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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1897)
OREGON MIST. IUVU ITBlf FIIUI Will ' -BY- ' BEEGLK k DAVIS. OneopT T advaae., Onaeopysis Slugls opy- AdTsrtlnnr rates Bud Ums upon application , to COLUMBIA COENTY DIRECTORY. - CMHIf tftr. JodM...... ............ JoI B. Doan, Rainier Clwk . Jutlimn '!,. V.moni atrit .i. N. fclaUr-enia Tmiw K-H-hJrtf " ."".1,":rri, 1: T. BCLE.1t. enBGon. AT. o. Ai a result of the extensive move meat of grain in the East and Wst boxcar famine M threatened. Mcbuu ley to to blame for these famines. With the price of wheal going nP aad the price of ailrer going down, in fact good price for ell products, is killing off populism and Bryaoum fatter than aoj other argument can do. The gold reserve is hovering around the 1143,000,000 mark. The popocraU are not Ulking to loud aboat McKio lej laenlog bonds. They will soon have to face aboat and talk "reduce the aurplaa." 8urc Brjran'a deles the Nebraskaus haTe paid off indebtedness to the ex tent of $28,000,000. There i nothing the natter with Nebraska except that the pope hypnotised it into thinking itself ragged, penniless and crooked. As American in tbeClondyke write bans: "There is no language strong enough to describe the fierceness of the mosquitoes. They would toon kill a person if gloves aoJ veiling were act constantly worn." Alaskans will feel better when they hear that the New Jersey mosquitoes this year are just as dangerous. Thms are cold days for populism. With wheat at 79 cents, hay $1150, potatoes 60 cents, beef, gross, 2.75; iui. 10 to 11 eects: populist stock in trade (calamity) is away belew par. It Is, indeed, too bad that prices should advance iast at a time when depres sion is so essential to populiat success a party that can grow only npon iae misfortunes of the people. ram Pnhans are hammering at the verv Kates of Havana while Weylers unt of thousands is entrenched with in the city; and yet that decisive blow which the captain general has prom ised for so long is not dealt The Cu hana aasm to do about as they please and when the Spaniards give chase the are out of the way, only to con nmti at some Other point and pro ceed with, their nsual tactics practic al! unmolested. . Pornirrs are queer people. One living near Dallas, Polk county, on a km. aav ha is still waiting lor , . mMixan nmaneritv. and when told " that ha conld ret rood prices for any of his farm product now, said, "Yea, hat ICeKinley ha not given us any anand moneT yet." Another one. when asked if he could name "a single nmdnat that did not command a befr tr nrv than could have been had darinr Cleveland's administration" aaid: "Yes, peach pluuis.' Polk County Observer. ! T.nrone'a wheat crop for 1897 will be from 100.000,000 to 120,000.000 bnahela smaller than that of 1896, and a the reserve of wheat on hand at tha oreaent time are lower than they were at this season in the past sight or ten years, the wbsat market for the Mt mii air aicht months i likely to be strong. This is a decidedly fortu nate eircomsUnee for the United States wheat-grower. He will, from rtnaent erOD indications, have from 75.000.000 to 10000,000 bushels more to sell than hs had in 1896. Here is eoe of the causes for the recent growth in batinesa confidence in the west, It to slated upon good authority thai there have been sold and trans ported from the Nehalem valley dor inr the past six months as many cat Uses bad been marketed from the same section