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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1898)
OREGON MIST. i 3 ? ,vj hv ihiuax aiohnino -st- DAVID DAVIS. ,utacrlplls Itatsm. One ropy rme year In adyano.,......,....-.. 1 00 one cupy six moutha...... .-..............- 60 Hingis 'J' ( Advertising ret . IB Mnad. known upon application COLUMBIA COUNTY DIRECTOKY. . Ceuu JUilRS Clerk..., Bhcrtfr i'rwwurer , unt. of School... Assoaeor...... Surveyor..... Conner Commissioner j If Olflcr.. ...Joseph B. Doan, Rainier .....JuuRon Weed, Verttoma ......J. N. Rice. Clatskante . .E. M. Wharton St. Helena ,,,.,.J-Q- Watts, SoapHMMte Martin White, Quincy ...Ji.W. N. Meaerve, lelena .Dr. A. P. McLaren, Rainier P. A. Frakett, Scappo job N. D. Peterson, Miat ST. HKLENl, OHKUON, MA1HII 4. It i learned from inside sources that the detailed plans of the meu who are urging fusion in this state are to give the senatorshtp to democrat and the congressional nominations to Vander berg and Quian. -The governorship is also to go to a populist. Osn of two things is nearly always sought when suspicion is to be raised from an innocent party, an alibi or previous exemplary reputation. In the Maine affair, Spain can set up neither defense. She certainly should be deemed innocent until proved guilty, but "her record is unsavory enough to justify most any belief. The remarks of the Qregonian on Wednesday about Senator McBride are in perfect accord with the utterances of that paper in regard to any or all persons whom it cannot dictate to or drive. It is our opinion that Senator XlcBjirJs never took undue advantage in the leastwise that he might gain admittance to the senate, and certainly bis actions since being there have been strictly in accord with a platform which declares for legitimate currency and a sound protective policy some thing which cannot be said for the Pregonian. Every day seems to make matters worse for the calamityitea who are pro posing to pool their issues in the con gressional campaign First, wheat went up, then the mills opened up, and their opening was followed by an advance in farm product generally, then wages increased, and now the Dingley law is bringing ia money enough to pay running expenses of the government and getting ready to create a surplus. This is all very hard on the people who have insisted that prices could not advance without the free coinage of silver, that a protective tariff would not start op the mills or increase wages or employment. It is very unfortunate for them that all this should have happened before election. It is very lucky though for the people who will escape being misled by a re newal of the false assertions which these croakers made in 1396, and have reiterated at every opportunity since. The Welcome is not a republican paper, but it preferred the election of McEinley to that of Bryan on account of their several positions on the money question. It is glad bow that McKin ley and not Bryan was elected, because of the imminence of war with Spain. President McKioley knows what war is, its incalculable cost, its indescriba ble horrors; and be will not rush into war unless it become a great national necessity. Yet McKinley is a patriot, a thorough American, who can be de pended upon to make war when such a necessity arises, and to carry it on vigorously and valiantly. What Mr. Bryan might have done we do not know. He might have risen to the occasion and done well : but beeau e of his inexperience and impetuosity the country would have been in a fever of doubt and anxiety. It is well that in such a time as this we nave a ma- tared, calm, cool, experieaced man at the helm of the Ship of Bute. Welcome. BOUND THS ALARM. 8omtliinf must b dons to stop Mark Hanna. fieii ruining th country. We all remember that in tot (all of 1806, hsran up the pric of wheat, tliua aUJUig many railliunt to ths total received for their erop by our farmers; and lis did It, too, simply to influence the presidential election to prevent th Lord's anointed, William J. Bryan, th prophet of the God-given ratio of 16 to. 1, from being elected. Mark Hanna did won than that Th free-silver ahouUr all declared that Hanna would, of oooae, let th prios of wheat drop after election. But Hanaa was too cut for that. He only kept up the pric of wheat, but he advanoed it. And he baa kept It up ver since. Ha must have paid out over 760.000,000 tor this purpose