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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1898)
OREGON MIST. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 83. Kt. and Mr. Geo. Limont wer roruana visitor WU8driy. Frank Trcy, of Vernonia, wat do- iog Duiiueu ta tnii olty yesterday, Mn. Jensen, of Seattle. ! Iruhs nltv fUitlug bar sister, Mrs. Q. 0. lister. t E. B. Qulok Iim been looking after eusin inirt 10 Portland all week, E. 0. Blackford, the CUisksnle news paper man, was in tbi place over cuiuusy. Kev. 0. E. fhilbrook will preach at Dcappooae next Buntlay, morning and waning. IT. A. Ferrr attended tha Waits, Boyle nuptial ia Portland Weduee- ,ay evening. J. II. Swager and 8. A. Mile were faatenger on lb Kellogg for Kolio laat Saturday. liov. M. Burlingame will preach at Boappooae next Bunday at Jl a. m maa i ;ov p.m. Fartiei coming over from Vernonla Monday reported fifteen inchei of aoow on Danker bill. Mn. George Howard, of Oregon City, ia visiting her parent, Mr. and nr. j ono uuinore. iiv. a. a. ii.iey wni r.Mi, n Houlton next Bunday at 11:30 a. m. And in Hi, Helen at 7 :4o p. m. Mr. W. R. Vincent, of University Park, tpent laat Friday in thU city who ner aaugnier, aire. u. u. Unley, MIh Grace Mile, after vlaitlng rela tive in tbi city for few day, r. turuea vo eonooi at roruana Tuesday, Geo. Barger, wbo ha been quite low with typhoid fever, i now reported by hi physician to be rapidly recover ing. Mr. Wm, T. Watt, of Soaopoo, and Mi Mildred Boyle were married la Portland Wednesday evening at 8 CGIOCE. Surveyor Meaenr baa been doing oonaiaeraoie aurveying lor various par tie up in tbi end of tb county tb pan weea. In J uttloe Clark' court Isst Satur day, the cae of the date v. Cbarle Wallace, accused of Healing cattle, era (uamiueo. Dr. Baylor, Chief of Polloe Barry, and Detective Mayer, of Portland, were in thia place last Saturday a witneite Ja lb Johnson case. Mr, J. D, Young, accompanied by Grandma Day, started yeaterday morn ing for the Bound. Mr. Day will viait relative at Bbelton, Wah. Mr. M. J. Scott wa a viiitor to Portland lat' Monday, acoompaniad by Mr. Cha. Blavens, of Cattle Hock, Waah., wbo had been viaiUng in tbi city for a few day. AlBobineon went to Oregon City yesterday to join hi wif wbo i at the bedtidcef her mother, Mr. Tucker, who i very low with consumption at her bom in that city, Mr. K1o, Mr. H. 0. Howard' danghter, who had been at tbe boapi tal in Portland for a number of week, returned to ber home on Tburtday of last wek not greatly improved. Per hap tb return borne will benefit her health. A man by the name of Roie, redd ing near Mayger, waa brought before Justice Clark Wednesday afternoon on charge of Incest. II was placed ndr 1600 bond to appear for trial next Tuesday, in default of which he will lanqaish in tha county Jail. For the benefit of our reader, w furnish a time-table of tbe arrival of train at Houltonome recentchange having been made. Train for Port land leave Houlton at 10 : 64 a. m. and 10 ! 10 p. m. Train pas Houlton for Tacoma at 11 : 48 a, m. and 5:45 p.m. k few month ago Mr. Byron Every , ol Woodstock, liKb., wa badly a fillet ed with rheumatism. His right log wm swollen the full length, causing him great aufforing. He wa advised to try Chamberlain' Pain Balm. Tb tint bottle of it helped bira consider ably and tbe second bottle effected a care. The 25 and 50 cent isa for ! by Dr. Edwin Bos. . A Tennessee editor want to knew how people can expect him to get ont a lively newspaper when he i located "1! mile from a railroad, 25 mile from a river, millions of miles from heaven, about two miles from tbedevil, and about 200 yards from a whisky hop." If the editor will stick te th office and tbi (train of hnmor hi table of distance will be no handicap. Week before laat parties entered th barn belonging to Ed Henrioi, on th slough, and carried away about 50 worth of rope and block which Mr. Henricl used in connection with hi hay-baling machine. The mater ial bad bean stored there since it was used last year, and was in first-olass condition. Beside those articles, a large grindaton and several other use ful article wre taken. Tbe fourth and last quarterly meet ing for Houlton mission will be held in the Houlton church by Presiding Elder Bhupp as follows i Preaching at 7:30 thiaFriday) evening and Sat urday at 2 p. m. Busineaa meeMng immediately after thetervice. Presett ing Batarday evening at 7 :30, and on Bunday at 11 a. m. and 7 -.30 p. m. All officer of th church are requested to be present. Reception of members Friday evening. The way to build up a town ia for everyone in it to work for the interests of the town In particular, and for each others' interests. You can't do this by pulling each others' hair, and kicking