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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1897)
II Fell Diad. "May God strike ma dead if I am th murderer or Her nanliuo jLwsuro." tried Jownh CIs- eado In the courtroom at liolHsler, Cal., Wednesday. The lail word had aoaroely left his lips when with a ahriek ba ateppad forward and fell dead, The apeotatora itood acbasl at what teemed to be a turning manifestation of dr Tina retribution. The man wet a Por tugese, and waaobargM with the mur der of Atteuro. Below the Avbraoi. Tlie salmon aliuatlon at it ttandt at present, it not in the bait possible onndition, says the Catulamel Qaaetu. The run of 6li it exceedingly Jlght, and the ovlor li not ud to the iiverage lot tliii teuton Many of tha flth caught are while mealed. ' Experienced fishermen now claim that tha hatcheries arc retpon tible for tha hybrid tpnoiea of aalmon Ira an now eatohing, whiah are the retult of inditoriminate artificial inou ballon of eggt brought from other rlvera. Whether thit ia only a con Ieoture or a positive fact we do not mow, but it ia cerUlnly a iaot that many of tba tpaolmene of flth caught in tba spring of reoeot yeara differ very materially from tbatpeoiet caught I uie tame penoa yeara previously. A Symposium or Hon. Report from the northern mining country etate that tha warm weather of the patt few daya haa made rapid inroadt on tha accumulation of tnow, and that tha exposed tlopea of tba loot hille are bloatomiog forth in all tha glory of springtime. "nt country it atlir with iu ana activity, Tnousanua of men are preparing to go into tha billtin March of fold, silver and copper, and bundredt of claima already looatd,ere . ting worked by the partiet who own them. Tba pretest Mason will witnett wonderful development in thit north western country. Towns and hamlete Mapringlng op in every direction, raHroade are being built, capital ia com ing in for investment and on every band ia aean tba old-time tpirit of rogroee and enterprise. FaoM CoavALLU. Corvallle Timet i "A Salem ditpaicb to tha Oregonian atatea that tha pretident of tha Oregon Agricultural College deeiree to retire Irons tha literary pursuits to take a place by tha grace of the McKinley ad rnlniatratina, aa consul to a Oermtn port. Tha etatement may be prema ture j it might ba correct. That there wonld be an abundance of witdorn in the move there ia no doubt. Ilia vol untary retirement would give Mr. Hitler peaoa of mind, and by raiting aa successor a man perfectly in touob with the duties, retpootibilUiee and opportunities of the poeilloo would be gin anew tba ateady advancement of the great iottitutloo and give delight ful eatitfaetion to lit Mends. It ia not einful to bop that behind tha newa paper etatement titer may be found m valaacbt oi truth." Bound Ovsi. Latt Friday T. B. Vail, who had been previously arretted on a charge of obtaining money under alee pretense, waa arraigned in Just ice Clara's court, and after th exami ttatioo of aeveral witnesses, waa held to antwer before tbe grand jury with taO fixed at $100. It aeema that Vail fad been employed aa foreman on the Aetori railroad, with authority to mike out hi own timecbecke, and in on instance made out a cheek for hit own time at th rat of 12.60 per day, mounting to 954 Thia cherk waa old to Neil O'Uar at Maygar. When O'Har presented the limecheck to Ifoueymen, Dellart 4 Olenn, the eon: tractors, for payment, they refuted to honor H, claiming that Vail waa only to receive th wh of 1200 per day and tbercfer the check wat made out fr more than wat due him, hence the difficult'. "A Fisheemak's Luck." Th com edy drama, "A Fitherman'a LuV waa patented by local talent in thit city latt Saturday evening to an aud ience of about 250 people. For weeka tne local company nav oeeu masing rranrementa for thia production, and had placed th opera house, and par ticularly th atage, fa sptendta tnap. Th players, ten oharactera altogether, did their reapeotiv parte well, etpec ially it thit true of little Ulady t Piggott, at "Nellie, th wail of the ocean," whew every word and act portrayed a natural talent pottetted by few older pertoni. To have fully appreciated the play on should have Ant read th ttoy pretenled. Mitt Tillie Muckle, aa "Boa Pretoott," the leading character, urprited all her friend in th manner in which her