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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1897)
OREGON MIST. ISSUED EVERY miDAV ROH!Il BEEGLE A DAVIS. Bafesctiptlosi Haln. Ob eopr I advance.,... One copy Mx zamUi...... Slugl. copy ... Advcnlsini rata mad Known opon application COLUMBIA COUNTY DIRECTORY. Vmmtf Oiflcera. Jvdire Clerk Sheriff Treasurer . . 8111. o( Schools.. Assessor........... Surveyor.......... Coroner...... ..... Commissioner j J uL-. m Weed, Veriionia J. n. Kirs, l latsnie ...X. M. Wharton Helens 1. g. Wans. Scapnouae Martin While. Qnincv . W. N. Meaerve, IMeoa ..Dr. A. P. McLaren. Kaimer ......P. A. Frasea. ricaiwo-tfe ...N. I. Ietrsou. Mint ST. RELETS, BCOK,!HII I Tbi national administration so fur has awarded only small plums to Ore gon, with the exception ot the com missioner of the general land office. Aside from this one only a few fourth' class postmasters bare been appointed, and those at very small places. The honors will no doubt be belter later on. Harts Scott oaa hied himself away to Washing too to attend the seating ceremonies of Mr. - Corbett, whenever such ceremony shall occur. It is but right sod proper that Harvey should be the guest of honor and sit to the right of the throne) when such an event shall take place-wif it ever does. Indications are very favorable for an abundant fruit crop in Oregon this year, lie ports from all parts of the state are to the effect that prospects for an eaormona yield of fruits of all kinds were never better. It could hardly be possible, however, that the state should have two failures in the . fruit crop in succession. Pkrhapb no secretary of si ale in Oregon has ever figured in the courts daring his term of office as the present one. The mandamus proceeding now pending against that official will oc cupy the court's attention for some time to come, in fact it seems pretty hard to get any action in the secretary of state's office without a mandamus suit. W guest Senator McBride isn't very mad at Senator Jones for holding p the Dingle bill long enough to get more protection for the products of the far West, suggest the Salem Statesman, the leading republican newspaper of Oregon. It tnras out that Jones will not act with the demo crats but wanted it held in the com mittee long enough to ask for little more protection for tbe West. Tn insurgents down in Cuba seem to successfully meet every emergency prepared by their Spanish oppressors. Every day the Spanish government and Spanish treasury grows weaker, While the Cubans grow stronger. The Cubans have evidently imbibed a little Americanism by their close proximity to a civilised nation. While Spain makes repeated proposals of autonomy for the island the Cubans just as often reject any and all propositions except that of independence, and indications point to sack a result in the end, which may not be far away. Th present war between Turkey and Greece would indicate that the Greeks have greatly degenerated dur ing the long yesrs of peace. They do not seem to possess the courage and military qualifications as of old, and a general lack of confidence in them selves and their leaders is apparent. That old adage, "When Greek meets Greek, then comes the tug of war," does not properly apply to the Greeks of today. From the once moat power ful and enlightened nation of the earth Greece seems to have degener ated to a point below that of Banmo nia or Bulgaria. Even Turkey, tbe "tottering" empire that the other na tions have been waiting to see fall for several years, marshals her coldier across sll the provinces of Greece nn molested. : ' The war between Greece and the Ottoman empire seems to be