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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1897)
OREGON MIST. 1S8K0 KVEBI FBIDAf mOHIUiUl BEEQLE dc DAVIS. fcakecrlpti.a ssatea. Onerr-T dm fear la saraae. .tl W On if sis aoUi-. DO Siugl copy. , mM . s Advsrtlnnt nus atlt know upon application COLUMBIA COUNTY DIRECTORY. V.aatr Ifleer. .Joseph B. Doan. Rainier Judsoa Weed. Veriioma JoAes... .., 8hr(Cy.,.V.'.'.'.".'.'.'.V.'.V.'..J. N. Rice. fclatskanie Treaeurer ..t, M. Wharton. St. Helens uM. of tkhool. ........ .J a. Watu, 8cnpos AmiMW ..Martin White. Oulnev 8ureerae......,...,,.......W. N. Nflwm, Helena Coroner..... Dr. A. P. McLaren. Rainier IVibbUmiui 4. .......P. A. Frates, Seappooae UotasslseloiMm p. Petereou' Mist ALASXA GOLD F1SLDS. T. BELE5. OREGON, Jt'a,lf S3 Ohio populists have discovered thai the demoorstio candidate for governor U preeideot of a national bank. This will prevent fusioe. unless the con ideratioa k increased. : Ton Watsost say "fro silver is too mall an iuue on which to appeal to the people." , The populist idea has al ways bean that unlimited greenbacks would be about the right issue. The reporter of a Canadian paper is responsible for the statement that he found Mr. Bryan in bed wearing heavily embroidered silk might shirt. If Mr. Bryan is not careful he will lose the support of one of his three parlies. Th Dingley tariff bill was passed oy uie noose last Tuesday slier a re- I astatement of some of the rates first adopted by the hones but afterward reduced by the senate. The original rate of 5 per thousand on lumber was restored. The senate will probably eoocur la the house amendments to day or tomorrow, after which the bill will go to the president. WOXAa's character is likened unto a postage stamp. One black mark will ruin it. Mao's is like a treasury Bote; ao matter how many steins it will pass at par. When a woman falls from grace her character is ruined for ever. On the other hand, a man may straighten up and be received in the best society again. All of which is toe true but being true does not make it right. Tkb great audiences thst go to hear Mr. Bryan do not indicate the strength of bis political following. Fully ene- half of those who went from this eoanty to bear him are known to be of opposite political faith, and the same Is ao doubt true in other parts of the state. Intelligent people enjoy hear ing a good speaker whether in accord with bis views or not, and that Mr. Bryan is an entaining speaker no one will doubt. Noticeable along this line fa the fact that where Mr. Bryan re ceired the greatest orations last fall wroth identical places where the neatest majorities were recorded against bim oa election day. Thxm is no step backward ia busi ness, although the season of midsum mer Is near. Improvement coatinues, gradual and prudently cautious as be fore, though in many branches e video t where no signs of it appeared a few weeks ago. Business men of the highest standing in hH parts of the country have gradually perceived that the tide aas began to rise sod are regulating tfaeir contracts and investments sad plans for the future with a confidence quite unknown to them a short time ' ago. Great changes before the adjourn ment ef congress ate hardly to be ex pected, but removal of uncertainty is with reason expected to bring into op eration buying forces which hsvs been restricted for months. Meanwhile it U encoorairing that crop prospects still crow brighter; thst the industries Met a gradually increasing demand for products; that labor questions which had a threatening aspect have been adjusted, and the treasury main tains its ample strength notwithstaod soms exports of gold brought about by premiums paid on behalf of foreign gOTemaenta.nDun,s Review, June 26. Bxcach a few men hsve "struck it rich" la the Clondyke region does not indicate that all who go there will re turn in a few months with coal oil cans full of the precious metal. The reports sent out only tell ef the few who have been successful and say nothing of the thousands who spend their lsst dollar in vain. It is the bright Bide of the picture "retouched." Gould, Vanderbilt, Mackay, Bage and Rockefeller made fortunes without much effort, but their wealth is only a drop in a bucket compared with the billions of dollars lost by thousands of other men in the attempt to accumu late along the same lines, a very large per cent of whom were