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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1897)
what II Your Hrcohdi An x cliimK vary Iruihf u!l fwiniiiks tlmt fVtry u'Jf inu yuung in mi in tuwu it IpoUM anu wnau yaoanuitte appear in n,nri auJ other position, of responsi bility, lhy do not go to tboaawho put In their tlm amoking cigarette, or iwoarlntf on in .irem corner una teeing how tough they can b, but to tb who lia a olean record of iolrlty, boneaty and Industry, or one who will do all In til power for hit mployw. A, 'fil!ht, eltmn, manly boy uevar ba to hunt long for a job, 11 It alwayi wanted. Aprus! Attit Roabcb Herod Taylor, who fiirmi flveaerof fruit Unit be low Milton, brought a load of Wltm.ap and Ban Davia applet to Pendleton Wednesday and quiokly aoM then) at two cent pound. Mr Taylor ay that apple ar "pretty oaurly cUaned out" in the Willametta valley, a grai ruany having been .hipped those fall, U think, good applet will anon com rtiand funoy figure. The fruit he soils it obtalnt from hi own train, and h lludt fiva aori luiUolent to alfurd bin family a good IWlng, wlih a margin blclt. haa "peddled" for a doaen year pait in nearly ever town in Umatilla county. Eoat Oregonlan. Fwri ok th FaRMKR.It la ia!d that an ordinary caterpillar Inmate 10,000 time in bulk thirty dy from tat time it i hatched ; that the food it urowa on I vegetable, aud that 10, 000 catorplllara could ilitirny all the gra on an acre ol ground. The in aeot population of a alngla cherry tree infected with aphid was calculated I.. nromliiDiit entomolouiit to ho 12.- 000,000. Cultivated country diatricit lire inppoaeu to contain irum uu to 1,000 bird to a mile, each of which consume hundred of insect each day. If not wantonly destroyed, the bird will keep the balance between plant and intact life. Orcgou City uterprie. Fackwo Arru is MicDPoan J. A. Whitman, the fruitpacker and shipper, Jiad packer at Work in Medford lt week putting up yellow Newton Pippin apph" for the luarkeia of Ourmaoy. Mr. W hitman recently built a 34x64 frultbouw on the (aim, and thla it filled with Ben Davie applet about 0000 bushel in all. The capaciijr of the building if filled to the roof would be about 15,000 bushels, but, aa the weight la too great for the ondcr applet when more than four feet deep, only 6000 bushel can be aafely atored therein. Allot thie fruit waa grown on the home place, and all will liml a market in Germany. M. B. Hart, who 1 a grader of fruit for Mr. Whitman, ay that no fiuer fruit ever grew than that now being put up from the Whit man orchard, and that great care la being eierclaed in it preparation for market. ;- - Tun Grady' Latkt 8am. The teemer Grady, which became legally entangled anon after her arrival at Ban Francisco, wa aold for a very good figure by He United Blair marahitl t Ban Francisco Wednesday of latt week. The Commercial Newt ay : "The river (teenier M. C. Grady, a terwh-ler, that, at the rink ol the live of officer and crew, wit allowed to make the perikui voyage here from the Columbia river, after her arrival vlld not pay a an Investment. The captain, who rv kail hie life id the fKl Jiarcly trip, which the government Inspector ahould never have per mitted, did not got hla pay, and there were many oilier creditor. The little learner waa told yetterday by order of United Statca Marshal Baldwin. The 1 took place in front of the merchant'! exchange, and the boat waa knocked down to F. M. Smith, the "Borai King,' for I73C0. It waa a rood price j euootrh to pay all claim Mttinat the trawl, o it it reported, aud leave a balance beaidce." Chinkk rttBAaANTa Since the flrat of