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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1898)
OREGON MIST. liltSDUU EVERY riMWA MOaNlPtO ' -SV-DAVID DAVIS. Bataertetlaa Kln One copy on year In advance.........,.. tne copv six uuulhl..,w.H.M.H. . Biugte copy..... 11 Ml Advcitlmnt rat Qdt fcnewn upon application COLOMBIA COUNTY DIRKCTORY. Camiety Olficere. Judge., Joseph B. Ioao, Rainier Clark...,, Juosou Weea, Vernon is UhertsT ..J. N. Rloe, Cletekanle Treasurer K. at. Wharton. St. iielene 8ui- ( School 0. Watts, Soanpooee Aawnwor , '..'.....Martin White, Quinsy Surveyor...... ; W. N. Mewrve, Delene Coroner ur. A. r. ioi.aren, Kaimer Commissioners j;--- . r. A. rraaee, nfipo.t ....N. . I'ewnwo, lltat T. HELENS. OKKUOft, JUNE 11. America tor Americans. "Ijong May It wave O'er the) Home of the) free and tha Iand of the Bnn." ropvusa tone dead. The decisive and in magnitude nil' ex pec led republican victory in Oregoi last week has for ever put the stamp of disapproval on populism and fusion in this state and in our nation. It rang oat the first bell of a funeral re quiem for the party of follies, foibles, fads, patches and shreds. The words spoken by the ballots have no hidden or uncertain meaning. The result has hurried the free silver erase too deep for resurrection. It teaches the lesson that a party that depends upon sophistries and falbjies for support cannot gain the confidence of the peo ple. The result makes it clear and peeitive that Oregon if a sure sound money state. It proves also that fus ion of, various parties, all founded on propositions of dishonor, ia sure to be a failure, except temporarily. It also makes plain the fact that there ia bat one political party in this country. The republican party baa always been the friend of the maaset, and those in whose handa the natter was left for settlement decreed that the republican party sbouia bow and for evermore remaia ia control of public affairs. The reason for this is that on the main issues before the people it is right, will remain right, and has a long lease of power before it. Oregon's action has made it one of the greatest states in the Union. The ayes of the busi ness world art now turned westward, Money will now flow into oar stale for investment in onr nneqnaled forests of magnificent timber; our mining inter ests will receive the closest attention, and the benefit to the state from this source will be inealcuable, while the arming and stock-raising aections are destined to prosper as never before. Had ths free silver party been sue eessf ul ia this state last week the re sult would have been directly the op posite. Events have proven this, and the people have at last awakened to a sense of their responsibilities. are mosPEH as ws riettr. It looks as though the United States might carry on several more wars aim nlUneonsly with this little scrap with Spain, and yet feel no particular div turbance in its peaceful enterprises. While we are freeing Cuba, capturing Porto Bioo and the Phillipines, and keeping aa eye on a lot of jealous po tentates in Europe, we are "booming" oar industrial enterprises as never be fore. Our harvesting machines are already at work on the southern edge of onr wheat fields, and the march of their scythes northward is evidently to be accompanied by the garnering of the greatest wheat crop known in his tory. Our railroads are carrying more freight, onr factories are taming out mors goods, oar horns merchants have busier counters, and our exporters are sending more cargoes abroad than aver before. The stocks of "nearly all onr great corporations have advanced in valae by great bounds, under cir cumstances such as in the history of other nations have almost invariably compelled a decline. The balance of trade in our favor in 1897 made the world's eyes bulge ; the balance for 1893 bids fair to be even more extraordinary. Labor troubles are almost unheard of, since pretty nearly everyone with a dent for indus try is at work. In the opinion of the . 