during the preceding five wears. And yet a majority of the peo ple in that section, we believe, still de clare that then is no indication of business improvement. The only limit to sales made, fro in the valley was the short supply. Any number could have been sold had they been on the market Many of those who have neither cattle, hogs or sheep to sell, of course, complain of bard time ad scarcity of money. Money al ways wJl be scarce with that class of neoDle until they utilize the soil and muscle with both of which nature has supplied them, to produce something for the market There has not been a time when beef would not sell for csh, and ths failure of any to have money to the fault of him who has failed to modnee the cash article. All, of course are not in a position to produce for the market, but there are many who are in such circumstances and have neglected their opportunity. The man who improve bis time in Oregon need not suffer for the necessaries of hie, ; BlTTSaTlXSS. j "Better times are surely upon us, and they appear first in unexpected quarters. It is in the country, the farming and erasing and frait-raiting and mining and lumbering districts, and the towns and villages to which they are tributary, that prosperity ha first put in an appearance, rather than in the great centers of finance sod commerce. Politics, the tariff, have nothing to do with it Good crop here, failures abroad ; great gold die eoverie; and renewed determination nd effort among the common, bum ble toiler of the country, have brought better time wiftlyioto view. The politiciau and (peculators will claim all the credit, but they are entitled to none of it, whatever. God or Good Luck sun and soil, and enterprise, and effort a concatenation of fortu nate conditions, and the silent, stesdy work of the millions these have brought prosperity in spile of the spec ulating and political vampire." The above is an editorial comment from the Portland Sunday Welcome, one of the leading democratic papers of tb state, and does not tally with the statement iterated and reiterated by the calamity organs that prosper ity can only come through the tree coinaz of silver. Notwithstanding the assertions of calamity howlers to the contrary, times are improving, and the honest journals of all political parties acknowledge it, and we have not free coinage of silver, neither is the country flooded with irredeemable paper. The principal reason for the improvement in busioes is, no doubt, from the tsct that the government is once more upon a policy that nas proven ssfe and brought prosperity in the psst, and that the policy now in force cannot be tampered with during the next four year. It is true that prices of commodities have risen, for which there must have been a cause, and that cause cannot be attributed to any other source thsn a renewal of confidence among business men, who mor satisfied that every dollar in vested would be returned in as good money as that paid out One condi tion alone cannot bring gcod times, but one condition alone can make the fan nd alios unon which to build for the future, and that foundation was laid in the confidence that the repub licans would elect the president last fall, and the consummation oi mat belief on election day. "Prosperity is not being broken off in large chunks' as some of our contemporsnes are Dleaaed to state, but that prosperity i comics eradually is acknowledged by all journals not blinded by prejudice. Rcfcool Report. Report of