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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1898)
our.oox MIST. -T- DAViD DAVIS. ) uei tw - Adrerttsms rx d. oo spo appi'"'0 OOLCMBIA COCJiTY EIKECTOEY. Deiwaty (""Ctrl. I'irk - .....MiL.Jlwl wo. vriu t, lerisT. -J- !2. " r L.- ...... . ..r. a. rt, . Comatton J ' h. . retenoa. Mut T. MCL.K5I. MA biilS lAfcf tlAk 1UU . jrr Governor. .......... -T. T. OEM of Maxfoo- , for fjupreiae Jode .. s A- HOOBI ol Colombia. Tot State Secretary F. L DC3BAR ol Clatsop. For 8 tat Treswrrer CH AS. S. MOORE of Klamath. For 6tae Muter. . . . . . . W. IL LEEDS ol Jacksoo. Attorney Can., D. K. . BI.ACKBCE3 of Una. Bupt. Instruction ... J. ACKERS! A3 of MallBoaab. CONGRESSIONAL For CnpM-. A- "OOOT " of Waseo. Fifth Judicial D!trtct. For Jodg. T. A. McBBID of Clacksmae. For DU. Attorney . T. J. CLKKTOS of Columbia. Board Eqoalitaiioo W. A. SMITH of CiaeAaatss. - ' Columbia Cotrnty. For Representative .DE. J. B. HAIL ForConnty Clark J- O. WATTS For County Sheriff... V. ME3EBVE For Cotamiuiootr t. A. FBAKE8 For Treasurer SB. EDWIN ROSS For School Sop't... X H. COVE LAND FTrAaMaaar MABTIS WHITE ForSarwror ..... GEORGE HATES For Cerooea .. .DB. A. P. McLABES pstemev ticket. ForJestioeof tba peace....... X. COX For Coeetable JU L. DECKER America to Americans, "boa May It wave O'er Om Homo of the Free and tbo Land of the Brave." , 18 IT TREASOKt Bar ara tba sentiments of tba moath piece of the popttlUt party in Columbia eonoty, and they savor ttronjiy oi any thing bat true, loyal epirit, beiaf ax preued at tbia time ia partfeolar. or at any time at far a the real ipirit it concerned: "Now that war ia actually on. If a trv ahell from a Bpenisb war ahip abould reach Wall (Street, it would be ammunition well pent." Tbia ia brief bat it proclaims the trae dis- loyal aenUiaent of tba peraoa editing the Colombia Caaaty Newt, ia which paper the paragraph appeared only laet week, and to aay tee leaat, it ie the moat ricioae throt at ear eonntry'a aafety and welfare wa hare aeen, aad could be equaled enly by a treacb ooa Spaniard wbo ia oar preeent natural enemy. Tba full intendment of tba utterance it apparent to everybody. It ia done witb a apirit of inciting a feeliag of hatred toward our country, our flag, and especially our preeident, aimply berauiebeia a republican preeideat, and with the further latent of casting aa odium open tba republican party because it ia aow, aa it always baa dona, defending the country'! honor and Integrity. Ordinarily it stooping to tba level of each being to notice their utterance, but it become s duty, as a loyal American citl aen to wara our country' friend of their danger wbea anarchy and treason ara open ly advocated at a time when our country i ia the deadly conflict with a foreign foe. Tba trouble baa only commenced, and tbere will be difficulties enough for our na tion to or fircone without being forced to endure tba onalauabta of the aonatry'a en emies at borne. People ara entitled U free thought and free apeech, so long aa the ideas advanced ara within tba bound ef loyalty add reaaen, the eoaathutioa give as, as American eitlxens, that glorioa aed acred privilege, but it does not permit tbe pea advocacy of treaten. No more flagrant breach of American honor would be expected from our tnoit vowed enemlea, and certainly our citizen hare jut canee for alarm wben each die loyal apirit is manileat In our very midat, ad finding eiprelon at a time like thU, above all other, joetly entitle It author to ba severely dealt with, and the punih Kent could not be too ever. Every loyal cltiaen in Columbia county points the finger of acorn and eonderuna ' tion at