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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1897)
A Good Poiht.--Nearly tvery low boat that pastes ibis )Iho with t ship Inmnd ward drop anchor here and tako on board from 30 to 100 oordi at wood. At thli lemon of the year lh demand lor wood at thit point i1 good, and muoh mora oould b told If ft wore available. Tbil condition will ji changed, however, as toon m the flume I nude over end ready for bust pen, when it will be en easy mutter to dock 100 eorrle per day from that one fouroe. Be-sides the towboals, the regular line eteemera wood here dally. Body Boovrd. The body of JUniol Crowley, the man loet over oaril from the Shaver about two weeka ago, wee picked up latt Monday at a point near the lower end of Cotton wood Island on the Washington aide of the Columbia. Letters were found in the dead wan 'a pookete by which lie waa identified, one being from a couilo living in Portland. The body waa in a very good etate of preaerva tinn whan found. The coroner from Kelao held an Inqneet Monday and the Jury found tbat (be aeoeeeea reoeivea violent blowe about the eye and tem ple before death. . n.naivBB Aikbd For. Mr. John Loary. one of the etockholdera of the Columbia River A Puget Bound Nat ...linn Onnmanv. haa flled a petition in Judge Bellinger' court aekfng that receiver bo appointed for the com tnv. The Di-oiterty for which a re ceiver ie asked embracee the steamers T.l.nhone end Bailey Uetaert on tbe Columbia and the Flyer and Fleet wood on Pucet eound, together with other property belonging to the com tour. It ia believed tbat all the ob stacle will be ovorreme in due lime and the! no loae will be aoalalned by the White Collar line. S-rtAKia PuBOHaaiD. The Shaver Transportation Company haa pur ohased the ateamer No Wander and aa won aa abe eao be placed in condition will engage in towing aawloga to Uke the place of the Sarah Dixon. The latter ateamer, it ie laid, will be plaeed on the route between Portland and The Dallea either la competition with or in connection with the Regulator line. The trade between Portland and The Dallea haa been good for the peat year, the two eteamere operating there not being able to handle the traffln. The Dixon la a good boat for the trade and will add greatly to the efficiency of the eteamboat eervioe between those two point. ' T Dam CotxarsiD. A.I Oregoo City laat Tueeday a part of the coffer dam of the General Electric Company, retaining a wall of water 28 feel high, gave way, burying the ten aaen who were at work beneath it in a maae of malting water and flying timber. Eight out of the ten men were retcued, all of tham being more or leea bruiaed. Anton Vatterlin and Jacob MoComb were killed, the former having had bia neck broken and the latter drowned. The principal work of reecve waa done by two young men who work in the tower hooee, and when the accident occurred they ineiantly Jumped into the raging torrent and bagaa effective work, eavtng eight of the ten men. EiHiBira It Banancut . Farm ra are iuel now trying to eee who can m.nM in analitv and aice of fruit. Thie la an excellent lime to make eihibile, eince the fruit crop baa wom ueeu equaled and the variety to select from ia great. Indeed "Oregon on Wheelt" .... nut tlit vrar would certainly at- traot world-wide attention. About the only way to convince eastern people aiii, Hiont of Orecon'a wonderful product Ie to load a car and tend it kak far nereonal inspection. The car eent out a few yeare ago did a great deel to attract atlentioo to Ore eon and her wonderful reeourcee, more, perhape, than meet people eue iject, tor advertUing of thai character doe not alwaya produce Immediate nantia. It do. nevertheless, canae people who contemplate emigrating to oonaider the placo repreecnted by aueb produoU, and when Ihe time arrivee for them Us move the chance ere more than even that they will aeek the land of aueb preduotivenwe. Oregon never pent a eent for advertising, H done judioiousty, that did not yield handaomo return. So it la with the farmer who exhibit hi produole where the attention of atrangera are attracted by the nnnsnal