finally forced to seek some lonely hamlet of quietude where they might recuperate their physical and mental condition, made so by exposure and bsrdship, priva tion and disappointment, disintegrated homes and shattered nerves. "All that glitters ia not gold," and when one makes a "strike" in Alaska there will be five thousand return with a tore of experience but no money. The Clondyke looks well on paper,1 but to reach it, "Ay, there's the rub." From the reports reeeuUy Mat out from the Clondyke mining district ef Alaska ons Is asked to believe that the whole country there is a formation of almost solid gold. It has been dem onstrated that Alaska ia rich in min eral, but it is hard to believe the re ports sent out of the richness of the country. The whole thing smaks of a scheme iu the interest of the trans portation companies and those per sons who are in the mercantile busi ness at Dawson City and other robbery stations along the route. For instance, fare to Dawson City $150; board 10 to f 15 per day; flour 154 per sack bacon and dried fruit $1 25 per pound. The earth would indeed need be most solid gold, considering the prim itive methods of mining in thst far off and isolated region, for a man to be able to purchase supplies upon which to subsist at the prices above quoted. These mines may be, and no doubt are, very rich, but it certainly oosts very large part of the gold to get it, to say nothing of the hardships ons must undergo in thst northern region with its short seasons in summsr and biting cold and deep snow in winter. Ths Alaska erase has, however, strut k the country, and the emigration north for the next year er two will no doubt be very large. A XAYT WITHOUT MSN. The people will be surprised, and not at all agreeably so, at the news that the secretary of the navy finds that it will be necessary in a short time to take the cruisers Columbia and Minneapolis out of service, in order to secure enough men to man the new battleship Iowa and several gunboats which will be put into com mission. The reason given for this is thst thsre are not enongh men in the navy at present to equip all our war ships; and the secretary of the navy is not at liberty to add to the personnel of the navy without authority from congress, which authority the latter hss repeatedly refused to confer. There is something radically wrong in a condition of affairs which com pels the laying off of these two cruisers in order to provide an additional bat tleship with its compliment of men. Ships slone do not constitute a nsvy, snd in case of need it would go hard with us if we hsd cruisers snd no crews. It is hardly worth while con structing a navy if proper provision is not to be msde for its equipment, fact which has been entirely lost sight of by congrees. Great Britain's fores of seamen and marines consists of 93,750 men; ours of 15,425 ; quite a marked difference, and one which re flects, no credit upon the United States. There should be men enough in our navy to man every United States war ship afloat, and congress is neglecting a stern duty in not makiug immediate provision for all the sailors snd mar ines needed in the nsvy department Times Mountaineer. JAPAN A FORMIDABLE FOE. A conflict of considerable dimen sions between the United States and Japan in the near future is not among the impossibilities. Japan's serious protest against the , annexstkm of Hawaii by the United States will pro bably develop into something more than mere formality in the end. ' It is well known that the mikado has, for some time, in fact ever since bis victory over China, been strength ening the Japanese navy until now it compares favorably with that of the United States, and since the proposed annexation treaty the mikado's gov ernment has been especially active in war preparations. It would not be surprrang, in fact it is generally ex pected by the public and undoubtedly anticipated by the government offi cials at Washington that the Japanese navy is preparing to take possession of the Hawaiian islands by force. Every movement by that government points to this fact at present, and should the plan be carried out, for a time, at least, this government would be at a very great disadvantage, since if Japan should dispatch her navy there with a heavily armed force and proceed at once to fortify the ports of entry, it would be very difficult to dis lodge them, especislly st this tims