any peraoa entertaining and advo cating ruch vicious idea, and if tbe aentl auent expressed ia that paragraph be the eotiment of the party whose principle that paper pone, then wa aik what anight wa etpect abould owr country' man agement be placed ia tba hand of such peooleT Wa hope ueb I tat lb ease, bat wbea a man of party of men ara ao far forgetful of every element of decency, good tneral or loyalty to tba country that glv titem existence, protection, liberty attd bappineii aa to openly advocate euch wtatiiaent it beoomee tbe duty of tba an thoritiea to treat them (everely. loyal elU fxent in Columbia county will bear u out In waking tin UtmeBt contained herein, and tly are justly indignant that uch ax j- -eMckKM as oontalaad In tba paragraph qijoUd hava to be) io'wated. -. 'V'. i'.i tht pii of the tat of Oregoa vf.t wfth rny dvocating uch priucl 5 t W bII'va tbe people of Oregon are lo l.iysJ to ts'li '! an element to eoo- tral aor state, aa aieraeat which laepaaiy ad roratlng eucb aiUoeat. Ta aoh peopla to manag tw aftaira watilal mean havitadiaearagi:it affact ope the aaea wao today are aphoMiatg tba aoaaary's bwor ia a deaelty atrauta ia the aua af right and of humanity. That eleroea: are pnesently eaaytng after the csfiperhead M Ht. Tbcy ara tb(teg the rrm a heed as they fcaow wow and have taa etirtaniy af daing aaaily aa mach eWaega. We haow whera to arid a foraiga to, but a trsMtw I to be dreaded. Taa gnmt nrtrwr ectitrved by Coramo- dora bewry at taa Fbisiaa raoenUy la but aaoabar UiaatrMioa f the tact, ability aad eooeeea cbaracterfetie af Atnarkaa hi- greinity and tkUI, coupled witb the fact ifcat the etrote waa oiada ia thai name af homaaity. justica aad freedom, and ucb victoria are to be expected oa every oeca etno. wheew the American floei or army are engaged la the defense of thoee three car dinal principle. Others might have been aa aoeceaafal as Mr. Dewey waa, bat tbe fact remaine that ba earned hi greatae, and all loyal eiuseo via witb each other ia proclaiming bim tba hero, of tba age. end he jaatly merit all the praise as ia receiv ing. It but requires as opportunity lor our navy to demonstrate it uteri.rity. Taa aesMcralfhiB of Admirala Dewey and gamnaaa i aafficieat ta arevent "a ahell from a Fpaaiih war ahip from dropping into Wall street," a baa bean advocated cy seriain dielovel Besot, bat it certainly i a mUfortune abould aneh a thing oecurr that the peraca advocating oca anareuutic es- iIuupbu eaald not be the first to ba hit. Wbea such Ibraata are made at tba coun try's welfare the peraaa making it jaatly Merit tba aevertet poninhmcnt. nioWlio'Tsiir . Two Fear ago the popaHet leaders of Clackamas eonaty. and ia fact tbraegbaot tbe ata were ecademning tbeetate militia. calling them "tin soldier" and demanding that the whole militia ba aboIUhed. Their attitude on thi oneetioo waa probably on account of there being no ponnlita In the tat militia, and oat of tba BUS men now at Camp MeKinley tbere ara only three pop- alist. The effort of tbapopoflata to feign patriotira daring the preeent war b (imply to tain cheap notoriety. They are not pa triot. They ara Spanish eympathisera. They ara in favor of aay other coon try but the United States. They opposed the Ore goa National Guards two year ago, and would ba opposed to them this year if they 'dared to. They opeely advocate the aboi- iabmentof tbe entire militia of the atate. became an aaarebiet has do oaa for tba rate militia. Kinaoatof ten of the patriotic soldier came from therepnbiieaa and dem ocratic party, aad ninety-nine oat of a bun dred of the anarchist belong to tba popa- list party. No patriotic Americas citisea can conscieatioaaly veto the populist ticket. 