difficult part wat ren dered. Her courithip witli Mr. 3, (i. Palmer, aa "Tom Manley, th fisher man," and Mr. Ed Joteph, at James Hammond, tha ton of wealthy par ante, at th tarn time, waa a role that required no little amount of wit and courage, but her heart wat finally won by tha kind treatment and apparent honesty of purpose of Tom Manley, notwithstanding th threwd echeniiug of James Hammond, the wealthy vil lain. Dr. Ron, at David Morrla, who turns out to be the father of Bote Pretoott, presented all that there wat in hit role, and evoked much applauae with hit ver ready txpreetion that "it's tometiting you've got to get uted to!" Th comedy character! were Mist Frankie Wy, aa Ruth Manley, and D. Davit, at Si Kidder, the typical farmer, neither of whom teemed to car for anything substantial to long aa their frivolous love making wtt un interrupted. They were themselves at all timet and in all places and pro voked laughter from the audience at very effort. Mra. Alice Davit, tt Mrt. Manley, Wat an important chiraoter, and in her variout perplexing finaii cial difficulties elicited the sympathy of all, while Ed Philbrook, at Esquire Hammond, merited the appUudita of th audience for hit skill in handling ao difficult a part. Mr. M. 0. Gray, Rev. Medhurat, furnished dignity for the occasion that would Indicate a long term in the minialry. Tho gen eral outline of the production wonld be too Ion for publication In full, but tufflce it to' say Hint tbe effort put forth on that occasion by the loctl company wat commended, by all who witnessed it. The proceeds, after mII expense wae'paid, amounted tn 114.80 Whioh Wat unanimously vnterl bv the company, a benefit to Mr. Palmer for valuable eervicet rendered. PERSONAL, AMD LOOAIj, Circuit court convention May 1L Joseph Silver, of Baiuler, wat in the oity Wednesday latt. , Mrt. T. 0. Watte, of Eeuben, tpent latt Sunday In thit eity. 0. B. Fither, of Mitt, wat In thit city latt Friday and Saturday. County court will meet next Wed nesday for the regular May term. II. 0. Howard, the Yankton tawmill man, wat on our atreett Wednetdey. A nice line of ment' thoea at A. H Ttrbell't, Houlion. Prices the lowett, Taxet are not beinar tiaid at man rapid rate at wat tha oate a few week go. Attorney 0. W. Cole wat attending j Business in Vancouver. wash., ut oaturuay. Mr. and Mra. Frank Dow. of Oak Itland, spent latt Sunday with d lends in mis city. Mitt Brown, of Portland, meat Sun day In thit city viti ting her titter, Mrt u. n. riggoit. Thomaa E. Millt. of Vernonia. waa in town Holiday laat and hum here went to Portland, Albert Ueorijr, of Woodland, wat in thia oity latt Fridty, and wade thia office a pleasant call. Mra. Bryant, of Portland, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrt. B. S. War. in thia city latt Sunday. Dr. Trumbell. of St. Vincent't hos pital, Portland, vitlted hit friend, Dr. uott, th Brit of th week. Dittriot Attorney Cleeton apent Bun day in thia oity, but returned to Or' gon Oily Mouday morning. Mita Amy George waa horn latt Saturday but returned to ber studies at Portland th earn evening. Dr. Olendenning and wife and little daughter, of Portland, frienda of Dr. Roes , tpent laat Sunday In thia city J. A. Beetle, of Warren, who bad gon to Portland on business, came noma very tick latt Sunday evening, Attorney R. P. Graham, of th firm of Da via k Graham, Portland, wat at tending to legal butintst in thit city nonaay, , U. W.Clark, ol Houltoo. baa been drawn aa on of th grand Jurors for lb United 8 la tea dittriot court at Portland. A new cost of paint haa been ad' ministered to lb offlo of Colo A Quick, muoh improving th look of tu building. Th ground waa frosan In torn pltcee latt Tuesday morning but it it not believed the frost waa sufficient to injur th fruit. If indication! count for anything Mr. W. tt. Dolman will rait straw berriet toaupply the town in the lot djoinlng the itor. Martin Davlion, of Vernonia, cam over the mountain Tuesday and inter viewed th county clerk ia regard to filing hit notarial oommlation. Durrant hat been sentenced to hang on June II, after having tpeat two years in jail. Tola tragic and tenia- lional affair ia now drawing to a clot Robert Patrick, who recently re turned from Iowa, paated through thit plao Tuesday en route to Baker Uity, wner ne win tpena in summer. Judge Shannaban, of