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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1898)
T S lo 1. k . -. , -5 luiovm iijwm HoplK'iuion t y iiii i iom. r.JfiMrll 15. Bonn, Rainier . Ju'l.nn v-viu, Vot'nuiim J. :. liil'y. Clslf-kntUO E. M. Whtirlim M. Helens i.iols J. u Vvir,;s, :St'HlHmse Minim iS me, Q'umiY , S. N. Miitvi;. IK-timR fir. A. 1". MiM,nryn. Kiumer i V. A, Knife es. SoitP.i.e rtrs (... N. I). Mist I'ii fime nut iimictit-of notion ia las. on in tlio premises, llnvxlore Ddr-r-ml Will bis h.itigtl in California to tUij, Coniotcry societies in Sun Vran i refuge to allow ilia remain to bo buried on their promises, and ilia con lionmetl man' mother saya the re mains wiil be creammttd. It 3a reported that Martin Quinn, la to populist candidate for congress in this district, has been attacked with the gold fever, and that ho will resign hi position as sntjiirintendentof streets in Portland and hie -himself away to Klondike next spring. It has also been reported to us that several prom inent populists not in Portland are preparing for a trip to the same rcnion us soon as tbe June campaign ia over. It has beeu a long lime, indeed, since so many good things has been f.iid of an old year as was the case with tha one just passed to history. The year was ushered In under more favor able circumstance than the three or four yearn preceding it, sod time brought to pass quite all the (rood things which was claimed for it. The present year, too, ha brought many acceptable changes, even in its infancy, and as its days and months go by it will prove itself entitled to every good word which has been spoken for it. The year 1898 will brirtg about many changes for the better. Never in the history of any publica tion issued on the Northwest coast did any paper do itself such absolute credit as did the Portland Oregonian in its annual New-Year's edition of 1898. The amount of work connected with such an undertaking cannot be cal culated by one not familiar with the many intricate features of typogiaph ical mechanism. Data to be gleaned for stjcU a paper required the work of many months by a large force; its preparation for the compositor re quired skill and learning, and its illus trations represents the outlay of much mone and time. The good results to our state accruing from that paper's efforts will be great, aod the people of our commonwealth should be proud of the issue. , . : V One not brought into immediate ' ti..iilV mil - proposition-of -ettt"" fitting for the AUrsta gold fields can scarcely comprehend the magnitude of business created by this one branch of necessities. Pretty nearly every store in Portland making any preten tions whatever along that line is crowded day and night with people buying and looking at articles to take with them to the northern regions. The demand for heavy clothing started into operation many wolen mills, and ' the demand for mining tools basso increased that establishments dealing ia that line of goods have employed extra help aod added thousands of dollars worth of goods to their already large stocks. The next three months will tr.tne&s an immense increase in business in Portland. Last week there was an efflirt made by one faction of the republican party in Multnomah county to harmonize the difference and stand as a unite to fight the elements of populism in that county. This proposition was sub mitted by the Hirsch people to the tiimon-Oregouian faction, and so far as we are able to understand it, is a fair and honorable signification of their willingness to join forces and let past diiftrences be a thing no longer for contention. The people of Columbia county are too familiar with the his tory of this factional light in Mult no in ah to