for tbe sole purpose ot giving the soldiers of the two countries a little experience in warfare, since the other great pow ers stand ready to intervene in case either combatant is getting seriously worsted. Like the war between China and Japan there are very few people being skilled on either side in compar ison to tbe loss in the civil war of this country. The soldiers of tbe old coun-! try do not fight like Americans, any-: way, and that fact may account iu some measure for the success oi tbe Americans in all wars ever engaged in. The sinple truth of the matter seems i to be that the great powers of Europe,' except the republic of France, stand ready at all times to protect royally, and while they cannot agree as to a division of Tnrkey or any other totter ing monarchy, tbey do not want see any republics established on that side of the great water. The powers are simply allowing Turkey and Greece to engage in a little practice in the military art, and will call them off when they become tired. to secession from the Netherlands, there was a strong desire among its people to establish a republic, but the big na-1 ttons opposed this purpose and a lim ited monarchy was established instead. If France had been a little less power ful the great nations would havo pre vented the second republic, that of 18-18 52, and have headed off the third republic, which was created in 1870. There were some vague aspirations in Roumeoia and 8ervia for republican government at the time they set up in business for themselves, but out side pressure kept this feeling down, sud both selected crowned heads. Greece will have to put up with a priorsling for a long time, though she may possibly drive out the present one, King George I., as she did his prede cessor a third of a century ago. Eur ope baa too many republics already for tbe peace of luind of despots, and the number is not going to be in creased this year. Tbi question as to the probable height of the water in the Columbia this year is a matter of no little con cern to those living on the bottom lands and on the water frouL Of course, after all the discussion, the ele ments will determine the matter, for the height of the water will depend entirely upon the condition of the weather for the next mouth or six weeks. All concede that there is suffi cient snow in the mountains every year to overflow the Columbia bottoms should the weather conditions con tinue favorable to melt the snow, so that predictions as to the stage of water is aa uncertain as the weather. It has been claimed that there is a greater depth of snow in the mount ains now than prior to the great water of 1894, but it must be remembered that three years ago a greater amount of snow melted thau had been tbe case for many years. Then it was that the lower strata of snow, or solid ice, which had been packing down for so many years, was subjected to a hot sun and came down with the unusual flow. The snow at this time, it is said, has not that solid ice foundation and consequently has not the amount of water in it to reach the high water mark of "94 But notwithstanding this, the water may come very high if the weather continues warm. COUNTY COURT-MAY TERM. Ths talk of a republic Jn Greece is interesting, but it will not be trans muted into fact. When Belgium gained its independence in 1831 in its At a regular term of tha County Court of the State of Oregon, for tba County of Co lumbia, begun and held in the oonrt-room of said Court, in St. Helens, on Wednesday May 5, 1897, when were present Hon. J. B. Doaa, judge; P. A. Frakes andX. D. Peter- son. commissioners: J ad son. Weed, clerk; J. N. Bice, sherifi, tbe following proceed