Vernonia, waa in th city last Friday. Mrt. Suanna- han, who hat been visiting with her daughter, Mra. Cleeton, returned with him. . Rev. 0. N. Plowman haa been tamed to Columbia county for th ooming year by th United Evangeli cal conference held at Corvallia laat week. Sanford, in hia Newt, afterMbegging hit readers' pardon," appropriated tbre column laat week in pleading guilty to all b had been accused of. Th record stands. The school election laat Saturday re sulted in th defeat of th bond que lion by a vote of 21 to 1L so that St. will not have a new achool bout at present, at least. Th retideno of George Kslley at Houlton caught fir Mooday after noon, and but for tbe prompt action of the oititena of that plao would hav been destroyed. Mrs. J. G. Watts, Mra. D. W. Price, Miss Mail Watta and Misa Hattie Mulllnt, of Scappoose, war in th city latt Saturday evening and while her witnessed th drama. Th steamer Young America hai been painted throughout and other wise placed in good repair after a hard winter'! utsge. Captain Good ia fur nishing the publio with a good service via tbe Willamette tlough. Th county achool superintendent it ooneidering the queation at to th most convenient time to bold the in stitute thit summer. He would like to telect a time that would be con venient for the greatest number of teaohen. Thi county olerk'i office it now tup plied with a dirtct index judgment roll, in which all eatet in the circuit court are indexed to both the plaintiff and defendant. Th new reoord la a decided improvemevt over the old method of indexing. Mr. 0. L. Arret, wat in town Wed nesdav latt. When teen by a Mist reporter he waa lookiug for the sher iff, whioh, for the time being, caused a little curionity, but a little later .it was learned that lie only wanted to contribute to the county exchequer. W. A. Harris wat in Portland Mon day and while there purohated a stock of groceries which ba has opened up in the Newell A Waikint building. Mrt. Harris will conduct the ttore while Wilt ie engaged at the court house. Good luok to the new . busi ness venture. William Hollenbaok, held for rape, broke jail at Hillaboro latt Tuetday. . , AM I 1 I Holleiiback 11 o years oiu, aau w iWpH at tha Inst term, of the oirouit court at which time tbe Jury could not agree, nence ue was in jsu iwui lor another hearing to be bad at the next term of i be circuit court which j will be held in November. ! Stbbbt Cab Acoidbbt. Latt Tues day morning about 6 :45 o'clock the eleotrio oar from Mount Tabor an off th track In Jatt Portland and lauded in a deep awamp which waa filed with water. Three people lost their lives In th accident and eighteen othera were mora or leu injured. The dead are William W. Blanckard of Sunny tide, Katberin Baillie of Illinois and Newton Hansen of Sunnytide. The Injured are Adalbert Matteaou,Stehen Guthrie, Robert Thompson, Michael Friton, Melschoir Bannlnger, Andrew Galxka, George E. Howell, Lizzie Lorens, Louis Lursea. Charles C Miller, J. N. Casey. J. 0. Butler. Earl nuntor, un riei M. Atwood, a. O Collit, Ed Larseo, D. B.UIbraud. J. B True. The men in charge of ibe car ciaim mat me derailment waa caused by a broken axle which they bad dis covered only a few aeconda before tbe car left the track, The car wat com pletely submerged in the water and mud of the lake and it seems nothing snort oi a miracle mat anyone who went down with it should havee oaped with their Uvea. Later. Ban nlnger haa since died, making the fourth victim. FoBTIFICATTOVI ABB WbM. AlX)KO. Work on the fortification! at Fort Stevens li well along toward comple tion, at far ai construction ia concern ed, and everything will be in readiness for commencing the construction of the fortification! on the opposite side oi in Day, at Hcarboro Head, in a very anort time, me wnan ana pier or roadway extending to it, where mate rial for th fortification! will be landed which have been under way all winter are aoout completed, and Messrs. Go nig ds Murray, th contractors, will be ready to turn them over to the govern ment about May 1st. Tbe pier ex tendi out 2450 feet iuto the bsv. beim 60 feet wide at the outer end and 22 feet at the ahore. and the wharf at the end It 50x200 feet, and baa 26 feet of water alongside at low tide. Tha build ing of thia extensive structure ia only on of th preliminaries necessary