because things rion'P go just to suit you. You oan't hurt one man in a town without Injuring the whole town, and you can't benefit one man in a town without benefitting the whole town. The secret of tuooes in town building I for every individual in it to work for it. Praise it to friends, and trangen aa well. Bay nothing but good of it a a whole, and of each in dividual in it. It enemies will tak fiendish delight in spreading abroad all the evil that may be said of it and mora, too. Nehalcm Republican, Prof. lllfT Lecture. As wat announced, Prof. W. H. Illff de livered bis favorite lecture, "A Tour of the World by Niubl," In tula city Wednesday evening to an audience of over 200. Tlie professor oarrleil nut tha maani,. f ihi. subject br describing a trip Hi round the m auimuui nave, 1 1 u portru vai oi lie beau tiei and wonriara waa in,,..! i n,.,!n and 1)1 subject woe well supported all the way luroiiKn. row, Jim ledallverlnc these lectures fur the benefit of tbe f ortloud hoa pital, a after the discourse a collection was tinea tor in neneiii oi that Institution, One morning last week, Mrs. Tuf ford was seriously poisoned, says tbe Dayton Herald, A portion of, the breakfast prepared that mnrnlne was canned sardine, Mrs. Tufford ate Tax for 1SOS. Last Saturday Sheriff Rice filed his bend aa tax eolleotor for Columbia county, in th auin of ISOOO, In the office of tb county clerk end the tax roll was turned over to bim. On tbe roll then la t il 'ltd Ln ha r,l. lectetl, comprising all funds, 124,810 belli the county tax. Tbe unlimited expense oi me county lor cue present year pieced at auout hj,uuu, o there will re main about skm) to MDIilV on tha nu illn debt. The iu mut. In all probability, will far exceed this latter estimate, since land redemptions will undoubtedly piny an Iru portent nert In swelling tha cuuntv ti chequer. We bellove we are aafe in etetiug tbet oo less than 17000 will be available to pay warrant. Job neon Insane. Quits a lively time wee bad In the courts la this city lent Saturday wben Brneet Johnson was tried fnr hie tanlty. Johnson nad been arreated In Portland a few days oeiore tor ateallng a calf, and waa delivered over to the euatody of the officers of this oonnty, who aet bin trial for Saturday. In the meantime Johnaon'i fntiiar h..i i,,.. nUhed tbe reaulred bail, and tha Ixiv aiaa iiuvrtj. a tua appointe nine, nowever, all concerned appeared, end tbe proeeedine noted below were had. The oaee In the justice ooart waa aet lor 1 o'clock la the wwrnoon, out paruea arrlvln ln tb town earlier ia tbe dav awora out a m,l.ii charging young Johnson of being Inauue, wo ubiv wa iiuuiauuueiT DroueiK to iaaUS. Thla trial Link nlnna hufni-a linnntw Judxe Ilqan. Tbe deciaion, arrived at by teatlinoay pttxJnced, woe to the effect that tbe boy was inaane. and Sheriff Rlna nrn. vuu luruiwuil Hi paieni wiia mtu. K. of P. Orlebratlon. Tb celebration ol the thirty-fourth anni versary of tbe founding of the order of KMfhte of Pythias beld ln Elk's ball ln Portland last Saturday night, under the auspices of tbs Portland lodges, waa oas occasion that (boss wbo participated in Will not eoon foraet. Ilivltattnna arara la. ui to tuuiiier louge, Avon lodge, Kalama ana Vancouver iouite, ana aiwut twenty menbera from eaoh of those lodgee at tended, beaidoe hundrada at mnmwi ha. longing in Jfortlsnd. Tbe uieetinc waa in formal a regarda to order. Speeches were made by each ohanoellor commander nrea- buv, on or iwa granu loug omcers and by ra urena vnanoenar turner Oliver. Lunch and llrht linuld refreabmenta ware served la abundance, during which time vocal and Instrumental toioe were rendered, and a few abort addresses and a number oi recitations were rendered. Uae of the en, tcrtoinlng features was tbs elub swingina by Mr. Dave Campbell, who la a member ol Ivsnhos. Hie msny new and graceful movements called forth repeated applause from the audience. Thie aariaa of antar. tainment lasted until about 11 o'clock, whan onaorewd after another disponed and tbe Tuning a lenuyiuea were orougui to a close. ao:ou Bunuay evening several Hundred Knights reeaaemblcd in ilie hall, and from there, headed by the Uniform rank, re paired to Urace Methodist church, where nr. nenry iteamua preached an abie ser mon on tb order, which wss highly sp- reclated bv tbe merubersbln. Aituirathar me celebration wss a complete succeae. Bohool Elections. Next Monday a week Is the day prescribed by our statutes for holding annual school elections In this state, and tbe result of the days butiaees in that line is of no iasignlfl cant proportion. We sre mors particularly Interested in the outcome of these contest In Columbia county. The results mean much. Oood men aad true, in thousands of cases, are elected to the office of