diipley. Oir th Triaholi. A more jolly whole-ouled gathering of men never ..emblod in Bt. Helen, than thoae valiant Knighle from Portland, K lama and Rainier who visited Avon Lodge No. 62, Knighle of Pythi. laat Tueed.y evening. From Portland came twenty-five, coom iny tng Cp tnin B. D. Inman on hi ateamer Hoo Hoo, and on ano.her Unnoh came nineteen from Kalama, while Rainier ftirniihed nine, making in all rlftv two viitor. Among thoae from Portland were J. T. Hayne, paat grand chancellor I L. R "'fl keeper of record and aeal j Charlee Fellow, grand outer guard Clarence W. Averyi chief of the tribunal, and Jadge Sweelc. ol ne o'clock, ana .-rr- ." -r , - k. lodge room where three candidates 13 in waiting, one for each rank. ia i..w,w. iha work being oom- rved at the notei, an rcw '. "La !.. closed and the Kuighte were conduced to M.eonic hall, where the Ralhbone Sietwt prealdrf owrOw : .... ki.k m ladan- with cooa hmg.' .d arranged for eighty .four, "j -i.toi, iha member of the Wl lodtre and their invited guest founl soau and for the next hall hour Jin. wnrk in which every Knight wh. n-!..,. m.m AlWHffd in tO the En of U Inner" man. Following Ihiaapeeohea were made by many of L Jilnr.. l)r. H. R. Cliff acting a r" fj.m.ifimowshiD reigned e and promiscuously. Biipimr- being over the viHor iinaninioiwiy y,L of Ihnnki to the l;l to .u- a-.,r. r,,r the r kind hospitality, :V,d.lMtn..wu pie to visit the metropolis, w he e i lliey would bj gU'l to I'nierUin them at Tni me. We believe every one prci " a naverbufore th. me l.rfy.hin meaning of l5.nd.hlr. At .bout 1:30 the v .-tors mbarkad for homo, thus ending the most pleuntvnlMr'e Helena in many year, if ever before. Why Time ABB Good. Darlta the fact that the oountry bad been flooded with advance Importation of wool and woolen good, the woolen milli are runnlncon full lima and the Srlce of wool hae advanced, ya the regonian. At the Algonquin woolen mill, in Pa nalo, the wage of the em ploye have been advanoed 10 and 16 per eent, and similar report come from other mill. No one will attrib ute that to a foreign demand. In a tiagle county in Pennsylvania, Fay ette, the Philadelphia Prea report that the uuemployed who have been given work in manufacturing Indus trie number 18.850. In Munlce. An- derion, Marlon, Kokoma and Tipton, anown a tna naturai-gaa clue of In diana, the faotorfe are running on full time, and many of tham double time, whereaa a year ago tbree-fourtba of them were running on abort time. Missouri alno ha risen from 117 to 30 a thousand pound, and the gla, railway-car and other factories of that tale, which have long been idle, are now running on full time. The Penn eylvaula railroad earninga in August were, without any Increase in rates, $800,000 greater than in August of latt year, and the Reading, Jersey Centrsl and other railroad lso showed very favorable returna. Pbritbdhaby The new pumping station for the Insane asy lum, which Is being erected in the state penitentiary yard, I fait nearing completion. Laat week Knox fc Mur phy, the well known plumber of this oity, received a carload of water pipe, and yesterday two more carload of the Mme material arrived for use in completing the plant and connecting the pumping station with the asylum. The three carload of material fur niehod the tai by Knox & Murphy ggregnta 60,000 pounds, a consider able item. The pipe is, like all the other material, used In constructing tbe plant, of the very beat to be se cured for that purpose, and a credit to thie enterprising firm. Wheu the sta tion ia completed end the connection with tbe eeylam made, the etate will own the beat pumping etation on the coast, having a good supply of whole some water for tbe inmates of tbe asy lum and ample Bre protection for the UU' exteacive buildings at tbat in stitution. Salem Statesman. Law awd Obdbb LbaodB This week a law and order league, com posed of well known basins men, waa organlaed In Grant' Pa, says th Journal. Tbe purpose of tbe or ganlxation ia to stimulate the officer of the city ia tbe enforcement of tbe law. Public nuisance are to be abated, the street corner kept free from the loafer and buma