alon, sine th fall of 1896. But this is only a drop In the bucket. Hanna's rultdeeds go much further. H advanced th wages of employee In a vast number of industries. H opened mills and furnaces and factories which bad been cloned down. He gay employment to tens of thousands of idle men. Ha insisted that we bad prosperity. But, as w all know tbr can be no prosperity unless ws bay free ooinage of silver, ana 4G-cent dollars, hs bad to Impose upon th United Stale a fictitious prosperity. It must hv cost him st least three billions of dollars to raise wage and giv employment to tb unemployed. But this remorseless enemy of the peo ple's best interests did not stop there. He had mad th farmers and ths workingmen thiak w had prosperity, when all the sil verltes know we have net, But h was not satisfied with that. He caused a shortage of the European grain crop. Evidently he bribed th weather clerk to manage this for him. Then he set all th railroads to work hauling grain to our seaports, and hired countless vessels to carry It abroad. And, te give ths railroads business for their big trains on th return haul, be has sent, with in tb past year .billion of dollars' worth of all kinds of dry goods and groceries and things of that sort all over the country, just to make the railroads show that tbsy are earning dividends. What this has cost him, th Lord only knows. Even now this remorseless fee of true prosperity and 40-cent dollars ia not satis Bed. He has caused 4,000 miners on the Qogobio range, op iu th Jask Superior region, to b riven a 10 par cent increase ! ia wages, just to give a fallacious appear anc of prosperity. Of course he was at tb bottom of th increase of wages by the coal conference a few days ago, whereby 200,000 coal miners got an advance. And there is unfortunately no doubt but that he caused tb 20 per cent advance in the woolen mills a few weeks a? o, tbe 15 per cent advance in the Pittsburg structural iron mills, and other atrocities of the kind. This sort of this must be stopped. This man Hanna must b checked in bis promo tion of fictitious prosperity. The country is going to destruction, yet this atrocious villian is masking it by advancing wages, by raising the prices of wheat, corn, cattle, bogs, and so on. He is lulling the people into fancied security by schemes which are nothing mora than wholesale bribery of tbe population. There is a limit to human en durance, and it has been reached. Tbe sll vente in congress should see to it that his long career of deception is brought to an end summarily, or there will be no bop of electing a congress and president in 1900 who will legislate for tbe payment of debts ia 46-cent dollars. Toledo Blade. bcappoosb news. Caspsr Relder bss moved to Portland. T. R. Callahan has goo to Gobi to work on th railroad. H. H. Mulline has rented th Fullerton place for a year. Rev. Burllngam Is holding meetings in th ehuich Uus week, Mr. Will Whit Is visiting her relative at Fort Stevens, Oregon. Jos. Holsday has leased th Shsrrlng bouaen plsos for th seaaon. P. B. Stephens has finished a fenoing con tract on th Honeyman (arm. Lata Brown has returned from a ten month's sojourn st Orrgon City. ' Plowing Is under full headway these nic days, and a good deal of ajain will be sown. Will Cloninger has taken a position as assistant aleward on th steamerOlympian. School meeting Is the next business of public concern, and harmony should b the watchword. , Dr. J. W. Watts, of Lafayette. Or., will preach her (Saturday evening sad Sunday morning of this week. Tb N. P. K. R. Co. has opened th Mc Kay gravel pit, and is ranntng turee trains hauling rock for a fill at Uoble. Dairying is proving very satisfactory this season, owing to Hie rood price oi nutter; in fact all farm produce bas sold well here. Mr. Will T. Watts and Miss Mildred Boyle were snarried st ths bom of tbe lat ter in Portland last Wednesday. Mrs. Watts Is a well-known and successful choolteaoher of Columbia county, Mr. and Mrs. Watts will beat home at foappooss, where Mr. Watts is a successful farmer. wvVVVVV'V'VVVVVVVVV1V'W'V'''VlVVV'l KLONDIKE SUPPLI At a meeting of the county democratic oeniral commute held on th 2titb of Feb ruary, lSS, the following apportionment of delegate to county convention was mad, on Bryan vote of fast election : Apiary, i; Auburn, 6; Beaver Falls, 8; Clatekanis, 6; Deer Island, 4; Marshland, 8: Nehalem.S; Oak Foiut, 