5o nn who lovee hi country and hi boms can trail in the populiat camp. All of tba defender of our national honor aad the grand old flag are a umbered among the republican and democrat. AU the Span ish eympathitars are to be found in tbe populist party. Tbia being trae, tba importance of the Jane election ia apparent. Tbera ia no doubt but that tba populist m tbe legisla ture will vote for a mao wbo ia apposed to Preeident McKIniey. Tbey admit this themeivet, and it require no argument to convince the patriotic voter of Clackamas county af thi fact. Thi is an Important factor in tbia campaign and one which should move every republican to renewed effbrte to aeeare tbe election of tba entire republican ticket. Oregoa would be dis graced were a United States eeaator elected wbo waa ia aympatby witb the popuiiata and againet President MeKinley. Every loyal, patriotic citizen of Clack am county. wbo lovee bi country aad it flag should aiand by MeKinley ia the present crui. and it ia tba doty of tba patriotic people of the state to uphold MeKinley by electing tba entire etate, county, and legialative ticket. To do otherwise weald mean trea- eon, and might result in discouraging the president ia bi effort to mala tain taa aa tioual bonor ia the war with Spain. The populitt of 1898 ara tbe copperhead of 1861. Tbey flgbt the government from tbe rear aad extend their aympatby to the Spaniard tbe ame aa tbe copperhead gave ympaCby to tba rebels Oregon City Enter prise. mmmm Case. 8. Habtmis, the present represent ative in eongres from Montana, aa ardent free-silver man, aad who claims to be a Irae-eilver republican,'' in making a speech in tba bona of representative on th ques tion of free) ailver, February 13, 1800, (aid: "The of n wbo ara advocate of tbe free coinage of ailver, itraigbt and independent by the United State, have favored a iiUb that for 4000 years ha beea demonstrated to be a aafa one. It I true that tba popu lit party ba hid a number of different remedies for tb situation, and I am ad-yi-ed tbat tbay ara about to add three farther additional plank to their platform. On of than ia to make a eroee between tbe lightning-bug and boney-bee for the pur pose of enabling the boney-bee to work at night. Aaothar 1 that of breeding thecen Uped witb the hog for tb purpo of hav ing 100 ham off of each animal, aad I aui also told tbat they have further visionary acbemeof budding tba etrawberry plant iato milk weed, so tbat everybody can have (trawberrie and cream from the tame plant," fit nbf'ejipoicb. The Oregon Populitt baa a level head if It doe believe In Intiative and referendum. It aay : "Gold republican had manhood enough about them to declare for tb gold ataadard aad fight it eut an that line. Gold demo crat Joined them. Tbey recognized but twe parties tba populist aad the republican. silver republicans. Instead of Joining tbe original ailver party tb people party attempted to set up sa organization of their owa aad deatroy tba fountain of reform idea. Silver democrat believe in wsllo w lng th popoliat nd ilvr republican and usurping th laurels that tbe populist (ought so gallantly to win. The whole plot is dishoneet line its conception. It I en gineered from Wathlngtoa by J. K. Jones and a few more of hi democratic brethren." Thi entimeat from a populiet paper how the way the boaeat iddle-of-tbe-reader ara thinking, working, and praying. President MeKinley i our president because we helped put hire there; he i your president because b i preri dent of ail the people, America ic our i country, tbe flag ii our fag, arid svery loyai citisea u interetea ia its perpet oal existence. When you bear a per oa advocating the cause of any other country than America, tbat person is not sb American. rnimn cotiMExr. vt.t ... --.