September, the opening teaton for Chine pheasant hunting, the aport ba been very favoruble throughout the Willamette valley from Portland to Eugene, ami ir.i..uB . hill t,u both ldcs of the river. Nearly every aporttman baa ome favorite hunting ground, where h bat a fr end who hat invited him to aho-it, or where lie ha rented ground, or ownt land iothootovcr. The breeding aeaaoii baa been unuually floe, and brot'da that hatched out early proapered. Hit ouail, groute and Oregon pheasant, bave alao been quite plentiful, but are ot found to easily a the Mongolian pl.ea.anta, which haunt the grain Ml. and open prairioa. lb. Intro auction of the Mongolian pheasant into Oregon by O. N. Denny baa been great thing for The bird. bve flourithed and increased beyond expectation, and from their Mgapiiy ! kulklng and hiding and their wlflnee both on "d 00 wJ0lt' Una .port. Their numbera, nd the manner in which they have tnread over the country, especially throughout the Willamette valley, nakea probably the beat .hooting ground for bird, in the Union today. thi. city laat Sunday of Mr. A. B. Urn mond, of railroad fame. 0. W. Fulton, of AtWria. and Honry Failing, P land, ha. .ot our people to H i 'king that there ia .omething toJ,tohTf, pen In the railroad in. ahor Ijr. The Yakima road took place on H'.20'b' but whether the of the gentlemen ... .j ..I,!,, ,ln in ooiuiec- namea nau muj , , tion wttu tut w 1 nlv , .ay., 'heg Vancouver, KUokitat A Yakima roaa ia cu an. tance of .ome U mile, ron Van mi.. mm nri irl null V lUr couver. auo '" -o , liw an oatv cradc, tlie beat, wtieat ocu ",,., ,i10 ington. By building t I thortoatana mo . . the wheat field o the tea wu be obtained by building to Vancouv r tranaforrinRa6roa.the.r e I" lort land, and mirrie.i j " ,,,,. roadtoAatorla. The : recent nlert.t ia the btuhiing oi uio , of the U. P. to Pugt sound, and the final conduction of the Vancouver bridge, on which a large turn ol n oney . hud already been .pent,, ! ... .....t...iil nurcnaae in the V, K. fc Y. aa a feeder to Mr. Hammond' road." Cowutz Boom Bbokiw. While the freehel in the Cowliu nver wa. at it. height Tl.ur.duy, tho boom at the mouth of the Cowlli river, oppoalte 4,000,000 feet of log, end 1500 cord, of ah ngle bolt, adrift In the Columbia. Orin Kullogg, preaident of the KolloKg Tranaportaiioii Company, ruturnod from the Cowlit river with theeteamer Northwett yeateiday. He .ay. the boom wa. carried away by tl. extra weight of 1500 cord of ahlngle boll, that had broken loote irotn three mile, above in tha Touile river. A great quantity of drift which wa. brought down by tho awollen water, addod to the train. The Toulle river wa. the highcat known for yoart, hut the Cow limtlid not reach Ihe hlghoat point attained laat year. All of the Ingt were not lo.t from tba boom laat year, but comparatively few wore aaved. Tha ahliifile bolt that were catt adrift will not be recovered. Many of the logt, however, will be picked up again, a. teveral atearahoale have gone to ihe retcue. Even iu the evnt of their recovery, however, a conaiderable ex pen. will be entailed, to that the aocident will Involve a heavy financial lost. Tba haaviott linen of the log. are i J. U. Hartley and Cbarle. Eng land j of .l.ingle bolt., Brown, Bemlt A Hon., of the thingle mill at Cattle Uock. The accident could have been averted If the log. in the lower boom had bean rafted and taken out toon after they arrived from up the river, on the firti freahet, aud before the prevent flood had brought down ad ditional material. The boom at thie point eema to be addicted to breaking away. For the pant .even year it hat been canting a great amount of trouble aud lot to thote Interested. Oregon inn, Sunday. To Sell th Wavg Negotiation, are now in prngraa. for the .ale of the I. E. A N. Co.'