8t Paul Pioneer Press, Providence seem plainly on the aide of the conn- try whose motto is "An equal chance for every man," and whose highest ambition at present is to make such a bancs available to millions, who, under Spanish dominion, have been shora of manhood's birthright. CJ - 0s result of the republican victory in Oregon Monday will be the restora tion of the confidence among eastern investors ia the soundness ef ths re publican party on the money ques tion. There were many well-informed republicans in Oregon who feared the outcome of the combination attempted sjsiosl the republican state ticket, aad cse of the wont effects of the election of tuck men at King tad Kincaid would have been til supposed tri umph of free silver. In ths opinion of Uia A.iuii.ii, will no Iduk"' be any doubt whore Oregon standi on the money question, and there Si reason to believe the overwhelming majorities cast for Qeer, Dunbar, and Moody signify a change of seutimenl among the masses of the people on the money question not only in Oregon but throughout the whole Paciflo coast, Aslorian. Ordinarily we view with too little thought, ths meetings of the pioneers of Oregon. The meeting held in Port land this week was attended by about 250 persons, perhaps nearly all of those left who risked their lives, sacrificed their homes and friends to build up state that has no equal on earth. Those without experience give this matter little consideration, when take into consideration the hardahipi and privations endured. It ia ordinary lifetime since these brave, hsrdy, venturesome pioneers first reached our stute, and caused the sur render of every element ef opposition to secure homes for themselves and those who might follow. The grest commonwealth which is viewed today is a result of their self-sacrificing spirit. In Columbia county there are many of those noble pioneers, and to them is due a deep debt of gratitude. We notice, however, with alarming dis tinctness how the ranks are being thinned, as one by one they depart The reunions of Oregon pioneers will soon be but matters of history. Thb Nicaragua canal question is be ing quite forcibly brought to ths at- tention of the people of the United States at present. On this Western coast it has long been a settled ques tion as regards ths great benefits to be derived from the construction of this canal connecting the Atlantic with the Pacific, but to get the people of ths East to realise this fact has been the one great problem which has prevented the undertaking of this great work Just now the people on the Atlantic slope are beginning to realise ths ad vantages that would accrue to the whole country if the canal were con structed and in operation. It would materially aid the country in its pres ent straggle with Spain, to aay the least. Vxatch as a democrat was entitled to the respect of every one who be lieved in the democratic doctrine, but as a fusionist he had the respect of no one. His position reminds ns of young doctor who, wishing to make good impression on a German farmer. mentioned the fact that he had gradu ated from three medical schools of dif ferent practice. "Oh, dot vas noding," said the farmer, "I had vonce a calf vot sucked three cows, and he made noding bat a common schteer after all" According to Monday's Oregonian this state is destined to suffer a repeti tion of calamities. We had no sooner wiped populism and free silver out of the list of probabilities than along comes the news that Mary Ellen Lease is to locate in our state. We are of the opinion that while Mary Ellen could not long survive the rigorous climate of Minnesota, she will find the Oregon political climate much adverse to her ideas of perfection. Let her coma. Whils people of other states have been deeply interested in the war in the way of contributing supplies and soldiers, Oregon, while farther away from the scenes of activity, haa per formed two great and important duties. She contributed her quota of well equipped soldiers, and on Monday, a week ago, said, by a majority of 10,000, that President McEinley should be as- fisted in other wajs in carrying on the war. We had two wars to fight the Spanish war and ths free-silver war. ihx agony is over, we can now turn our undivided attention to whip ping the Spanish. The citisens of Oregon have again exercised their pre rogative at the polls, and ths Esgle for one is satisfied with the result. Of coarse we regret the defeat of certain local republicans, but auch are ths features of politics and war. Old Umatilla is a republican county, and her people have shown by their voles that they are done with the fiat money oraze. -Hilton Esgle. - Oxx of the most pleasing features of the late election was the turning down Pennoyerism in this state. Mr, Mason was elected mayor ef Portland over Montag, Penooyer's man, by sev eral thousand, and the entire corrupt gang is routed root and branch. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Valley Cutki, baa Diego Co., Cat., . May 28, 1898. (To the Editor.) Thinking a few lines from this far-off southern dims may Inter est the readers of Ths Mist, I hasten to narrate briefly a few of my tirstimpresslons this valley ; I should have said valleys, as there are six In number, all connected by rolling bills over which run road smooth a floor and as hard as adamant. A view from ths summit of soy of these hills re minds ons of a quaint oonceptioo at a pan orama spread upon canvass by the hand Ossian ; It leaves ths impression of sunny memories. The rolling hills, which until recently were considered of but little value, are sow, as far as ths eye can sea, being covered with olive, lemon, orange, fig, and all other tropical and semi-trophlcal fruits and nuts for which Southern California Is noted. In the valleys I see grains, gardens, and Hewers flourishing and waving, being matured and ted by the mists front ths grand old FaclAc ocean, which at a distance ta plainly dlsoernable. This valley Is 1800 fset above ths level of the sea; 600 fet above EvamUldo, nine miles distant. The distance to Ban Diego is 40 miles. Everything looks green and refreshing, having had since my arrival May 15th 1M Inches ef rain. The climate haa been delightful sines my arrival; a cool sea breeas springs up about S a. m. and lasts daring the dsy, reminding me of those delightful sea breeaes that come up the lordly Oregon (Columbia) at Bt. Helens the produot of whose waters' salmon, smelt sad shad I sadly miss. The nnluiprovad valley and hill lands are fringed with man- sanita, mountain mahogany, suruacx, lllao, scrub and spreading everoreon oak. Ths valleys abound in perennial springs; two living streams ef water run through ths valley, whose banks are bordered with live oak, water erase, tule, and willows. The valley lands are a black sandy loam; ths mesa lands are a red sandy loam. About four miles east of this series valleys runs (be dan Luis Rey river, flowlna through the ltlncon Indian reservation. There are two old Spanish missions (ths Fala and San Luis Ray) along this river. The Bear Valley Lake a pleasure resort for Eacondldo and ths neighboring settlt ments lies within eight miles of this place Lying about ten miles esst of here la Smith mountain, whose height ia about 9000 feet another summer resort of some note. Quail and rabbits are plentiful; so plentiful that they are sometimes detrimental to ths farmi en and orchsrduts. Mora annon, U. H. PioooTt. MAT REAL-ESTATES TRANSFERS. Mary Asnsdea to J D Partridge, 169 W acres off Poppleton D L C; quit claim 0 U larger and wife to R Happier, the north 70 acres ol n a-Uo ear. IS. tp 6 a. r t west 1 00 Daniel Berg to Frits Anderson, the eofaeK, sec 5, tp8n, r6 west.. 1000 00 Wna E Convert and wife to Ira Over turf, nemeierv lot 6 50 W H Dolinao and wife to Dean Hat tan. Iota. Uk 11. Bt Helena 400 00 John Huruill to Astoria A Colombia Kiver Kadroad (Jo, nubile highway 40 00 K Kappler and wire to Q O Barger, n'A of nwK. sec 31, tp S n, r 4 west 600 00 A ts LAWS and wile lo Florence K Laws, seM of "X of see 3, tp 7 n, r 4 west: quitclaim Florence B Laws et nx to Nils B Hendrickson. eU of avU of sec 8. tp 7 n, r 4 weak 320 00 Bailie 8 Meyers et ax to Dorah W uoooin, wm or. James Dobbins JJ ; L C : Quitclaim John D Partridge to John D Part- ridgeet ax, 169 acres oil Poppleton I) L C: auilclaim Jamas Oinnn aad wife to the cubits. county road 0 00 D J Swilter and wife to school dis trict 64. one acre in sea 12. to a. r 2 west 1 00 Sheriff Rice to John D Partridge, 160 acres off Poppleton D L 0 1839 96 State of Oregon to J M Howell, seX or see 1, ip o , r s west ov UV Frank Tracy and wife to Alooso Em mons, sex qf sex of sec 3. to 4 n. r 4 west. .... 