require a review of it at this time, but every voter in our county realizes, we believe, that Multnomah's troubles effect, to a certain degree, the possibilities of a solid strength in our county. These differences have grown out of circumstances better known in Multnomah county than here, yet out side counties sit and look upon the whole matter as a foolish and detri mental state of affairs. We believe that for the sake of success, the Mult nomah difiersnoes must be settled, and if the Bimon-Oregouian faction cannot see their way clear to act in accordance with the proposition sub uiitted, let them offer some more teas itile one. The people of the state are watching the action of Multnomah nomah republicans, and in our opin ion the Simon-Oregonian faction must either act in accordance with the proposition submitted to them or offer something better. In the answer sub milted yesterday we see no means pr viili d whereby the differences may be sutilnd, only upon an appeal for har mony, and in that appeal no means is provided whereby one faction might secure equal recognition with the oilier, and the' fight will go merrily On, resulting disastrously in Multno mah coaniy. The present unsatis factory administration of city govern mental aflmrs of Portland are a result of disrnution in the republican party in t::t tiitv, and the bad eilucl is not ctrtsuiied to that city, but extends, in ti ''in 'i re , into evciy ( ily and county in the state. Ve are not here to sav the proposition submitted by t i h in ii ia embodiment ( ail that is perfection, but we do wish ! i ll I it ni i t bo compro i ' i luiwin.i i (hit h rmony it.1 r 'i We do not be- i . ( i t ui ; tiin nc ut, nor do l t( ' ! i".. I.'i :l il- i . ' . li.lin i it, but if some i i i 1 1' bwby ' 1 1 I ( is my its .,".''.'' .-.!. niioat t'nu go. ! t " j ! s i tn ia r. j iiiiiTPHKe tnr t.rrcmr- r 'Jen .Million ttollara. WAXfiMim. .l.ui. .!.-) lie monthlv state ment "I it. i' tmulic debt issm-l tudav idinwa Hint m l,i i ' t i, the LuMi is- I i mtu l t. thp,nl,t. Iin phmU In tin! tt'i'rtuiv, iiii)u f.i..t t,i ii"!i!!.m ,'Hi,', a dccreana fur the liiil'it'l ol $lti I n...i t iiiimvmsf i h ri-iipiliilftUoii of the h'ht : Tmer.-l-t,iHriiigdpbt ..... . 4 t.7,3ci'-n Uibt, on wiiwu ii,trtt has tf-aotl since maturity . ' 1 S;,(Vjrfi Dtsbt bt-ariuit nu ii!ieict SS,tK).tu J" 1 1 . $1 :tl is, !Y. ') his amount, howevor, (bws not indutle $.170,11.1 ut certttHintes and trra-iiiry noti's (lutsiamhiiir, wiimli in nit-wit by en eijniil aniimnt of cah in Itie ti-euturv. I tie otiij .n tlie tieiiMiry i elissjliid as fotiowit tiolil . f!;7,4;fi.2"r Silver .. ,. ., J07 211I.4W4 I'aper ... l(M.3l,uut Ui'n.lM, disbursing ciliter's bal-auc-es, eto fiC.)8.7'2S Tolal ; $il.t.870 Aiiinst this th,9ie urn deniamt liatimties onhsiuu.'iinR anioiiiiiinir to tr2;i.llfi.r0t, rliicli I, a vi- the ounh baluuee in Ibe treas ury JSK,44,7UU. MOULTON HAPPKN1N6S. J. H rrieb returned to Port Stevens. We recognized Mr. S. A. Miles' counte nance in nwq Wednesday. Mellis Beaver fs errerting a residence on his bt in ths north end of town. L. B. Burlin, of Portland, is a visitor at Captain James Cox's tbis week. . Mrs. Q. D. Qilson, who lias been quite sick for some time is greatly improved. Cora Hnrlitiframe is slowly recovering, and we hope all serious trouble is past. Prof. C E. Hall closed a four month's term of school at tbis place last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Perry celebrated the first day of the year with Captain and Mrs. Henderson. Miss May Burlinframe left Saturday to finish teaching; a four month's term of school in Multnomah county. . Mr. C. 8. Emerin, who is a juror to the United States court at Portland, tame home to spend New-years, returning