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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1897)
1000 All, or your share of it, if you find the missing word. Schillings Best tea is not only pure but it is -? -because it is fresh-roasted. yWhat is the missing word? Get Schilling's Best tea at your grocer's; take out the Yellow Ticket (there 'a one in every package); tend it with your guess to address below before August 31st One word allowed for each yellow ticket It only one person finds the word, he gets one thousand dollars. If several find it, the money will be divided equally among them. Every one sending a yellow ticket will get set of cardboard creeping babies at the end of the contest. Those sending three or more in one envelope will receive a charming 1898 calendar, no advertisement on it. TOPICS FOR FARMERS A DEPARTMENT PREPARED OUR RURAL FRIENDS. FOR matt the late oats runt and the lata pas mildew so tbat they caunot bo saved for train, But If there la mora of them than ran be fed creen, tUa corn and pa make excellent allaita If put up Just as tba grain ' beginning to form.- Cultivator. Besides this thousand dollars, we will pay $150 each to the two persons who tend in the largest number of yellow tickets in one envelope between June 15 and the end of the contest August 31st Gut this out. You won't see it again. Addre SCHILLING'S BEST TEA SAN FRANCISCO. rla!sh Watn.a Ran Right. Finland is a paradise for women at least for those of the Bex who are desir ous of being plaoed upon the same i A New Slolliaa Neeroaalle. At Catania, in Sicily, the discovery has been made of a email necropolis, which belongs to the latest Roman times, and contains several rows of plane a men socially, politically and tombs, disposed in almost the sane industrially. Nowhere else in the civ manner aa the locnli in the Christian tiliaed world are the sexes so nearly npon cataootiibs. The objects brought to an equality aa there, and the expert- light, resemble very much those pre- inent has proved an unqualified success. Tiuusiy louna in tne syracasan neorop- t or more than 35 years the gymnasiums sua of Grotticelli. Of peculiar im-. have admitted both sexes, and in the porUnce are two inscriptions: A j University of Ilelsingfora there are Christian one, written in Greek, and , now 300 women students. There are another written in Latin, and relating two flourishing clubs of women, to a soldier from Gallia Narbonensia 'About 1.000 are now employed in post belonging to the Letgio Septima Gem- offices, railroad and telegraph bureaus ins. It was known that this legion, and other departments of the public ser- ereated by the Emperor Galba, was re- s vice. More than 900 are engaged aa onmea chiefly in bpain, and in the teachers in schools of varioas grades, provinoe of Karbonne, but no memory and it is not uncommon to see among of it existed to the present day in Sicil- ' their pupils young men of 18, who are I preparing for an academic or commer cial career. At least 3,000 women are ia business. Fifty-two of the 10 poor houses have women superintendents, and all the dairies are managed by women. - . ' ; ' ' CONFIXKXKXT AND HARD WORK ian inscriptions. Oiyi-a la tho 8 pact rata. Following up the researches of two German physicians, who were recently led to conclude that three lines of oxy gen in the solar spectrum were not atmospheric. Lewis Jewell considers that he has proven conclusively tbat the lines are produced by water vapor Indoor, particularly la the eitttnc posture, in the earth's atmoanhero and that are far mora prejudicial to heaitn than expes ."" aimospnere, ana mat, re aOKallr exertion Id the opn air. Hard therefore, the Spectroscope does not in- . sedentary worker are tar too wear; after oftiee Siesta oxygeu in the sun. Art and LIUiratar ia Paris. boon to take much needful exercise In tbe open air. They loo often need a took-. Where can tnerseek tnrigorauon more certainly and agreeably than tram Hosteller's Stoniaeb, Bit- Somebody with a fondness for fisurea ! it1, Z?ZESLX2llli!2i,1 has been giving attention to the Sub- for dvspepela, kidney, liver and rbenmatio ject of tbe women artists and writers in Paris, and finds that there are 700 The rarest metal ia didymium, and artists and 1,450 