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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1897)
Ki v kb Ria. The Columbia at title pla Iim raised several feet in the pest week, and perhapt will continue io rise until in we-mr nom lie iriliu trles h dianoe to run off. To 8kkv 4 JuRoBi.In litsi St- urday'a Oregonlan appeared the list of the Jury (irwn in uie united males court in rortiana ror tne coming term which will convent on the 30th ol tbii month. Mr. it. Cox. or Dili oily, ait J lit, 0. 8. Emerson, of lloulton, were drawn from una county, Failed to Emoutb Theodore Purraut waa not banned last Friday aa waa atataa oy tne associated press, Jnsteed M waa granted a gtay of exe cation for alxty day. Since that lime however, Ilia uprenie court decided that mandate abould be -Issued at one. Assistant Attorney-General Anderton tiiinka thig will aattle the matter aod baaten Lurrnt'e execution OoviBto With Bow. T1i foot bill and mountaina on the opposite aide of the Columbia from St. Helens have bten covered with anow (or aev ' tral dy. The latter part of laat week waa quite cold and Indication pointed at that time to eevere weather. A repetition of weather of November a year ago waa preaicteo. oy many, and indeed good atari wat being made in that direction. ' Thi MajniHDH. On latt Friday evening a grand mean Dun wa given in tbia city which wa liberally at tended. About 40 number were told, nd nearly quite that many were niaaked. Bit pntee were given aa fol Iowa! For the beat sustained char acter, Mr. W. E. Bteven and Mr. Ed Watte) beat wall sera, Mia Hamilton, of Llnnton, and Mr. Will Cionlngr, of Soapfiooac; moatcomio character, Mr. Amoe Blasene, and Mr. J. 8 Cloninger. Dancing wat kept np till late hour, aodall thorough) eujoyed uemseirea. Iar Activm Opuatiox. For the Aral time in over three year, every blaal furnace in Allegheny county ia in operation. The starting of furnace "F" of the Carnegie Steel Company lew aayi ago made the rtxu motion eocnt(et. There are thirty irob fur nece in the county now, and all are running, making from two to three bleat every twenty four boura. The daily output of atnelter iron in that county now ia approximately 10,000 tone. There have never been more than twenty-aix furnace in blaat thore before, but the Carnegie have lately built four new pUnia, Fill Fkom a Taia-rut -A man named John McDonald, who had walked from Tacoma to Gobi, latt Friday night, about 11 o'clock, lell from the railroad trestle at Goble, a distance of 80 or 35 feet, and everely injured hi apioe. Sheriff Rice, who waa notified of the accident, went to Oobleand brought the man to thia city Saturday, where be baa aince been t the Oriental hotel Dr. Bom is treat ing him, end hope! are entertained that the uufortunat fellow will be able to gel out of bed in a few day. Tbe accident happened while the 11 o'clock eouth bound passenger waa being made up titer crossing; on the ferry. Finer to Hatch There waa con eklerable excitement about the Aatnria "regressive Commercial Aociation'a headquarter ou day 11 week when II we diacovrrtd that on of the egg in Ue ealmon hatchery had opened and luaty young Chinook waa cavorting round the tank. Quite a large crowd waa recent during the afternoon and took a great deal of iniereel in the new arrival. In all probability many snore ecge will hatch la a day er two, and during the week v.altor will be ftivwa o intetveting eight. The Pro ejreaiiv Association can claim tbe credit of batching, artificially, the first Chinook lajmon ever batched ia Clat top coanty. Of Great Bemfit. The recent heavy rain were anxiously looked for by the loggere on the lower Colombia. Tbe heavy rainfall for the pint week bae swelled the creek tributary to the Columbia and they are running bank full. Logger are buiy iluioing and driving and are putting on extra men and a general cleanup from the bank of the creek may be expected. Thi work baa to be done very quickly aa the creek full aa fait a they ret and would leave the log In the me poalllon a before the t reahet. It I aafa to av that with thia (realist mill ion of feet of log will reach tide- water, and with tbe recent advance in the price of log, logger will cloee the moat proaperou eon they have eeu In a good many year. To bk thi