ings were bad : Matter of petition of K. C. Dale et al, for county road; petition granted and A. W. Johnson, Andrew Elliott and Frank J. Peterson appointed viewers, and W. N. Meserve surveyor, to meet at the farm of H. C. Dale on June 18, 1367. - Hatter of petition of a C. Hudson et al, for county read; petition granted and Caesar Bolari, O. B. Anstiae and 8. K Hudson appointed viewers, and W. N. Meserve surveyor, to meet at the residence of 8. C. Hudson oa June 9, 1867. Matter of petition of Joe Dnpont et al. for county road; petition granted acdJeaae Hendricks, C. L. Ayres and Leopold Dn pont appointed viewers, and W. M. Mes erve surveyor, to meet at the residence of Joe Dnpont on June 16, 1867. Matter of assignment of tax certificates to Cbas Spinner; ordered that tax certifi cates No. 416 and 601 be assigned to Chas. Spinner on payment of tax, costs and pen alty. Matter of petition of W. H. Kyser and W. A. Young for an order directing sherifi to execute tax deed. Petition granted. Matter of application of Israel Spencer, commander of Joha Bocber Post. G. A. K. for relief of James Whitcomb. Petition granted. Matter of appointment of road supervisor in road district 19. A. Sieaert appointed. Matter of petition of K. W.James for credit of tax. Petition rejected. Matter of appropriation for Boys and Girls Aid Society; ordered that 5 per month be appropriated until further or Matter of cost bill in case of stats vs Michael Fierier; cost bill corrected and allowed. Matter of cost bill in case of State vs Newell; cost bill corrected and allowed. Matter of cost bill in case of State vs Neil O'Hare ; continued for the term. I Matter of cost bill in case of State vi Vivian ; cost bill corrected and allowed. 1 I Matter of cost bill In case of State vs Victor Wisel; cost bill corrected and al lowed. ' I Matter of petition of O. E. Wunderly et al, for county mad; petition granted and John W, Boales, A. K. Morgan and J. H. Cramer appointed viewers, and W, N. Meserve, to meet at the residence of O. W. Kyser on Jane 7, 1897. Matter of cost bill in ease of Bute vs T. B. Vail; cost bill corrected and allowed. Matter of cost bill in case of State vs Ida Kelley ; cost bill corrected and allowed. Matter of cost bill in case of State vs Frank Lonkey; cost bill allowed, Matter of cose bill in case of Bute vs Win. Wood; it appearing to tbe court that tbe proceedings were Irregular and withoot authority of law, tbe cost bill was rejected. Matter of application of Frank Vander- most to become a citizen of the United SUtes; ordered admitted. Matter of petition of P. O. Marks et al, for county road; continued for tbe term. Matter of rebate of tu to J. B. Oiltner; it appearing that J. 8. Giltner had been double assessed for the years 1896 and 18G6, it was ordered that be bare a rebate of $13.60. Matter of credit of tax on delinquent ! rolls; ordered that the clerk make tbe proper entries on tbe delinquent Uz rolls ' when proof of payment of Use are made. ' Matter of rebate of Ux of I. L. White: it j appearing that I. L. White bad paid Uzes oa property that he does not own, it -was ' ordered that he have a rebate of S3-70. I Matter of settlement with county officers; accounts of clerk, sheriff and treasurer ex amined, found correct and approved. Tbe following bills were examined and allowed: Henry Huber, support ot county charge... ....116 00 Martin White, county assessor 133 00 William Wood, attorney tee ........ SO 00 Georga W. Lane, support ot llitner children, 18 00 0. A. Sanford, stationery, etc ...... . 10 00 J. D. McKay, milage, Erersol case., t 40 Dan Balch, same .... ............ 