when the Pacific squadron of the United 8 tales navy is numerically weak. No one doubts thst in the end this government would be successful, but the situation would indeed be em bar rassiog at the beginning. It may be, however, that the warlike preparations the part of Jspaa are intended merely as a bluff to prevent the ratifi cation of the annexstion treaty. ths ZillgeM elaos to this city ths past week John Vanblarlcoui has lbs utsfortons to posses a Urge pet a bull on his fors-arm Miss Fisher, of Monmouth, Is vlsltlag frleiida at ths real lone of Mr. William Wilson. ' Mr. Frank Tracy Is enraging hop-plckera st this plscs tor a hop-raiser ol Marten county. Miss Myrtle Powell, ef Pittsburgh pawed throngh this city hut gaturuay on her way to up river points. Mrs. Q. H. Bynen snd daughter, Maggie, of Portland, are Waiting friends snd rela tives at this plaoe. Mrs. Weed and daughter, Oertis, pasted through this city lsst Monday on tbelr way t up river point. Miss Berths Qillihsn and Mr. Frank Maltnaten of this place were visitor at the Home wood ranch last Friday and Saturday, John Hartnien, ef this city, mads Pitts burg a visit last Thursday, being called thst place to repair a piano tor Mr. Bolle- roao. Blackberries are very plentiful this year and the farmers are taking advantage of ths opportunity to prepare a large Stock for winter use. Mr. Mows, sooompaated by Mrs. Weed sod daughters, Ethel and Qertie, passed through this city last Saturday on their way to Houlton. Kehaleiu valley is fawt becoming s cele brated resort for camping parties, ss its beautiful streams afford fine fishing: sad its roagnincent groves offer S cool and inviting place for the weary camper to pitch hi tent Tba Pbilbartaonie Society met tot Sat urday evening at ths residence ef J. K. Dow. Ths society is doing soms very good work in ths tins of tinging, uarier the di rectorship of Mr. bow. Tbs study of in strumental musie a well as vocal is being taken up. ' We would like to see s Sons of Veterans camp instituted st this place snd kept go ing. : There is no reason why the yonng men of this place should not organise as well as at other places. Let the young men organise and stand forth, showing their love snd loyalty for this grand old country which wss defended by their fathers. SCAPPOOSK NEWS. Fruit of all kinds is plentiful snd cheap. H. Whits hss jest completed a substan tial barn. D. B. Freeman is seriously 111 with ty phoid fever. Miss Mildred Boyle is visiting friends st Olex, Oregon. Wstts A Pries are enlarging their store by adding a 30x30 wareroom. Misses Tsrbetl snd Plowman, of Vault- ton, spent Monday st Scappoose. Miss Gertie Ma liens finished her spring term of school at Dixie last week. Wm. Anderson expects to have ths large fruit dryer in operation this month Mr. W. H. Brown began school in dis trict No. 1 Monday, enrollment 28. Frank Payne msde a large shipment of mineral paint to Portland last week. Bapt. Wstts is mailing s copy of ths 1897 school law to each school clerk this week. Myrtle, the 12-year old dsngbter of H. West, sustained a fracture of the arm in a fall from a cherry tree lsst Friday. ssaswwa Why ChaBafeertalWaCaltc, Chalera as Diarrhoea steaa ay la (he Heal. 1. Because it affords almost instant re lief in esse of pain in the stomach, colic and cholera morbus. 2. Because It Is the only remedy that never fail in the most severe case of dys entery and diarrhoea. S. Becasss it is ths only remedy thst will cure a chronic diarrhoea. . 4. Because it is the only remedy that will prevent billions colic. 5. Because it is the only remedy thst ill core epidemical dysentery. 6. Because It is ths only remedy tbst can always be depended upon In cases of cholera infantum. 7. Because it ia the most prompt and most reliable medicine in use for bowel complaints. 8. Because it produces no bsd results. 