4SO 00 Juhn xarpin and wife to U W Free man, mH Ol ssrH ana lot 4, see 30, and neU of nw Ja of see 31. to 6 a. rawest lino 00 John W vanbiarieom and wife to Louis Biegert and wife, w M of w M ' ' " " 1W W jonn h, watts and wile to 1 G Watts, oiocK o. ureeawooa aaaiiion ta Scappoose 1 00 united states to Martin Davison. sjf oi ns ana ne4 ot nex or sea 31, and iXot nmii of sec 82, tp5n, r ft west: natent.. United rJtates to Albert Bchntt, swK ef sec 15. to 6 n. r 8 west: intent. United States lo James ' Graham, rW of sec IS. to 7 n. r 6 w: natent United States to Jacob Inaescher. ewWofeec31.tp6n,r3w: patent United States to Edward C. Sim mons, se4 of sec 8, tp 6 n, r 3 west; patent.. PERIS ITEMS. Mr. Mover was limnine- around Snndav. naving peeiea toe ooiiom oi nie loot. Mrs. D. R. Fowler wss able to be at the concert Buaday. Her many friends were giaa to see ner out once more. The rhildrens' Dsy exercises were a sno ws. Caanan and Yankton were the visit ing schools. Kev. Fairchild preached an able sermon, in which he demonstrated clearly that our success as a nation was in adhering to the rule of our forefathers, of uneriy ana conscience. After the services the ladies served dinner and hot coffee in the scboolhouse. as there were some Dres- ent from a distance. The children's exer cUea consisted of singing, speaking and di alogues. Some were splendid, especially those by Miss Nina Andrews and Miss Myr- ue rowier, ana a song enuuea A Utile Boy for bale," by Mias Beta Dawson. Mrs. Mary Wikatrorn succeeded in aettioa her new organ lor ine occasion, wmcn added very much to the eniovment of all nreaent. The house was beautifully decorated with moea and flowers, and several beantifui flairs stimnlated our memories of onr sol diers and sailors, and helped to keep the uicv u jiainvttaui uu ruing. Is It "Slyr The following communication appeared in Monday's Oregonian, and perhaps set tles the matter of the proper pronouacia- tlon of Commodore Bcbley'a name: Pobtlahd, June 12. (To the Editor.) The following appeared In your paper of the 4tn lost., copied from a Chicago paper When Commodore Bcblev finishes the task of annihilating Cervera's squadron will be please tell many antious and wsiting scirmrers wnetner He still clings to the Rhenish Schh, or whether he has adopted ww Aiuvncanuva cij r From s personal knowledge I know that Commander Winfield Scott Schley and bis family all pronounce It Sly. J. B. M. How's This For a Calamity Howler? Ashland Valley Record (regular peoples.) Oregon will be about the most prosperous state in the Union this year. Last year wss good ons, and this one promises to be even better. The rain may injure the strew. berries and cherries ; bops may be a partial failure; but we shall have immense crops of other kinds, and big prices will be re ceived for them. Next fall, according to the present outlook, most farmers will be out of debt, and have money "to throw at the birds." Since Jane 0. Tillamook (Or.) Herald. Nearly every man yon meet now is s straigut repuoncan. The few words ebovs mean all they say. In Columbia county it is quite a common thing to bear populists epeniy denouncing their Darty as a frand. And why should they not? Ths people of Oregon said there was no place in onr basy bustling state far demagogues, and they said It bard. Wheat Out of Danger. Pendleton Tribune. A large smount of wheat in this county now sufficiently matured to be eut of danger of serious damage by hot winds. Farmers from many parts of ths county have been questioned about their crops re-1 eetitly, and all declare that a grsat yield et wheat is aow a certainty. Democrats Unfaithful to Fusion. Ashland Valley Record. Though ths fusion (county) ticket was 00 reposed principally of pepuliats, not ons was sleeted. The only two successful ones were democrats, of course. There is poetio retribution tor yen. Facta Well Established. Albany Herald. The tact ta clearly established that ths farmers ot Oregon know well enough to distinguish the difference betwseu 76-eent wheat and 45-cent silver. DreaSrnlly Narvawa. OiNTs: I was dreadfully nervous, and for relief took vour Karl'a Clover Root Tea It quieted my nervea and strengthened my whole Nervous System. I was trontilod with constipation, kidney snd bowel tronb Is. Your tea soou cleansed mv whole sva tern o thoroughly that I rapidly reatalned my health and strength. Mrs. 8. A. Sweet, naruoru, ion, ooio oy vr. nuwin noes. oa. m v sr m, Tjk.. Bears the jf1t alAB Yw HiW lwrt Bongs' If Kind Yw Haw lwrt sugaasiie sf Cure that cough with Shlloh's Cure. The beet Cough Cure. Relieves oioup promptly. Due million bottles sold last year. 40 doses for 25 cents. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross For constipation take Karl's Clover Root tea, tne great dioou puriner. vures nesa acbe. nervousness, eruptions on the face. and makes the head clear as a bell, tioid by Dr. Edwin Ross. Batistas yl tola Yw Hw Arrow ItagM , iMaYotNtwahranl BlgaaKue of Shlloh's Consumption Cure cures where otnere ran. it is ma leaning eougn cure, and no home should be without it. Pleas ant to take and goes right to the spot. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross. Karl's Clover Root Tea, for consumption it's the best and it after using it you don't say so, return the package and get your money, eoia dj nr. aawin nose. OA0VORXA. Been ths Itn Kind Vot Haw kimn Boqftt tngaatant sf Catarrh Cured. A clear head and sweet breath secured with Shiloh's Catarrh lem edy, sold on a guarantee. Nasal injector iree. eoia oy vr. uaww noes. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tit Iki Yea Kays Always Botsgfct Bears the ffgnanrraof PROFESSIONAL. i, W. DAY W. B. DIIXABD SUlart St Pay, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Office next door to Courthouse, ST. HEWSNU. OKEUON. General Drastics In courts of Oresna or Wsah- lngton. ADsl tracts mads directly from county records. GEORGE A. HALL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Collections, foreclosures, mechanics' lelns, etc. uepuij proeecuuug attorney, umue with T. J. Clseton. St. Hku8, Ossaoir. G. W. COLE, ATTOKNSY AND COUH8KLOE-AT -LAW, BT. HELENS, OBEQON. Title Abstract Books. Notary Public. Commis sioner of Deeds for Washington, and an exper ienced collector in connection with office. JyTL. EDWIN B068, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. St. Helens, Oregon JJR. H. R. CLIFF, PHYSICIAN AND SUKGEON, 8t Helens, Oregon, JR. t. E. HALL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Clatskanie, Columhla county, Or. yy W. MEBEBVE, Snrreyor and Civil Engineer DELBNA, OREGON. Conntv Surveyor. Land Burvevlne-. Town Platting and Engineering work nromDtlv vaeouieu. DENTIST J. A. REID Has Located la St. Helens Permanently, FULL 8KT TEETH.. . FILLINU GOLD FILLINGS ..rrntotiOM .. ISO to 1 00 M upwards Crown ani Bridge fort a Succialtj f 3.60 TO es.00 PER TOOTH. The work that I hare done in this communitv tor ui. peat nve monuu is mj rewmxuenuauou, All work guaranteed satisfactory. i Office Next Door to Rots' Drugstore ST. HELENS, : : ! I OREGON FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. STEAMER Young America WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Leave St. Helens . :B0 A M .10:00 A M . 2:80 P M ,. 6:00 P H Arrive at Portland... . Leave Portland , Arrive at Bt. Helens... FARE CENTS. Will Carry Nothing but Passengers snd Fast Frriglit. JAMES Or OD, Master. MONEY'S WORTH IVMV TIMg T DOLIAH'S STORE. T. HIUfNS, ORIQpfl, Mr. Dolman always keens a full stock of Ueneral Merchandise, which he soils at prices that defy eumpetlUou, O. R.&N. ...,TO THS... EAST. Gives the oholoe of Transcontinental Two Routes mGEEAT.u NORTHERN R'y. -VlB-SPOKANB MINNEAPOLIS BT. PAUL and CHICAGO ...OREGON... SHORT LINE R'y. via DENVER SALT LAKE OMAHA aad KANSAB C1TT M.0CSCIM stsamsv. .. Oregon. Ceo. W. Elder CITY OF TOPEKA LEAVE PORTLAND EVE BY FIVE PAYS FOR ALASKA POINTS. OOKAN 8TRAMKR9 LEAVE PORTLAND EVKKY FIVE DAYS FOR SAN FRANCISCO. STEAMERS monthly from Portland to Yoko hmna and Hum Koug, in eouuection with us v. a. a , uomiuwy. For lull Information call on or address W H HIIBL11URT. General Passenger Agent, - Portland, Oregon DODWKLL. CARLILL A CO., General .gems Northern Pafllflo a 8, Co, Portland, Oreniin. Get Value Received EVERY TIME AT N. A. Perry's HOULTON, OREGON. Oriental Hotel L. L. DECKER, Manaoch. 