school director, when ln reality tiiey are quite on lit, in an educational eenfte, to serve in such an Important capacity. To those positions ahould be elected educetors along the com mon lines, men who are familiar with the fundamental principle, tint, and men quel I tied by their nndrtamllng of rudiment. It la of importance, too. that while tha nual. lllcatlona of a school director are twin con sidered In this light, his ability to econnniite, vet not be penurious In hia administration of the pablic school a flairs, be considered. To be eminently qaallned. a school director ahould poaaese the qualifications of educa tor, financier, and atateemaa, and a happy co-mingling, all equally important and de veloped with the other. The future af onr country depends upon these qualifications ot me men in wnose cnargeour school af fairs ar left, so it becomes readily notice able bow linportantare thedutieadevotved. In tbs contests next week, oonaidrr well thee points, snd let your aciion be such oa will Insure to your district school only th very best management. The time baa come when the pupil recegnlsea tb fact that if the director Is deficient, tbs en tire system, thronsh bad management, beceaiea inadequate, and internet ia at once lost. It Is Impossible, of course, in all In stances to elect highly educated uicn to thee rseponsibis places, but where it can be done it will prove beneficial, and where it Is impossible, eboese tha very best mater ial at band. View of a Boalnee Han. According to tb reports of 0. f7. Cole, tits well-known St. Helen's sttorney, Ce lumbls county, la still on the map of pros- DSrltV. anil (rnm all l,,,1l... Hnn. I. Il.l.l. remain there for some time to com. While l!,'"',0' lhV?rdT"'. m"r thsrs Is a general Improvement throughout ot .lhe )'SuM. ln whio11 7Let? ins eotllllV. the return n wave of nrn.oar. r"" aiwi wrasmn, aui- Itv beln .vi,t.n.,.rf h .n.i.u. i -ti n.. 'otd, who works in the dryer at nigli of Indtmtrv. ti,. ia.n i ttt tr.i.. w""' to bed. He had scarcely falle seat of Columbia countv. ni Darhan's falin into a doze when bis wife aroused hi "1.o.'K!';l,.'"orf. tkn the country precinct, saying tbat she wss very sick. He ....rai.-a' l'i." ?. "ri.0'"' 1, W got out of bed, snd after learning thr of nri of prosperity uth MUr1"6 WttB ctedf be luipioioned lb oiuc umshUfint. pvrtiipfl, Iihn tie v. neiMftli. KV thla I lift iw.t tMm in mm - y - - ww nnj weans i pMlVVU afAItnr UU I l II I I1K ,nt..ZW wr?Al!T"'J'Il?T" olnes, and Mrs. Tufford was out of is a revival of trade end an awakenlne to danger, her husband msde an exam greater opportunities that bespeaks a pros- ination of the sardine-box and found peroua future. The coniiiletion of the flnma .a aAi.., ..i ..A u . ...:a tTtarwuV,iT:t."& by defective canning. Ill0 tVAW fiiUUI mmA aatw.t.t 1.. I length, terminating at Bt. Helens, now gives Mr WaI1 I Smith, of Fredericks- employment to do men who are cutting town, Mo., was troubled with chronic worn, The otieralion of tha fiuma Inn I Hin ... .i.:.... ...... u. employment io .bout, half den h.nd. "C . ..,i". . "n "J, "! more, me construction of the flume also ' .- means the marketing of sbout 2lj00cords of ejuestion of only a short time until wuoa a montn. and will lead to aitanalva ha aran in Km in aiaa n l(a h. inioroveilienla on tha arolxr Irnnt Thar. L . i . . ..' . . ia f.. au .j.n.. I...i :. oen treatea oy some ot ne oesi pny- sgefecilltlee. In order that half adoaenves- in Europe and America, but eels can load wood at the eame time. I Cot no nermanent relief. One dav he .ti1- c'.Ul6n" ' st- Helens sre slso con- picked up a newspsper and chanced .KofX o. read an. dvertisement of Chamber- lam's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rflmerftf. Ha ont a hnlllu nf it Ilia laVlnV.;7 TKikfrom n1 ? elusion will be reached lit regard thereto, oows could be obtained st the commence ment ot operations, and ths dairy industry would be further stimulated, aa a market would be established for its products." 7 wrwiaiiu aciogram, oed use cured him. Edwin Rot. For ale by Dr. A woman who baa iuat returned to Tacoma from fikagway and Dyea, is sue note of warning to young women wno are thinking ol going to too be Tbe Creamery Proposition. Tb agitation ot tba creamery Question place expecting to find work ia already bearing frUIt. Mr. McAdam, late ssy there are now in both town many of Illinois, wbo has many years experience more women than there are places, In ths creamery business, was In town nd as th accommodation are both Tuesday looking after tbat industry here, poor and expensive, ehe advises young He hsd heard ths matter mentioned In women depending on their labor lor roruanu, sua came nere in retnouse to an sillinorl to a taw suv article appearing io the Telegram several Pi?.? I?"' .!l"Lw-.v:.',!