. SOTS. Homestead Entry No. esse, for the Iota t and S and southeast W ot northwest ii of section a, township 4 north, range t west. tie names n mituwinf wiwuhub w p.u.v hiniraiHttiiAm MaiilAaoA niion. and cultivation of said land, Tit: Thomas Fettijohn, of Vemo nia, Oregon, and Bdwln Throop, William Dere- Kerj' ana August BCnuinpil, OI jmnMsr, vregou. NOTICE fOR PUBLICATION. Laid Orrics at Osaeoa Civy. On.. aUIW llWf JUJPn. OT1CB IS HEREBY GIVKM THAT THB Mln1nKii.mMl aettlAr htfa filed notice Of N his Intention to make Anal proof In support of his claim, and Uiat said proof will be made be fore the Countr Judge of Columbia County, at at. Helena, Oregon, oa July Bud, im, vis: HARKY B. MK8BBYB, Wnnuntaad Kntrr No. SM for the nwli of sec tion 27, township? north, range S west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, via: O. K. Wonderljr. O. W. Kicn ardsou, and A. K. Morgan, of Helena, Oregon, and 1. H. Hendrlcson, of Dent, Oregon. JunM-ily!B CHAfl. B. MGORK8, Be Keglster. Pinal SetUomest. In the County Court ef Columbia County, State of Oregon. , In the matter cf too estate of uorenj Hohnert, deceased. NOTICB 18 HERRBY GIVE THAT the undersigned, George K. Moeck,ed minlstrator with the will annexed of said es tate, bas Hied bie final report therein aa such dmfniatrator. and that Saturday, tha 10th day of July, Itm, at 10 o'clock A. M., lias been appointed ny ux saia laurs tor uw h&rin at nhieetiona in the said final ac count and tbe settlement thereof, and it has been ordered by the said Court that the heirs, creditors and other persons interested in tbe said estate, ana it, on or oeiure uie said date appointed for such bearing of final ancount aud settlement, file their ob jections thereto, or to any particular items of said account, specifying the particulars to tuon objections. unti.t. auava, Administrator whii tne win annexea. Dated at t. Helens. Oregon, this lAth day of June, 1888. 117)15 SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of ths State of Oregon for Coiumbta county. H. Varwlg, Jr., plaintiff va. Annie Miller and William U. Miller, defendants. To Annie Miller and William M. Miller, defendants: IN THS NAME OF THE STATE OF Oraeon von are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint hied against you in the above-entitled suit, on or before tbe first day of the next term of laid Conrt, following the six weeks publication of this summons, towit: By the first Tuesdsy af ter tbe second Monday in October. 1SUS: And if von fail so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In the complaint hanin tiled, towit: For iuds-inent and de oree of Court against yoo and in favor of nlaintiir lor S4UU.UU. witn l me ran oue thereon amounting to 170.00, and for 130.00 as attorneys fees and costs and disburse ments of suit, and for the usual decree of Court that the mortgage set forth in the complaint be foreclosed and that the roort- fagea premise wierwituaBriiru,wiuw. be northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section 14, in township 6, north of range 2 west of Willamette Meridian, containing forty acres of land in Columbia county, Orespn, be sold as upon execution bv the snerill oi uoiumoia county. j rerun, toeatiafv such ludement. attorneys' fees and costs, and for such other and further riir aa ia demanded in trie eomogainc This summons is published by order of Don. luvuiM auui lun juwijw w "'--' entitled Court, made in open Court this May V. lHUS. Hi. annunnnniiu end A. B. MSNDKNHALL, un!0-jly22 Attorneys for plaintiff. Administrator's Salt) of Real Estate. XTOTICR 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT Xl in pursuance ol en oraeror taoueumy (1nnrt T tha Hlata of Ortoon for Columbia County, made end entered in the matter of tne estate oi uawaro yt eosier, usceaara, the 7th day of June, 1(, the undersigned iHutrli of tba hut will and testament of Kdward Webster, deceased, will sell at pub lic auction to toe nigneat uaaer tor ansa, gold coin of the