writers. Of the 700 its present market price is f 1,500 per female artists 107 are sculptors, while pound. The next costliest metal is the rest are painters, which count does barium; ita value is $280. not, 01 course, include tbe hundreds 01 1 fan painters, deooratora, etc A fulgurite haa been found in Borne, DKAPNK8S CANNOT Bat CCRBD hv local annlieatlona. aa thav eannnt m..). th N. Y.. which extends to a vertical' "ZXSJZ'&fJi'ZttuIS..? height of 45 feet A fulgurite ia a vit rified tube caused by striking sand. Portland, Oregoa . A. P. AajraTxoxa, u..a., Prin. J. A. Wasco, See'y THK BUSY WORLD Of BUSINESS &m snaukis npleaa w kntolif, mltu m fnu at way to cure ueafneas, and that is bv constitu tional remedies, ueafneas is caused by iMnMauiavwaia. vwtip, a business coucation mh FORTUND liNIVERSITT LITERARY. normal, - bust' art, tiieolocical and preparatory eouraen. Plate diplomas tor normal course. Twenty-eight in structora, C7 stodenta Location beautiful, , siKhilr, in the suburbs, with all the advantages of a great eity and Bona of Its disadvantage. I Free from saloons and rm moral places. Board- Ing halls connected with school. Government ' . mild but Una. Exauara for viar from glim In fM. School opens September S, 1W7. Cata logue sent Iree. Address,' Thus. Van Scot, O. J., University Park, Or. by d be an in flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian tub. When this tube acta Inflam ed you hare a rumbling sound or imperfect bearing, and when it iaentirely closed deafne-s ia tbe result, and unless tbe inflammation can be taken out and tbls tube restored to its normal condition, hearing wiU be destroyed foreyer; nine cases out of ten are caused by eatarrh, which ia nothing but aa inflamed condition of the mucoua surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any ease of deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for cir culars, free. ' ' F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. Bold by druggists, 76c. Hall s Family Pills are the beat. A German doctor of reputation pre scribes aluminum as a cure for rheuma tism. ' We will forfeit $1,000 if any of our pub lished testimonials are proven to he not genuine. Ths Puso Co., Warren, Pa, !ow the Klad of Wheat that I. Beat Adapted to th Soll-Advlce About Clipping Horaca Baeaovltist the Cora Taaaala. ftalactlast R. Wheat. It la fouud that a change of feed. veu tbat from an adjoining farm, la an advantage. Wheat grown upon atroug limestone soils In a cool climate baa more vitality and will yield more to tbe acre than when sown In a warm. r climate. For this reason a change of seed every few years la desirable. If home-grown seed Is to be used, se lect the very best, and then run It through the mill several tluiea to get ouly the largest and most perfect grains. There are two leading varle. tlea of wheat, the white and the red. The white wheats make the best qual ity of flour. They require a good soil, thorough preparation of the ground and early seeding. Tbe usual yield Is from twenty-five to thirty bushels to the acre. The red wheats are more hardy and are most In demand. Tbe leading kinds are Kultx, Mediterranean ami Fulcastor. Our lending wheat growers sow mostly the Fulls and the red Mediterranean. Tbe Fulta has a short, stiff straw, that stands up well. The Improved Mediterranean la a very valuable wheat, especially for rich clay soils that hare recently been timed. On such soils crops bave been grown the past season averaging forty bushels to the acre, upon fields of twen ty acres In extent The editor would ad vise each farmer to sow tbat wheat tbat best suits his soil. Have plump, clean seed; seed six pecks to tbe acre, and take tbe month of August to get tbe wheat ground In proper condition for drilling early in September. Tbe American. Cllnpta the Horae. It mlgbt be thought that clipping would have a teudency to Increase the j risk of colds and chest diseases In the horse. Such, however. Is not the case; on tbe contrary. It reduces the proba bility of such affections. The greatest sufferers are those that, after a bard day's work, are brought Into the stable wet with perspiration or from rain, and having a heavy coat of hair, take a con siderable time to dry, notwithstanding careful dressing, a performance