-..a - tt.ft XUifl MMIli'U RCm WBgWB ) WM U 14 rrl havm s a rsv't f!e e!?Tn? uaol ef tba ranee of freedom. Tbuae ia m noaitioa to know, tay that beiure two aioutha wool will eell far li canto par pound. 8o much for Mi Kiu ley ism. U i MiJ that mora thao 75 percent f tfaoaa penooa who bava anhstee) in tbia ttotc are twpubUcaoa. yw ycur owa evocltMiona, Froia arima p(olitki soorcea at enoat anything might ba expected, bat people hardly expected the open ad vocacy of traaaon. laying all other matter aside, will tba people of Columbia couuty vote with a party advocating tea bombard meot of our own cilic by tba Spanish fleet T , FopulicU do not mention lha fact that wbaat baa raiaed in prtca ateadtly i oca tba election of President MeKin ley, aod silvej has steadily declined in price William Eafu King i a aelf-made man. Pop exchange. Moat populiat Utoaaten are ou-mada.and they have a very (tatted opinion of tbeir maker. Boseburg Plaindaaler. A little traaaon ia raeortad to by the populiat press in order to bold the tragglinf voter into Una, bot tbe hot will fall far abort of tba mirk, and Americans will vt for America. Will populieia deny tba fact that tbe baeineea of the country baa increased steadily ever ioca a republican admio- ut ration look charga of affairer I bey can't deny it. Facta ara too Mabborn. Tbe faeion-for-offica element in Co lombia county ara making a desperate trocglo to win in tbia campaign Tbere are soma in both tb democratic and populist partlea wbo will neither fuse nor vote tbe fuse ticket. The People's Pmn, fuko-(or office paper at Albany, Is tea tbat it does not know whether Mr. King I an A. P. A. or not. We can eulightea tbe Pre on that (object. Mr. King ia a member of tbe A. P. A. lodge Of thi city. Baker City Bepublieau. Hav the free ailver orator revised tbeir argument tbat the price of wheat depends apoa that of silver? If not, tbey will be at a sad diaadvantage in tba present campaign, wban wheat baa oared above tbe dollar mark, while silver refuse to keep tbe pace. The present war witb 8pain is termed by populiata "a republican boom." We do not know that it ia a republican boom, but we do aay tbat it ia an American boom; and if to be an Amer ican mean to be a republican, tbea 11 loyal people are republicans, When yon ara told that tbe heriffs office has been rnn for tb past two years for the 11500 aal.ry, aak tbe per aoa wbo makee the tatenient to look np tb court proceeding of the No vember term, 185, also lb proceed ings of tb January, 1898, term. Whenever a futionist veils ''Hanna,' "Gostandard," ate., )uat frniaper "Jones bond bill," "Redemption mon ey," and "Cleveland free trade," at that cbap, and ee how quick you will take all tba wind out of hi miw. Tbey can't stand it. Oregon Populist. John C. Luce, tbe populist candidate for governor, has opened bit campaign in thi lata. Mr. Luc aay be ia in politic for principle and not for office He therefore decline to fua witb the political backa againat wlioo be ba been waging war for tears. He also tay that T. T. Geer will have an over whelming majority. VERKOSIA GlKANIXG. Fin weather; farmers rejoicing, Mr. Curtis was In towa Saturday. Geo. Nailer ia again la eur valley buying eatue. J. B. Dallas wa in our city doing buri- ness eatnrday. , 8. 