140 Judson Weed, return of money paid oat for recording Northern Pacifle railroad deeds and mortgages... .. Ti 80 Richard Henuq, interprs ter for county assessor (00 C. Eheltoo, boarding M rs. Buckbse. . S 00 C. W. Blakestey, work in assessor's offke.... . 17 80 a W. Blskesley, work on vault 80 00 Judmw Weed, posing for county officers SO 00 J. N. Rice, postage 20 00 A. H. Sheffield, support of Headley. 20 00 G. F. Lindgren, supplies, Domeyer.. IS 70 Dart A Muckle, supplies for McCoy family 10 00 T. 0. Watts, supplies, county charge 19 30 U Monicel, work on bridge ....... .. 10 S3 J. b. Watts, school superintendent. .140 00 W. H. Wagoner, hoarding Jordoo... 11 80 Sam Sing, washing for county charge . 1 00 John Pringle, supplies, count charge 6 IS E. Ross, medical attendance, county charge S3 60 J. O. Watts, postage for past year. ... IS 00 A. P. Mcldtren, examination of In sane patient 5 00 A. A. Johnson, boarding Joe Green . 36 05 St. Helens Light 4 Water Co., water rent .. 6 00 T. K. Mills, boarding prisoner ....... 75 N. D. Peterson, county corawissioner 27 40 E. 0. Blackford, stationery 5 76 H.O. Howard, lumber, rd 22. ....... T 65 W. I. Parker, medical attendance, county charge 5 00 Watts & Price, supplies, county cage 9 00 M. Rosier, lumber, r d T. 3 SO Irwin Hod son Co., eUtioaery 1 SO JndsonWeed. freight 2 SO W. J. Rice, attorney, examining in sane patient S 00 W. J. Bice, attorney, prosecuting county cases .....100 00 V. GlenUki, work in r d 23 ......... . 6 00 Honeyman, DeHart ft Glenn, powder torrdS 13 S5 A. H. Tarbell, supplies. county chg. 2 85 P. A. Frakes. county commissioner.. 20 00 J. C Moreland, attorney, prosecut ing county cases........ 288 50 Glass ft Prudbomme, Ux ledger. .... 20 00 A. H. Blakealey, boarding prisoners. 7 20 Meston-Dygert Co., judgment roll index 17 50 Glass ft Prudhomire, stationery. . 1 00 Geo. D. Barnard, steel vanlt fixtures 332 SO F. M. Parker, work in rdSl ........ 10 80 W. H. Dolman, supplies for James Moore........................ 2 45 St, Vincent Hospital, attendance of Mrs. Blake.......... ..... . 44 00 JohnS. Turpin, boarding-Jury....... ISO Meserve Bros., lumber, r d 17 36 00 Oregon Mist, sUtlonery and printing 29 25 H. B. Borthwick, lumber, r d 6 30 87 A. Robinson, arresting insane person 2 80 Matilda G. Miller, making transcript of land titles.. ........... ... 7 56 William Fraser, boarding prisoner... 26 50 A. N. Clark, making jury list for Union precinct..... 00 C. 8. Emerson, assisting in same 1 50 J.H. Urie, same........ 1 50 Meier ft Frank, clothing for county charge , 7 70 B. Hansen, support of children ...... 6 00 Court adjourned without day. The Best Rcsbc4t fer Bthewasatlsas From the Felrhaven fH. T.) Register. Mr. James RewUnd, of this Tillage, sUtes that for twenty-five years his wife bas been a sufferer from rheumatism. A few nights ago she was in such pain that she was nearly erasy. She sent Mr. Rowland for tbe doctor, but he had read of Chamber1 Iain's Pain Balm, and instead of geing for the physician he went to the store and pro cured a bottle of it. His wife did not sp prove of Mr. Rowland's purchase at first, but nevertheless applied the Balm thor oughly, and In lees than aa boor's time was able to go to sleep. She now applies it whenever she feels an ache or pain and finds that it always gives relief. He says that no medicine which she had ever nsed ever did her as much good. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by Dr. Edwia Rosa, School Report. Report of school in district No. 15 for the month ending May 7, 1807; Number of days taught 20 Number of days attendance 443 Number of days absence 26 Nomber of times tardy 4 Number enrolled 27 Average number belonging 23 Average daily attendance 22 Names of pupils who were neither absent nor Urdy during tbe month: Martha Barr, Beatrice Barr, Mabel Boisvert. Bu sa ner Bryant, Benjamin Franklin, Mrs. King, Everett King, Adam Rice, Elmer Wood and Willie Wood. Perfect in deportment: Martha Barr. Fahit Beans, Teacher. Wheels, CsaSfy SaSsT- Too! ' tnuii .. Ladies', Gcsttasafr ft Taafca The lightest Running Wheels on Earth. THE ELOREDGE I THE BELVIDERL Ws aisrsrs Stsa Sots' tewtnf sVeMnssf tVfcf MkssJea t ws Bake ees Wheats) National Sowing Machine Co., M Broadway, Factory? NswVark. , SMvldai. Us. School Report. The following is a report ot the school Uughl In district No. 87, (Goble) for tba month of April: Number ot pupils enrolled.... ... 26 Arerare attendance 21 Pupils neither absent nor Urdy: Rose Bishop, Paulina Lengacher, Otis Curbtnan, Ada Bishop, Bertie Bishop, Mabel Jones. Fanny Iwrk, Teacher. CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. haa ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, i . i . t,.i,.,..iL.ik. County Court ot Columbia Couuly, Oregon, ad- miuiairaioroirne hum or ieujainia r. peer, AtitsMmd. and have aualined aa auen. All ir ami havin olalma aualllat ttald estate am bara- ry raqutnu 10 proem ins aama. wun proper fODchers. 10 me al ma omce oi "i;oie a yuira," In ml Hvlena. la said oniiMtr and atate. wltbla six monina from tu dale hereof. iMled at at. ueleua, ureauu, April is, inrr. K. E. Ul'll K. Administrator ot ths EsUte ol Bvujamtn F. .ear, oeoeaaeo. aittmit SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court ot the State ot Oregon, for me vouuty oi t-oitiuioia. Caroltus Uamlelman, plaintiff, ) w. John HandVlman. defendant. ) To John Handelman. defendant: Tn T IS NAM 8 OF THK STATE OrOnEUUn, A You are reoulretl to anoear and anawet tha complaint Sled againm you tn the above eu uueo euii. on ua ma ay oi mmj, mi. aim 11 Euufal) to answer ths aame. the plaintiff will ike a Judirmeut and decree diswlvlna ths uier- rlaea contract existing between Jou and tbe plaintiff, and for the custody of the Intaut aaugnier wuneo --nona. TMe summon ta publtahed by orisrofHon. 1. A. xcoriue, judge, ueieii aaron xi, un. w. w. r&uA, e&nlt Attorney for Plaintiff'. FINAL SCTTkCMCNT. NOTICB 19 HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned administrator of the estate et Merrit Ponieroy, deceased, bas Bled in tha County Court of Columbia county, State of Oregon, his final account and petition (or oral settlement ot said state, and that tha judge of said court bas appointed Monday, the 24th day of May. 1,-417. at 2 o'clock P. M., and the oourtroom of said court, in St. Helens, in said county and slats, as ths time and place for hearing and settling the said account and petition lor Qnal discharge, at which time and place any person interested in said estate may appear and file written obiections to the al. lowance of said account and the granting ot said petition. EDMOKD 0. OILTNER. Aministrator of the estate o( Merrit Pom- eroy, deceased. a'trt2l SUMMONS. In the County Court ol the State of Oregon for iioiuraoia iounir. Michel Fierier, plalutlft. TS. Panllne P. Hotir.lck, lames Bonnie and tiaorse R. Hawkins, defendanta. ToQeorire R. Hawkins, one ot the above-nam ad neremiaiiTs: IN THK NAME OF TBS STATE OFORKOOH, You are required to appear aud answer the complaint Iliad axainst you In the above enUtled sciiou on tbe &th day of July, 1117, said day be ing the fint day of tbe next regular toxin of aaid Court, and If von fail so toanoearand answer, for want thereof said plaintiff will ap ply to tb Coart (or Judgment as prayed for In aaid complaint, to-wit: For Judgment aaaliut ths above-named defendants fur th sum of