- Co,a t,,ed The man who cannot afford to take ..... , nn, i, uutiuinE svresm- i . l. - . . . . ., ery at thie place was receiving favor- ' " r"per DO "requanwy able consideration. Mr. MoAdam agreea the viotim of some foreign advertising wun us in minting met iroiu wnat be can scheme, tie has been known to tend raauu irn no more isvoraDi location on Hollar in finit nnt tina, in ta could be found on the Columbia river for on.e ao,,V 10 aa oa bom to .eeP auocesafully operating a creamery than at sober, the answer being to tske St. Helens. We have advanced this Idea pledge. He baa sent fifty two-cent at all limee. and tboae who a ton to Invest!- n ka i i. l i gate heartily uquietc. All that is nec Z"ZLl Z .l V. JUXln.;T.Wa sary to bring ths propoaltioa to a success ecved a ril card replying : "Take ful reslUatioa Is tbs manifestation of but a bold of the top and pull." He quickly little Interest oa the part of our citlaens. snt 60 cent to a fellow in the east to Mr. McAdani'a experience qualifies him to find . haw tn maka ann ant ,a. furnish reliable liiformstlon in regsrd to ? , , L . Ti' u coal ol construction and operation, and tbe I v" l"" rcl" jou in s benefit accruing to tbe milk producer and mint." He thought be had a particu creamery operator, a lew hundred dollars UrU good thing when be sent two 151":; r""'0.' dollar, to find oit how to live without permanent and aubstantial improvement I work, and received a reply printed on In this section than any other thing we can a postal card in one black line, "Fish " uwv mv nituill gur nwu. aa r. n.lrar. I , I, . w. tin" nd dairvmen of thie section in a nnhlla I menuug, met an migm ne neara. 1 he out come el such s Katharine, wa believe. would be to throw much liffht udob an important euojeci. A man may be scrupulously houest in hia general stealing with bis fellow- men may even resist the temptation to beat a railroad company when tbe opportantty offer but wben it come to bearing hi just share of the general burden known a tax state, county. and municipal conscience roes te Market for Carp. At last a market has been found for carp, and If It only proves adequate to tb sup ply which can be furnished, tbe number of deep, veracity take wing, rectitude carp In tbls section will soon be reduced, goes on ashing, and integrity goes on Mr. Reeder, of Ssuvis's Island, ssys there a drunk. To save fifty cent or a dol- ar bow three men naninz for earn In the I lar fee will prevaricate like a pirate, eutlet of Sturgeon lake, and they sell their I and deceive with the baseness of tbe catch to a dealer In t'ortiand, for 2 cents heathen Chinese. 'Tws ver thus and noil It rl. to has frntznit mnii ahtnnaw. V.amt III the fish find a ready market and the sale e wm reun,n M nnle, Bovae W increases, titer will soon be rosnv more tens of taxation can be devired which persons Ashing fnr tbern. When the water will mske lying unprofitable and per- .. .... .b, v..,, , inw his i.irr unnecaaiiarv rf , lake, and when the water begins to fall, the eegaciiHia tixh rush out again. They are caugm ia Dog or purae-neta, aet in tne out let to tne lake, and Dy turning the neta rouna as tne now or tne water cnaniea. they are csukIiI 'a oomin' or a-rwine." Tha lake and sloughs on Ssuvie's Inland r swarming wun carp, and there Is no I have given Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a fair test and cocsider it one of tne very best remedies for croup inat 1 have ever found. One dose bas always been sufficient, although I use end to the quantity thatcaa be taken. Of 11 'reeiy. Any oold my children con course, email ones ware not waatad for tract yields very readily to this medl Warranto at Ninety-Bight. It bas been several year line county warrant of this eounty sold readily at 98 cent on th dollar until recently, when buyers plsosd money in ths bands of par ties In this eity authorising them to psy thatflgurs. The warrant market In this county hss bee an uncertain quantity for some time, or, at least, up to the year 1385, wben a change for th better took placs, snd ths county's paper sold quit readily at 90 cents. Tim was severat years sgo, or up to 1H00, when warrants found ready buyers at 98 cents, but unfortunately a de cline in price prevailed until their market value went down to 80 cents, and ln seme Instances below that figure. Just prior to the election of lftfM when one was offered 80 and 8o cents for county paper, the offer, in most instances, wai readily taken up. and ordera for warrants aold aa low as 75 cents, and a great many ordera went at 70 cents. When ths present ooanty clerk, Mr. Judaon Weed, Brat took possession of that office, he dispaaed ot his warrant, drawn monthly, at SOcenta, and this con dition