9. Because it is pleasant and safe to take. 10. Because it bss ssvsd ths lives of mors people than sny other medicine In tbe world. " Tbe 25 snd 50 cent sixes for sala bv Dr. Edwin Ross. W. J. Bice, attorney at law, and ed itor of the Baioier Review, was in town Wednesday evening. Ton may bunt tbe world over and yon will not find another medicine equal to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera nd Diarrhoea .Remedy for bowel com plaints. It is pleasant, safe and re liable. For sale by Dr. Edwin Boss. The rigors of the Alaska climate make it not the most pleasant place in the world to while away tbe long dreary months of winter, while the snow is piled mountains bigb and tbe mercury frozen solid, with a bacon skin and sinkers for desert. CASTORIA For Infanta td. Children. SI "v-F ff, 'VK IS SB ertty WMffsa TttESHRKHa NOTICE. County Tkbasvskr'b OrrrcK, v St. 11 E1.SN8, Or., July 0, 1897. Node ia hereby given that all unpaid County Warrant of said county, which hare been presented and endorsed "Not Paid for Want of Kunds," prior to Novem 13, lt4, and til following on November 13, lfH, No. 00, Bin, 7.U, ";. aad A, will be paid upon presentation at this ouice. ln tsreat will not be allowed after this date. K. M. WHAKTON, j!a8 Treasurer of Columbia Coutity, Or, DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Ttelen. Oremm, Mav H, ISrV, THlt COfARTNKKyttll' MKKKToroklS KX latins hotween U J. Maserve, Wm. N. Men enre, Harry K. Miwerr and Tbume Meaerve, under the arm name o( "Meiterva Bros.," en (4 la the sawmill and lumber businvaa. at livleii. OniKoa. Isthiedairdlaaailveit by mutual cuimeut, L. J. Meaerva, retlrina. The buattiMa win be comiucHHl In miur by wm. . Meserve, Harry K. Moaerve and Thomas Meaerve, uuder the tlrm name of Maserve Hro..aud altaeeounta dua tha said old 11 rm of MeNerva Brae, will ba naitl In. and all debts owlnit by said old firm of steserve proa, wtu u paiu oy uiesaia new ore . N. lla.navi. llaaay K Maiavs, JulyJjaO Tuasa Miuaava. aft afh. sfts rfh sftfc a srV sfti sfti jStfcfj i Your m Honey's Worth Every Time Dolman's Store. e e Bart & .Tvlue-Lile' . 18 THE PLACE TO OET- Lumber NOTICC TO TAXPAYERS. Ths dellnnuent taxpayers of Cnlumbts county are hereUy iiomled tost after July jo. lew. per cent penalty win ds aaueu. liy order of tbs County Court. J.N. ftics. 8herlff. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Qet Value Received EVERY TIME AT j N. A. Perry's, i HOULTON. OREGON. ,ijp'p',iyjyfT0r',yFy' up WANTID FAITHFUL MR OS WOMIW to travel for nrsDouslbt aaubllahad honaa nuresoa. salary 7W ann eipansea. memo sarmanenL Utterance, gneluaa ealf-addnmail stamped envelope. Th KaUuaai, Star losur- un stua.. voiraso. HBOFF&MINAR, MASUFACTt'BEBS OF MAS BL( Monuments AlfD ALL KINDS OF CEMETKBT WORK rrauaN ma ICIALTV. 321 E. Morrison St., Portland, Or FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. -8TEAMer -. Young America WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Leave 81. Helens 6:80 A M Arrive at Portland..... .10:00 A M Leave Portland , 2:30 V M Arrive trJt. Helens 6.-00 P At rABE as CE1STS. Will Carry Nothing but Passengers and Fast Freight. JAMES GOOD, MASTER. . all kinds of rough ami dressed Lumber ou short notice. . Builders' Material Of the best quality delivered to any point on the river at the Lowest Possible Price One-half Cash and One-half la FARM PRODUCE. Address all orders to . H. B. BORTHWICK, 00BLE, OR BOON. ORIENTAL HOTEL A. H. BLAKE8LEY, Proprietor. Board by Day, Week or Month AT SEASONABLE BATES. Th table Is samillnt with the beat the market affords. Ererythins elean. A share ol yrnr pat ruuar t soiUdteU. 8T. HKLKN8. Ol XUOH TEBNOMIA GLKAJllNGB. . Bev. Fisher Is visiting at Jewell this week. Mr. Faber, of Braonsport, was in this city last Tuesday. George Solomon, wlio bss been working st Houlton is home on s visit. Pet Psrker is seen riding sroand In s newly painted wagon this week. From tbe present outlook the grain this year will be tbe best for many years. Mr. A. Bbaunaban passed through town on bis way to Pittsburg but Tuesday. Why should BotVernonia have a band, st least a good orchestra tbi winter? Frank Tracy has been hauling hay from ... .. TY llVVl? Too! ' ladies', Ssstea's & TsaJsou Tbe Lightest Ewmlzsg Wbeel on Earth. THE ELMEDGE wss4NZU I THE BELVIDEIiE. ST si My SUA ess tewtet Ssrsfctassl Whr MssUsn ws Stake Csse Whsslsl National Sewing Machine Co., i39 Broadway, vj naw vara. Pacterrt MvUen.1 MUOKLE BROS. MAsovACTcasss or Dimension Lumber, Flooring, Bustle. Sheathing. Casings, snd a complete stock of eveiy variety ot Rongh and Dressed Lumber ALWAYS OH HAVD. AT THE OLD STAND, 8T. HELENS OBEOOV WAHT50 wmirtrL meh ok womrw to traral for responelbl established house la Oregon. Salary flw and eiDse. Position peraienent. Reference. Inclose sM-ddraed tamped anvslope. Th MaUvnal, Stag lusur aac Bid., Chicago. . a, afts'uP'K 1Paav4hsk sisshi tStoJst. Js"ffito - Ai it frvrttfr-'niri haia iT4ssiisasiirtawwiMastea WHITE COLLAR