last Monday. The ITuloo Sunday school held its annual election last Sunday, and will be conducted for the f nsuii g year by Grandma Little, as superintendent. With thanks to the beantifnl, clear even ing, St. Helens and Houlton exchanged new-year's greetings, as the bells in both places could be beard in either town. The United Artisnns held their annual election last Monday evening, when the following officers were chosen: E. E. Ha sen, M. A.! Mav Cox, Bnpt. . O. D. Oil-on. Secy.; Alma UVie, Treas.; J. Spence, In spectors Minnie Ilnnn, M. of S. Meeting first Monday evening of each inonlh. AM membe;-s of the order iu (rood standing are cordially invited. Some one's terrible boys rang the bell and made a noise. And waked people from sleep so dear, to wish them a happy new-year. They rang out the old and ran;! in the new. now who could it ne, done by but two T VERNONIA GliEANlNGB. Fine weather. The holiday festivities are a thing of ths past. The dance at the city hall in Vernonia was a success. J. T. Adams paid Forest Grove a bus iness call Monday. Again the rambling of discord and con tention are heard in this city. O. C. Spencer returned to University Park Friday to resume his studies. M. Davidson was receiving legal advice of Justice Sbannahan Friday. Anrnif nii grl F-strnm li-ff Thi'-nW for Clatskanie to secure emplaymunt ""Rev. F. M. Fiiher left this city for his appointments at Sunnysido and Jewel last Friday. William Mellinger, jr., and Georpre Adams left Wednesday for the upper river to take a hunt. Auburn precinct will be repreoented again at the connty seat by numbers to large for ye scribe to read. Mr. and Mrs. Keasey. sr., were visiting the families of Messrs. Hosford and I Spencer on Wednesday and Thursday of last week. Mr. Henry Van. an old pioneer of this valley, but irbo now resides in Wahine;ton county, came over the mnnntains Tuesday to visit with friends and relatives. Wm. Wilson, accompanied by his son and daughter, William and Dessie. left for the Grove Thursday. Tbe yonng folks are returning to Philomath to attend school. Mr. and Mrs. Israel 8encer entertained a few of their many friends Wednesday. Those present were Mrs. A. Sbannahan and two daughters. Lulu and Merle, Mr. and Mrs. 1. E. Cow and daughter, Juliet, Mr and Mrs. E. O. Sbannahan, and Key. F.M.Fisher. School Report. Following Is a report ol the Marshland school for the term ending December 24th : Whole number of days taught 58 Whole number of days attendance. .1030)4 Whole number of days absence lsO Number of times tardy ............. 8 Whole number enrolled 32 Neither absent nor tardy.. 1 On Thursday evening. December 23, the cloning exercises were held in the Msrxh land hall. Quite a number of friends and patrons gathered in the ball, which was ap propriately decorated, and heard tbe follow ing Drogramme rendered : Remarks , ....... ....Teacher 8ong "America" School Recitation "A Little Visitor' . ..... Nellie Colvlo Recitation "Christmas Bells" Malcolm Elliott Recitation "Mamma's Darling" Edith Colvin Duet -Pictures in the Clouds" Delia Graham and Teacher Concert Recitation "Parts of tbe Body" Recitation "Christmas Gilts"..... Lena Colvin Recitation "The Dressed Turkey" .... Harry Colvin Recitation "Grandma's Misttke" .. .. .... Basic Colvin Recitation "Santa Glaus en the Train" John Colvin Dialogue "Gifts for Pets" . ... ... '.Nellie. Elmer and Lena Colvin Recitation "Christmas Philosophy" . Elmer Colvin Recitation' Santa Claus and the Mouse" .... Mark Elliott 8ont? "Vacatioa". . ......... . .. School Uccitation"Iwo Little Stocking" .... Delia Graham Recitation "Old Sayings" . . Frank Colvin Recitaiion "The Village Blacksmith" . . ...Harry Colvin Recitation "In and Out" Susie Colvin Dialogue "Rules" ... ....Delia Graham and John Colvin Recitation "Merry Spring". -Nellie Colvia Vacation AcroHic. Duet "Good Night"..;...' Delia Gmhani and Teacher Lbah Wilson Teacher. HARKS SHOE COMPANY 253 Morrison St., Near Third, Portland, Or. SPECIAL BARGAINS Children's School Shoes from SO cents upwards. Misses' " " ' " ! 