maintained for aeveral months. Slnoe that time the market price for war rants has been steady on the upward tend ency, in 1W selling at 90 cents, since which time the price hes ateadily gone upward until for the pat few months warrants have sold readily at 98 oente. Local capitalists, having Ui interest of the oounty at heart, are In a large degree responsible for thla noticeable Increase In demand and price, and in quit every instance their verdict is to keep the price where it Is. Other coudi tioue, of course, besr greatly on thla mat ter! for instance, careful management of county all'slrs, the Juillolous expenditure of funds, the careful ourtailitig of nnneoeaaary expenses, and ths confidence of the public In those who are manipulating county bus ineaa. W hel her or not these conditions are th outgrowth of enoh matters la of little moment, the fact of their maintaining is all that ia necessary, inasmuch aa cause pre vails for the condition, and that ia certainly of anfneient magnitude to keep confidence at the highest degree. shipment, and it wo suggested to Mr Keeder that when th nets were emptied, the email ones could be thrown back. He said no one would throw carp back iuto the water after having taken them out. Carp grow to webth 40 pounds or more, and it is aaid that some weighing 40 pounds bsve been seen in Sturgeon lake, but th largest seen in tne market ner wen had a Utile over 28 pounds. If the Eastern people will eat carp, they can have all they want at low rates from this section. Oregonian, No More Cheap Meat. If all reports ar true, there ta likely to ba no mora rhaan nut In Oraonn fnr anma time, and there may be a further advance 'PPio 1,18 Male at 300 Or 400 pound. In th prices of all choice qualities before cine. I can conscientiously recom mend it for croup and cold in clnl dren. Gen. E. Wolff, clerk of the cir cuit rourt, Fernandina, Fla. Sold by Dr. i-uwin Jioss, Sturgeon-fisher seem to be having mucb belter luck at present than tbey did in the early part of the winter, on the Columbia, says th TeWram. A large number are shipped daily to tbe forilaud market. The sturgeon caught this wiuter are remarkably large, but lew going under 100 pounds, and some long. Eastera buyers have pretty well cleared th ranges of beef oattle, and now they are gobbling op the sheep ss rapidly as possible. There Is a demand for mutton to ship to ureat Britain on account of the falling-otf in the shipments of frosen meats from Australia, caused by drought in tbat country, owing to an unusually hot and dry season there. The rise ia the price of wool snd mutton sheen will eanaa fewer I JL Yon are hereby null Bed and reau spring lambs to bs sent to market, aa sheep- lr nl, .u,"2r, xh CoJ!'plaln!1SOh.,,bo";e- ..r , j ""","" , :p" aay oi tne next regular terra ol tne said Court, cattle has already caused an advance in the namely, on or before the 11th day ol May, price of vouna rattle, and thie is havine tha 1 and vou will take noUoe that If vou fall so to effect of making veal scarce in the market. I appear and answer, for want thereof the plaintiff ill auinr w iuv juui, lur ui, rouwi ueinnuucu SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Stat of Oregon for voiutnoia uoumy. The Astoria and Columbia River Railroad Com. pony, plaluuir, VB. James McGreeor. defendant to tne above-named James wouregor, as- leiiuaut. IN TUB NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: Yon are hereby notified and required to au- Wben farmers csn get 110 or 112 a bead for yearlings, they are not going to send their i in the Complaint and for a jiidanient against i , - u , , t , . ., u ; juh iur wimui an answer; mi rouui ueraanaeo calves to market aa they baye been doing ( th Complalut being a iudgment condemning of late, but will raise them. The only sup- and appropriating to uaot the plaintiff for ralC ply of yeal available will be from dairies, road purposes and for the purpose of taking Taken, all round, the prospect seems good material therefrom to be used In constructing for their being no overplus of beef, mutton, n,d maintaining the embankment of plaintiffs lamb, or veaTin the markets this summer but there will be meat enoneh for all. oniv A'" . .1" .'"S-VJiiKvi0 J? , ,, , . . i , . i i7iao ui vmuwi tu'wit, iicniHtnn at iruius som will have to content themselves with of intersection of the West boundary line of second cuts, who hay heretofore ussd only I plaintiff's rlunt of way aa hereinafter deaorihad, th choicest. ; Clttaene' Meeting. A public meeting ia called for Saturday forenoon. Feb. 26, at the office of Dillard A Day, in this city, to discuss ths creamery question. All interested parties are re quested to attend. Mr. McAdam, a, practi cal creamery man will be present. Chas. Muckl. W. B. Dillabd. R. Cox. J as. Bbsumr. W. II. Dolman, &. B. Quick. War excitement brings a few com pensations. Lnetgert is forgot ton. What Dr. A. K. Salter Smy. Bort, N. Y.