who obstruct th paasage, and lewd character are to be inhibited from plying their trade open ly. If officer fail to see infraction of the law a ooaimittee will point them out. If no one offere to make eom plaiat tbe aommitteo will provide a private prosecutor. It evidence is lacking a committee will supply it. If officer shirk their duly it ie proposed to hold them up to public approbrium, and where there is a remedy by law for their removal it will be invoked. We are aesured tbat tbe league ia dead In earnest. Cobdwood Qok Up. Last Tues day night George Lomotil, who baa old several thousand cord of wood at thia plsoe ia tbe pat four year, raised the price of wood to 2 per cord. He ha been selling that article for 11.75 per cord for a long lime, but finally decided to onit the busineee or receive more compensation for hi la bor. Thia action will, no doubt, have a stimulating effect on that induatry. Manv wood dealere have long been contemplating Buch action but were held back by the fear that other would not drop into line. Now we may confidently expect a similar move all along the river, aa dealers further down have signified a willingness to follow suit. Tbe price of cutting will also be advanced, aa will hauling, and all Interested ia that industry will feel the good effect. The aheriff'a aale of property for de linquent tax took place last Monday afternoon. Uniy a lew traoie were oia in by private parties, the remainder being knocked down to Judge Doan who waa on hand to loon aiter toe in terest of the county. The liet of nronertv eold waa much amailer Iqis year tban usual, owing perhaps to the faot that people have had a belter op portunity lo earn money wllh which to pay their taxee thia year than for a long time In the past. Eight long, wnary week have been consumed by the criminal court el Chicago trying A. L. Luetgeri, ac oused of murdering hia wife and dis solving her body in a vat of caustio potash, but at laat me case was given to the jury Mondsy evening. Luet geri ie a millionaire aausage maker of Chicago, and hia trial ha attracted .Mnauraad attention. The jury atood eleveu for eonviotion and one for ac quittal, until thev were nnaiiy ms charged. Another turn at the mill will be necessary to decide the fate ol tbe aooused. Munkle Broe., of thia city, are just now hustling in an effort to get their logging plant together and thoroughly overhauled in anticipation of a lively season on the Coweeman tin winter, where they will remove Hie material iha naail on Milton creek last winter. These gentlemen are conservative bu- inaaa man. and wouia not enter exten sively into the logging business uuless nnditinna amulv warranted auon ac linn Thnra ia an inoentiv. and it certainly growe out of the fact thai the price of logs and lumber is iu creasing along the line with every thing else. Cur thai cough with Bblloh's Cure. The bent tJouuh Cure. Kellevos croup prorupuy. i,m. n.llllna bottles solit last year. 40 doves for 23 cents. Bold by Dr. Edwin Ross, a cinra for Bilious Oallc. nmmr!. flnreven Co.. Oa. I have been subject to attacks of bilious eolio for severs! years. Clismberlam s uono, vumoia i;.rrl,nea RemeiW is the only surerellel. It nets like a charm. One dose of it gives reliut h n all other remedies fail.-U. D. HHAur. For sale by Dr. K. Em. Ladles, take the beat. If y u are troub led'with oonslipntion. sallow skin; and a tired feeling, take Karl's Clover Tea. It la pleasant to take. Sold by Pr. Edwin Boss. PEflBOIfAIi AND hOVAL. Mr. John Frauti is reDorted to attain be seriously 111. George G. Maytter. of Mayger. wa la town Tuesday night. Mr. G. E. Tysxkiewlcr, of Bachelor island, Is reported very ill. Rev. Mr. G. G. Haley will preach at Rainier next Sunday evening. Hon. C. B. Moores assumed charge of the Oregon City land office last Monday. Frank Bishop and T O. Watte, of Reuben, were in this city lad Tuesday evening. . , Street, tewart and baok Tarda are badly in need of attention in some parte of town. Fred Henderson and Irwin Seffert, of Deer Island, were county aeat vis itors laat Tuesday. Mrs. II. J. Water and children are at Akron, Ohio, and will remain there for. ceveral month. Rev. M. Burlingame will preach at Warron at 11 a. m., and at Houlton at 7 ;30 p. m. next Sunday. Charles English, junior and senior, the Deer Islsnd merchants, were in town last Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mr. J. G. Watta and Mia Marie Watt, of Scappoose, were in St. Helen last Tuesday evening. 