6; Rainier T; Scappoose, 4; Sherman, 2; Union, 10. Election of delti- f ates to convention to be held March 19th, rotn 1 to 5 p. m. Convention at tit. Helens, March Kind, 10 a. m.. 1K). W. B. DILLARD, Chairman. Whartor. At Spokane. February 26, 1896, to tb wife of Jfi. B. Wharton, a daughter. Word was received in this cltv Wednes day that the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. w hartou died ween tnre day old. Through Tonriat Care to St. Lonis. A tourist sleeping csr will leave Portland everv Monday via Missouri facinc. and every Wednesday via the Burlington Route at s p. m., via me u. it. a, rt. inrougn pan Lake and Denver without change to fc't. Louis, and under tbe supervision of exper ienced conductors. No change of car to the cities, Kaosai City or St. Loui. Keep this service in mind whan going East, and consult u. K. JM. agents er address W. H. BUKLBUKT. General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. Dreadf-atly Nemas. Oairrs: I was dreadfully nervosa, and for relief took your Karl's Clover Root Tea. It quieted my nerves and strengthened my whole Nervous System. 1 waa trout-ma with constipation, kidney and bowel troub le, iour tea soon cleansed my wnoie sys tem so thoroughly that I rapidly regained my health and strength. Mrs. 8. A. Sweet. tiartiorti, con, cold oy ur. nawin .boss. Dvsnensia cored. Shiloh's Vitaliser im mediately relieves sour stemach, coniing- up-ot-tood distress, and is tne great Kidney and uyer remedy. Hold by ur. K. boss. Be net deceived. A Cough, Hoarseness or Croon, are not to be trifled with. A doe in time oi eiiiioo s cure win save you much trouble. Bold by Dr. Edwin Moss, O. W. TEDDER'S LETTER. and It is hardly necessary to call atteo tion to the difference in conditions at the beginning of this year 1898 and one year before. Tbe year opened with radically different conditions from those which bave marked aay year since the people by their votes decided to test the theories of free-trade. Tbe openings of each year since the elec tion of 1892 have brought but small portions of cheer to the people of the United States, but the opening of the year 1898 told a different tale. People all over tbe country are looking for ward to a season of great prosperity ; in fact, are now standing on tbe verge of it. The country generally, as is shown by the government figures, the figures of commercial agencies, and statistics of all kinds, is in a very sat isfactory condition. Business bas in created enormously all over the land, half a million or more men who were idle have found employment, thou sands of others bave bad tbeir wage increased, thousands of more have paid off debts of year's standing, and there is a general hum of industry and busi ness such as bas not been witnessed for a long time. What a lime th calamity shriekers are going to have revising tbeir argu ments in 1890 and tbe subsequent year, says the Transcript. Tbey in sisted that farm produce could not ad vance without tbe free coinage of sil ver, yet, as bas been already shown, practically every article of farm pro duction has increased from 10 to 50 per cent in value without the adoption of their pet theory. They also in sisted that ths adoption of a protect ive tariff would damage our foreign markets, yet the sales abroad of our products and manufactures in the few months since tb Dingley law went into e fleet are in round numbers $50,- 000,000 greater than in the correspond ing six months of the preceding year under th Wilson tariff. The figures just published by tbe treasury depart ment show that in the first five months' operation of the Dingley law the fourteen countries which protested gainst its enactment, with an implied threat that if enacted tbey would din criminate agaiost our commerce, have bought from us 42,000,00U more ia value than tbey bought in the corres ponding five months of ths preceding year under th Wilson law. Out of the Populist Committee, Glad of It. Balbm, Or., Feb. 27. The letter of Q. W. Vtdder, read at the populist county central committee meeting yesterday, is as follows : "The object of the leaders of the populist party is to prepare everything for a general stampede into tb democratic party in 1900, with th egotiitical Bryan at the head of the presidential ticket, with the idiotic jin gle of free-silver as their war-cry. I am working in conjunction with th national reorganization committee to the end