. .Idewheel tleumer Ocean Wave. Her Intended purchater. are from pnget touod, where the will be taken aud operated if the tale goe through. Whether the will be uted in the paaaenger and freight Iran porlation buainct. from the Sound to Alaakan point, ia not tot tied. A trial trip wa recently made from Portland to the mouth of the river and return. The prospective buyer were evldnntly tatiaded with TheOcean Wave wa built by the I. B. A N. Co., of llwaco, of which company Jacob Kamm St a heavy atockholder, in the dimmer of 1801, especially to accom modate the mm mar tralHo between Portland and llwaoi. For the past three year aha ha been leased to the Columbia ltiver fc Puget Sound Navi gation Company, of Portland, and ba continued on the old route. She ia atanch, well equipped for paaaenger and freight tar vice, and of ordinary speed. The purchase price will be made public later. It ia uuderttood that the negotiation will be closed oon. Doat roa Klomdim. The discovery of rich gold field in Alatka hat cre ated an entirely new field for the canine. Ho ia to be made the beatt burden to carry the tupplle of the miner aoroa the mountain paitet, hence the hitherto worthies cur hat come into demand. Recently 200 of them were picked up in the atreet. 01 Chicago, and have beeu ehipped out to Seattle to be fed and fattened for tha Alaska trade. They form a groat collection, being all kinda of dog, from the little apaniel to the massive Newfoundland, but they will all make .rood worker, and will be sent north early in the .pring. They are under the tutonhip of dog trainer., and are each taken out and put throngn an educational cour.e In obedience and pulling load. David Macev.of 8n Francisco, rep. remting the full and game protector of that stale, arrived tn roruano won day, hia mittion being to buy 200 or more paira or China pneaaani anu take them to California, for propoga (Ion. Mr. Macey lay the fame of tbe Mongolian pheasant hua spread over all part of California, and the f ports- men tnere are particularly anxious iur the introduction of those birda into their etate. He also .ay that when Hint birds were introduced iolo this state Califor.ilant hoped tome of these beautiful bird might Hurt their way into that atato, but they teemed en tirely aalmfled with Oregon climate. A oreat many lattere are being re ceived by resident of thi. county from Eaatern people inquiring aooui our reaourcr. timber, farming, diirying, eto. No better Motion for investment of capital exist in the ttate than Columbia county, and we believe a great good would te.ult irom a nuie mnnev expended in the way of letting our advantage, be known to East"m people. Thi. county ha about 300, 000 acre, of tplendid timber, and per- bap. a great deal ol it la lor aate, ami if we can oreato a demand for it by doing a little eaatern advertiaing, we believe it would be money well .pent. n,.rWi hnve been doiilll tome lively work In Astoria lately, the home of County Clerk Dunbar, Attorney 0. 