8. H. Kistner, J. L. Jones, Merrit and Will Pomeroy and Walter Farrow of Rainier, were in our town Tuesday night and made it a point to viait K. of P. headquarters. Tbe editor of the Pendleton Tribune ha had the editor of the Republican, of tbe came city, indicted for criminal libel. If either ever called tbe other a gentleman we have overlooked tbe item. Ex Judge Dean Blaachard, or Rain ier, waa in town a short lime laat Kri dav. Mr. Blancbard baa been very busy with bis pile driver for tbe pest soveral month, ana report a pronv able aeaaoa't work. It wa a Dakota editor who wrote ''the price of thia paper ie not increased oy tne mngiey diii, obi w ii w correct Ihe misapprehension of tome of uur subscribers wbo appear to think it wa placed oa the free lilt. Tbe aocount that come from Berlin ef a tonne man who undertook to kia hi iweelheart 10,000 time, and wa paralysed before half through, say nothing about the condition of the rirl. Tbe inference ia that he waa still ia tbe arena. Citisens of Astoria hsve offered W. 8. Byer, of Pendleton, whose mill wa burned a few week ago, (50.000 a a bonus to start a flour mill in that city, Mr. Bvers baa made a trip to Astoria and looked over tbe ground, but baa ot vat made any announcement a to whether or not be will eccept the offer. Great quantities of whisky, it ia (aid, is being smuggled into Alas a irom Ban Fraaolsco. Seattle and Portland on tbe regular line ateamer, and th collector are having no end of trouble in combatting the gang organiaed for that nuroose. All kinds of good are being smuggled across the line, but whisky ia said to be the principal com modity. Mr. Tbomaa Cooper baa keen deal ing in hone lately and aa a result he haa two fine blacka which ha got at Linnton, which, after training,-will haul a carriage over the road ahead of the procession. It ia said a man can uka anv old oluc lo the Liantou fao torv and bv paving a difference of $5 oan have bia choice out of tbe heard of several hundred head. Mr. W. H. Dolman haa pnrohaaed a traot of land containing eighty acres near the Bunker hill spring and will next year erect a house thereon for a aummer residence: Tbe location one of the most healthful, with a reas onably high altitude, splendid water and a splendid view oi tne uoiumoia valley. A a aummer reaidenoa loca tion it it excellent. Isaao H. Copeland. from three mile above town on the Willamette eiougn waa in town Monday last. lie t ser iously contemplating returning to Rmithern California, wnero aw naa a fine peach and apricot orchard which has yielded Dim a neat sum year. He any there ie no comparison be tween the condition prevailing now and one year ago, aad believe that lime will continue in a healthy con dition. A writer in a leading magatine ha made the prophecy that in 309 year from now the world will know only three languages English, Ruaeian and Chinese. The English language will be spoken all over North and South America, in Australia, India, Afrioa, New Zealand and tbe islands of Australia, and the Pacific. The Russian tongne will have conquered all Europe except Great Britain and all Asia exoept India. Chinese will hold way over the rest of the world. It 8va Ik CrampT CUIa. 8IAVI1W, V. We hsv a splendid sale on Cbmbrlain's Cough Remedy, and our customers corning from far and near, speak ot it In the highest terms. Many bave said tbat their children would have died of croup if Chamberlain's Cough Remedy had not been given. K.lm & OcaaaK. The 25 and SO cent sizes for sale by Dr. S. Ross. Royal thafoodpura. Absolutely Pur mm vxmn www ee.. ww vemt. P. T. Barnum once laid : "Tbe man who can atick type, and the next morning talk to a thouaand people while I am talking to one ia tbe man who help I want." There are at present 21,955 newspaper and perodi- cal published in tbe United Stales