that a national convention be called this year for the purpose of reorganizing and strength ening tbe lines sad getting rid of the objec tions! members of our national committee, which we must do, and put out a good and substantial platform, embodying tbe prin ciples of reform, such as finance, transpor tation, and the initiative and referendum, with the imperative mandate, and with thsse propositions go before the people in 1900 and fight it out on that line. I want to say to you and all others that the boodlera and piebunters will never be able to side track ns again, for our reorganization com mittee, in conjunction with the loyal mem bers of oor national central committee. which met in St. Louis on the 12th of last month, adopted the referendum plan of government, and hereafter all questions will be submitted to the voters, and the hood lers will be out of a job, so far as tbe populist party is concerned. And now let na work diligently, for it will take us years to recover from the record we made in 1896. Let us never allow that thing to occur again. Now if we, as an independent populist party will determine to come together in our state convention in Portland on tb 23rd of next month, and there put out a clean-cut popu list ticket, leaving out all snch boodlera as a stat officer connected with tb Boldisrs' Home, and a judge, and then Invite thee other factions of so-called reformers to vote for oar principles and our candidates, then that will be all right; but for us to go to Portland, and there go to appointing con ference committees front a lot of boodlers to go and confer with a lot of boodlers to agree on a boodlers' ticket, which will be tbe resait of all such acta, then I am for ever against ths whole proceedings, and shall let the election of 1898 pass by, and shall take no interest in ft. This whole combination business is a practical fake, put up by a lot of office-seekers who are hungry for office and have bo other show te get elected. Tbe idea of pntting such a political fraud as the ex-judge of Soldiers' Home officer on the populist tickst Is ab surd. That judge-out-of-office never was a populist, and the Soldier' Horn man I a fusionlst. I am not counting on th elec tion of 1898 in Oregon, or anywhere alae. Ths way we are now broken up, we will accomplish nothing this year more than to reorganize, and tbia is the thing I am going to work for, and if we fail to do this, and do it creditably to ourselves, then I sm out of politics forever. If the people want to be come slaves, they will bave to do so without my assistance. I hereby appoint you to act as my proxy In oor next meeting, or acy following meeting, of tbe populist cen tral committee ol th county of Marian, Oregoa, at which I am not present a a member. You see, our precinct has been changed, and the committee may take ad vantag of th Chang to get rid of me. "fl. W. VEDDER, "Monitor Precinct," MOHN. Oriental Hotel L. L. DECKER, Manaocr. ST. HELENS, t : : OREGON. rn.nit,ln. In wmnitlnn with tha bous I strictly Brut clase. About twenly wall furnished and well kept rooms. Th table supplied at ail times with the beat the market affords. Ladies, tske the best. If von are troub led with constipation, sallow akin, and a tired feeling, take Karl's Clover Tea. It is pleasant to una. Bold ty nr. juiwin items OA8TORXA. tkn tail dgastsis. Is SI Cure that cough with Shiloh's Core. The best Cough Cure. Relieves croup promptly. On million bottles sold last year. 40 doses for 25 cents. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross. OASTOXIZA. til Battalia slgaatai m Urn Karl's Clover Root Tea is a pleasant lax. ativc. Regulates tb bowels, parities tb blood. Clears th complexion, i,asy to mace and pleasant to take. 25 cent. by Lr. Edwin koss. tsy to Sold nns stadia SffasMUS. teat wTT wianss, WAHTED FAITH rUl. MBW 0 WOMlg to travel for reapansib)eatattahd bona In Oraxoa. Salary Site and expanse. Position Kmauant. Aeferene. Inclose aaU-addraaaad unpad envelop. Th National, Star Iasur- no nidg uucaga. Farm For Sale. A good piece of land, containing 160 acres, lot sale at a bargain. On the place Is a good house, two stories. 