-Genta: From my per aonal knowledge, gained in observing the t nf v,,r Hhilnh'a Cure In cases of ad vanced Consumption, I am prepared to say ! it la the most remarkable Keinedy that haa ever been brouiiht to my attention, it has certainly eaved ruanv from Consumption. Bold by Dr. Kdwiu Boss. ; . I Royal aakaa th toe para, fwi Absolutely ruro ami afnw sfwef ee etwvwist. with the South line of 8ection 35, in Township aumber 7, North of Rauge number 2, West of the Willamette Meridian, at a point 128.6 feet west oi tne Houtneaat corner oi saia section so; thence West alone: the South line of saidSeotion 86 a distance of 171.6 feet; thence North IN de grees 10 minutes West, a dlstanoe of 419 feel; ihence North is degree 20 minute East, a dis tance of 98 4 feet, to the Westerly boundary line of said right or way: thence in a Southerly uirecuon along saia westerly nounnary une oi said right of way to the place of beKlnuluK, con taining 1.4 acres. Also the following; tract o uaruei ui aaiu aeukiou oo, lying c-ani auu bujhwui to said line of right of way described aa follows, to-wlt: Beginning at the Southeast corner of Section 85, thence North along the Kast bound ary line of said Section a distance of 821 feet; thenoe North 48 degrees 47 minutes West, a dis tance of SfO feet; thenoe South 48 degrees 20 minutes West, a distance of 75.4 feet, to tne East erly boundary hue of the right of way aforesaid; thence in a Southerly direction along the East erly bouudary line of the said right of way afore said to the South line of said Section 86; thenoe Kant &) 8 foet, more or less, torheplaee of begin ning, containing 1 4 acres. Also the following tract or parcel of land situated In Lot numbered S In atd Section 36, lnsaid Township and Range aforesaid, to-wlt: Heginnlug at the Southwest corner of said Sectiou 80; thence North aloug the West line of said section 3S0 feet: thence South 45 deereea East, a distance of S68.S feet, to the South line of said Section 86; thence West alougttie South line of said Section 86, a distance of 2V) feet to the place of beaiiintng, containing 72-100 acres. The aidd "rlRiit of way" Is a strip ol land owned by plaintiff, 100 feet wide, and extends across the Kast half of the Southeast quarter of Section 86. and Lot 8 of Section 86, ln said Township and Range, and the center line of said right of way Is the following: Begimiiug at a point in tha South line of Sectiou 86, lu Township and Range aforesaid, a distance of 74 7 feet west of the Southeast corner of said Section 85; thence along a three-degree curve to the left to a tangent at said poiut. which bears North 22 degrees. 86 minutes West, through , s total angle ot 12 degrees, 84 mlnutea, and a distance of 418.8 feet to the end of aaid tliree I degree curve to the left; thenoe along a tangent to said laat-meutloued curve to the left, bearing '. North 85 degrees, 9 mluutca West, across the i Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section So aforesaid. You will also take notlee that by order of the above entitled Court, made on the 16th day of January, ami, tnis ummons is servea oy puoii- From tbe number of iteam engines being ihipped to logging camp in var ious parts in the state, it 1 evident that tbe day of the bull tenm and bull puncher, with hi neb vocabulary profanity in tb logging can.o. passed. Every day or two the big lumoo truck Is seen naulnig one these engines to tbe docks for shi meat. The Bridal Veil Lumber Co. bas a very large one, carrying twt mile of (teel rope. One wa ahippe to seaside a lew day ago. Uregoma Tbe Oregon City Enterprise wa sold last Thursday to h. L. Fortar Mr. J. Jl. Beegle is still tbe editor and manager. ' Through Tourist Car to St. bonis. A tourist sleeping car will leave Portland every Monday via Missouri Pacific, and every Wednesday via tbe Burlington Route ate p. m., via tne u. it. at n. tnrougb Mali Lake and Denver without change io Hi Louie, and under tbe supervision of exper ienced conductors. No change of tars to the cities, Kansas City or Bt. Louis. Keep tbia aervice In mind wben going East, and consult u. a. at n. agents er son reus W. H. HURLBUET. General Faasenger Agent. Portland, Or, Call for Committee Heeting. The Republican Central Committee of Co lumbia countv. Or., will meet In Hi. Helena Oregon, on Tuesday, March 1st. 18U8, for ths purpose of spporiioning tbe delegates to the next county convention to nx the time for holding the rrimaries and conven tion, snd to transact auch other business as may properly com before tbs committee. All committeemen are earneatlv nrced In aiienu. uaiiu uavio, unairmia. Dated at St. Helens, Oregon, Feb. 10, 1808. TREASURER'S NOTICE. Couktt Tatasraaa' Orrics, TOTTCE 18 HERKBV GIVii THAT ALL 1.V Unnald Countv Warrant nf Cltimt.l jouniy, Oregon, wnica nave been presented and endorsed: "Not Paid for Want of Vnnda" prior to June I, 1KS5, wlU be paid upon presen tation at this office. Interest will not be allowed after this date. B. M. WHARTON, filuill Treaaursr of Columbia County. Oregon. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Labd Ornci at Obboow Citt, Ob., Kahmarv ia lana TWTOTICR IS HEREBY OIVKN Ta THB 1 V followlne-nanifMl aettlar haa Slad nntlna r.r hia Intention to make anal proof In support of hia claim, and that aaid proof wlU be made be fore the Countv Clerk of Colnmhla fiml at a. ii .. i .. , . . . i , ... i .,M, ' uoivua, vicguu, us aprii .nu, leva, via: BUFGB D. BLAKELY. Homeateod Kntrr No. ftsftft. fop tha .. iz nt annthaaat KC nf uux ,nn V, tnn.n.KlH a ,. i. rauae a frvab, auu lota ana outneal y Of aoutn- wit ?a ui nuuub ou, ujwoanip o norm, range wea, He names the followln vltneaaa tii nmva tiia continuous residence upon and cultivation of amw lauu. .. it k. cicoman, oi aeasey. ur- vauu, auu ,udd ampoeir, ueorfre . ritsgerold, Kuuiasu xjugeraia, oi vernonia, ureaon. f25l CHAS. B. MO0KK8. Beciater. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud OrncB at Oasooa Crrr, Oa., Kehmarr la. liwa. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE followlne-named settlar baa Sled notice, nf bis Intention to make final proof In support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made be fore tha Countv Clerk of Cnlulnhia Cnunlv at . Helena, uregon, on April 2nd, um, via: GOTF&ED BEBOEBSEN, Homestead Entrv No. fnr the annthwaat U of section 28, township 4 north, range a west. He name the following witnesses to prop his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, via: John Smith, i. P. Sheeley, and nerman uouma, ot veraonia, uregon, aad J. K. j uomaa, ox isujtton, uregon. OSal CHAS. B. MOORE8. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lakd Optics at Oeeoon Citt, Ob., Fthraarv 1MM OTICK 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE folio winsr-nftmed tetller hu filed nntlr nf is toteotion to make fiu&l nroof in suDivnrt of his claim, and thst 4M proof will be made be fore the CotlDtV Clerk Of Cnliimhia. Countv a.t Q CTl l a iloj nwui oh ueiBui vic$uii. uu Aprii uu, jcvira, yu; FREDERICK W. FLUHRKR, Homestead Entrr No. 9459, for the ea&t 4 of U'lllll TTS9JI, -W aT.UU Cfaall Of WlUlflWegl Vi fll UH1 Uon 21. town shi d A north, nnn 4 wmL Be names the followinc witnemM to Drarehfa continuous resldenoe opoa and uHivntion of saia tana, vii: Uiiver wusod, Jaiuee Hill. Wil li am McDonald, and N. B. Petenon, all of Mist, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, LkVD Ornca at Obboom Citt, Ob., NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE f ol 1 0 W i n AT-n Km d sattlsar haa ft, nvtioaa r.1 hlelnteotton to make final proof In auoDortof tali claim, and tbat nald proof wlU be made be- lore ine tJOiincT uiera oi Columbia t:otintv. t am. ntjiom, vr9rjju uu mansa vttia, im, Tut: FRANCIS If. PARKER, Homestead Entrv Na Qfttt. fnr ths jrt Xz nf uon towt'anip o ntath, range 4 went. tie names mi. loiiowinir witnMuiM ta mmv. uuwiuu'iuuu roaiueuusa upon, aoa euiuvation t-kf OttiA ImnA a A WUa.0.inu. "I- it Pearson. John Vanblaracom and C. R. itelomnn. ug x (iMUunt, vriMKUU. I18tu25 CHA3. B. MOOREH, Reglstev. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LaitD Orrics at Obkqoh Citt, Oa.. FAhrnarv 4rh. 1RQR NOTICK 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THS following-named settler baa Died notloe of hia Intention to make final proof ln support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the Register and Kceeirar at Oregon City, vresruu, u aan'O iimi, ioub. vis: FRANK KBKFK, Homestead Entrv. No. 9039. for tha wast u of southwest U and southwest W of northwests and lot i ot section 4, township north, range 4 He nam OS the follnwlna wienpaaa tonmTa hia ooutinuoua residence Uod and cultivatiou of saiu iaua, via: j. r, Lucaa, ifavia u twnneii, v. a,, uviajr, vum van ieaa, an 01 tfuxton, ur. luuu v;ti&a. a. auunts, Kealater. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Ornca at Oaaoon Citt, Oa , January as, U98. OTJCB IB HEREBY GIVKM THAT THE followtna--aamad settler haa fllarl nntlca nf his Intention to make final proof In support ef hia claim, and that Raid proof will be made be- iore tna county ciera of Columbia eounty, at 8t Helens, Oregon, on March 151 h, IMS, vis: CHARLES PETERSON, Homestead Entrv No. 9430. for the anntbeaat w of northweat W, southwest W of northeast i. northwest W of aoutheast W and northaaat nt soutiiwest ui awuun u, towuauip norm, raiiHv a west. He names the following-witnesses to nrova hia eontlnunua residence upon, and eultivation of aaid land, via: John Edholm, Frank L. Wilson, Oust Hull, and Clemens Muller, all of Vernonia. Oregon. 