Fibt. Undoubtedly the Southern Pacific will be tbe Brat road to deliver wheat to Aitoria for foreign shipment. A traveling man from Portland aald yesterday that tiuce the Southern Faoiflo had become interested ia tbe conatruction of the new line to Aatoria, aa evidenced by tbe action of it official, and by the fact that much of the material for the Aitoria road bear the trademark of the Southern, that company would probably be tbe firat to get to tidewater over the new road. Portland people are greatly re joicing over the fact that next aumtner they oan take the oar at the Uniou depot, Portland, direct for Seaside, limine men who like to pend Sun day on -the beach oan leave Portland Saturday afternoon, and arrive at their favorite reeort in time lor supper. Aatorian. Ibrroularity Charord. The Ore gon Oily Enterpriae y s "The hen industry appear to be run at a very irregular apoed here In Oregon, giving our people either a feast or a famine in ben fruit. Of the Importation of Eaatera egga the Oregon Agricultur al haa the following to aay ; 'About 910,000 have gone Kad from Ponland within the paat month to pay for egg. It i probable that 25,000 will not cover tho whole cost of Eastern egg imported into Oregon and Washing too during the month of October. It i unfortunate that we are sending away so much money that ought to be distributed at home. It i not becsuie of a look of hens in this country that we are Importing so many egg. There are bom enough, but we have not lerned how to induce them to 1 ulllcieni number of egg' ni wn for home use.' " . rwj T , ... miioauia incrcanuie Cota Pov, of Missoula, Montana, will move the headquarters of that firm, which, 1500,000, to Aatorfa .hortly after the ttrt of the year. Th company, be IddS conducting a general mercantile business, will go into the longing bus iness on a large scale sad will operste an extensive Mwmill plant, principally for the export trade. Mr. Wood, a thorough sawmill man, and a business asioolam of Mr. Hammond, I now in Portland looking up thi latter propo rtion. Three site for the mill r under consideration, one at Smith' point, one at Tongue point, and the third and moat feasible one, the plant now operated by the Clatsop Milt Com pany. Nesntialiona towurd tha nnr. oharlng of this plant have been going on for some time, and on last Friday a consultation was held In Portland between Mr. Hammond, Mr. Woods and W. 8. Kinney at which It ia tood an effer wa made for it. What action wa taken it is impossible to learu a yet. A Corfu ox Board Ths bod v of a ouge carrot resembling the form of a person, (male) -lay in elate" aboard the Northwest on ber down trio last Tuesday. It was pUoed on a pile of lumoer ana oovered with a sheet, pre senting a morbid appearance, and thna who chanced to pas near it walked with sileot tep and bowed bead. Word went throusb lb erowd on board that the remain of an Infant boy were picked .p in lbs Cowlits near me mouth ol the Coweeman. "Cbet" Rulifson, of Carrollton. beins more in quisitivethsniherestof the panenger waa taxen cy i-urser Wharton to view the "remain." He approached tbe "(acred" altar with lifted bat and solemn and pathetic look. A th heet wa gently raised by Mr. Whar ton, the crowd cave on mlchtv roar of laughter, for there lay a fifteen pound carrot, the exact image of an infant boy. Wharton laughs every time be thinks of the matter and tbe boys say 'Chef will not come out from bis ranch for soma titn. Kelso Journal. Km at Scappoobb. Last Monday night, about 8 o'clock, tbe heaven in southerly direction from here were quit brilliantly illuminated by the leaping flame of a burning structure, wnicn Bt, Helens people concluded must bo near the Muckle or Copeland place on the bay. Upon inquiry, bow- ever, the next day, it was Warned that it was the old Foppletou or Banks nouaa, lual opposite the West residence on Scappooee lace, that bad burned. Tbe building was unoccupied at the lima save, perhaps, a tramp may have been tleeping in it that night, and further than that there is no clue to the origin of the fire. Tbe building had been a landmark in that section for many years, and perhaps bad af forded shelter to many an unfortunate and deserving being j but so far as vslue was concerned, it bad none, to ipeak of. It