S4U.W. with Interest tberaon trora Janaary Uth, btn, at ths rate of eight per cent per year, and the further mm of tin.uo aaattornnva lees In said action and tbe coals and disbursements therein. This aummons is published by order of ths ua uours, a O. W. COLK, Hon. J. B. boss, Judge of sal' April S8, 1BOT. 0 adOJU Attorney lor Plaintiff. . NOTICE TO CREDITORS. T0TICE 18 HEHE8Y GIVEN THAT JLV me undersigned bas, by the County Court of tbeHtaUof Oregon, for the Connty of Columbia, been duly appointed executrix of tbe esUU of Jacob Beosch, deceased, and that ail persons having claims against the esUte ot said deceased are hereby no lined and reonired to Dresent tha same. duly verilied and with proper vouchers, to the noderigned executrix, at her residence on Booth Beaver, Columbia county. Ore gon, within six months from tha date of ims notice, iiated Mar 3d. Im. MARY REtTSCK. Executrix of the esUUof Jacob Beusch, aeceaseu. mvj4 THBISIIHEK'S NOTICE. County Treasurer's Omci, BT. IlELEifg. Or.. Mav 14. 1897. "VOTICE is hereby given that all unpaid xl County Warrants of said county, which have been nreeented and endnnulid "Not Paid for Want of Funds," prior to August 28, imi. will be paid npon present- uuu iuia twice, inuresi will not ne at' lowed after this date. K M WHARTON. ml4jll Treasurer of Columbia County, Or. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Get Value Received EVERY TIME AT N. A. Perry's, 4 HOULTON. ORfGON. srsmrsyi syt ssi ay jajai sjy ayi jy xy ayan WANTED FAITH tXTL MEN OR WOMSH to travel for rasnonalbla established hoaaa in Oregon. Salary 1780 and sxpenasa. Position rjermanent. Reference. B&oloaa aall-addraaaad stampsd envelope. Ibe National, Bias Insur ance Bldg, Chicago. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. WHITE COLLAR LINE -AKD- O. R. & N. CO., PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. BAILEY GATZEBT leaves Portland dallv exceot Sunday Alder street :4A A. St.. Ash street 7 A. St. Leaves AStona dally 7 r. M. T, J. POTTEE o. k. a x. CO. Leaves Portland dally Alder street 1:4t P.M. am streets r. M. ; run n may Aider street :& P.M., Asb street 10 P, at. Tickets of the two Companies good en both boats. C. . SCOTT, President. E. A. 8EELEY, Agent WANTED FAITHFUL If EN OR WOVEN to travel for responsible established home In Oregon. Salary I7W) and expenses. Poalllea permanent. Reference. Enclose eslf-addrseeed stamped envelope. Tbe siatienal, Star Insur ance bidg., Chicago, , TBtSASVBEftm PJOTICSU Countt Treasurer's Office, t. Hblsms, Or., May 1, is-j. Notloe Is hereby given that sll unpsia County Warrants of said county, which huve been presented and endorsed "Not Paid for Want of Funds," prior o jiny a I, win h imtfl iinnn nresenlatlon at'this office. Interest will not be allowed after this dais. K.M.WHARTON. ni7jt Treasurer o! Columbia uoumy, ur. etuaVa 4 Your Honey's Worth Every Time t Dolman's I Store. . . flat ay ay Sjji sysy ay xysy sx ay syxfg Lumber AH kinds of rongh and dressed Lumber on short notice. Builders' Material Of the best qnslity delivered U any point on tbe river at tbe Lowest Possible Price Oncv-half Cash and One-half la FARM PRODUCE. Address all orders to H. B. BORTHWICK, GOBLE, OREGON. pi Lhlo TO THE EAST OITES THE CHOICE 0 Tw o Transcontinental Routes GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY .": BT WAT OF Snokane, Minneapolis & St. Paul UNION PACIFIC RY BT WAT OF CEN7ER, OMAHA, & KAHSAS CITY . LOW BATES TO A IX EASTERN CITIES OCKAN BTKAMKK8 LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY S DAYS For San Francisco. For Full Details Call on or Address W. H. HCELBUBT, General Freight sod 1'ass. Agt. Portland, B. McNeill, Free. asi4 