and Canada, an increase of 730 over the number published in 1896. It ia aaid that ten freight traine ar rive and depart from Portland over the O. R. A N. daily, that is, ten trains each way. These are laden princi pally with wheat from tbe inland em pire, and present tbe picture of a few year ago when there waa almost constant atream of wheat pouring iaio Portland from eaat of the mountain. Every car load bring many dollar of British gold into Oregon. "My boy came home from cchool one day with hi band badly lacerated and bleeding, and suffered great pain," ssys Mr. J. Schall, with Meyer Bros.' Drug Co., St. Louie, Mo. "I dressed the wound, and applied Chamberlain's Pain Balm freely. All pain ceased, and in a remarkably short time healed witnout leaving a scar. For wounds, sprains, swellings and rheumatism I know of no medicine or prescription equal to it. I consider it a household aeoessity." The 25 and 50 cent eiiei tor sale by Dr. Edwin Rose. Home time ago a new organ was purchased foi the Union Sunday cchool and also for the use of the public school at Houlton. All th payment were not made on the Instrument at the lime of purchase, so now the good ladies of that village bave taken it upon tbemselvea lo raiae the , remain der due on the organ and for tbat purpose will give ao entertainment at tbat place next Tuesday evening, at which time a splendid literary pro gramme ia promised. An ' admission fee of 10 cent will be charged at tbe door, and within oysters will be served at ZD eenta for two plate. Th cause i a worthy oa and we trust tbe ef fort of the ladiea will be handsomely rewarded. SUITS 4iP FAMOUS Clothing House COR. MORRISON AND 2ND. STRS., PORTLAND, OR. Jewel Stoves Air-Tight Stoves Granite-warn, Hardware, W 12. OSOWN. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT I. THE undersigned administrator of the estate of Charles Isaksen, deceased, hsve riled In th office ol the Clerk of the County Court ol the Mate of Oregon, In and for Columbia County, my 8nal account and petition for final distribu tion of the residue, In Iha matter of said estate; that the Hon. i. B. Doan. Judra of said Court, has appointed Tuesday, the 2nd day of Novem ber, tt7, at 10 o"clook A. M. of that day, as the time, and the Court-room of said Court at tn County Court-House, In tha City of Bt. Helens, In said County and State, as the place for the settlement of said account, and the hearing of satd petition for distribution, at which tiros i and Blace any person Interested may appear and file 1 objection. tneQjf RjgTI AN HOVEN, Administrator of the Estate of Charles Isaksen, deceased. s34oW SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon, for the County of Columbia. -i. B. Foes, Plaintiff, vs. William Kuensler, Defendant To William Kuensler, Defendant. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OP OREGON, 1 You are hereby required to appearand ans wer the complaint flled against you In the above entitled suit on or before the 8rsf day of the regu lar term of this Court, which will begin the first Tuesday after the scoond Monday In May, 1808; and If you fall to answer, for wan thereof, the plaintiff will taka Judgment and decree a. prayed for in the complaint herein, declaring the mortgages therein mentioned, both given . n. . X- ... i.n..... laon nMh. Thomas Mllle; to Defendant for 'the fb'y.and low and 4, and one given by Stephen Miller to Defendant for the 8B, both traota of land be ing in section wj, - -rr-; Willamette meridian, paid, and ordering the same satisfied and released upon the records lhSr.!'