0. Fulton, and H. F.Trael, having been entered and several watohet, diamond rinaa and mall amount of money be ing taken. Almott every day Dalle merchant are pleased by their old ouatomert, who have not had money for years, coming in and aetlling aeoounte that have lor four or five yeara. Tlii i all n account of the big wheat crop that ha been harveatea wit year. The three year old boy of J. A. John ton, of Lynn Center, III., 1. tubjeol in HttacU of croup. Mr. Johnaon says that he it atifld that the timely use of Chamberlaii.'a Cough Komedj, dur ing ft acvore attack aaved his littli boy's life Ha la in Hie drug business, a member of the firm of Johnson Bros., of that place, and they handle a great many patent medicine for throat and lung dineaaea. He had all those to choutn from, and .killed physicians ready to respond to hit call, but bb looted thi remedy Tor use In hia fan. ily at a time when his child's lifu wan In dangor, becau.e ho knew it to Iw mporior to any other, and famous the country over for its cure of croup. Mr. Johnson aya thi la the bett sell ing cough medicine thoy handle, and that it give aplonJid satisfaction In all cato. Sold by Dr. Edwin Roe. JUKJAlj AND GHNEKAL. Homa-made bread constantly on iand at Hani.' cash grocery. Snow linger in the foothill, and the tmoaphcre Is wiutry in the extreme. Cotinlv CU'rlt Woert i.,l . ,or. rlage license on Tuesday to Frank S. nuujpaiii. ana aiury u. uumgardner. Mr. J. II. Dlil;lir hum rnntsrl flu. aron Kelluy house, at the rear of iairit' .lore, nod will nni Uu arber bop into it at once. The ahootlm; match t Tin ill ton An Wedneaday proved a great tnecett In every particular. Maoy fine fowl are taken away by expert marktmen. - ' & w.m...,j, ,v V. , CHU which passed up Tuotday afternoon, win tune cargo oi wueat irom rort land. Her measured cuoacitr it 8.548 ton. Augu.t Olson, a well known indi vidual in thi county, wat brought from near Mayger laat Friday aud tried in Justice Clark't court on a charge of insanity, but wa released. Twenty-two of Oregon' countie re porting show a production in wealth of farm product and mineral for the year 1807 of 127,820,030. Perhap the product of the other conn tie. will bring thi op to 140,000,000. To parlie who are receiving letters of Inquiry from the East in regard to our resources, we wish to .ay that we have so v oral hundred oopie. of de scriptive pamphlet, which answer all question, of Eastern inquirer.. The .learner Iralda wa detained at thi place latt Friday on her up trip by blowing out a plug in her boiler. The necessary repair were made iu an hour or auch a matter, and the continued tbe run to Portland. Wm. S. McKean, who ha been in the employ of tbe Crane-Jack Com pany, in Portland, since 1894, waa arretted in that city Tuesday morning for embezzlement, the amount being $7,000. He made a full confeaaion, and will probably gel the limit ol the law. While thore are yet many thousand buabel. of potatoea in tbe ground in Clackamat county, there doe not ap pear to ba any concern among the farmer a to tbolr chance for laving the crop. No serious damage ba beeu done tho crop by the late itoriu. A demand for Columbia county' timber it ture to follow in the wake of returning prosperity. The high price tbe farmer ha received for hi wheat, bopa, hay, fruit, etc , encourage him to repair hit bain, bouse, fence, etc., hence he muat necestaniy look to u to supply hi want. The high water of tbe Coweeman last week brought down quite a large number of logt. When the Bailey Bros, get their lurbiae wheel in posi tion with which to bundle tbe gate, at tbeir dam, the river will be cleaned of log.. The wheel will, probably be ready for use ia a week. The horse cannery at Linnton 1 solving the problem i f disposing of tbe urpln horses iu the rtortnwest pretty rapidly, Cayu.e. are being converted into canned horse at the rate of teveral carload, daily. One day laat week thirteen carload, of horse, were re ceived there from Paaco. the St. Helena hotel in thi city for the pad nve or six year., lasi Satur day leased the hotel to G. A. Raoford, who, in future, will conduct it. Mr. George, on acoount of continued .iok- net