Canaan school, dUtrlct Ho. St, tor July, 137: Aver stsndlng. Including, deportment sad neatness: Jennie Fluckncy, 87: Leon Gore, 8S; Herman and Core Cither snd Rhe finckney, 99; WinnU Andreas, 86; Willi Bunigardncr, OS; Sin Andrew, 97; Elmer Olson, Pesrl Cher, Nelli Ptnckney, Benbs (Jollies snd Bssi Itnckney, 99; KIU Collin, I la Dor and Annie Ram balskl.oe. Attn Lore Hoadley was onr only visiter. W. H. Corrm.T cbwr. BhtloV Consumption Cur cure whr ether fail. It la th leading cough enr. and no horn should b without it Pleas ant to tak and go right to tb pot Boh! by Ir. Edwin Boa. Usui Circuit Conrs. '. At an adjourned term of th circuit court held in this ciiy last Friday tb following proceeding were had: Id the matter of C. Bara.a; order setting sid order appoinUg refer. M. Davison vs. Webster; confirmation. Honey ruan, DeUart Co. vs. Green Creek Lumber Co.; default and dure in favor of plaintiff. 8Ut of Oregon vs. Bary Hubert: con firmation of Ml. W. J. Bum vs. C. C. Uole; confirmation of sale. Tatum A Bowed vs. James Huekle; mo tioa for new trial overruled. Plaintiff given 60 day to prepare bill of exception. Estate of Abel ana i;nrraigion; rrpwr of referee confirmed. PoreonstiMtioa tak Karl Clover Root Tea, th great blood purifier. Cure bead ache, nervouanem. eruption oa tb fac. and make the head clear ss a bell. Bold by Dr. Edwin Ro, Finarta have been eieniiniof ths books snd account of the eounty of ficers of Lincoln county and nnd hnrtacpM aa fallow: Clerk. $4800: heriff, f2200; treasurer. 19 05. Tha iweiute for freight and passage on the Elder which sailed for Alaska last Friday amount to something like $21,000. TBCAICBER1 NOTICE. pAtiwn, TucAaimwa'a OrF!r:a. ... . .-. a nn. MT. 1IKLBN8. Ur.. JU1J V, iOl. Notice is bxrrbv riven that all unpaid ... .1' .... J i .1 a.. ii iit. t It iih I have been presented and endorsed "Not ram tor wain riiuaa, pnr 1.1. lHtl. and th following on November 15. I. N.ul TJX. two. RltL 7.10. TM. aad Aril), will be paid npon presentation al thia oflloe. In teresl wui out o auowi eurr inn u. K, M. WlliDIUili jttaO Treasurer otColumWa Coui.ty, Or. TCACHCRS CXAMINATION. rOTICKI8 HERKBY GIVEN THAT J. . iwi T'- - " - nation of all persona wno bibt ou ira mm dudidsiM tor teacher ot th ui i.riki. A..HHI th Mtunlv Mhnul suprlatpnlent thsreof will hold a pntilio exarainauon at tb courtuouse, in B. Hel ens. Oregon, beginning at t o clock P. at, Dated at c.poos. OrwnLlil 8lt da of July, WW.: J. O. WATTS, . VOUUTy OCUOOt ouprria.rnuu. Poor freirht cars went through a bridge near Marion station Tuesday. Th cars were burned. Pestiokkt McKixlit is in luck. Great crops, good prices, wonderful e-old discoveries, business beginning to boom ''all on account of Eliza"- no, McKinley. ' SUXDAT ftCHOOl CONVESTIOJT. attmaeaa Wr Chslertailsi Cwlte, Chlrat sa Blrr aea 4r la st a. I. Kaonaa it affords almost instant re lief in case ot pain in th stomach, colic snd csxtlara morbus. 9. Because it is th only remedy that never fails in the most (ever tut of ays nftwv snd diarrhoea. 3. Because it is the only remedy mat will rnra a chronic diarrhoea. 