-..,. .i. I. nmil tn ao- niriim with an order of th Hon. T A. Mc- Brlde, Judge of said court, made the I2th day of October, W87. . I T. BAR1N. O2M10 Attorney for plainufr. PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE To the Honorable County Court of Columbia WthVbkrsigned LEGAL VOTERS - residing In Oak Point precinct, Columbia County, Oregon, would respectfully pennon vtiur Honorable Body, at Its neit regular term, which will be held on Wednesday, November rd,liMi7,atthe Court-Houae, in tbe City of St. Helens, Columbia County, Oregon, that a li cense be grantod to Neil O Hare to sell spiritu ous, vinous ana man iiqnors id ie q than one gallou, In OttkPolot precinct, and that such license bo granted for a period of six months, for all of which your petitioners wlU ever nrav M u Matners, Jos Johnston. Louis Flnhrer. Jos Powers, Carl Htookenoorg, wn,- ; Black, chasTernnhan.O O Mayger.Portet Smith Wm Blackford. C r Blomqutst. John Bryant, 8 Norgren, A P McOraw, W F. Slaughter, P N Keruey, C Chunrhill, Chas Erlokson, R H King, J Stockenberg, L 3 Mason, Simon Rasper, E An derson, J W Turner, Win Roberts. Geo Haves, . tu...A a Tatarn,. T. Ferri. P D Crandall, i w'in Chss Black. J Anderson, Wm Flnhrer, Thos Brady, P J McHtigh, P Johnsson. Chaa Bloom. A Peterson, John Peterson. John Anderson, J Jackson, Peter Unnson, H John s!.n, Chos Holbom, Chas Mayger, R D Crandall, J J Mahonev, C Johnson, Jaoies Johnson. Jno Lund, P Hnieeon, M Oenny, Martin Heneeey, i..r,,. Fitinalrlek. R D Allen, G A Auilcrson, F i Tcrnahan, A Msdden, J Dowllng, O R"fe'i C Heroid, A M McUraw. lo28 Ex-Congressman M. 0. George haa been selected to fill the 'vacancy on the bench of the criminal court lor Multnomah county, caused by tbe death of Judge Stepbene. Judge George assumed bia judicial duties last Saturday. Hie will be a abort term unless re-elected, hia time expir ing next July. Mr. George ie consid ered one of tn aoie lawyer oi toe state. The fact that the second month's onaratlon under the Dingley act show government revenue nearly $2,000 XX) greater than those of th second month of the Wilton act, ia an indication that sara revenue producer tbe new law i likely to exceed the expectation ot it friends and to confound those of iu enemiea wbo have attempted to make capital out of (he deficiency lor Aug ul and Boptemoer. For eeverel yeare, inee carp were introduced into onr water, anyhow, there ha been growing an enormous animosity toward thoae flab by onr people, and specially the aporting ele ment, from the fact tbat these fih had eaten, and thn destroyed the wapatoa which formerly grew in such Quantities in our lake and flata, and which offered such inducement to duck and geese to remain during the winter. Of late a new theory aae oeen advanced in thie regard, and not an impracticable one either, to tbe effect tbat thie much despised member of the finny femily are not altogether to bhime for the disappearance of the wapato, since thia vegetation ia again makine It appearance in quantities sufficient lo explode the theory that it waa entirely destroyed by Ihe carp We are told by responsible parties tbat wapatoa are coming up in great quan tities in many of the lake, and tbe theory advanced aa to their long die appearance ie that the flood of 94 car ried o much sediment into tbe lakes that this vat-elation was ao completely and efTflotuallv covered ub that it haa takan all tbi time to recover itself and once more make it appearance, Will Save You from $a.oo to A $35 o" the Price of a Suit or ill' flvpcrnfl t - aL ' Sa. $7-50 OVERCOATS ALL WOOL ALL WOOL $IO.OO LVess Suits $12.50 and 15.00 Boys' Suits $1.75, t.$o and tip to $7.50. JRE THE BEST ALL SIZES, LOWEST PRICES Cutlery, Cross-Cut Saws, Etc. 212 First St, Portland, Or. CITATION. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for uoiumoia iwuniy. In the Matter of th Estate ot Philander Harris, en Incompetent person. WHEREAS, W. J. MUCKLE, THE DULY aoDOinted. Qualified and acting guardian of the person and estate of rhilander Harris, an incompetent person, naa nieo ms peuuouinwe above entitled Court asking for a license or authority to sell the following-described real esute belonging to the estate of said Philander Harris for the purpose of procuring means for the maintenance of the said ward, namely the Rut nn.half of tha Southwest ouarter of eeo- tion 22, Township 7 North. Range 2 Wast of the Willamette Henaian. flow, lUOfDlViVi uiv umiu, vi amu set for Monday, November 1st, 1897, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., and the place la at th County Court-Honse, In Bt- Helens, Oregon, at which time and place all persons Interested In said property and In said estate, or either of them, are hereby notified and required to ap pear and show cause, If any they have, why said petition snoum uotoe gran tea ana uie sua isuu be sold, and said notlse of this hearing to be published for three eonsecutive wee as in me Mist. vone at (inamoors wis una nay oi wpwmwit, 1807. i. B. 1MJAK, 24029 County Judge. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT I. THE undersigned assignee of th estate of Dean nlanfthftrfl. an Insolvent debtor, hava flled in the office of the clerk of the Circuit Court of the SUt of Oregon, for th County of Colom bia, mi Bnal aoeonnt of my adminlstraUon upon the estate of said Insolvent debtor, to gether with my petiUon asking that I be per mitted to resign my trust as such assignee, and that th Hnn rircntt Court of said County and State has appointed the 22nd day of November, 1(7, at 10 o'clock A. M., and the courtroom of said Court. In HI. Helens, uoiumoiauouniy, up gon, as tbe time and place tor the settlement of IHUl account aau nuanug wiu iHuwn. time and place any person Interested may ap pear ana contest vne sams. . nuin. Assignee of th estate ot Dean Blanch ard, In solvent debtor. oxbui THt8VBEIBai NOTICE. County Treasurer's Office, Rt. Helens. Or.. Oct. 8. 1897 TVOTICKis hereby given that all unpaid il County Warrant of said county, a-hlnh hava been rt resented and endorsed "Not Paid for Want of Funds," prior to January 15, 1896. will be paid niton pre sentation at this office. Interest will not be allowed aftor this date. K. If. WHARTON. oAnS Treasurer ot Columbia County, Or. treasurer's notice. County Treasurer's Office. 8t. Helens. Or- Oct. 28, 1897. Notice is hereby given that all unpaid Countv Warrants of said county, which have been presented and endorsed "Not 11 for Want of Funds." ttrinr to March 1, 1895, will h paid upon presentation at this office. Interest will not be allowed tfter this date. K. M. WHARTON, oa)n2G Treasurer of Columbia County, Or. JDvtacfablePrarationlbr As similating tbeloodflial Regula ting thtSttoochs radBowels of Tiess and Eestonfd!ti5 field Opwrnjlorphliie nor Idattal. KOT NARCOTIC. SW-SaaJ Jlnmim AnerrtHcmcdv forCtmstllx- rton. Sour S toiMch,Diarrhoa. Wonit9mns,revwisnr ogss aid LOSS OF SLEEB fteSiniib Sigtintur of NEW "YOHK. jiiwimmXi, ff VaSiisi 'rimm ... ..mmuUqUHVV4l'VVIrVll .GET PROVISIONS - Harris' Cash Grocery. 46 The Perkins C. W. Mr. Knowle w, for many year, proprietor of tbe St. Charles hotel, end while there established a reputation a a hotel man. He is now in a better position to entertain hi friend than ever before, and will welcome all hia old patron to his new place of busineas, where can be fonnd an up-to-date hotel. Corner Fifth Dr. E. Ross ST. HELENS, OREGON Constantly Keeps in Stock a Complete Line of taiftrtnni'LsjsA DRUGS, TOILET t ARTICLES School Supplies An UnusuaDy well-elected Stock of Writing TableU, Pen, Pen cil, and the Best Ink on the Market, A FINE LINE OF FANCY STATIONERY ft Finest Perfumes and 8oapa....... ., -Patent Medicines ORIENTAL HOTEL A. B. BLAKKSLKY, Proprietor. Board by Day, Week or Month AT RKASONABUl BATES. Tbe table la supplied with the best the market affords. Kvwrthlng elean. A soar, oi jr-ir ronanlssolietted. ST. ESLKN8. CT2G0H WSWTUT) FAITHFUL H 08 WOsfWit InOnwon. Salary $M and espeasM J"J?S Urmansnt. R.lerenee. Knelue fHii stamixxl envelop-. TbS national. Star Injur- ane. BUf., Chicago. G&iZ2Ub rsM i.rso Twer P- THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE "OF IS ON" THE WRAPPER Of EVERY BOTT31E OS1 Oaatoria Is vA n la ona-tls Vattlss saly. II I sat soli ia sua. Deal altow aayaw t saO yes aaytaJif sis a tie fh m TaUn tka n is -Ja as 004" aaa wm ism ariM tM ye ps YOUR. AT - KNOWLES, Manager. and Washington Streets, Portland. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY AND ACCURATELY COMPOUKDED. iVfMAVCM, vurtrc FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. -TKAMER- Young America -VIA- WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Leave SU Helen Arrive at Portlend... Lesv. Portland . Arrive at Si. Helens. . fl:Si A .10 i A 2:M P cs n o. m 6:00 P M FAttJS S CKJS'f. Will Carry Nothing but Tawvzcn and Fast Freight. JAMES GOOD, WASTE!::.