LINE FAST TIME. Str. Telephone ' ' , Lesve Portland dally (eicept Sunday) 7 A. M. Lease Astoria dally (except Sunday) 7 P. St. Str. Bailey Gatzert Leaves Portland dally (exeept Sunday) S P. at. Saturday nights at 10 o'clock. Leave Astoria daily (except Sunoay and Mon day) at 7 A.M. Sunday night at 7 o'clocck. Landings: Poot of Alder street, Portland, Or,, Flasel dock, Astoria, Oregon. WANTBD FAITHFUL MBW OB WOVEN to travel for responsible established bouse la Oregoo. Salary S7W and expenses. FoalUoa permaosnt. Uefereuce. Enclose self-addraassd iampl nvloi. lhMttonal, Star lusur aaco Vldg., Chicago. O.R&N. -TO THE- OIVEB THE OHOIOI OF TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES OR1CAT NORTHERN RT. : ' VI SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL CHICAGO OHKOON SHORT LINE. VIA DENVER SALT LAKE OMAHA KANSAS CITY LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DAYS FOR San Francisco For full Information call on or address W. II. 11 tJULBUBT, E. McNEILL, Osa. Pew. Agent, President snd Manager. Postlasd, 0a PKOKESSIONAU W. BAT W. B. DILLARD ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW OfBre next dnor to Oonrthonss, ST. UKLKNS, OUMiOK. General practice In eonrts of Oregon or Wash ington. Altstraot mad directly Iron couuty records. Money so loan. GEORGE A. HALL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. : Collections, foreclosures, mechanics' lefm, ete. Deputy prosecuting attorney. Office with. T. J. Cleeloa. St. IIeleki, Orboov. G. W. COLE, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, 8T. HELENS, OREGON. Title Abstract Books, Notary Publlo, Commis sioner of Ieels for Washington, and an exper ienced collector In oonnectlon with ofllee. DENNIS & TIMM0NS, Attsmeys anl Counselors at Lav. General Law Practice. ; Collections, Foreclosures, Mechanic' lien, etc. Will practice In all the court of Oregon and Waabluglen. Tavlob Buildiso, - - Bt. Hsleh, Ob. jyt. 8DWIN R08H, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. St. Helens, Oregon rjR. H. k. cliff, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 8L Helens, Oregon. J-JR. J. E. HALL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Clstekstiie, Columbia county, Or, yy M. MESERVE, - Surveyor and Civil Engineer DKLKNA, OREGON. Connty Surveyor. Land Surveying, Town Platting and Engineering work promptly executed. , Choice Groceries 8T, HELENS, OREGON, Complete Line of Clothing SHELF HARDWARE AND NOTIONS Flour, Feed, Hay and Grain. ST. HELENSJV1EAT MARKET . lill Kinds of Fresh Meats, Hams, Bacon and lard Meats by Wholesale At special Kstes. " MAIN BTIilUXT, t I James H. Sheldon, ST, ItlCIKNB. OIIKOON1. Clatskanie Drug Store Hei and Select Stoct. Patent Medicines and Druggist's Kolioai DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor. i Stationery, School Booh Prescriptions Carefollj Compound i A Vi ....ST. HELENS HOTEL.... Our tables will at all times be founJ supiilied with the best edibles sod V dvllcacles the market affords. TERMS REASONABLE FOR REGULAR BOARDERS The botel bavins been newly refurnished we are prepared to give ssli I JactioB is all our patrons, suJ solicit your patronage. j J. George, Proprietor. Ot. Helens. Or. J urWp wwivysyniisiayy sysyy njpi w y y yjg IVZl Vorld Loves r aViflnsf" Onr 'NlaetySeven . 1 Yean tf fel I Experience ' MONARCH CYCLG MFC CO. I I 2 cbicioo izwtou tonovlt I'.a . . Rstall aateasi . ( UrO isaUwrSwraM. tvf Ahlsa4 Ave, i PORTLAND A ND CLATSKANIE . '4wsS TT . JaX StriidsiVsSelii' ' STEAMER O. VT. SHAVER, DoU Shayer, Master. Commenflnv Anrll l. IWU ..ill TA.,i.nyl .. Tnaadsfi Thursday and Hundny evening at ft o'clock. KeiurnliiK-Uave Clatskanla. 0','f5 iiiiiiik, mnniiaj. Tveanesi v and irrldav evenlnirs at B o clnrlr. w 111 Das uaa "- 7: Stella 7:15: Mayuerf:25: Rainier 8:20: Kalama 0:1S: Ht. Helena 10:80. i'"" los company reserve th. rl((lit to change tuns witnot" am SHAVER TRAISarOHTATIOM COnfANV Sbnut lnI'ortlandl:aOA. M. THE JOSEPH KELLOGG A COM PANY'8 RIVER STEAMER h ... e. is WiifTED yiTHyni mi ok wombs S' 1 'Iri. vJCDSEj!F,!E-T T-CFT tT 'fQQ1 totraTlforrpHistblesUbllshdhouM " ' x FOR PORTLAND- . Leaves Kelso Mondays, Wed nosday, and Fridays st 5 o'clock is. m. le' 1 ortiand Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 o'clock a. in. to Oreoa. Salary S7W and espenaea. Tbs MaUoDal. Stat Insur- Vosliion semiabaal. Keierenoe. Cuelose sU-4lnasd Btamuftfl DT.upe. anti BMf., Cklcasa