4. Because it is th only remedy that will ma-mi billion eouo. S. Becaua it is tne only remeay iou ill enra identical dvseoterr. s. Rmiih it ia the only remedy that tmn alvava b depended upon in case ot 7. Becans U to tb moat prompt and most reliable medicine in use for bowel eomplaintav ft Rccansa it nrodnces no baa results A. Baeanse it is pleasant and safe to take. 10. Becaua it has saved the live of more nconla than anv other medicine in the j The 25 and SO cent size for sal by Dr Sdwm as. Tha ftJnmni County Sunday School Con ven tioa met at Hoaltoa according to prenoni appointment July 29th and Srtb snd was s guccea in almost every way. mfakanie. Stehraan's. Yankton, Mayger BayvMW. Scappoose, St Helens and Houl- tnn Snndav school wer represented diner by pastor, superintendent or aetegaie, one or more. Mrs, Lucy Stewman ano a.mnsa Clrt deserve asDecial mentwa, ia that tney earn all th way frem Beaver valley on hnraehack without an escort. All tha tonics as assixned to members present were ably and earnestly preaeniea ! 4icnsseL and th spirit of Christian unity and fellowship prevailed throughout th meeting. Eve-y body emea k enjoy and praBOUneed the convention success. Th normuunl oreanization was effected by th election of Ear. C. E. PhUbrook, president; Dr. J. B. BU. Juoson neea sndH. C Gray, vice presidents; Martin white secretary . and Dr. Edwin Ross, The president aad vice president are tb nmmitiee on programme for the next Th, ramlar Mnnnal meetlnc wiu oe oeia at a Helena next June. There will be s local meeting next fall for tb perfecting of the organization in tne acopuon m a eon tiutinn and bv-law. and for th promo tion of tb Sunday school work. Th nam 'Columbia County Sunday Boaool Associa tion" was adopted. - v. . x. EQUALIZATION NOTICE. fcTOTlCE IB HERKBY OIVKtl THAT THa 4kw,k. luurl sV.s tha niarihkataS nt tknt tskUsl tt sT ttl I vr.l. scwsi tr w" mrueut ot lw7. All cUimt lur oot-nction MAKliiM tttilU, COQUiy ANMW. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Children Cry for itcher'8 Castorla. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Bntertalnmen at Boappooee. Th following programme will bs given in tha hall ot Messrs. Watt A Frio on the sveuing of August lltb, under the o nieea of tha "fEamest Workers:" Music "Evening Bells" ... Ladies Quartet Recitation Selected Miss Longscre m.u Rattla at Waterioo".. ... i Prof. E. B. Pbllbrook Soto, elected ... ....... -Mi MiUy Grant Solo, selected Mis Maude Watt nititinn- selected ..Mm Tompkins Recitation, selected Mrs. Walt Sola Mis Longacr Piuia sol n "Old Oaken Backet," with variation. ...... .Pro!. E.H. Pbllbrook rknWt. MlMted . . . . ... .. ....... Misses Longacr and Watt Recitation "The North American In dian" Mr. K. H. PhUbrook Redtstfon. selected . Mr. Pomeroy n.,l. aelBRted Mis Tumbles Recitation, elected............ Mia Boyl Unit, adeetad I-edi Quartet Tb hall of Messrs. Watt fc Price is bs- !-, wfittxd in ancb a wav a to make It es pecially adapted for entertainments. Tbe IErneat Worker hv sec area ibis nan W that date, end have also procured s fine us niano. unoa which Prof. E. H. Phil- hmA will treat the eadienc to om Of bis moat noenlar selection. Th services of Iflaa Ma me rite Ixmgacre neea no i mant. She ha kindly consented to assist .L.I. . . DnnnO, nrlftM will M (m uih wtoiuu. r . 7 tb role, so let everynooy come mi on iue mainsn Hiv inn m ,vww.w time will be metre. vu r.t.rrb Cnrad. A clear bead nd sweet hroatfa aacurad with Shiloh's Catarrh isia- edT.soldon a guarante. Nasal Injector free. Sold by Dr. Edwin Roe. Deed Recorded. Dsvid V. Baker snd wif to Albert 1 Baker, nwj of n'A, ee 4, 1 4 a, 1 4 w, and sw'X of nettf, and lot 2. see I, t 4 n, r 5 w; i rm John V. Cress and wife to Richard Hixon. receiver, 1UI acre in tp 4 n, r 5 w, and 6n. r6 w;tL Georee Hngbe to Francis Bealy, X ot X of sec 34. 