which j is too generally neglected. To thor oughly dry a horse In such condition la too bard work to please most grooms. consequently tbe horse gets a chill, and his respiratory organs become affected. A clipped horse Is readily dried, and when afterwards clothed, passes the night comfortably, and Is not so liable to "catch cold" aa tbe horse tbat rests In a coat damp, if not sodden, with per spiration or rain. Clipped horses should always be well clothed when not at work, and especial care should be taken to preserve the temperature of tbe sklu for tbe first few days after they bave undergone the operation of having tbelr natural balry covering reduced by tbe j slipper. Portland Transcript. Al'alfa Replacing; Corn, It is Dot likely that all.tlfa, the clover which has succeeded so well hi Cali fornia, will ever become plentiful lu the East. Our wet winters will rot thi roots or at least decrease their vigor. Ou very dry, sandy of gravelly soil It ui'glit succeed hurt,, but It seems to lw eHM'lilly adapted to hot aud dry cli mates, and hence its success In the arid regions of the far West. As ita root often goes several feet deep It la likely to change tbe character of the climate, for wherever alfalfa roots bave gone water will also go. Tito alfalfa retains Us greenness during the severest droughts. Of course It must be all the time evaporating moisture, and this also will have some effect lu changing the climate. Hence In localities too dry for corn, alfalfa la taking Its place as a feed for all kinds of stock. It Is at the same time fitting tbe soil for growing corn and other crops. American Culti vator. . r. ',: ' ? . r- aaasaaaaasteeeaaaaasa r Winter Carnatloae. If carnations are wanted for wtuter blooming In the dwelling or green house, they must be carefully cultlvat- ed now. Da Ms raised from cuttings this spring must bave tbe flower butts nipped off as soon as they show them selves.. Follow this treatment an through the summer. Keep the earth around the plauts loot?, mellow and free from weeds. By fall strong, stout. stocky plants will be had, and, with proper management, a handsome dis play of choice flowers may be bad all through tbe winter. Tbe last of Hep. tember they should be potted, taking a large mass of earth up witn tne roots. After they are nicely potted water freely and net the pots In a par- tlally shaded place until they finally recover. TUe earth must ue sept moist, but not wet. In the pots. They thrive beat In a cool temperature from forty-five to fifty degrees. Tley grow nl.vlv In a trell-iirutefted cold' frame. The American. WEEKLY MARKET LETTER. Dawning, Hopkins A Company's Itavls of Trade. There was a large and rapid advance in Die pricea of wheat during the past week with prospects of a higher rang of prices the rent of tha year. Spot wheat la difficult to get, even at a pre; mium and the demand is prtwsing for old wheat; 1,045,000 bushels hava been taken in Chicago this week for prompt and future shipment on foreign order the bulk of which was titkon at tlm advanca early In the week. This general advanns is mors the out come of tlia haml-to-mouth consump tion of twelve months overtaking tin small stocks both here and in Europe, as we have pointed out time and again, thrtn of sWt European crops now being ieed. Prosperity is coming, In the fiict that tho European consumer is pay ing the Amerioan farmer a better price than tha majority f speculators put upon the wheat.. Tha actual value of tha new crop is 80 oenta higher thun the professional short seller made it In June, when they were selling Septem ber freely at 83. oenU, aud the farmer, is to be oongrs u luted that this advance comes before the grain leaves his handa, And so long as the legitimate demnntlt keeps the spot wheat at a premium, no combination or monopoly oan profitably depress tha futures, as the experiences of the past sia montlia have proved. So, for the near future, it will b safa to pa? wheat on each decline, as tl MOTHERHOOD namarkahU Will Powar. The lato William 8. Groeibwk, ot Ginotimatl, nsvor tooksnothsr law cass after his defense of President Audrow Johnson. "The brilliant speech which won that mm" says the Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. "provd tha man's remarkable will and Intel Icolual powers. He had boon so ill as to ta 1 ..,.. I. ...I .....1 Ilia lif COIlI lllHI to HIS UlHI, ami vn '"t W,IU ,(, .. 