00 " Hove' " " " 1 SO " Tfo'utus' ' " , " " 1 26 , " All tlie Latest Styles in Footwear at Lowest Prices. larks . Slice Company. 253 MORRISON ST., NEAR THIRD, PORTLAND, OR. hi'lMliii.'ts at tho Council iionio. I Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Connull. at their mmtw on ifi-tir t.inim, wi...... ........ ...1 nninln'r of vwung people of iJiat vh uhI v on t iinMimra-evw in a manner ihut will l.msi !ik ii'llifixili' l'etl hv pi'tisenl. A t.lll'i.-t-luti--ilee was the one p-eul ani-nMivo teu ture. imd not one present Jailed to receive some token of kind remembrance. Hie i,nrtifi(, nuts gauieroti fltlhe hou-e early in i lie alternoon. and at uhout th" uunl sup per time r splendid tuikev dinner was .erveti. alter which ths tree (cMlvities he ifun. II- was a farire, hnlliantSv-lmhted and lituicKonielv-deonrated li-ee. Iiearilltf token wlneh hcipnke. kuiu.'v teluis. and which -eat Joy and happiness to mitnv hearts, I he company cooM-iling of neai'lv thirty persona, remained at the houae all mpht, and next uav part'tok of a sumptuous ithickeu dinner. 1 hose present were: Mr. and Mrs. W. I). Council, Mr. J II. Swager, Mrs. Maud htrachan. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. iswager, Alliert Odlins, Clark lloaillev, tieorK Hoadlev, (,harhe Uoadluv, ileshu 4 Vill uls. i'llu Collins, Wuv Envart, Kiora Knvart, Hell. Laara Merrill, Mahel Merrill, Herlha Nc-rrtll, llos Enyai t, k rank l-iiivart, liurry hnvart, Gilbert btraehiiu, Guv bwairer, A'pnes hwseer, LavelleConnell. llort Adams. Kd Crawford. LnU in the aiiernoon of Christmas-day tbe com(tanv returned to their respective homes, declar ing the event one of more than ordinary pleasure, snd declaring Mr. and Mra. Cun neil entertaiuera roal. : PERSONAL MENTION. Dr. Hall, of Clatskauio, was In our city Tuesday afternoon, Hai rv West, of Scappoose, was In town Wed net Jay on business. , Mr. and Mrs. James Sheldon were in the metropolis last Saturday. Mr. 1. H. Copeland was attending to bus iness in Portland oa Monday. W. E. Stevens was looking alter busines interests iu Portland Monday. Mrs. J. G. Watts, of 8cappooe, Is visit ing relatives at Mayger, this week. Conntv School Superintendent Watts was in this city Tuesday and Wednesday. J. C. Johnson and Norman McKay, of scappoose, were in t'ortiand Monuuy. Miss Mary Burke, of Rainier, visited rel atives in this city a day or two last week. Wm. Mellinger. sr., of Vernonia. is now operating a slungle-iuill near Rocky point. Chas. Meserve, of Portland, representing the Daily Tribune, spent Sunday in tbis city. '...,. Dr. and Mrs. H. R. Cliff spent tbe first day of the year with Mr. and Mrs. trunk Dow. Norman McKay, of Scappoose. expects to leave tor Alaska about me vna 01 me present month. Mr. C. L. Parker, of Pittsburg, was at tending to business matters here Tuesday aud Wednesday. . ; County Surveyor Meserve.of Delena, was in town yesterday attending to matters connected with bis office. Prominent among the lawyers in attend ance upon the circuilcourt which convened here Wednesday were J. C. Moreland, R. Stotlt. W. B. Diilard. Geo. E. Davia, O. W. Cole, J. W. Day, Harrison Allen, W. F. Tiuimtms, A. L. Frasier, W. H. Conyers, V. H. Piggolt, Geo. A. Hall, W. J. Rice, G. A. Brodie, T. J. Cleeton and others. EntMrtainmnnt Tonight. is the Drnerumme to be Ten dered this (Friday) evening at the opera- noue: L Musto....... Portland High School Orchestra i. Vooal solo "Xlie