in the family, decided to Close the building, hence the change. The firl carload of teel rail to be used in the construction of the Tacoma and Columbia liver railway arrived in TWnm M,-mli,tf niirhft. Ronurintend- ent Dorr tayt work will begin tbi wrea. rne roaa win run irom lacoma in Tho TViIIma nmviilAH that pnntifrh limttiiMMA ran ha ahnivn un to convince capitalist the road will be a paying propueuiou. Tho tmrarnnunl will pxnend several thousand dollars in the improvement of Lewis river within the next year. That river it badly in need of improve maul tnr fiavAml mnntha in the year it it nearly impossible to navigate it. The Jjewia river vauey it a tnicaiy Milled, productive ection, and the people are justly, entitled to auch con deration by the government. See in another column the adver tisement of Me.ara. Cole fe Quick, pro prietor of Thorne'a numerical system of title abstract. These gentlemen to thoroughly under.tand the abstract business and keep their book in such perfect condition that they can fur nish abstract, of title on the briefest notice, thus many time, .aving great expense and time to purchasers of Co lumbia county realty. A few year ago the buoy of the .tnrgeon fishermen were to be seen in all direotion. a. one sailed up and down the river, and at high and low water alack the fUhermen could be seen hauling in the big mud .uckera, a. they were sometimes called. Now the sturgeon i. practically a fish of the past, and the fishermen have put out a great many set net. A. we paa. up and down the river now we notice lit tle board tuck up along the beaches near eddies in the river j these boarda have on them the license number of the fisherman, ho having paid the fish commissioner for the same, Skumok awa Eagle. Royal make the food pure, wbclawas and dsllciotu. yiwa MM Ab.oluteiy Fur ml moi eowors so., HrwvrsiK. mm FKBSONAIi MENTION. Wm. Miller, )f Vulluy, tu in town last Monday. Tha little rtaiifr'.ter of Jacab Berber Is quite sick. ; Met Pompror. of Rainier, is now purser on tha Iralda. Mr. Tol Thompson, of Portland, was In this city Tuesday. . Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Hall SDtmt Thanks giving In Portland. Darr Kraner. of Rainier, was visiting the metropolis last Friday, Miss Mamla Purt arm i ouienzer for Portland hut Frl loy, Mr. Isun ConsUnd wm rlnln business In this city last Wednesday. Captain Doinh Hooirhlilrk, of Rainier, sp.ut Wednesday In Ibis city. James Sheldon was attending to basliies" matters In Portland Wednesday. Mrs. M. C. Orav is lust recovering from a serious attack of malarial fever. Mr. Philbrnok and Mr. Bailer, of Honl- ton, ware In Portland Wednesday. Otto Kalner. of the steamer Elwood spent Tueaday evening in this city. B. 0. Hoarilev and Bamuel Kinder, of Deer Island, were in this city Tuesday. Miss of Portland. inent Thanksgiving with relatives in this city. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Swlfzer and Mint Anal. George wer in Portland Tuesday. U. M. Beeahlev and Lonls Fitzserald. of Varnoaia, were in town Tuesday evening. Geo. VoMam.of Scanrooo. named throneh thla place Tuesday on bis way to Portland. Attorney 8'hnbel. of Portland, was in this city attending to 1-gal mat ters Tuesday, Mr. John Dlbhleo. of Rainier, was look ing after business utattera la this city laat Mra. J. R. Beegl. spent Thanksgiving in Rainier at tbe boma of Mr. and Mrs. C. I. liooghkirk. Mrs. W. L. Currv came down from Port land Wednesday to spend thanksgiving who reiauvea. Mr. O.D. Yonnf. of Portland, banbeenin tha city several days, tba guest of Mr. and Mrs.J. W. Iay. Ernest Bhannahan. Phil Sheeler. and Uriah Malinger, of Veroonia, were