1 . ' ' th trial. While lying lu Led, ! jottcl W nd iWly to Mr. Plnk, i . i. . ..' iuuir Ihn " UOWI1 ou n Billies u n""f t - I main points of bis defense.' IIowun, driven to the tribunal In a oarrlt, tumble to walk, and spoke eatemMre for four hours and a half. At the close t article XI wns voted upon, and tho ( presltlunt aoipilUod of the other artl-J ales. Klnee that tims Mr. OroosUtck , Mr rinklaamDooI tiros No Wom. There ara many curable sauata fn. sterility in woman. Ons of the km common Is general debility, too,.! tKinlod by peculiar condition ot tha blood.'" ' ' ' - .M I I .. ...1.1 . I.. V - - i. nor uuurvits is i,ynn. Alaaa Hi.. WiU tell you, free of eharga, the causa of your trouble and what course to talcs. Itellova mo, under right coodl, tloni,you hava fair chance to beoottis tha Joyfal mother of children. J)i. Liter Lvtli, 828 Henderson Bt., Jernev Clly.N. J.,ocrUInlythlnkao. HhnMVu hss lived a UfHof nulct and retirement. " ,4 ",u.,u" " Pua of LydltBi In Ml ha built Elmhursl, a ..old Compound, at house of raparb proportions, command. 7' """" r'' ing , river view of unsiup-sscd lamutr. ",1 i badly wttb tho lcueorrhaia and an A bulletin (No. T) of tho division of ( womb palna. From tha time 1 WM entomology of tha United Htutos do-1 married, In 1SB3, until last year, I u .. . i .i. I.i ' St.. ,w. .... . partincnt i agriouuuro siv" France and Pttunsylvania an iniluaty has recently sprung up. which consists of the farming of spiders for the pur- oose of stocking wine collars, and thus securing almost an Immediato coating of oohwebs to new w I iitt bottles, giving them the apjwriranea of great sga, llils industry is carried on in a little French village in tha department ot Loire and near Philadelphia, where "Epalra vul garis" and "Nephlla flnmipes" ara raised in larne (luantitlca Slid sold to tho wine merchants St the rata of $10 slorillly." under the doctor's earn. Wa had ,.t, , . i . uiuiurcn. nave naa nearly every doctor in Jersey City, and have bee, to Ilolvln Hospital, but all to no avail, I saw Mrs. I'lukham'a advertisement In tha paper, and bave used Ays bat. tics of her medicine. It baa dons mora fur ma than all the doctors I ever had It 1ms stopped my palna, and na brought me a fine little girl 1 hart been well over since my baby was bora. I heartily recommend Mrs, Plnkhama modteine to a. I women suffttrino- from Speculative market is broadening ami r 100. This application of ei.tmuol Literary ot. . 't-' Howard, Ainsle A Company, New fork, announce in their sterling little ' magasioe, issue of August, a change of name from The Tellow Kid to The .it . j i enow Book, 'itiis departure Is made ALBANY COLLEGE Tie re,ge- nigh grade, elaaatrai and icuinniii mininr era! character of the contents of the The coming year will record some new features: 1 A regular business college, nnder tbe lesder s ship of a regular business college man. 2 Ele mentary and advanced German taught by an American-born and American-educated Ger man, t Military tactics, Involving tbe regu lations of a first-class military school indresa, habits and drilL Opens Sept 15. Bend for cat alifue. Wallace Howe Lea, president. tcvnanvlnn; Cora Taaaala. We have never believed that It would pay to detassel corn In order to save tbe plant vigor and strength required to perfect tbe male blossom. It would In the first place Involve too much labor, and we or ukl never see tbat tbe stalk from which tassels had been removed were any more prolific than others. What used to be known as topping com, which means cutting off all above tbe ear. Is a certain Injury to tbe crop. It used to be done to let the sun reach tbe ear. But the ear needed all ttfe foliage that tbe stalk was deprived of In order to perfect Its grain. Besides, It has long been recognized tbat these thin toppings of corn have far leas sweetness and nutrition than haa tbe larger part of the stalk below them. At earing time tbe richest part of the stalk will be tbe middle, and as close to tbe ear as possible. Give s cow a cornstalk and sbe will always begin In tbe mid dle, eating both ways till the comes to less nutrition, and casting out