was first reported that tbe una, large barn on the west place bad burned, but fortunately the rumor proved untrue. Ah Objxct or Curiosity. Out on the Nebalem road, about 7 milea east and eouth of Olney, stands a giant fir tree that ha withstood the storms oi hundred of years. It measure 17 feet across at the base, and is said to be the largest fir tree in Clatsop county, and during the past several years has been visited by hundreds of people, many ol whom nave photo graphed tbia great forest monarch. It baa been suirested that the tree be felled and a cut taken from its base and brought to Astoria sod placed on exhibition. As the tree itsndt in tbe county road, it would bs far better if the county eonrt would set said the ground s a publio park. A good, passable road will soma day be built into tha Nehalene country, when it will be an easy matter tor visitor to drive out and look at tho great tree a it aland, toweriog far into the sky above it neighbors. It is certainly a light well worth tha trip. Aitoria n. Avsrtxd a MuroRTUMB On last Monday evening; a passenger down from Portland on tha Youncr America created a little excitement for a few momenta by aetting himself afire not intentionally,however. Tbe gentle man reside somewhere in the vicinity of Scappoose, and had been to Port land. It eem he had a bottle of alcohol in hia pocket, and coming on the boat, feeling tired, laid down on the teat to reel, when in ionic manner th bottle wa broken and it content aturated the man' clothing. Waking up. he discovered what had happened, and threw the glas overboard. Hia next idea waa to ugnt in pipe, anu atriklng a match, the alooholio gas wa IcuIUd and tha man waa eoon enveloped in flame. Fortunately be wa not seriously burned, aa tue crew rendered assistance in extinguishing the flame and tearing: his clothing from him. About the lust of this month the new boiler bonse of the Oregon City woolen mill will be ready for work and tha entire factory will then be put in operation to its full capacity. Nearly all the departments are now running, employing more than 300 operatives. There ia every prospect for a busy winter for thia eatabhshraent, the man- faoture of goods for tha Yukon trade being an important part of it work. Hew te Cwre Hlllras Calle. I suffered for weeks with eollo and pains In my stomach caused by biliousness, and had to tak medicine all the while until l used Chamberlain' Collo, Cholera and Di arrhoea Kemsdy, which oured me. I have Bines recommended it to a good many peo ple. Mas. F. TluTLita, Falrhrtven, Conn. Perrons who are sutiject to oiuous oono oan ward on ine muni or ihkirk vm reineoy an soon as rna nrat syDipwoig ap pear. Hold oy nr. auwiu The nrevailina rain alorm is becom ing a matter for serious consideration. The Columbia' tributaries ar running hank full and ereat dumaso threatens. Tbe Willamette and Columbia valleys are liable lo be flooded, thus sustain ing great loss. Karl'a Clover Root Tea, for eonsnniptlon It' the bent and if after using It you don't aay so, return the package and get your mousy. Bold by Dr. Edwin Ross. i ,atowa.-Tbs Astoria ihirw IVtl,"rity talement Hh"r;u?;1"mmod'' LOCAL AMD GENERAL. Rev, Cha. E. Phllbrook at Scappobe Sunday at 11:30 a. in., ana at Uoulton at 7 :30 n. m. Rev. O. Grovenor Halov will nm.Mi in the M. E. church in this city next ouuuy evening at a o'clock. Bub- joou "Aba Autumn of Life." Thr will be a shooting match held at Houlton next Wednesday, Novem ber in, oy ueorgo jferry nd James Spence, Turkey, gees and chicken win oe snot for. t Th reoent rise In the Cowlits river orougnt down many Hwlog from up river camp. The boom at the mouth of the river la in eood. ahan. n pier for holding tbe boom Just being Fishermen In th vicitlty of Rainier are oi me opinioa that the light run ot lalmon in that seotion is eauaed bv the heavy blasting along the abore, where the Aitoria railroad i being Thi office 1 prepared to turn out job printing In the last styles and at extreme low prices. If you have a quantity of stationery to be printed let us give you figures before going elsewhere. All tbe warehouses in Pullman, Wash., are overflowing, and the grain Is being stacked on the outside and roofed over. The yield i greater than ever before known in Whitman county, and