maaager. ORIENTAL HOTEL A. H. BLAKE8LET, Proprietor. Board by Day, Week or Month AT REASONABLE BATES. Tbe table Is mnnlled with ths best the market affords. Everything clean. A share of your pat ronasa ta solicited. ST. HKI.ENH. OKKtibN PROFESSIONAL. ATTORNEY -AT -LAW Will DrtfcCtfM In all wmi-fa of ftrtsrfta nr Wauih Inf ton. Prompt attention glvtn to coof iusr autfj DUUtrj UUsjiUsJMa, Q. W. COLE, ATTOBMEr AND COCNBBLOB-AT-LAW, ST. HELENS, OREGON. Title Abetraet Bonks. Notary Puhlle. Pmnmla. sloner of Ied. tor WsMhlnstoa, and snexper leneed oolleclor in con uetstl oa wltb office. 8. D. DENNIS, Attorney and Counselor at Lai. General Law Practice. Collections, Foreclosures, Mechanics' Hens, stc. will practice In all the courts of Oregon snd WsahlUKlen. Tstlo BtriLDiso, - - Br. ni.Ens, Ot. JJB. EDWIN KOHH, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. , St. Helens, Oregon JJR.H. K.CUF', P1IY8ICIAN AND SURGEON, St. Helens, Oregon. JJB. J. X. HALL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Clatskaule, Columbia county , Or. N. MEOEBVX, Surveyop and Civil Engineer DELENA, OREGON. Ooantv Bnrvevor. Land 8urevtn' Town Platting and Engineering work promptly executed, WAMTED-rAITHIUL MEN OB WOMEN to trarel for mpouslblseatabllsbsd house la Orefoe. Salary 7M) and expenses. Poaliloo Kmaaaai. ilelarenes. EnelOM .elf-addreawd ance Bld., Chicago. Groceries, Clothing,. Boots and Shoes DART & MUCKLE 8T.,HEUENS, OREGON, Complete Stock of Rubber Goods SHELF HARDWARE AND NOTIONS. Flour, Feed, Hay and Grain. ST. HELENSMEAT MARKS Ail Kinds of Fresh Meats. Hams, Bacon and lard Meats by Wholesale At pttai Rates. James II. Sheldon, MAIN BTUFKT, t I BT. ItJEI-KMrS. UHKOOK, Clatskanie Drug Store DR. j. E. HALL, Proprietor, New and Select Stock. Patent Medicines and Druggist's Notions. Stationery, School Books. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded !AAAAAAAAAAAtAaAAa,AAAAl.i 4 ....ST. HELENS HOTEL.... ' Our tables will st sll limes be found supplied with the boat edibles sod dvlicaoies the market afl'ords. ! TERMS REASONABLE FOR REGULAR BOARDERS i The hotel having boon newly refurnished we are' prepared to give satis , faction l all our patrons, snd solicit your patronage. J. George. Proprietor, St. Helens. Or. lTJVVVVVTITJlWmlV'VVVlll "All the World Loves a Vimier" Our 'Ninety Seven Complete Lias ot Bicycles are tha Supreme Result of artr Years of Experience MONARCH CYCLE MFO. CO. cexcaoo nwrcxx RstaHSalesrsaassi isabsartvraM. 87-e AsbiaaS Ave. lOIDOf PORTLAND AND CLATSKANIE .-i,,. NWTlsl .n m II rvrz . 1 r r 1 t jtj' i n m m mm a mm mm ,;v'-i 09 BTEAMEB O. W, SHAVER, DeU Shaver, Master. Commenfln Anrll 1A. IHtWI arlll luairn PnrtUn r.1 Wa.Mn .t...t T,,Uv. Tborsday and Bundsy evenings at ft o'clock. KoiurnlnK-Leaves Clstskanls,' (title per- OaK yam SO. Arrive Itliont notice. ailAVCn TRANSPORTATION COIUPANV. " inorsasy ana eundsy evenlnss at ft o'clock. KolurnlnK-Leaves Clstskanls, (t nutllng), Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings at 6 o'clock. Will pass Oi abmit 7; Stella 7:lSj May per 1:26; Kalnler8:20; Kulaitia 0:15; Ht. Helens 1(:S0. n rortland 1 :i)0 A. M. Ths cotnpsny reserves tba right to change time wlthon THE JOSEPH KELLOGG & COMPANY'S RIVER STEAMER 1. f.fcf iT.fcrJ'. h -' "''''WaaJr""''" -"-- -"--n iiiiimirni niTmrmii-Miir-"" - lit TXTAWTSD FAITH KOL MBM OR WOHRN VV to travel for reeoonslblee.UI.llil.-1 h,.i rT" " I Leaves Kelso Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays si 5 o'clock s. ta. Lcsyh , Fortland Tuesday, Thursday fend Saturday st 6 o'clock a. m. permanent. Refersnns. Kneliue selt-addraaaad suaped snrelose. Tne MaUoaal, Star luu? aas Bldf ., Ckleaao. '