the butt md top ends as not suited to her taste. -Exchange. , . Pear BIlitht.' Pear blight is one of those plant dis eases tbat has been exhaustively stu- periodcal, which will hereafter appear i lea ana lts eiact nature fully demon- but once a month. The Book will be Crated, and yet it has left us precisely as large and spicy as ever, stocked from where we were before as respects reme- cover to cover with pictures, jokes, i ala measures. In a word, tbe ouly sketches, verses and short stories. For i remedy Ataike Clawer. It Is no wonder tbat alalke clover so often proves a disappointment to farm ers who sow It, thinking that It will, like other clover, at taaet remain in tbe ground two full years. Alalke clo ver seeds, with Its first crop. Then, unless the clover tins been cut before tt fairly got Into blossom, the root wlbt not sprout again, and the farmer Is left with a bare stubble the remainder of the oumrner. Pome permanent grass should alwaya be sowu with alalke clover. Tlmotby Is one of the best, as ft Is a patient grass, growing a little be. neath tbe clover early In the season. and then Bbonting up quickly and coming Into head when the ground la cleared off for It to do so. The alsike roots, being dead, begin at once to de. cay In tbe soil. Tbey are so rlcb In plant food that timothy-sown witb al sike alwsys makes a better sod, aud ail) last longer than when It is grown alone, . . . Clover aa Fertiliser. , Authorities on sgrleulture say that plowing under a good crop of srarkt clftver Is equivalent to twenty tons of stable manure per acre. They recom mend that all lauds from wbk-b crojMi bave been harvested In the summer bo sown In scarlet clover for this purpose. It niay be sown amoiig corn, tomatoes. turnips, etc., at time of butt boelng, or after potatoes, melons, encumbers, hare been harvested, or on grain stubble and harrowed hi. When sown In July ami early ia August It lias proved hardy aa far north as Michigan and Canada. In the latitude of New York time of sow ing may extend from July 15 to Sep tember 1, aud farther soutli even later. Bitting lien-. On no account should hens be al lowed to sit in tbe henhouse during the warm season. It la too dry a place at any time for healthful development of the chick In tbe shell. In summer It Is particularly objectionable, because vermin are aure to breed In the hen bouse if ben Is sitting there night and day for three weeks. When a hen at this season steals her nest and makes it on the ground the moisture which will rise through the soil Invig orates the chick and enables It to peck Its way to tbe outer world, Instead of becoming exhausted and dying in Its shell. ' variety and excellence of material, in . Ache, Lame Back, Railraad Back, Stitch in the Back, Lumbago and ail back troubles are in stantly relieved by PMBJ ELECTBICBELT 4 r 6 Its soothing, warming, Invlg orat'ng current penetrates the weakened tissues, s;nds the lif '-blood bounding through your veins, relieves the pain, takes out the soreness, warms, tones snj strengthens, re-enforces na ture and Cures , -Perns .aeotljr. It Is worn while you sleep, and can be regulated. Real about it in the Utile book "Thr.-e Class- of M;n," free by mail nr at th. jtTue. A physician's ,advl f ee. Cail or address 1 SANDEN ELECTRIC BELT CO. S Wast Waahlagtaa St., Fortlaad, Or. Pteate mtntUm tki$ Paper. I view of tbe price, book is unique. 5 cents, Tbe Yellow wnen nugnt nas stricken a branch la to cut well below the affected part and burn It; If tbe whole tree seems affected, to dig it out and burn It I am not aware that any specific applications are of any use except as they may promote a more uniform and healthy development of tbe tree, thus giving It greater resistance and making A Farooaa Group la Broase. " Dalou'soolossal group, "Tha Triumph of the Republic," which was set np in plaster during the 1889 exhibition in tbe Palace de la Bepublique in Paris, j It lent susceptible to the attack of tbe is to be cast in bronze at the expense of . blight bacterium. ' Particularly should the city. Tbe group will be very cost- ! undue stimulation of rank fertilizers be ly, as an attempt made to cast it by the avoided, since tbey Induce cxtraordl cire perdue process proved unsuccess-.' nary growth which Is