will poises a valuation equal to that at which tbe entire county wa assessed last year. In thi Issue will be found tbe cro ceeding ot the regular November term of county court. The report is authentic, being furnished by tbe county clerk, and i therefore offloial. All county matter published in this paper are taken from the record and ar therefore correct. LoKkinc camps all alone: the Lower Columbia are just now filled with life and activity. Tbe price of lnga con tinues on tha. npward tendency and logger ar consequently happy. Vast bodies of timber land, for several years psat practically of no value, are cer tain to prove desirable holdings iu the near future. In the future it will be our aim te publish news from every part of the coouty, and to do thia successfully we must have correspondents. If your neighborhood ia unrepresented in our columns consider yourself at liberty to end any matter you may deem proper. It will be accepted with our moat grac iou thank. Tracklaying on the Goble road was completed laat Friday night to a boat a quarter of a mile above Aldrich point. The crew baa been ballasting tbe line aince that time so that con struction trains csn be run over it. It is expected that tracklaying; will be finished as fares uimton from Astoria in about two wseks. It ia reported that W. E. Newsom. of the steamer Iralda, ia contemplating tha construction of a steemer for tbe Portland-Astoria run, the dimension of which w did not learn, further than It will be a propeller and equiped with powsr lufflcient to enable the boat to make the run from Portland to Astoria and return in twelve hour, including all landings. "Tba worst cold I ever had in my life was cured by Chamberlain' Cough Remedy," write W. H. Norton, of Batter Creek, Cel. "Thi cold left me with a cough, and I wa expectorating all the time. Tbe remedy cured me, and I want all my friend when tioub- led with a cough or cold to use it, for it will do them good." Sold by Dr. Edwin xtoss. Statistio received at Astoria bow that th farmer of Oregon are sowing tbe largest crop ot wheat ever planted in the state. Thia fall has been a good one for plowing and the high prices obtaioed for thie season' crop nas been an incentive to largely in crease tbe aoresgs. It is reasonably oertain that whatever ie planted will be for chipment next season. A an example ot what csn be ac complished by persistent effort along tbe Una of eduoaiion, even tn me conntry school, Miss May Whitney took and successfully passed tbe ex emination for teachers recently held in thia city. Mis Whitney never at tended any but the diitrict schools of thi county, a faot which apeak hishly for our institution ot learning and for th young lady, insofar a the ex amination recently held was the moil rigid of any conducted here for some time, and from the faot that many ap plicants, who had attended better in stitution of learning, failed. VALLEY ITEMS. Leopold Dupont is working at Howard's mill. Fall Dlowlns la about finished, and ths farmers are fathering in their stock and preparing for tha winter. Wm. Miller returned from the Goble railroad last Saturday. Wm. had been at work there for some time. Died On Wednesday. Nov. 10. 1897. at St. Vincent hospital, Portland, Henry, the only son of Mrs. Rose Orenky, a siater of Wm. ana ilUUOipu &ann. lua remains were brought to this plaoe Friday and in terred Saturday in Cow Camp cemetery. Rev. Phllbrook eoaduoted tb funaral er- vioea. Death bas been hare and boura away One very near and dear, . Has bourne this preoious ona from us And left us weepiag here. Royal ssakM tbe looS pars. ,Wlaks7aBBJIa . Absolutely Curs hrmn jwi pnwora eo., iwwyn. M PURELY PERSONAL. Jacob George was in Portland Tuesday, Mrs. J, R. Bergls was in Portland Tues- ay. John 8. Cloninger was hi Portland Tues day. George Maygerwa In this city yesterday uiuriiiiis Iarael Hnenfier. nf Varnnnla. waa In town lasi sriaay, . Miss Grace Miles visited relatives In thi city Bunday. Mrs. C. I. Honghklrk, of Rainier, wn in ruruano. i ueeuay. Mr. and Mrs. George G. Mayger were In Portland this week. I. 8. Bumgardner, of Olatskanle, waa in ths city lastUaturday. Mr. J. W. r)av wna tfA1tnflr tn hnalnaaa down tb river Wednesday. OaR BhlntafTer was In this city few hours laat Monday