1. Mow nd tan returned from Scap- poosa Ihursday. Adolpb Bsrgeraoa took a trip to the me tropolis inurseay. tool giegert ha purchased the lata ranch of John Vaubiaricom. Mia Halnea and Dessie Wilson were een on our atreet Friday. Mr. Early, of Pebble creak, was seen on our streete ist nataraay. Clarence Adam came over from Hoolton Friday to visit relative near our city. Letter If owe be purchased a alee poay. ana I very proa a ei uie tame. W. H. Palmer went to Glencoe to attend the United Brethren quarterly meetiag tbia week. Will Allen, jr., has a bicycle which afford ell the boy oi our city aad vicinity great sport. . A centleman from A tori left $100 witb Mr. Priori, jr., witb which to purchase weoi at vv, cent per pouna. W are rind to sv onr new naator I our OlO on. care gisu r. si. eisarr ws tent on this work another year and wish lilm ucee, Mr. Rlce.ef Hilliboro.nd Miss Maude Chamberlain are tbe gueats ol lb latter' ister and brotber-in-law, Mr. and lira. J. Y. Sbeeley this week. Iarael Spencer pasted tkrouch oar city en route for Forest Grove Sunday, return ing Tuesday with a load ol merchandise. He reporte wool la cent, casn. SCHOOL REPORTS. Dxsa IsLsifo, Or., My 11, 1898. Report of Deer Island school ( district Mo. 8) for the month ending May 6, 1898. Day taught, 20; day (tteodance, 3044, day absence,, ; average daily attend ance, la; time tardy, 1; number girl en rolled, 14; number boy enrolled, 8; tola) nujuber, 17; average number belonging, 16. Those neither absent nor tardy during the month were Besaie Glendye, Hellie Payne, Laura Merrill, May Enyart, Ada Payne, Mabel Merrill, Su.le Merrill, lona Merrill, and Edna Olson. Bxatbios Mcasii,. teacher. Goils, Or., May 11, 1808. Be pert of Upner Tida Creek school for lb month ending May 8, 1808. Day taught, 20; daya a' tendance, 417; day absence, 23; number lime tardy 8 number boy enrolled, 13; number girl) en rolled, 10; total number enrolled. 23; arer. aga number belonging, 22; average daily attend anoe, If. , The lol lowing paplli were aeitber abeenl nor tardy i Bote Bishop, Bertie Blsbop, Oil Caibman, Daily J one, Mabel Jones, Bos Lengacber, LydlaBuch r, Willie Jones, and Erl Cronk. Psanos Fiss, teacher. REPUBLICAN prtniiriiTi HON. C. . DODD Of Portland, will speak oa the political issues at Mist oa Friday evening, May it, and at Rainier on Saturday even- rag, May 14th. HON. JOHN MICIIELL State Senator from Wasco county, will address the peo ple of Columbia county on the political issues at Deer Island station on Monday, May 16th, at Mooresville on Tuesday, May 17th, at May ger on Wednesday, May lath, at 8 p. m. in each instance. Cure tbat couvb witb hitobs Cure. The best Couch t ore. Relieve croup promptly. one milium bottles aold l-t year. 40 dove for 85 cots, bold by Dr. iuswio Koes. Dvutetwia cured. Shlloh's YHaliser im mediately relieve sour slemach, omiing- ai-MiixJ dMireM, and u the grrai siuuey and liver remedy, bold by Dr. K. Kuss. O W I O X T JL. Karl' Clover Root Ta i a pleasant lax ame. Beiruiaie tna ooweis, purinre we blood. Clean tbe complexion. Easy lo mate and pleasant to lake. 23 centa. bold by Dr. fcdwin Koes. 0.3 TORXA. BgrnSna Be net deceived. A Courh. Boarsenene orCmoo. are not to be trio u W:tb. A doae hi time of ehlkihs Core vil eae you much trouble, bold by Dr. tdw a Koae, OA0-OXIXA. laoiAa j IM IM 1m HWJ WW gagg, Kg -ns . r Ladies, take the beet. If von ate troub led with constipation, sallow kin and a tired-feeling, lake Ksri's Clover Tea. It i pleasant to tat. Hold by Dr. Kdwin Hoes, CASTOR I A Tor Io-jiU aad (-tildrea. Hi Kin. Ysa Im Alsij Essgfet B rs tb Blgatnrof VtTiWTKD FilTKFTJL MKW OS WOMgN V atmrelforrrnoalbleUkUbikou ta OMeoa. alry t eapiae. rAtiuoe permaneet. Bfrac. fteeloae if-4tfrMd mt Bp4 eavlope. Taa KaUoaal, Sia Jaear- mmmm ws-, t.avcaW' WAwren riTTJt. ut r wonrn M vavl tor mooaaibUwMakltakeS haeae la Orefoa. 