liable to be soft lul, and some parts had to be made over and spongy, and often unseasonable, again. It will be cast now by the usual running into fall when the tree should sand process. be hardening the season's growth. Tbe There are about 100 grains of iron in the average human body, and yet so important is this exceedingly small quantity that ita diminution is attend ed witb very serious results. England is trying submerged cannon.' Oaken beams 21 inches thick and the bull of a ship protected by three inches of boiler plate were pierced by a solid shot from one. A medical authority asserts that death caused by a fall from a great height is absolutely painless. -,- The mind acts very rapidly for a time, then uncon sciousness ensues. i ' ' ' -. :-.t The island of Malta has a language of its own, derived from the Carthagin ian and Arabian tongues.: The noblity of tbe island speak Italian. Iron has for ages been a favorite medicine. Nearly 100 different prepara tions of iron are now known to the medioal chemists. ' I i. ,.S e,.. A.l'ti.4 isua. Beat Co vi Srss. Temas (toots. Da i ta-i e'lm er ffms-jriata W I Norwsy ia the only country in the I world which is not increasing its an t nual yield of cereals. The reason is louna in climatic conditions. German agricultural papers say the m ports of American apples into Ger many last rear were 30 times as large as in any previous season. Beckel pear has tbe repntataion of be ing one of tbe most resistant varieties, but It Is bot proof by any means, aa your correspondebt baa testified. Blight varies somewhat In different years. The reasons for this are un known, but appear to be due to more favorable weather conditions some sea sons than others. Discouraging as pear culture is, owing to the insidious char acter of blight, it will pay to watch trees carefully for tbe first appearance of disease, to cultivate, prune and care for them systematically. Oermantown Telegraph. ; - . , . Oate and Peas 'or Pal I lav. Excepting clover there is no better soiling crop than a mixture of oats and peas cut green. It can be sown much earlier than corn, and will be in condi tion long before corn is ready to cut for green fodder. The pea vines also make it a better rstion than green corn at Its best, as tbey supply the nitrogenous element In which corn Is deficient But as tbe main soiling crop corn will al wsys bave the preference, as more can be grown of It per acre than of tbe peas and oats. By sowing successively until the middle of May, oala and peas can be kept in bent condition for soiling nntll corn fodder has got Into tassel. But tbe latest sown oats and peas should all be seed for green fodder as the excess of nitrogen in tha toll will Paras Notea. There Is some objection to millet hay, owing to the seed heads, which cannot be separated from tbe hay.' This can only be avoided when tbe millet Is mowed. Tbe mistake Is In allowing It to advance too far In growth lie fore mowing. The time to mow ml I lit Is when the seed heads are beginning to form. .... : ,. ... ;f. ... ;;; ' .... ... If weeds are annual they will soon disappear If not allowed to produce seeds; if tbey are perennial, keep them cut down so as to prevent them from making leaves. Leaves are the breath. Ing organs of plants, and to frequently cut down tbe plaota as fast aa they be. gin to grow wiH soon put an end to them. . ''"" '"'.. v; - , Currying the horses when they have become dry after tbelr return from the day's work relieves them of Itching due to attacks of Insects and opens tbe pores of the skin, r If they are well rubbed down and also given a brisk brushing they will feel better and also be In better condition for work tbe next day. Four times aa much can be produced on an acre by the use of wheel hoes and other band Implements than by tbe ordinary cultivation with horse power, as the band Implements will al low of growing the plants closer In the rows, and tbe rows need not be more than twelve inches apart, but In so do ing tbe crop must be supplied with an abundance of plant food and carefully attended to. ,.