morning. Mr. W. B. Dlllard waa attending to Ural matters in Portland Tuesday. Omar Bhannahan. of Vernnnla. anent several days in tbis city this week. Mrs. G. Vf. Perry, of Houlton. waa a paesengsrfor Portland Monday morning. visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. II. Sheldon. Emerv MHIa. formerly nf Vamnnla. umi down from Portland Wednesday afternoon. Mr. D. Vf. Price, of Bcanpoose. waa at tending to business matters in 'bis city mwnaay. Miss Amy Georaa visited ber parents In this city Hturd sight, returning to Port land Bouday. Mrs. R. TJ. MoNtitt. nf Vancouver, anent Sunday In this city, lua guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Harris. Mrs. Basmosen. of Ore on City, la vinlt Mrs. John Gil- ing ber parents, Mr. an mora tor tew days. Samuel Lovell. well known In thia eonntv. is at present in Skaxuar. Nortbwest Terri tory , and is practicing law. Mrs. D. J. Bwitser and Mrs. R. Cox were in Portland Tneadav. accoaananvina: tbeir sister, Mrs. George, to the hospital. J. G. Palmer, who. last winter ws inter eated in church work in this city, is in bkagnay, working at tbe carpenter trade. Or. J. E. Hail, of Clatskanie. member of the board of pension examiners for Colnm bia county, waa la this city Taesday at tending a meeting of that body. Mrs. Jacob Georee. who bas been anlte sick tor some time, was taken on Tuesday to Good Bamaritaa hospital, in Portland, wneresnewui ne treated tor acompticar tiou of ailments. Henderson Orchard, tbe aeatleman who put in tbe water ayatem for tbis city eer sral years ago, and is yet a member of th Bt. Helens Light A Water Company, was la this city Monday evening. L. J. Meserve. of Delena. was In this citv last Friday. Lincoln ia at nreeent teacbinc school at Mist, but took a vacation last week to visit his parents and to attend to business matters lu tbis city aud Portland. Mr. J. R. Beesle. who recently retired from tbia paper, will hereafter hare charge of the Oregon City Enterprise. Mr. and Mrs. Heegle will remove Co uregoa vity, Drubablv next week, as Mr. Beecie will as sume control of that paper next Monday. Martin White, county assessor, waa fn tbia city Monday oo bis way to Portland. Mr. White is at present residing on his place, near Qnincy. He will return to thia Slace In twe or three weeks and resume his uties as assessor, having some work to at tend to in tbe omcs belore beginning the assessment of 18U8. W. A. Edgerton. formerly of Clatskanie. was a pauanger from Portland Tuesday fur Clatskanie. Mr. Edgertoa and bis sons are soon to engage in the general merchandise business at Vale, Malbuer county. Mr. Kdgerton entertains the hope ot doing a good business at that place, as it bas a pop ulation of 600 and i tbeseatol government for tbat county. The three year-old boy of J. A. John son, of Lynn Center, 111., is subject to attacks of croup. Mr. Johnson says that he is satisfied that the timely nse of Chamberlain' Cough Eemeilj, dur ing a severe attack caved bis little boy' life. He is in the drug business, a member of the firm of Johnson Broa., of that place, and they handle a great many patent medicine for throat and lung disease. He had all these to choose from, and skilled pbyaioians ready to respond to bis call, bat se lected tbis remedy far use in his fam ily st a time when his child's life wa in dsuger, because be knew it to be superior to any other, and famous the country over for its cure of croup. Mr. Johnson aays thia is tb beat sell ing; cough medicine they hsndle, and that it givea aplendid satisfaction in all cases. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross. What Dr. A. B. Baiter Bar BcrriLO, N. Y. Gents s From my pei" sonal knowledge, gained In observing the effect of your Sbiloh's Cur in esse of ad vanced Consumption. I am prepared to say It ia tba most remarkable Remedy that has aver been brought to my attention. It has certainly savsd many from Consumption. Sold by Dr. Edwin Boss. 8 o I S WHI 5ave You frorn to :fj I sL 3,5 on the Prlce a Suit or I L '111 $7-5 S 1 I ,1mjp: SUITS - OVERCOATS I fell "W AH l 8'5 All WOOL 1 'fll If $io.oo- I I I I it' Dress Suits $12.50 and $15.00 I I f I V'1 Boys' Suits $1.75, $2.50-and 8 I Jr v up to $7.50. jijj FAflOUS Clothing; House S COR. MORRISON AND 2ND. STRS., PORTLAND, OR. jj Ul ARE THE BEST Air-Tight Stoves ALL SIZES, LOWEST PRICES Granite-wnre, Hardware, Cutlery, Cross-Cut Sawa, Etc. m OHI2T. 212 First St, Portland, Or. Prune shippers in the valley cannot securs boxes with which to ship their product, the factories being crowded beyond their capacity. Dried crimes are selling for 4 snd 4J cents in that section with indication that prices will rang higher, snd upon the whole the prune industry promises bright. Bbfloh's Consumption Cure cure where others fail. It Is the leading cough cure, and no boma should be without it. Pleas ant to tak and goes right to tb spot. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross. For constipation tak Karl's Clover Boot Tea, the great blood purifier. Curea head ache, nervousness, ernptions- on the fsce, and makee tbe bead clear a a bell. Bold by Dr. Edwin Ross. Catarrh Cured. A clear bead and sweet breath secured with Sbiloh's Catarrh rem' edy, sold on a guarantee. Nasal injector tree. Bold ty vt. jtdwin itoas. Ttefas ialls Urn rntr ShjausM, at DISSOLUTION NOTICE. vroTicB is HraitnY oivbm that thb eo-uartnrufi heretofore existing be tween I. ft. Beetle and David Davta, known aa 'hcSrmo' Bevgle Davis, publishers o(Thx oaaooa ssiirr, at vn. xieiens, ureaon, is tmsaay dissolved bv mutual eonaent. J. K. Reeale re tiring. Hi. David Darla will conduct tbe bus iness in tha future aod all blilsdue the said firm re pavable to him and all accounts owed by atia Dm win oe paia oy mm. iiaieo wis 1MB aay oi sovemner, iwi, . K. BEEOLB. DAVID DAVIS. NOTICE SOB PUBLICATIOR.. Lavs Orrcca at Oemoh Citv, Ob.. November 9th, 189?. NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVKM THAT THE toliowlnr-named settler baa filad notice of bis Intention to make final proof in aupportof his claim, and that aald proof wlU be made be fore the Countv Clerk of Columbia Conntr. at tH. Helena. Oreiron, on December ilh. 1SII7, via: CON HI AIHH WE M Attm.H A I-iJj, Homestead Entrv No. U905. for the southwest U of northeast yi of section 22, township 6 north, range a west. He names the followtner wltneesee to Drove bfs continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, via: T. A. Slreda, F. Ullnieckl, tot impont ana rreo zeuer, an oi vanev, ureaon. n 12419 CHAA a. MOO RES, Begistet. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTTCl? IB HEREBY GIVEN THAT I. THE undersigned executor of the Laat Will and Testament of Elisabeth Beegblev, deceased, have filed in the office of the County Clerk of Columbia Coanty, State of Oregon, my final ac count of my administration upon said estate, together with my petition lor final distribution of the residue of said estate among the persons entitled thereto; that the Hon. 3. B. Doan. Judge of the County Court of aald County and Bute, baa appointed Thursday, theVthaayo! December, HOT. at 2 o'clock P. M.. and tbe Court-room of said Court at tbe Coanty Court House, tn the City of St. Helens, in aald County and 8tate, aa the time and place for the settle ment of aald final account aad the hearing of said petition for distribution; at which time aud place any person Interested Id aald estate may appear and file their objectlona thereto. Dated at St. Helens, Oregon, November , 1897. U M. BKKOULEY, Executor of the Laat Wilt aud Testament of Elisabeth Beeghley, deceased. notia. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of th. State of Oregon, for the County of Columbia. . B. Fobs, Plaintiff, ' vs. William Kuensler, Defendant. To William Kueuzler, Deiendant. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, , Yon are hereby required to appear and ans wer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled auit on or before the first day of the regu lar term of this Court, which will begin the first Tuesday after the second Monday in May.lSW; and if you fall to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will take judgment and decree as prayed for lu tbe complaint herein, declaring the mortgages therein mentioned, both given on the 23d day of January, 1890. one by Thomas Miller to Defendant for the V. of SWJi. and lots S and 4, and one given by Stephen Miller to Defendant for theHEji, both tracta of land bs g in section S3, townships north, range S west, Willamette meridian, paid, and ordering the tame satisfied and releaaed upoa the records thereof. . . , Publication ot this summons Is made In ac cordance with an order of the Hon. T. A. Mo Bride, Judge of aald eourt, made the 12th day of October, WOT. L.T, BAB1N, odio . Attorney for plaintiff. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT I, THE underaigned assignee of the estate of Dean Blanchard, an Insolvent debtor, have filed in the office of the clerk of the Circuit Court of the Bute of Oregon, for the Coanty of Colum bia, my final account of my administrate upon the estate of said Insolvent debtor, to gether with my petition asking that I be per mitted to resign my trust aa such assignee, and that the Hon. Circuit Court of said County and State baa appointed the 22nd day of November, 1897, at 10 o'clock A. M., and the courtroom of said Court, In St. Helens, Columbia County, Or egon, aa the time and plaoe for tbe settlement of said aocount and hearing said-petition, at which Jme and place any person Interested may ap pear and contest the same. M. BOTH, Assignee ol the estate of Dean BUachard, in solvent debtor. 022nU treasurer's notice. County Treasurer's Ofhc. St. Helens, Or Oct. 28, 1897. Notice is hereby given that all nnpald County WarranU of said county, which hare been presented and endorsed "Not Paid for Want of Funds," prior to March 1, 1895, will be paid upon presentation at tbis office. Interest will not be allowed after this date. K. M. WHARTON, o29n96 Treasurer of Columbia County, Or. r jcgchble Prep aralion for As similating tbcToodandRcgula- I nry uesumacas mioixmeia or ProiiKsl)ifesRonXJhH!tfuf- ticss and liest-Coniains nmmar Crtwr&Moiphlnfj cor Himml. KOT NABCOTIC. Mae tmi IWJMe, eWwraawVVwieaj ArjerftttRemedv forfoftsfiD- Hon, Sour Stcraach.DiauhoeaJ WonnSrConyuIstonsJevertshf mtss andLoBS or Sleek fax Santle .Signature of TTEW "YORK. oi I Y EXACT COPT OT WABCTEB. 'llltweiii , m qL y y jy yi 'jy ft iy ay Jy y .GET PROVISIONS - Harris' Cash Grocery. "The Perkina5''- C. W. Mr. Knowles was, for many years, proprietor of tbe St. Charlee hotel, aad while there established a reputation aa a hotel man. He ia now in a better position to entertain hia friends tban ever before, and will welcome all his old patrons to his now place of business, where can be fonnd an op-to-dute hotel. Corner Fifth Dr. E. Ross 3 ST. HELENS, OREGON Constantly Keeps b Stock a Complete Line of VWAAAWJAAAAji . km asawsaSakfcaaWaSAAwWSseSaaaaai- OiiWsl falWaM DRUGS, t TOILET ARTICLES School i An Unusually well-selected Stock of Writing Tablets, Fens, Fea- uuh. Kim uio aw A FINE LINE OF Finest Perfumes and Soapa. Patent Medicines ,AftAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.AA, mm ft '1"S ibt . i k." srM""" "t-mV faoes M.e V i l WrttiKsmtAMMvmm. vseoar ORIENTAL HOTEL . . . A. H. BLAKKSLBY, Proprietor. Board by Day, Week or Month AT REASONABLE RATES. The table ia supplied with the beat the market affords. Everything olean. A share of yrtr pat rot, an Is solicited. 6T. HELENS. Ol iGON WArTTBtV-FAITHFUL M! CR WOMHW lotravsl forraiDonslblaastablishoa hou lOreon. Salary glial ant eipenses. ; ermanent. Keforence. Rnoloaa seU-ad.i ;. atamptd envelope. The National. Star i.aur aoe BWg-, Chicago. SEB THATTHE FACSIMILE SIGNATURE' -OF? IS ON TUTJ WRAPPER OF EYES! BOTTLE GB a Li ft. tit. ,1 1 1 1 as It ft i 1 1 fee 1 W LW IB , Oastsrla Is vat ts ia sss-abs bottles anlr. Is is Hi toll ia talk. Dual allow aayoas te axil rm UTtblag alas aa tie plea er promlsa teat It is "Jsst as good' en "will answer every m. poaa." 498 Oat TPS get O-A-ft-T-O-i-I-a. j i Is jast as good" ana will answer 'poaa.1' ATBes Oat Jtm get O-aV-ftV j Issfss. jf - Z3t y yy y jy pJ0prlpJt 1 YOUR. AT - KN0WLE5, fllanager. and Washington Streets, hnkzt, Supplies xussO uu ua iuim.v FANCY STATIONERY PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY AND ACCUKATKLY COMPOUMUE1). .1 ...-fcr,rr. lf.r SO THtt AW TtsfcJ S, mm FOR PORTLAND, DAILY, TEAMEB Young America -VIA- WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Leave St. Helens Arrive at Fortland. . . Leave Portland . . . . Arrive at St. Helcni. ... fi JW A Nf ....lO'irt A M . ... ' 1 ? . . . . 0 -M i M , FlREMrri'li. Will Carry Notliinp but r.,..-i. and Fast Freiitlit. JAMi;;3 GOCD, I IsiU f svsrfJ VtTrwtrr "Oijase Aiofta s' jfl