to th commencement of the work on tbe fortification. The place would be well worth a vnil after work on the for tin oationt haa begun, were it not for the fact that visitort are not allowed about th worka. . Railboad Wobk. Archie Mason went to Gobi yesterday to look after lb work being don by hia men on the grading of the Astoria and Goble railroad. He haa about 200 laborer! employed, and aayi there ia work for many omen. He paya fl.w per day to each man, who ia required to pay 20 cent per meal, hii lodging being furnished free. He it anxioui to em ploy many more, - and hat Agents throughout the state inducing all idle men to go to work there. He even proposed to the covernorthit 100 con view in the penitentiary here be hired out to him at th rat of 25 cents per day each, he to furnish the necessary guards, ration and lodging daring the lime they were employed. Salem Statesman, Rbiobbd Sixty Ybabb. Tbe grand est proposal to hand for tbe celobra oration ol Queen Victoria'! uxtietb year of British reign ia th iuggestin of a oilisea of Montreal, whose name will be connected with it if it be adopted. It ia Dractioallv tbe puttinc of Daniel Webster's sublime "Drum Beat of England" into actuality by having all the queen'i lubiecU, where soever they may be, at high noon on that day, take off tbeir batt and ting "God Save the Queen," and having all oraraat and banda of muno play it. Thin from Victoria in Auttralia round the world to Victoria in British Co lumbia there would flow for twenty' four hour a oeaaeleti song, one merid ian taking it up as another dropped it. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Mrs. 0. G. Caplea.of Columbia City. vial tea relatives Here Wednesday tail. Max Berg, of Warren,' was in town Tuesday, and in the afternoon went to Portland. Rev. Philbrook will preach at Houl ton next Sunday morning and in thia city in the evening. The regular quarterly teachers' ex amination will be held in St. Helen! commencing at 1 o'clock Wedneaday, Stay It. .. . Rev. Geo. B. VanWaten, reotor of St. David Episcopal church, Port land, waa in thit city Wedneaday evening. Mra.C. E. Philbrook and Mr. Ed Philbrook went to Astoria Monday night to attend the Congregational as sociation. R. H. Mitchell, after apending sev eral daya in Portland, returned ber Wednesday and wit fur fan home at Vernonia yesterday. Bev. August Weinert, who haa been pastor of tbe Evangelioal church at Houlton for the past year, haa been assigned to tbe Wait Portland charge by the conference just closed at Canby. Bev. M. Burlinganie bat been assigned the Houlton charge for tbe coming year. F. M. Fisher waa assigned to the Nehaltm charge. Old Simon, of Nehalem, who wat in I Astoria tbe other day, reports that the weather it getting to dry that it makea it impossible for him to longer manu facture brie is from the mud in the county roads. He haa a grievance with the weather bureau man, but will toon get even with him when he Commences hit churning operations fur the summer and manufactures but ter on the Oregon puncheon road from milk purchased on the way to town. ' Last Wedtieadiiy a hnrse that Al Robinson bad got in a trade, guaran teed to be gentle, was saddled for Sher iff Uice to ride. Joe Eversol thought however, to convince the officer that the ttced wat tafa, altempied to mount but juit when one foot wat In tbe stir rup the "docile" animal sprang for ward and went out of town at the north end jumping in all shapes except a good shape to travel on. He waa sub dued however, a little later in the day. MARRItD. Hill-Baks. At the residence of (jrorge Perrine, st Ulatnkauie, on tiunday. April 29, 1897. by J. B. Hall, justice of the peai-e. Mr. James M. Hill and Miunis A. liaker. TWO LADIES SURPmsED. As a rule, persons te whom surprise parties art given, are well In the secret and most needs assume lbs rule of tba vfcUm- ised, wbsn, In truth, they know all about It. Bat there are exueplions to every rule and the following is one, or rather two, them; Mrs. 3. R. Little of Houlton. waU known and biphly esteemed by a host friends, wis hearing her 70th birthday and the good ladles of Houlton theught it im ply tbeir duty to give her a surprise party. Bo one of their number was delegated to go to ber and find out on lust what day in April said birthday might occur. Her re ply waa that while her