-.', In Michigan a law Is In force which requires all orchards Infested with In jurious Insects to be sprayed or disin fected. Tbls law is enforced by three commissioners In each township, who are appointed on petition of ten free holders. If the owner refuses to do the work the commissioners can do It and tax costs against bim. Thus far tbe law works well, and ita Justness Is recognized. No man has a right to grow weeds or breed Insects to destroy bis neighbor's crops or fruit. outside buying increasing, and will In crease as the stale of the country im proves. .' "v.... Although the sensational press tried to show local manipulation in July do livery, Chicago is still tbe lowest mar ket in the country, witb spot wheat this week 10 cents over the highest prioe in July, and w would have seen a much higher prioe during this month had not holders of wheat been fright ened in June by sensational rumors of large receipts; now the cash demand fur exceeds, In proportion, the speculative demand. As in the May and July de liveries, tbe September speculative price ia steadily advancing to the price of the spot wheat, which, as In those months, will finally fix the value in the latter end of this mouth. We are now having large receipts of wheat from sn ample crop of tine qual ity this week fi,84S,Q6 bushels at the nine primary markets, compared with 8,817,883 bushels for the same lust year. Portland Markala. WheatWalla Walla, 81c; Vsl ley, 84c per bushel. Flour Best grades, $4.15; graham, 3.05; superfine, 13.88 per barrel. Oats Choice white, 88940c; choice gray, 80 89c per bushel. Barley Few! barley,' 17.60i 18; brewing, fl8f$ 19 per ton. Millstuffs Bran, 114 per ton middlings, $31; shorts, $16.60. Hay Timothy, $18($ 18.80; clover, $10(311; California wheat, $10(4) 11; do oat, $11; Oregon wild hay, $(jl 10 per ton. Ekb 1 1 4' 13c per doaen. Butter Fancy creamery. 85(8400 fair to good, 80c; dairy, 86$ 80c per roil. Cheese Oregon, ll'a'o; Young America, 13,'c; California, 9 (J JOc pur pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.00(8 8.S0 per dozen; broilers, $1.60M.75 geese, 13 (M; ducks, $8.60(38 per dozen; turkeys, live, 10llc per pound. Potatoes. Oregon Burbanks, 86(3 45c per sack; new potatoes, 60o per sack; sweets, fI.90di3.Zo per cental. Onions California, new, red, $1.86; yellow, fl. 60 per cental. Hops 10 11, ',o per pound for new crop; crop, 496c - Wool Vsl ley, 14(4 16c per pound; Euntern Oregon, 10 13c; mohair, 30c per pouml. - Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers snuewes, aoa.c; dressed mntton, 4o; spring lambs, 5M per pound. Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $4; light and leeuors, $3.60(48; dressed, $3 3 4.36 per 100 pounds. Beef Gross, top steers. $3.75(38: cows $8.26; dressed beef, 45o per pounu. Veal Large, 88o; small, 4, per pound. ogy to Industry ia one which will not bo highly eomiiinnle.l. - I N. AV 'MIC wrttln. la advert..., .i !SSS AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. W ARC ASSERTING IN THt COURTS OUR KlflltT TO THK BKOI.UHIVK UsK Or TUB WORD "CA8TOH.IA ANO "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS our Ikai'k markI , DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of llyannli, Matmrhuetltf wuihs originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the ,am thai ha, born and doe$ now m bear tho fao-Hmih ,lgnatur of &e&U wrapper Thi lt ordinal " PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which ha, been need in th ham, of th mother, of America for over thirty year,. LOOK CAREFULLY at t wrapper and ,ee that it i, in kina you, ffive alway, bought - 1. At . - . i signature o per. JCo on ha, authority from m to m Company of which ' Chat. wrap my nam except U. Fletcher is '' ' flsattla sfarkata. natter rancy native creamery, Driest, iso; ranch, I013o. Cheese Native Washington, 10$ lie; California, , , Eggs Fresh ranch, 20 Poultry Chickens, live, per pound, hens, 10llo; spring chickens, $8 08.60; (lucks, 3. 60 8 8. 76. Wheat Feed wheat, $38 per ton. ; Oats Choice, per ton, $38. Corn Whole, $33; cracked, per ton, leeel meal, 133 tier ton. Barley Kolled orgrouud, per ton, wnoie, fi. Fresh Meats Choice dressed beef, steers, 6o; cows, 6jc; mutton sheep, oo; pora, fc; veal, small, fl. Fresh Fish Halibut, 4 Xc; salmon. 