Hkipper," (Jude) Prof. Schnaaffar 3 Recitation Selected Miss M. D. Vincent 4 Piano toto Miss Ora Hatfield 6. Vocal solo Selected... ....Mr. Geo. Huailley . Plnoolo Mr. Fhtlbrook 7. Music Portland High School Orchestra 8. Recitation Selected Hon Frank Motter . Fuuo solo "Drops of Water." (Asher). . . Prof. Bchuauffer 10. Vocal solo "The Song of the Flag," (DeKoveu) Prof. olller 11. Music Portland High School orchestra Watch-Meeting at Reuben. Tha punyle af Penben nd vicinity did their nart in Davins respects to the depart ing vear of lbll7 bv congregating in Watts' ball and spending tbe last few hours of the year in a social and pleasing manner. Danc ing was the attractive feature ol the even ing, after which a sumptuous luncheon was served. Messrs. Sanford Butts. E. W. Fowler, . and B. Harvard furnished the music for dancing. Those participating were: Sanford Butts and wite, Henry Stehman and wife, Lincoln Stehman and wife, E. W. Fowler and wife, C. Link and wife, T. V. Watts and wife, jr. lMshop and J. Carth and wife; Mesdames R. J. Bur nett. A. J.Johns, Geo. Smith, T. Lightfoot; Misses Lulu Fowler, May Near, Emma Hunter Myrtle Hethman, Hattie Brown, Grace Bnrnett Linia Bishop; Messrs. Ben nie Neer, Wiiford Hunter, Affred Hunter. Robert Burnett, Ed Butts, u. Link, L. Pressie. W. W. Scott. H. Baser. Geo. Saeer. Otto Sager, B. Havard. V. Scott, Lute Ar- cmoaia, jonn etenman, jr.. VALLEY NEWS ITEMS. N. J. Dupont spent Christmas In Port land. .'''.".' J. Wllverding Is building a new bara on his place. Joseph White paid a short visit to this place last week. ' Mr. W. Muckle raid a visit to Mr. Earth, at this place, last Sunday. Joseph Dupont sold his flock of sheep last Thuisday at $2 per bead. Joseph White has rented his place to John Shievie for three years. Miller brothers spent New-year's Day at the home of Mr. 0. C. Moyer, at Peris. . Miss Jastie Cobiskl went to St. Helens Monday to work at the home cf James Muckle. . A social party met at Mr. Moyer's bonse on the last evening of the old year, A bountiful supper bad been" prepared to which ail present were invited to partake of. after which various amusements were indulged in by tbe young folks. Kolfsb-Wav. At the First Congregational church, in Portland, by the Rev. Arthur W. Ackerman, on Saturday, January 1, ISIS, at 2 o'clock p. in., Mr. Otto Kulper aud Miss Franceses Way. Mr. Kulper has been an employe on the steamer Mascot for several years, and is well known by theueople of this city, while Mrs. Kulper has resided in tbis city with her parents for a good many years, and was quite popular among her young friends. The young couple left on the evening train that day for a tour through Southern Cal ifornia. They will return about February 1st, and will he at home after (hat date at Woodland, Wash. Cure that cough with fchiloh's Cure. The best Cough Cure. Relieves croup promptly. One nilllioa bottles sold last year. 40 doses for 25 cents. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross. JOHN WINTERS MANUFACTURER OP Casks and Barrels ATKIN'S OLD STANO ST, HELENS, OREGON. Ladles' Bolid Durable Shoes from ft 50 upwards. Ladies' Uressy BtyllsU " " 175 : " Wen's Holld Working " " 1 HI 's.i Men'i Iiressy Stylish '! " 176 " tf I 1, If you are going to Klondike or even think ing about it, we invite you to call and inspect our immense stock, We have an entire floor, 100x75 feet, de voted exclusively to Klondike supplies, "where you will fini l Blaiikets, LIackihaus, Fur Caps, 1 Gloves, Underwear, Shoes, Tent3, Sweaters, Rubber Goods, Etc., Groceries aud Provisions of all Kinds at Lowest Prices. We Pack and Deliver Everything ....FREE CF CiiAHGt?.... at the. Wharf Either in Poitland, Tacoma or , Seattle. OYER CLOTHE BEN SELLING, Manager. Karl's