82z32, weU finished; a barn 64x84: three acres of orchard, bearina all kinds of fruit; good garden; cat over 30 tons of tame hay each year. One particularly good feature in connection with the place Is this cedar timber, wnicn is estimaiea to tie wonn suw. For further information call on E. K. Quick, Bt. Helena, or at this otoce. Terms easy. W ANTE D FAITHFUL MBit OB WOlfBW to traval for responsible established house la Oregon. Salary 780 and expenses. Position aerasanent. Reference. Unclose self-addretsad atampad envelop. Th National, Star Insur ance olflf-i Chicago. -FOE A County Republican ConYention A rennblican convention for tb county of Columbia, stat of Oregon, Is called lo meet at Clatskanie. Oregon, on Wednesday April 6, 1808, at 10 o'clock A. M., for ths purpose of nominating candidates for the county offices of said Columbia county and to elect six (6) delegates to tb state convention, ana to transact any owicr uusi neaa that may come before the convention The convention will consist of thirty-five (35) delegates, apportioned among tne sev eral precinct ss follows: Apiary .1 Auburn.. 3 Beaver Falls.... 2 Clatskanie 5 Deer Island .... 3 Marshland 1 Nohalem. . Oak Point. Rainier . . . Scappoose , Sherman . . Uuion .... The same being one delega te-at-Iarge from eacb precinct and one delegate for every twenty-four (24) votes and onafortbe major fraction of twenty-four (24) votes cast for Supreme Judge Robert 8. Bean at tbe June election in 1896. The county central committee recom mends that tb primaries in tb several precincts be held at lb nsual voting places in said precints on Saturday. April 2. 1808. at 1 o'clock P. M., and that tb delegate attend tbe convention in person. iff order ol ths commute, W. M. PERRY. DAVID DAVIS, Secretary. Chairman, ES If you are going to Klondike or even think, ing about it, we invite you to call and inspect . our immense stock. We have an entire floor, 100x75 feet, de voted exclusively to Klondike supplies, where you will find - , Blankets, Mackinaws, Fur Caps, QloTea, Underwear, Shoes, Tents, sweaters, xtuDDer Goods, Etc., Qrooeries and Provisions of all Kinds at Lowest Prices. We Pack and , Deliver Everything ....FREE OF CHARGE... at the Wharf Either in Poitland, Tacoma or Seattle. 1 S OYER CLOTHING CO. I BEN SELLING, Manager. THIRD AND OAK STS. ffr W fefcw fsf sslW satV -a 'A' -s 'avW rW A AAAAAAAl DART & MUCKLE ruin Street, St. Helena, Oregon. DART & MUCKLE Main Street, - St. Helens, Oregon. ' MONEY'S WORTH- EVERY TIME AT DOLMAN'S STORE. ST. HELENS, OREOON. Mr. Dolman always kepa a full stock o! General Merchandise, which he sella at price, that defy competition. O.-R.&N. ....TO THE.... EAST. Qlvea th ebole of Two Transcontinental Routes ...GREAT... SOSTHERK E'y. -via SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL and CHICAGO ...OREGOH... SHORT LINE B'y, DKNVlta SALT LAKE OMAHA sad EANSA8 CITY M.Oostn (liWM Oregon, Ceo. W. Flder CITY OF TOPEKA LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY FIVE DAYS FOB ALASKA POINTS, OOEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVKHY FOUR DAY8 FOB CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. SAN FRANCISCO. TEAMKRH monthly from Portland to Yoko I honia and Hons Kong. In ouuuuction with weu. k. at n, uoupany. For full information rail on or addreas W. U. HIRL11URT. General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon S' nabs inlla st(aatus hat Lumber All kinds of rough and dressed Lumber on short notice. Builders' Material Of the best quality delivered to any poiot on tbe river at tbe Loret Possible Price One-naif Cash and One-half in FARM PRODUCE. Address all orders to E B. BORTHWICK, GOBLE, OREGON. Get Value Received EVERY TIME AT N. A. Perry's HOULTON, OREGON. r ANTED FAITH FOL MEsT OR WOMEK w tm Omsfavi. karmanant la.f rnri. KnOlOM Mlf-ftddrMUMd to irYl for rponiibU UblishM ho vim B Alary I7tw ana xdimw(. rotuu E. E. QUICK G. W. C0LE CommtMloner of . Notary Public . Deeds lor Wash ington. ...... COLE & QUICK, PROPRIETORS OF THORNE'S Knmerical SystemTitls Attracts, Title Examined and Perfected. Abstract! Furnished. Assessments Kxamlned. In surance Written. Taxes Paid and Conver-snclnjr. EI. HEfuEfSS, OBEOOH. WANTED-FAITHFUL MEW OR WOMEN to travel fur responsible established house as oregoa. Kaisrysvsoanfl expanse, rosma permanent Relerano. XnoloM aslf-addraasad stamped envelops. Tb National, Star IneiM- DODWELL. CARLILL 4 CO., Oensral Agents Northern Pacific 8. 8. Co. Portland, Oregon. FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. TEAMER Young America WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Leave 81. Helen , 6:30 AM Arrive at Portland.... 