United States, and subject to coohrraation by said County Court, on Unndu. tha flrat dav of Auiuat. A. D. l&W. at 10 o'clock a. ni at tbe front door of the county courthouse, in said county and atate, all the right, title, interest and estate ot the said Kdward Webster at the time of his death, and all the right, title and inter est that tbe said estate bas, by operation of law, or otherwise acquired, other than, or in addition to that of the said Edward Webster at ths time ef bis death, in and to ail tboee oertain lot, pieces or parcels ot real estate situate, lying and being in Co lumbia Countv, (Mate of Oregon, and par ticularly described as follows to-wit: The southwest quarter of section twenty-live (28), in township five (5) north of range five 6), west nf the Willamette meridian ; aleo lot eight (8) in block eight (8) and lot one (1) in block seventeen (17) and the west half of lot five (5) in block Wo. two (2), all it,,ai In tha town of Vernonia. in Colom bia county. State of Oregon, aa laid down npon the official nap or plat of said town on file in the oiltee ef the olerk of said county fai state, together with all imorove 1 menta thereon. Terms and conditions of sale i Cash, gold coin of the United Slates j ten per cent o( tha purchase money to be paid to the said executrix on the day of ale, balance thereof on eonQrmation ot sale bv said County Court, sate oy eu v WEBSTER. Executrix of the las will snd testament of Kdward Webster, ceceeaeo. , j 13 -a Mr. G. F. Lindgren, of Mist, waa at tending to businesa here yesterday. George Foster, Jr., ot Goble, left for the grain fields of Eastern Oregon the iuropai t oi tu m1. County oourt convened Wednesday morning with a considerable amount of business on hand. Rev. Fhllbrook will preach at Peer Island next Sunday at 11 a. m. and at St. Helens-in tbe evening. - Mr. and Mra. 8. Eaamuten,' of Ore gon City, spent the Fourth with Mr. and Mrt. John Qilniore. A license to wed wat issued in Mult nomah county last week to Newton Bundby and Mollie Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Perry tpent the Fourth with relative! in this city, re turning to Portland in the afternoon. A good selection of millinery for tale at cost during July and August at the residence of Mrt. W. B. Buell, near tbe tcboolbottse. . A. Perry, of Houlton, has a large stock of gents' and ladies' tboee Just in from the East, which he it telling at bed-rock prices. . Rev. Mr. Wilton will hold services every alternate Sunday at T : 30 p. in. in the Episcopal church here, com mencing Sunday, July 10. Mr. Geo. Foster, sr., wat op from Goble Tuesday, and tayt that place ia quite lively on aoooont of the large number of trains which atop at that place to receive train ordera. "I have utod Chamberlain's Congh Remedy in my family for years and always with good results," tayt Mr. W. B. Cooper, of El Bio, Cal. "For small children we finditeepeciallyeaective." For Sate by Dr. E. Ross. AHaiKV. Kowlsb-Shuxtj:. At Rainier, Or., on Bun day, July t, 198, Mr. W. A. Fowler and Mus Uva A. ttbulta, Judge Doaa officiat ing. Hen,!. BalSH.N ear Yankton, Or., on Tuesday, July fi, lnua, to Mr. and Mrs. Nick Brian, a son. Get Value Received EVERY TIME AT N. A. Perry's HOULTON, OREGON. jgggggggggggaggggggesges STAR -:- SALOON Vf, r. Bf.AKeaa.ET, rre. mi mum mms; The Famous J. R. CUTTER, MAGNOLIA and HONKY DEW Whiatwi always nn hand , 1 CELEBRATED EC? GOLD BEER s A large stork of DOMESTIC and E.KY WEST Cigars ut the bast grade always on hand. Maim St. - Helens. Or. HUNT HARDWARE CO. rORTLAD, ORKtaOFJ. NORTHEAST CORN'S 8KCOND A MOKBISON ....CarrlesaComptete Stock of.... Heating -:- Stoves m. RANGES. Alt Wtads of Cooking Ctenatla. Pratt Jars asdXNAMBLKD FRUIT FAN Remem ber and eall when In tho elty if ia need oi anything in the fruit-canning line. Karlvsre, : tears, : CrEsry And Everything in that Line of Goods. CHERRY SEEDERS, APfLg FEELEBS. ETC. ;. -- NORTHEAST CORN'S SECOND A MORRISON - Remember the place - BANQUET SALOON OLONINGER&OOOPETu PROPRIETORS. Wine and Liquor Card tables, pool table, billiard table and nthar rin vines for the entertainment of pat- rone, where time can be pleasantly ent-i Besides other popular brands, are kept constantly on band to supply tbe increased trade at this very popular saloon. THB FAM0C9 CYRUS NOBLE WHISKY 18 KKPT AT THI BANQUET. Y7HITE COLLAR LINE TBS COLUMBIA RIVER AND PUGET SOUND NAVIGATION CO. PDSttlSD -ASISEU EDDIE. Str. BAILEY GATZERT . 