birthday did occur in April, the exact date was of no parllcU' ler consequence to anyone but herself, and so delegate No. 1 returned no wiser on that point than when sbs started, and so aa1 other older and wiser in tbe art of finding out other peoples' s flairs, wss dispatched but met with no better success. As a final resort ant wat found wbo bad access to tbs family bible, a hers a record of tbe births, niarriagss, etc., were kept, and this time success crowned tbe effort Eureka! And so tbty proceeded with tbeir plot, Alas, for human frailties I Ons who entered Into tbe schema with so much test and teal as any, wss the good wife of our minister, Mr. Pbilbrook, littls thinking that shs, too, fall victim to their designs. Jast here we shall have to deviate from the course of onr narrative. Borne five or six weeks ago It was agreed among the ladles of Houlton that they do something to express to airs. Pbilbrook the hixh esteem In which she waa held, and It was decided that each make a sqaare of erasy patchwork. pieces of every shape and color and mani fold stitches Is an Indication of good will it Is safe to oooclude Ibal a very kindly re gard for Mrs; Pbilbrook prevails. When these squares were joined and the quilt flnlsbed. It was tbe most artistically eras? affair that one can Imagine. The ladies concluded to "kilt two birds with one stone" and have the qailtpre- tented at Mrs. Little's party, which was given on Thursday, tbe 26th Inst, Tbe lady was so surprised to find her parlor filled with ladlea and gentlemen and lunch baskets and crasy quilts that she did about the only thing she oeuld consistently de acknowledge herself outgeneral d. Just before lunch was served Mrs. Little was asked to present the quilt to Mrs. Phil brook, which sbs did with a few well ebosen remarks and it was than somebody eise'lturn to be se surprised that words sufficient to express the surprise aad grati tude could bardly be found. Mrs. little, too, received several gifts which shs values, not so mnch for their Intrinsic worth as for their pleasant association with ber 70th birthday. Tbe friends present on this oc casion were: "Auntie" Perry, Mr. and Mra. Ridley, Mr. and Mra, Weed, Mrs. Hattan, Captain and Mra. Henderson, Mra, Holcorab, Mr. and Mrt, Heusbsw, David Hensbaw, Mr. and Mrs. Bailey. Mr. A. B, Little, Mr. L 0. Hssen, Mr. Ed Haxen, Mr. and Mra. Clark, Jamas Cox, Mrs. White, Mrs. Way, the Misses Gertie and Ethel Weed and Eona Perry, Rev. aad Mrs. Philbrook, Mrs. Charles Perry, Oscar Weed and Mrs. Little. W. CHOPS AND WEATHER. For tbe week enulns; April 28, 1897. Weather Tbe raint noted one week ago ended on Thursday, when tbt weather cleared and clear, warm weather has since prevailed. The rainfall amounted to from one-quarter to one-half an Inch In the in terior valleys, and over one-half an iach along the coast. The day temperature ranged from 54 to 68 degress up to Sunday, when It rose to from 83 to 86. The night temperature ranged from 3 to 64 degrees, tha lowest being during Thursday night. Crops Tbe frosts on tbe mornings of the 23d and 23d did slight damage ia portions of Josephine and Jackson counties to the strawberry crop, but tbe damage is to slight that It is bardly worth recording. On the higher elevations of Josephine eoanty, frost on the norning of the 22d slightly injured some peach, nectarine and pear blossoms; as th tree are heavily laden with bloom, much thinning oat will be necessary or the tree will be over burdened. Fruit trees, exoept late apples, are In full bloom la all portions of Western Oregon; the bloom Is reported to be much fuller than wat eVer known before. The current weather Is exceedingly favorable to pollenisation, hence the fruit prospects are considered t be unusually flattering. Plowing and seeding continue to be active. The spring acreage will be larger than ever known before, and the fall-sown Is less. Grain sow tbe fore part of the month Is already two and three Inches high; fall-sown Is high enough to shade the ground. Garden planting continues, and vegeta ble! are making a rapid growth. Fotatoee are growing finely, those planted In March have well formed tone. Hops are growing rapidly; they are about three feet high and work in tbe yards it being pushed. The bop outlook is very encouraging. kewaeaslaat tgwlcatly Cared. After having been confined to the honse for eleven days and paying ont S2S In doe tor bills without benefit, Mr. Frank Dotson of Ssult Bte. Marie, Mich., wasenredby one bottle of Chamberlain's Fain Balm costing 25 cents and haa not since been troubled with that complaint. For sale by Dr. Edwin Boss. School Report. Renort of Reuben school, dlctrict No. 20. for the month of April: , Number of days taught.. ............. 