8aiaryv7Hiapii. rostuwa aeiaoeal. Kalerauea. Snclrw U-ddrd v4 asv!. Intixiuul, Mas Iawr- aaee t-iua aw. wwrawnrn ralTWVPL MXM OS WOSIf V te travel let reopoaetbleenaklteheS horn mOretoa. Salary 7 sua uiuit rotian aervajutDt. Klru. Saelaa tU-odrM4 mtmvt mrlt Tb Kattuaat, Star taaur- aaee side;., cauwa- . nrints-rimm os mm It latnTetiutnepaaalklewtaUkedkoaM fctOnisew. Saiery S Staud (im. Fwilite sew all t. fteiereiice. kneloM tt-4diiml fcaaifiMi eaveiope. Tb MtUmti, Star Iswor- mas., vaieetja. CITY TREASURER'S NOTICC. Kotice is hereby given that all warrant ol me t-itv oi Hi. Helens, urefron.preseniea and endorsed"Not Fiid for Wantof Funds" up to Jaeuary 2tllb, 1817. will be paid upon presentation to me. latere! win not oa aiioweo aiier tai aaie. way in, iwi. DAVID DAVI8. Treasurer of tbe City of fit. lisieus, Oregoa DO TOO r KHOW THE NEWS Tea can bava It all for Per.... RAn Per.. Mi JUu MOBtll In The Evening Telegram, of Portland, Oregon. It l the largrt evenlnit news psir pnbliabed in ClrBKon; itennutin all the new ol th state and ol the na tion. Try It (or a month. A mile copy will be mailed lo you free. Add. THE TELEGRAM, Portland, Oregon. DENTIST Dr. ighers or Dr. Held WIM, BB Irt ST. HsXKNS KVFRY MONDAY. TUKHDAT, WEUPJKWI) A V, AND TUUKMUAV or SACM WCKK Prepared to do ALL KINDS DF CENTAL FTJLL B?,T TJCETR 7 M to tI0 00 rilAAXt tti upward OULil C&0WN8 t8 HO to 14 00 W are here to stay. Call and e u nd be con vinced tbat we mean bualne. All work guar anteed. . OMce Neat beer to Roee' Drugrtere ST. BELEM0, I I : ! OREOON reVAaAfsasa E.E. QUICK Commissioner of Deed for Wash ington. ...... G. WC0LE . Notary Public , COLE & QUICK, PROPRIETORS OF TIIORNFS Kiimerical S7stcmTitIe Abstracts. Title Examined and PerfeMed. Abttrai't Piirnlwhed, AHHenment Kxandncd. In. nranc Written, laxe Fald and Convey ancing. ' wt. Helens, tmiseoM. Oriental Hotel L. L. OCCK-f, sA,ta. 8T. HELENS, t s 0UEQ0S. i ' -tnmlilM In eonnHnB with tbe koww I Umitr Or-rf . Aawit twenty wll liinil-to.l ami 'N f ruam. 1 a. inni. n-iuu a aui una with lit bwt (fee nutte! adoida, -MONEY'S WORTH- gVCBY TIME AT DOLLMS STORE. T. MCi-ENS, ORSOON. Mr. tH1mnalwaven a full atnrk Of livnenl MrciiaailiM. whkh h li t prices tbat daiy eoai petiuu O. R.&N. TO TMS... K A S T. Gives th cboic of Two Transcsistf ssntsl R:-tss ...OEEGCL. I0ETHEB5 E'J. . via ' SPOKANE MCNKEAroUa 8T. PA0L and CHICAGO SHORT LIHEE'T. '' -vt- DEMVEB ALT LAKE OMAHA ad w KAKSASCITT . Ocean Uans. Oregon, Ceo. W. Elder CITY OF TOPEKA LEAVE POKTLAKD EVERY FIVE DATE FOB ALASKA POINTS. OTEAM STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND tVKKY HIVE DATS FOk SAN FRANCISCO. CTKAMETlfl monthly from Portland to Yoko- k7 noma ana noun nouj, 10 eouuecuou wun in it. . . wuiuiy. For full Infom.tlna call nn or addreae W U. HUKLBUKT. General Paaeogr Annul, . Portland, Oregon DO DWELL. CAKLILL A CO.. General Agent. Northern Fcldo S. a Co. Portland, Oreeto. Get Value Received EVERY Time AT N. A. Perry's HOULTON, OREGON. FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. -TEAtESl-i Young America WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Leave 81. Helena 6:80 A H Arrive at Portland 10:00 A M eave Portland ., 2:30 P M Arrive at bt. Helen 6:00 P M BTAStB ts CEN'ra. Will Carry Nothing bat Passengers and Fast Fright. JAMES Of OD, Master. PE0FE8SI0KAL. J. W. BAT W. B. DILLABD ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Offlce nevt d-xrto Cnnrthouse, ST. HELENS, OkKUON. General oraHlc la eourt of Oraron or Wh Ington. Aotreis mad directly from county recorua. GEORGE A. HALL, ATTORN EY - AT - LAW. - Collection J, forecloeure, mecbanlee' lelna, etc. liepuiy paecuiiQg aiuirney. vmea with T. . Cleeton. Bt. Hs-embv ! Oreoo. G. W. COLE, ATTORNEY AMD