ia this oity last Saturday. been quite sick for some time, but la re ported improving. ui.. n n.. -t : ...... rrA..lM 1. Ji'dtre lllnnchard. of Rainier, came op to St. Helens Monday to attend to business before tha county clerk. Hon. Norman Merrill, of Clatskanle. was in town last Friday. Mr. Merrill hud spent the week with relatives at Deer Island. Mr. E. C. Oiltner left Portland Wednes day morning for Washington, where he ill be private aecretary lo cenaior Mo unue. Mr. C. E Hall, teacher of the Houlton school, has been quite sick for aome time, necessitating toe closing oi scnooi lor a aay or two. The little teren-vear-old danzhter of Charley OI'ob, who 'resides near Buragard- ner's place back ol Ueer island, is reported quite aick. Geora-e Perrv and G. D. Gilson. of Houl ton, S, tfrlser, of Bachelor Flat, and George Lemon! were casseueera (or i'ortland Mon day morning. Jacoh Qeoree went to Coweeman river lastUanday. where he will he employed during tbe winter as engineer in tha Mackle logging camp. On Melton, of the House farm on the slough, and Frank Dow and Hendry Helgrson, of Oak Island, were in this city Tuesday evening. Fred Henderson and Krxin fieffert, of Deer Island, were among the members of Avon luuue, K. ol f.. present in una city Tueaday evening. Thomas Muckl. left this city for Port land Sunday morning, where he bad se cured employment on one ot ine upper Willamette steamers. Attorneys Oeorre Hull and W. F. Tim- moos went over to Vernonia last Baturday to take opposing parts it. a trial in tha jus tice court ol Auimrn precinct. James and Robert McKay, of Bcappoose, passed through thia plaua last Tueaday en route (or La Center, Wash., where they went to attend to torn business matters. Mra. Jacob George, who was taken to Good Samaritan hospital In Portland last week, la reported much improved, and hopes for her early recovery are entertained. i,.. IS i M ...... mtiA M.ntliar Xfra xura. r. a. jmww.v ., .......... , ... ni.tiii- ui.l..,-rr.. U .a k.n tn thia i.ltv several daya vMling relatives. Mrs. bbiu- taner win spena some uiue wim uer uaugu ter at Saleiu. Johnnv Dart, who has spent nearly a year in ftossland, B. C, and vicinity, re turned hn:iiaTuead.iv evening accompanied by jack Wellington, who went north about toe aame nine, joiinny repur.o an u. Helena delegation there in a prosperous condition, and says all cf them will remain there this winter. BORN. Rowliy. At Uoulton. on Thursday, Nov. 18, le7,to the wife of James Kowley.a aon. Brntiarr. At Houlton, Or., on Tuesday, Nov. 23. 1807, to the wife of Elijah Bur nett, a eon. Will $3.50 Overcoat -Saa SUITS FAnOUS Clothing House COR. MORRISON AND 2ND. STRS., PORTLAND, OR. Jewel Stoves Air-Tight Stoves , - Oranite-ware. Hardware, E5V CJSOWN. armor, throughout the country have proiited by the experience of the past few year, of hard time, and are not made extravagant by the prosper ity that ba. fallen ll.cir way through abundant crop and fair price. They are buying only what they need and aa a rule are avoiding debt. If they ill pursue line course, hard lime, will not oyertake them again toon. It la against flag etiquette not to take it down at night. The colors should be raised to meet the .an, end lowered when he disappeare under the horizon. Beside., bunting ecxm rut. when .o improperly exposed; and, moreover, to leave a flag out over night it declared by the auperatitiou. to be an invitation to ill-luck. Dyspepsia cured. Khiloh's Vitalizer im mediately relieve sour stomach, distress, and is the great kidney aud liver remedy. Bold by Dr. K. Ross. ' Ladles, take tho best. If you are troub led with constipation, sallow akin, and a tired feeling, take Karl's Clover Tea. It i pleasant to take. Bold by Dr. Edwin Ross. Karl's Qover Hoot Tea ia .pleasant lax atire. Itegtilatea the bowels, purifies the blood. Clears the complexion. Easy lo make and pleasant to take. 25 cents. Bold by Dr, Edwin Rois. OASTOXIZA. Via ha il all is ea algutwa at ' NOTICE. Alt nartlaa knowlne thetnselyet to be Indebted to the late Arm ot Beexle 4 Dayls will please call at this office and settle their accounts, tbe undersiaued baring puronaseg trie same. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. a-TOTTf!!! IB HEREBY GIVES THAT THE r rfwitartnanhlD heretofore exlstlna: be tween j, k- ueeKie ana unvm ihvih, tuuwa w the arm o' Beetle 4 lMvis, publishers of Tut Okcuoh Mist, at ht. Helens, Oregon, la this day dissolved by mutual consent, J. K. Reeifle re tiring. Mr. David Davis will conduct the bus iness in ine future anu aa oiusuue tue bbiu uj-iu are navable to him ana all accounts owed by aam nrn, will oe paia oy ntra. Dotea this nun aay ox noyemner, inn. J. B. B1SEGXK. DAVID DAVIS. NOTICE FOB Land Ornca ai Oaaooa Citt, Oa.. November 9th, V&l. a-TfinoE IB HKItEBY OIVKN THAT THE 111 frillnwlnff-nanied aettlBr has filed notice of his intention to make Anal proof ia support ot bis claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the County Clerk: of Columbia County, at ac ileiens, uregon, on juecemoer 4in. isv, vis: CONSTANTINB MAR8CHALL, of uortneast4 ox sectiou xs, townsoip e uoria, MUM X VML He names the followlne- witnesses to prnye bis continuoos residence upon and cultivation of sa.n land, v.s: Jr. A. btrsoa, . uuniecai.joe Dupont and Fred Zeller, ail of Valley, Oreeon. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT TaTATTfiH IB HEREBY OIVHN THAT I. THK ill nnilmlm exaentor of the Last Will and lestamens OI jvuzunein ownpiej, uweow., have filed in the office of the County Clerk oi Columbia County, state ol Oregon, my nnai ac count of my admlntfctrati upon snld estate, together with my petition for final distribution of the residue ofsald estate among the persons entitled thereto; that the Hon. 3. B. Doan. judge of the County Court of said County and State, has appointed Thursday, theOtbdayof Court-room of said Court t tha County Court ItAtiM In the Citr of at. Helens, iu said County iiM'Amner. 1KU7. as z o ciock r. n.. auu .ne and State, as the time and place for the settle ment of said final account and tbe hearing of said petition for uistrioution; ai wnicn lime and place any person Interested in said estate may appear inn luotiteir uujeuuuus hibi. Dated at St. Helens, Oregon, November 4, 1897. II M. BEKOHLEY. Executor of the Last Will aud Testament 01 Elizabeth Beegnlcy, deceasea. nooa. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Conrt of the state of Oregon, for the County or coiumma. E, B. Fobs, FuUntlfr, ya. William Kuensler, Defendant To William Kuonzler, Defendant. wm thr namr n rHR statu OF OREGON JL You are hereby required to appearand ans wer the complaint filed at-alnst you in the above entitled suit on or before the first day of the regu lar term of this court, wnicn win oegm ine nm Tuesday after the second Monday in May, l9; and if you fall to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will take Judgment and decree as prayed for iu the complaint herein, declaring the mortgages therein mentioned, both given on tha ?8d day of January. MW. one by Thomas Miller to Defendant for the KV of 6W'i, and lots 8 aud 4, and one given by Stephen Miller to Defendant for the &E both tracts of land be ing in aectlon 80, townships, north, range a west, Willamette meridian, paid, and ordering the same satisfied and released upon the records thereof. . , . , p..KHM,ti.n J thla mmmnni Is made m ac cordance with an order ol the Hon T. A. Mc- Brlde, ludce of sato court, maae tne ma uaj ui Octooer, u. . doivhj, oatMlO Attorney for plaintiff. THEASl'BEH'S NOTICE. County Treasurer's Office, Rt Or.. Oct. 28. 