14m 11 CHAS. B. MOOKKS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Likd Ornca at Obsooh Citt, Oa., Jannarv na laoa XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 11 following-named settler has filed nottoe of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore tbe oountr clerk ol Columbia eounty at St. Ueleua, Oregon, on March 15, Ittttt, via; JOHN EDHOLM, Homestead Entry No. 59, for the lot t, of see Uon 6, townahlp 4 north, range 4 west. tie names iu louowing wituesaea to prove hie contiuuous residence upon, and cultivation of aaid land, via: Frank L. Wilson, Charles Peterson, William M. Wilson and A. Shannahan, all of Vernonia, Oregou. f4mU CH AH. B. MOORES, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Orrtc at Oaaoow Cttt, o., afanuarv iSOH NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVKM THAT THE following-named settler baa filed notice of his tnteiitlou to make flnai proof ln support ol his claim, and that aaii proof will be made be Jore the Relriter and Bectjlver, at Oregon City, Oregon, on March 15, im, via: LARS EU80N, v nonientead Entry No. 10,817, for the nnrlhoant ot necllon W, township 4 north, rHitfiw V wewt. Hu uamea the following witnoKMes to pro re his ooQttmious residence upon, and cultivation of aaid land, vis; John M. hri;tansen, of niruHuii. sreircn, rmer viisph, ni ncapitoose. eation thereof tor six consecutive weeka in Thb Oregon, John i MiIUt, ot Oregon Citv, Oreon, Oaaoow Mut. FULTON HUOH. Oustav U. ttiercka, ot BcapptMae. Oregon. JsU-mo4 Attorneys for Piaintift. iiuil CU A3, ll. MOOKK3, itegUter. : 2 1 SEH THAT'THE H'iililUll llrlliiilliill'HIililllll IU.IMHU XVCetablc Preparation for As similating tberoodandRegula-ltathStoin3aiall3oweUof 'ijp.f-i -J?T '?" 'Ht'if I I S t I i ' t ;i)i)i;i. j- jjwml t lariaatiaft ,aty. .a JaaMM. BtJ PrtrrjMtesttpsUoTwCImruf ticss and Rcst.ContairKS nrifher Cm.Morphinfi nor Kttw.rnl Not Nabo otic. .' HUM, SJ- ' a ftnllsaS.6a ' oaJ!araf- f'auWiaar. A paf eel Remedy forConsiie fton. Sour Stomadl.Dian'tKKM. Wbrtns Xnvulsions .Feverishr twss and Loss or SIXER TocSimil Signature of ' TTEW "YORK. FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURIi' OF- IS ON THE WRAPPER OF BOTIXtlS OI5 I injL Hi txAcr copr or vrapprb. I Oostotia Is sot la aaavsbs tettlas ealv. Ii , 's sot oU la taQE. Seat alls sarms te sU jva aajuuiig sis eat u pie a ptesuas tso i is "Just as good" asi "will answer every tin ooss." r tlaa yt jut O-A-S-2-O-SXA. "VT4rM HARRIS' CASH GROCERY; For Your Eeerai alv ars on bond all kinds of staple and fancy grocerie and provisions, farm produea, tropical and dotnastle fruite In season, fine teas and coffees, tobaoco and eigara. A one line of confectioner; also ia atock, and varioaaother speclaitiea, Groceries. i i i i 4 ! CORNER COWLITZ AND MAIN STREET. ST. HELENS, OR. J ST. HELENS MEAT MARKET ll Kinds of Fresh Keats, Hans. Basan and lard Meats by Wholesale At special Rates. MAIN STHPKT. James H. Sheldon, t ST. HELENS. OKEGOX. fTafayiTOa,VyyyVvy.VT ST. HELENS PHARMACY Dr. EDWIN ROSS, Proprietor. ' nm iao $ o q AmjB.AV g - ' W g a''iaaiisaspswa ijiAay Patent Medicines, Fancy Toilet Articles. ' ' PERFUMES AND FANCY STATIONERY. Prescriptions... Carefully and Accur ately Compounded.. DAY OR NIGHT. ....Cigars.... fcalaui Complete Line of... Druggists' Saadries School Books and.... School Supplies a fa'a1a''''1' J' Jl"'lfft'-1"'---fr TT 1ar COLUMBIA COUNTY LANDS 1 ....For Sale By.... One hundred and twenty aeree, nitles from eounty seat; 40 acres ia cultivation; 1 mile from acnoolhoiue; oo Columbia, river; price 120 00 per acre. Timber claim ; 80 acres; estimated at 4,009, 000 feet of timber; acceaaable to loggias stream; price Souo 00. Timber claim ; 160 acres; over $,000,000 feet; prte 150000. One hundred and twenty aeree; rood or chard; 80 acres good swale land; all land Is lev.l; 1 milo from achoolhousa; mile from railroad station; 1 mile from tidewater; good chance lor oordwaod. Ten acre on Ulltoa ereek, M mile from school; a-room house, barn, outhouses, etc.; small orchard; taore ln eultivation; price lieooo. One hundred and twenty acres of timber land in tp S a, r 2 west; price 600 00. 8tx hundred and forty aeree of timber land tp i u, r 2 west; price Si ao per acre. Eighty aeree, f -f mile from eoanty seat; all level and timber alashed; W mile from sehoolhouae; on county road; wtU sell in Iv or 20-cr tracts; price 00 per acre; part eaah and balance ou time. COLE & QUICK, Main Street, - - St. Helens, Oregon k l Ar ')zy r.l 1 W 4 j-f i 1 a i Mm roe gajr SO XHVt AR TH" Pr'"CT,,l I 7S" -