1 6 n, r 4 w ; $300. John W. Poah to Jennie I. Hinea, new ofswX and lot 8 and 4, sec 19. 1 7 n, r t w;$L - B. 8. Perkln snd wifs to E. B. Qutck, ew"i of neV and lota 1 and 2. and part of lots, sec24. t4n, r2w;0J. j John B. Wilverdinc to Matilda Wilver- ding, tm ot m, sec 19, snd nw)i, sec 90, tSn, r2w;flOCK. United State to Silaa . Cross. wol tt nd eK of wj, ec 22, 1 5 o, r 4 w; patent . ' ' " " ' ; What r. A. K. Btalter Bays. Ttirrr.TA M. Y Gents From my per son! knowledge, gained in observing tbe effect of your Shiloh's cure In case oi ad vanced Consumption, I am prepared to say it is th most remarkable Remedy that has ever been brought to my attention, it nas certainly saved many from Consumption. Sold by Dr. Edwin Rosa- Mim that eouch I Tak warning. It may lead to conaamotlon. A 25c botll of Shiloh's cur my av your lit. Bold by Dr. Edwin Koss. HSWheels, QaaSty Too! CASTORIA For Infants aad.CMUtrea. Your Bart & TvSucMe's ITAMMVv'rl UUUOJ 0 UVUU Every Time 13 THE l'LACK TO UET- . Dolman's DtOrC. e e L W Lumber All kinds of rough and dressed Luiulier ou short notice. Builders' Material Of tbe best quality delivered to any point on the river at the s Lowest Possible Price Choice Groceries 8T. HELEN8, OREGON, Complete Line of Cjotliing SHELF HARDWARE AND NOTIONS. Flour, Feed Hay and Grain. ST. HELEM EAT MARKET jill Kinds of Fresh fjsats, Hams, Bacon andjatj I Meats by Wholesale - ... , At pci-iai svaw MAIK HTR1TRT. I 1 James H. Sheldon. ST. IIIT,t,KKH. OltEClON. One-half Cash and One-half In FARM PRODUCE. Address all orders to E 6. 69RTHW1CK. OOBLE, OBEOON. ''' Get Value Received EVERY TIME AT N. A. Perry's, HOULTON, OREGON ay sy ay ay sjg mm m WWK . It'll Ml, WW a VAUII WtSiafhU maktalhhalBNi hntMM O.E.&N. TO THE QlVt TMI OHOIOI Of TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES Glatskanie Drug Store New and Select Stock. DR. J- E. HALL, , Proprietor. Patent Medicines and Prist's Notions. Stationery, School Boots. .Prescriptions Caretall; Coapoiiid 1IH0FF & MMR MIHCFICTUBEBI Of SARSLX N aRANITC Monuments OHBAT NORTHERN RY. ru SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL ASS CHICAGO OREGON SHORT LINE. VIA DENVER SALT LAKE OMAHA ASB KANSAS CITY ....ST. HELENS HOTEL.... t s ..ii... . - .11 ,t.. I.. r...,n.l xm.lioil will, ilia ailililfia anil E Vur tauwe win a. an i w u. ... . . j . .-- ,11.. .1. .....I... .. If. ttuiicncie in luai.ti auuiua. TERMS REASONABLE FOR REGULAR BOARDERS The hotel having been newly refurnished w are prepared to gtw satis faction ts all our patrons, and solicit your patronage. T ..... . ' 1 " t J. George. Proprietor. St. Helens, Or. ( savyassaasvsvvVtVisfVSsVVVV ayVll AXD ALL KIITDS 0 CEMSTUT WORK rrauAN mahbls a srcciakTV. 32 1 E. Morrison SL.Portland, Or LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. . -tTEAMtir- Yonng America! -VIA- WILLAMETTE SLOUGH iMmnUl. Hnlana Arrive at Portland-.. Lav ForUstul , ... Arrive at Bt, Helens.. ..... 6:90 A M 10:00 A M , 2:!W Y M I 6:00 P H I MBE t CENTS. Will Carry Kothing bat Passenger and Fast Freight. JAMES GOOD, MASTER. ORIENTAL HOTEL A.B. BLAKESLfY, Proprietor. Board by Day, Week or Month AT BBA80KABLE RATES. n ..i t. nniiMi uh tha hast tha aiark.1 nnaaa Is aoltcited. ST. HKLKNU. 01 UON IIUCEXE BROS. ; MAsorAcrvssss or IMmensioii Lumber, Flooring, Bustle. 8besthinc. CaslnRi, snd s com plet stock of sveiy variety of Kongli and Dressed Lumber ' ALWAYS OH BAUD. AT THS OLD STAND, ST. HELENS OBEOOK OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DAYS FOR San Francisco Vn. full Information rail on or addr W. H. HuRLBuKT. E McNEILL. Oea. Fa. Agent, PrMldent and Haaag. roariAao, vm. mOFESHIOXAL. 