4So; salmon trout, 710o; flounders ami sole, 84; ling cod, 46; rock cod, 6c; smelt, 2(j4c. San Francises MarkaU. Wool Choice foothill, 918c; dsn Joaquin, fl months' 810o; do year's staple, 7(guo; mountain, 11018c; Ore' gon, 10 18c per pound. Hops 79o per pound. Millstuffs Middlings, $18.60(333; California bran, 814015 per ton. Hay Wheat,$13 15; wheat and Oat, 11 14; oat, $10(918; river barley, $78; best barley, $13; alfalfa, $78.50 olover, $7.609. Potatoes New, in boxes, 40(8800. Onions New red, 7080o; do new silverskin, 85c$t per cental. Fresh fruit Apples, 40 60c' per small box; do large box, 40 66c Boyal aprioots, 3085o common cherries, 16025c; Royal Anne cherries, 850400 per box; currants, $1.00 1.60 per chest; peaches, 36a40c; pears, 80 a 40o; cherry plums, 3080c per box. Cheese Fancy mild, now, 8c; fair to good, 1io per pound. Butter Fancy creamery, 2824;do seconds, 91 9 22c; fancy dairy, . 20(9 2Io; good to choice, 16 18o per pound. KB8 Store, 11 14c; ranch, 16 20o; Eastern, 13(314; duok, lie per dozen. - , - ' - Citrus fruit Nsvel - oranges, $1 8; seedlings, 76c$1.25; Mexican limes, $4.60(36.60: common lemons. $12.00 per box, ! f The small British torpedo boat Tnr blna attained a speed of 88 knots an boar near Bplthead, England. 2 he Centaur Company of which r...;.7.s . March S. 1SD7. Q.t Do Not Bo Deceived. Do not en.Ianper tho life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which soma'druKRlst ma offer jou (because he makes a few more peonies on ), the Ingredient of which even he docs not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE 8IONATUHE OP Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. vs asarsua aasiaaav. ft aivaaa STasav. as vaaa sirs. A perfect try f th slrfcett snler af sseellsata Is wsstfsetsrs. ft a if ft mm V4 establish Walter Baker & Co.'s BREAKFAST COCOA I v Absolutely Pure Delicious Nutritious. Coat Less than One Cent a Cup. CaJSa'a. DORCHESTER, MASS.yf if Tr gaaalna arOcl .By., WALTER BAKER A CO. Ltd. Ktnttt;t:n:nt TOOWER JL n 1 HercahB Special i1 ncrriftl horsepower) Price, only S18S. ...FOR. PROFIT Power that will save you money and make you money. Hercules Engines are tbe cheapest power knows. Burn Gasoline or Distillate Oil; oo smoke, Gre, er dirt For pumping, running dairy or farm machinery, they bave oo equal. Automatic In actloo, perfectly safe and reliable. Seod for illustrated catalog. Hercules Gas Engine Works Bay SI., San Francisco, CaL ffftttftfffwWOSS)AAAAAoX vvmmtftHHHHTTvMtHvM Vemhess of fen VH EAT " Quioatljr, Thoroughly, S-oreva Oorad I tins, irnriunes havs b br a nmm psrfsatas solsatifla Slsta.4 that sannot fail aslsss tk. saa. Is b.rot.4 buaaa ai4. Voa (Ml irn- K"al lli Irak dsr. ta.1 a tasfltmrrdar. sous know rour..ll a kltia moo, n.B la bndj, aiiad aad Wrl nraiaa and lassss sndsa. Br.rr obalaels ta bsppr MfTiad Itfsrsaumd. Msrrs tlllni(iT out. r.,rl br (his tmtmont, All " SSS'"" ."' nodi; .nlsrasd and .tr.nsU.. "L"u "" book, with siplsiistluns aud amala Ssal l.d. Im, Orw 9, Qua nlsrsassa. ERIE MEDICAL CO., 6 NIAOARA 8T. bUPPALO, N. V ISE BILL GOODS Wl';1" W asrrr ths mrtcompleia iliia of (lymnaalnm - ""vm, )MsniS fill 1IISJ COsaflC. SOUS UNIFOXMI MAU( TO OHOIlt Send or Our Atliletlo (Jatalogiis. WILL t FINCK CO.. 1S-SSO Mark.. St.. Saa Fraaalaaa. Cal. Malts mnnar bv suo- Osaa ul ' sixwiilstlon in hli'". H. bur and .11 a hiutt IK...M nn Mil.r. tins, rnriunva havs bMin mail, on a small Ufilunliif br Irailiu in Intuma, Urlu lor lull ariliilara. Iw.i of rafan tn lii. Hav. aral ears' ssperlaiiiT. on ths Chmaso Hoanl ol Trada, and a tnornuvh knowlmlKS ( tha luul ncaa. JiownhiK, Honltliis A Co.. Clnnsim Hoard ol Trsda Brokers. 6m- in Porllaud, Ores ou, Hpokanssod Baal Us, Hash. EXPELLED AUV WITH TAPEWORMS llKAUcuiiiplftf, f fr,,m I7itliiutistotwo !lui.7.rV.HU)rl'M'H TAl'R WOItM nrKi.IK10," rr.qiiliiuB no pravious orsf U T trfittiiient. such us fsstlng, starring ili.'tinjt, ami the tukiiiK of naiissoui ami Hii.iiii.ii ilriiK", causing no pain, nickneaa. iiiHconifort or bail after aftorls. No loss of im, riifuis or (leti'liMcm from busiiiiws. '' T'wy has NKVKR fnllwl. C'UliM I'lJAKANTKKI), Ovar 8,0u0 esses sue resrully trtti sln(i im. Write lor fres liifurniatlun anil (mimIIhii blank. Address. SI.OI I'M MfKC'IriO CO., Auriltorliiiit bid. . Spokana, Wash. DRUNK sans ran be sarivfl with viir snoalrdfa r ANTIMa, sba naiil cure tit (ha drink habit, . All awiaia, or write mi. i no par sa I. klissnaxa iCraaslassi