20 Number of days attendance... 298 Number of days absence 28 Number of times tardy 2 Number of boys enrolled .... 9 Number of girls enrolled 8 Total number enrolled ................ 18 Average number belonging; , 17 Average daily attendance .............. IS Having 100 ia deportment 10 IDA BLACK, Teacnnr. Absolutely PurOa Celebrated for its great leavening strength and healthfulnMi. Auurea the food agatnat alum and all forma of adul teration common to the eheiip branrin, SOTAL BAK1HO rOWDSa CO., MSW YOKE. mi . . Reboot. Entertainment. Following Is the programme of the enter tainment given at the close of tba Houlten school on Friday evening of last week: G reefing song School Salutatory ...David Hensbaw Dialogue "Choosing Flowers," Eona Perry, Hatile Mnrphy, Jennie Oilsen Opal Cox, Mary . Wikstrom, Charity Urle and Ethel Weed Recitation "Give tbe Little Boys a Clience,".., ............... ..Earl Perry Walts song. , Jennie Oilsen Recitations., Albert Krlley, Eugene Smith, Norman Dodson, Frank Wikstrom and .Lester Bailey Pantomime "Scene In tbe Home of tbe 'New Won an' whilesbe Is sway Voting," . . David Hensbaw, James Cox. ... Albert Keiiey aad Frank Wikstrom Song "Home, Sweet Home,"..... School Recitation. ... . ............ Mrs. Holcom Rlcitatlon "Seven Time- One,". Opal Cox Short drama "The Children of Storr- land,". . . .."Marlan"-Oertrude Weed, a Hit's stranger In Story land; "Little Red Ridingbood" Opal Cox; "Cinder illa"-Leota Whitney; "Little Boy Blue" Charley Braddock: "Jsck, tbe Giant Killer" Norman Dodson "Johnny Horner" Charley Cox; "Lit tle Bopeep" Mary Wikstrom; "Little M!lkniaid"-Jennie Glleon. Duet-"Llttle Milkmaid" and "Little Boy Bine' Recitation ''Goody Twoshoes" .. Etbel Weed ReclUtion-"Jeanie Wren"....... . .... , Mary Wikstrom Song "Tbe horseshoe that Hangs over the Door". ..Clara Brants, Ida fiowlev Dialogue "The Infernal Machine" . Clara ranis, Ida Kowiey, Anna Wikstrom James Cox, Albert Kelley and Frank niAjirom. . School Warrant Payable. The school clerk of District No. 2. foliim. bia county, Oregon, has money on band to pay tha followTna-nnmbered warrants of saia auinot: no. t, tw, w, ltf, lua, 107, u. i, in, iu, 110 ana lis. iBterest wui cease alter this date. B. E. QUICK. District Clerk. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Conrt of the etate of Oregon, for vuuu,; UI I.U1UDDII, The State of Oregon and the Board of Com- miHioaers lor ue ueie or ecnooi and uul nenltT Landi, and for the Investment of the Funds Arising therefrom, plalnUfts, a Henry Subert, Vary A. Robert, and Jamea umn. aa Aamimnraioroi ine lunate ol T. 11, Tavlor. dMMftaari. ditfendanta. To Henry Hubert and Mary A. Bubsrt, defend- TV THE NAUR AD1 TtTV M1TV AW AstnAU. X Yoe. ant eaeh ef voir, are herebv nmiif rwd to appear and answer the complaint flled agal not von In the above entitled suit and Court r ue nrei aay oi uie next regular av term of tha Circuit Conrt ol th Hum of Oregon, for Columbia Cnuntv. tn-wtt: mi Tiim. day, the 11th day of Mar. lm, and if you fail to soaniwer, for want thereof tha pUln tiffs will apply to the Court for an order of default ajrainst rou. and for tha relief denanriMl In th complaint, to-wit: lor judgment againat toe eua aeitnoani, uenry Huoeri, lor toe sum of One Thousand Dollars, with interest thereon at the rata of elrhk Der eent ner Tar. from tha 21t day of September, 1894; together with the turtaer eum oi Two Hundred Dollars aa attor neys lees, ana tbe coats and du-burcemenu tn this suit. For a decree foreclosing all claims, ltena or eon claiming noder them, In and to the real estate and oremtiee described in the enmnlalnt. nKuw oi eaen oi aaia aeienaania. ana an Her to-wit: The north half of the south half of lec tion tblrty-four In township number six north of range number four west of the Willamette Meridian, in Columbia County State of Oregon and containing One Hundred and Sixty acres, together with the improvements thereon, and ordering