1 -. a . , J lit n..n... Leaves PotUaud daily (except Sundy)ei 1 A. M. Leaves Aauma daily (except ouiMtaj) r. M. Oatrert Tlf.kats Oood ea Rw Thnronaoe Sicamar Tnoovpsott Tickets Uood en (aabsert, TJ. . SCOTT, Pres.. iiniira-ilrrliinri1 nf ir vim-11- 'iiaHtiHJMB- niki.,ri iJurfasw ssgss fa 15 gtwesjesi wmm ywj I U ITIWII mt ARE ASSERTING Iff THE COURTS OUR EIGHT fd THE EXCLUSIVE USK OF THE WORD "C ASTORIA," AKO "PITCHER'S CASTORIA, AS OUR TRADEMARK. J, Dri SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyatmis, Massachusetts, was the originator of "CASTORIA," the same thai has borne and does now bear y-vf on everj the facsimile signature of yStfMdz wrapper. This is the original "CASTORIA which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the hind you have always bought on the and has the signature of OmMc&i wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my nam except The Centaur Company, of which Chas. JL Fletcher is Presided. March24, 18S'Q Do Not Bo DccciTcl.'::':v, '"V": - Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even "Tiio Kind You Havo Always Ecnht"l EEAR3 THZ CiCNATUHE CF - S7 Iirt on HaTin Tho Kind That Koto FSlcd Yoa. lay aa ay ay yy nsnuaiasinnay HARRIS' CASH GROCERY 3 Keeps always on hand all kinds ot stable ami fancy groceries and provisions, fana produce, tropical ana dommije fruits in season, fine teas and eotfeea. tobacco and elapua, A fine line of oonleeiim.erT aiso in atock, aad Taiiouautuat speclaities. For Your f CORNER COWLITZ AND MAIN STREET. ST. HELENS, OR. 5r ignayrTBja ay jsjat aua iff ay jasnay STe HELENS PHARMACY Dr. EDWIN ROSS, Proprietor. n.sVrtArtffiCrk DRUGS Patent Medicines, PERFUMES AMD Prescriptions... Carefully and Accur ately Compounded.... DAY OR NIGHT. ....Cigars.... -rfifcr sift ihr vifr j6m .tHiir k riL IX A WaV ruin Street, - Daafor in CEHEML MERCHANDISE DART & Maia Street, SOME RARE -FARMING LANDS- One hundred and twenty sbtm, If miles from eounty seat: 40 aoras la eulilTatloni 1 mil. from scuoolhouae; oa Columbia riTer; prie M 00 per acre. One hundred and twenty acres; sroed or eharl; SO acres good uwale laud; all land ia level; 1 mile from acbooihoune; mile from railroad station; 1 mile from tidewater; good chano. lor rosdwood. -TIMBER nnheretalss; Macrae; estimated at tons,. 0M fees of timtwi acesnsis to tewiaf stream; price $t00 00. Ttnherelala; sMsmssiewMCIfUmisst; pries oa. For fortlier iafomatica call on c: Street, - - ft. I:: rBensis" .ae.v ' 4 - ' IsiilSgSJ i b iMM f , I tL sCs---tJ lie does not know, ajjuyj yyyyyyafnya Groceries. naj aysjentfaraat ay .a iga y j Fancy Toilet Articles. FAHCY STATION EBV. Compete Line cf. School Books... and School Supplies t :aittt Mum USL J Vl aUtf St. Helens. Oregon. Choice Groceries Always nn hand. Flonr, eraln, and feed. Tobacco ani Ngaia, and antaken' aiUvivs, niMions, eta. Mots.., IllaUyiJ. 1.JL AiM. VIII CROCKERY AND TINWARG. ...Dry Goods... lucliiflinff (fenrrl ajwort-iient of clothfns:. fnr;!rhlnK5 aud drea gooia. Also & ttu liue ot bouu auiA aiioi. c 1 B P h MUCKLE St Helens, OreS''- BARGAINS Ten tares ea Miitoa ereek, K sehoot: 8-n.m house, uarn, o'li ruimwB, fmitt ew. ; smajt orcliard; S acres Ut euluvau.!; liUilM Klsthrr acres, 1rrr& ern"r all lil ami Wn:-r -!. 1; i aehoolaottws; on cinni r-. .1 i or &-aA!re tre!; pri,-,e 11 pat aiiis eaah and bauuice ou time. p.-.t.e wit; ' i in n. . .t LANDS- Oa. knsared and twenh" srr., M Umber land in tt n. r 2 vest; riwe-vM, gii feaadred end for'.y swm ft B m.r sa4tB4aj,r2ea; prMi. per me. 1 i