1897. ' ht . : ., i. I t,-,,n I, a f m nnnaid County Warrants of said comity, which have been presented and endorsed "Not raid for Want ol u uuas, prior k mot 1, 1895, will be paid upon presentation at tbi office. Interest will not be allowed .Iter this date. K. M. WHAKTun, o29n26 Treasurer of Columbia County, Or 5ave You from $2.00 to on the Price of a Suit or $7-50 OVERCOATS ALL YOOL ALL WOOL $IO.OO Dress Suits $12.50 and $15.00 Boys' Suits $1.75, $2.50 and up to $7.50. abf THE BEST ALL SIZES, LOWEST PRICES Cutlery, Cross-Cut Saw, Etc. 212 First St., Portland, Or. iir : - !! J muYav jyegctaWePrepardtbnfor As similating tkroodandReuia UilhcStoiafldisaMBowelsctf "i-lr""" Promotea'DiflesUon.Clieeifuf TO5saTvdRcst.Contains neither Oprum.Morptiiiie nor Mineral. KotNahcotic. JBBVmtrOdllrXIMSlZHatMJt Jmahn Smml' m4lx.Samm tttnUmSl . tiffmrmomf A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Sioroach.Diarrhoea. Worms onvutsionsjBverish aess arid Loss OF SIXER lac Simile Signature of TTEW YORK. I " j I fit, EXACT C0PV Of WRAPPER. .GET PROVISIONS AT Harris' Cash Grocery. "The Perkins" C. W. Mr. Knowles waa, for many yeara, proprietor of the St. Charle8 hotel, and while there established a reputation a a hotel man. He ia now in a better position to entertain hia friends than ever before, and will welcome all hia old patron, to bia new place of business, where can be found an up-to-date hotel. Comer Fifth E MMI.MM MMWMMA nmKJ-VVHiT-VVV:VS Dr. ST. HELENS, OREGON Constantly Keeps in Stock a Complete Line of DRUGS, i TOILET J ARTICLES t Sfhnnl C . w-. -jt-j - W An Unusually well-selected Stock of Writing Tablets, Pens, Ten- ' CUB, HIJU IUO SJCOV t I vmv I IMP ill? n M I iiiii all, an r Finest Perfumes and Soaps E Pateut Medicines j7. C(5To.KLOH0IKl?' VrrtiouT rwa t2 ro sa Miners t WNcresre pteitraos ORIENTAL HOTEL A. H. BLAKE8LEY, Proprietor. Board by Day, Week or Month . x AT REASONABLB BATES. The table is supplied with the best the market affords. Everything olean. A share oi ynr pat ronaire ia solicited. ST. HKI.KN8. Ol KGOH WAWTHO FAITH FIJI. MKN OB WOMWC to trav.l tor resDonsil.letabllhil hxusa is Orwon. Snlary 1780 ar,i expeusea. Pollo Srmaoeot. Reference. Bnoloa. selt-addressed atamped envelope. The Natioual, Star In' aitce Bid., Chicago, I ,1 a !f - aSuU : I. V afiaJIL-al- " T- THATTHS FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE' , OF,,.: IS OIT THE WRAPPER OP EVI&Y BOTTIZE OF1 nnnn n 'it H i lif" i i 1 1 ' '1 W UlfcXaaaal U Oastorla is irat m ia oaeIse kottlsa eslr. It Is not tali la bulk. Doa't alio anyone W sell ! to anjthing all on ths plea ar promisa that it .j is "Jsat as good" and "will answer entry pit- , ' pose." Bos that 70a get 0-A-B-I-O-E-I-A. 5 YOUR. KNOWLES, Manager. and Washington Strests, Pcrtlsni E. Ross 4 Snnnlics 1 IUM W. "" PSNnY STITlfiNFRY 9 r, iiu u..a PEKSCRIITIOia CARKFULLY ANi AOCURATKLV COMFOLNOKD. Taking Alono i -.A to so raev ar. thp ! v '.SO.? THer ar TH lluiiTERS tit W AMrtuftmmt. useoer solo emrntticKK , FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. -STEAMER Young AmcricE -VIA- W1LLAM ETTE SLOUGH Leave St. Helens . Arrive at Portland . . Leave Portland. Arrive at St, Helen3.. fl:.W A M 10:iRI A M 2:M) P M ....... 6:M V H '.iii f SHU I ' . FARE 85 CKSJTS. Will Carry Nothinir but' Paaaowgm and lfnst JTreicht. JA1IE3 GOOD, ir-jatcr.