a sale of the laid real estate and an ap- fillcatlOQ of the proceeds to the payment of said udgment, and for men other relief as may seem meet and equitable in the premlwe. Thia aummona ia bubllahed hv ortfar of th Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Colom bia County, duly made aad entered In open wun, auuva is, aow. , w. n. viLLAKD ana O. W. COLE, mlMo Attorney! for Plaintiffs. CITATION TO HEIRS. In the County Conrt of the State of Oregon, for In tbe Matter of tha Estate of Frank If . Meeker, deceased. To W. A. Meeker, Anns Smith, Anderson Smith, mine emno, idiue emiin ana samantoa Smith, beiri at law of Frank M. Meeker, de ceased, ana to an otner neira or aaia aeeeaeea, unknown if any there be: N THB NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, . Too. and each of you. are herebv com manded to be and aoDear before the Honorable County Court of the State of Oregon, In and for ine uoumy oi voiumnta, as uie vouri-nouse. in St. Helena, ia laid Conntv and State, oa Mnndav thesrd day of May, 1897. at 2 o'clock K M., of aaia aay, it oeing uie regular nay term oi aaia Court, to show cause, If any exist, why an order oi aeieor ail ine real property Belonging to aaia estate, should not be made, as prayed for in the Klition on Ale in said Court; said real property ine described aa follows, to-wit: An undi vided one-fourth interest tn and to the south west quarter of the northeast quarter, and the northwest quarter of the south west quarter, of section aumDer one, in townsnip numoertwo north of ranee number two west of the Willam ette Meridian, iu Multnomah. County, Btateof Oregon, and containing in the whole tract ilghty acres of land. in teal tsatlmonv whereof. 1. Judaon Weed. Clerk oi the County Court aforeeaid, do hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of said Court, at my office in the City of 8u Helena, Bute of Oregon, this th day of March. A. D. MOT. COUKTT COUST SSAL.I JU1WOHWKKU, By W. A. Haaaia, County Clerk. ifeputy. tmizKUi SUMMONS. In tha Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for tae uounty or uoiumoia. . Walter J. Burns, plaintiff. vs. 0. Cole, Amanda Cole, J. F. Marshall, Josle Cole, W. C. Henderson and MeUssa Hender son, defendants. To C. C. Cole, Amanda Cole and Josie Cole, do minants: N THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, Yon are hereby reunited to annear and answer the eomnlaint filed aeainet vouinthe above entitled suit in the above named Court on or before Tuesday, tbe eleventh day ol slay, A. D. 1897, said date being the first day of the next regular term of said Court: and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof the olainnff will take a decree against you, aud each of you, foreclosing that certain mortgage executed on the 29th day of July, 1889. by Will W. Cole and W. C. Hender son, aa partners under the firm name of Cole A neuaerson, to one wm. Aiunoar on eu oi tne following described land. to-wlU Lot Number One (1) iu Section Thirty-six (S6) in Township Seven (7) North of Kanze Number Two (2) West of the Willamette Meridian, containing 11.49 sores, more or less; also the West One-halt (H) of the Northeast One-fourth (M), and the South east Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, of Section Number Thlrty-tlre (35), In Township Number Seven (7) North, Range Number Two (2) West of the Wlllamotte Meridian, containing 120 acres, more or less; together with Mill, Machinery, anting uutni. uiaucsmiin s Outfit, and all buildings erected thereon, forthe mimosa of securlne the uavment in full ol a oertain promissory note made and delivered to tne aaiu win. uunuar on aaia date oy saia l oie A Henderson, whereby the said Cole A Hender son agreed to pay to said Wm. Dunbar on or be fore 18 montns after date of aaia note toe sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars, with interest at the rule of eight ner eent. ter annum until nald. and In case suit Is instituted to collect said note, or any portion thereof, then such a sum as should be adjudged by the Court reasonable aa atlor- sys' fees tn such suit. Tha nonvevance in said mortal, rot bAln an made by said Cole A Henderson to the aald Wm. Pmibar, and conditioned forthe paymeut of the said sum of tlVJO, and interest thereon at the rate of eight per eent. per annum, until paid and for the payment of all