Clover Root Tea la a pleasant lax ative. - Regulates tbe bowels, purifies the blood. Clears the complexion. Easy to make and pleasant to take. 25 cents, gold by Dr. Edwin Ross. OABTOXUA. tlBllt If SB Shjuiare, rivsnensla eared.. Shiloh's Vitaliier im mediately relieves sour stomach, oominfr- up-of-food distress, and is the great Kidney aud liver remedy. , Sold by Dr. E, Ross. OAIBTOB.IA. nfu Mails tasa shptitu Wtsitss. . s Be not deceived. . A Couirh, Hoarseness or Cretip, are not to be trifled with. A dose in time of Shiloh's Curs will save you much trouble. Sold by Dr. Edwio Ross. tilth tlails stmt on ti trr wnipski Commercial ! job printing in all its branches dona at this office ia the ab solutely latest styles aud at tbe most reuBOUable prices. -LadJcj. tiisttie. besi. If you are troub led wtth constipation, aellow skin, and a tired feeling, take Karl's Clover Tea. It is pleasant to take. Bold by Dr. Edwin Ross. Dreadfully Nervous. Gists: I was dreadfully nervous, snd for relief took your Karl's Clover Root Tea. It quieted my nerves and strenetbeaed my whole Nervous System. I wss troubled with constipation, kidney and bowel troub le. YouT tea soon cleansed my whole sys tem ho thoroughly that I rapidly regained my health and strength, Mra. 8. A. Sweet. Hartford, Con. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross, CASTORIA For Infant and Children. I alls bss troy WWpjUS, WANTED-raiirnii'tTt nn or women to travel for responsible established house in Oregon. Salary 7s0 and expanses. Position peimauent. Heference. Knolos. self-addreMwd lemixd envelope., The National, Star Insur ance Bldg., Chicago. WW S'WI SV. WSW a w nTi?l E.E. QUICK Cnmmlnsloner of Deetis fur Wtuh iugton. VS. 1 1 vVXi-U Notary Public ; COLE & QUICK, PEOPR1ETORB OF TIIORNE'S Hnmerical Syjteijitle Abstracts. Titles Examined and Perfected. Abstracts Furnished. Assessments Kxamlned. In surance Written. Taxes Paid aud Convey ancing. ' - ' T.'Iief.E9Sl. RECON. WANTltD FAItHFOL MK! OR WOMBH to travel for responsible established house hi Oregon, tiulsry 7S0 and expenses. Position permanent. Reference. Knelose self-addressed umped envelope. The National, Bur Insur ance Bldg,, Chicago. THE BANQUET SALOON CLONINdER & COOPER, PROPRIETOH8, Wine and Liquor Card tables, twol table, billiard table and other devices for the entertainment of pat rons, where time can be pleasantly spent. FAMOUS' FIRE LADDIE CI5ARS Besides other popular brands, are kept constiiiitiv on hand to supply the inercai ed trade at ibis very popular saloon. yfJSllf, FAMOUS CYRUS N0CL0 WHISKV KEl'X AT II ti flANUKT. Bt srr . s Mi. A THIRD AO OAK STS. ff3- A ,Jfct lf rflg. 1 1 4 Your 1 Honey's Worth i i Every Time Dolman's I i i i i : Store. . . , All kinds of rough and dressed Lumber oil short nolice. Builders' Material Of tbe best quality delivered to any point on the river at tbe Lowest Possible Price . One-half C&sh and One-half In FARM PRODUCE. Address all orders to H. 6. BORTHWICK, GOBLE, OREGON. Get Value Received EVERY TIME AT N. A. Ferry's HOULTON, OREGON. PROFESSIONAL. J. W. DAT W. B. DILLARD ATTORNEYS -AT-LAW Office next door to Courthouse, ' BT. HKLtNB, 011EUON. Oeneral practice In courts of Oregon or Wash ington. Abstracts made directly from county records. GEORGE A. HALL, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. Collections, foreclosures, mechanics' lelns, eto. Deputy prosecuting Attorney. Olllea with T. J. Cleeton. St. ITelknb, Oregon. G. W. COLE, ATTORNEY AND COUN8ELOO-AT-LAW, BT. HELENS, OREGON. Title Abstract Hooks, Notsry Public, Commis sioner of Deeds for Washington, and an exper ienced collector lu connection with oAlce. pB. EDWIN KOBH, f HYSICIAN AND BURGEON. St. Helens, Oregon j-b. H. B. CUFF, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 8t Helens, Oregon. JJB. J. S. HAJLh, PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. Clatskanie, Columbia county, Or. Iy ' N. MESERVB, ' Surveyor and Ciyil Engineer DELENA, OREGON. County Surveyor, tend Survey ins;, Town Platting and Engineering work promptly executed. WANTED FAITHFUL MEW OR WOMS3 to trovrt tor rnspvnslble established house In 0reon. Salary vwj and ex,',eiisws, Fosiilou prm.i,eut. hofiireii'.'