C0UN8EL0B-AT-LAW, BT. HELEK8, OREGON. Title Anntract Book, Notary Public, Commis sioner o Deed for Wanhlimwn, and anexper- lenceu qouecvor m ouuueviiou win omu. JJ. EDWIN KOSo, PHYSICIA5 AND 8UBGE0N. Bt. Helens, Oregon 0B, H. a. Old FF, PHYSICIAN AHD SUEGE0N. Bt Helen, Oregen. )B. i. . BALL, PHYSICIAN AND 8UEGE0N. Clatskatile, Columbia county, Or. yy H. MEBEBVB Sttrreyor and Ciril Engineer delena, oaaaoN. County Surveyor. Lnd Surveying, Town Platting and Kngiueeriug work promptly xecuted. DAPT & Hnio Street. Always oa ttMST UStiSML KtaCHAMtlSt III. DART & Main Street, "The Perkins" C. W. KN0WLE5, Manager. Mr. Snowies was, for many years, proprietor of lbs St, Charles hotel, and while there established a reputation as a hotel rasa. He is now in a better position lo entertain his friends than ever before, sod will welcome all his old patrons to his dw pines of baaioess, where cso be fouad aa ap-to-dals hotaL Corner Fifth mi Washington Strcsts. Fcrtfansf. CLATSKANIE DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor, Mas last reertved a large ., i preab aad rara Chemicals Alo anew aad eeleat toek of dm and patent aiedldnee, fancy etatlanavr, eabeel Wv awl w-nool uiiiim, perfumery aud Millet article aad ta rati eterycbiua whlcbta uaoally kept at a Srw-claa drug tora. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded -AT CLATSKANIE -TUB BANQUET SALOON OLOIilNGER&COOPEE, rBOrsMXTOES. Wine and Liquor Card tablet, pool table, billiard tabl.snd other devices for tba entertainment of pat rons, whore time can ba pleasantly spent, FAMOUS FIRE LADDIE CIGARS Beftldes other popular branda, ere kept eon'tantlv on band to supply tb bicrsaed trad, at thi very popular laloon. J-THi FAMOUS CYRU5 NOBLE WHISKY II KEPT AT THE BANQtTET, JOHN WINTERS ' SJAftUFAOTUStS Of Casks and Barrels ATKIN't OU ATANO 8T. HELENS. OREGON. STEAMER G. DELL SHAVER, Master. inIkI Wsal Lklblal IOavoa Fortund, foot of Wesblnirtoa itrant, Tusnday, Thumday, stid Sunday etenlns ai vtttTCO o eiotk. kemnilna Issres Clalrkams, llilMrDilliliif, Monday, w1nHl.y, and rrlrl.y ev.nlnp at 4 o'cltx-a. Will paaaO.k Point about f Sl.lUfU; Mayaar TrSOi (.ln.ilBI Kalama,:lM Ht. Hnlsna 9:30. Arrlln 1:80 a. s. enaase ume wimoui nouce r -Two Newspapers Together. OREGON M 1ST Only Two Dollara Per Year In AdTance 'VVVyVVVyvVVTtVV'ffVV'f'If'WTani ....STEAMER JOSEPH KELLOGG... j -J trt. tMV -m.'i;ii;..iMt.'kt- 'Hn iiiiiiin, mumi mi -hi nan nn i nnr''- Leave KelRO on Mondays, Wodneadar nd Friday at o'clock a, m. ..'...Pcrtlasi cad Kelso Rests via v;i!!cU3S!'... MUCKLE s St. fitteo, Oregon. Choice Groceries band Flour, grata, and feed. Toses sad i-u, and kia artI, buUess, aia, ardwarc... CROCKERY AND TINWARE. ...Dry Goods... Inelnrilne a general assortment of eloihlne, fnralaVtag, anddraassuod. Alto a Sue Hue ol bwotaaadalu.. 1 MUCKLE St. HeleBS, Oregon. DRUG STORE THI DRUG STORE flUCKLE BROS MASHiSAOTWMSaS Of Dlw.n.lon Lumber, tfnnrlns. Auaile, SnMth In. Caaliiav, aad a eunpUte tock ef anery vwiMyof m ROUGH M DRESSED LUMBER ALWAVS OS) HAND AT TBE OIJ STAND, ST. HELENS, 01 WHITE COLLAR LINE J THE, COLUMBIA KIVEA AND fCOIt SOUED NAVIOATIOSI CO. PORTLAHD-ASTORU EODIi Stealer Baiky Gatert Landtne root of Alder Street, fortUnd. Lear fortiand dally (excapiSaadaylail A. If. Laodlna T.Uvhoae doek, AXsrls. Leave Astoria daily (except Sunday) T ML Ostrnrt Tlrkels Oood on Steamer Thempens steaner Thouipnea Tieketa ood ea 0aeert B. A. 8EELET, Art. V. . SCOTT, Pres. W. SHAVER The 0niy Wrect nmt Portland to Clatskania rrir ia roruaou i:eu a. aa, iaa eeaipMy easervea ia usn w Shaver Transportation Company. OREGON I AN w LfTM Port land TiiMday, Thiinouy, an Batnr'laya, at S o'olook a, m.