10:00 A M Leav Portland. 2:30 P M Arrive at Bt. Helens..... 8:00 V M FA BE f 6 CENTS. Will Carry Nothing bat Passengers and Fast Freight. JAMES OrOD, Master. PROFESSIONAL. J. w. DAY W. B. DILLARD guiax & ait. ATTORNEYS -AT-LAW Office next door to Conrthoas, ST. HELENS, OKKGON. General practice In conrts of Oregon or Wash' Absl inatou. records. tracts mad directly Irom county GEORGE A. HALL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, X . Collections, foreclosures, mechanics' lelns, etc ueputy prosecuting attorney, uiuce with T. J. Cleeton. St. Hblehs, Obeoon. G. W. COLE, ATTORNEY AND COtWSELOR-AT-tAW, BT. HELENS, OBEOON. ' Title Abstract Books. Notary Public. Commis sioner oi ueeaa ror wasningion, ana anexper lencea collector in connection wua omcs. Yyn. EDWIN BOSH, . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, : St. Helens, Oregon J-JB. H. B. CUFF, , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, 8t. Helens, Oregon, jQtt. J. E. HALL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Clatskanls, Columbia county, Or, yf X. MESEBVB, Surveyor and Civil Engineer DKLENA, OBEOON. County Surveyor. Land Surveying, Town Platting and Engineering work promptly 0al$n In..,. etitmt - ....KtRCHAHDISe Choice Groceries Always on hand. Flour, train, and feed. Tobacco and cigars, aud siuosors' article, nullum, ts, ...Hardware... CROCKERY AND TINWARG. ...Dry Goods... Includln. general ssurtment of olollilns, furnishings, aud druaa goods. Also a Uu Una of hoots aud shoes. "The Perkins" C. W. KN0WLE5, Mamger. Mr. Knowlt'S was, for many years, proprietor of the St. Charles hotel, and while there established a reputation a a hotel man. He is now iu a better position to entertain hi friend than ever before, and will welcome all his old patrons to his new place of business, where can be found an up-to-date hotel. Corner Fifth and Washington Streets, Portland. S m A TOT A TTT? nDTTP OHTrvn-n DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor, Ha fast received a larn aarteat si Frasa od Par Drugs and Chemicals Also a new and select .look of drat and patent mfrjtctne, fancy stationary, school bonis 1 and school aunultas, perfumery aud tullvt article, aud In laut .v.riiilus which ia usually kept at a llnt-claas drug store. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded , AT THE , CLATSKANIE DRUG STORE -THE BANQUET SALOON CLONINGER & COOPER, PROPRIETORS. Wine and Liquor Card table, pool labia, billiard table and other devices for th entertainment of (iat- rons, where time can be pleasantly spent. ) FAMOUS FIRE LADDIE CIGARS Besides other popular brands, are kepi constantly on hand to supply th increased trad at this yery popular saloon. TUB FAMOUS- CYRUS NOBLE WHISKY IS KKI'T AT THS BARQUKT, JOHN WINTERS MANUFAOTURBH OF Casks and Barrels ATKIN S OLD STAND ST. HELENS, OREGON. flUCKLE BROS MANUFAOTURRRI OF Dimension Lumber, Flooring, HuMic, Mheath. ina, Casings, ami a complete stuck ol .vary variety of ROUGH and DRESSED LUMBER ALWAYS ON HAND AT THE OLD STAND, ST. HELENS, OR WHITE COLLAR LINE iLV 'V 'V". i " I.- - J THE COLUMBIA RIVER AND I'tlOKT SOUND NAVIGATION CO. PORTLAND-ASTORIA ROUTE. Steamer Bailey. Gatzert Landing Foot of AMer Street, Pnrtlani. Leavea Portland daily (except Hunilay) at 7 A, M. Landlna Teleohone dock. Astoria. Leaves Asloria daily (except Sunday) 7 P, K. Oatsert Tickets flood on Steamer Thompson Steamer Thompson Tlckela Oood on Uatteit E. A. 8KHXEY, Aft. 0. 0. SCOTT, Pres. STEAMER G. W. SHAVER DELL SHAVER, Master. The Only Direct Route ...FROM... Portland to Clatskanie T noma Portland, foot of WashlnRton street, Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday trvenfnsaat S JJUUVCB o'clock. Keturnlnir Leaves Olat'kanle, tide permitting, Monday, Wednesday, and Will pass Oak Point annul 7i meii7.lo; Mayaer 7:26; Kalnier SiW; iss voaipeny rsaervee ins rigut to Frlilav evenlnas at 4 o'clock. Wl Kalatna:U; St. Helens :. Arrive in Portland 1:80 onan( tun without nunc. . m. Shaver Transportation Company. AAstVaft if a.A,J,AAAa,a,AAAAAAa,XT-AA -Two Newspapers Together. 1 j OREGON MISTand PREGONIAN ll"JF Only Two Dollars Per Year In Advance. wryvyTVvvyinisjis.rylB, ....STEAMER JOSEPH KELLOGG. Leaves Kelso on Mod d a y a, Wednesdays and Fridays st & o'clock a. m, aflTffftnCl'-,e' i. ' -.Kaana... I,,,-, r Leaves Port land Tuesday. Thursday, aud Saturdays, at S o'clook a. m. .....Portland and Kelso Route via Willamette Slough..