. lCnclo se!f-a'h!r'.iied ii.mpi-'l erivpin,. The Wationai, fiilitr insur- JU1KI Uidtf., CilitHiiO. ' B v q Lumber H-iItl Street, Oeahrt in..., GENERAL ....MERCHANDISE inolitrilnir mid UruMH DART & ' nri Cli. ST. HELENS All Kinds of Fresh Hfeats, Kams, Bacon anil lard ' ;" . " X '- rrr-r. r xr,rr rrr- -mrga Meats by Wholesale At special Rate. James H. Sheldon, MAIN 8TRFET. t I 8T. HKIiBNB, OltKGON. CLATSKANIE DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor, Has Just received or i-reD DrugsanlChemicals Also a new and selMt stock of drags and an. soniHu supiuies, penninery ami loiiot ariicin, aim in laut everyihing which Is usually kept at a lini-ohus drug store. ' Prescriptions Carefully Compounded ' AT THE CLATSKANIE TIUCKLE BROS MANUFACTURERS OF Dimension Lnmher, Flooring, Rustic, Phesth lng. Casings, aud a coincide stock of every variety ol ROUGH and DRESSED LUMBER ALWAYS ON HAND AT THE OLD STAND, ST. HELENS, OR WHITE COLLAR LINE THE C0LUMUIA RIVER AND PUQET BOUND NAVIGATION CO.. P0RTLAUD-A8T0RIA ROUTE. Steamer Bailey Gatzert Lsndlne Foot of Alder Street, Portland. Leaves Pordaud drily (except Huhday) at 7 A, M. Lamllnv Telephone dock, Astoria. Leaves Astoria dally (except ttundsy) 7 P. M. Gatzert Tickets Oood oa Gteamer Thnmpsnn Steamer Thompson Tickets Oood on Uauert . A. 6EELEY, Agt. U. B. SCOTT, Pres. STEAMER G. ST. DELL SHAVER, Master. I natraa Portland, foot of Wsshlnnton street, Tuesday. Thursday, and Sunday evenlnirs u Jt'riVt9 o'cliM-k. KeturnlltK Leavtis Cliitsknnlo. tiile iKtrniltling, Monday, wednusiliiy. . Friday evenlnmi at 4 o'elnek. Will pass Onk Point nliont 7i HU'llaVilO; Mayger 7:2r! Hivlnl. r -Kalnina 9:1.1; Ht. nolens 11:110. Arrive iu Portland I SO a. in. The couipauy reserves the rlgh, chsuge tluie without notice. shaver Transportation Company. I.AA,A.AAAAiAAAAAAAAAisVAAAAAAA , 1 i -Two Newspapers Together, OREGON. MjSTOREGONIM j Only Two Dollars Ter Year In Advance. gjsrasy ngcTy icy sy-j jy ajr y nfL ny ysiriyrny sgi syi ifcuf.f jjr i. .STEAMER JOSEPH KELLOGG. . . ft I ' f Fill. ,! JjpflVRB K0lO on Mon'Iftyff, Wed ii estl n y and Kri'lavs t r 6o cto:U ft. m. r iU at m. j Et. Helens, Owon, i Choice Groceries Alwtvytt nn hnnrt K! ir r"il. tn. hi A Tnlxio'O am olyttfH, ud ijiukui'ti' artkiua, nuUoiu. eio. TT 1 Mm .1ITT7ni1A ...UtllUkmJ CROCKERY AND TINWARE. ...Dry Goods... funeral BHortT)nnt of oloihln, farrtiRliinnm, fjCHHlH. AUu iti. line ni Uoom uuU tthotsn. MUCKLE Ol TTV -'' MEAT MARKET DRUG STORE a large assortment and Kur. patent medicines, fanny stationery, school hnnxa f J DRUG STORE O. R. & N. ..TO TH.. C A. S TP. Olvos ths choice of Two Transcontinental Roatss Ml GREAT NORTHERN R'y. via SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS ' BT. PAUL and CHICAGO ...OREGON... SHORT LINE R'y. -via DENVER SALT LAKE OMARA aad KANSAS CITY Low Rates to all Eastern Citiss OCEAN BTRAMKRS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY FIVE DAYS FO SAN FRANCISCO. STEAMERS monthly from Portland lo Yok home aud Hong Kong, via tlie Norther) Pacific Weitinship Co. In connection with ti, O, U. A N. Company. For full Information call on or address ' W, H. HURLMIRT, Oeneral Passenger Agent, Portland, Ores' W. SHAVER The Only Direct Eoute ...FROA... ' Portland to Clatskani -1 IPftV Innd ' Ttmr-.-Hai urn