taxes upon the property mentioned in said mortgage; and said mortgage being recorded in the ontoe of the County Clork Columbia uouutv. In Book E. nam 349 of the Records of Mortgages of said County; and the furtherraltef demanded in said suit is (1) Judg ment amtinst said W. C. Henderson for the sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars, with Interest there from the 29th dav of Julv. 1889. at tha rata of eight per eent. per anuum. and for the aum of Three Hundred Dollars aa attorneys- lees, and ousts and disbursements in this suit; (2) that saia jungment oe necreea a nmt lien upon saia land, and that said land be sold as nrescrihed hv law, and the proceeds, or sufficient thereof de rived Irom such sale be applied to the payment of aald Judgment; and (8) that you, and each of 'ou, ne foreclosed and barred aa to any Interest n aatd land: and f41 for such further relief aa to the Court may seem Just and equitable. Thia summons ia nubllahed aud mailed to rou by virtue of an order of the Hon. T. A. Mcttride, dxe of the above named Court, made on the 13th day of February, 1897. i.i.r;n or 'l.KrnijN, ana KMMONR A KMMOVtt. 2tS9 Attorneys lor Plaintiff. , li i ,iiM!ii,,r ----r. "rri.yrr -rn i'i.iwi'iii'h .rfietflbte Prep ar alitor As similating tttfFoodatalBftfula Mqg tteStagwhs nnri Bowels of EronKteaTHgesQotvCiTWTfuf- tiess ana licsujomaiM neitner Oprum,MorpbJiif) tot Mia&ral. Not Nabo otic. Wsasasat lent V- kfeah ' Timrm i sYtrf has jsWai ,fssT ATMS the ATJCrfect Itemed f or ConsOnav tion.Sour Stom&diDianrtoea. Worms jwnvuls to ns.revETishr oes and Loss OF SUKB Xac Simile Signature of . VTEVT "YORK. . - II EXACT COPTDF VRAP7EQ naar""r MONTE VISTA NURSERY A choice- lot of Bed Winter Apple trees, such aa Ben Davis, Bpitzenberg, Northern Spy, Baldwin, King, Melon, and Gravenstein. ITALIAN AND PETIT PRUNE TREES Cherry, Pear, Plum, Peach, Apricot and Quince trees, small fruits Blackberry, Baspberry, Gooseberry, Strawberry, Wineberry and Corranta. FAY'8 PROLIFIC CUBRANT, as largo and five timea as prolific aa tbe Cherry Currant. - TRY A DOZEN j Trees ave grown on fir timber soil, have good roots, which we endeavor to dig and ship with tree. Tree bare bean inspected ana pronounced clean and thrifty. We are a Columbia County Concern And we would liko to do business with you. Write us it yon want trees. Price list sent free upon application. A. HOLADAY, Scappoose, Oregon 0 Dr. E. Ross j ST. HELENS, OREGON Constantly Keeps in Stock a Complete Line of DRUGS, t TOILET t ARTICLES School Supplies An Unusually weii-eelected Stock of Writing Tablets, Fens, Pen cils, aud tbe Best Inks on the Market. ; ' A FINE LINE OF FANCY STATIONERY Finest Peri omes and 8oapa. ... Patent Medicines AmAAAAAsAAAl,AAAAVAAAf.j THE MIST AND OREGONIAN TWO TOGETHER ONE YEAR, ONLY TWO DOLLARS Astoria Marble Works J. H. IMHOFF, PaopanToa. MANUFACTURER OP Monuments MARBLC AND ALL KINDS OP CEMETERY WORK- ITALIAN MARSH A 8PICIALTV. OQt of Tweinii Street, ASTORIA, OR. FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. TCAMER Young America WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Leave St. Helens....... 8:80 A M Arrive at Portlmitl . . . ... ......10:00 A M LeT8 Portland 2:30 P M Arrive at St. Helens....... 6:00 P M FARE 5 CEHT8. Will Carry Nothing bnt Paseengera and Fast Freight. JAMES GOOD, MASTER. THATTHE FACSIMILE SIGNATURE OF . IS ON" THB WRAPPER OF EYEEY BOTTLE OU Oastarla fa mrt n la sas-sbs settlaa ssly. It Is mot sola ia balk. Seat allow anyone ts sell joa aaytaiug slss sa the piss sr premiss that it la "jast ss good" aad "will same every m, . puss." - Ses that tcm get O-A-B-I-O-K-I-A. i Hsfss. -aS fcV BUSHES PRESCRIPTIONS CARKFULLY AND ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED. -THE BANQUET SALOON J. S. CLONINGER, Prop; Wine and Liquor Card tables, pool table, billiard table anil other devices for tha entertainment of pat rons, where time can be pleasantly spct:t. FAMOUS FIRE LADDIE CIGARS Besides other popular brands, are kepi constantly on hand to supply tlis Incrcsu ed trade at thiifvery popular saloon. THE FAMOUS CYRUS NOBLE WHISKY 18 KEPT AT HE BANQUET. IIUCKLE BROS. MABCrACTVSIBS OW TiJwifmeinn T,nmVioi 11 aat5vit Fustic. Sbeatliina?. Oasinprs, snd a complete stock of evt ty variety of Rough and Dressed Lumber ' ' ALWAYS ON HAND. AT THE OLD STAND, BT. HELEN'S OREUO.t