1. W. BAT W.. P1L1AED ATTORNEYS -AT-LAW 0 nJtt doe to Cotjrthonu, 01, HaVIjIbilBt VSVHAIwn. a4ia In SkAsira avf nMSYlB AT WaWh (ntrtnn. AlMtrsets mad dlraetlr Irosa oouuty rscorus. GEORGE A. HALL, ATTOR N EY - AT - LAW. ! Collection, foneloimrM, mechuiletV letnt, tic. IWUlUr ill uasnju sans awniniji vw WlbAa A . .V. VBWWsas 8t. Hblemi, t i Oreooe. G. W. COLE, attorney and coonselor-at-law, 8T. HELENS, OREGON. MSIa A aau Bwtsrsi WftSi- Pit Ml A. fVmiTllV nOOOr OI IHW'UI HIT W atUIIIKwni sw -su mmym- HtDWI III WUDVUNWI " w' (3 imriA n fiirnp Is Ii vj wunu iLuyM is j a Vinner ,f 2 Owr'Ntaety-Sevaa K 7 ComplcU Llna of ) 1 Supreme TmC I " Result mmyim I ! Years of Sr. f I Experience If MONARCH CYCLE MFQ. CO. M O caiCACO IBWTMUC IQXM H. "i5bS3SsVS5. t-aAaW-sAv-. 0 l ..... tSlsat IQ MUTLAND AND CLATSKANlE Mnaaiiant. ldf.,Cblcato. uni anralova. Xb. Muional, Star lusur- i B TYLMl Lsiks, Cestea'f ft Tadaa. Tbe UgbtMt Bsoning inweUea Barth, THE ELDREDGE THE BELVIDERE. K atasrs aAs Cms fast HrUal Wa, taaaMa-l Hak $4 Wkastol nCMMIO M. TISSMOMfi I r vblimv w EJbl:h Attorneyi nl Connsslon at Law. Mman.nL afer.nes. KncluM ssii-aaaraMan i -t n . . v . mm vainiii,a uui...if Man ..v.'vw. Collections, rorMlosnras, Mechanics' liens, at. Will prscUe In all th. eoons oi union and Waahlualan. Tatlob Builoiso, - .- Sr. Hstsxs, Oa. I TAR. EDWIN ROBS, PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON, St. Helens, Oregon BORN. Burrs. At Bachelor Flat, on Tbnrsdav, August S, law, t tb wile of H. H. Bmitb, a son. . "" NaUonal Sewing MacbliM Co., jUaPrsaaway. Pactarrt ' NswVarfc. Botvidsra, His. WHITE COLLAR LINE D B. H. 8. CUM, -mum ... i JSSSla "ff FAST TIME. Sir. Telephone Iskvakai AsHnrlaV n<v leuxut ouuua;; t Str. Bailey Gatzert LaavM Portlan4 dallr (exeorit Sanrlar) I P. M. Leave Astoria dally (sP Snrwlar snd Kon- BUuaa SIKH, i v . day) at 7 A. K. - i Indlns: Toot of Alder street, Portland, Or., Viatel duck, Astoria, Oregon. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Bfc. Helena, Oregon. j)R. i. X- HALL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Clatekaule, Columbia county, Or. yy W. HEDERVE, Surveyor and Ciyii Engineer DELENA, OEKQON. Connty Bnrveyor. Land BurvejrlnK, Town Platting and EngineerUig work promptly urcuwu, STEAMER a. "W. SHAVER, DeU Shaver, Master. ;iid. vl urn r .n,. ,uv -.111 T.l.nA lAt nl Washlni'lfln street, l"""1'' Tborwlav anCHunilav venln at ft o'clock. Keturnlii(t--I.eave i: Htskante, inn. rr . u lil ... Oak Foil" ftlondav. WeilneadaV and r nilav evrnuiKs moo uu. r-- . .j,. abr,ut?;8lella7riS; Maygerf:iai Ralnlor 8:20i Kalama U:lo; Ht. Hini .-. "- in Portland t;30 A. H, Xb company reserves in rint m up "".": . . - -- rmt - rm . . . mt ..AH B.A n M . THASsrvn i a j iwn HAVKH THE JOSEPH KELLOGG & COMPANY'S RIVER STEAMER WANTED FA1THPCI, MEN OB WO to trsr.l for responsible establlsbsd I laOmon. Salary V"0 and espeoae Poi WOMEN ad bonee Pn.ltl.,n IWIBIUW1II. iwravi. ' . it. m i44 enralov. lb. N.IWuai, Stai Inaur- aaoe aidg., , Chlta.o. it iAm-m-V. mm -m" . mmwn m t ,TTln,. WIS VS) VnUTM to trarel lor rwiiaiislblsestebllshsd bonse taOrastm. S.I117 vi and eipeiusa. Portion looa. Tha MalloBsl. Star laaur- tlilcaao. KvattfBt. Relen ipd anralop. Saos Hldf., tlilcaai JOSEPH KE3TjL-,OCJC FOR FOKTIiAlNJ-- Leaves Kelso Monrtsy. WednMflays, snd Friday at 5 o'clock a. ni. Portland Toesday, Thursday and Saturday at 0 o'clock m.