8T. HELENS, t ! : OREGON, . ) ( Erervthina in connection with the house Is nni-u, ii rn ciaaa. Auom twenty wen luniMiina ana wen Kept rooms. Tne table supplied at ail limee witn uie beat tne market anorus. E.E.QUICK G. WJJOLB Commtaetonerof , Notary Public , Deeds lor Wash ington. , COLE & QUICK, PROPRIETORS OF THORNFS Numerical Systeijrltle Abstracts. Titles Examined and Perfected. AtMtracta Furnished. Assessments Examined. In surance Written. Taxea Paid and Convey ancing. L I. HELEfIS, OBEOOrl. JOHN WINTERS MANUFACTURER OP Casks and Barrels ATKIN S OLD STAND ST. HELENS. OREGON. DO YOU 9 KNOW THE NEWS I Von can have it sll tor Per.... R An Per.... MUlUMonta in Ths Evening Telegram, of Portland, Oregon. It la the largest evening news paper published In Oration; It contains all the news of the state snd of the na tion. Try It for a month. A sample copy will be mailed to you free. Address THE TELEGRAM, Portig-d, Oregon. flUCKLE BROS MANUFACTURER! OF Dimension Lumber, Flooring, Rnstlc, Sheath ing, casings, ana a complete stoca oi every variety ol ROUGH and DRESSED LUMBER ALWAYS ON HAND AT THE OLD STAND, ST. HELENS, OR .jfcstt. ' - BwwiyfsTfrWW H ST. HELENS HEAT MARKET James tl. Sheldon, Prop. All Kinds of Fresh Meats, Hams, Bacon, Lard i i i i i Meats by Wholesale At Special Rates. o'gy8-gsyya'gg$ CLATSKANIE DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor, Has ust received vl Freeh Drusrs and Also s new and selnet stock of druirs and patent medicines, fancy stationery, school boon aixt st'ltoo! siipplie., iierlnnivry aixi toilet articles, and iu fact everythlug which la usually kept at a nral-cUas drug .lore, " Prescriptions Otrefully Compounded ' AT TilK CLATSKANIE DRUG STORE m ay sy ajanayrey ay ay my ay ay ay ay Groceries and FLOUR, GRAIN, AND FEED. TOBACCO AND CIGARS, NOTIONS. ETC. T. C. WATTSSTORE, Eeuben, - - - Oregon "The Perkins" C. W. KNOWLES, Manager. Mr. Knowles was, for many years, proprietor of the 8t. Charles hotel, snd while there established a reputation as a hotel man. He is now In bettor position to entertain his friends than ever before, snd will welcome all his old patrons to his new place of business, where can be fouad so op-io-dnte hotel. Corner Fifth end Washington Streets, Portland. r -Two Newspapers Together. j OREGON M 1ST uniy two Dollars 1'er Year in Advance. efrnsjF' WWW say ywy STEAMER G. DELL SHAVE II, Master. 4mA rsrnir" is. ""i I steav T Aiavna Portland, foot of Washington street, TueKlay. Thursday, and Sunday evening at 1 LA .O, V MS o'clock. Returning LeaveeClaUkaulo, tlile permitting, Monday, Wednewtay, and Friday evmlngs at 4 o'clock. Will peas Oak Polntanoul 7s BlellaMft; Merger 1:V: Rainier R:!iU! Kalma9:lS: Ht. Helen. :hO. change time without notice. ....STEAMER JOSEPH KELLOGG.... Leaves Kelso on Mondays, Wednesdara and Fridays at o cioca a. at. ..Portland and Kelso Route via Willamette Slough... WHITE COLLAR LINE) THE COLUMBIA RIVER AND PUOST BOUND NAVIGATION CO. rOBIUID-lSIORIt ROUTE. Steamer TELEPHONE Landlnt Foot of Alder Htrnet. PnrtUnJ Leaves Portland dally (ezceptHunday)at 7 A. 1 Landlne Talenhnna ilnek. libiri. Leaves Astoria dally (except Sunday) 7 P. 1 Telephone Tickets flood on Steamer Potter Steamer Potter Tickets Oood on Telephone ' v. B, BOOTT, Pres. SflraSasawaijaajaTssV o St. Helens, Oregon DRUG STORE a large sasertnMBt and Pure Chemicals ay a) ay ey ay ay ayay'sjai ay ay ey ay ay w Provisions..... a -ay .aw a. -Au -jk. .sfc. .a. AAsbuM OREGON IAN ryj ay ay ay ay ay ay ay-ay W. SHAVER The Only Direct Route ...FROM... . Portland to Clatskanie Arrive la fortlauu l:ao a. m. iu. company raseivoe Uie rigiil 10 Shaver Transportation Company. leaves Port, land TuesiUy, Thunxlay, and Saturdays, at ( o'clock a. m. BANQUET SALOON 0L0NINGER& COOPER, PROPRIETORS. Wine and Liquor Card tables, nnnl talile. billiard tnble and other devices for the entertainment of iint- rons, where time can be pleasantly spent. Besides other popular brands, are kept constantly' on hand to supply the increased trads at this very popular eitloon. -HTHl FAMOUS CYRUS NOBLE WHISKY IS KEPT AT THB BANQUET,